• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter LVIII: Colony (unedited)

Sometimes, I wonder if the inhabitants of Equestria are favored by the forces that control luck, cause I swear that this world has to be one of the luckiest ones to have ever existed. After the first foray into the new world, more were conducted to expand the area of observation, with no dangers occurring. It was till a couple months later when we finally encountered some sentient lifeforms, but they were very calm herbivores when approached that seemed to indicate that there was a lack of predators on that planet. Furthermore, after all the samples were tested, it was discovered that there was no sign of any potential dangerous bacteria. Which I learned that they tested by actually sending a few volunteers without any suits into the world, with a team of my recruits protecting them of course.

Due to having such a potential world taking up the use of the portal, I had to oversee the reformation of five more Maralus cores, since we couldn't use the spare since it may be needed to stop interdimensional rifts if needed. The scientists were also able to learn a way on how to mark a world, where they told me that each portal has some kind of unique frequency. Though, I didn't bother to ask what kind of frequency they were checking, since at this point they knew more about dimensional rifts than I do. I'm mostly hired for military reasons, not scientific ones.

However, the luck thing isn't always constant, for after four months after the discovery of that world, which was named Selene, we discovered another world. It seemed that it could be inhabited by ponies, till we had a team assembled and was about to go through the portal when a rather large alien predator came through instead. Thankfully my recruits didn't panic at the sight of it, instead after stopping the beast with a shield, we shot the creature with our stun shots until if finally gave in to unconsciousness before we shove it through the portal. After that, we decided that it was best to avoid that world, unless we get bigger gates and can send a tank through. Regardless, the discovery of a world that was currently safe to travel to proved to be the selling point for the dragons and the diamond dogs. By taking the ambassadors to Selene, it was enough to finally get those races to commit to our cause. Though, the dragons are sending in their more younger and small kin, since I have no idea how to train a giant dragon.

Weapons development took a back burner as the scientists moved onto upgrading Equus' transportation technology. While helicopters existed, they were mostly a curiosity and some were powered by pedals. The curiosity status ended when I told them that if properly armed, a helicopter could provide excellent air support since it would be able to hold larger weaponry that would be difficult for a squad of pegasi to move around. This spawn a desire to improve air transportation, which only became worse when I mention that the aliens possessed aircraft that are faster than Rainbow Dash herself.

Ground base transportation was making progress as well. After finding that simple wheels, or even reinforced ones, could only hold so much, the scientists were stumped until I brought up the possibility of either walker weapon platforms or track-based transportation. They questioned me on why I didn't mention them sooner, but I simply answered that I thought they would learn that for stronger and tougher vehicles, there has to be a trade-off somewhere like speed for instance. I guess the scientists were devoted to just improving every aspect of whatever project they were working on. At least now they are more accepting of taking away from one area in order to add to another.

A couple months after the first portal trip, I finally sent the best of my recruits to officer school. Some were determine to be full-fledged officers, while a few were more incline to get enough before becoming drill instructions. Starlight however stayed with me, due to her magical prowess along with the fact that I started making her my future second-in-command. It confused her at first when she wasn't sent to officer training like the others, but she quickly caught onto my bigger plans since I kept dumping officer training books on her along with a few scenarios I wrote down for her to study.

As the year went by, Ponyville started to change, due to the exploits of the Elements. Due to the map sending them all over Equestria and sometimes other nations, it helped to spread word of the Elements and what they stood for. This in turn drew enough attention that some ponies have started to immigrate to Ponyville. It was a slow growth, but one that I think would only increase overtime as long as the map kept sending them on 'friendship missions'. Making note of that, I had the barracks moved a couple of miles away from town, which was rather easy when you have magic to help.

On the topic of the Elements, I was picking up word that they were becoming more active in the search for a 'partner'. I personally didn't care, short of making sure that whoever Pinkie gets interested in treated her right. I myself was staying out of the romance market that was starting to take a hold of ponies my age, though I had to make sure that the Crusaders didn't have any bright ideas on that matter. I still remember that story of the love poison they fed to Cheerilee and Big Mac.

Things progressed normally till ten months after the discovery of Selene, where we found another potential world, one that was once again similar to Equus, except it had a larger sun that was white. After a few forays that led to the discovery that the world only had predators that were too small to cause ponies serious harm and didn't form deadly swarms, it was marked down as the first world that could serve as the first true colony for Equus. This created a brand new problem for Equestria, for which four months after discovery of the world that is now called Magus, I was called to Canterlot for a meeting with the princesses.

"You know, while I agreed to training a new military branch, I didn't agreed to taking on a more political role than getting support from other nations," I replied while sitting at a table with Celestia, Luna and Twilight surround it. Even though Twilight had her own castle, the political matter of a new colony was important enough that Celestia deemed it necessary to hold the meeting at Canterlot castle instead. While I still have to look up at all the princesses due to my age, I had a small growth spurt during the past two years, gaining an inch in height.

"I know, but because of your interdimensional experience, you are the only one that would most likely one to know the various path this endeavor could take," Celestia explained, causing me to let out an annoyed grunt.

"Why must my 'destiny' vex me so?" I complained before I started to rub my head with my forehooves.

"I don't understand though why we need Aether to help us. There has been cases of colonies established before on Equus, what's the difference with establishing one on another world?" Twilight asked, to which I just shifted my attention to her.

"Simple, there is only one way to the world currently, which places stricter control on transit between Magus and Equus. It would be more easier to control who can leave or enter Magus, especially when we come up with the means to detect the appearance of a dimensional rift. This makes it easier for a young colony to declare independence and isolate itself from Equus, since we're still new to the interdimensional scene."

As Twilight mouthed a silent 'oh', Celestia added, "Not only that, but there are political matters involved too. All nations that has contributed to the Aegis guard would also want to have a presence on the new world. This complicates matters since we currently control the portal. Not only that, but ponies would be less incline to immigrate to another world than they would to another land, at least without some kind of incentive."

Catching onto the last part of Celestia said, I commented, "Which means that how we approach this matter would further dictate the kind of role Equus may take in regards to future colonies. If taken the wrong way, it could lead to a bunch of independent worlds that would have a harder time uniting against a common threat. Or Equus could become another society that dominates other worlds, to where it could even just strip-mine them for resources like a few interdimensional factions that I know of."

Nodding, Celestia replied, "Correct Aether. I suspect that if we don't tend on this matter carefully, we could even have some corporations take advantage of this situation to where they grow powerful enough to even challenge other nations, based on how you mention the presence of corrupt corporations from where you come from."

"Indeed fair sister, this is truly a fragile matter. The amount of factors involve would determine future relations with other nations, and future colonies. Our roles of caretakers of the sun and moon has less meaning on worlds where the suns and moons don't need anypony to guide them on their paths. This would give more cause for any colony to rebel if they see Equus as a burden instead of a faithful ally," Luna said.

"Well said, Luna. I do believe though that to make matters less tense with other nations, we should move the portal to a new base that would be position on neutral ground. We could invite other species into the maintenance of the new portal site, creating a potentially diverse population that would serve to bring us all closer together in harmony," Celestia commented, though I have to fight the urge to stick my tongue out in disgust at the last part. "Do you have any recommendations, Aether?"

Eyeing the princess of schemes, I replied, "Well, all I can say is that maybe the colony should be regulated to some degree. Being more isolated from Equus, it leaves the colonists more valuable to anyone that managed to take a position of power there. I also believe that Magus shouldn't become a world that has its resources sent to Equestria. Instead, any mineral wealth found on that world should be devoted to setting up the colony, at least for the first few initial years. I'm uncertain on if we should offer incentives, but we should allow a corporation to take advantage of this matter."

"A sound idea, though we must be careful with how much we regulate the colony. Too much would result in it being oppressive to the colonists. Maybe we could get some government representatives from each nation to establish a presence on the colony, to make certain that all nations share equal control during the colony's beginnings," Luna said, to which I could only shrug to.

"Hmm.. that's a solution that could serve us for the initial stage, though we need to find somepony that would be willing to spearhead the colony in our stead," Celestia responded, before she eyed me in a way that caused me to narrow my eyes in suspicion. "Though, maybe we ha—"

"Buck no," I said, interrupting her causing Twilight to blink in shock while Luna just rolled her eyes.

"Aether, don't jump to conclusions if you didn't he—"

"No, I already can figure out your little game. Either you were going to propose that I should be the representative, or you were going to say something completely different to make me look like an idiot for rudely interrupting you," I countered, causing Celestia to take on a slightly disappointed look.

"Are you really that suspicious of my intentions? We could get along better if you approach me with less hostility and were to trust me more. Besides, wouldn't you want an elevated position in the nobility?"

"Not when it includes extra baggage and interaction with the rest of the nobility. Which everyone here knows what my opinion on at least half of them are," I answered while crossing my hooves over my chest. "Sweet Luna, I wonder how they manage to hold onto their positions in the first place."

While Luna held a bemused look on her face due to me using her name instead of Celestia like most ponies do, Twilight said, "But Aether, wouldn't training your troops in another world confer some benefits? I also think Celestia wouldn't place you in such a position till you're of age, it may just be a plan for the future. Why would you consider that possibility now?"

"No, cause Ponyville is still better in the long run," I simply replied.

"How is Ponyville an ideal choice over another world?" Luna asked, causing me to raise an eyebrow at her.

"Simple, consider Ponyville's history. Enough crazy things happen there that it is considered the norm, while only things like Tirek being beyond the usual standard. Randomness practically is the rule for that town, which is way better than being in another world. And that's not counting the assistance Discord lends me from time to time. I highly doubt that there's a place that is just as crazy as that place."

Giving me a deadpan look, Twilight said, "Aether, that's a demeaning thing to say about the town we both live in."

Shrugging, I responded, "Hey, it's the truth. Try to get Applejack to disagree with me with a straight face. Also, I don't think you would like me lying to your face instead," causing Twilight to just facehoof while her peers just let out a mild chuckle in response.

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