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Episode 3: Cooking up a Swarm: Part 1


The two figures stood as the duel was ready to begin.

“Dinner is about to be served,” hissed the Malefican “And for you I’ll make it ice-cold.”

“Ha!” scoffed Vic “It’ll take more than that to make me lose my cool.”


Malefican LP: 8000

Vic LP: 8000

The ladies watched anxiously, and Sunset had completely forgot about Princess Twilight’s card, and was holding it flat by her side so she couldn’t see anything.

“Sunset, hold me up!” she called to her.

“Oh, sorry.” said Sunset, and she held up the card so Twilight could see the duel.

The Malefican went first “Time to order up!” he bellowed as he drew his first cards.

“I shall place one monster face-down in defense-mode, and then I shall place two other cards facedown as well.

The table is now set, so can I take your order now?”

Vic was starting to really get annoyed with all the entrée and cook references.

“It’s my turn now… I draw!”

He then took a moment to think carefully to himself. “I got to stay cool here. If I lose this duel, I’m going to lose a whole lot more.”

“Now, I summon my pal, DESKBOT DOUBLE-O-TWO!”

(Atk: 500)

“And next I activate the spell MACHINE DUPLICATION! So now I get to summon two more of these guys from my deck!”

Two more Deskbots appeared, giving Vic three in total.

(Atk: 500) x2

The Malefican seemed impressed. “My-- talk about the lunch crowd coming in.”

Vic only smirked, “Oh, there’s more than that coming. Since my Double-O-Two boys were special summoned, their abilities allow me to take one “Deskbot” card and add it to my hand.”

He looked down at his duel disk screen and ran his finger through his deck selections, and he found the very two cards he felt he’d need.

“I’ll Take Deskbot Double-O-One, but as for the others… well… it’s time to clear out the restaurant, because I play the field spell, DESKBOT BASE!”

The entire are magically warped into the military airbase.

“I remember when he used this on me.” said Sunset. “Now all his Deskbots will gain 500 extra attack points.”

Vic turned and winked at her, “You know it, and also, my Double-O-Two’s grant an additional 500 points for every machine I control except itself, but I have three-of-a-kind, they all get boosted by a whopping 1500!”

With such a mighty power bonus, all of Vic’s bots gained 2000 attack points, bringing them all up to 2500 a piece!

The Malefican looked cross.

“What’s wrong? Lost your appetite?” Vic taunted. “Well, you’re about to lose even more than that, cuz’ here comes the serving!”

He ordered one of his bots to jump forth and attack the face-down monster.

The monster revealed itself to be a simple little egg, which was scrambled to bits.

“What is that?” asked Vic.

The Malefican snickered, “That, my dear consumer, was good friend COOKPAL EGGONG.

It’s true, you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, and therefore you should have good supply with you.

Since you destroyed my Eggnog, its special ability activates, allowing me to call another Eggong from my hand.”

(Def: 300)

Vic didn’t seem to upset. “Fine then, I’ll just have to scramble that one too!” and he ordered another of his bots to destroy the monster, which it did, but the opponent only laughed.

“Remember when I said you should keep a good supply with you? You’ve just allowed me to call upon the Eggnog that you sent to the graveyard.”

“What?!” snapped Vic, but surely enough, the Eggong had appeared once again.

(Def: 300)

Now Vic looked concerned...

…And so did the ladies.

“An effective play.” said Sunset. “Even if Vic destroys that egg, that creep will just bring out another one back and forth.”

Celestia agreed, “A clever to keep his life points protected.”

Vic didn’t see any point to attacking anymore. “I’ll place two cards facedown, and end my turn.”

“And with that…” said his opponent “I’ll just activate my trap card FOOD CEMETERY.”

Everyone watched a large oven appeared, with a monstrous face and smoke blowing out of it.

The opponent explained, “As long as Food Cemetery is in play, I can add any number of “Cookpals” that were sent to my graveyard this turn into the massive oven.”

With that, his Eggnog that was destroyed earlier leapt up and jumped into the oven’s fiery mouth.

“And for each one, I can now a “Cookpal” card to my hand to keep my kitchen running…

…I choose this, “Royal Cookpal King Burger.”

However, I am now required to be careful to whom I invite to the feast. You see if I control more monsters than the number of those in my Food Cemetary, then every card I control will be destroyed.”

Then he thought to himself, “Not that it matters-- My preparations are coming together nicely. Soon I shall cook up a feast that will bring this fool to his doom.”

Meanwhile, ever since the twister attack, the teams had since been blown clear across the realm, landing in different areas, yet each and every place seemed exactly the same-- dark, eerie with shadowy skies, long and endless plains…

Dick was just coming to his senses, and he rubbed his sore head, but he remembered everything that had happened.

Next to him lay Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

He softly shook them awake. “Rainbow, Pinkie…! Come on, wake up.”

“Just five more minutes, mom.” Pinkie moaned like she did before, but Dick managed to shake her fully awake.

“You two okay?”

“Apart from being incredibly infuriated, I’m fine.” answered Rainbow. She did look steamed, mad enough to kick over a building.

“Where are we?” she asked.

“We’re in the Malaefic World, remember?” replied Pinkie. The others gave her a hard stare. “Oh… you mean where in the Malefic World are we.”

The trio stood to their feet and realized they were in a kind of rock canyon, far away from the evil city scape, which nothing but cliffs and rock formations everywhere they looked.

“Kori…!” Dick said, worrying about his wife.

Kori was fine, and with her were Fluttershy and Rarity.

They had all awakened and found themselves standing on a flat plain, with mountains in the distance.

“I don’t like it here!” whimpered Fluttershy.

“Nor do I.” agreed Rarity. “We must find the others. Who knows what horrors they are facing?”

Kori felt frustrated that’s he couldn’t fly. She even tried her titan communicator, but the signals were all dead.

“We’ll have to find them ourselves, but stay close together.”

The shuddering girls did just that-- standing right by her sides, trembling with fear, much to her slight annoyance.

“Hello!” Raven called as she found herself wandering through an empty city. “Is anyone there…?”

The streets were all empty, with not a soul to be scene. The building all around her shimmered with their spacey glows, but they didn’t seem to have any access points-- no doors, or windows to open.

“Swell…” she groaned “Well, I hope things don’t get worse.”

…But they did, when she could hear the sound of growling coming from behind.

She turned round and saw a large Malefican-- three times her size, and wearing dragon parts for armor-- head, claws, even a tail.

It roared at her, and since Raven couldn’t fight back with no powers or duel disk, she decided to run for it.

She quickly dashed around a corner, only run into another monster that resembled a fiend-type monster, which forced her to backtrack and head another way, only to run into yet another monster that resembled a sea-serpent.

“Can’t I get a break?!” she grumbled as she continued to run, and the monsters were chasing right after her, forcing her to run into an alley… only to run straight into a dead-end with the wall of a building before her.

She could hear and feel the monsters and their footsteps getting closer.

Never in the history of her life had she felt so scared-- and was able to feel it now that her powers were gone.

She could see their shadows on the road, and she backed up against the wall… only to magically pass right through it.

The monsters all grouped together outside the alley, and they couldn’t see Raven anywhere. Finally, they decided to spread out and find her.

From inside the building, Raven could hardly believe her lucky break, yet she backed against a solid part of the wall and sighed in relief.

“You think they could tell us we could just pass through invisible openings.” she grumbled.

She then looked around to see the building was vacant and empty-- nothing but a large open atrium with metal pillars, and steel stairways and bridges.

“What kind of a building is this?” she wondered.

The metal beams all rattled and squeaked, making the place seem creepier than ever.


Then things became not okay, as she could hear the growling of the monsters near the entrance where she came in, and they were shoving to try and barge in themselves, forcing Raven to take off for the stairs and climb up and up the tall tower.

The rest of the troop, Terra and Applejack were with Twilight and her relatives.

They were atop of what appeared to be a huge and spooky rock tower-- on the terrace of the tallest tower, and there was no door or window to get out.

It was a long drop to the ground below.

Shining Armor whimpered, as he hated open-heights, and he held Cadance while panicking, “H-H-How do we get down from here?”

His wife patted him softly trying to keep him calm.

Spike sighed from his card. “What a wuss.”

Sci-Twi didn’t take kindly to him insulting her brother.

Terra tried and tried to use her powers to move the rocks, but it was no use. “Anybody got a Plan B?”

“Hey, over here!” hollered Applejack. The others all headed over to her, with Shining Armor hiding behind his wife.

“Look down there.” Applejack said, pointing over the stone-railing. There, directly below them was an open window big enough for any of them to fit through, and it had no glass either.

“But how are we supposed to get to it?” asked Cadance.

Applejack simply held up her rope. “I never leave home without it. I can lower each of you down one at a time, and you’ll swing into the window.”

Sci-Twi thought that was incredibly brilliant, but her brother turned blue with fear. “There’s no way you’re going to get me to do that.”

“There’s no other way!” snapped Terra. “I’ll go first.”

Shining Armor could only gulp hard.

Back at the duel, it was the Melefican’s turn.

“Here I come! I draw…!”

He now had three cards in hand, and he liked what he had just drawn.

“I play the spell GRACEFUL CHARITY, so now I draw three cards, and then discard two.”

He did just so, and the two cards he chose to discard were visibly monster cards.

“But it’s such a shame to waste good food, so I shall invoke the power of Food Cemetery, which sends the two tomatoes into the oven.”

The two little creatures bounced their way into the fire, which made the opponent’s conscience feel at ease, and he sighed heavenly. “Of course, by doing so, I am now able to add two new “Cookpal” creatures to my hand.

I choose “Royal Cookpal Queen Omlette” and “Royal Cookpal Princess Pudding”

Vic was starting to get worried. “I’ve never seen cards like these before. How do I even know what they do?”

“Poor Vic…” thought Sunset. “It’s bad enough these Malefic creeps trap us here, and then they go ahead and use cards we’ve never seen.

It’s going to make it hard to determine how to strategize against them.”

“And now…” hollered the opponent “I shall activate yet another spell known as REGAL RECIPES!”

“Again with the food stuff?!” groaned Vic.

The Malefican cleared his throat, “As I was about to say… we now have royal treatment, because thanks to this spell I am able to summon as many “Royal Cookpals” from my hand equal to or up to the number of “Cookpals” in my Food Cemetery.”

The ladies all gasped as they saw the images of the monsters appear.

“He has three monsters!” cried Luna.

“Which means he is able to summon up to three monsters!” wailed Celestia.

“I don’t think so!” Vic shouted “It’s about time for me to get rid of that overgrown oven, with the aid of MYSTICAL SPACE TYPHOON!”

“Ah!” cried the opponent.

“Sorry, but the kitchen’s about to be closed…”

The Malefican then laughed, “It’s not a polite thing to interrupt a chef while he’s preparing such delicacies. Therefore, I’m afraid I must stop you.”


“I activate the continuous trap, IMPERIAL CUSTOM!”

Vic gasped!

Twilight asked Sunset “Is that bad?”

“It’s very bad! As long as that card is in play, all other Face-up Continuous traps can’t be destroyed!”

Twilight swallowed hard.

Thanks to the protection, the large oven was struck by the lightning bolts, but nothing happened to it.

“Dang!” growled Vic.

“Now, as I was saying…” said his opponent “With Regal Recipes, I shall now call forth three “Royal Cookpals from my hand.”

He held up three glowing cards in his hand. “Joining us for dinner this evening; their royal majesties…


(Atk: 300) x3

All three monsters resembled mouth-watering dishes, which astounded Vic and the ladies, and also, even though the number of monsters in play exceeded those in the Food Cemetery, the Imperial Custom card shielded the Cemetery from even destroying itself with its own effect.

“You see…” said the opponent “Cooking is a fine art, and when the craft is perfected and the right combinations are made, you can create a mighty force.

Speaking of which, Regal Recipes has another effect-- one that deals you 300 points of damage for each monster that was summoned with its power.”

Vic growled, “That means I’m going to lose 900 life points!”

Indeed… magical blasts fired from the spell card, pelting Vic all over. He wailed and moaned as he felt actual strikes of slight pain hit him due to the malefic effects of the realm.

Vic LP: 8000 -----> 7100

“Vic!!” cried Celestia.

He was alright, just a little drained.

“You think that’ll stop me?” he scoffed “You may have beaten me up a bit, but you can’t expect a bunch of weaklings like those dishes are going to be able to stand up to my big bots.”

His opponent grinned, “…I not only expect it; I’ll cook it up myself.”

“Say what?!”

“I told you… cooking is an art, and the right combinations can unlock bold things, especially when you have the right sort of tools.

He held up his last card, “I activate RAIGEKI!”

“No!! Not that!” exclaimed Vic, but lightning bolts rained down from the skies wiping out all three of his mighty bots at once.

“He’s wide open to an attack now!” cried Luna.

“Indeed he is...” agreed the opponent. “So open wide, it’s time for the feeding!

I activate King Burger’s special ability, which allows him to double the attack power of my Princess Pudding!”

(Atk: 300) -----> (Atk: 600)

“And what is more, my Queen Omlette can do the same thing, so my Pudding’s attack is doubled again.”

(Atk: 300) -----> (Atk: 1200)

Vic quivered!

“Now my Princess, have your fill, attack now!”

The wobbling dessert leapt over towards Vic and gave him a huge blow to the chest, knocking him back a few paces, and he felt more pain as his score dropped!

Vic LP: 7100 -----> 5900

The ladies could hardly bare to watch.

“Feel fortunate my other monsters can’t attack.” said the Malefican. “So this means my turn ends, and my Princess’s attack returns to normal.”

(Atk: 1200) -----> (Atk: 300)

“It’s my move now…” said Vic. He drew his next card, giving him four in hand.

He looked at his opponent’s field and thought, “He’s got no other spells, or traps in play, and all his monsters are pretty wimpy.

I should go after them, but what it I’m biting off more than I can chew? Nobody leaves a bunch of weak monsters out of the field like that without a good reason.”

Still, he couldn’t just stall. He felt there was only one way to know. He hoped he knew what he was doing.

“I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale l DESKBOT DEOUBLE-O-SIX and Scale 10 DESKBOT DOUBLE-O-SEVEN!”

His two little bots took their places in the light and the pendulum began to swing. “Now I can summon as many Deskbots between levels 2 and 9 as I need…

…I Pendulum Summon!”

He only had two cards in his hand, and they were monsters. In two flashes of light, they appeared.



The two bots looked at each other and nodded, and then they glared at the food ahead while Vic smirked.

Sunset couldn’t help but notice that Vic was never shrouded in light the way she was when she performed a summoning.

“Don’t bother feeding these bad boys, because I got it covered. Thanks to my Deskbot Base, they each gain 500 attack points, Plus, Double-O-One gains another 500 points for every Machine I control.”

(Atk: 500) -----> (Atk: 1000)

(Atk: 500) -----> (Atk: 2500)

The ladies were impressed by how powerful the bots seemed now.

“Perfect.” said Celestia. “Those monsters should be able to smash down those dishes, and wipe a good amount of life points as well.”

…But the opponent simply snickered.

“Um… why is he laughing?” asked Twilight.

The opponent then called to Vic, “Sorry to have to spoil your appetite, but you just activated the abilities of my monsters.”

“Huh?!” cried Vic.

The ladies all looked nervous.

“You see…” said the opponent “If I happen to have a “Royal Cookpal” in play, and you summon any creatures, by simply returning my monsters to my hand, I can make them serve your monsters with such a feast… they’ll be destroyed!”

Vic and the ladies gasped, and then watched as King Burger and Princess Pudding had leapt over and began to actually keep the monsters bits of their own food-bodies.

“Even robots have to eat…” teased the opponent as the bots got fatter, and fatter, and finally exploded and headed for the graveyard.

“They’re gone!” cried Vic.

“At least they had a good feed.” the Malfeican taunted “As for my two monsters, here they are back in my hand and waiting for the next meal.”

Vic had no choice. “I have to end my turn.”

“I can’t believe it!” groaned Sunset “Vic just lost all his monsters like that!”

“And now he is wide open for another direct assault!” cried Luna.

The Malefican snickered. “It’s my turn, and I draw…

“I activate POT OF GREED so I may draw twice more.”

He now had four cards in his hand, which made his sinister grin widen.

“I really don’t like it when he grins like that!” grumbled Vic.

“Time to mash things up once more…

Since I have two “Cookpals” in play, I can automatically summon forth COOKPAL PUMPAOTATO.”

(Atk: 600)

“And next I shall sacrifice him along with my Eggong to once again whip up the recipe for ROYAL COOKPAL KING BURGER.”

(Atk: 300)

“Ah, man… he’s back again!” groaned Vic “And worse: you just sent two more Cookpals to the graveyard.”

“I see you’re catching on.” said the Malefican “Now I shall drop both those ingredients into my Food Cemetery, so I may once again add more “Cookpal” monsters to my hand.”

He flicked through his deck, “I choose “Royal Cookpal Pasta Knight,” and “Royal Cookpal Prince Curry.”

Twilight was astounded by the royal names of the monsters. “It’s like he’s assembling an entire cook family.”

The Malefican was very pleased with the cards in his hand. “Now that we’re all set at the table, let us serve the main course!

King Burger, Queen Omelette, wage a direct attack!”

Though the monsters were both weak, they both took their toll on Vic’s life points as well as his life energy!

Vic LP: 5900 -----> 5300

“VIC…!!” the ladies cried out.

Vic held his shoulder in pain. The lower his life points got, the stronger the effects the energy drain had on him.

“Ah, satisfaction…” teased the opponent “It is impossible to gain, no matter how fed you are. You’ll always be back for more.”

He placed one card form his hand facedown, ending his turn.

“Ah, man!” Vic groaned in thought. “How am I supposed to beat this guy? Even if I summon a monster turn, he’ll just send his two food freaks back to his hand and destroy my monsters again.

And if I don’t win this duel, I’ll get turned into a card, and I won’t be able to help the others!”

“The others…!” he suddenly snapped, worrying about them.

Raven had dashed far up the long stairways to the top of the building with those monsters chasing her up, and up, and up…!

“I’ve got to get out of here!” she panted.

Luckily for her she could see a doorway up ahead, which led her out onto the roof of the high-rise, only now she was trapped even more. She couldn’t jump from such a height without her powers, and the monsters were still coming for her, and there was no place for her to run now!

Shining Armor gripped onto Applejack’s rope tightly and whimpered like a baby as he was lowered down to the window, where his wife, his sister, and Terra were standing from inside, having gotten down successfully.

“Careful! Don’t swing me too hard!”

“Oh, stop your whining!” growled Applejack, and she softly guided the rope so Shining Armor swung right into the window, crashing into the ladies, and they all fell on the floor.

“Is it over? Can I look now?” whimpered Shining.

“Yes… you can!” groaned Sci-Twi who was stuck under her brother’s legs.

Applejack then swung on the rope herself, making it to the window, and with a skillful yank, she pulled her rope back into her possession.

“Hey, that’s pretty cool.” said Terra.

Applejack blew on her wrist and boasted, “T’weren’t nothing.”

Though everyone was now successfully within the tower, they suddenly heard a clanking sound, like footsteps…!

A shiver ran up Cadance’s spine. “What’s that?”

Twilight turned and saw a pair of armored suits, armed with shields and lances stomping their way towards the group.

Everyone began to fret, but Terra spotted a doorway. “Let’s get out of here!” and they all ran towards the door, and they began to run down a large hallway…

…Only to run into more knights, and forcing them to head for a stairway. The knights tried to follow them, but crowded each other at the top, and they couldn’t proceed.

“What kind of a tower is this?!” yelled Applejack.

“One that I hope we get out of and fast!” shouted Shining Armor.

Once at the bottom of the stairs, they found there was another set of stairs at the end of the hall; forgetting that the tower was very tall.

“How many stairways can this tower have?” asked Terra.

Sci-Twi did the calculations in her head, judging from outside how tall the tower was, “I would estimate no less than fifty.”

The others groaned… and so did something else-- a large stone golem in the hall that began to stomp towards them.

“Run!!” shouted Cadance.

They ran down the stairs like Lightning, and the golem couldn’t chase them any further.

“What next is there?” wondered Applejack, but she got her answer-- looking straight ahead, she saw the stairway just ended with nothing on the other side but open dark air!

“Stop!!” she shouted, skidding to a halt, but all the others bumped into one another and into her, and all fell off the edge, plummeting deep into the darkness.

To Be Continued…!

Author's Note:

Despite what the text translates about the royal Cookpals "Doubles the ORIGINAL attack points" that was clearly not what happened in the anime.

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