• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,130 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

  • ...

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Chapter Nine (Revised)

The Mane 6 ran out of the building, seeing Morgan falling out of the tree. Twilight’s hand began to glow brightly with magic, reaching out for Morgan. She caught the human just before her head could hit the concrete.

Her human friends got to her first. The glowing purple aura around Morgan confused them. Two squealed in fear.

Twilight lowered Morgan gently on the ground. Her friend was unconscious. Which didn’t make sense for Twilight, because to her knowledge Morgan hadn’t hit anything on the way down from the tree.

“Wha-” One of the humans gawked at Morgan.

“Twilight-” Applejack asked, rushing to Twilight’s side. She and the rest of Twilight’s friends pushed the stunned humans aside. “-is she okay?”

“I-” Twilight stared down at Morgan. “I don’t know.”

“What happened?!” One of the humans screamed.

“Oh god is she dead?!” Another screamed.

“She’s not dead!” Rainbow Dash told them, practically rolling her eyes. She paused. She turned to Twilight. “Right?”

“No!” Twilight argued.

Fluttershy was by Morgan’s side, checking for a pulse. Fluttershy let out a relieved sigh. “She has a pulse, and I see her breathing.” She reported. She smiled kindly at the Equestrians and humans gathered around. “She’s...just sleeping. From what I can see.”

Twilight let out a relieved breath. Though she wasn’t keeping it for long. Barely had she begun planning what to do next when Pinkie Pie somehow ended up speaking to the gathered humans.

“I saw you girls last night you were with Morgan. Do you know what happened to Morgan, it’s okay if you don’t but we would like to know because she just fell like that.” Pinkie rambled at them.

The taller human- Anna- took that rambling in stride. She walked up to Twilight. Fluttershy and Applejack set about moving Morgan to resting against the tree she’d fallen from.

“What happened to Morgan?” Anna asked Twilight.

“What did you do to our friend!” Caroline snapped at the Equestrians. She went up to the tree, pushing Applejack aside. She knelt by Morgan’s side to get a better look at her fallen friend.

“Nothing! We didn’t even see what happened!” Twilight admitted. “Whatever happened here, it’s clear that she did this to herself!”

Caroline huffed loudly. She had seen what happened- watched Morgan the entire fall down- saw Morgan’s seemingly lifeless form now. Morgan would never have scared them all this way.

She stormed over to Twilight. The unicorn-made-human startled at the rage she saw.

“You don’t get to talk about her like that!” Caroline scolded. “She’s our friend! I’ve only known you a day, and the entire time you’ve had it out for Morgan!”

“I don’t have it out for her!” Twilight excused. Even though it was a half-lie.

“Caroline. Calm down.” Anna tried to intervene.

“Anna she has a point.” Maddie stepped up to Anna’s side. “We’ve never heard about them before last night. And each time we’ve met them...Morgan seemed really on edge.”

“That’s not on us!” Twilight argued.

“Then it’s on Morgan? Come on Tracy.” Caroline scoffed.

The lie grated on the nerves of the Equestrians.

Applejack marched into Caroline’s space. She glared the human friend of Morgan down. “Don’t you go talkin’ to mah friend like that! Twilight is just tryin’ tah-”

“Twilight?” Anna pointed out.

Applejack blanched. “Ah-”

“Who’s Twilight?”

Twilight gulped. “Me.”

“I thought your name was Tracy.” Caroline commented. “Was else have you been lying about? What did you ask Morgue that scared her so much she fainted!”

Fluttershy eeped. This got Rainbow Dash angry. She stormed up to Caroline and began yelling in her face.

“Hey nopony scares Fluttershy! We came here to bring Morgan back home because Princess Luna told us she was some kind of spy! But we started yelling things at her, blaming her for us being here and betraying our trust!” Rainbow Dash ranted. “Twilight asked her what she meant about ‘her and her race’ and Morgan used some spell then fainted! Happy?”

Caroline only looked angrier. “You thought Morgue was a spy? Princess Luna?! What are you even talking about?!” Caroline yelled.

“Oh no.” Anna realized it before the others. The tone in her voice silenced the fighting.

“Anna, what is it?” Maddie asked, turning towards her friend.

“Morgan was telling the truth at lunch.” Anna realized, her tone flat.

“How? It made no sense.” Caroline countered.

“All the things they’re telling us are almost exactly what Morgue told us. She really can go into TV shows, Caroline. And we almost yelled at her for it.” Anna said. Caroline shook her head.

“If it was then she would’ve-“


Everyone- human and Equestrian alike- turned to the tree. Fluttershy was trying to soothe a screaming Morgan. Morgan was writhing on the tree limbs, moving as if she were being electrocuted.

“We don’t have time fer fightin’ Sugarcubes. We needs ta get Morgan outta here fore people start starin’.” Applejack explained as Morgan’s screams faded away. Fluttershy whispered assurances to the Reality Jumper, brushing hair from Morgan’s face.

Anna turned to Caroline. “Care, go call Morgue’s dad. We need to get her home.”

Caroline nodded and walked away. She pulled out her phone, quickly calling Morgan’s father.

Twilight figured this was her time to ask. “What did she tell you during lunch?”

Anna went over to help Rainbow Dash lift up Morgan. The Reality Jumper barely reacted to this, beyond flopping her head on Anna’s shoulder. “She didn’t tell you?” Anna asked us, shocked.

“Nope!” Pinkie replied. She pushed her hand into her hair, pulling out a cupcake. She kept nervously glancing to Morgan, concern clear on her features. She bit into the cupcake. “All we know is that we came to this world because of something in her house in our world! It made us go all-whoosh- and-whomp- before we went -BOOM- here! With theses!” She held out her hands, wiggling her fingers.

Caroline came back at that point. “Mt Spencer called an ambulance. He says to bring Morgan to the front- she looks so pale.”

It was true. As she was guided towards a door by Anna and Rainbow Dash, Morgan’s complexion shifted. Her skin seemed sickly white now, her body hanging like a limp string in their arms. It was clear this kind of dangling made it hard for Anna or Rainbow Dash to keep a good hold.

Applejack came up, lifting up Morgan’s legs. It actually took a lot of the pressure off the other two. Applejack was really strong.

“What did Morgan tell you?” Fluttershy asked, her face partially hidden under her hair. “At lunch, I mean.”

The sisters and Maddie exchanged quick looks. None of them wanted to reveal Morgan’s admissions. They had been so personal- something that clearly had taken a lot out of Morgan emotionally to admit.

But Caroline could see how sickly Morgan looked. If it helped figure out what was wrong with her, Caroline would tell any secret.

“She told us about her powers-” Caroline began.

“Caroline!” Maddie interrupted.

“They could know what’s wrong!” Caroline argued. “She told us she could move between realities. Like, ones from TV shows or movies. She told us that- that you called her a traitor and a freak. That’s it’s all you see her as.”

The Equestrians winced at the accusations. Rainbow Dash especially, as she realized how bad those words sounded. Given the context, it wasn’t too far a leap.

“None of us believed her. Nobody has superpowers- not like that anyway. But it’s just so random, or too specific.” Caroline rambled on.

The whole group was walking towards the front of the school. Soon, an ambulance would come for Morgan.

“She said we were no worse than her old bullies. She was right.” Caroline sighed- hating herself for her actions.

Anna and Maddie too. They all pushed for Morgan to open up. When she did? All the did was call her a liar.

“She had bullies?” Pinkie asked. She couldn’t imagine anypony bullying Raspberry. Mostly because Raspberry had been so strong! But looking back...something about Raspberry always seemed to be sad, just below how she was all the time.

“Morgan once broke her arm after she ‘accidentally’ fell down a flight of stairs.” Maddie recounted.

The Equestrians all gasped. Rainbow Dash lightened her hold on Morgan’s arm, as if suddenly afraid to re-break it.

“She said they yelled ‘bet you wish you could find a book to jump in now!’ and I never understood what it meant until now." Anna admitted to them.

“She said they called her a freak multiple times, always loud enough for her to hear it.” Caroline added on. “It broke her heart. Morgan explained that when she turned 11 she thought she would always be alone. That no one would want to be friends with a freak.”

She glared at the Equestrians. Many flinched. Well Fluttershy did because of shame, not cause of the glare, she’d have to come out from behind her hair to have seen the glare.

“After what happened at lunch my heart just broke.” Anna finished off the story. “I couldn’t believe that a girl I have known for two years had so much weight on her shoulders.”

Pinkie burst out crying. Like, really. Burst. Twin arches of tears came out from her eyes, pouring onto the ground. “Oh my gosh! Those meanies!” Pinkie cried.

“Nopony should have to go through that at such a young age.” Fluttershy admitted, wiping at her own eyes.

“Those brutes! How dare they treat such a young, scared, little girl like that!” Rarity gasped, scandalized.

“And we wanted to ask her to tell all of us that. Without any care to her! Morgan probably thought she lost all her friends ‘cause of us.” Applejack realized, looking forlornly at the still unconscious Morgan.

“How could kids her own age treat her like that!” Dash yelled.

“Now I feel even worse about yelling at her.” Spike

Twilight felt awful. After all Morgan had gone through in the past, on this Earth and in Equestria, they yelled at her for bringing them here. They were Raspberry’s friends.

But they were always so quick to turn on her- Twilight recalled.

Even though it was all an accident on Twilight’s part.

Morgan lost everything, because of those actions. They only wanted to take her back to Princess Celestia-

A thought clicked in Twilight’s head.

That same spell that Twilight had used to bring them here.

Could it have been used to send Morgan back?

“Oh no!” Twilight gasped in realization.

“What is it?” Rainbow Dash asked her.

“Morgan! She must’ve gone back to Equestria! The Princesses are waiting for us to bring her back, remember?!” Twilight told them. “She screamed earlier because of whatever the Princesses are doing to her.”

Now that got everyone up in a tizzy, just as the ambulance pulled up to the school.

None of them knew what was happening to Morgan, but the Equestrians knew one thing.

They sent her to her doom.

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