• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,130 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter 46: Mixed


I didn’t know where I was. Just that it was cold, damp, dark and Mom wasn’t there. Sitting here for an hour was scary, all alone with chains on my stomach and neck. It was loose enough so I could breath, but not enough for regular fire or Teleporting Fire.

I had been here for Celestia knows how long, I was tired and feeling sad. To distract myself from all of this I began looking down at the dress I was wearing. It was kinda weird, but it also felt right. I guess it was just how things are.

“H-huh?” A voice said from across the dark room.

Shooting my head up, I looked around the dark room.

“He-he-hello?” I called out. “Is-Is s-somepony t-t-there?”

“Lilac? Is that- gah!”

“Spike? How did you- gah!”

We both had tried crawling over to get a good view at the other, but it pulled on the collars and choked us. The metal rattled against the floor as was both sat backs against the wall.

“Spike? What happened?” I asked him, placing my hands in the collar to try and pull it away from my neck enough to breathe.

“ugh...” Was the answer I got. I heard some clanking of metal, so I guess he was trying to take off the chains. “I-I-I can’t seem to remember. What’s the last thing you remember?”

I remembered sitting on funny look fabric. I remembered holding something in my hand. I remembered Fluttershy-

“Fluttershy!” I yelled.

“Oh dang it!” Spike said. We both tried to yank off our chains again, neither of us did it.

I heard a loudish bang of metal hitting wall. It was too loud for it to be either of us. Slowly lifting up my head, I looked out towards where I heard the crash. There was a small light which helped me find it.

Two men walked in, both wearing black clothes with a white jacket and big glasses. One held a strange thing that looked like one of the guns but more square, the other had a clipboard.

The one with the gun-thingy aimed it towards me, it shined a light in my direction. It was a little bright, but I got used to it after a second.

“State your full name please.” The man holding the clipboard said.

“uh...Lilac Melody Stardust. Where am I?” I asked. The Clipboard Man scribbled on his clipboard.

“State your species.” The man said.

“She asked you a question!” Spike yelled.

“Just cooperate and everything will run smoothly.” The gun holding man said. His gun was making beeping sounds, I was getting scared about what it did.

“Dragon. I’m a dragon.” I said, looking at the gun aimed at me. “What is that?”

“Just and Energyometer. Nothing dangerous kid.” The Gun-Man said.

“Where’s my mom?” I asked, remembering that was the whole reason I was with Fluttershy.

“What does it say?” The Clipboard Man asked after writing some more.

“It says she’s a Created. A powerful one at that, she has a charge of 602.” Why did I m,

What? 602? Are you sure?” Clipboard Man asked.

“I double checked. 602.”

“And the boy?” Clipboard Man asked, his eyes behind the glasses wide.

“Let me check.” Gun-Man turned around, taking the light away and shining it on Spike.

He looked a little dirty, his jacket and pants had some tears. He had the same collar and chain around his stomach. He was gripping onto the second chain.


“My name is Spike! Let me out of here!” Spike yelled. I could hear Clipboard Man scribbling.


“Fire-breathing dragon!” Spike growled. It was a little scary, but the funny gun scared me more. The square gun was making more beeping sounds, when it stopped the man laughed.

“Nothing too special, just a 348. Most dragons come in at 435.”

“That’s a relief. The kid probably can’t even hurt a fly.” Clipboard mocked.

“Hey!” Spike yelled.

“It also says he’s a Character. We’ll need to schedule a Return for him and his little buddies.” Gun-Man explained, ignoring us.

“And the girl? The one with those creepy purple eyes?”

“Twilight!” Spike yelled.

“Aunt Darcy!”

Wow, they both had purple eyes. This would get confusing.

“She peaked at 902. That Spencer chick is not even close to that, 624. How is that even possible?” Gun-Man asked.

“902? How the hell is that possible? The highest level created was, well, this one.” Clipboard asked. Gun-man shrugged.

“Whatever Spencer did to that girl, she did it right.”

Spencer? That’s... Mom’s other name!

“Hey! Where’s my mom! Is she okay?”

The Gun-Man turned to me. “Depends on who your mother is.”

“Raspber-Morgan Spencer.” I corrected.

The two men instantly began laughing.

“Oh, hehe, kid. I’ve got some news for you-”

“I’ll handle her from here Trevor, you just go put those numbers into the database. We need this all to be dealt with by tomorrow.”

Oh no.

“No problem Mr. Chamberlin. Have a good day.” Gun-Man said, patting the Mean Man that shot Mom on the back. Gun-Man silently walked out, taking Chipboard Man with him.

A light suddenly turn on, it was the Mean Man’s lantern.

“So, Ms. Stardust, have you had a pleasant stay?” He asked me, lifting the lantern up so that I knew he could see my face.

“Where’s my mom?” I asked him.

The Mean Man only smiled, almost overjoyed that I was so scared. “She’s, well, I would say safe but that would be a lie.”

I blinked, that didn’t sound happy. Was Mom okay?

“Where is she? Where’s my mom? What happened? What did you do to her?!”

I haven’t done anything, yet.” He smiled a creepy smile, one I had seen on Aunt Darcy a couple times.

He started walking away, taking the light with him.

“Oh! I almost forgot, I think you would like to have something. A sign of good faith before sunset.” The Mean Man said, placing the lantern on the ground and picking something from his pocket.

It was thrown into my cell, far enough away so my feet could reach it. He walked away, closing the door and taking the light when he did.

Stretching my legs are far as they could go, I picked up the small rag. It was squishy, and made me toes feel funny.

“What is it?” Spike asked.

“It’s a sticky rag.” I told him. Carefully grabbing onto it with my fingers, I noticed something. The rag, it smelled odd. A little metally, or...

Oh Celestia. I remembered where I smelt this before. Aunt Killjoy would take me on camping trips in the Whitetail Wood, she would get some animal and... well, it was a nightmare of a trip.

It smelled just like this rag.

“Lilac? Lilac? What? Is something wrong?” Spike asked worriedly.

“Mom. He-he...”

“What? Lilac are you okay?” Spike asked again.

“He hurt Mom.” I told him sadly.


“This rag, it’s all bloody.” I told him. Spike gasped.

“What? How can you tell?”

“It’s smells funny, like blood.” I explained.



Holding the rag,it felt soaked. It dripped some drops onto the floor and me. I quickly threw it away, realizing again that it was Mom’s blood.

This was all too much. First, I lose Mom, then I get her back, then I get her back only to lose her again! Why does this happening?! And with that much blood on the rag...Mom might not be okay anymore.

The sadness got to me, I slowly started crying.

“Lilac? Are you okay?” Spike asked, sounding a little out of breath.

“Well it’s all about the adults

doing actions not heartfelt

And they’re making so much noise

I didn’t really want to shout.”


Sitting on the cot, I was huddled into a little ball. My knees were held close to my face, blocking the tears from the others. I had just seen Darcy dragged away, kicking and screaming, while I recovered from a blow to the face. It kind of hurt, but not too much. The others freaked out, trying to scream for them to bring Morgan back.

Fluttershy walked over to the edge of her cell to try and reach over to me, Applejack tried to take her place but I escaped into my cot and just sat.

It had been around thirty minutes, it was now near silent and I could almost feel the dungeon turning us gray and lifeless.

A small chill rose in my spine, a tingle filled my lungs. I had felt this before.

“My presence felt like an intrusion

causing way too much confusion

Now I’ve been sent into seclusion

I’ve been banished and cast out.”


“I’m not trying to cast the blame

but I feel it just the same

That we could be,

yes, we should be in the game.

“My spirit’s feeling daunted

I’m not feeling all the wanted

Though I’m acting nonchalant

It’s clear:

I’m starting to doubt myself.

“Don’t wanna sound to stoic

I’m not feeling that heroic

No matter what I do I blow it

and I’m only trying to help.

“Only trying to help

Only trying to help

“Only trying to help (I’m only trying to help)

“Only trying to help (I’m only trying to help out)

“Only trying to help (I’m only trying to help now)

Only trying to help (I’m only...)

“Only trying to help (...trying to help, Mom).”


Gripping onto the metal collar, I thought about what the Mean Man said when he came in. He was acting so mean and scary. The rag was still lying off in the corner, covered in blood. Please, Celestia, let Mom be okay.


The mares stayed quiet as the music faded, it lifted my spirits a little bit. I thought of singing another one. To try and lift them a little more, Happy Morgan was Smart Morgan.

“How could we have lost when I thought we would win?

Could I have been blinded by little hidden sin?

Did my visions of happiness not work like they should?

I’m wracking my brain here I really thought we were good.

“I know Twilight had a list

And I know she checked it twice


“But could she check it again

‘Cause it seems to me we were all pretty nice!

“Where did we go wrong?

Please tell me

Where did we go wrong?

Where did we go-

Won’t somebody tell me?

Where did we go wrong?”

The Mane 6 were silent still. Barely a squeak to be heard. My song did make me feel a little better, enough for me to come out of the ball and wipe the tears away.

I saw an slightly outstretched hand from the corner off my cell, I calmly walked up to it and gripped it tightly.

“It’s all gonna be oki-doki-loki Morgan, just you wait.” Pinkie cheered. I guess I was holding her hand.

“Yeah. Pinkie, could you do something for me?” I asked quietly, still feeling down from all the sour news from today. At sunset, Darcy would die. By morning, everyone in this building might join her.

“What is it? You need another cupcake?” Pinkie asked, still holding my hand.

“Hehe, no. I- I need you to sing.” I asked.


“Sing. The Smile song to be more specific, you know My name is Pinkie Pie, and I am here to say.... I know this sounds weird, but that song just makes me feel better.” I squeezed Pinkie’s hand a little tighter, not sure why. Maybe it was just to make sure Pinkie was actually there.

“No problemo amigo!” Pinkie cheered. *ahem* “My name is Pinkie Pie!”

“Hello.” I laughed.

“And I am here to say!”

“How ya doin’?”

“I’m gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day!”


Being pushed into another cold empty room, I groaned as my muscles finally relaxed from being held up by my arms. It was getting on my nerves, being treated like trash.

“I just spoke with another friend of yours.”

“Huh?” I mumbled, wiping some blood off my chin.

Dominic walked closed to me, letting me see him in the light.

“I spoke with that dragon friend of yours.”

“If you laid one finger on her...”

“What will you do Morgan? Send you sister after me?” Dominic taunted. “All I did was give her a peace offering.”

“A bullet in her brains?” I asked, a little scared he would say ‘something like that’.

The man chuckled, a deep throated kind too. “Such a dark mind Morgan, I wonder you you survived this long.” He took a few more steps. “I gave her a sign that you were alive.”

Now, for most people this would be a good thing. It might give you a drop of hope to know your family wasn’t worrying over you, yet. That maybe your family was freaking out a little less.

I, being a dark minded killer, saw that as I bad thing.

“What was it?” I asked, with an undertone of ‘say the right thing or die’/

He placed a hand on my shoulder, it slightly getting my fake curly hair.

“Just a rag soaked in your blood. Nothing she probably hasn’t seen before.” Dominic said nonchalantly.

Why haven’t I killed him yet?!

I tried standing up to throttle the bastard, but fell onto the floor. Dominic stood up and began laughing.

“Such a temper, no wonder your friends abandoned you.”

That was a lie. My only friend was Morgan. Her friends were taken away by Dominic, to another section of this place I think. There was no way he would send them home after what they took part in.

I heard the sound of the door being opened, Dominic’s shoes hitting the freezing linoleum floor.

“Just so you know Ms. Spencer, you have six hours to live. Your sister and daughter have seven.” Dominic laughed as I tried to grab him again.

The door locked when it closed and I was left alone, again.

“My name is Darcy Anderson you bastard.” I said, him calling me Morgan finally getting to me. “And you, have six hours and two minutes to live. Use them well.”

I really hope Morgan has a plan.

Author's Note:

Two of the songs are from Phineas and Ferb, you should be able to tell which. Only trying to help and Where Did We Go Wrong. They seemed like they would fit.
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