• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,131 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter 43

There we all stood, or sat, in the truck in the parking lot of the Center. Each of us wearing our colored shoes. Pinkie seemed excited about hers, Rarity disliked all the black.

Everyone had their earpieces in, caps and ninja suits. Yes, Rarity disliked all the black again. Even the blue and pure white on her shoes did nothing. Ugh!

Anywho…now that they gang was all up and ready with their assignments we were go.

Twilight, Anna and myself would sneak in and got what we needed to take Dominic down. Darcy, Rainbow, Applejack and Caroline would take out the cameras, guards and any civilian Travelers. Pinkie, Rarity and Maddie would keep people from walking into the mission, like those weird blinking arrow signs on the road.

Fluttershy, Lilac and Spike were kept in the truck for when we needed to drive. Lilac and Spike would be our Tech Team. They had a pair of headphones each that connected them to all of us. Fluttershy was there to keep them in the car.

So, with great enthusiasm, we slowly began our plan.

Darce’s team went first, using the tranquilizers I gave them (hopefully). I waited for the silent sounds of shots before my team carefully snuck into the building.

“Okay, Lila’s map says that her dad’s office is at the top floor three doors left of the elevator. The elevator might need a keycard, so we’ll just take the stairs. She said she couldn’t get a copy of the key, but I don’t need that.” I explained to Twilight and Anna.

“Why not?” Anna asked.

“No questions til the end.” I said before guiding them into a stairway. “Also, don’t step anywhere before I do. Don’t touch anything I don’t without consent. Don’t walk away without my consent. Only fire your gun if it’s an emergency.”

“You gave us guns?!” Twilight asked, grabbing the gun on her side. It didn’t look like a gun though, it had a black handle and that was the only regular gun quality. The gun connected to a green box with a metal tube going back and turned up over the gun while the other one held the bullets. It was mostly black, but the metal was left silver and the original green was dark pink. I had asked the guy making them to also make them silent, hard to do my job when a gunshot echoes in the halls.

“I assume you mean with bullets. No. It’s a...umm...type of bullet that knocks people out for one hour, depending on their immune system.”

“Morgan, is that safe?”

“Of course it is. I took it from The Green Hornet from a few years back. First Edition Gas Bombs, exciting huh?”

“How did you get these?” Anna asked, looking at her gun again.

“Took a while, but I convinced Kato to give me a few. Such a gentleman that ninja.” I reminisced, jumping up the last few stairs. “Twilight, you watch our backs, Anna, you watch our sides, I’ll watch take the front. If you see someone coming; aim and fire.”

Looking out the small arm sized window, only one guard paced the halls.

Reaching up to my ear piece, I pressed the little button allowing me to talk to the others. “Only one guard, how are things Darce?”

“Alright, we only had to shoot three guards. RD and Care were a little put off by the gun’s. Babies.”

“You know we can hear you right?” Caroline’s voice came from the earpiece.

“That’s why I did it. Guy on your left!” Darcy angrily growled into the earpiece.

Making a motion to tells Twilight and Anna to shut it, I carefully opened the door and aimed mine at his face. It’s a great way for the bullets to take immediate effect. The sound of the bullet cutting thru the air filled my ears, the pomf of it hitting the target was music to my ears.

Pushing the door open enough to let us all out, I looked for the elevator. It was still next to the stairs so that was safe. Three doors to the left was Dominic’s office. I motioned for the girls to follow me slowly, the three of us carefully walked down the hall.

“Umm...Morgan?” Fluttershy’s voice came from my earpiece as I waited by the elevator to be sure no one would walk out.

“Yeah Shy? Is something wrong?” I whispered.

“Oh no! It’s just... um...Lilac... she wanted to know if you were okay.” Fluttershy asked me.

“Tell her I’m not dead and still planning on taking her to get pizza.”

It was silent for a second, the three of us ran across the elevator and kept going passed.

“She wants to know...um...when was this a plan?”

“When I realized we didn’t celebrate Darcy being back.” I whispered, walking past another door.



Quickly looking back, I saw a small green area of smoke in a corner. What was missing, was the unconscious guard Twilight was in a defensive pose.

“Twilight.” I started.

“Yes Morgan.” Twilight squeaked.

“There’s nobody there.”

“Oh.” Twilight came out of her pose and began walking normally.

“Next time shoot when you see the whites of his eyes.” Walking across a second door from the elevator, I looked carefully at the third door. “Darce, this guy is an idiot.” I said into my earpiece.

“Is his door open?”

“Practically, it’s a basic lock. It could have some motion sensors on the other side, but now it’s just like the ones at the warehouse. Kinda lazy if you ask me.” I explained to my sister.

“Makes sense. You did say he kidnapped Lilac, and he wife still thinks him a saint.” Darcy said.

“What makes you think that?” Maddie’s voice came from the earpiece.

“What makes me think she doesn't? From what I heard she’s a blonde.”

“You know that Applejack is blonde and she can see you right?” I told her while pulling a bobby pin from my hair.

“Yeah, your point? OW!”

“Thank you AJ.” I said into my earpiece.

“Ain’t a problem Sugarcube. Darcy needed that.”

Silently laughing at Darcy, I continued picking the lock. It was pretty simple.

“Morgan, how did you learn to pick door locks?” Anna asked behind me.

I quickly glanced at her before getting back to it. “Learned how on Castle. An ex-felon who wanted to be a locksmith taught me before he was released. Such a nice guy.”


Slowly, the door was pushed open and we were let into Dominic’s office. The light was left off, I quickly brought out the small flashlight I had placed in my hat to show off the room. It was simple; dark wood desk, metal filing cabinets, two chairs opposite the desk, a big swivel chair, another smaller desk on the opposite side of the room and another filing cabinet next to that.

“Huh, Twi could you shut the door.” Waiting for the sounds of it closing, I gave my thoughts on the room. “I expected a bookcase with a bust.”

“What? No secret button that leads to a basement?” Darcy mockingly laughed.

“N-no.” I could still hear her snicker. “Your a bitch Killjoy.”

“You said that name would be a secret!” Darcy said directly into the earpiece, hurting my ear.

“Gah!” I groaned, so did Anna and Twilight.

“Wait. Your name was Killjoy?” Maddie’s voice laughed. I could hear Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Caroline snicker from their earpieces.

“No freakin’ way in hell.” Darcy lied.

“Not so much in the boring sense, in the sense that she finds joy in killing. Seemed like a funny play on words, and a good way to make fun of her.”

“Remind me to kill you, again.”

“If we survive this then I will give you a chance.” I said half-heartedly, already searching the file cabinet closest to the desk. “Anna, you take the desk, Twilight you keep watch.”

“Got it Morgan.” Twilight said.

“What are we searching for again?” Anna asked. “This all seems a little much.”

Letting out a small groan, I sharply turned to the brunette. “We’re looking for stuff to take Dominic down. Make him broke, find out his worst fear, what places he traveled to, how he killed Danielle and proof that he did. Could you please search the desk for anything like that?”

Instead of giving me an angry glare, Anna laughed. It didn’t help that I ordered her to do it in the same tone Twilight used in the Discord episode.

Starting at the top, I found it held info on the other Travelers here. Apparently, there are 50 Districts. This one is the largest, with over a seven thousand Travelers in this state alone. This seemed a little complicated. Going to the next drawer, I found just a bunch of stuff in legalese. Could never understand that language. The next one up had a bunch more legalese crap. Finally, at the bottom, I got some personal stuff.

Most was just a bunch of photos of Dominic with his family. Lila did look strongly like her mother. Beneath it all, I found a file that said Personal Finances. I quickly opened it and searched it for any info on his credit card. His last name apparently was Chamberlin. Of course, after going thru them, I would search a little more and try and find some other dirt on Dominic.

This bastard was gonna pay.

“Morgue. More guards are coming.” Darcy warned.

“These people are having trouble believing us.” Maddie added.

“Oh darling, it’s the Crystal Heart all over again!” Rarity’s voice chimed.

“Morgan. I think we have a problem.” Twilight said.

Moving my light towards the door, I saw why Twilight was concerned.

Behind her, wearing a creepy smile, was Dominic Chamberlin. He had two more guards behind him, one turned on the light. Anna and I flinched at the sudden brightness.

“Morgue! They got RD and AJ!” Darcy yelled.

“Maddie, Rarity, guards.” Pinkie’s voice came out.

“Umm...girls...is everything alright?” Fluttershy asked.

We were screwed.

Dominic just looked at me, handing Twilight over to a guard who began to drag her away.

“Hey! Let me go!” Twilight yelled.

Ignoring Twilight, the other guard grabbed Anna and followed the first guard.

Dominic began walking towards me. “I’ll admit Ms. Spencer. I didn’t think you would actually try and break in here.”

Beginning to get into an offensive pose, I kept my eyes on Dominic. “I had to try and take you down. You’re a bastard.”

He only chuckled, a deep throated creepy chuckle.

“True, but you also forgot one thing.”


“I’m a crafty one too.”

Before I could blink, he lifted what must’ve been Twilight’s gas gun and shot it right at my face.

Author's Note:

I had originally had planned for Morgan and Dominic to travel to Ponyville and have an epic battle, but then I realized this was a little more complicated then what actually ended up happening. Before you ask, no Fluttershy doesn't get Lilac or Spike out before this all happened. She doesn't even know how to drive! Also, I couldn't let Maddie be in the car because Fluttershy is way kinder.
Took a while, but I gave you a chapter. Plus, I added an important scene to the previous chapter. It's kinda a forshadowing type thing.
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