• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,130 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

  • ...

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Chapter Thirty-Four (Revised)

I opened my eyes again. Lilac was still in my arms. She was still crying, that’s an issue. It can be fixed. Now, we’re all here. We can fix it, dry her tears, then go on to be a family.

Darcy and I fought for control. We’d never faced this issue before. However, it’s not my first time having multiple voices in my head.

Eventually, the mind settled. My sister quieted down. The body was mine. My body belonged to me, and that included the brain.

The ponies were all in the backyard again. Rarity and Fluttershy surrounded me with pillows. Rainbow Dash was carrying a towel. Applejack brought two glasses of water. Twilight kept Pinkie back. The pink pony was cartoonishly vibrating. All of them were wearing different clothes. All of it was more than a little familiar.

“Did Darcy give you my clothes?” I asked.

The ponies all sighed, relieved. Rarity and Fluttershy burst out in tears. Lilac hugged me tighter. Rainbow Dash sighed, loudly, falling back into Applejack’s arms.

“She did.” Twilight replied. “We assumed it wouldn’t be an issue.”

“It’s fine.” I cradled Lilac tight. She went along with it. Then, I stumbled up to my knees.

The ponies lurched forward.

“Whoa- whoa- slow down-!”

“Maybe you should lie down?!”

“Relax! Relax! Relax!”

I stood up. Lilac was curled up in my arms, where I always wanted her. The weight is comforting. My legs were shaky, yes, the kind of shaking that meant I would need to relax soon. Darcy, what did you do to my body?

‘Nothing. Well, nothing I should be blamed for. You fucked it up first.’

I stumbled back. Again, the ponies moved to catch me. I caught myself with my foot.

“Morgan! What’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

“Mommy?” Lilac poked her face out. Her big blue eyes watered. “Are you-”

“Mommy’s fine.” I assured her through gritted teeth. “Just- Just Auntie being herself. Phew, ow.”

Twilight frowned. “What? Your sister?”

I nodded. “She’s in my head. She’s loud.”

Twilight widened her eyes. “Darcy is okay too?”


Rainbow Dash squeaked. She quickly hid behind Applejack. Applejack raised an eyebrow. Rainbow Dash came back out, chuckling and rubbing the back of her head.

“So...what’s goin’ on?” Applejack asked.

“Umm.” I considered it. Darcy started giggling, all aimed at Rainbow Dash. “I gave my sister my body. She’d handle it better than you. I tried to help heal her with magic. But...”

‘Magic? When did you have time to come up with magic spells? You were helping the Rays in California.’

I winced. “I wasn’t.”

“Wasn’t?” Twilight repeated

I shook my head. “She thinks I was in another world. But I wasn’t. I’m- I was doing other stuff. Just kinda in the abstract space between worlds thinking about a magical communication system between worlds. Umm. Then, I fell between the worlds back into my body.”

The ponies blinked.

Twilight had stars in her eyes. “You did all of that?”

‘You’re lying about something.’

My face tightened.

‘I can feel it. I can actually feel it right now. What the fuck?’

“So. What’s Darcy been doing while I’ve been gone?” I asked.

“Boot Camp!” Pinkie cheered. “We’ve been running laps and exercising!”

“That’s nice.”

Lilac adjusted. I accommodated her. Her face pressed into my neck. “I was doing stuff too.”

“You were?” I asked, tone shifting to delighted and soft. “Hope it was fun.” She nodded. “Good. Okay. Well, better get back to it.”

Rainbow Dash winced. “Do we have to?”

‘Make her lift weights. It would be so funny.’

I squinted. “Yeah. We’re getting back to it.”

“That ain’t such a good idea.” Applejack said. “You should get some rest.”

“Relax, Applejack, voices in my head haven’t stopped me before.” I said. Darcy stayed very quiet. “Nor have broken bones..”

“Uhh. Maybe we-” Twilight tried.

“Granted, I need some rest, yes. But I need to see where you all are in your training. MOVE!”


Two hours went by. The ponies believed my sister ran them ragged, and then I showed up to drag them even farther. Darcy worked on endurance, clearly. Me? I focused on hand to hand. Even with my sister giving poor commentary the whole time, I knocked down the ponies.

That’s lunch. I ordered some salads for them, and a pizza for myself and Lilac. My daughter enjoyed it. It was so fucking sweet.

After? I brought out my laptop to get some work done. Darcy hadn’t done much in terms of researching Dominic Chamberlin. Just like all our group projects as kids, the research was left to me.

‘The ponies needed strength training. Come on! They were gonna try and follow me in whatever thing I did. It’s so hard investigating with Lilac on my shoulder.’

Fair. Almost correct, as Lilac kept trying to glance at my laptop.

Lilac hummed. She’s so content here like this. Her mouth had a dribble of tomato sauce on it, so I cleaned it aside. She had a few forming bruises on her arms and upper shoulders. They could almost reach her throat. I failed to keep her safe. Some bastard hurt her, and we’d both failed to put him in the ground. “Mommy? Whatcha doin’?”

“Just some work, don’t worry about it. Things are chill.” I assured her.

Darcy chuckled. I winced, fighting back another scream.

It’s not that her voice hurt. It did, but that’s not the biggest issue. The pain was strange. Imagine having a Thanksgiving meal full stomach, except in your head. There’s no relief in sight. Darcy seemed to be feeling the same thing. Most of my focus is going to keep her out of my thoughts and mind. The other symptoms were probably a consequence of two brain patterns colliding with each other in one brain. Her voice had a sound- clear in my mind as if she said it in my ear.

It’s weird. It’s freaking me out every time. I’m made to have voices in my head. That doesn’t mean it’s something I’m meant to enjoy.

‘You’re still lying.’

I clenched my hand. It took a lot not to reply. The only replies I wanted to give would tip Lilac off.

‘I’m actually fine lying to her about this shit. Par for the course. You’re lying to me about something. You’re always obvious about it.’

More pages loaded on the laptop. So I dove deeper into the research.

‘What are you hiding? You’re avoiding something in your research. You knew where to start. Exactly where to start. I doubt Dominic Chamberlain told you the city he was born in. You added that to your search bar.’

I only momentarily paused. Giving Darcy any credit would lead to complications. She still doesn’t need to know anything.

‘You know things about him. Stuff you don’t want me to know. You never hide gruesome crimes from me. That’s my whole shtick. What is it about this one that makes you nervous?’

“Anything I can help with?” Twilight offered.

I eyed her. The immediate answer is no. The question enraged me. Twilight wanted to help? Yeah, sure, I’d let that happen twice. “Have you figured out how the internet works yet?”

“No, but there’s gotta be something else I can help with!” Twilight said. “Maybe I could make a spell that-”

“Stopping you there.” Lilac reached for another slice of pizza, settling to lay her head on my leg. I kept the laptop on my other leg. “We don’t need any magic spells right now. I’m more worried about you girls being safe until I get you home.”

Twilight frowned. She sat herself near me on the couch. “Come on! You’re doing research. If I can’t help with my magic, then let me help with research. Just let me do something.”

I side eyed her again.

“Maybe I could look at that book!” Twilight suggested. “It could have something-”

“No. Nobody touches that book. I told you.” I snapped. “I can find whatever we need from this.”

‘There’s a book?’ Darcy asked.

I twitched.

‘The book. Did he write a book? Kudos to him, I didn’t think he could read.’

She’s taunting me. It’s not funny. Okay, it’s a little funny. She’s also fucking annoying.

Twilight sunk further on the couch.

“Think of it like a vacation.” I said. “A vacation where you exercise and plot to end an evil tyrant. So, a lot like home!”

She half smiled. “That is true. I could write a friendship letter to Celestia.”

“That could work.” I told her. “Yeah, go do that. Maybe Spike’s magic fire works that far.”

Twilight perked back up. She ran off, hopefully to go try. “Thank you, Morgan, for the idea!”

I watched her go, fighting back a louder than loud groan.

‘Something is in the book.’

It’s so hard not to punch her. I’d only be punching myself. The moment she gets her own body again, my sister is getting decked.

“We need more help.” I admitted.

Lilac tilted her head. “But you just told Miss Twilight-”

“Not her kind of help.” I said. “I can’t find the building location. That’s not something the internet can give me. He hid it too well. It’s meant to be a secret from humans, and that applies to the government agencies too. It could be disguised as anything from a regular business to a coffee shop to a self-storage unit. There’s somebody else I need to reach out to.”

Lilac sat up. “Okay. Do you need my fire too?”

“Maybe, but not yet.” I put the laptop aside. “I need to use my magic to teleport back inside that building.”

Lilac widened her eyes. “What?”

“Just for a few minutes.” I promised her. “I’ll be gone for an hour. Two, max.”

Her bottom lip trembled. “But- but- but your magic! It’s- weird! What if you can’t do that again?”

I shook my head. “No. I’m more sure now. If I come at this right, we can find the location and even get some help from the inside.”

‘If you bring Twilight back here for this, I’m gonna kill us both.’

Lilac started to cry.

‘Fuck. Fuckk, Morgue, make it stop.’

“Princess.” I picked her up. She curled against me, holding so very tight. “I need to do this.”

“No you don’t! You can stay here!” Lilac insisted.

“No. I can’t!” I snapped. Darcy became troublingly quiet. “Because I need to stop this guy from coming after us again. If that means I need to leave again to find him, then that’s what I’ll do!”

Lilac curled her lip to a snarl. “FINE! Go do it! Leave me behind again!” She jumped up, running off to the stairs.

I stood too. My instinct was to shout after her. She can be mad at me, but shouting at her mother shouldn’t be allowed. Questioning my decision shouldn’t be allowed.

And yet.

And, yet.

She reached my room. The door slammed shut.

I wanted to yell again. The very idea of yelling at her made me nauseous. More nauseous than the voice in my head.

‘This better be worth it. Killing us both is still on the table.’


Lila Chamberlin yelped at the sudden appearance of a teenager next to her.

“Sup. Wanna help stop your dad?”

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