• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen June 6th


Writer of The Day My Life Ended. Always working on my next story. Spotty with updates.


'A creature shall be born with the power of the song
She will be moved to the land under the power of the sun and the moon
An evil who feeds with love will use her power for wrong
But with her love by her side Harmony will return soon'
This is the ancient prophesy.
Sabrina can send messages through song to anyone she wants, whenever she wants. She is sent to Gender-swapped Equestria to stop whatever evil appears with the help of 'her love' only one question matters to her...
Will Dusk be alright about it?

A- This is NOT a 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch Crossover'
B- Even though the Mane Six character thing is there, the famous mares won't be seen. Just their genderswapped selves
C- Teen for language and just in case.
D- No haters

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 45 )

She will be moved to the land under the power the sun and the moon
An evil who feeds with love will her power for wrong

These might be typed on purpose, but the are missing words.
like "will use her power..."
and " under the power of the sun and the moon..."

I will read this soon hopefully, I look forward to reading it.:twilightsmile:

>>> Lyna_BrushStroke


let's waste this bitch.
*electricity comes out of my hands,giving dusk a fatal shock.*

2130766 :rainbowhuh: Okay, wasn't expecting that

AW!! cuteness overload.
Dusk and Sabrina. AWWW!
can't wait for the next one. :twilightsmile:
Keep up the good work.

Here is Thriller for all to hear.

Just because you asked, here are ten Pinkie Pie smiles. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: My face hurts.

It's sad I can't like more then once.
I give you 20 Pinkie Pie smiles!

Nice chapter.
hehe you need to run OH NO I just freeze you and shoot you towards Canterlot :rainbowlaugh:
keep it up. I can't wait for the next chapter!.

:fluttershysad: Oh noez! :raritydespair: What happens now? BTW, big fan. Really nice story. :P

Chapter 1-12 in one sitting!

Thank you for sharing this story with me.
I had my own idea for a gender bent story of the main 6, but it was not like this.
you did a great job and your transitions between characters are good.
I also liked the speed of how the relationship is progressing or rather progressed, verb tenses are a nightmare when you read more then one chapter.
You set up for a good chapter 13, I wounder if it's going to be action?
So where did you get the Gender bent names?

Well I enjoyed reading the story.
Good luck in the future and I hope for the best.

Comment posted by Authora97 deleted Mar 21st, 2013

2298815 From that one fanfiction, the mane 6 plus CMC's and princes were from On A Cross and Arrow. The rest I had to ask fellow favorites about.
And what do you mean by I shared it with you?

2298877 What I mean is thank you for putting the story on this site for me to read.
I also mean is sharing the writing experience and allowing me to see your stile of writing and learn from it.
I say thank your for sharing because your letting us read something your wrote in hope that we like it. I believe that in writing were sharing a piece of ourselves with other and thus it takes bravery, so should be commended.

I am sorry if I sound weird but some time like like to thank the author for there work that way.

Yah, I was looking for specific names. But thanks for the help.

Thanks for replying

I want to read MORE!! :flutterrage:
Nah, I just wanna know how this is going to move...
So, onwards and upwards to the new chapter.

Sorry for the late reply.
Not a bad up date, thanks.

That song... IT CREEP-ED ME THE FLIP OUT:fluttershyouch:

Thank you and I hope for the best.
Good luck in the future.

2412726 It kinda was supposed to.

Well thank you for the chapter.

To reply to your earlier reply, Gotcha did a good job.

As for this chapter not bad;
Bad guys plans coming to starting with out a hitch= Check
Creepy internal struggle= Check
Lone hero posed to save the day= Check
Deus ex machina coming to save the day, I find not to appealing but its your story.= Check
Big chapter coming up ?

Good luck and hope for the best in the future

2426287 Dues ex machina? You mean Morgan?

2426287 Sorry I'm just no good with other languages

2426531 it means God in the machine.
It is a very old writing ploy that is use to find solutions to a problem.
It basically means some one comes along and give the main character the way to solve the problem with out any one previous knowledge.
In this case it's no problem but be careful not to over use it.
But like I said I personalty avoid using it when I can but that is just me, you can use it when ever. All I am saying is be careful not to over use it.

But good luck with your next chapter
I hope for the best

I just read two chapters at once.
Good reads, just minor spelling mistakes but nothing too big.
But thank you.

Like is said big stuff happening. That was a great ending, well I mean for Morphosis.
I think it was very fitting. I'm glad that everything turned out alright.
I liked Sabrina's attitude towards her friends. That she rather be the one to be hurt then them.
I am sorry if I sound like I gave you a hard time a couple chapters back but I was kind of exited for what was to come.
I hope that you do write an epilog I want to know how everything will turn out.

Is there a squeal planed?

Thank your for writing.
Good luck and hope for the future.

Is there even a story around where someone (human) gets sent to Equestria, Starting off male, then randomly for no apparent reason, changes gender (in the story) And all the main cast actually know. That would be forever hilarious, and I think it aught to be done. Too bad I'm a shitty writer.

Once I see Dusk freaking out...
< MEH....
Once I hear Thriller...

this epilogue is mess up in a way saying when did they get married or to tell us they have kids :rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh: its pretty inperative that you tell us the thruth considering you jump to all this and tell us how it went down after sabrina fainted you could really pissoff a lot of people like that :twilightangry2: and thats what i have to say .

Well thank you for the epilog, It wasn't bad at all.
You put a lot of information in it and it was hard to sort it all out. I can see where some people can become confused.
I seems like you could have another story that fills in between the time this store ends and be for the story takes place.

It was nice to here every thing turned out alright.
It sound like you left something open ant the end,
Meanwhile, off near an old house made completely out of leaves, ice and magic, a small blue portal appeared and a girl was pushed out. She was wearing strange camouflage with matching pants. While she lifted herself off the ground, she was a little dizzy.

“Ugh...” She groaned. “Still not there yet.” Her purple eyes glowed slightly, making her groan again. “It’s not my fault Darce, you saw all those leylines. How am I supposed to find the one to Dominic’s place in that mess?” The purple eye flared. “Okay, this time I’ll let you choose. Seventh time's the charm right?”

With that, another portal appeared behind the girl with two colored eyes.

“Going down.” She said before falling backwards right into the portal. She was getting almost there.

Well thank you for writing this story and I am glade I had a chance to read it
Good luck in the future and Best wishes

Oh if there is a blank post I am sorry, it was a mistake but I could not fix for some reason.

Awesome'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: 6/6 pinkies!

No comments!!!!! Great job by the way I love the story line so far!!!:pinkiehappy::raritystarry::ajsmug::moustache:

Though I agree for Lyra, mr. Cake would've been easier to get closer to berry who is close to the rest of the colt 6:derpytongue2::pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

Awesomeness, you never stop amazing me!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I look forward to reading this!
Great job! :heart:

2816599 You should say 'My fun has been doubled' because I know mine will as I read this. BTW I'm doing this in reference to your avatar.

What is a T, a H, or an L?:rainbowhuh:

4053988 It almost didn't have the letters T, H or L. The mac was really old and half the keys were jamming. It had to double back a lot while writing some of these chapters for spellcheck

4054069 Ohhhh. Why not buy a new computer then?

4054084 I was fifteen, broke, and my mom's.

4054084 I mean the computer was my mom's.

there. Added Like. U happy?

4054118 Got it. Nice story by the way. I loved how you added 'Art of the dress' which is my favorite song after 'discord' and 'Giggle at the ghostie'

Comment posted by Pencil Lead deleted Mar 9th, 2014

"Shiny?" Oh that's a surprise.:ajbemused:
I bet I know where she got that nickname.:pinkiesmile:

"More like brainwashed." Sabrina.

Sabrina what?

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