• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter XL: Politics

It had been a rough start for Starlight, since she was highly reliant on either her magic or controlling other ponies, but eventually she started to shape up a bit to the training exercises. However her ideology still stuck with her, though thankfully she's not spouting it as often as she did during the first few days of training. I would say that she is figuring out that none of my recruits actually care about that 'equality' stuff she kept going on about, but they would say the real reason was that it was getting on my nerves, to which I vented my frustration by making her my primary target during dodging exercises. I insisted that it was just pure coincidence.

It was a week after Starlight's recruitment when Rarity finally called me over to her boutique. While it has been a long time since I hoofed over the designing of the casual uniforms to her, it turned out that since she didn't have an opportunity like this before, she ended up creating so many sketches of potential uniform designs. However, after seeing the first two designs when Rarity gave her sketchbook, I just dropped the book as I just gave Rarity a flat stare. She of course argued about how 'fabulous' my troops would look in these uniforms, and that since they were casual, there wouldn't be any harm in having them look the part of a respected soldier. I didn't bother to give her a reply as I instead just continued to stare at her, until she finally let out a huff and mentioned that she thought this would happen. She promptly flipped the pages of the sketchbook before showing me some other designs that she said may suit my tastes better.

Looking over these designs, I saw that she did took my requirements to heart for these, though made the other designs in the off chance that I might be willing to take them. I ended up choosing a grey uniform with black lining that Rarity said it was a bit drab, but would still appeal well enough for a proper soldier of Equestria. With the design chosen, Rarity wrote down all the specifics and additional diagrams needed so it could be mass produced. She however told me that she would be making me a 'formal' uniform, though she promised me that I would be getting a officer one that would be similar to the original design. Since she was doing this out of the desire to be generous, I decided to not make any protest to that. I did got what I wanted in the end after all.

Nine days after that, I got a progress report from the scientists at the research base. The shielding enchantment project was making some successful headway. They so far have came up with a regular shielding gem enchantment that draws power from another gem that served as the magic battery, that was able to withstand about a dozen stun shots before running out of power. They also were making headway in developing the personal shielding that covers the body, though so far they only manage to get it to cover their hooves. They were also developed a new series of rifles where one can interchange the firing enchantment for either the magical blast spell or the stun spell. In the end of the letter, they said they were going to ship a score of the shield armlets so I can personally determine the best way they can be applied through the training exercises, and as a means to get the recruits acclimated to such a device.

However, two days after that letter, I got a letter from Celestia, who requested my presence in Canterlot for some political meeting with some of the nobles and a griffon ambassador. The idea of meeting with Blueblood again didn't appeal to me, along with the fact that after informing Pinkie of this trip, she had to spread the news to the rest of the Elements, including Rarity. This resulted in my afternoon wasted on me being fitted for the formal uniform that she wanted me to wear, which was a tunic that had the black lining replaced with gold trimming and a gold collar that reminded me of Shining Armor's military uniform. While she thought that I finally look like a respectable military officer, when I looked at my reflection, I was reminded of Prince Blueblood in how he dressed to look at his best. I was, however, able to avoid getting a mane styling from Rarity, which would have made me look like an idiot.

"Why the buck did Rarity think this tunic would be a good addition to the uniform? Wouldn't a shirt of some kind suffice?" I said as I tugged at my collar with a hoof.

"It is customary to have uniforms that aren't armor to be a tunic of some kind madam," Silver replied. He and I were the only ones on this trip this time, as I left the original squad with instructions on the training exercises for the week. Though I don't expect to remain in Canterlot for that long. Odds are Blueblood will do something to tick me off, which will result in me causing him bodily harm and Celestia ushering me out of the city before anyone else got hurt.

"Bah, the military is too damn formal then. It's an utter waste of time and materials," I complained, before noticing the rest of the ponies in the train car we were in staring at me. This time we had to go with a public train car, which resulted in me being the center of attention due to how I dressed and the fact that I won't hesitate to curse if I feel like it.

"Look at it this way madam, with your uniform, you would appear more appealing to the nobility when you meet them," Silver countered.

"And what makes you think I would care what they think of me? I have enough headaches already, I rather just deal with the princesses and let them take care of all the political stuff involved," I retorted.

"You can't avoid the political arena forever. You're the leader of a brand new branch of the military, that is sure to draw the interest of some ponies. Some of the nobility would seek you out eventually, so instead meeting them with the princesses in presence would be a more favorable situation then they showing up in your office."

"No, if they show up in my office, I can buck them out the window," I replied, to which Silver just gave me a flat look. "Alright already, maybe Princess Celestia has a point in having me meet the nobility like this," I muttered, before I felt the train coming to a stop.

We were disembarking the train when a pair of unicorns came over to us. One was a white stallion with a blue mane that was wearing a coat and a monocle, who was accompanied by a thin white mare with a pink mane. "Greetings Dame Aether, it is a pleasure to finally meet you," the stallion said, which caused me to look at him in suspicion. I wasn't in the mood to deal with nobility right after I got off the train.

"And you are?" I simply asked, not wanting to be polite in case this stallion was another bigot like Blueblood.

"My name is Fancy Pants madam, and my good companion is Fleur De Lis," he replied, which upon her introduction the mare gave me a short bow. I, on the other hoof, just take a brief look at the fact that Fancy Pants wasn't wearing any pants. "We're here to greet you and accompany you to the castle, at Princess Celestia's requests."

"I didn't know that I needed an escort, last time Silver Shield here just guided me to it," I said. Silver shot me a look due to how rude I was being, but I didn't give a damn since I'm detecting a whiff of Celestia's machinations coming into play again.

"Oh, it isn't a matter of escorting you to the castle madam. It is more of a response to your last visit to our fair city," Fancy explained, causing me to tilt my head a bit.

"Wait, Princess Celestia told you about what happened the last time I'm here?"

"Why yes, and I'm sorry that you have to deal with Prince Blueblood's foppish behavior. On the behalf of the city, I would like to apologize for your experience with his misguided ideals. I assure you, however, that the rest of nobility don't share in the line of thinking that Blueblood has."

"I hope you're right, I doubt Celestia would want to replace all that broken furniture otherwise," I commented, causing Silver to gape at me before Fancy let out a chuckle.

"Do not worry Dame Aether, that old way of thinking is in the past. We strive to look towards the future, and not cling to the past, for the betterment of our fellow ponies. Though I have to say, from what I heard about the changeling peace treaty, you would be an excellent example on how ponies should be thinking of everypony. Surely peace between all races would only led to prosperity for both Equestria and Equus itself," Fancy said, while Fleur just smiled and nodded.

Raising an eyebrow, I asked, "You heard of my part in that treaty? Wouldn't that be a sore point considering Canterlot's past with the changelings?"

"I admit, much of the nobility was... less than pleased with the idea of making peace with the changelings after the invasion of our city. I, and many others, however, believe that this peace would serve to help prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. And in light of these new issues that you are doing your best to attend to, all the species of Equus needs to work together more now than ever before."

This caused me to raise my eyebrow even further as I replied, "Just how much does the nobility know about my line of work."

Fleur was the one that answered this time as she said, "The princesses informed the entire nobility of this matter. I have to admit, many nobles were doubting of this new threat, considering the primary source of information came from a filly, no offense. However, in light of the recent changes to Equestria's military armaments, those that originally doubted the princesses are starting to realize that this matter is a real and important issue that we need to address. Hence why you are, for many of us would like to finally meet you."

Eyeing the two for a moment, I let out a sigh of relief before I responded, "If the majority of nobility are like you two, then I can say that maybe this trip won't be as unpleasant as I thought it would be." Silver just gave me a flat stare, to which I replied, "What, what do you think I would be expecting after my last trip to Canterlot? Blueblood really gave me low expectations after all."

As Silver let out an exasperated sigh, Fancy asked, "The rest of the nobles, along with Celestia's personal advisers, are still in the castle, waiting for you to arrive. We don't want to keep them waiting for too long, do we?"

"Well, if they aren't like Blueblood as you claim, then I suppose we can head straight to the castle. But I still reserve the rights to bludgeon any tribalist bigots that I come across," I answered, which caused Silver to finally break his somewhat stoic behavior as he facehoofed at my comment. "Oh come on, Silver, you of all ponies know that I won't hesitate to apply righteous justice on those deserving of it," I said to him with a grin, which only caused him to groan as Fancy and Fleur just bore amused expressions at my antics.

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