• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter XX: Maralus

The past few days at the Crystal Empire passed by smoothly; well, as smoothly as one can after they learned that puberty had finally struck them. The sessions with Cadance changed from dealing with my anger to... dealing with the joys that puberty brings with it. She even asked if I ever had any feelings from when I was a male, only to be disappointed to learn that I didn't due to not seeing another member of my species, as well as no attraction to the other ones I see on a day to day basis. This led to her of course asking why I have a problem with inter-species relations, only for me to request for her to get a book on animals. She decided to drop the subject when I asked that if under the same conditions would she love an octopus.

Discussions with Shining Armor finally became a mutual talk about what Equestria could potentially be facing. While ponykind and their allies may be able to handle a few possible scenarios, the fact that most conflicts will involve long range combat on a level that nopony had experienced before caused him to admit that he would be spending a lot of time thinking on that matter. He was especially bothered when I tossed in homing explosive projectiles as being a high probability if Equus is finally discovered and invaded. The only advantage this world had was magic, but I was skeptical on how effective overall it can be when there exists materials that have proven to be resistant to it. Such as the Dixian war machine that attacked Ponyville.

Regardless, the week came to a close with me on the train to return home with a pile of notes and my leg fully healed. I was astonished to hear that it healed so quickly, which made me wonder just how effective Equestria medical practices were or if it was a biological trait that ponykind possessed. Moving on, I gave my goodbyes to the royal couple, giving Cadance my thanks for alerting me to my coming puberty and setting up a schedule with Luna for therapy sessions. I was also thankful to Shining for what he taught me, which included a simple shield spell that I was hoping I could modify with Twilight in hopes of adapting it for various purposes.

When I finally returned to Ponyville, I was greeted in an expected manner, a party thrown by Pinkie Pie. Though it was after she grabbed me the moment I got off the train, inspected my leg since I told her in one of my letters that I broke it, hugged me tightly when I turned out to be fine, placed me on her back and dashed to Sugarcube Corner. The party was rather private, consisting of the ponies I knew and my recruits. Maybe Pinkie knew I would like a small party this time around, or maybe after the fiasco Diamond caused most of the town folk wanted to avoid me. What really surprised me though was when Twilight asked if Cadance taught me some song and dance routine, only for me to deadpan at her for a while before I told her no.

During the party, the Crusaders told me about their latest attempts at getting their Cutie Marks. I learned that some species called Breezies came over to town; along with the fact that they are so darn dependent on the aid of ponies to survive, that I questioned how such a species could even avoid extinction for as long as they have. Celestia also apparently decided to repair a second Maralus core that she sent to Twilight for study. I had to spend a whole minute doing that breathing exercise after hearing that.

I learned that my troops were doing well after a quick meeting with Silver Shield, with morale finally rising with the completion of the barracks. Though Golden Sword was appalled that the sleeping quarters were bunk beds that only had four feet of separation from each other. When he heard that I wanted even less space than originally planned, and gave him the option of taking a small closet instead, he quickly withdrew his complaint. No pony left the squad in my absence, they kept to the exercise routine, and the drill instructor stuck to my dodging exercises. However, when they heard that Shining gave me a few ideas on where to take their training, they just paled a bit as their imaginations did my dirty work for them. Tomorrow was going to be a fun day for me.

Thwack. "Ow!"

"Don't make the bushes shake so much, get back to the starting radius!" I ordered, watching Midnight Breeze come out of a bush that I threw a small rock at, grumbling to herself as she rubbed the spot where the rock struck her. After the morning exercise routine, I led the recruits to Whitetail Woods for the day's training scenario. Starting at a marked circle with a radius of fifty feet, I told my recruits that they have to try to sneak up at me through any means necessary. But if I discovered them, I would hit them with a rock and send them back to the starting point. So far, I typically discover them at around twenty feet at least, even if some tried to take an aerial route or worked together to get at me.

Hearing some twigs crunching from behind me, I quickly turned around, about to toss out another rock when I saw that Twilight was the one approaching me. Her wings flared in alarm when she saw that I was about to hurl a rock at her. Stopping my rock before accidentally assaulting royalty, I asked, "What are you doing here Twilight?"

"Umm... I was going to ask if you could spend some time helping me study the Maralus core?" Twilight replied with a nervous smile.

"You do know that I don't even approve of Princess Celestia repairing a second one without my say," I said in annoyance.

"Well, we do need to learn more about them when they aren’t in pieces... and if we have two, we can respond faster to a dimensional rift!"

"That would only make sense if the other one isn't at Canterlot, which is only a few hours away!" I yelled, before turning my head to peer at a couple of bushes.

"Well... the other one is actually secured at an offsite location, safely away from any population centers along with the other things that came from your dimension."

"...And why can't some other ponies experiment on the core?"

"Well, since the cores react so differently with magic, and my speci—"

"Okay okay, special talent and whatever comes with it. Why do you need me though?"

"Well, while I have recorded various reactions, there may be some others that I haven't encountered, some that you might recognize. If you think they're a danger we can stop that experiment."

After a moment of silence, I released a sigh before replying. "Fine... I'll come along then. Just let me wrap up this training exercise." Engulfing a few more rocks with my magic, I sent them all over the place, receiving painful shrieks from my recruits. "Everypony, gather up! Silver is going to finish up your day of training!"

After telling Silver what I wanted the recruits to do for the afternoon, Twilight and I headed back to Ponyville, specifically her library as we went down to her lab. Standing out from everything else in the lab was a metal box placed in the center of a table. "I take it that box there is where the core is stored. At least Princess Celestia was thoughtful enough to put something that is potentially explosive into a safe container."

Letting out a sigh at my flippant remark about Celestia, Twilight asked, "Do these cores have the tendency to explode?"

"Normally, no. My guess is that the cores just get explosive when exposed to magic under the right conditions. Which makes me glad that your brother taught me a shield spell."

"Shining taught you a spell?"

"Yeah, after a short discussion with him, I got him to teach me the spell so I could try some ideas on it. Hopefully you can help me with those ideas."

"Oh, I love to he—wait, you're not going to use it for some violent purpose?" Twilight questioned, her eyes narrowing in suspicion until I let out a snort.

"Of course not. I was hoping that maybe the shield spell can be adapted to used in different defensive manners. Besides, while we all know I have violent tendencies, that doesn't mean I want to turn everything I see into a weapon." Seeing that Twilight was giving me a sheepish smile, I sighed. "Don't bother saying sorry. I do have a reputation that suggested that thought in the first place. Let's just get on with whatever you have planned on the core."

Giving me a nod, Twilight removed the metal casing to reveal the core on a simple stand. Grabbing the stand with magic, Twilight started to lift the core when the door to the lab suddenly slammed open.

"Twilight! I need your help quick!" Rainbow said as she dashed into the room, startling the two of us, with Twilight having a far more extreme reaction as she jumped into the air. This unfortunately had the consequence of sending the core flying when the stand received a sudden jerk from Twilight's magic. The worst part was the core's flight path ended with it bouncing off my head, the core ricocheting off my horn.

"Buck!" I yelled as I fell onto my back from the impact.

"Aether!" Twilight shrieked as she quickly came to my side while I had my hooves over the part of my face that the orb smacked against, only to let out a gasp.

"What, please don't tell me that the orb broke or my face is horribly scarred now," I replied in an annoyed tone, only to see that my horn was glowing after I removed my hooves from my face. "Umm... what's happening with my horn?"

"You're having a magical surge!" Twilight exclaimed, her wings flaring out now in alarm. Meanwhile Rainbow hovered above us with a concerned and guilty look on her face.

"Umm... is that a bad thing?" I said before my eyes start to widen as I spotted the core that was nearby us, where it was making a humming noise that was only increasing in volume. Before Twilight or I could do or say anything else, my horn released a flash that blinded me. I then felt my entire body being jerked around before a brief feeling of weightlessness was interrupted when I hit the floor. Letting out a moan, I tried to blink my temporary blindness away, as I felt like something with my horn was off while my ears caught the groans of Twilight and Rainbow nearby. Eventually my eyesight returned, only to see a something that caused me to gape in shock.

"Augh... my head..." Rainbow moaned after a while, rubbing a hoof against her head as Twilight had both of her forehooves gripping the sides of her skull.

"Ummm... Rainbow... Twilight... I'm have to warn you two. No matter what you see... remain calm."

"What are you ta..." Rainbow started to say still she finally opened her eyes, only for them to widen and her jaw to drop. Twilight opened her own eyes afterwards, only for strands of her mane to randomly pop out, before she started a breathing exercise.

As for myself, I just let out one long sigh before saying, "Why must life be so cruel to me?" as I looked at the metallic buildings surrounding us, along with the various aliens that just stared at us. Unlike the other two, I knew that we were in one of the worst places for a pony to be, an interdimensional city.

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