• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,130 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

  • ...

Chapter 50: Twilight Sparkle & Morgan

Twilight Sparkle

Trixie stood before me, the Alicorn Amulet around her neck. Her eyes were red, a smug smile on her face.

The whole town was shrouded in dark clouds, various flags with Trixie’s face covered the town in ominous fashions. The glass bowl was still over us all, trapping everypony, including me and my friends.

It’s been nine days since we last saw Morgan. We were all starting to get worried. It wasn’t until Princess Celestia sent me a request to help with the arrivals of the Saddle Arabia leaders did we all get a distraction. Applejack explained to me earlier that Apple Bloom was wondering when Lilac would get back, they had important Crusader business. Rarity said the same from Sweetie Belle.

Trixie came to town a few days after the letter from the Princess arrived, she was performing magic she couldn’t before and calling out for Raspberry and myself. We told her Raspberry was out of town on business, Trixie called her a coward. This caused Rainbow to nearly run into the blue unicorn, making Trixie grow one of her wings to equal her body mass.

We dueled, after Trixie threatened all my friends, and she won. Using her magic, Trixie cast me out of Ponyville. I stayed with Zecora, building up my magic to fight Trixie when Fluttershy rushed into the cottage.

Trixie was wearing the Alicorn Amulet. It corrupts the user with each use. She was making crazy demands; apples without peels, burning of wheels, and a town wide curfew. She also hasn’t given Pinkie back her muzzle.

Zecora helped me come up with a plan to take her down, I just had to use the six.

Nearby, there were two Rainbow Dashes flying above us all, Pinkie Pie was playing ten instruments at once, Applejack and Rarity just finished with their performance as foals, elderlies and finally Applejack as Male Applejack. I was surprised we managed to pull it off.

“You think you can fool the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!?” Trixie yelled, adding emphasis to her r’s.

“What are you talking about Trixie?” I asked her.

The statue behind Applejack and Rarity suddenly lifted in a red light, revealing Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Big Macintosh and Granny Smith to everypony.

“Trixie is a stagepony Twilight Sparkle. She knows a smoke spell when she sees one.” Trixie exclaimed before throwing the statue on it’s side. “Trixie also knows you didn’t clone the blue pegasus, that is probably another random pegasus from this town. The pink one is...a little strange, but Trixie knows that is fake too.”

Her horn glowed again and I felt the necklace yanked from my neck.

“Hey! Give that back Trixie!” I ordered.

“This is fake, I sense no more magical energy in this than I do from a rock!” Trixie dropped Zecora’s doorstop on the ground.

Trixie began laughing proudly, my friends started looking downcast. I had failed. “Trixie wins again! Now Trixie is the Highest Level Unicorn and she will rule this town!” Trixie continued to laugh at our failure.

The clouds overhead started forming together into a ball. Loud music came from the ball as pink and dark blue lights started jutting out.


Trixie looked towards the ball, her gaze angered. My friends gathered around me, ready to fight.

“Who dares try and take what is rightfully Trixie’s?!”

The ball moved, coming tightly together and giving us back some sunlight. The ball started moving into a face, the black changing into pink, blue, silver...and amber.


The ball smiled, the two ambers orbs serving as her eyes looking down at Trixie.


The ball disappeared into a loud pop. A figure fell onto the ground, basking in the now clear sky. Her midnight blue mane with silver streaks was lightly brushed, a dark blue cloak with a gold rope around the waist covered her raspberry pink coat, her amber eyes stared at Trixie with a fierce determination.

Two more figures ran up beside her. One was Lilac, the other was a light blue earth pony which a dark blue mane and eyes. Her cutiemark was like Raspberry’s, except the jumprope was all blue. I wonder who she was.

“Raspberry Stardust!” The pink unicorn yelled triumphantly.

Trixie gasped, but it quickly changed to a growl.

“You see, Skye, I told you Trixie would really miss me.”

“I don’t think that’s the word I would use.” The blue earth pony said.

“You’re completely right, Trixie totally missed me.” Raspberry said with her usual cheery and smug tone.

Trixie’s horn glowed red.

“Nice necklace Trixie, if you needed help with your magic so you could beat me, you could’ve just said so. Then again, you do have an inferiority complex, I expected no less.” Raspberry mocked. What was she doing?

The blue earth pony, who I guessed was named Skye, nodded. “Ms. Lulamoon has all the symptoms; constant use of her name, hatred of losing, plus that over-inflated ego.”

“Stop talking about Trixie like she is not here! And how did you know that name!” Trixie yelled.

Raspberry’s own horn glowed amber, pulling out a strange looking green glowing stick. “This is a magic wand. It’s enchanted with magic from another dimension. It’s way more powerful than your crummy Alicorn Amulet. It comes from the Fantasia Dimension, it can animate inanimate objects, conquer the power of nature and finally, it can do so much- hey!”

During her speech, Trixie took the glowing stick from Raspberry. Trixie threw the Alicorn Amulet on the ground and began laughing.

“Ha! Trixie can feel the power coming from it! Trixie doesn’t need that silly Amulet!”

Rainbow Dash, now seeing her chance, flew up to the amulet and took it away from Trixie.

The blue unicorn zapped my friend, but with a pink lightning bolt. Rainbow began laughing wildly.

“Stop it! That tickles!” Rainbow laughed. Trixie stopped the bolts as Rainbow flew the Amulet back over to me.

“Tickles? That was supposed to make you writhe in agony! This wand is defective!” Trixie complained.

“Wow. I can’t believe Trixie bought that.” Raspberry mocked. “That was just an old glow stick I found stuck in my freezer and used a powerful lighting spell on.”

Trixie held the wand in her hoof, it began rapidly changing from green, to blue, then purple, then red, then orange and yellow and back to green.

The blue earth pony clapped lightly. “A delightful show!” She cheered.

Raspberry trotted towards Trixie, taking the wand and shaking it. “You see Trixie, I did what I did with the help of my friend, Skye, she had to help me find the light spell and gather the explosives.”

That made everypony stop.

“Explosives?” I asked.

Raspberry’s horn lit up. “EVERYPONY DUCK!”

A loud boom filled the town, it shattered the glass over our heads and made it fall to the ground. When the glass landed on the ground it wasn’t hurting anypony, it felt like rain. Raspberry must’ve cast a spell changing the glass to water!

Trixie was standing with jaw agape, looking at all the water that used to be a giant fishbowl.

“And that, Trixie, is why Raspberry Stardust is the highest level unicorn.” Raspberry boasted. “Lilac, Skye, come along. We have stuff to do before tonight.” Raspberry said before she and her two friends began walking away.

“Wait!” Trixie yelled. “Trixie wants to know how you did that?!”

Raspberry shrugged. “I changed the spell. The inner workings of the glass just need a little switching just as the explosives went off. It gave me a couple extra seconds to cast the Spell Changer, making your glass water. The rest was gravity.”

“Trixie meant the clouds!”

“Ah, yes, that one.”

I saw Raspberry walk up to Trixie, leaning in close and whispering something into her ear. I couldn’t hear what it was, but Trixie was starting to look a little nervous.When Raspberry finally finished, she wrapped her pink hoof around the blue unicorn. Trixie was still gaping, Raspberry gave her a quick shove.

“Everypony. I think Trixie has something to say.”

The blue unicorn got up on her hooves, I walked up to her and gave her a kind smile.

“Trixie...would like...to apologize.” Trixie struggled.

“And?” Raspberry said.

“She regrets her use of the Alicorn Amulet.”


“For taking the pink one's muzzle.”


“She apologizes to those two colts, and those ponies she used as slaves.”


“And Trixie apologizes to Twilight Sparkle for banishing her out of Ponyville.”


“And? What else is there for Trixie to apologize for?”

“You broke Zecora’s thing.”

“Ugh. I’m sorry for breaking the door stop. Happy?”

“Very. You said I instead of Trixie. I see that as a step in the right direction.” Raspberry cheered. “Alright everypony, let’s clean this up.”

The ponies quickly got to work, but my friends and I did one thing first.

We hugged Raspberry and Lilac.

“Raspberry we were so worried!” Fluttershy told the pink unicorn.

“We thought that meanie did something to you!” Pinkie cried. I could see Raspberry struggle to breathe under our hug.

“He...almost...did!” Raspberry choked.

“Can’t...breathe!” Lilac gasped.

The seven of us backed away, letting the two take a deep breath of air. Raspberry stood up, having being knocked onto the ground by the hug, Lilac took her place on Raspberry’s back.

“How are you alive? I thought Dominic had you locked up.” I asked.

“After I... dealt...with Dominic, I thought I was gonna be locked up again. The other Travelers apparently hated him as much as I did. There were some problems after I dealt with Dominic, but Lilac helped fix them as well as a couple good knocks on the skull. When I explained that I was Danielle’s reincarnation, they went nuts! They decided that since I was technically their saviour and the next Danielle, they made me their Princess. I’m still as confused as you as to their logic behind it, I think they just want a good way of keeping tabs on me without posting 24-hour-guard at my house. Last I heard they were sending e-mails out to others Centers to tell them Danielle was reborn. Funny how things just work out like that huh?”

“What about Darcy?” Applejack asked.

Lilac and Raspberry stiffened. Oh no.

“She-We were too late.” Raspberry said, some tears falling from her eyes.

We all gasped, Darcy was…gone?

Raspberry instantly changed from sad to cheerful, giving us all her best smile. “Don't get all sad, Darce would start hitting you if you cried over her death. She hates criers, says they ruin all the fun. Stop crying.”

Even though we all knew the purple eyed girl for a short time, we nodded. Darcy did seem like the kind of pony that would do that.

“Now, let's clean up this mess. I have some letters to write before I get back to work.” Raspberry said, going off with Lilac and the earth pony.

“Wait!” Pinkie yelled.

Raspberry turned towards the pink pony. “Yeah?”

“Who's that?”

The unicorn looked to the blue earth pony and smiled. “This is my friend, Lila Chamberlin, her pony name is Blueberry Skye. This is her first time Traveling.”

“This was not what I expected.” Lila/Skye deadpanned.

Raspberry nodded. “Throw her two parties.”

As the three trotted away, I watched as they helped clean up Trixie’s mess. After watching for a second, I turned to ask Raspberry a question about how she dealt with Dominic.

“Twilight!” Raspberry yelled. “Don't you have a spell to practice?”

I gasped. She was right! I needed to be ready for when Princess Celestia came back into town with the representatives from Saddle Arabia tonight! I hope there’s still time!


As I watched Twilight run off, I thought over the week I had just gone thru. That’s how long it had been since I saw Twilight and dealt with Dominic. Seven days, eight hours and 13 minutes since Darcy died. Seven days, seven hours and 34 minutes since Lilac saw what I really was. I knew the dragonling would be having nightmares, heck my own friends were having nightmares about it.

Lila, although skeptical since I murdered her father, stuck with me too. Mrs. Chamberlin seemed the most upset about it. I was surprised the Travelers didn’t kill me themselves.

“So, those letters you had to write, who are they for?” Skye/Lila asked.

“Celly, Lulu, Mia and her husband Shiny Hiney.” I explained, beginning the walk back to my house.

“Mia? Who’s that?” Skye/Lila asked.

“Mi Amore Cadenza. Everypony calls her Cadence or Cady and I wanted a nickname for just the two of us. So I took the first bit of her name. Mi and A. Mia. It works though.” I said.

“Princess Cadence said she liked it, Captain Armor is still angry about Shiny Hiney.” Lilac giggled.

Skye/Lila laughed. “Yeah, I can see it.”

“His Hiney being Shiny?”

“No.” Skye/Lila giggled. “The Mia thing. Using a human name for a pony without them entirely knowing it so it could work on Earth. It’s a good idea.”

“Do me a favor and don’t say Earth or Human around Equestria. There’s a green unicorn that will take you down if she hears you know about them, and I’m not kidding.” I warned the blue earth pony as my daughter giggled next to me.

Skye/Lila nodded, walking with me as we came to our house.

Now, all I have to wonder, is how did I become human in Equestria in the first place. Because I don’t have a bucking clue.


It was working. My plan. They were losing the pink pony's trust. From what my scouts have told me those Elements of Harmony have been acting hostile towards her. It was only a matter of time before they cast her out.

Then my revenge will be complete...I will finally have payback on that pony that ruined my plans. Beware Raspberry Stardust...

My children come for you next.

Author's Note:

Two chapters in a day? I must say I'm getting better.
It's done. The story that took nearly nine months is finally done! Thanks to the people who fav'd and everything from the author's note before.
Oh? You noticed the cliffhanger? I guess you'll have to see what happens when Morgan's life continues...
Comment, like and favorite...but don't say good-bye just yet.
Dammit I promised myself I wasn't gonna cry.

Comments ( 24 )

Great Chapter! Can't wait to find out what happens next!

Yes! Down with Dominic and huzzah for Morgan! :yay:

Also, that cliffhanger you left at the end there sounds really ominous. Makes me even more excited for a sequel!

More importantly, however, thank you for creating such an interesting story to read. :twilightsmile:

~ Super-Brony12

I go away for a few months and this story is finished...
I can dig it

Wowowowo! I just see that this story has a prequel. Its necesary that I read that one first? Been honest not really interested in it :/

3868535 The prequel is not necessary to read, it's just has some funny stories about Morgan before this story.
it's also what I'm writing to slowly give the identity of who caused all of this in the first place. (cue evil laugh)

Huh, you wrote the sequel before the prequel. Or is the prequel going to be a giant retcon? ;p
Just kidding, I can guess the reasoning behind doing it that way. Now, off to read the story we go!

4633712 I wrote it that way so I could finalize some things for the sequel, The Day My Life Continued. TDMLB will also reveal some important events that I feel are necessary for both the story and Morgan’s character development. At the end, I am planning on showing how Morgan became human in Equestria which lead to the events of this story. Just to be a heartless bitch, I am also adding the main villain of the sequel.

4635306 twenty-six, and I wrote that later. Keep in mind, this story was not as well thought at it is now. Most of her abilities I came up with on the spot, then I had to fully think them out later on. I apologize for that.

And with Morgan, you have to realize she has not much experience in the friend department.
I apologize for any future confusion.

4638595 oh hey, just checked the story main page since I figured you would have replied somewhat. There's a bug with the site where users won't get notified of replies if it wasn't posted on the same chapter as the original comment. When posting on the stories main page, this means the comment is posted on the latest chapter (in this case, chapter 50),which means I would never have seen the reply save I came back and checked (or at the very end).
Food for thought. ;)

We laughed when your reply basically said the same thing I did afterward. Too funny!

4660257 damn it! I thought I fixed that! That’s what I get for publishing that chapter from my iPhone.

And that's a wrap folks!
I'm only a little upset she didn't hack up another way to get Darcy back, but there's always more time for that later?
We love how you keep the timeline fixed correctly, the more things change the more they stay the same.
The Twitchplayspokemon of Dominic was rather boring, come to think about it, it could have been so much worse...
One thing that strikes me is how little we see of other travelers. Especially when traveling, unless each one gets their own instance when traveling initially to a new place.
Well, let's see what you have coming down the road next!
Keep going! ;)

4676823 Thank you for all your comments. It's really helped a lot. And yes, I know that we see very little Travelers during this as well as TDMLB. Still working on the explanation as to how there can be thousands upon thousands of these guys yet Morgan is the only one seen in Equestria. It might not b a perfect one, but still an explanation. There are going to be a ton of Travelers in the sequel.
I'm also going to be adding various explanations for other things into the sequel, and maybe one or two in the prequel.

4678456 Yeah, my head cannon for the missing travelers is that they each get their own "slice" of the universe they're jumping into, unless they're specifically traveling with regards to another traveler (how Lisa was able to go with Morgan).

I would imagine that anything brought back would have a unique energy signature that could be traced to the particular Traveler they belong to, which is how they would be able to send them back even without the Traveler doing so themselves, and how it's generally unlikely for them to be sent back to the wrong universe.

This would also explain why it was so difficult for Morgan to "guess" the right universe to travel to, since she did not have a latch signal to hook onto (and why it was more difficult than normal).

Anyways, just a few ideas. :raritywink:

4681578 wow. That’s way better than what I was gonna do. It was pretty much just the first paragraph. That was as far into it as I got.

Is this completed or not?

...it’s completed but I’m rewriting it.

Aww! Thank you!
Lol, I'm laughing at my AN. Oh past me, nine months is nothing.

Why did you make this story before you made the prequel?

Cause I like the idea so much that I couldn't wait for the prequel

You make a lot of good points. So much so, that it may take me a little bit to get to all of them. I'm gonna get to the big ones that weren't spoilers. Or, they are spoilers but also not spoilers?
1: I love your comments. I know I'm about to be hit with good constructive criticism and genuine praise when I see your name pop up. I'm also happy that Morgan feels more real here than before. It's kinda disturbing to read the past chapters and go "oh no, Morgan would never say this. Why did I start her off this way. What was I thinking- she's smarter than this." I rewrote her entire meeting with Dominic by that logic alone.
2: Chapters 1-2 take place on January 14. 3-12 take place on January 15. 13-20 on January 16. If you want hour by hour, I can make it for you. Yes it says 'end of shift' but at the time, I figured that as like the night shift changing into the day shift kinda thing. Cops gotta work nights too, yeah? I explained that poorly. My bad. I made like a dozen notes keeping track of all of this- but didn't wanna boggle the fic with all the time stamps.
By my own checks, Morgan passed out from the tree Jan 15 at Noon, woke up in Equestria at the same time. She, Lilac, and the princesses flew to Ponyville. I have no idea how long it takes to fly long distance like that. Also, there's all the conversations taking place and then the fact that neither of them would've slept well for real. She wakes up January 16 early morning, the sun shining through her window. Yes she slept a long time. Yes so did Lilac. She does a few things before going back Home, 'waking up' somewhere between 5 and 6am. Her friends talk and leave from 5-6. The nurse leaves her a book at almost 6. She reads it very fast- she's got that skill. At 6, Dominic and her talk for the first time. Her parents argue with the hospital staff from 6-7. At 6:30, they take her home. 7, they leave for work. 7:30, Morgan gathers up her friends. 7:50, police station. Almost 8, what I deemed a good 'end of shift' time.
8am- chapter 17. 8-2:30- chapter 18. 2:30- chapter 19. 2:30-3- chapter 20
Dominic's comments about the 'better part of a week' are mainly because: Monday night, the ponies are seen wandering. Not a big deal at first, but you better bet they made a show when they arrived that his people caught. Tuesday: multiple sightings and disturbances, including a whole ass arrest about people that don't exist on record. Then he spent most of Tuesday night up until Wednesday morning keeping tabs on Morgan and co. to see what work was being done to get them home. As he saw little progress, he decided to bring Morgan in.

3: Originally, this wasn't meant to change as much as it has. Only when I changed one chapter I ended up wanting to change the next chapter and so on and so on and...yeah. I keep thinking about posting it as a whole separate thing. It's like that on AO3 and FFN, but I think I've mostly kept it here like this because it's the OG site for me, and this keeps a better track of my word count than I can.
4: If there was anything I missed, sorry. I'm working on it without a beta cause like...how do I catch them up at this point?
5: Okay I read the last paragraph and: ...wait yeah I don't think I've written that properly. Like she's thought about it, and maybe told others, but never to all of them in a linear, cohesive way. Next chance they get, Morgan will spill the beans. Or someone else will do it for her.
6: You didn't take the wind out of my sails or anything. Constructive criticism like this is always welcome. Can't wait for what you say about the chapter I just posted.


This story was in my "Read It Eventually" for a long time. Good story.

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