• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,131 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter 45: Darcy Anderson

Darcy Anderson

Okay. I did not think this thing thru. Right now, I was lying on the floor in a heap, my muscles were too tired to lift me up. Bruises were already starting to show, after two hours of this I'm not surprised.

They said they wanted to see the girl brave enough to face Dominic. When they saw I had some meat on my bones, I was lunchmeat. Imitating Morgan, I gave a weak fight. They nearly knocked out the contact lenses twice.

My plan was complex. It was for if Morgan failed (or should I say when) so that she could live on. I didn't get resurrected twice just to see her die.

I brought a hair straightener, hair curler, and yellow and purple lenses. While Morgue was KO’d I made the switch. The ponies next door didn't even know, they were out cold. Those three friends, they saw. They were being dragged away and they saw me switching Morgue’s shoes with my own.

Looking at Morgan’s necklace, I thought back to what she would think when she woke up. She would want to murder me, killer instinct or not.

She would call me a blonde, airhead, bitch, dumbass, slut, demon sent from hell, or my favorite; a ****.

Oh? What. You don't like my swearing? Fuck you.

“Well, isn't this a lovely sight.”

Dominic. He was missing during the beating, but I could tell he wanted to join in at one point. If I didn't know he would be doing this exact thing to my sister I would respect him.

“How does it feel to know, Morgan, that you failed?” Dominic asked me.

Ugh, I really hated it when people called me Morgan. It fucking ticked me off. We were identically twins, minus the eyes, it always happened. Not in Ponyville though, Ponyville I was a pegasus. A dark red pegasus with a silver mane, shining silver like a knife with coat like blood. My eyes were their dangerous purple with a cutiemark of a knife dripping blood in a smile. Killjoy. Hated the name, loved the meaning behind it.

Oh. Dominic asked me something.

“Shut, up.” I coughed. My nose was bleeding at one point from a direct punch to the face, so some got in my mouth. I loved the metallic taste, but Morgan hated it so I had to spit it out.

The man just laughed at me, enjoying the pain I was in.

“Well, I guess I should send you back to your cell. Or better yet, a cell where they can all see you but can’t help.” Dominic thought out loud.

“Go ta hell.” I sputtered, a drop of blood dripping the floor.

“I’ll meet you there.” Dominic quipped.

Two of the men that helped beat me to a pulp lifted me up, dragging me by my armpits to the dungeons.

It was a ten minute drag. We used the stairs.

Finally arriving, I was dragged on concrete until I finally heard the soft whimpering of ponies.

“Morgan!” An angry voice shouted.

Like a said, mad.

Hearing the clanking of metal, I was unceremoniously thrown into a cell straight across from Morgan.

“See you tonight Ms. Spencer.” One of the guards said before walking away. If I could speak clearly I would tell him he looks like Paul Blart’s fatter twin brother.

Tugging the end of my spy shirt, I tried wiping off some of the blood. It wasn't good.

“Give me a reason not to come over there and strangle you.” Morgan growled.

“Look, Morgue *spit* we both hated that time. It still doesn't change the fact that it would happen someday.” I said, barely caring what words I spat.

“Yeah. In, like, four hundred years Traveler time!”

“Four hundred years?” Twilight asked. “What are you talking about?”

“She didn't tell you?” I laughed. “First you leave out the Dark Morgan thing, now you leave out Jumper Age? What is wrong with you?”

“How did you know I left out DM?” Morgan asked, looking at me with her lensed purple eyes.

“One, because you just told me.” Morgan facepalmed. “B, I understand telling Chryssy, Discord, and Sombra. Telling Fluttershy? No way in hell.” I laughed, coughing up some blood in the process.

“What are you two going on about now?” Rarity asked.

Looking away from Morgan in the direction of Rarity’s voice, I smiled.

“When Morgan and I travel, it takes awhile to get the story going. So, we spend three years in CSI? Only an hour goes by at Home. It's always an hour, unless Morgue picks something up or some other shit like that. For us it's been, seven years since MLP Jumpimg started?” I asked Morgan.

“Four. I went into a Christmas Special in December. You've been dead for six.”

“What? How old are you?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Apparently, I’m 42 and proud!” I cheered, tearing off some suit and using it to wipe the blood. “Your turn Raspberry.”

My big sister glared at me. “Why are we even discussing this? We should be going on about how you switched with me!”

“She's a little shy about her age. She's-”

“Answer that question and I tell them about your crush!”

“You wouldn't!” I yelled.

“Try me!” Morgan argued.

“Darcy has a crush?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Insult aside,” I rolled my now amber eyes. “It's stupid. So I'll just tell you all later.”

“Before or after you die?!” Morgan asked me.

“Neither. I'm not dying.” Of course, the blood slowing building in my mouth decided then to come bubbling up. I coughed it out into the floor.

“Yeah you are, I call it Darcy’s Idiocy Syndrome.” Looking over at the ponies, I saw Twilight looking wide eyed at me. Pinkie and Applejack the same. I laughed at the memory they brought up. “What’s so funny? Your death isn't funny!”

“You know what this reminds me of Morgue?” I asked normally.

“Would you answer me?!”

“It reminds me of when we met Caddy and Shiny Hiney.” I choked, both from laughter and drowning in my blood.

Morgan’s angry face turned, she fell to the floor and began laughing into her hand. “Holy smurf, it does!” Morgan laughed.

“They thought we were gonna murder each other.” Carefully sitting up, I rested my hands like I was sunbathing.

“You looked like you were going to.” Morgan laughed. “You almost bucked Shining in the face!”

“You did what to my brother?! Twilight yelled.

“Nothing Twilight, just an old memory resurfacing.” Morgan explained. “Cadence never tried to put a love spell on us again.”

“You nearly bucked Shining Armor and murdered yer sister, all ‘cause a some lovey dovey spell?” Applejack questioned.

“Yeah. When was that?”

“During the Gala, before the whole Cake thing.” Morgan answered.

“Good times, good times.”

“Can somepony tell us what's going on?” Rainbow Dash asked, annoyed most likely.

Morgan was still chuckling, but she quickly coughed a few times to try and stop the laughs before looking over at Rainbow Dash. “It was during the Grand Galloping Gala. Darce and I wanted some air so we walked outside. We were there maybe five minutes before we started arguing.

“We walked into the garden, so as not to disturb the party. We kept going back and forth, but then, it got worse.” Morgan explained.

“I kept telling Morgue she was a freak, a prude, once I told her that I wished I was never born.” I added.

“I told Darce she was a slut with a lot of sexual diseases. That, and that I wished that she was never born also.” Morgan said. “It was at that point, Darcy tried punching my face with her hoof, Shining grabbed her and pulled her back. I tried to do the same. Cadence held me back. We kept going back and forth.”

“It wasn’t until Shining asked if Cadence performed her spell wrong that it clicked what happened.” A little more blood spilled from my mouth, I wiped it off.

“What?” All six girls asked.

“Cadence’s Love Spell.” Morgan answered. “She had cast it on us, and it took effect.”

“What?! But you two said you were ready to kill each other!” Twilight explained.

“Uh-huh. That’s how we knew it worked.” I explained, carefully crawling towards the bars. “Morgue and I have a sorta love-hate relationship.”

“A relationship you hate to love and love to hate. Always giving insults to each other, trying to murder the other, playing pranks on each other. Best of friends and worst of enemies.” Morgan explained happily.

“So, when Cadence cast the spell, we gave off our special brand of love.” I said, saying love in a deep voice.

“Could you be any more perverted?” Morgan laughed.

“Totally, I could’ve said we fu-”

“Okay! Stop talking now!” Morgan ordered.

“Whatever you say Grandma.” I taunted. Morgan gave more a mocking face, looking over to the ponies.

“You get it now?”

“No.” Rainbow Dash said. I heard the sounds of whispering, I guess Fluttershy was explaining it to her. “Oh. Okay. I guess that makes sense.”

“I know Rainbow, I don’t understand that 195-year-old either.” I snuck in. Giving my sister an evil glare.

“Darcy!” Morgan yelled.

“She’s how old?!” Twilight yelled.

“What is your secret Morgan?” Rarity asked from her cell.

“Why do I even bother with you anymore?” Morgan groaned, face-palming.

Rainbow and I began laughing at my sister’s age. 195 Years. Another 5 and she would be 200. Just hearing about it got her mad at me, music to my ears. Soon, Pinkie and Applejack joined in on the laughter. It was nice.

Our laughter was harshly cut off. The metal door into the area of our cells slammed against the metal walls. Dominic and four other guards came in, walking right up to my cell.

Dominic stared at me with his lime eyes, I think they should’ve been olive green. It would have this whole thing make sense. Evil people have dark eyes, just look at me. Good people have light eyes, just look at Morgue.

My cell was opened, two of the guards walked to me and lifted me up by my elbows.

“No! Dominic let her go!” Morgan yelled.

“Darcy, no.” I told her.

Dominic looked over at Morgan, thinking her to be Darcy. “I’ll let her go Darcy. I’ll let her go tonight, right when the light fades from her eyes.” He said evilly.

“You’re a bastard straight from hell!” Morgan screamed in his face.

I wanted to give Morgan an order to shut it, that I had things covered. Dominic did it for me.

By punching her right in the face.

“Darcy!” I yell, trying to break from the guards grasp to check on Morgan who had nearly fallen to the floor.

The guards moved me towards Dominic, then out of the room. The metal door was closed behind us and I saw a larger portion of the dungeons. I struggled in the grasps of the guards and tried to go back to see Morgan. Dominic quickly gripped my head in his hand.

He forced my head forward, to look right at his.

“Fuck you.” I told him.

“Good luck with that.” Dominic mocked. He threw my head out of his hand.

As they dragged me off for what would most likely be another session of beatings, I could feel it in my gut Dominic was gonna be dead by morning. Whether by my hand or Morgan’s.

Author's Note:

Yeah. I wrote another chapter. I really really hope that we're only four chapters away from the ending.
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