• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,099 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Lilac Stardust (Revised)

My mom screamed. I wanted her back- I wanted my mom back. The bully held tighter to my arm. It hurt- It hurt so bad. I couldn’t stand it any more. Hearing my mom scream, I jumped up and bit him.

The bully screamed too. He lashed out, his claw smacking my face. It sent me to the ground. No, not the ground, to the stairs then I rolled down to the ground.

That’s when I started crying. My arms and legs hurt, they were aching so bad. It’s not like the times my friends did dangerous stunts for our cutie marks. This is different. This was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon knocking us around.

I wanted my friends. More than that, I wanted my mom.

Somepony swept me up in their arms. They held me so close and tight, I couldn’t see who it was. Another human. Another thing like my- my mom.

It got cold again. This place is so much colder outside than Ponyville. I missed Ponyville, and never wanted to leave it again. I hate that it’s cold. Dragons shouldn’t ever be cold.

The thing holding me put me down on grass. I sniffled, waving my arms at them.

“Whoa! Whoa, hey! It’s okay!” Fluttershy said. Her arms weren’t as soft as her hooves, but her hair was just as pink. My bottom lip wobbled. “It’s okay, sweetie. You’re okay now.”

I welcomed her hug. Fluttershy brushed her hand through my head scales. No, it’s hair. Hair, that’s what I have now.

“Mommy!” I cried. “I want Mommy!”

“She’s coming.” Fluttershy promised. “Any second.”

Somepony else spoke then. “She’s not out yet. They’re supposed to be out by now.”


“Why aren’t they out-”

“What’s going on!?” A loud, angry mare screamed.

I curled tighter to Fluttershy. Loud and angry, just like the bully. Fluttershy can keep me safe from the bullies. Mommy did the best job and I wanted Mommy, but Fluttershy was a good second pick.

“Mr Spencer, please-”

“Anna. Was anybody else inside?” He snapped. He sounded like Mom when my friends and I got hurt, and she needed to find out how and why.

“Morgan, and the other girls.” The other voice immediately answered.

“Morgan?! She’s supposed to be- stay out here! I mean it-”

“No, sir, you can’t go-”

“My daughter is in there and there’s gunshots! I’m going inside.” He scolded.

I curled to Fluttershy again, sobbing. I was wrong. He’s nothing like Mommy. Mommy never yelled at us like that. She’s never scary when she yells. I wanted my mommy.


“Caroline! What’s-”

“MORGAN!” The man shouted.

More humans came around. Fluttershy lifted me up, turning me away from them. I tried drying my eyes, trying to find my mom. I needed to find my mom.

The ponies- all of them. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie- everypony! They were here! They were human, but that’s definitely them! They were running out of the building. Only one human in the group looked familiar.

“Call 911!”

“Somebody- call 911!”

“I’m doing it!”

“Me too!”

The ponies tried to keep the people away from them. One human had my focus, the black haired one with rainbow bandaids.

“Mommy!” I pushed at Fluttershy. It’s very rude and mean- I’m not a bully- I can say sorry later! Right now I need Mommy.

“Lilac, wait-” Fluttershy tried to catch me again.

The ponies were busy. They were surrounded by humans, so they didn’t notice me.


Her head turned. She spotted me, eyes going big and wide. Even in the crowd of ponies and people, she saw me. Mommy always found me. “Girls-”

People tried getting in my way again. I just dodged them, reaching her with practiced ease.

Mom hugged me with one arm. Her other arm stayed wrapped around Applejack.

No, that’s not Applejack. This person had yellow hair, but blue eyes. She was holding my mom. “Hey, HEY! Let her go.”

“Don’t talk to her.” Mom warned. She talked like that to the bully too. Her voice went soft again, comforting and sweet and nice. “Hey there.”

“I’m sorry- I’m sorry- I’m sorry-” This all happened because of me. Cause I let Mommy leave the house, even though she was hurt. I should’ve done better with the bandaids.

She’d never gotten hurt before. Never like this, and she only got hurt ‘cause she was trying to save the ponies. Ponies that were in trouble cause I let them in the house.

“It’s okay. I’m okay.”

“Morgan, let her go!” The blonde human tried to shove me away.

Mom held me tighter. She moved me so I was hugging her side, from the reach of the mean lady. “Give her space-gah!”

I screamed. The human did too.




They took her in a white truck. I refused to leave her side- begged and cried for my mommy back. Mommy sat up, grabbed a ‘nurse’, and growled in a low voice “she stays with me”

The lady bully argued. The nurse argued they needed to leave now, with or without the bully. She broke down in tears. They left without her.

I stayed with my mommy. This time- this time I stayed with Mommy.

I cried. Mommy kept closing her eyes, mumbling at me. Sometimes she stopped talking to sleep, before suddenly jumping wide awake. It scares me everytime. Mommy kept promising to stay. The word poured out of her on repeat. ‘Stay, Lilac…Lilac…stay’

That’s what I did. Mommy needed me to stay.

We got to the hospital after so long. The nurses and doctors took her inside, carrying her around on the bed. She held my hand until they took her.

A nurse stayed with me, holding my hand. I squeezed back. A hand just like mine- but bigger-squeezed back. It’s not my mommy’s hand. The nurse hugged me when I fell, crying again.


The nurse stayed with me until my mommy was done. More humans came. The same two from before were let into the room with me. I cowered in a chair, not wanting them to snap at me.

The lady started to walk, stopping by the other one. “Sarah, we can’t.”

“Nate, her parents will be looking.” The lady said. “She can’t be here.”

“Those girls are obviously related.” The other countered. “Tracy or- Ruby. They were shouting loudest for her. We get them down here, and settle this easily.”

“I’m not letting them in my daughter’s room! Her parents are at the school, distraught.”

“Sarah, they are downstairs! The Bellinghams brought them. Just let me-”

They argued about it until the doctors brought mommy back. I leapt out of my chair, reaching for her hand. I hesitated, before remembering I had no claws.

The doctors explained her cuts and bruises. They sewed her together. Her arms got new bandages- Mommy taught me that word this morning. She would be okay, but needed to take it extremely easy. She needed to sleep.

Her eyes flickered open twice. Her arm slowly moved towards me.

I squeezed so very tight. She could barely squeeze back.

One of them talked to me. I ignored them, leaning my head up to lie down beside her.

“Mommy…Mommy you said stay.” I reminded her. “You said you’d stay! So stay!”

She mumbled so quietly.

“Mommy, stay.” I begged. “Please!”

“Hey, little girl? What’s your name? It’s me, Missus Sarah Spencer. Who’s your mommy? I can help her stay.”

I shook my head, curling closer to mom. “This is my mommy! She’s staying with me!”

“She- she’s your mother?”

Mommy groaned. Her hand pulled at my hand, climbing up to my arm. She tugged me closer, already easing back to sleep.

“Mommy says we stay.” I argued, being even more rude. I’d say sorry later. “So help mommy stay. You said you would. I want my mommy to stay here with me.”

This time, I’d mean it. I’d be good. Mommy raised a good dragon, not a bad dragon like the fairytales. If I was a bad dragon, she’d send me away. I loved Mommy so much.

“Who on earth are you?”

“I am Lilac Stardust!” I snapped, hissing so hard my tongue flicked out. “And I’m staying with my mommy like she promised!”

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