• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,130 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter Fifteen (Revised)

About the Author:

Delilah Patterson is the leading expert of Reality Walkers in modern times. She has written dozens of academic papers on this topic which were compiled for this book. She also did work for scientific research in the human world. Her work has done good in this world and others.

Forward by Delilah:

If you’ve been given this book, then your parents thought the talk would be really awkward. It’s not at all. Growing up there were a lot of questions about my abilities that I was told not to ask. It wasn’t polite for proper company. So I wrote a lot of stuff to share with my community, that’ll make them happy.


I read it.

All of it. The entire thing. Reading always came easy to me. Sure, the occasional fit about reading popped up in early years. Who among us hasn’t thrown a book in frustration? My class did it multiple times, I needed to look human- to feel human- so I joined in.

Finding out books were another way to Reality Jump shifted my perspective. Forget being normative, this shit was fun. Finally getting faces to names- to hearing names pronounced correctly- to seeing their side of it all. Just thinking about my first go...being part of a book where I could help another superhuman escape the government trying to experiment on her...being trapped in a lab for a year-

Okay that place traumatized me a bit.

The second jump was way easier. Everyone in that world turned into an animal during a monthly enchanted fog. That year was so fun, I got to be a wolf.

Books. Book reading for knowledge...slightly less fun.

This book- if I’m reading it right- talked about me. My powers. My abilities. Explaining all of it to the next person to turn the cover. A whole published book, written for a community.

This can’t be real. If my experience taught me anything, there’s always a company or government willing to put in leg work for a prize. Any of them can create a fake published book to get on my good side.

But the idea...the idea of having people...that warmed my cold hardened heart.

Somebody walked into my room as I neared the end of the book. A quick glance showed a man in regular clothes not scrubs. Something suspect...I’ll stay vigilant.

The man took a nearby seat. The hospital room was so big that a few extra chairs didn’t go amiss. Still more than a little humiliated that my parents put up such a big fuss to bring me to a hospital and get me a room.

The man settled into the chair. He watched me, making no effort to hide it. As he sat in silence, it clearly irked him. He reached for the chart at the end of the hospital bed.

“That’s for my doctor.” I stated, turning the page. “And nurses. They have my express permission.”

The man stared at me for a moment. Assessing me? Judging me? Before I could guess, he smiled with a delighted snort. “Well they don’t exactly provide other reading material.”

“It’s almost like the waiting room is outside, down the hall on your first left.” I replied. The man gave me a curious stare. Glancing up from my book I added “I’ve been here before.”

“Enough to memorize the layout?” The man asked, impressed. “Not bad.”

When he says it like that, I’m not sure if it comes across as paranoid or nefarious. My mother’s habits kicked in- ladies always gotta be polite when complimented. “Thank you.”

The man just smiled, showing no signs of even wanting to move.

I went back to reading. There were only a handful of pages left.

“Quite a book you got there.” Apparently he wanted a conversation to hide his boredom. Or maybe to further assess me. “Must be a good read. What is it?”

What’s your game, sir?

Why all the questions- why come in my room at all?

There’s something wrong here. Who are you- who do you work with?

Dozens of questions flashed through my head. Paranoia paid off when you were in danger.

“Sci-fi.” I answered. “Garden variety, nothing too weird.”

The man hummed, idly nodding. “Okay...but what kind of sci-fi? Cyberpunk, steam? Fantasy? Horror? Apocalyptic?”

“Fantasy.” I answered. With all this book said, anyone would compare it to Alice in Wonderland. This Delilah Patterson could spin a yarn. “I’m trying to read in peace.”

“Good point...anyone else would’ve accepted it.” The man replied. “Only...You finished that book before I sat down. You’re faking so I leave.”

Caught, I lowered the book. While it’s true I finished, the About-the-Author page had my attention.

“Thatta girl.” The man praised me as I lowered the book in my lap. “So. What do you think of the book?”

“It’s fine.” I replied. My fingers tightened to the covers, a page wrinkling under my thumb.

The man nodded. “What about its subject? Anything interesting you?”

I narrowed my eyes on him. The more her went on, the more I suspected he slipped the book to me. When could he have done so? My friends were there the whole time, they would’ve noticed anything. Then again, they said I was here overnight. As normal humans and magical ponies, they needed sleep. He had to have slipped in during the night so I would have the book now.

Why go to all this effort? They already have me effectively cornered. A few lies to my family would be enough to have me shipped off forever, never seen again. Why try building a report with me?

What do you need that I have?

“It’s outlandish.” I answered.

The man laughed. “That it is! Very outlandish...otherworldly. Tell me: any big make you laugh? Sometimes, that author got a bit too uppity in the descriptions. I busted a gut more than once.”

“Yeah.” While I agree some parts were worded weirdly, that didn’t matter to me. Seeing the writing at all mattered. Delilah Patterson’s words mattered to me more because she was like me. There’s proof she existed in Equestria. How can I disregard her words for being too stuffy?

“Anything confuse you?” The man asked. “It confused me the first few reads.”

The paper crinkled again. “The idea is cool...like what an awesome superpower. Saw it in a cartoon once. The Author never explained if the...the Traveler creates the world, or if their...‘essence’ found a universe with an empty slot for them.”

The man nodded. “Good question...honestly we’re still debating that one. For some, they’re very clearly the second option. They don’t have enough power to create a whole world for them. Others...a rare few...can do the first. Actually testing it is where the problem lies.”

“Excuse me, sir, you’re talking about this like it’s real. This- whatever it is- is too weird to be real.” I explained to him.

He leaned forward in his chair. Lime green eyes stared at me, locking eyes with me. “Is it?”

He wouldn’t make me crack. This lie fell easily out of my mouth my entire life. “It’s not real.”

The man reached into his coat, pulling out a phone. He opened it to pull up pictures. “They look plenty real to me.”

Mugshots of Rainbow Dash and Applejack were shown first. He scrolled through other pictures, showing off close-ups of the rest of the Mane 6 and Spike hanging around my hospital room and one promotional shot from the show.

The paper crinkled again. Louder, and with more force.

“So who are they?” The man asked.

I swallowed, glaring back at him.

“We’re usually so good at staying quiet. When someone kicks up a fuss...we notice.” The man explained. His expression hardened. Gone was any sort of cheer. This man was a threat. “So explain to me what happened, Ms. Spencer.”

I kept silent.

The man glared still. “We can’t help you until you talk.”

I want to help my friends...it was my fault they were stuck on Earth in the first place. But I could do it alone. If that’s what ended up happening, so be it.

He tucked his phone back into his jacket. He grabbed his wallet, pulling out a driver’s license.

‘Dominic Chamberlin’, it read. The number looked accurate enough. The right markings were there, and the picture looked real too. It wasn’t too recent either. Then again, I’d made convincing fakes of my own.

The name rang a bell with me.

“Dominic?” I asked. The man nodded. Dominic- Delilah mentioned that name a few times in her diary. He knew her. All his remarks about her earlier took on new meaning. “It’s convincing.”

His face hardened more. “Enough games. We don’t have the time for it. The sooner you talk, the sooner we can fix this mess.”

“It’s my mess. I can clean it alone.”

“Oh can you? Can you really?” Dominic countered. “Or do we need to take this conversation somewhere more private?”

The paper tore.

“...it’s nothing more than an accident.” I explained. “Just- Twilight was trying a spell, it backfired and brought them here. That’s all. I can fix it.”

Dominic still glared. “You have twenty-four hours. Any longer, we take over. Got it?”

I nodded.

“And keep it quiet.” Dominic scolded. He stood up, buttoning the jacket shut. “I mean it. I hear one more word about this, and you’re done. Understood?”

“Of course, sir.” I replied.

Without another word, he left the hospital room.

I looked down at the book. The About-Author page had a small tear in the corner. Delilah’s picture smiled up at me.


A real actual nurse came in twenty minutes later. My parents trailed behind. With everything that happened this week, arguing with them was the last thing I needed.

My parents insisted that something was wrong, that I needed to stay another night. The doctors disagreed. After a night of observation, they couldn’t find what was wrong. Apparently they wrote it off as anxiety. Of course, my parents didn’t like that option. That meant I was insane. Their daughter couldn’t be insane, imagine the scandal.


Wasting precious time needed to get the Mane 6 and Spike back home. I knew Mom and Dad were going to lose this fight. Sure they could maybe get the doctors to change the diagnosis but they wouldn’t get me to stay another night. Even if they did, I would just run away.

I wasn’t arguing. Far from it, I stayed silent in the bed just watching. The nurse tried including me for my opinion, Mom talked over it.

Why would I need to be listened to concerning my own mental state?

Seriously she made the right call.


I knocked on Bellingham’s front door.

My parents left me in my room at home. Even though I asked to be brought to school to get my stuff, they brought me straight home.

That’s fine.

I knew where Mom left her car keys.

Caroline opened the door. I never suspected her parents would, as they were out at work today. “Morgan. What’s going on-”

Pushing past her, I walked towards their living room. Caroline followed behind me.

“Pay attention, ladies!” I called out. “We’ve got a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it!”

Tossing my Bag on the table, I knelt down to pull things from it. The Equestrians came around, along with Anna and Caroline. They watched me in concern. Well most of them did. Twilight was glaring.

That was fine.

I never needed approval to get shit done.

“Rainbow and Applejack will be in detainment.” I explained, pulling out a legal notepad. The book came out with it, as the torn page needed taping. “Considering what happened when they were arrested I can easily get the cops to let them off with a warning, if they haven’t already.”

Flipping through the legal pad, I tilted it so they could see my notes. Twilight and Spike came closest to get the best look. Pinkie skipped around the coffee table. Rarity glanced nervously to her human hosts. Fluttershy stayed nervously behind them all.

“Now Mom pushed for disturbing the peace. Given that this wasn’t actually during the night or in public, the charge is only sticking because of Mom’s influence.” I explained. With the pen, I pointed out specific parts of the legalese. “So it shouldn’t take much to get them off-”

“Wow, you’re interested in law?” Anna asked.

The question threw off my groove. “Sort of. Anyway, Twilight, our best bet is to reach the police station before they close. Cops tend to rush stuff near the end of their shift, so long as it means they can leave-”

“This book is funny!” Pinkie giggled.

“Give that BACK!” I leapt at Pinkie, snatching the book from her hands. Pinkie jumped back, squealing and spluttering apologies. With the book in my hands I checked for any new damage.

“What’s that book?” Twilight asked, trying to peak over my shoulder.

“Nothing. It’s nothing.” I dismissed, trying to stuff the book back in my Bag.

Twilight stood on her feet. Her hands fell on her hips. If she had them in Equestria, it would’ve been a signature pose. “Raspberry, you need to start trusting us.”

That got me to laugh, snorting and snickering. “Really? Cause- cause the last time I did that, you betrayed me.”

That’s what happened, right? Twilight snuck into my house, into my bedroom. She found something I hid on purpose- for a damn good reason. She pulled a Twilight- bringing herself and all her friends over here. Then- then they assume they have the right to butt in on my personal life, time I set aside for fun. A time I wasn’t focused on making their lives easier, when I thought I could rest. What do they do? Stumble in and ruin everything. My friends knew, my parents were freaking out, and even Lilac was scared.

Is this the price I pay for taking an Author-damn break for once?

“You never trusted us!” Twilight dismissed.

I always trusted you!”

I did- that hurt the most. The Mane 6. The pillars of Friendship itself. If there was anybody- anypony- that I could trust surely it would be them. Yet all of them broke in. Had any even given protest, or did they all jump on it? How long had I deluded myself into thinking I was their friend? How long had they been scheming behind my back, waiting for the perfect time to rub their trick in my face?

“You did a bad job showing it!” Twilight yelled, storming closer to my face.

Wrong move, egghead.

I stepped up, glaring her down right in her purple eyes. “You took advantage every time I did!”

A purple/pink light began to shine.

On reflection, I slipped into an offensive fighting stance.

“Okay!” Caroline stepped in between us. She held up her palms, nearly pushing it into my chest. “Okay. Let’s take a second, okay? Let’s chill out.”

“I’m chill!” I yelled. “Tell her to chill!”

Twilight let the magic fade. She shrunk back, still frowning with a fury that always seemed to be pointed at me. “I let my anger get away from me. You can’t say it was only me.”

I mean if I really wanna get technical, Pinkie started it by touching my book

But you made yourself a target

“We shouldn’t be throwing blame around.” Caroline told us. “This isn’t the time or the place. So chill, okay?”

She was right.

Cry on your own time.

There’s work to be done.

Spike stepped forward. “Can you get Rainbow Dash and Applejack back?”

“Yes.” I answered immediately. “Then you’re going home.”

“Where we can have a party!” Pinkie threw her arms up. Confetti and streamers went off from- I don’t know, her hair? At this point, I learned not to ask. Pinkie ran to my side, just barely stopping herself from hugging me or grabbing my shoulder. “You’ll be the guest of honor! You know, cause you’re the one that brought us back and freed everypony!”

She pulled out a party horn. She blew on it, the end flapping in my face. For the comedy, I smacked it off.

“No.” I answered.

Pinkie tilted her head, the party horn drooping.

“I-” The picture popped in my head. A party at Sugarcube Corner, with everypony in town. No- Pinkie said I was the guest of honor. She would throw it at my house. Dozens of ponies around my house, full of cake and punch. All of them in my home. At any moment, any one of them can set this whole thing off again. “I won’t come back.”

“What?” Rarity asked. “You have to come back! How will we-”

“I’m taking you home, I swear.” I reminded her. “But after that?” Looking around at them, I made sure to lock eyes with Twilight. She, who distrusted me from the start. This would probably be the best news of her life. “I’m leaving. And I’m never coming back.”

It would hurt, hurt so much

Equestria is such a great place for me. I was happy there- at peace. If I felt bad, I could visit the animals at Fluttershy or the Everfree Forest or get a cupcake at Pinkie’s or watch Lilac play with the CutieMarkCrusaders. When I wanted to relax, I could watch pegasi move clouds.

It never felt like work, protecting them.

Seeing Lilac’s smile? Nothing’s made me happier. Taking her from Equestria would hurt- ripping her from the only home she’s ever known. I couldn’t stay there, though, just for her sake. She was a dragon, raised by me, how long would their trust last?

Delilah’s diary was there. The first connection I had to my people...to a person who understood what it was like being me. A whole history in Equestria, waiting for me to search for it...waiting for me...a message from the past...better than the scientific book in my Bag...

But I’ll still leave them.

They don’t want me to stay anyway.

Twilight’s face fell. A worse person would’ve felt joy. Such anguish on their opponent’s face, a blow that hit all the right spots to inflict maximum damage. They’d relish in doing so.

All I felt was confused. Shouldn’t Twilight have been happy? Why not? Her biggest antagonist was leaving her alone. The wolf was leaving the flock.

I pulled out Mom’s car keys. “Come on. We need to get moving before they notice I took it.”

“Morgan you can’t drive-”

“I have a permit, just sit in the passenger seat!” I snapped, storming off towards the door. Nobody was moving. “Come on, move! And pray that those two haven’t made my job any harder.” Without waiting I stormed out the door.

Though I wasn’t too far away to hear them. Anna ushered them all out, agreeing with me that we needed to get their friends.

I could hear Pinkie bawling. That was fine, she’d stop in like five minutes when someone asked for a cupcake.

The AC shifted as I waited for them. It would blow cold and right in my face. If anyone asked why my eyes were wet, now I had a good excuse.

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