• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,130 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter 49: Morgana and Lilac

This chapter gets a little gore-y, tread at your own risk. And for all of you hating Dominic, he's about to get his just desserts.


Oh, a killer’s life is a wonderful life,

A-rovin' over the town,

Give me a career as a serial killer

It's the life of a murderer for me

Oh, the life of a murderer for me!

Oh, a killer’s life is a wonderful life,

They never bury your bones,

For when it's all over a jolly land killer

Drops in on his friend, Dominic Chamberlin

Oh, my good friend, Dominic Chamberlin!

This is amazing! I can't remember feeling this free in all my life. That's a lie, I felt like this fifty years ago. Why on earth did I ever want this to stop!

Just ahead of me, a guard stood on a corner. He was still, holding a gun in his hands. Amateur. A good guard wouldn't fight me.

I reached into my pocket to try and find my good knife. It was a pocket knife, with a dark pink casing. Sadly, it wasn't in there. Fuck. I liked that knife. Ah well, killers can't all be choosers.

Running into the hall to the guard, I managed to get him down with minimum noise.

“Now, I would love to paint this pretty white floor and wall with your blood, but I left my knife in storage. Consider yourself lucky.” I told him as I pushed down on his windpipe.

He suffocated quickly, not one drop of blood. It upset me. I checked his person for any weapons, I would like something painful looking to help with Dominic.

Just a .38, flashlight and Taser. Hmmm…gives me an idea. Plus, a new idea for an outfit.

Focusing on that new power I had, I looked to my right and saw a red and gold portal appear on the wall.

Well, tally-ho!

(Thirty minutes later)

The man I prepared for execution finally came into his office. Dominic was getting comfortable in his desk, the set sun giving him little light. All he had on was one of those lamps you see in libraries with the thin green overshadow with the beaded string. He seemed to be just enjoying the fact that Darcy was dead.

Darcy…dead...my sister. Lilac…MIA…my daughter. My friends…MIA…that bastard.

I slowly came out from my hiding spot, revealing myself in the light.

“Huh?” Dominic said before noticing me and smirking. I did too. “Darcy, come for a little revenge?” The man moved slightly to the left in his chair.

“Don't even try for the gun. I got rid of those bullets five minutes ago.” I instructed, still smirking.

Dominic checked it himself, getting the and finding the six bullets missing.

“I would also take another look at your attacker. Appearances can be deceiving.” I said, taking slow steps towards Dominic. I leaned over it and made sure he got a good look at my eyes.

His like green eyes looked over me, trying to make sense of who I was. I gave him a stuff glare and it slowly clicked.


A devilish smile grew on my face, I'm sure I resemble the Cheshire Cat. Why did I ever stop this?

“Nice to see you, Dominic. Could you please tell me where Darcy’s body is? I wanna give her some ‘special’ company.” I asked politely.

Without wasting another second, I pushed the button on the device in my pocket.

A screeching sound filled the air. Dominic's face paled considerably, his eyes reddened slightly and the blood veins could be seen on his head. His eyes widened as he realized he couldn't move.

“Ya like? I stole it from Stark Industries. They had a bunch of these hidden away in a warehouse. The earpiece was a little harder, but worth it.” Slowly, I revealed the earpiece I had placed in my ear but kept it in place.

Dominic struggled, trying to move against the paralysis. I laughed cruelly, doing my best evil laugh.

“Haha, I'm sure Darce tried to warn you about me. Or at least I warned my Ponyville friends. Ya see, Dom, before I met Darcy, I went into Thirty Days of Night and those were the best years of my life. No hiding behind the sun, no fear of death, just feeding and screaming and more screaming. Once I finished Barrow, I went to the next town, then the next, and then I went across Canada, then I reached Washington, and then Oregon, then the other forty-six states. Hawaii was sadly unreachable for obvious reasons.” I said, looking at my nails that I painted blood red.

Special recipe, blood mixed with a clear nail polish to create…Blood Polish. Patented pending. I could hear Dominic struggling.

“Darcy, she was a strange case. Her whole existence was made from my bloodlust. Her whole reason for existence was to keep me a little angel. She liked to make people wonder what could've happened, killing her prey before it could blink, like a Weeping Angel but she could move even when you looked at her.” Man, we would've made a good team.

Dominic struggled again. Rolling my eyes I pressed the button again and watched as his chest heaved up.

“It's ride to ignore someone when they're talking.” I growled. “As I was saying, I like to play with my prey. Make them beg for it, beg for me to do it quickly. Darce, she’ll only do that if you pissed her off. I wish she could be here and watch as I slowly make you bleed all over this nice clean floor. I hate clean floors.” Reaching into the same pocket from before, I pulled out my next little trick.

The paralyzed man continued to struggle, regardless of the effects the device had on him.


I revealed a pocket knife, my favorite pink one with a little sticker of three balloons on it. This reminded me of Cupcakes.

“This is like my baby, I call her Knifey, I have another one. She's somewhere in these halls. You took and threatened my daughter. Knifey is very protective of her. She can do a lot, but my favorite bit about her,”

In a flash, a moved the knife across the desk to connect with Dominic’s cheek and make a big gash.

The victim groaned.

“She makes really quick cuts. Now, wanna play a game?” He tried shaking his head. “It's called ‘How Many Cuts Can Knifey Make In The Hour You Can't Move’. I think a hundred. What about you?”

He groaned, and I cut his other cheek.

“That's two. Ninety-eight to go!”


This was so sad. The Clipboard Man had taken Spike such a long time ago. He didn’t even get a chance to use his fire because Clipboard stuck some needle in him and Spike fell to the floor, asleep from what I could tell from the rising of his chest before they took him away. Clipboard and some more men in coats.

They laughed at me. Saying that my mom had...gone......she was gone...and then Aunt Darcy would go......then.......then..........then I would.






I heard a sound come from the door. It sounded like it was opening again. I backed away from them, not wanting to go. They must be here to take me away...I don’t wanna die. I want my Mommy!

“Psst, anyone in here?” A voice asked.

Wait...I knew that voice!

“Ms. Caroline?” I asked.

“Lilac!” The voice yelled. I heard some shuffling and saw the caramel haired girl walked up to my cell. She was smiling at me with her green eyes. “Anna! Maddie! I found Lilac!”

Two other girls ran in. Ms. Anna and Ms. Maddie. They both looked the same as the last time I saw them, only they looked little more tired and kept having rushed breaths.

“Are you okay Ms. Anna and Ms. Maddie?” I asked them.

Ms. Maddie waved a hand. “Yeah, we’ve only been breaking out of our cells, avoiding guards and trying to call anyone on our earpieces. Nothing too special."

“You make it sound like we do this regularly.” Ms. Caroline said, getting the keys from the wall.

“We’re friends with Morgue, I’m pretty sure we are going to be doing this regularly.” Ms. Maddie joked.

“Look at Lilac, she looks like she’s been here for weeks.” Ms. Anna commented. She leaned down and looked at me with her deep blue eyes. “Have you heard anything on Morgue?”

With that, I sniffled again. “The man with the clipboard...he said......he said that....*sniffle* that Mommy was...she was....*sniffle* *sniffle* *sniffle*.” I choked out before I started crying.

“What?” Ms. Maddie said.

“No way. I know Morgue, she wouldn’t just let that happen to herself.” Ms. Caroline said.

“Caroline, Lilac said it herself.” Ms. Anna reasoned.

“We’ve been here almost two days. We know that Dominic does a lot of bad stuff, I’m willing to believe that his workers are mostly the same. They all probably told Lilac that to get her crying. Morgan is not dead. She’s stuck by us, even when she’s had all the other people she’s where she could’ve stayed forever, but she stuck with us. She could’ve lied to us when Twilight and the others showed up, but she didn’t.

“Morgue is our friend. She never gave up on us, and I’ll be darned if I let us give up on her.” Ms. Caroline said.

Ms. Maddie and Ms. Anna, both with tears in their eyes, nodded and turned to me as the cage opened.

“Come on,” Ms. Maddie said. “Let’s go get Morgue.”


“FIFTY. Wow, the blood’s finally coming out.” I cheered. “The nerve agent must slowly be failing.” I patted Dominic’s back, making a tear on his shirt. “Nice job.”

The man groaned, staring at me with hateful yet pleading eyes. Most of his face had thin cuts, his arms had some too. Altogether it was fifty. I’m surprised I was able to keep count. Most people pass out at thirty, but they also bleed. Dominic’s nerves and blood vessels were mostly stopped so the blood did to. It was slowly working again.

Knifey, my favorite little toy, even after all this time you never let me down.

“We’re half-way there Dominic, you’ve broken my record. The last person made it to thirty-eight. He might’ve died before then, but, meh, live and learn. Fifty-two.” With a quick flick of my wrist, I made a cut on Dominic’s back. He groaned loudly, he must be feeling it a lot more.

“You know, for a little while, I actually thought you were gonna win. That Darcy was gonna die in vain. Then, I came back, and while Morgue is a great name for me, that name has vanished with it’s owner. Me, I want you to call me by my much more preferred name. Morgana. Doesn’t that just sound crueler? Yeah, it means sea or great circle, but I think of it as a sea of blood and a circle of Morgan then Morgana. Fifty-three. Fifty-four.”

Two more cuts, both on his back as Dominic squirmed.

“Morgana Spencer, that doesn’t sound right. Morgana Anderson? No, that’s Darcy’s last name. Morgana...Stardust? That sounds fun, but still not right. Ah-ha! Morgana Nightshade! Sounds darker. Dominic, fifty-five, do you have any ideas?” I asked him.

“please...” Dominic groaned.

“Morgana Please? Ugh. Just for that I giving you three. Fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight.” With each new cut I made sure to count. “Now, try again and this time with feeling!”


“For every name I hate, I give you three cuts. Fifty-nine. SIXTY,” Every time I hit a ten I yelled it out. “Sixty-one. Time for the legs, there’s no more reachable room on your back.” I pulled out the chair, lifted his left leg up to the table and prepared for 62. “Name.”

“Midnight.” Dominic said, he was starting to get some color in his cheeks.

“Hmm, nah. Sixty-two. Sixty-three. Sixty-four.” Three cuts on his legs, the drops landed right on the white ground.


“Sixty-five. Sixty-six. Sixty-seven.” Their more cuts.


“Sixty-eight. Sixty-nine.” Hehehe. I’m childish sometimes. “SEVENTY.”


“Seventy-one. Seventy-two.” I lifted up his right leg. “Seventy-three.”


“Morgana Demon? Are you even thinking? Seventy-four. Seventy-five. Seventy-six.” I took a big breath. “Can you help me with this counting stuff? It’s getting harder to concentrate.”

Dominic only gasped, trying to deal with the pain as all others did.

He tried taking breaths, probably to get along with playing my sick game. “DeVil?”

“That dalmatian killing bitch? Nice try. Seventy-seven. Seventy-eight. Seventy-nine. You were supposed to help me count! EIGHTY!” I yelled. “No more room. Time for the chest!”

Dominic nearly screamed when I dropped his legs down onto the floor again.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I shot my head to the door. It didn’t sound like a guard knocking. I walked over to it and waited for someone to speak.

“Mr. President, we believe the Created escaped. So did the traitor’s friends and the other Created.”

I opened the door and saw a man dressed like a scientist. He was holding a clipboard, weird.

“Huh, I needed fresh meat. Dommy wasn’t playing nice.” I sized him up. “You’ll do.”

Grabbing the man’s shirt collar, I pulled him into the room and locked the door.

“Now, tell me, what do you think a good last name for me be? One, two, three.”


The four of us kept running thru the halls of this place. Ms. Caroline had some weird looking gun with green balls inside it and shot it at the guards, it made them all fall asleep. Ms. Anna did too but Ms. Maddie had a square block that shot electricity at the guards.

“Where did you find all of this stuff?” I asked them.

“The guys who took us had a bag of the stuff, we didn’t really want the actual guns so we took these instead.” Ms. Maddie had explained.

Our small group kept turning with Ms. Anna as our leader. She said that they would first have to go to Dominic’s office because that’s the only way she knew of how to get to the dungeons.

Sirens started going off, the bright lights suddenly started blinking red. More guards came and Ms. Caroline said she was almost out of something called ‘ammo’ which I guessed were those green balls. Ms. Anna said the same.

It took a while, but I thought I finally heard something. One of the things that stayed with me when I came here was Dragon Fire and Enhanced Hearing.

“Stop.” I told them. “I hear something.”

“Ninety-three. Ninety-four. Sixteen. Seventeen. Ninety-five. Eighteen.”

“What is it Lilac?” Ms. Maddie asked me.

“Somepony is counting, but it’s weird because they keep going back to 16 and 18 and they go back to the 90s.” I told them.

“Which way is it?” Ms. Caroline asked.

I pointed down a left hallway.

“We’re almost there Dommy. Ninety-six. Ninety-seven. Nineteen. TWENTY. Ninety-eight. Twenty-one.” The voice said again.

Carefully, I walked ahead of Ms. Anna to guide them. I was the one with better hearing so it would make sense if I did.

“Now, come on Trev, don’t you go out on me like this. We haven’t even reached the thirties yet! Twenty-two. Twenty-three. Ninety-nine. Twenty-four. Damn it, no pulse. Dom we lost Trev. Ain’t it just a crying shame? Name”

“Please, just stop this.”

“I’ll let that slide since we just lost Trev.”

“Smith. Smith.”

“Smith? I actually like that one. In the right context it could stop someone’s heart...speaking of hearts.”

Wait...I knew that voice. But...?

I saw a door up ahead, I ran up to it despite the protests of Ms. Anna and Ms. Maddie and Ms. Caroline. It was locked but a quick use of my Dragon Fire fixed that. I pushed the door open...




What I saw was too terrible for words. I saw a man that looked like Clipboard Man but he was covered in blood on his arms and face. On the other side of the room I saw two people, one was Dominic but it was hard to tell.

He was covered in more blood than Clipboard, his face was so red you’d think he was born like that. Standing behind him, was...Mom. Her outfit was different, it looked like a ninja suit, but red. Her hair was held up in pigtails and the lollipop necklace hung around her neck.

She held a knife in her hand but slowly let it go. It was pushed right into Dominic’s chest. Dominic and I screamed when I opened the door, mine was longer and his was very short. Mom looked over at me and I saw her eyes...they were orange.

“Lilac? What...are...you” The slowly shifted, fading back to amber as she stared at me. Mom looked back to Dominic and gasped, looking back at me she held a hand up to her face. “I...feel...tired..”

With that, Mom fell to the floor.

“Mommy!” I yelled, running up to her. I wasn’t totally sure what just happened, but I know my mom would need me.

I wasn’t gonna let her go.

Author's Note:

So...I warned you.
That's the 49th Chapter. One more left and we will have hit 50!
Thank you to the people who liked, favorited and commented on this story. You guys really helped encouraging me! Give yourself hoof-bumps!
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