• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter XXIX: Session

The rest of Maud's visit ended abruptly after some incident involving an obstacle course that Pinkie put together, though I was amazed on how Maud was able to pulverize the boulder that was bearing down on Pinkie. That mare can move faster than Rainbow when she felt like it. Anyway, it turned out that Maud opted to return to the family rock farm for the rest of her time off, which of course gave me a headache as I wondered what purpose a rock farm actually served, with Pinkie going along with her. However, before they left, I went and did the sisters' tradition of exchanging rock candy necklaces with Maud and I managed to ask her a few more rock questions. Thankfully, there weren't any radioactive rocks in Equus… that is unless they weren't discovered yet. I really didn't want to see what magic and radiation would produce when mixed together.

With my week freed up again, I decided to do a secret observation of how my recruits were performing without me. I was expectedly disappointed by how shoddy their aim was, but at the very least they didn't insult me when I wasn't around. Though, I did cause Citrine Lemons to panic when I grabbed one of the guns with my magic; while those that were lounging got spooked by her scream. After that, I proceeded to give them all some tips,; though, I couldn't figure out how since I couldn't even hold a gun properly due to my size. I still somehow managed to improve their accuracy so that they could hit a two foot diameter target from an embarrassingly close distance. At least none of them were being knocked off their hooves by the recoil anymore.

It was nine days after Maud's departure when Luna finally started her sessions. Though, she could've pick a better time and place for them.

"Can you do anything about this Princess Luna?"

"I could... but it may be better for you to confront this aspect of your dream. In your case, your mind is probably trying to send you a message subconsciously."

"...And just what is the use of Applejack's barn as a boat as we drift in a sea of chocolate milk suppose to mean then?"

"I did say probably..." Luna answered, looking a bit unsure as she stood on the roof of said barn, as it rocked and bobbed in the chocolate sea.

"Yeah... short of me going crazy, I don't think my mind is trying to tell me anything useful... unless it's telling me to cut back on the chocolate," I replied.

"You eat a lot of chocolate?"

"In my defense, I live in a bakery with Pinkie Pie. So excuse me if I overindulge on chocolate more than a normal filly should. At least I'm making sure I don't get fat from it," I said with a serious expression, to which Luna only cocked an eyebrow in a disbelieving look at me.

"I see... now it is time for us to attend to more important matters," Luna declared, a quick sigh clearing her expression to one of indifference. "At my niece's recommendation, it is decided that I would be the best pony to address your 'issues'. Hence, I promise you that I will help you overcome the pains of your pa—"

"Excuse me princess, but I already know why you're here, can we move onto this 'therapy' session? Also, why are we doing it while I'm sleeping?"

Frowning at my interruption, Luna explained, "Very well, it may be best just to proceed onto this session, as you put it. As for being held in your dreams, it would make it easier for you to express any troublesome memories that are afflicting you."

This caused me to blanch a bit. "Is it really necessary for me to talk about every memory that bothers me?"

"Yes young Aether, for if you don't, those memories will continue to torment you. Now, what events of your past would bo—"

"The news of my parents' death," I dryly said, cutting Luna off for a moment as she looked at me in shock before she quickly snapped herself out of it.

"Good point... I won't press you for memories of that kind, though I still think it would be best if you were to talk to me about them some time in the future."

Rubbing a hoof between my eyes, I groaned. "Fine, whatever... let's just move onto any other topic than that please."

Luna gave me a disapproving look with narrowed eyes for a moment before she replied, "Very well. We will start out with your anger issues." Her horn lit with her magic, changing the scenery to that of a grassy field with a pair of chairs for us to use.

"So which part are we going to tackle first? My violent tendencies or my constant frustration?" I asked as I took a seat, only for Luna to give me a mild glare. "Sorry. It’s just after Princess Cadance's attempt, I'm sort of sick of this therapy stuff."

"I see. While I myself agree that this may be a nuisance for you, it is in everypony's best interests that you overcome your problems and relieve yourself of your anger."

"More like everypony wants me to calm down before it's their turn to be hurt by me," I deadpanned. "Honestly, I grew up in an environment that encourages my anger, since every alien is normally frustrated with their place in life."

"Ah, but now you're in a world where you have found a better place, with a new family that cares for you."

"Which is countered by the fact that I have to train a bunch of ponies to at least be ready to do something about any future interdimensional invasions, all because of the mess your sister has made," I countered.

"While I disapprove of her actions with the mirror, remember that it was her very actions that brought you to this world and gave you a better life."

"Which isn't worth it when you weigh the potential of all life on this world being devastated by some interdimensional force. Like I told Twilight once, I’d rather be back where I was, eating paste and dealing with my horrible life if it meant that this world would be spared for hundreds, if not thousands of years more."

My response caused Luna to pause for a moment before replying, "An admirable desire. It is a delight to know that even in the kind of world that you came from, there are still... creatures that can possess righteous hearts."

"I wouldn't call myself righteous, just not completely self-centered and cruel," I said, amused that somepony actually thought that about me. She should see what I do to my recruits every time I'm there to train them.

"Do not think so little of yourself, for I have seen ponies that are far below you in how they treat others."

"Let me guess, is Prince Blueblood one of them?" I asked, causing her to grimace at the name.

"Indeed... his arrogance in his position and his tribe is unbecoming, however after your... 'response', my sister saw fit to have somepony instruct him in respecting other ponies. It may take a few years for him to learn, but for now, he is showing some improvement."

"Good, because if he still shows that attitude around me, I'm going to shock him for it," I declared, eyeing Luna's reaction only to see her hide a chuckle behind a hoof.

"That would be amusing to see, I do hope to be there for it," Luna said with a grin.

"I take it that you want to see him hurt for his disrespect?" Getting a nod from her, I asked, "Okay... but I need to know. Do you have anything against my actions of shocking your sister a couple weeks ago?"

With a neutral face, Luna answered, "I do not, but from what I heard, you have a habit of assaulting royalty. Do you have any plans for me?" before she gave me a suspicious look.

"In all honesty, not really. My attacks are more of the spur of the moment kind... ‘cept for the shocking, I planned for that after your sister had a second Maralus core restored. So... it's just another one of my frustration issues, though in your case I haven't got anything for me to be angry with you."

"All the more reason for us to rid of that issue. You were lucky that you didn't get any retribution for your actions, but one day you may end up hurting a pony that is powerful enough to cause you problems in the future."

Snorting, I replied, "That is implying that I have to interact with nobility, which I rather avoid. I have enough headaches trying to train my recruits."

"Sadly your wish will never be granted, for you will interact with them in the future. You are part of a new branch in the Equestrian military and eventually some nobles will be curious enough to investigate it. It is part of the reason why my sister made you a noble. So that you could be at more of an even level when you have to meet with them."

"Great... just what I always wanted," I snarked, my voice thick with sarcasm. Eyeing Luna, I continued, "You know, half of my frustration comes from your sister's actions. From this whole interdimensional issue, to the secret reasons for my trip to the Crystal Empire, to the making of the second core, and all the problems that came with it."

Grimacing again, Luna wasn’t able to meet my gaze. "Well, I can't say that she won't do more actions similar to those in the future; for she likes to make plans to help protect everypony... but I will remind her of your frustration with her. Now, as to your other iss—"

"My past memories also making me angry and frustrated? Not going to be easy since some of those memories are horrifying. I don't want to be giving you nightmares if I have to tell you about them, much less show you," I interrupted her.

"I believe that I can handle anything you have experienced. I have combated many nightmares before, so do not doubt my ability to handle horrendous monsters," Luna declared, which made me want to take her up on the challenge.

"Mind if I give you an example then?"

"By all means, please do so. I would like to demonstrate to you my capabilities with dealing with nightmares."

"Alright, but remember you asked for it," I replied, before concentrating on a particular memory. The scenery quickly changed from being a peaceful grassland to a dark, dank cavern, with the floor littered with some rather large and disgusting eggs.

"This is it? Is this suppose to be horrifying?" Luna said as she curiously poked at one of the eggs. Meanwhile, I just clambered up onto the highest rock I could find before casting a shield spell.

"Only if you caused the eggs to hatch."

"Eggs? Wait, these thi—" Luna started to say before all the eggs suddenly started to hatch, as rather large larvae began to emerge. Luna only stared wide-eyed at the scene, before the insect babies did the same thing as the last time I'd seen them: rush at the nearest source of meat that isn't a member of their kind. To her misfortune, that nearest piece of meat was Luna. I listened to her cries as the larvae slithered up her long legs, their slime rooting her to the cold, rocky floor.

"Now do you believe me that my memories may be horrible to see?"

"Perhaps you are right in your description, although I am still capable of handling any monstrosities that you have to show me," Luna answered while patting down her coat after having to blast all those larvae into oblivion. She certainly held up to her claim, for instead of reacting in horror to the larvaes’ attempts to eat her, she just responded with violence. At least some ponies knew better than to panic when placed in a dangerous situation.

"So, what kind of memory do you want me to show you next? I could show you some more of my 'adventures', or I could demonstrate more of how life was when one has to live in the slums of an interdimensional city?"

"As much as I would like to challenge more monsters from your past, I'm afraid that dawn is coming, and you will be waking soon." Luna said, causing me to tilt my head in confusion. It only felt like an hour has passed, but I guess Luna decided to visit my dreams after taking care of her duties. "Hence, we have to end this 'therapy' session for now."

"Alright then. See you in the next session Princess Luna," I replied with a wave.

"Oh, we will be seeing each other sooner than you think," Luna responded with a mischievous smile, causing me to be more confused as my dream faded away and I awoke.

Letting out a yawn after leaving the dream world, I opened my eyes to see... a pair of blue eyes right in front of them.

"Happy bir—" Pinkie shouted into my face before my fight-or-flight instincts kicked in. Thankfully, my instincts decided to go with flight instead of whacking Pinkie's head. To my dismay, though, my flight consisted of a quick casting of the teleport spell, and I found myself sitting on top of the town hall.

Well... at least I didn't end up in another world... but how am I going to get down now?

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