• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,131 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter Four (Revised)

Okay. I should have thought this through just a tiny bit more.

Applejack, Fluttershy, and I were hiding in the bushes on the side of my house. I had already panicked eight times when something brushed on my foot, and I thought it was a bug. (Bugs are scary, okay!)

From the outside this house looks cozy. It has been built with yellow pine wood and has grey brick decorations. Large rectangle windows added to the overall look of the house. Some vines were growing along the sides of the walls. Our front yard had a stone path to the driveway, blocked by a giant palm bush.

My mother was taking a bit longer to leave than I would’ve liked. It was a mixed blessing. The longer she was in there quietly, the longer she went without seeing the others. At the same time, the longer she was there the more likely she was to see the others.

It was getting stressful.

“Sugarcube, how long do we have to sit here spyin’ on yer house?” Applejack asked. At least someone decided to speak up.

“Applejack, I have honestly no idea. My mom always varies on her departure times.” I looked down at my watch to check the time again. “Seeing how it’s fourteen after I’m surprised she hasn’t left by now.”

“Ah’m just worried about the others. It’s been quiet for too long’.” Applejack noted.

Yeah, that was shocking. Usually she would do something crazy or...Wait, this is the part in the movie were some little thing ruins everything.

“AH!” Came a feminine scream coming from my house. Fluttershy hid deeper behind the bush.

‘Mom what did you do?’ I thought. Without thinking I began running of towards the door, bringing Applejack and Fluttershy with me.

“Calm down Sugarcube,” Applejack tried. “It could be somethin’ else.”

“You don’t know my mother.”

“Hold on-that’d your Ma?”

I was about to open the door when Twilight, Rainbow and Pinkie ran out. Well Pinkie technically bounced.

I did a quick head count to realize who was still inside.

“What are you doing in my house?” I heard Mom scream.

‘Or she was still inside and the others used it as a chance to run.’

“What happened?” Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight answered. Still breathing heavily from running out. “One of them found Rarity. She screamed. We ran.” Twilight panted, while Rainbow and Pinkie watched on in confusion. I walked inside.

‘Think, think, think, what would be a good backstory for this?’

Mom was standing by the sink in the kitchen. Her eyes wide with confusion and fear, Rarity was standing by the fridge. Her other exits were probably blocked.

“Please, allow me to explain!” Rarity offered.

Mom pulled out her phone. “I’m calling 911!” She warned.

‘Just what we need, cops.’ I thought sarcastically. In case you couldn’t already tell.

“What’s going on in here?” I asked, forming up the main area of the lie. My mother and Rarity turned to look at me shocked.

“I thought you left with your friends?” Mom asked.

“I did, but I realized I forgot my backpack so we came back.” I excused. I fake-turned to Rarity. “Ruby.” I stressed. She looked confused. “I thought you were with the others?”

“I tried but these ruffians blocked my path!” Great, now we have to deal with her sophistication problems. ‘Also you just called my mother a ‘ruffian’.’

Before my mother could get a word in edgewise, I ran up to her and grabbed Rarity’s wrist. “Ruby, come on. Um...Tracy is probably wondering where you are already. You what she gets like when she’s nervous.”

Her dark blue eyes widened. “Oh of course, I couldn’t simple do that to...Racy.” She made a dramatic pose

“Tracy.” I corrected, still dragging her away from all of the craziness.

“Of course, let us be gone.” Rarity agreed.

I turned my head to give a quick ‘goodbye’ to Mom when Rarity started dragging me away.

Rar-Ruby!” I hissed, trying to pull my hand from her grasp.

She didn’t stop pulling me until we found the others. They had run down the street. Pinkie Pie immediately hugged me.

“Thank Celestia you two are alright!” Twilight let out a relieved sigh. Her blue hair had started to do that thing where it was sticking out at all edges.

I couldn’t breathe thanks to Pinkie’s hug.

“I was so scared because I thought something would happen to you and then Rarity didn’t follow us out and we heard a scream but it wasn’t a Rarity scream it was a different somepony scream so we were hoping you and Rarity would come back and now you’ve come back!” Pinkie cheered as she hugged me.

“It will all be for nothing if I stop breathing!” Replied myself, on choked gasps.

Pinkie, thankfully, got the message and let go of me. Hugs had never been fun for me, especially when most of them were strong like that.

The ex-mares stared at me with confused, pleading faces. It was troubling to see on their faces, mostly because the faces were human and not equine.

Rarity came close. This time I knew to expect a hug, so I stepped away from her hug.

“Thank you so much for saving me, Raspberry. I thought I would have to end up in one of those dreadful places where they send hooligans.” Rarity spoke dramatically.

“You know I was gonna let that slide, but you called my mom names twice. To her face.” I looked at my watch again. It read 8:20. “Right. Crap.” My hand went to my forehead, pinching it to push away my rising panic.

The others quickly noticed my panic.

“Sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“I’m gonna be late!” I groaned. With nothing much else to look forward to, I made my way towards the highway. I think I had a bike hidden around somewhere. There wasn’t much I could do for the girls right now without being caught by the Spencer’s.

Before I was too far, my body was covered in a familiarly colored magic aura. My foot stopped in midair, halting me in the middle of the sidewalk.

How unfair is it that they get to use their magic here?

“Late for what?” Twilight asked in the same panicked voice she used talking to Future Twilight. “Is it something that will get us home? Did we miss it? Are we never going back to-”

School! Merciful Storyline, Twilight, I’m gonna be late for school!” I kicked uselessly at the magic aura. Being out of control of my body was not a feeling I was happy with. They gasped. “I can take you guys home later when I’m not late! Now please, PUT ME DOWN!

Twilight lowered me back to the ground. I tried to get back on balance. My human self was much less used to vertigo.

“School?” Twilight asked in confusion. “You go to school? But aren’t you nineteen?”

“Not here. Here, I’m fifteen. I have to go until I graduate or turn eighteen. But it isn’t like any Equestrian school you went to.” I explained to her. I had so been hoping to avoid this conversation.

‘Plus I’m late. Hate being late. More than I hate messing up.’

“Twilight won’t care just as long as it’s a school.” Rainbow Dash joked. I looked up at Twilight.

“How different?” She asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

“For one, there is no magic being used.” This seemed to bum her out a bit. “Or flying,” There goes Rainbow. Though, we probably lost her when I mentioned school. “Or random acts that defy the laws of physics.” We all turned to Pinkie.

“What?” She asked innocently.

I rolled my eyes, pulling out my phone. They stared at it in confusion. “Hold you questions. Please. I’m not emotionally ready to deal with you mares right now.” I was losing more time. With an annoyed grunt I started running to where I had hidden my bike.

“Hold on there!”

I shook my head, this would be fun. I was running and before I could even blink, Dash had me in her grasp.

Ten feet off the ground.

Higher than the houses in the neighborhood, nearly tall enough to put me in a tree like Hiccup did to Astrid in How to Train Your Dragon.

Heights, again, not my thing. “Put me down!” I squeaked in terror. “Please! Please put me down!”

“You said you could take us home-” Rainbow Dash ranted.

“And I’m scared of heights so put me down!” I whimpered, curling my head down in my chest as my heart raced. Oh great, here comes a panic attack. It probably won’t be my last in this misadventure. My hands tightened to near claws on Rainbow’s foreleg, desperately trying to to get her to let me go in the air for what was sure to be a massive

“Rainbow, let her down!” One of the mares yelled. Yeah, this wasn’t getting attention from the neighbors.

The woman in blue did put me down. Granted, it was with begrudgement.

When my feet touched the ground, I collapsed like a wet noodle. There was a good chance I had just seen my life flashing by. My throat was trying to force my stomach through it. My chest wanted to eject my heart out. To reassure myself that I was on terrafirma, my hands grasped at the grass in the lawn. Dirt covered the tips of my fingers.

Six pairs of eyes were staring down at me when the world came back to focus.

“Please...please never do that again.” I begged them. “You will get back to Equestria, I swear, I swear on my Storyline. I will do whatever it takes just...never pick me up like that again.”

There was a heavy silence from this while I evened my breathing out. I don’t think any of them expected me to be the one freaking out about this whole thing.

“Raspberry.” Fluttershy’s soft voice spoke up. “What are we supposed to do

“I don’t care so long as I can get there on time.” I answered truthfully. “Look, if it was any other time I would love to skip. But unfortunately helping six girls who used to be ponies to their home dimension isn’t the kind of excuse my teachers would accept.”

“Seven.” She corrected, hesitantly.

“What.” I asked.

“Seven. Y-you have to help seven of us back.” Twilight went on.

“Uh, you know I’m not staying there right? I have a life outside of Equestria. It’s not much of a life, but I only just started it.”

“No...I mean you have to help seven of us back to Equestria.”

“Oh my Story.” Was my smart reply as I put it together. Another creature came to mind, but they would be insane to bring him. Insane enough to break into your house, break into a locked box, possibly keep your assistant bound and gagged. “You wouldn’t bring the Princesses, you need them back in Canterlot. I don’t think you’d bring your brother or Mia. Do not tell me you brought a dragon to my world and lost him!

“He wanted to believe you were innocent as much as we did!” Twilight argued. I kept walking, not wanting something as simple as a green and purple dragon walking around here. Probably scarring every person he saw. What if he got

“You brought Spike! I would’ve been fine with the alicorns but not a boy that can breathe green fire!” I shouted back at them, marching to my bike. Let them follow me, I wasn’t stopping again and if Twilight used magic I’d punch her!

“We tried to get him to stay at the library but we remembered Lilac.” Twilight explained. This stopped me.

I might just punch you anyway. “You better think you’re next words carefully.” I warned. “What did you do to Lilac?”

Pinkie seemed happy to answer.

“We used Spike to get Lilac to walk away from the house. I knew that she liked Spike and Spike liked her! But then we saw this picture of this you and Lilac got mad, because she figured out we were lying kinda. We ran into the Everfree. Then I found that little note you wrote on the back and I showed Twilight! She read it and we went FLASH and then we landed a bush looking like this!” She gestured to her friends.

At least Pinkie explained it instead of walking around the truth.

“So if I go back to find Lilac is crying her eyes out, you all are paying the therapy bill. Is that what I’m hearing?” They all had the decency to look ashamed of themselves. “That little dragonette is probably thinking you’re going to kill me. She was innocent in all of this! I never wanted her to find out like this! She just assumed I was gathering things in the Everfree for Zecora. And now she knows! When I get back, she’ll never want to hear about it.” I ranted. “It was supposed to be a big deal. I was waiting for her tenth birthday.”

If I wasn’t so angry or worried over Lilac I would be crying. If there was one thing Morgan Spencer doesn’t do it’s cry. Especially in front of others.

‘You can check the past few moments. I may have panicked, but I didn’t cry.’

Letting out a heavy sigh, I saw my bike hidden behind a bush. I pulled out my key to unlock it from it’s chain.

“It probably wasn’t a good to tell her , huh?” I heard Twilight ask the others as they stood ten feet behind me.

“No way, you saw how she flipped out. She’s probably gonna kill us the second when we let our guard down!” Rainbow pointed out.

They knew I could hear them right?

“K-k-kill us?” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Rainbow Dash! Don’t scare her!” Rarity scolded. “It’s perfectly alright, Fluttershy. Raspberry would

“I’m actually more for it than I was last night.” I blurted. Telling them not only was I listening, but I was pretty pissed at them.

I pulled my bike out of the bush, clearing away the last of the leaves.

“Wow.” Rainbow gawked at my bike. “What is that?”

“A motorbike.” I explained. “No need to worry. I’ll be back later. Stay in my house until I come back at noon.”

Clipping my helmet on, swinging on the back, I turned to them in what I thought was a dramatic pose.

“Because honestly, that’s how long it will take to calm myself down to whatever you did to my daughter.”

I turned the bike on, riding out away from them.

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