• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,099 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

  • ...

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Chapter 35

Lila just stared at me for a second, shocked beyond belief. She was wearing some jeans and a purple fuzzy jacket. At first, I thought she didn't hear me. After another second I realized it was shock.

“Lila, how badly do you want to stop your Dad?” I repeated.

The blonde shook her head. “How…Dad said…”

Holding my hand out, I silenced. “I was dead?”

Lila nodded.

“Yeah, that was true for an hour. Thankfully by a strange set of circumstances I'm alive and planning to take your father, Dominic, down to his knees.”

“And maybe if I'm lucky I could-” Darcy's voice spat out of my mouth, my hand covered our mouth.

I mumbled an apology.

“What was that?” Lila fearfully asked. I let out an awkward laugh as I removed my hand.

“Uh…were you ever told of Jumping Created Family?” I asked her. Lila nodded.

“Yeah, my teacher said the story will create them to help us along, why?” Lila asked, slowly walking towards me.

“Umm…because. You know of the movie Child's Play?” Lila's eyes widened.

“The Horror series? With blood? And killing? And a crazy doll family?”

“The same. I might have been given a relative during my jump there. It's really complicated, but now we're stuck together in my body.”

“If you could call it that. I've lived better as a doll than in this thing.”

“You know we shared this body before you became Darcy right?” I told Darcy.

“Yeah, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.” Darcy complained using our mouth again.

Groaning, I slapped myself.

“Morgan!” Lila yelled.

“Son of a bitch!” I yelled

“Son of a bitch!” Darcy yelled the same time I did.

The slap stung hard, but it kept Darcy at bay for the time being.

“Next time I will not hesitate in killing you.” Darcy told me.

Looking up at Lila as she lifted me off the bed I was apparently laying on.

“So…could you give me an answer already?” I said. Lila looked around her room before grabbing my arm and pulling me close.

“I will help but only if you promise to not kill anyone or your freaky possessed killing sister.”

“idiot, I'm not possessing my sister, my sister is possessing me. This chick needs to learn the basics.”

I shook my head violently, hoping it would shut her up.“Lila, thanks. You just joined our crew.” I said before looking over towards the small window. “Week in circus don't fail me now.”

Slowly stepping onto the ledge, I walked along the stone line just below the windows. It was harder than it sounded, the lining was at least two inches wide. Meaning one misstep and good-bye me.

Keeping track of my steps and the area across from me, I made sure not to you-know-what because that always lead to hell. I made quick climbs across the windows just in case someone was inside before finally arriving at the gutter pipe.

Gripping on, I carefully climbed down the pipe to ground.

“Thank God that fear fest is over. I thought I would be happy to see someone surviving that.” Darcy cheered.

Laughing at my sister’s strange murderer-y ways, I began to long, long, long walk home.

Finally, forty minutes later. I approached my house. The others saw me coming and before I could wave hello my vision was covered in a pink light, then a flash and next thing I knew I was sitting on the couch in my living room.

“I take it y’all are mad?” I asked.

“Mad?” Twilight Sparkle said. Yep, they’re mad. “Mad that you just disappeared for almost an hour! Oh no, we’re just peachy Morgan!”

“Ouch, I can actually feel the anger in her tone. We’re dead Traveler meat.” Darcy said.

Giving glances to all my friends, I noticed the sun still high in the sky. I was getting hungry so I guessed it was well after lunch and probably reaching dinner hours. Then I remembered what day it was.

“Applejack,” The mare turned to me, “Didn’t you have something important to do at the farm this week? And the rest of you, I know something important that was happening this week.”

All of the mares turned humans had weird looks on their faces, one by one these looks changed.

“The Harvest Festival!” Everyone but Applejack shouted.

“Cousin Babs Seed! Ah’s supposed ta pick ‘er up from the train station from Manehattan!” Applejack yelled.

“Good job Morgan, you figured out how to avoid execution! I feel proud, that’s a first.” Darcy commented.

Shut. The Fuck. Up.

I heard Twilight groan, “Who knows what’s happening now that we’re gone!” Twilight panicked.

The others voiced their agreements.

“Okay, looks like we have to take a break from training. We have to get home and help the Crusaders. It’s their episode.” The others looked confused. “Don’t worry, leave probably have a marathon or something later.”

Anna and Caroline gave me anger looks. “Morgan-”

“NO TIME!” Before they could say anymore I grabbed Applejack’s arm.

Without even thinking (that hard) I brought the mare back to Ponyville. The same place it always was but this time AJ became a pony.

“I’ll be back later. You just go deal with Babs Seed and the Crusaders. Tell the townsfolk nothing.” Realizing I was saying this to the Element of Honesty, I re-thought my sentence. “You don’t have to lie. You’re holding back the truth. If the subject comes up give short answer. Long ones just dig you a bigger grave. See ya later Applejack.”

Before the farmer could say more, I had vanished to go back home.

When I returned, the rest of the girls were there waiting. I told them I had jumped ten times today and felt like passing out so they would have to wait. Pinkie was the most disappointed, she wanted to ride that weird cabbage float.

And...now for some fun before the sadness gets to me.

“Okay! Now that we’ve lost AJ we’ll st likely an hour behind. Maybe a whole night, you three go back home. I’ll see you tomorrow-” I began to tell Anna, Caroline and Maddie before Darcy took control.

“Morning. 8 am sharp. Morgue knows where you live so I do too.” Darcy’s voice warned by coming from my mouth.

“Better yet, just stay the night again. I’m in almost no mood to deal with Darcy’s morning anger.”

My friends nodded, each going off to the place they had slept the night before. Most likely for more sleep.

About two hours later, the sun was setting and the pizzas I ordered had arrived. I remembered to get two medium cheeses, a pepperoni and a supreme (Care loves them) as well as get the rest of the sodas Darcy stole. Sorry, borrowed without permission.

We ate in relative silence, the only sound was of Lilac grumbling about missing an adventure with the crusaders. She was practically a fourth member. Well, fifth. I had to regretfully tell her of Babs Seed joining the team and starting the Manehattan branch when Lilac pointed out she was a member. That, and tell her she never was a member.

This of course led to her using the temper she picked up from her mom and aunt ‘I feel insulted’ and running up to my room.

When I heard my door slam, I looked to my three friends who sat in awkward silence and the five ponies who had remained because of my exhaustion and finally the other dragon in the house.

“Great pizza.” Care finally said.

“We had a coupon about to expire.” Was all I said, mother’s remorse coming strong.

There was another moment of silence before Maddie started another conversation.

“So...Morgue...when were you planning on tell us you became a mom?”

Ah, there it is.


The Bellingham sisters gave no response. Finding a fascination with their pizzas. Maddie just nodded, understanding why I would keep Lilac a secret.

But that didn’t stop them from asking.

“Has she always called you mom?” I nodded. Maddie kept that strange face, the one where you almost get stumped on something.

All ten of us had another bite of pizza.

“What’s is it like, being a mom?” Anna asked me.

Thinking about it, I slowly placed my slice of pizza back down on my plate. Looking at my friends and then up in the general direction of my room, I thought of what to say.

“Umm...well...it’s kinda like...like...babysitting but just doing it longer and no pay.” Thinking a little harder, I thought of some more. “Like, I have to remember her favorite gem. It’s not really hard; rubies. I have to remember her favorite story; Rapunzel. Her favorite song for me to sing; You’ll Be In My Heart. Her birthday; November 17, 996 CE.

“But, I also get to remember good things. Like.. hold on a sec.” Getting up from the table I ran over to where I know Twilight left my scrapbook. I should still have some pictures in here...

Running back to the table, I moved the pizza boxes and soda cans to make room for the album. I showed them a couple pages with Lilac and pointed at a few.

“She was such a sweetheart, like this one time I had accidentally hit a bunny with really long legs. Lilac brought the bunny into the house and tried nursing it back to health. He was fine in the end and sometimes comes by when he’s not at Fluttershy’s.” I pointed at a picture of me sitting in Twilight’s Library shortly after the Nightmare Moon invasion.

“Another time was when Twilight had dragged me back to her treehouse. Asking all these questions about Lilac and myself. Yeah, that was amazing.

“Or how later during the Wedding I had convinced Lilac to come with me. She kept asking why I was acting weird to Cadence, hehehe, but I just told her that we were old friends. God, she was so innocent.” I could hear Darcy laugh.

“Or that one time I told her how I got my cutiemark, man was she confu-”

Everyone’s eyes widened. That wasn’t my voice. I began to laugh, anger laughter.


“Yeah?” She said, like nothing happened.

“Could you repeat that?”


“You know what I meant Darcy.”

Twilight looked the most shocked of all of them.

“You mean...the story of that cutiemark with the kkkniffe and the bbblood cutiemark?” Looking at Twilight with surprised, I nodded. She had never met Darcy. “There was a drawing upstairs of her...um...mark.

“And you call me the pervert.” Darcy used my mouth again.

“Because you are a pervert Darcy, you’re also a psychopath and you actually made a game of it. STOP CHANGING THE SUBJECT!” I yelled, realizing I was drifting. “Was this why Lilac had a nightmare the nights you stayed with us?”


“No passes Darcy. Did you, or did you not, tell Lilac about the Child’s Play movies?” I asked angrily.

“Girls, I could use some help here.” Darcy pleaded.

“Darcy, do I need to tell them your name?”

Even though Darcy didn’t have any, I could still feel her blood run cold.

“What are you talking about?” Rainbow Dash asked. “We already know her name it’s Darcy.”

I shook my head. “You know her given name, you don’t know her Equestrian name.”

Suddenly, my head shook. “You wouldn’t!”

“Try me.”

“Should we be concerned?” Rarity asked.

“Morgue you don’t need to tell them. I didn’t tell Lil anything!” Darcy yelled.

“I think we should, yes Rarity.” Twilight explained.

“Don’t lie to me Darcy.” I warned.

“I’m not!” Darcy lied.

“Do I need to go ask Lilac? You know...forget it. I have to go talk to her anyway. You just better shut the hell up. I’ll find whatever desire I have of killing left and use it on you.”

Darcy laughed, the kind of laugh you hear when a friend tells you an inside joke. “I told her that I got my mark in just killing someone! That was it I swear!”

Pushing out of my seat, I looked at my confused and terrified guests.

“I’ll tell you girls later, I need to check on Lilac before something happens like it sometimes does when it comes to my life.”

Running off towards my room, the sounds of dull crying lead me the whole way.

Author's Note:

To wrap it up, Lila joined there side, Morgue took Applejack back to Equestria in time for A Bad Seed, Morgue and Darcy had a fight and now Morgue is going to comfort Lilac. It was confusing even when I wrote it. You should've read it before I changed it.
Yeah, some shit would've hit the fan if I used my other idea.
Comment and favorite. Those who've liked already are friends

And for those wondering, I only posted the prequel to have it out there in Cyberspace (Another show Morgue has not been to) and not in my head.

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