• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,130 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter Thirteen (Revised)

My bedroom was usually a great place to relax. One day, though, I planned to tear out the blinds to replace them with a basic curtain. Because every single morning, the blinds shined the sun into my eyes. It never failed to wake me up.

Ah, if only I could set the sun on fire...then it would stop...

Throwing off the blankets, I climbed out of bed. The sun usually shined through at the time I had to wake up anyway. That didn’t make me any happier. With how stressful the past few days had been, my sleep hadn’t been restful.

There was still so much work to do, sleeping hadn’t offered any insight. Everything was still as tense as it had been the night before. The Princesses were still suspicious of me, my friends all knew I was a liar and traitor, and my parents had definitely found out. The lack of Luna in my dreams convinced me of it.

Some might say I’m pessimistic about my options. I say can you prove me wrong? Can you objectively look at my life as it is now, then say I’m better off? That I’ll be happier without lying to all the people I thought I could trust? It’s not making me feel better. I’m even more scared now than yesterday that my life is going to fall apart.

My friends hated me.

My family is going to hate me.

If it gets worse, I’ll lose Lilac.

So I braced myself. I steeled my features for the day ahead. If it was going to try to break me down, then I needed to be better than it. Nobody- or nopony- had ever fought me over Lilac. They could try. That’s as far as they would get.

But first, I had to go wake the child up.


Lilac was half awake by the time I went to her room. She hadn’t snuck over to sleep in my room during the night, much to my surprise. She had been doing that on and off for months. It hurt to see that she was the first today to drift off from me.

“Morning, Mommy!” Lilac rubbed sleep from her eyes.

My smile to her was sincere, and relieved. The same sort of smile seen in every Disney mother. I loved my child, and to think that she had was doubting me hurt. “Muffins for breakfast?”

“Yes please!” Lilac hopped behind me as we went downstairs to the kitchen.

Lucky me she wanted that every morning. Though everything else was changing, Lilac’s tastes had not. She still loved banana nut muffins with rubies on top.

It was hard to believe sometimes that I hadn’t raised her, that she existed as a drawing before coming here. Being a mother was just something I never thought was possible until Lilac.

She was happily eating a muffin while I put together my saddlebag. There would probably be a lot on my schedule today that I would need to be ready to handle.

“Whatcha doin’, Mommy?” Lilac asked, her mouth full. She crunched a ruby between her teeth.

“Packing for the day.” I explained. “There’s a lot to do, and Celestia only gives me so much light to do it.”

“Is it big stuff? Like...like with the Princesses?” Lilac asked.

“Probably.” I answered. “I have to get ready to bring back everypony from...well from-”

“-where you came from?” Lilac asked. I said nothing. “Like where we lived before Ponyville? They’re gone to there?”

Though I had often been called heartless and cruel, I would not tell my daughter that she never existed outside of Ponyville. She only started existing the moment I first arrived in Ponyville.

“Yeah, there.”

Lilac finished off her muffin in silence. I pretended to eat breakfast as I waited.

My patience was not in vain. Lilac burped up a letter as she finished off the ruby topping. I caught it in my magic, bringing it over to me.

“What’s it say?” Lilac walked over to me. She hopped onto my back, peering around my head to see the letter.

Dear Morgan-” They had called me this yesterday. They had stopped calling me Raspberry. Did they no longer view me as a subject? Was I something else? Could I trust what they were saying? I had to read the rest to know more. “Princess Luna and I are eager to welcome you back to the palace. Something has come up which we believe only you can shed light on. Be assured we will watch over Lilac while you are on this important mission for the good of Equestria. A chariot will be there to collect you any moment. Thankful, Princess Celestia.”

I knew it.

They were trying to take her away.

It’s not like I could take Lilac with me regardless

But...but I need to watch her

Mom and Dad will get a real kick out of being told they’re grandparents

Okay. So...it made sense for Lilac to stay with the Princesses. They would just be babysitters. Not that I’m convinced they’re even good for the job. In most of the episodes I’ve seen, they called on Twilight and her friends to fix every problem. Whenever they themselves were confronted with it, they were swiftly taken out.

Now they wanted me to put my daughter’s life in their hooves.

Unfortunately, there’s no other choice.

“Mommy?” Lilac reached up, poking my cheek. “Mommy I can’t read. What’s it say?”

I swallowed, trying to push past the dry mouth I’d suddenly gotten. When this is all done, I really do need to teach her to read. “Uh...you’re having a...slumber party with the Princesses.”

Like all children in Equestria, Lilac gasped in excitement. I’m sure her eyes had the classic cartoon effect of her eyes bugging out of her head with twinkles to match her delight. “Really?! I get to be with the Princesses?!”

“You do.” I tucked the letter into my saddlebag. “Guess you need to pack too, princess.”

Lilac wasted no time. She hopped off my back, rushing up to her room to get things together. Letting her stay with the Princesses felt like a bad idea. Wanting her to stay by my side at all times wasn’t much of a better plan, really. But I wanted it.

Maybe I’m just being paranoid for no reason. People have said that about me. Yeah I turned out to be right in the end, but everyone still said I was paranoid about it. So maybe that’s what this is. All my other secrets had been exposed. Lilac was the last thing I had between my family and my life outside of them.

I just had to make sure nopony tells.


A chariot arrived on the dot for the clock. Lilac told the pegasi flying us everything she had packed into her backpack. Card games, board games, her art supplies, things she said she wanted to try with the Princesses cause ‘they must get to play all the time, but not fun games like these, probably boring princess games. My games will be better, right?’

They didn’t answer. They were flying, and probably couldn’t hear Lilac over the wind in their ears.

We arrived in the middle of the palace. Princess Celestia and Luna were already there, waiting.

“Good morning, Morgan and Lilac.” Celestia greeted.

‘I’d say the same, but that’s also giving you so much credit for the fact that the morning is good.’ But I was trying to keep Lilac from being taken away, so best not make an enemy of the ponies that had the power to do that. “Celestia.” I replied. Lilac hid behind me, suddenly shy. “Could you show me what you wanted me to see?”

Solemn, they nodded.

The Princesses guided us to the throne room. While they stood in front of me, I was shown a book that was well aged. If Twilight were here, she would give some long explanation about when this book must fall into Equestrian history.

I could tell you it came from Earth. Pony journals were wider, to make ease for ponies that couldn’t use magic to write. This journal was comparatively thinner, more suited for human hands than anything with hooves.

A human wrote in that journal.

Which, honestly, should not be possible.

I’m the only human that’s ever been here...right?

“This journal has been in our vaults for a long time.” Celestia explained. “Though there has been a lot of debate on who wrote it, it was very clear in the text that it’s not someone of Equestria.”

I walked up to the journal. Reaching for it with my hoof, I paused. “Is it safe to hold?”

Princess Celestia nodded.

The journal was held in my amber shaded magic. Again, Lilac sat on my back to read over my shoulder.

“What’s it say?” Lilac asked. “Mommy what’s it say?”

“That this book was written by a human.” I revealed. Celestia and Luna didn’t seem shocked by this news. Of course not, they had gone after this book for that very reason. “This book...they only used scrolls back then, if it’s as old as it looks. It could only have come from someone not from here.”

“That is the conclusion we came to as well.” Luna stated. “Two humans in Equestria in all of our history. You can see why this is an urgent matter.”

“Yes, it is.” I opened the book, being considerate to it’s age.

The first page had one of those ‘this book belongs to:’ add-ons. Another time anachronism. The owner of this book was a lot less careful with their things than I would ever have been with mine.

Twilight finding the spell didn’t count.

She broke into my house.

I’m in the right here.

Someone had written their name. Someone who liked color pens...someone with the most human name Equestria had ever seen.

‘This journal belongs to: Delilah Patteron, age 11! For Delilah only!’

That name rang a bell. It rang like a Notre Dame bell- loudly bouncing around in my head and like a bat signal right into my eyes.

I’ve never met anyone with that name in my life. Why is it standing out so much?

“Come on, Lilac.” I insisted. “Let’s go settle in your room for your stay. It’s time to learn something about reading!”

Lilac beamed, hugging my neck in delight.

“You said you would go retrieve our ponies in the morning.” Luna reminded me.

“No offense, Luna, but you’ve given me a journal that belongs to one of my...someone that can...” I tried to pull off nonchalance, to pretend that what I was holding in my magic meant more to me than any friend.

There was someone out there with powers like me.

They had come to Equestria too.

And if they existed here, they must exist back Home.

And I needed to find them.’

“The person that wrote this journal is probably on Earth. I need to learn about them, in case we cross paths.” I explained. “If I go into this blind, I could get more people hurt.”

Celestia stepped closed. “Morgan, you had said before your parents don’t know of your powers. The way you have spoken about them...did anypony know at all?”

Nobody alive.

“What does that matter?” I asked, wanting to pull Lilac off my back to hold.

“Have you ever met anypony else that could do it?”

Nobody alive.

“I don’t see how that matters. I’m going to read this book with my daughter now.” You ponies have taken every other secret from me. I will not let you take this one too. My solitude for all my life is my choice, my life. You don’t get to bring it out so you can use it against me.

So what if I’ve been alone since the time I used these powers?

So what if this book is the only sign I have of someone else using their powers exactly like me?

I want to know who wrote this

I want to know all about the people with powers like me

And I want to be selfish about it.


June 12, 1978

Dear Diary,

This is my first entry in this Diary. Mom gave it to me to celebrate my first Travel. That’s right, at age 11 I Traveled for the first time! It was from a simple birthday present I touched three days ago. The place had beautiful green grass to say the least. Another strange thing about it was that the people weren’t people. They were unicorns and pegasus, and regular ponies of all colors under the rainbow.

Three ponies, one unicorn by the name Clover, a plain pony by the name Smart Cookie and a pegasus by the name Pansy, met me outside a cave where their leaders were frozen(Yes those were their real names). They said they were gonna be frozen by wendigos because of their leader’s hatred.

So to try and l lift their spirits I started singing a Christmas song. Jingle Bells. I noticed it starting getting warmer. Clover told me that the wendigos had left while we were singing. So we started again, and again, and again, and again until the three ponies frozen solid melted and joined us. The pegasus was called Commander Hurricane, the unicorn was Princess Platinum and the plain pony was Chancellor Puddinghead.

They thanked me for helping them and I traveled back home. Mom told me I was staring at the present for five minutes but for me it felt more like five hours.

When I explained what happened to her, she went crazy. She said she knew I would be a powerful Traveler but traveling at age 11 was not what she was expecting. What else did she expect from the daughter of the first and second most powerful Travelers in existence?

My silence seemed to serve as an answer enough for the two princesses. They now looked at me with an odd sort of heartbreak. It was a look I would have rather lived without.

So I picked Lilac up, letting myself out of the room with the journal floating behind me.


After reading five more entries it was clear this Delilah was able to jump into things before they even existed as shows, movies or books. I also caught onto the fact that 11 was the youngest age any of these ‘Travelers’ had ‘traveled’.

My first...travel, it’s called traveling, wow. It has a name. A whole people gave it a name and now I get to use it...My first travel...I had just turned 10.

This was gonna be exciting huh?

The journal went on to explain things about how Delilah adjusted to a life on Equestria. She watched the races unite for peace, albeit with the threat of eternal winter if they refused. She never talked much about Home- focusing instead on making this book some kind of log about Equestria.

I closed the journal as she went on about Princess Platinum. My head was spinning with the revelations of the day.

Lilac opened the book back up, pointing at the first page. “Thi-Teas-”

“The-is.” I sounded out the word for her, too stunned to do much more than that.

“This...joodal...be...belongs to...Dellya-”

“Journal, and Delilah.”

“Journal is a hard word. Why does it have a ‘u’ inside?!” Lilac complained. “And that name is really weird.”

“I know, I know.” I patted her head. “It’s a name from where I’m from.” That got the little dragon’s attention. “...which means it’s probably time for me to go get that lot.”

Standing up from the bed, I tried to return to the Princesses. Lilac hugged me, trying to pull me back to the bed.

“Lilac?” I asked.

Lilac shook her head. She held me closer. “Don’t go, Mommy.”

“Oh, sweetheart.” I lifted my daughter in for a hug. She buried her face in my neck. “It’s okay.”

“Can’t I go with you?” Lilac pleaded. “Please, I’ll be really good!”

“No, it’s not safe for little kids like you.” I explained. Lilac sniffled.

Damn, she was starting to cry. This whole thing had lost all meaning and fun. It would be better to spend the day with my daughter. Yep, that was fine. The Mane 6 and Spike could last another day in my world without...

How did I just convince myself to go faster?

“But I’m big! I can read some of the words!” Lilac pleaded. “Please- I wanna help!”

Oh my Author, she’s like a mini-me.

How could I be expected to say no to those big blue eyes, full of overflowing tears? How am I supposed to tear myself from her side when she’s like this? An image flashed in my eyes- of a child just over her age but with long black hair, looking at me with eager excited blues eyes, something about them desperate for an adventure.

I was never good at saying no to children.

Like anyone would have for a crying child, I caved. “Just...okay. Hear me out.” I pulled her in for a warm caring embrace. “I’ll go first, and make sure it’s safe. Once I get everypony back to Equestria...I...I show you around. Where I lived before you.”

“R-really?” Lilac asked.

“I promise. I’ll Pinkie Promise!” I told her.

Lilac’s eyes stopped generating new tears to break my heart. Instead she smiled, the expression brighter than any gemstone she had ever eaten. “Thanks Mommy!”


Now I have to make Earth safe enough for a dragon.

Why can’t I get the easy jobs?

...oh right, those are boring.

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