• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,131 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter 48: The Anderson Twins


Just a few more minutes. Then this would all be over. I just need to hold out, give my sister a little more time. Morgue just needs a little more time.

“It's time Spencer.”

Looking up from the floor, I tried to adjust enough so that I could get a good look. My eye felt a little swollen, I'm surprised the contact was still in at this point. If it came out maybe they wouldn't notice, the swollenness of my eye might distract them.

There were a bunch of guards there, lifting me up by my upper arms to drag me towards my execution. Wouldn't be long now. I needed to stall.

“Let me go!” I tried to yell.

“Your not getting out of here.”

“I will. I always do.” I growled.

“Shut her up!” Dominic ordered from ahead of us.

One of the guards pulled out a stretch of rope, tying my mouth shut. I tried biting his fingers, but it didn't work. I was starving, that might’ve affected it. Yeah, that Chamberlin wife came by and gave me a banana, but it didn’t do much. She stormed out before I could do more to her, she already looked a little shaken up to be honest. I guess she went to see Lilac or Morgue.

Morgue. She has to at least be out of that cell by now, has to at least be out of that cell by now. She’s probably looking for her friends, or her daughter. That cute little thing, sometimes it felt like what compassion I used to have came back.

That's another thing I hate about the world speaking a which. There are some murderous psychos that just make me wanna snap their pricks. Those bastard child murderers.

That was the only restriction I agreed with. Morgue and I, once being the same person, loved kids. Something about their innocence appealed to me. To Morgan, it was that they had an unbiased view of the world.

Morgan told me once, before one of her few deaths, that she like to reminisce before her clock ran out. Seems like a good a time as any as these idiots dragged me off towards Morgan and their own deaths.

I remember way back when, before any of this even started. When I was just a thought in the back of Morgan’s head.

Let me explain to any voices in my head with stupid questions. Before Morgan went into Child’s Play, she was a psycho bitch. She was a murderer and she liked it. She took daily blood baths, necklaces out of bones, even made a doll out of hair.

Still miss Mrs. Tangled, she smelled like every single shampoo known to man.

It wasn't until Morgan went to Child’s Play that something amazing happened. The best way to describe it, is like those Froot-roll ups that split in two. That's what happened.

I went one way, Morgan went the other. Twins. Her being the eldest, typical of her.

She told me, after the supposed earning of my cutiemark, everything that happened to her. Morgue even acted out some parts.

She was the best storyteller. Always had a tale for everything we did. It always reminded her of something, somehow. It made me laugh.

I had some memories. A few from Dark Morgan times. A few just from random. I once remember back when Morgan was 89, she went to Fairly Odd Parents and wished that Morgan Spencer would never be alone.

ZIt became then that Timmy Turner was stuck to her hip! It was hilarious!

A fist suddenly hit my back. I must've laughed. They wanted me quiet, I guess laughing wasn't allowed. Lifting up my head, my hatred of these guards and Dominic grew. Bastards, they were taking a fifteen year old to her execution!

I shouldn't be surprised at this point. Back to reminiscing!

Once, in Equestria, I found out that our family died in an house invasion. I was out of town the next two weeks, trying to find who and why. The most I found was that feeling in my wings, it felt like somebody had covered my wings in mushy gushy crap. Like they were drowning in love. That was all I got.

It was awful. Being in a place filled with such happiness and kindness. I saw the looks someponies gave me for my cutiemark, they looked scared. They hid foals from me, hid done family, one even locked their home! It was like racism. Cutiemarkism.

But, there was one day I will remember forever.

“We’re here. Set her up.” Dominic’s voice said.

We were in a medium sized room. It had twenty black armless chairs. Five rows of two put side-by-side leading up to a…guillotine.

It was made of wood, except for the metal bit that was supposed to chop off my head. I was expecting a Firing Squad or lethal enervation, but a fucking guillotine?!? They wanted to use this on my sister!?!


“Keep her under control. Place her in.” Dominic ordered.

The two guards struggling to keep me under control guided me towards the wooden death trap. I was kicking and screaming, yelling curses at Dominic. They kept moving me until they locked my head on the guillotine.

I had to keep my angry together. Just until Morgan got here. More reminiscing.

The best day of my life would be good. That one day I could never forget. It was a pretty good day.

“Set her up, sunset’s in two minutes.”

Morgan had taken my out of Child’s Play. Her family was out of town, leaving Morgue behind because she was taking expensive acting classes.

“She's all ready sir.”

My sister had taken me into town. We watched a horror flick, Hellboy 2 and then went out for some lunch at Chili's. I love their ribs.

“Would you like to have any last words?”

I nodded.

A hand grabbed the cloth around my mouth, tanning it out. I first took a great breath, then I glared my contacted eyes at Dominic.

“I hope you die like the rat you are.” I quickly said. Dominic only laughed.

“I'll die like a King, you'll die like the trash you are. That little Created dragon goes next.” The child murderer admitted.

“My sister knows about you. She won't stop until you're dead and rolling in your grave.” I told him.

“Darcy Anderson? That little Created sitting in lock-up? That's a laugh. She probably can't open a pickle jar.” Dominic mocked. He was right, but I won't let him know that.

“I'm Darcy Anderson. My sister is Traveler Morgan Spencer. She's done more in her life than you've done in your’s.” I warned. “She gets a little cranky when I'm not around, do you should be letting me go.”

“Like I would believe that. My own wife gave that nonsense and I didn't believe her.” Dominic said.

“Yet another reason your marriage is failing.”

“Ah, that teenage wit.” Dominic smirked. “I won't miss it.”

“You'll miss somethin’ but it ain't my wit. You'll miss killing Morgan Spencer.” I said, feeling the climactic music playing. It wasn't actually playing, but I think it would be if this was TV.

Dominic kept on smirking. He was gazing right at me, messing with the handlebar that held my existence.

“Are you to tell me, you aren't Morgan Spencer?” The olive skinned bastard asked.

“Well, that depends on who you ask. Morgue will say I'm Darcy Anderson. Freddy will say I'm the Nightmare Girl. Jason won't say anything because he never talks. My favorite killer, Chucky, will say I'm that Creepy Little Girl with the Creepy Eyes.”

After we finished eating lunch, Morgue took me to this weird shop called Claire's. It was for Tweens, but that was what we were at the time. She showed me some crappy earrings, toys and weird stuffed animals with big eyes.

Dominic rolled his eyes, that stupid slappable smirk still on his face. “Creepy eyes? Those amber eyes do creepy me out a little. No, wait, they just make me laugh.”

“There's this new thing called colored contacts. You'd be surprised what kind of stuff you can get at 2 in the morning for nothing. Actually, nothing’s a lie, it cost an arm and a leg.” It was that dealers, he didn't need them anyway.

Then, Morgue showed me the jewelry section. Nothing too exciting. Just a bunch of bracelets with keys or plastic food or two halves of a broken heart. Except for one pair of necklaces, shaped like lollipops. One was purple, one was pink. One for the older, one for the younger. One for Morgan, one for me.

“But not your arm or leg.” Dominic smiled.

Morgue picked them up, quickly buying them and giving me the pink one. She said something I will never forget as she put her’s on. I’ll never forget the look in her amber eyes.

“These are our Twin Sister Necklaces. As long as we wear them nothing can stand between us. We may have sibling problems, hate each other's guts, or we tried to kill each other.”

“It also cost you your head.” The man in the black suit said.

Morgan held my hand, looking me right in the eyes when she finished. “But as long as you and I breath, Darce, we will always be sisters. You're my best friend Darcy, nothing will ever change that.


“Good-bye.” I whispered.



Holding my head in my hands, I waited for the inevitable. Nothing had changed. I was still in this stupid cell. I let everyone down. They all trusted me and I fucking let them down.

This was all my fault. If only I had tried harder. If only I had gone and protected Lilac. If only I had protected my friends and family. Now Darce, my baby sister, was going to die because of me.

It was just the wait now. The antagonizing wait. Every second felt like an hour, every minute felt like a day. It was almost too much!

When it finally hit, it hit me hard. I was barely aware that I was screaming. Nearly pushed off my cot in pain, there was an unbearable pain in my chest. My heart had to be breaking, crushing itself into dust. My eyes were burning, the contacts must be acting up.

I dug my fingers into my eyes, yanking out the purple lenses and throwing them onto the floor. A small wetness hit my cheek, falling down to the floor.

“Hey, Created, what’s with all the-gah!”

When he started speaking, I shot up and wrapped my hand around his throat. His brown eyes widened, shocked as to how I got up so fast and how I was keeping my hand on his throat.

“What's wrong big guy? Cat got your tongue?” I laughed. The guard choked, trying to swat at me. I was offended. “It's rude to hit a girl Mister. You need to be punished. Do you know your punishment?” The guard choked and swatted again. “I’ll take that a yes. Nighty night.”



His muscular form fell to the concrete floor. His head at an odd angle, it was practically resting on his shoulder. He looked kinda like a rag doll, wish he was a little smaller. We could’ve played some more.

I reached my hand thru the bars, grabbing a ring of keys from his belt. Quickly checking to see which key matched my lock, I hummed a little tune. Not from any song, just because I felt like humming.

Opening my cell, I looked down at his limp form. He looked precious.


Now his face was smashed. Much better than that wreck he had before.

Darcy was gone now, someone had to take her place. Someone who can do what she does. Someone to show Dominic Chamberlin that us Andersons don’t take things lying down.

Time to play.

Author's Note:

The end...has begun
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