• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter XLVII: Imprint

"What you are?" Luna asked in confusion.

"Yup, what I am. If you can figure that out, then I'll let Aether go, otherwise she's all mine," the creature said, its eerie grin never once flattering.

As simple as the game sounds, I highly doubt that this creature would be something I'm familiar with. However, it needs Aether for some reason, so that may be a hint to its very nature, Luna thought to herself, before she finally spoke. "Are you a spirit?"


"Are you a projection of somepony's, or someone's, mind?"

"Nope again!" the creature said as it laid down on its back, but kept its gaze and eerie smile at Luna.

"Are you perhaps a draconequus?"

"Funny, but nope once more!" the creature answered with mocking joy, causing Luna to narrow her eyes at it.

"Are you even answering me truthfully?"

"Well, duh I'm answering you truthfully. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair and hence it wouldn't be fun!"

"But why would you even play this game if it could result in you losing?"

"Simple, I can just wait for my next chance. So even if I lose, that just means I have to wait a bit before I can try again," the creature explained before sticking out a tongue at Luna.

As I suspected, Luna thought, though now I know that with certainty, it would help with figuring out its nature. There is no enchantment on Aether, so the creature wasn't created by a spell, at least directly. Nor is it a mental projection, hence it is most likely acting alone in this matter instead of being sent by another. Hmm... perhaps I should look upon why it would want Aether. Even though she is a filly, her past means she's more strong-willed than other fillies her age. So it must have targeted her due to her position... or her nature itself... Wait! The creature has the same eyes and smile as the one that Aether saw in the mirror! It might have came from another world, which means the possibilities of its nature only grows even more.

Still, it is obvious that this creature is tormenting Aether, but I don't know why it choose now of all times. Yet it wants Aether, and her nature might explain why she's the target. Hmm... Aether's suffering would weaken her mentally, which may allow the creature to assume control of her body if she is sufficiently weakened. If I'm cor— Luna thought to herself before she was mentally interrupted when the creature said, "Tick tock, tick tock. You don't have forever, duchess. Unless you're giving up already."

"I was simply contemplating on your nature, so leave me to my thoughts," Luna replied as she tried to remain calm. It was hard for her to control her temper when Aether was in danger along with the creature's attempts to provoke her.

"But that's boring. Wouldn't it be better to keep guessing every five seconds?" the creature asked.

"It would be a waste of breath," Luna shot back as she finally thought up of a plan. "However, I will continue with my 'guesses'. Are you a demon?"

"Nope! Though I think you will call me that eventually."

Frowning at that snide comment, Luna responded, "I believe that I have figured you out then."

"Oh really?"

"Indeed. Prior to entering Aether's dreamscape, I detected no sign of an enchantment. Along with your confirmations, this means that the odds of you being sent by an outside force is unlikely. However, by your statement that you want Aether, that means you need her for something. While there are a few reasons for you to attempt to take her, giving that Aether had told me about what she saw when she encountered the magical mirror in the Crystal Empire, it seems to me that you are the creature she saw in it. That eliminates further possibilities, narrowing the most likely answers. Given that you came to Aether due to her unique nature, then it is likely that you seek to possess her body for your own use."

"Wow, you're actually smart, or spouting off nonsense. I'm going with the latter," the creature replied, causing Luna's frown to turn into a scowl. "But that's not a guess on what I am."

"I'm simply making sure that my guesses aren't random and are instead based on the evidence I have. Are you a split personality?"

"Wrong again Count Bluey!"

"Then perhaps you are a mental imprint of another's mind, from another dimension?" Luna asked.

"Wrong ag—wait, what did you say?" the creature replied, getting onto its hooves as its smile faltered for a moment.

"I said, are you a mental imprint of another's mind, from another dimension?" Luna repeated.

"...Darn, I was hoping that you never came to that," the creature answered as it sat down, folding its forehooves across its chest while it pouted at the princess. "How did you figure that out so soon?"

"Like I said, I simply thought about your nature carefully. Your attempts to torment Aether could be out of simply amusement, or as an effort to weaken her mentally until you can take control. Along with my other conclusions, that narrows my choices to just a few that included that answer. Now, since I won this little game of yours, will you be setting Aether free, or were you just lying for your own pleasure?"

"Eh, I'm a... imprint of my word," the creature said with a shrug before clapping its hooves together. Luna suddenly felt a weight dropping onto her back, where, upon turning her head around to look, she saw that a dazed Aether has be deposited onto her. Using her magic, she scan Aether to find that she is indeed her dream self instead of a false copy.

"I'm pleasantly surprised that you actually kept your word, considering your nature," Luna replied as she returned her attention to the creature.

"You won the game, and it wouldn't be fun if I cheated all the time. Besides, you are only delaying the inevitable."

"Is that so?" Luna asked, though her horn remain alight with her magic.

"Yeah, cause I have all the time in the world. I can simply try again another time," the creature said with a grin as it leaned against a giant pear that suddenly appeared.

"Do you really think I would let you try again fiend?" Luna countered.

"Like you can get rid of me, you already tried, Mister Protector of Dreams."

"You forgot one thing creature," Luna shot back.

"Oh, and what is it, Miss Emo?" the creature asked, its grin taking on a mocking look.

"That dreams are a window to one's mind."

"And your point is?"

"You are a mental imprint, meaning that you reside in Aether's mind. Now that I know what you truly are, I finally have the means to put an end to you."

"Oh please, I'm not going to accept that blu—" the creature said before it felt odd. Looking upon itself, it saw that it was fading away. "What the buck‽ What are you doing‽"

"Purging your presence from Aether's mind," Luna calmly, as she held her head back high. "You will no longer torment anypony ever again."

It was at this point the creature finally dropped its smile, as it frowned at Luna before replying, "This isn't the end you know. Things just don't end all peachy like some fairy tale."

"Do not take me for a fool. Neither you nor the one that you're based upon shall not get to Aether again as long as I breath."

Letting out a chuckle as the creature is almost completely faded out of existence, it responded, "Then better hope nopony comes by and chokes you to death," before fading away. Luna then turned her heads towards Aether to carefully inspect her. Despite being in the dreamscape, Luna could see that Aether was a bit frazzled after her ordeal. While the creature annoyed Luna during her short time in the dreamscape, who knows how long Aether was with the mental imprint. Though it is time to finally end this dream, for Luna knows that Aether had her fill of dreaming for the day.

"Aether, you're alright!" Pinkie cheered when I finally started to open my eyes, as she engulfed me in another one of her bone-crushing hugs. Though this time, I was too mentally worn out from my ordeal to put up any fight.

"Indeed, Dame Aether is safe once more," Luna replied as she stood up after ending her spell.

"But what kept Aether from waking up, Princess Luna? Was it a nightmare or something caused by the Tantabus?" Twilight asked as she looked upon me in concern. I didn't know if it was concern over what happened to me, or the fact that Pinkie is getting really close to crushing my bones.

"It was neither Twilight, for it was a mental imprint that I believe may have originated from another dimension," Luna answered, while Pinkie finally ended her hug which let me put my two bits in.

"It... it might be... it hinted that it might be from another dimension... but I can't tell if it was serious or just messing with me," I said.

"Hmm... but did its eyes and smile resemble the one you saw in the magical mirror?"

"Umm... yeah, it did matched perfectly... though I hope I don't come across it again."

"There is one thing that worries me," Twilight said, as I rubbed my head to help clear my head. "If the creature is a mental imprint, who is it based on?"

"She has a point... though the odds of us figuring that out is nigh impossible considering that it could have came from so many other dimensions or even alternative dimensions. However, the weird thing about the mental imprint is that it took the form of a pony..." I added.

"It may be possible that over time as the imprint resided in your mind, it was beginning to adapt to your body structure, or even other elements of equinity. However, we can't be certain unless we finally meet the mind the imprint is based on," Luna answered.

"Yeah... though considering how insane it was, I rather not meet that person. Still, what did that thing want with me?"

"The imprint desired to take over your body, via weakening you until it either can possess your body, or get rid of you entirely," Luna explained, causing both Twilight and Pinkie to gasp in surprise. Though the latter also decided to pull me into a protective hug.

"That's... not a pleasant thing to hear, but at least there are worst ways to go." I idly commented, only for everyone, with the exception of Luna, to give me a skeptical stare. "What, there are worse ways to go. Like being infected by a Venanite: the Venanite virus causes incredible pain that it drives a person insane, leaving them a broken feral shell that runs on what most people assume to be the basic instincts a Venanite runs on. There has never been any record of anyone actually remaining sane through the infection."

"The more and more I hear about the nature of other dimensions, the more disturbed I get," Twilight commented as she shook her head at what she heard.

"Then be thankful that you're not her therapist," Luna added. "She has shown me enough things through our dream sessions that I have started to become accustomed to the potential horrors that exist beyond our world."

"Well, if no one minds, I think I would like to have a day off from thinking about all that stuff," I said. "So can we save this talk for another day?"

"What about your recruits? Are they getting a day off too?" Pinkie asked, surprising me since she was so silent throughout this conversation.

"Let me think for a second... no. I'll just have Silver put them through the usual exercises. It won't be long before I start tossing them into the Everfree anyway," I answered with a shrug. As bad as things was for me, I'm not going to lighten up on my recruits. I'm sure they would understand that I needed a day off, for medical reasons, anyway. That or they know what will happen if they cause me to completely lose my temper.

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