• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter XXXIX: Complaints

“You subject your recruits to things like this on a daily basis‽" Starlight stammered out while she panting from exhaustion, as she collapsed in front of me. Twenty two days of little movement hadn’t done any favors to her physique, which showed when she participated in the reflex training exercise. While the rest of the recruits have developed some skill in dodging the rocks thrown at them, Starlight was sent flying with the first rock sent her way. Yet, somehow, she didn't break any bones, no matter how many times she got hit. Afterwards, it was sparing practice, and which it was hilarious to see her blanching when she was paired with a thestral. The mare might be skilled in magic and maybe running away, but close quarters combat was, unsurprisingly, clearly not her forte. The following parkour course didn't serve to help her apparent competency, since most ponies, when given a choice, prefer to just choose clear paths instead of dealing with obstacles.

"Pretty much. They only get days off if something requiring my attention turns up and I can't get someone to oversee the training. Nobody knows when the aliens could finally locate Equus, so we have to get as much training as possible done in the shortest amount of time possible. Anyway, it's time for you to go to the barracks, I think you'll like your new home," I replied.

"And what makes you think that?" Starlight asked as she slowly got back up on all fours, groaning out of pain.

"Because everyone has the 'equal' living quarters," I answered with a cruel grin, to which Starlight just groaned at.

"Everypony but you," Starlight countered as she saw that all the recruits heading towards Ponyville as the sun starts to set.

"Of course, would you want to sleep next to me of all people?" I responded as I followed her, my sinister grin still plastered on my face.

After taking a good long look at me, Starlight let out a huff as she admitted, "You have a point there. You're the most messed up pony I ever seen."

"That's why I'm undergoing therapy, so that I'm less inclined to hit the nobility with whatever is on hoof." I replied with mockful glee, while Starlight looked at me with an expression that screamed 'just how crazy are you?' "Now, get moving, you don't want to miss your supper and spend the entire night with an empty stomach. You're still going to have to go to training, regardless of how hungry or tired you are."

It was morning, well before the break of dawn to be precise. I was standing right next to the bunk bed that Starlight had chosen to use, with Pinkie's party cannon in front of me. I haven't used it since the first wake up call, but I decided now would be an excellent time to use it again. I fired the cannon. Naturally this caused everyone to jump out of bed and panic, with the exception of the first recruit group and, oddly enough, Starlight too. She just sat up in bed all wide-eyed, till she turned her head towards the origin of the noise to see me.

Starlight's expression of confusion turned into bitter hatred, as she declared, "I hate you so much."

"Join the club," Stalwart commented as he stretched before hopping of his bed.

"You may hate me now, but if an invasion does occur during your lifetime, you'll end up loving me for all I done to you," I replied with a mocking grin, to which Starlight just gave out a snort. "Besides, what's the big deal? You're a recruit just like all the other recruits, where I treat you all the same. Isn't that like the 'equality' you wanted?"

"It's not equality since you're in charge!" Starlight yelled.

"Eh, technicalities, besides wasn't it the same for your case?" I countered, causing Starlight to blink. Though before she had a chance to make a retort, I continued, "You were the only one still with their Cutie Mark, from what I heard, and you dictated every decision, forcing everyone else to conform to your ideal of equality. Sounded like you didn't want any sign of individuality, so much so that you were basically trying to make everyone act like robots. I wouldn't be surprised if you actually turned them into robots to create even more equality."

"That is utterly ridiculous!" Starlight retorted. "The equality I'm striving for is one where nopony has an advantage over another! Where nopony is better than their neighbors!"

"Advantage? How about the unicorns that have magic? The pegasi that can fly? Or the earth ponies with their stamina? Unless you can get rid of those traits, your 'equality' will never be achieved. Now, time for you to get your breakfast, unless you want to be hungry all morning," I replied, noting that the older recruits have finally calmed down the newer ones. I think Starlight was about to make another retort, though I just turned away to yell, "Everyone! Get your breakfast now, we're leaving in thirty minutes!" before walking off. From behind, I could hear Starlight fuming as she muttered something to herself, but I shrugged it off. She'll have bigger problems to worry about instead of staying angry at me soon.

"Why... are we... doing this?" Starlight panted, as we were making up a rather steep snowy hill on our way to White Tail Woods, with saddlebags and packs on our back that were filled with rocks.

"Endurance training, what did you think? When on the field, you may be carrying heavy packs for a long term mission. This also will help if you have to travel lengthy distances if necessary. Besides, quit your whining, I'm carrying more than my fair share," I shot back. Like everyone else, I had saddlebags and packs on too, though I had an extra pack on.

"More than your fair share?"

"I'm still a filly Starlight, and most of the packs on me are weighted for adults. Yet I'm doing fine, see?" I answered as I pranced around Starlight for a few times, the rocks in my pack jiggling about. "So quit your complaining, at least I'm not tossing rocks at you. Unless... you want everyone to have the same fair share, which means more rocks for everyone!" At my declaration, all the recruits give Starlight a glare, to which she just gulped and kept her mouth shut. "Thought so."

"What the flying buck are we climbing these trees for‽" Starlight complained, as she looked up while others have already started climbing.

"Well, you could either learn how to climb a tree, or risk dealing with a swarm of flesh-eating insects on a future mission. Your pick," I answered with a shrug. "Personally, I would be at the very top by now if such a thing happened."

"Please, there're no flesh-eating insects, that just sounds like a tale to scare fillies," Starlight retorted, to which I just gave her a long flat stare, one that made her nervous as I kept it up. "What?"

"I’ve seen and ran from a few species of flesh-eating insects. But since you don't believe me, maybe I should just have Princess Luna pay you a visit in your dreams and show you some of my memories? Though it might mentally scar you," I simply said, staring straight into her eyes until she finally averted them. "Hmph. Now go climb that tree already, or would you prefer I just toss rocks at you, instead?" Sighing in defeat, Starlight started to climb the tree, only to fall after getting all of four feet. "You really have a long way to go with this, but it’s better to fall now than when you actually need it."

"You expect me, to jump from one tree, to another‽" Starlight shrieked from her branch, her legs wrapped around it.

"Well, yeah, it's a parkour technique, can help you stay above your enemies in a forest," I answered.

"I'm not going to do some stupid stunt that can send me to the hospital!"

"...You're only ten feet in the air, the worst you can get is a bruise. So stop being a foal and jump already!"


"Fine! Midnight Breeze! Shake that branch until Starlight either jumps off or falls off!" I ordered, to which Midnight started to comply to, until Starlight changed her mind.

"Okay, okay! I'll jump! Just don't shake the branch!" she screamed, as she started stand up on the branch, her legs wobbling. She eyed the branch across from her, and taking a deep breath, she made her jump. While she did landed on the branch, she, unfortunately, didn't know how to stay on it after jumping landing on it, evident in how she immediately started to slide off. She let out a brief shriek before crashing into the ground, all the while I just shook my head at her.

"And you're suppose to be the pony that almost escaped with the Elements' Cutie Marks," I simply commented as I went to her side. "Now get up and try it again."

"Again‽" she shrieked in shocked as she raised her head to look at me.

"Yes, again. You're going to learn how to climb trees and get from one branch to another. And don't whine, I had to learn it too the hard way. As did everypony else here. Just be glad I'm not making you do it forty feet above the ground."

It was the late afternoon when we finally arrived at the barracks, everyone panting from carrying the rocks on the way back. After shaking off all the packs we had to carry, I gave Starlight a pat on the back while she laid down on the ground exhausted. "You made it past the second day Starlight, I knew you had it in you all along."

"You… You're... a slave driver..." Starlight simply said, too tired to add anything else.

"Eh, time is of value here, so the more training you lot get, the more ready you are for any interdimensional thing that comes to Equus. As an added benefit, once I get some people trained up enough, I could get them to be full time training instructors. Have the princesses send them all out across Equestria, or to other nations, if the princesses can get them to come on board with the program. The more troops we get trained up, the better prepared Equus can be for the inevitable first real contact, whether it be with friendly or hostile forces.

However, Equestria, and Equus as a whole, need to be united and at peace with each other first, Starlight. Getting the changelings to ally with us is a major first step, and may serve as an example to other nations or species to ally with us, or at least figure out what can get the two of us to finally make peace with each other. You and your 'equality' junk, on the other hoof, is a threat to the peace. Your way of thinking will cause chaos to the land whether you succeed or fail. No one can afford to have that happen. That is one of the reasons why I had you brought to me, to stamp out that problem."

Eyeing me, Starlight said nothing for a moment, before breaking her silence when she asked, "And what are the other reasons?"

"To get some payback for Pinkie, of course," I answered with a grin, to which Starlight rolled her eyes as she let out a groan. "Also, from what I heard, you have a lot of magical potential. Maybe instead of trying to continue with your path of fanatical equality, maybe you could just fight to protect this world's freedom and prosperity from those that want to take it from us. Who knows, maybe you'll leave your mark on the world this way instead. It certainly has to be better than trying to shove your ideals down a person's throat." My words surprised Starlight, for her eyes widen a bit as she looked at me in silence. Chuckling to myself at the sight, I simply said, "Well, it's time for you to get some rest for the day. Maybe tomorrow can be a better day for the both of us," before I made my leave.

Hopefully, if I give Starlight a possible incentive to her new role, she might just stop with all her complaints. Who knows, maybe she'll change her way of thinking. Or she’ll just continue to hold onto her beliefs, and simply wait for the best opportunity for her to take action. Oh well, I guess I just have to wait and see. And maybe have a bit of hope...

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