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Episode 8: Planting Predators


Sunset’s group finally managed to hike back to the city. All of them felt exhausted, having hiked all the way out and then all the way back again.

The two sisters were especially tired. “I think that was worth more than a year’s workout at our favorite gym.” panted Celestia.

Luna agreed.

Vic didn’t feel too tired, because his motivation for his survival kept him going, but when he looked at his com, his power-meter had dropped another small notch.

“I’ve got to recharge and fast!” he said trying not to panic.

“Well, we’re here now,” said Sunset “But how do we get inside the buildings?”

Raven, though exhausted, still managed to keep going, and she felt along the walls of a building they were near, trying to find an invisible door.

“Feel along the walls, it’s got to be somewhere around heeeeeeeeeeeere…!!” she found it by surprise and slipped inside, falling to the floor.

The other poked their heads inside.

“You okay?” asked Sunset.

Raven pulled her face up off the floor, and she looked grouchy.

“She’s fine.” said Vic.

Once inside the building, all the others were rather confused by the lack of… well… everything.

“What kind of a building is this?” wondered Twilight “No rooms, no four-walls, no doors, no lights…”

Sunset agreed “Nothing but flights of stairs and windows.”

Luna was most confused by the whole setup. “How could a metropolis of anyone live or function in such a world with hollowed-out buildings? No businesses, no living quarters… nothing.”

“They must have relied heavily on their magic to make their lives work.” suggested Celestia.

Raven and Vic hated the looks of the place because it reminded them of the critical condition Jumpy City was in, only more damaged, and desolated, which also reminded them of how the people had exiled them and the other Titans for failing in the tournament.

Still, that was all beside the point. The real issue was how to charge Vic’s power now without visible means of electricity or materials they could see or use.

“I think I got a way…” said Vic, and he moved towards one of the solid walls.

“What are you doing?” asked Sunset.

Vic didn’t answer, and instead he used his robot-eye to scan the hard metal of the walls, and the metal of the stair railings, which read “Lead” and “Copper.”

Vic’s eyes lit up with glee, “This’ll do great.”

He reached for a secret compartment in leg for a miniature toolkit, complete with all the perks, and then he motioned to the ladies to help him unscrew the railings down.

Not bothering to question him, the ladies helped.

“Okay,” said Vic. Then he extended his grapping cables and cut them.

Sunset realized, “I get it, we can use these metals and the rubber and bits of the wiring and make some kind of generator to make static electricity.”

“Ingenious!” agreed Celestia.

“Do you think it could work?” asked Twilight.

“Only one way to know for sure…” replied Vic. “Come on, every second we waste counts.”

Using miniature drills, welders, and copper cables from Vic’s grappling lines, they managed to form a cranking device which would rub the rubber and metals together, and the electricity would flow from a copper line, attached to Vic’s chest, which would likely charge his cells.

“Okay… start cranking.” said Vic.

Celestia and Luna both took hold of the massive crank and slowly began to turn it, causing the leather and metals to rub together.

“Anything yet?” asked Sunset.

Vic kept a sharp watch on his com, at the power levels, and ever so slightly they began to rise.

He chuckled with glee, “We just discovered electricity!”

The ladies could even see soft sparks of static electricity flowing along the wires.

“Okay, stop!” said Vic. “If we keep constantly rubbing we’ll generate too much and it’ll blow. We have to keep doing it little by little until I’m full.”

“…This could take a while.” groaned Raven. “I just hope nothing else happens.”

Something was about to happen to Kori’s group as they finally came across a cave in middle of the open plans made from an enormous, hollowed-out rock.

Inside wasn’t very homely, in fact in Rarity’s opinion, “I’ve seen outhouses cleaner and less jagged than this.”

“Well, at least it’ll do for some sort of temporary haven.” said Kori.

Fluttershy then got an idea. “If we camp out here, maybe we can find some way to signal the others. That way they can come to us instead of us having to find them.”

Rarity’s eyes lit up, “That’s a marvelous idea. Only… how are we to do such a thing?”

With all their powers and magic useless they couldn’t shoot any beacons into the air, and they had no wood or ways of making signal fires.

Rarity and Fluttershy got out their cell-phones, they had no signals, but the flashlights did work and they were plenty bright.

All three of them were grinning, and it would be worth the try.

The flashlights were not only very bright; they could run for hours upon hours, but it still meant draining the batteries. So, for the sake of conserving power and strength, each of the ladies agreed to take turns. One would climb the rock and stand on its peak while waving a light around to signal anyone, while the others would rest or eat and strategize.

As Kori took her shift, she kept look out into the deep and endless span of shadows hoping to spot one particular face.

“Dick… Where are you?” she muttered under her breath.

Rarity was busy looking at her reflection in her phone reflection, she didn’t like the way she looked. “My skin is starting to look pale.”

“Your skin IS pale.” said Fluttershy, “But I do get what you mean. I really wish we could go home.”

Rarity sighed, but she was just as worried about the others; wondering where they were, and if they were okay. What if they had dueled… and lost?!

“Oh…! Oh, dear…! Oh, my…!” Rarity panted as she began to hyperventilate, luckily she was able to use a paper wrap from a sandwich she brought from the feast, as a paper-bag, and vent into it.

She was starting to make Fluttershy feel nervous too.

Kori suddenly called down to them from outside. “Hey… I see someone, in the distance!”

The girls bolted upright and rushed outside, and they could see something high up in the sky flashing a light near them.

At first the girls were excited, until Fluttershy remembered, “Wait! Why would they be up in the sky? Our powers don’t work here.”

Rarity realized this as well, as did Kori.

As the shining speck got closer, they could see it was a glow coming from a duel disk.

“It’s a Malefican!” cried Fluttershy.

“Oh, no…! We’ve must have led it here with our beacon!” cried Rarity.

Kori clenched her fist and growled, but there was almost no time or place to run.

The Malefican touched down several feet away from them, and she snapped her head upright flicking her long hair, and glaring her evil eyes at the ladies.

Fluttershy hid behind Kori, whimpering, for this Malefican seemed different than any other they had seen so far.

“Greetings duelists.” She hissed, “I am Violet of the Terrible Trio!”

Kori blinked, “…The Terrible Trio?”

Violet nodded, “I was created for one purpose, and that was to duel for my masters.”

The ladies knew she meant the Brothers.

Rarity also shuddered at the sight of her outfit. “Your masters must have a very poor fashion sense. Just look at what you are wearing.”

“Rarity… not now…” Kori grumbled at her.

Violet, however, took a bit of offense to the remarks. “It is an honor to wear such a garb, especially those who are loyal to their majesties.

To insult my clothes is an insult to them.”

Her eyes narrowed furiously at Rarity, and she aimed her duel disk at her, forcing hers to activate. “I challenge you for my honor!”

“No! You can’t!” cried Fluttershy.

Kori stepped forth, “Duel me, not her!”

“Silence…! I have made my decision!” growled Violet “The rest of you shall follow soon enough anyway! You will all have your chance to duel, and lose, and be sealed away forever!”

Rarity’s anger was starting to boil.

“How dare you speak to my friends that way!” She stepped forth with her disk ready. “Now it is I who demands the honor.”

“Rarity, you can’t!” cried Fluttershy.

“I must, I have no choice.”

Kori and Fluttershy were still very concerned, especially considering Rarity still wasn’t that much of an experienced duelist, and they had no idea how Violet dueled, but it was already clearly in vain to talk Rarity out of it, the duel was ready to begin anyway, and that couldn’t be stopped.

“Ready when you are.” said Rarity.

Violet nodded. “Let us begin.”


Violet LP: 8000

Rarity LP: 8000

“I shall go first.” Violet said as she picked up her cards. “I summon one monster in defense-mode, and then shall lay one card facedown. That ends my turn, but it begins the ending for you, my dear.”

Rarity was unamused, at least on the surface, but her insides were already quaking.

“I must stay focussed.” she thought to herself “I must duel with all my might. My friends are counting on it.”

Then, as she gazed at Violet’s outfit, and the way her armor seemed to resemble that of insects, gave her the idea, “…Perhaps she uses and insect themed deck. That could be a clue for me to defeat her.”

Kori and Fluttershy could only watch from the sidelines.

“The duel just started, and Rarity’s already stalling.” said Fluttershy.

“Maybe she’s just strategizing.” suggested Kori.

Violet thought wickedly, “With the skills infused within me, and the cards I have been given, all the strategizing they have will prove infective against what I can do.”

Rarity stood ready. “It’s my move.” and she drew her card.

“Firstly I shall use the spell FIRST MOVEMENT SOLO. Since I currently control no monsters, I am able to summon a “Melodious” creature from my deck.”

A great glow of light emitted from her deck, and a beam shot down onto the field.


(Atk: 2300)

Her monster struck a fashionable pose while singing a note, which made Rarity nearly slip into one of her dozy moods again.

“Oh, even in the shadows, my cards are still the most exquisite sights.”

She quickly snapped herself back to her senses. “Anyhow, since I now have a “Melodious” creature in play, from my hand, I am able to summon CANNON THE MELODIOUS DIVA!”

(Def: 2000)

“Then again, for a fashion show of this calibre, we must call on another to join us. Therfore, since I can also special summon SONATA THE MELODIOUS DIVA!”

(Atk: 1200)

Rarity’s trio of monsters stood together, humming a different note each from low to high.

“Wow! Rarity summoned three monsters in one turn.” said Fluttershy.

Kori was equally as impressed, but Violet remained as she was-- standing straight and stiff with her arms folded. If her face could show proper expressions, it would be that of an unamused one.

Rarity snuffed at her. “Now, I activate the spell POLYMERIZATION! With it, I shall fuse my Opera and my Cannon… along with MOTZARTA THE MELODIOUS MAESTRA in my hand…”

The three ladies sung their notes as they swirled and merged together, emitting a large glow of light as the new monster bloomed, like a flower, into play.

Rarity gave a fashionable flick of her long hair as she called up “I Fusion Summon… BLOOM PRIMA THE MELODIOUS CHOIR!”

Her monster fully bloomed, and she curtsied with her gown and did a pirouette.

(Atk: 1900)

Kori couldn’t help but gawk in awe at this creature. “Wow. Talk about a fashion queen.”

Fluttershy nodded, while Rarity smirked and said “My Diva also becomes stronger, by 300 points for every monster in which I used to create her.

Since I used three, that means an extra 900 attack points.”

(Atk: 1900) -----> (Atk: 2800)

“And she will become even stronger. Thanks to the ability of Sonata, all Fairy-Type monsters I have shall gain an additional 500 attack and defense-points.”

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 3200)

(Atk: 1200) -----> (Atk: 1700)

Violet still didn’t seem the least bit concerned, much to Rarity’s insult.

Rarity engaged her battle phase.

“Sonata, I command you to attack the facedown monster! Sound your pipes.”

Her monster took a deep breath and sang a melodious note, sending the soundwaves straight at the monster, which flipped-over to reveal a Plant-Type monster.

“What? That isn’t an insect.” said Rarity.

Violet snickered, “No, it isn’t. It seems you overthought this.”

She then watched as her monster was destroyed, but it didn’t seem to bother her in the least. “When MYSTIC TOMATO is destroyed in battle, I can summon one Dark creature from my deck, with an attack no higher than 1500.”

Rarity nibbled on her nails nervously.

“What do you think she’ll summon?” Fluttershy asked.

“Whatever it is,” said Kori “…It can’t be good.”

Violet chose her monster…


(Atk: 1200)

The ladies all gawked at the strange new monster; it looked like a leafy plant with claws, shapr thorns and a nasty growl to boot.

“What kind of monster is that?” asked Kori.

“I don’t know.” whimpered Fluttershy “But it sure is sending shivers up my spine.”

Rarity was especially nervous, having never seen or heard of a card like this before.

Violet snickered, “It seems you are all unfamiliar with this monster type I use. Well, allow me to get the two of you acquainted.

When my Scorpio is summoned, it allows me to send one monster in my hand to the graveyard, and then I am permitted to call another “Predaplant” from my deck to the field.

So, now I shall discard this monster to summon PREDAPLANT SPINODIONAEA.”

(Def: 0)

This new monster made Fluttershy Rarity shudder in disgust and fear, while Kori didn’t like the looks of it herself.

“I wonder what that monster does.”

She was about get her answer as Rarity’s Bloom Prima suddenly had a magical leaf appear floating above her head.

“Whatever is that?” asked Rarity.

Violet explained, “It’s a Predator Counter. It was placed there courtesy of my Spinodionaea because it was summoned, and that’s not all…

Thanks to the predator counter your monster has, its level now becomes 1.”

Rarity watched as her monster’s level changed, but she was most confused by it. “Why ever would she change my monster’s level?” she thought. “It isn’t as if it brings forth disaster… unless…” she paused and began to think “…There must be something more to her plan.”

Violet secretly thought to herself, “It doesn’t matter what she tries. Nothing can escape the devastation that I will soon unleash.” She thought that while gazing at a single card still in her hand-- a very special one.

Rarity still didn’t feel too discouraged, because of one special thing she did. “I shouldn’t be too worried.” she thought. “Since I used Opera to fusion summon, all my creatures can’t be destroyed in battle or by card effects. So nothing should be able to stop me.”

With her confidence restored, she stomped her foot and stood tall. “I still hold the advantage over you, especially since my Bloom Prima is now up. Her level may have changed, but her attack power has not.”

She then ordered her Prima to attack Scorpio, but as Prima prepared to sing her solo…

“I play the trap, PREDAPROUTING!”

“Ah!” cried Rarity. It was another card neither she nor any of the others had seen before, and all three of them wondered what it did.

Violet explained, “This trap protects my Scorpio from being destroyed in this battle, and it also destroys your attacking monster!”

Scorpio began to glow with protective magic.

Rarity scoffed, “Sorry to disappoint you, but my Prima cannot be destroyed by card effects due to Opera’s special ability.”

Violet grunted softly, and Rarity’s monster sang her solo sending the soundwaves at her Scorpio.

(Atk: 3200) VS (Atk: 1200)

The brightness and sound of the waves shrouded Violet’s field, yet as promised, her monster survived.

“Even though your monster survived, you still take damage.”

Violet: LP: 8000 -----> 6000

Violet seemed hardly annoyed.

“And furthermore…” said Rarity “Bloom Prima can make a second attack!”

Violet growled, and Rarity ordered a second attack, which was the same thing again-- the monster was not defeated, but Violet still took another 2000 points of damage.

Violet: LP: 6000 -----> 4000

“All right!” cheered Kori. “She’s lost half her life points.”

Fluttershy felt a little better too. “I just hope she can take away the rest of them, and quickly.”

Rarity sighed in relief that nothing serious had happened, yet.

“I shall lay one card face down, and end my turn.”

Her hand was now empty, but she still held the lead.

“So far, so good…” she thought. “But still, I have no idea of how these strange cards work. I just hope I can hold out with whatever they are.”

Violet drew her next card slowly, giving her three in hand, and exactly what she needed to finish the job.

“Prepare yourself for a humiliating defeat.”

Rarity didn’t like the sound of that, and Violet raised her next card up high, “Firstly, I shall use MYSTICAL SPACE TYPHOON to get rid of that facedown of yours.”

“Ah!” Rarity cried, and the lightning and winds struck her face-down, Mirror Force trap card, blowing it to pieces. “Oh, no…! I was counting on that!”

Violet snickered, “Now that everything is safe and well, I now activate the spell POLYMERIZATION!”

Rarity blinked once. “You can fusion summon?!”

“I most certainly can.” sneered Violet. “I now fuse my Spinodionaea with my Ophrys Scorpio!”

The two monsters zoomed up and merged together, and as the new creature began to form, Violet roared as she was bathed in the purple glow of Fusion Power.

“What’s happening to her?” asked Fluttershy.

“I don’t know.” said Kori, but she did remember something similar like this happen to Sunset when she was dueling and she Extra Summoned.

Still, the new monster that was forming didn’t look anything like a plant at all, but a huge snarling dragon, and Violet made a call out to it.

“As the plant doth sprout, its venom shall drool,
This creature I summon shall roar and rule!


This dragon stretched its dripping claws, and gnashed its sharp pincers, letting out a huge roar!

(Atk: 2800)

Rarity never thought it was possible to shudder as badly as was now at the sight of this monster.

Fluttershy held onto Kori like frightened child, and Kori held her tightly.

Violet could only laugh. “Yes, you should be frightened.” She aimed that more at Rarity “Perhaps you know now how things are not always as they seem simply because they appear so.

I am dressed more like an insect because insects feed upon plants, and some insects can infuse their venom with the plant life and convert them into dangerous species… such as my dragon.

Speak of which, I activate Venom Dragon’s special ability: Since it was successfully Fusion Summoned, I am able to target your Bloom Prima, and increase his own attack power by the attack of your monsters!”

Rarity’s eyes widened.

“Bloom Prima has 3200 attack points!” said Kori. “If that gets added to Venom Dragon’s attack power…!”

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 6000)

Rarity gawked up with her mouth hanging wide open. She couldn’t believe how strong the dragon was now. She just had no words.

Violet was really enjoying herself, and she decided to make things even more interesting!

“But my dragon sure seems a bit lonely. Therefore, I now summon PREDAPLANT CHLAMYDOSUNDEW!”

(Atk: 600)

Fluttershy tried to say the name, over, and over, but kept getting tongue-twisted. “I can’t even say its name right.”

Rarity couldn’t either, but it wasn’t the monster’s name she was concerned with. “What does this creature do?” she asked fearfully.

Violet’s eyes gave an evil shimmer. “What it does is grant the power to fusion summon without the need of a fusion spell.”

“Of course, however I can only summon a Dark monster, but as a nice twist, I am able to use your monsters instead of mine.”

“What?! My monsters…?!” cried Rarity, and that’s when she realized the counter over her Prima’s head.

“You’re catching on, I see.” said Violet. “Yes, any of your monsters that have Predator Counters can be treated as Dark Attributed, and be used in my fusions.

So, now I send Chlamydosundew and your Bloom Prima! Combine the two forces together for form a deadlier creature!

Violet called out, “I Fusion Summon…


(Atk: 2500)

The monsters growled and hissed at Rarity, making her feel sick, but this nausea was quickly fading into fear, as she now had two incredibly powerful monsters glaring her down.

Violet snuffed. “Now, to fully pay you back for your insolence and insults.

I use Flesia’s special ability. Since your remaining Meloduis has a lower level than her own, that monster is instantly banished!”

“Ah!” cried Rarity, but she could only watch as her last monster vanished off the field just like that.

“She’s gone!!” wailed Rarity.

“That was her last monster!” cried Fluttershy.

“Rarity’s wide open!”

Rarity held her hands on her head, pulling her hair going, “This can’t be happening!! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING… IT’S NOT FA-A-A-IR!!”

Rather than laugh at her, or sneer at her, Violet groaned with her eyes shut tight at the sound of Rarity’s whining! She wanted nothing more than to shut her out once and for all!

“Now my monsters, attack!! Wipe her out and send her into the darkness!!”

Flesia drilled her huge roots into the dragon’s glowing orbs, infusing them with power and venom, practically combining their powers for a one-shot combo-attack, for 8500 points!!

The dragon took in a huge breath and the blasted a large, burning stream of venom straight into Rarity, and she screamed as she flew back hard, her cards scattered everywhere, and she was horribly burned by the power as her life points went to zero instantly!

“RARITY!!” the others screamed.

The poor lay on the ground with her cards lying all around her. She looked bruised and burned from taking such a hit.

Her friends started to run towards her, when the shadow lightning began to rumble, and struck Rarity hard from above, and all she could was scream as she was consumed by the light.

Kori and Fluttershy covered their eyes and looked away.

Far away, Sunset suddenly felt a sickening force strike her deep inside; the kind that only hit you when something extremely horrible happened and you could actually feel it.

It hit her so hard that she stopped cranking the machine and just froze with horrific expression.

“What’s wrong?” asked Vic.

“Are you okay?” added Raven.

Twilight recognized the look Sunset had, and knew it all too well herself. Something really had to be wrong.

Sunset wasn’t the only one who felt it, the rest of the Equestria Girls, they could all feel that sickening blow too-- since their friendship with each other was that strong.

“My stomach’s turning.” said Applejack “It only does that when something horrible just happened!”

The others felt worried as well.

“You don’t think…?” Sci-Twi asked, with her insides quaking.

The light had faded, and Kori and Fluttershy saw to their horrors, in the center of all of Rarity’s scattered cards, right next to her duel disk, was Rarity’s soul trapped in a card of its own.

Fluttershy’s eyes filled with tears as she made her trademark squeaky sound, trying to hold in her cries.

Kori held her hand to her mouth in shock and sadness, while Violet felt content.

“You two are not worth my time now. I have bigger things to tend.”

Then she jumped up on her black cloud, and flew away, leaving the duo crushed and in tears as Fluttershy scooped up Rarity’s card, and held it away from her face so her tears wouldn’t splash on it.

Kori could only embrace her softly as they both sobbed softly over it all.

Meanwhile, the Prince Brothers could only laugh in their lair.

Rarity’s defeat had given them a great boost of duel energy, making it glow brighter than ever.

“Creating the trio was an incredible idea after all.” said Loki.

“Agreed,” said Rubeus “But she was the weakest of the lot, and we still have a long way to go in any case, and I look forward to our future and the events that follow.”

Author's Note:

On Haitus again people... I've done good, 8 chapters. Pretty good. I really have to do some things for TT Idol and get Starfleet Season 10 going again.

We will continue...

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