• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter IV: Alien

"Who would have thought that everypony would freak out like that?" Rainbow said as she looked out the window.

"I blame Diamond Tiara, she was the one that made things worse," I replied with irritation clear in my voice. "If she didn't say anything, we would probably only have panicking ponies running about. Now we have a mob that wants to turn me into a rug."

"Now Aether dear, I think you're overreacting. Surely they won't go to such extreme measures," Rarity declared.

"...And now they are bringing out torches and... long sticks with sharp pointy things on the top of them."

"Aether, this is not a time for joking."

"Umm... sugarcube, she's not jokin'. They really do have pitchforks and torches."

"...Oh dear."

After seeing how things were going outside, I quickly distance myself away from the windows to avoid being seen. Looking at Twilight, I said, "I think we might want to write a letter to either Princess Celestia or Princess Luna."

"I don't think we have to resort to that yet, I am a princess after all. Just give me some time to calm everypony down," Twilight requested.

"...They're burning anything that has Aether's name on it now..." Rainbow replied.

"...I'll write the letter."

"Everypony here is taking this rather... calmly. Is this something that happens time to time?" I asked.

"Well, normally ponies would be panickin' and runnin' about sugarcube. I reckon this may be the first time we had an angry mob included," Applejack answered.

"I think Discord actually had a good point about me, I just seem like a bundle of chaos just waiting to happen. Also, buck; there goes all my presents."

"Don't worry Aether, I have them all stashed away safely," Pinkie chipped in with a grin.

"Wait... when did you ha—nevermind," I started to say before I facehoofed, remembering that I shouldn't ever question what Pinkie can do. Sitting down on my rear, I simply watched as all the mares in the room kept an eye on what was happening outside while Twilight was telling Spike what to write. I was then abruptly broken from my watch as I felt something breathing on my shoulder, causing my face to pale at the thought of one of the ponies from the mob somehow getting into the library, and was ready to end me there. Turning my head around slowly, I laid my eyes upon the face of a teal-coated unicorn that was mere inches away from my own. What disturbed me the most was her yellowish orange eyes that were staring at me with an intense hunger in them.

As I was about to open my mouth to scream for help, the unicorn exclaimed, "Are you a human‽"

Instantly my brain stalled, as this was far from any reaction I expected. "What?" I squeaked out, my brain still recovering from the question.

"I asked, are you a human?"

"I... err... don't know what that word means..."

"Lyra! What are you doing here?" Rarity asked as the other mares came over; the exception being Twilight as she was still talking to Spike. Seems like she was trying to put the news about a mob that is out for my blood in a graceful way, which I knew was an impossible task.

"Oh come on Rarity, you think I'm not going to pass up the chance at meeting a pony that could have been a human?" Lyra answered with a roll of her eyes. Turning her attention to me again, she grabbed my shoulders with her forehooves as she said, "And how do you not know what a human is? Wait! Maybe you spoke a different language before you came to our world! Humans are these tall, hairless apes that walk on their rear legs while they use their forelegs to handle things. Their forelegs don’t even end in hooves, they have hands!"

I dumbly stared at her before I answered, "Err... I don't know if there is such a thing as a human... but I never was one..."

Lyra's face quickly turned from one of excitement to one of utter disappointment, until it brighten up as she asked, "Well, did you have hands before you came to our world?" Thankfully Rarity came to my rescue as Lyra was engulfed in a light blue aura, her body being lifted off as she struggled in the air. "Hey, what's going on! I just wanted to know if she had hands or not!"

"Now Lyra dear, Aether already has enough problems on her plate, with the brutish mob out there wanting to do her harm," Rarity chastised as she carried Lyra to the front door. "You'll have to ask her at a better time. For now, it may be best that you go home and calm down."

"No! I must have my answers, it's for the greater good of cross-species culture!" Lyra screamed as she struggled to get out of Rarity's hold.

Is that even a thing? Augh, she looks like one of those crazy kind of folk that will never stop until they got what they want. Somehow I have a gut feeling that if I just let her go, she'll stalk me until she finally got what she want. Still, I might be able to use this to my advantage, for now, I thought to myself as I watched Lyra hanging onto a bookcase with her forelegs while the others watch in amusement. As comical the sight was, it only proved to me just how fanatic this Lyra was.

"Hey, wait a minute Rarity. I need to tell Lyra something," I said, causing the two mares to stop as look at me. "Lyra, if you're so interested in cross-species culture, how about you help me out then. Maybe I can give you some answers since everypony knows I was an alien, so I see no harm in giving you some information. However, I will only give it out if you help me."

At my offer, Lyra squealed with glee before she suddenly stopped and narrowed her eyes at me. "Wait a minute, how do I know that you're just lying to me?"

"Cause you seem to be the type that will do anything they can to get what they want," I deadpanned. "Also, judging by how you were behind me, breathing into my ear, I think you'll be following me around as well. So to avoid having you over my shoulder all the time, better give you something sooner than later."

Blushing at me bringing up her 'entrance', Lyra asked, "Okay, sounds fair. So what do you need me to do?"

"Well, considering that there's a mob outside that want to get me, it might be best if they are kept away from my current location for my well-being. Besides, how can you get your information if they chase me out of town?"

Gasping as her eyes widen, Lyra exclaimed, "You're right! I need to keep them away from you! Rarity, let me go, I have a job to do!" As soon as Rarity's aura vanished, Lyra was out the door in a flash.

"It's a bit underhoof of you to take advantage her like that," Rainbow said.

"Better that than having her pounding on the front door, drawing everypony's attention. This way she helps us instead of causing us more trouble. Though... I'm going have to deal with her after this mess is done," I replied, rubbing a hoof against the side of my head.

"All done!" Twilight declared as a whiff of smoke flew past Spike and out a slightly opened window.

"...You didn't notice what was going on, did you?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Twilight asked as she tilted her head in confusion.

"Nevermind... so how long will it take for Princess Celestia to get here?"

"It may be a while, a pony can only fly so fast after all," Twilight answered.

"Unless you're the fastest flier in Equestria," Rainbow boasted, to which I just gave her a deadpan look. Spotting my look, Rainbow just folded her hooves over her chest and grumbled.

"Well, now we play the waiting game. Unless they find me and decide to break into the library," I dryly said as I moved over to a less visible spot to wait the mayhem outside out.

A hour or so later, after playing some little game with Pinkie that didn't make sense, Princess Celestia arrived. The best part was it wasn't a quiet, peaceful one either.

"Ponies of Ponyville, cease your rioting!" Celestia yelled as rays of light came off her. The sheer volume of her voice matched the level Luna used when she was vanquishing a monster in my first dream on this world. After talking to Twilight about how loud Celestia was, she mention it had something to do with the Royal Canterlot Voice as she called it.

Minutes later, after Celestia’s entrance, a knock on the door was heard. As Twilight opened the door, we saw that it was none other than Princess Celestia, though I wasn't expecting a pegasi member of the Royal Guard to be with her as well. Twilight was about to greet Celestia when I just strode right up to the door as I said, "Thanks for cleaning that mess up Celestia, though it wasn't... expected by me at least."

Raising an eyebrow, Celestia said, "I know, Twilight was quite thorough with her letter on this matter. Though I'm sorry that the residents of this town had to react in such a manner towards you."

"Eh, it's the norm for most cultures. So don't feel bad about it, it wouldn't be the first time I was chased by a world's natives. Besides, this time there was an extra push to cause the mob. At least nopony got hurt."

"Yes, well I decided to take some cautionary measures in case an incident similar to this one were to occur again. This here is Silver Shield, and he will be your protec—"

"Now wait a second, I don't need a protector!" I protested, stomping my hoof down in annoyance.

"Now Aether, Silver Shield isn't here just to protect you in the physical sense. He's here to help prevent incidents such as this 'alien' incident from occurring again. Also, wouldn't the recruits find it hard to believe that a filly is training them? By having a member of the Royal Guard supporting you, that should prevent that problem from happening. However, it would be best that you two know each other before the recruits arrive, that way you two can become an effective team."

"...Fine, you have a point there, though it's kind of creepy that all of the Royal Guard look alike, no offense," I said, only to have both Celestia and Silver Shield smirking at me. "What? What are you smiling about?"

At a nod from Celestia, Silver Shield took off his helmet. With its removal, his coat and mane changed, his coat turning from white to silver while his mane changed from blue to white. Looking at me with his topaz colored eyes, he asked, "You honestly thought that every member of the Royal Guard looked alike?"

Furrowing my eyebrows together, I answered, "Well, considering that I’ve seen a few species that have millions that look exactly alike... yeah, it wasn't so hard to believe." This caused the both of them to rear their heads back in surprise.


"Yeah, really. If this surprised you, then oh sweet Celestia, the next few months, or years, are going to be a grand time for you."

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