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Episode 55: Part 6: Scientifically Showing


The one place Z-Arc forgot to shroud with his blockade barrier was the large hole in the wall of the castle, and from inside the opening, someone was watching through the shadows ever since the duel began.

Everyone else was far too distracted to notice.

The scores stood…

Z-Arc LP: 1650

Kori LP: 4000

Pinkie LP: 4000

While Z-Arc was down for the count, the duel still wasn’t over.

The rifts were still opening, and more people and other creatures were entering the Malefic World.

“Look at all this!” cried Rainbow.

Sci-Twi clenched her fists in a mix of anger and concern. “If we don’t finish this duel soon, it might be too late to do anything about it.”

Dick cringed angrily at the thought, “It’s bad enough the Titans and I couldn’t save Jump City—because of our actions-- now this too. We can’t let Z-Arc rule, but we’ve never faced anyone so strong and devious!”

Celestia was looking towards the duel and hoping with all her might that Pinkie and Kori to win.

“Well now…” hissed Z-Arc “I’ve got some serious ground to make,” he paused and balked at his opponents “…As well as a couple of weak and inferior duelists to eliminate!”

“Huuuuuuuuuh?!!” said Pinkie, and she asked while picking her ear in a befuddled “Inferior and Weak?” Uuuummmm… Didn’t I just go ahead and break you to pieces on my last turn?”

Kori didn’t like the way Z-Arc was acting so smug either.

Z-Arc only scoffed, “Ha! Shows what you know…”

He drew his next card, giving him three in hand, and then he revealed one of them. “I activate the spell POT OF GREED, but I’ll also chain it with this… SERIAL SPELL!

When I play a normal spell, by discarding every card in my hand, I can duplicate the effects of that spell. So, now I draw four cards instead of two!”

With his hand now refreshed, Kori and Pinkie felt worried, much to Z-Arc’s delight.

“Now I’ll set two of these cards facedown, and then I’ll play the spell AMAZING PENDULUM!”

“Uh, oh!” gasped Pinkie. “That allows him to add two Pendulum Cards to his hand from the Extra Deck!”

Kori cringed in shocked. “No way!”

“…Way!” Z-Arc hissed as he held up his cards “SUPREME KING GATE ZERO, and SUPREME KING DRAGON ODD-EYES!”

The monsters were placed in the light much to everyone else’s confusion.

“Why did he take out Odd-Eyes?” wondered Dick.

“You’d think he would take Supreme King Gate Infinity.” added Celestia.

Sci-Twi narrowed her eyes. “I get it. It’s because Gate Infinity doesn’t let him Pendulum Summon while he has monsters in play.”

Rainbow took a good look at the scales. “But it’s only a 0 to 4 scale. He can’t summon much with that.”

Z-Arc overheard. “Of course, I can’t, which is why I’m using PENDULUM SHIFT, so I can change Odd-Eyes’ Pendulum Scale from 4 to 10!”

“Oh, no!!” everyone cried in shock.

Z-Arc snickered, and then burst out laughing maniacally. “It’s been a while, but now…

“Back and forth the Pendulum Swings,
And all the monsters now it brings!


Three shots of light rained down as three monsters appeared from the Extra Deck



“HALLOHALLO…” (Def: 600)

“His field is all full again!” cried Pinkie.

“It’s okay!” said Kori. “Remember, he can’t attack without an Xyz Monster.” She paused and looked at her Constellar Diamond. “…And as long as I’ve got him in play with plenty of overlay units.

but Z-Arc disagreed, “Not for much longer.”

The duelist sweat nervously at that.

“…From my graveyard I activate the trap WINGS OF MISDIRECTION!”

“What?!” snapped Pinkie. “Where did that card come from. I never saw it played.”

Kori then realized, “He sent it to the graveyard when he played his Trap Booster!”

“Very good…” mocked Z-Arc. “Yes, the trap is in my graveyard, and now, by banishing it, along with my summoned Gate Zero and HalloHallo, I will now give myself an 800 attack-point boost.”

(Atk: 4000) -----> (Atk: 4800)

As Z-Arc powered his monster up, the ground began to tremble again. Kori and Pinkie did their best to stay standing, and then…

…Every monster and every other card they have in play was shrouded by magical winds, turning them all pale and dim. Changeraffe even stopped her cute little dancing.

“Our cards!” wailed Kori.

“They’re all powered-out!” shouted Pinkie.

“That’s right.” hissed Z-Arc. “For the remainder of this turn, all your cards lose their abilities and they cannot be activated either, which means not only am I allowed to attack again, but my Starving Venom is no longer mesmerized!”

Starving Venom rose high and growled angrily like its old, fearsome self again!

“Oh, boy! He sure looks angry!” whimpered Pinkie.

“I’ll let you worry about him in a moment.” hissed Z-Arc, “Now that all your cards are useless against me, I activate Supreme King Gate Infinity’s ability, which destroys Odd-Eyes and itself!”

The two cards exploded, but then the empty Pendulum Zone glowed brightly.

“…And now, Gate Infinity is placed in my Pendulum Zone once more, which means I can use it to increase my life points by Gatlinghoul’s attack strength!”

Z-Arc LP: 1650 -----> 4550

Rainbow ruffled her hair. “This cannot be happening?!” she growled. “Z-Arc’s making a complete comeback!

He’s boosted his life points…

He’s summoned so many monsters…

He can’t take damage!

…What next?!”

Then she felt ready to kick herself for asking that, because Z-Arc already had something planned.

“I have another spell to play… DOPPELGANGER!”

Sci-Twi gasped in horrors. “No! Not that?!”

“Why? What does that do?” asked Celestia.

Trembling nervously, Sci-Twi answered, “It lets Z-Arc copy one card in the opponent’s graveyard and use its power!”

“…Any card?!” whimpered Terra. “I think I know what he’s going for!”

A cartoonish, yet evil and nasty looking cat-like creature appeared and gave a nasty snicker. Then, without warning it slipped into the ground, and came back with a single card stolen from the graveyard!”

“That card?!” cried Kori “It’s my RE-XYZ!”

“Thank you for letting me use it!” teased Z-Arc. “Now I am able to bring back an old friend, by overlaying two of my Supreme King Dragon Darkwurms in the graveyard…


(Atk: 2500)

Kori and Pinkie were trembling nervously at the sight of the huge, hulking beast.

“And while we’re at it…” chuckled Z-Arc. “Now that Starving Venom is no longer trapped by your miserable performing freak show, he’s free to copy Rebellion Dragon’s special power, and just in time for battle!”

The battle phase was engaged.

“Now I use Starving Venom’s power to send him back to the Extra Deck, and in doing so, I can invite Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes to join us on the field!”

(Atk: 2500)

Odd-Eyes roared, and that was the final shot-- Kori and Pinkie knew they were finished!

They both fell to their knees in fear and shame.

“We’ve lost!” cried Kori. “Now that Odd-Eyes is here, we’ll receive double the damage from the pendulum monsters!”

“No!” Pinkie said with a sniffle. “…But we were so close.” She couldn’t fight back her tears anymore. “…Sunset!”

Sunset could still see through the darkness from within Z-Arc.

She pounded her hands on what felt like a solid wall. “No!! PINKIE PIE…!!!”

Pinkie’s ears then gave a soft twitch. “…Sunset?!”

Z-Arc called to his monsters, “Odd-Eyes, take out Performapal Changeraffe, while I destroy Deletros!”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 100)

(Atk: 4800) -----> (Atk: 1550)

At double the damage each, Kori and Pinkie were going to be wiped out for sure!

“Kori!!” Dick yelled as he tried to get up and rush down to save his wife, only for him to collapse in his, still, weakened state.

Rainbow was already down while trying to rush over and help Pinkie Pie before she got slammed, but she was still too beat to make it in time.

Sci-Twi was the only one who could do anything, but she couldn’t save both duelists at once.

“I don’t know what to do!” she wailed.

“ATTACK!!” bellowed Z-Arc.

Kori snapped to her senses and bolted up on her feet, realizing the danger she was in. “Pinkie, run!” she shouted.

The dragons fired their power, but Pinkie stood where she was still mesmerized from hearing what sounded like Sunset’s voice calling to her.

Kori quick dashed back and grabbed her by the arm. She pulled her away just as the huge blasts struck, creating huge explosions!

KAPOW!! The force sent the two duelists crashing across the field as their life points were all wiped out!

“NO--------!!!!” Sunset wailed.

Pinkie still swore she could hear the screams, even while crashing about.

“Kori!!” shouted Dick.

“Pinkie!” exclaimed Rainbow.

Sci-Twi finally rushed down to her friends. “Are you both okay?!” she asked desperately.

Kori lay on her stomach panting painfully while Pinkie was flat on her back, she was panting softer and still had a perplexed look on her face.

“There goes another two.” laughed Z-Arc. “Will no one else dare to face me?”

Sci-Twi glared at him furiously.

“Sunset…!” Pinkie murmured groggily. “I… heard… Sunset! She’s inside.”

Sci-Twi blinked in confusion and believed Pinkie was delirious from the wipeout.

She even looked at Z-Arc and she couldn’t see Sunset at all.

While inside, Sunset pounded hard calling to her. “I’m here! I’M HERE!!! HELP ME!!”

It was no good, Sci-Twi heard nothing. Even Pinkie was no longer able to hear Sunset’s calls, not in her weakened and battered state, and yet she still insisted. “We’ve got… to save her…!”

The other sideliners were rapidly losing hope.

“Z-Arc!” growled Celestia. “We’ve got to stop him, somehow.”

“We can’t!” cried Terra. “He’s too strong. We all stood up to him, and he still beat us all. We failed.”

Rainbow crunched a few bits of dirt in her fist trying hard not to admit it herself. “…It can’t be over. It just can’t be!”

“…It’s not!” insisted Sci-Twi. “I’m still standing. I’ll duel!”

“You can’t!” insisted Kori. “You can’t face Z-Arc by yourself. He’ll cream you!”

Her argument was already more than shot down by the fact that everyone else was weak and beaten and could barely stand.

“I’ll be alright.” said Sci-Twi. “I’ve been observing Z-Arc and the way he duels, and I think I just may be able to outwit him.”

Z-Arc, having overheard, scoffed. “Ha! I don’t what’s funnier-- that you think you have it all figured out, or that you wish to face me yourself with no help.

…But if you insist on being foolish, I’ll gladly take you on as the final challenger. Once I defeat you, I’ll have proven conclusively that I am truly the strongest duelist, and that I’ll be ready to take on the princes.”

He paused and motioned to all his monsters, “And once I and my mighty dragons have de-throned the so-called “Rulers” will my reign begin!

Just look around you…!”

He motioned at all the people walking along the air, entering through the rifts. The rifts were now nearing the major cities and about to bring all the buildings and homes into the darkness like Jump City’s remains.

Sci-Twi’s fists quivered, and she balked, “I won’t let it happen!”

Arming herself with Applejack’s duel disk, she stood ready, and then she called out. “Sunset… I don’t know if you can hear me or not, but if you are in there, I want you to know… I’m doing this for you!”

Sunset could hear her.


She then thought back to when Sci-Twi was a stranger to everyone-- an odd-ball out, skeptical, and weary about friendship, and so desperate and nervous to learn the truth that she became Midnight Sparkle.

Sci-Twi thought all back to this as well, and how Sunset and the girls helped her to accept the joys of friendship after they saved her from the magic…

…And yet she repaid them all by creating Karle, in attempt to help her defeat Gar in revenge, and in the process, she was mean and pushy to her friends--albeit: against her control-- and put them all in constant danger!

Sci-Twi fought back her tears of shame. “I can never undo what I did, and no matter what good I do, it will never shake off these bad feelings…

…But I’m not going to let it stop me from trying!”

Sunset felt lighter, than she had been since this whole adventure began when Princess Twilight was captured.

“Princess Twilight!” she realized. “That’s right, we’re fighting to save her too.”

Sci-Twi readied the duel disk, drew her cards… and she suffered the shockwaves of the point-halving.

Sci-Twi LP: 8000 -----> 4000

She withstood the burning shocks and maintained her stance. “It’ll take more than that to keep me down!

Now let’s do this!”

She drew her six cards.

“First I’ll set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 3 BUJUN HIRUKO, and Scale 5 LUNALIGHT TIGER!”

As the monsters took their places in the light, the sideliners were ever surprised.

“She’s still got Applejack’s card?” wondered Terra. “She must still be using the deck she had when she beat Karle—with Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy’s cards combined with her own.”

The others remembered Sci-Twi telling them all about this.

Sci-Twi looked up at the swinging pendulum. “It may seem weak, but it’ll work just find for me, I can summon all the level 4 monsters that I need!

“Science is as the Pendulum swings,
The discoveries and forces that it brings.

…Engage Pendulum Summon!”

Two shots of light rained down from above.


“BUJINGI YAMATO…” (Atk: 1800)

Four cards already played, and already Sci-Twi had three monsters in play.

“What are you thinking playing all those?” Z-Arc laughed, “They all look like they’re ready to take on my dragons like throwing a toothpick at a brick wall.”

Sci-Twi didn’t bother to balk back, and instead smirked. “I’ll show you what I was planning by summoning this… LUNALIGHT WHITE RABBIT!”

(Atk: 800)

“Huh?” said Z-Arc.

Sci-Twi held out her arm. “I use White Rabbit’s special ability, I can send as many spell and trap cards on the field back to the players hands, up to the number of “Lunalight” cards I have in play, and I have three!”

Z-Arc cringed, “So now. I’ll send Hiruko back to my hand, and your two facedown cards!”

White Rabbit bounced up high and unleashed her white waves all over the field.

“Ha! You think it’s that’s simple?” sneered Z-Arc “I activate THREATENING ROAR!”

Sci-Twi growled in sudden shock, and then she was blasted by the airwaves of a loud roaring.

“Oh, no!” groaned Celestia. “Now, she won’t be allowed to attack this turn!”

Rainbow glared at Z-Arc from afar and growled, “…That creep!”

Z-Arc laughed wickedly. “Looks like your so-called “calculations” have let you down. I have you right where I need you, and there’s no way you can outtake me and my dragons now!”

Still grinning, Sci-Twi said, “Don’t be so sure.”


“I had a feeling you’d try a stunt like that, because all through the duel you’ve been protecting yourself and finding ways to refresh your resources.

…So, naturally, you’d use a trap like that against me.”

Z-Arc was beginning to feel insulted while the sideliners were amazed at how cool and calm Sci-Twi was taking all this.

“Now, for me to continue…” she said. “I overlay Level 4 Blue Cat with Level 4 Yamato, in order to build the Overlay Network!”

As the two monsters went into the portal, Sci-Twi could feel the spirit of Applejack behind her with her hands on her should, leading her all her strength.

Sci-Twi called out Applejack’s chant…

“Basked in the glowing light of day,
There’s a great, grand creature coming my way!


(Atk: 2500)

The gallant warrior creature stood with it’s armor glistening, and its weapons at the ready.

Sunset saw the card too and remembered, “Applejack…!”

A mix of memories played by, of all the good times they had together at school, working on the farm, horseback riding, and of course there was dueling.

Sunset then remembered how she accidently forced herself to duel Applejack, defeated her, and turned her into card, even though Applejack took it with pride and honor for having a good duel with her friend.

She cringed hard in shame of the bad things, but she remembered how much all her friends were still trying to help save her and the world…

…And she had to do her best to keep believing in them too.

“Now,” hollered Sci-Twi “I activate Kagutsuchi’s ability. By using one overlay unit, I send the top five cards on my deck straight to the graveyard, and for each “Bujin” card that gets sent, his attack rises by 100.”

Sadly, only one of the five cards she sent was a Bujin card --BUJINGI BOAR-- which only raised the monster’s attack to 2600.

“Oh, how tragic.” mocked Z-Arc. “Even had you received the cards you needed you still cannot attack me this turn anyway. Ha!”

Sci-Twi adjusted her glasses and insisted. “You just watch me!

I, activate the spell POT OF GREED, so I draw two more cards.”

She looked down at what she had drawn, and she was very pleased. She thought, “Everything’s going just as I hoped. By observing Z-Arc’s playing style I was able to restack this deck into something I know can’t fail.

…At least I hope it can’t.”

She grabbed one of her cards, “I play one of Applejack’s cards, PAINFUL CHOICE! So now I’ll reveal five cards from my deck, and you pick one of them for me to add to my hand while the rest get sent straight to the graveyard.”

She chose just the cards she needed…






Z-Arc looked back and forth at the holo-images shown, and he thought, “She seems to have selected a fine lot, but if she thinks she can outsmart me, she has another thing coming.”

He then pointed at one of the images. “You may keep that one-- Bujingi Hare!”

“Very well…” said Sci-Twi and she sent the remaining cards to her graveyard.

Z-Arc thought to himself, “I know that monster’s power, it prevents her Xyz Monster from being destroyed once per turn, but only while it is in the graveyard, and even still, the damage my monsters can inflict will surely bring about her end.”

Sci-Twi held up her last card. She held it up and her glasses gave a shimmer. “…I now play the spell ONE DAY OF PEACE!”

“What?!” snapped Z-Arc, and much to his annoyance, the field was shrouded in a glow of soft light.

Sci-Twi smiled. “Now we each draw one card, and neither of us can be damaged by anything until the start of my next turn.”

Z-Arc was trembling in shock.

“You see…” Sci-Twi mocked him. “You stopped me from attacking this turn, but come next turn, you won’t be able to do much to me either.

The tables are turning on you, Z-Arc. I will rescue Sunset, and make you regret ever laying a finger on me and my friends!”

The two duelists glared at each other with flames in their eyes-- one duelist was raging, while the other was of determination.

The sideliners could hardly believe this.

“Look at them!” said Celestia. “This round only started and it’s as if they’re already pushing each other to their limits.”

“I’m just relieved,” said Terra. “…At least Twilight can’t take damage next turn.”

“Maybe,” agreed Dick. “But who knows what other things Z-Arc can pull off.

Rainbow clenched more dirt in her hand, while Kori and Pinkie continued to lay on the ground watching with anxiety.

“This has gone on long enough!” bellowed Z-Arc. “You may have bought yourself another turn, but now it’s my draw!”

While Z-Arc had three cards in hand, at that moment just above him, appeared a strong guillotine, which came down on his cards and chopped them.

“Oh, no!” he bellowed.

“Ha!” said Sci-Twi. “You see, Z-Arc. It’s been five turns since you used Card of Demise, which means you lost every card you were holding.

Maybe you should pay attention to your surroundings and happenings more often.”

Z-Arc was outraged while the sideliners only felt a slight bit of relief.

“Well, at least his hand is empty.” said Dick.

“Yeah, but he’s still got his dragons, and they’re way tough.” added Terra.

Z-Arc pointed this out as well. “You may have discarded my hand, but I still have the advantage over you, especially when I use Gate Infinity to power my life points by the amount Kagutsuchi’s attack points.”

Z-Arc LP: 4550 -----> 7150

“Will someone ever stop his life points rising!” groaned Kori.

Pinkie was aggravated too. “And worse, even he takes no damage this turn from anything.”

“Oh, you think too small.” hissed Z-Arc, and then he eyed at Sci-Twi. “I may not be able to damage you, but with my dragons, I will still devastate your pathetic, spineless, excuse of creatures.”

He engaged his Battle Phase.

“First my Odd-Eyes will destroy your White Rabbit!”

The poor little rabbit was roasted to bits by the dragon’s wrath, and while the resulting explosions sped past Sci-Twi, she didn’t take any damage as promised and was not burned at all.

“Now,” yelled Z-Arc “I myself will eliminate Kagutsuchi! Here I come!”

Supreme King Z-Arc prepared to attack.

“No!” shouted Sci-Twi “I use Kagutsuchi’s remaining overlay unit, which protects him from being destroyed!”

The attack struck; the flames were massively intense! The winds from the blast pushed Sci-Twi back, dragging her boots on the dirt, but with no damage, she remained standing.

“Clever!” hissed Z-Arc “But I still have one dragon remaining! Dark Rebellion will now obliterate your monster, especially when it uses an overlay unit to steal all its attack points!”

(Atk: 2600) -----> (Atk: 0)

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 5100)

The blast headed straight for the monster, and it was all out of Overlay Units.

“I can’t protect it anymore.” thought Sci-Twi. “Sorry, Applejack.”

The spirit of her friend just continued to smile as if to say, “It ain’t nothing to worry about. I was glad to help.”

KAPOW!! The blast finally knocked Sci-Twi off her feet, but that was about it.

“Are alright?” Pinkie called to her.

Sci-Twi got back up and nodded softly.

“…For now, you are.” hissed Z-Arc. “Now take your turn. I promise it will be your last!”

“I actually agree with you.” said Sci-Twi. “Before this next turn is done, you’ll be finished for good Z-Arc.”

“Wishful thinking.” Z-Arc scoffed in thought. “If there’s one thing that battling has taught me, always keep something sneaky up your sleeve,” he looked down at his duel disk, “…Or in this case, buried for just such a use.”

Sci-Twi pulled her next card out. “Here goes…!”

She knew what she had to do as she eyed Supreme King Z-Arc. She thought quietly. “Once I bring him down, the rest will be easy pickings.

Without Supreme King Z-Arc, Supreme King Gate Zero won’t be able to shield him from taking damage, and then his other dragons will fall.

I’ve got everything I need to make it happen, and he’s got nothing to defend himself with now.”

She held out her arms. “I activate the effect of Rarity’s CRYSTAL ROSE in the graveyard.”

The spirit of Rarity appeared in her eyes before her and cast her glowing eyes upon the ground.

Sci-Twi smiled at her friend’s spirit, and then she said, “By banishing one Fusion Monster from the graveyard let’s me summon the rose straight to the field, and it’s a darn good thing there are plenty of Fusion Monsters from previous players.”

All of Terra’s and Pinkie’s monsters were buried deep inside, which let Sci-Twi banish Gatlinghoul just for what she needed.

The rose sprouted up with its sparkling glory.

(Def: 500)

“Now that it’s here,” said Sci-Twi “I’ll use its other ability and send MOTZARTA, THE MELODIOUS MAESTRA from my deck to the graveyard, and Crystal Rose then copies her name and form!”

With a sparkling glow, the beautiful rose cast an image of Rarity’s monster up above it.

“Next, I once again set Bujin Hiruko back in the Pendulum Scale, so that I may once again summon as many level 4 monsters as I need.

Engage Pendulum Summon!”

Two shots light hit the field, and her monster appeared.


“BUJINGI HARE…” (Atk: 1700)

The two monsters stood together, gleaming in the light.

“When Soproano is special summoned, I can use her ability to bring this to my hand from the graveyard…


Sci-Twi had sent quite a few cards to her graveyard on her last turn, which was why she was taking such pride in her plan.

“Thanks to Cannon’s ability; since I already have a “Melodious” monster in play, I can summon her instantly!”

(Def: 2000)

“But she won’t be staying too long because I’m using her and Hare to build the overlay network again!

Honest as light, and bright as day,
This creature shall make my enemies pay!


(Atk: 1800)

The monster stood, glowing as brightly as the daylight.

“And now I’ll use his special ability! By using one overlay unit, and discarding my entire hand to the graveyard, I draw two more cards!”

She drew, and she liked the two cards well. “Nice…!

“Now, I activate LUNALIGHT PERFUME from my graveyard! By banishing it and discarding one card from my hand, I get to add this to my hand… LUNALIGHT BLACKSHEEP!

But it won’t stay in my hand for long, because I now send it straight to the graveyard to activate its power, which lets me add LUNALIGHT WOLF that I just discarded to my hand.”

The sideliners were very impressed.

“Look at her go!” said Rainbow “She’s like a demon dueling.”

Terra agreed. “This is just like when she dueled Karle; she never let anything hold her back, and it helped her to win.”

“I just hope she wins this.” murmured Celestia.

Sci-Twi continued, “Now I use Hiruko’s Pendulum Ability…

By banishing it, I can target Tsukuyomi, and then use it to Xyz Summon a different monster from the Extra Deck, and I know just the one I want.”

The process happened. The monster leapt up high into the portal, and Sci-Twi made up her own chant for the emerging monster…

“A creature comes forth with strength and more,
To grant me power and victory galore!


(Atk: 2500)

“This can’t be!” cried Z-Arc.

“Oh, it be!” said Sci-Twi. “Planning and strategizing works well with time, but also having good friends to guide you along the way.

Speaking of friends, let me bring out another monster to join the party by using Soprano’s special ability. She let’s me Fusion Summon without a Fusion Spell.

Now, go Soprano and fuse yourself with Crystal Rose!”

The beautiful singer let out a long and beautiful note as the fusion began.

“Harmonious and bright, but filled with rage,
This graceful singer will now take stage!


(Atk: 1000)

The cute singer appeared in a blooming flower and let her voice ring loud and clear with sensational note.

Sci-Twi smiled brighter than ever in the glow of her friend’s monsters.

Sunset saw it from inside Z-Arc and was ever-so astounded by her dueling.

“I’ve never seen anyone duel like this before, not even me.”

She knew that this had to be the result of Sci-Twi’s determination, and support from some of their friends-- using their cards and all.

“Moving on!” Sci-Twi called “Now I set Lunalight Wolf into the Pendulum Scale!”

Now the scale had two Lunalights in play.

“I activate Lunalight Tiger’s Pendulum Abbility, I can summon one “Lunalight” from the graveyard, but it won’t have its effects.


(Atk: 1600)

“And now I have another card to play…” she held up her last card and slammed it onto her disk, “…I summon FAIRY ARCHER!”

(Atk: 1400)

This was one of Fluttershy’s cards, and the moment it was played did the spirit of Fluttershy appear before Sci-Twi’s eyes, putting all three of them in view at the same time to her.

“Are you finished yet!” groaned Z-Arc. “I’m getting a little tired of this waiting!”

“Sorry to tell you, but I’m not finished by a long shot.” said Sci-Twi. “I now activate the effect of BUTEN from the graveyard, which happens to be another one of Fluttershy’s cards.

By banishing it, it casts a magical glow on my fairy, so it’s now treated as a Tuner Monster!”

“A Tuner?!” yelped Z-Arc.

“That’s right, and now… I tune level 3 Archer with Level 4 Blue Cat!”

Fluttershy’s spirit guided the two monsters through the process, and Sci-Twi called out her chant…

“From a sacred realm, this creature rises,
Her power and wisdom will bring forth surprises!


(Atk: 2100)

Fluttershy’s dragon let out a mystical roar with her eyes glowing brightly, with her owner’s spirit floating next to her, and all three monsters stood with their owner’s spirits near them.

Z-Arc was astounded, and so were all the sideliners.

“What a play!” cried Pinkie.

“So, astounding!” added Celestia.

Sunset gawked in awe at the sight of it all. “Pendulum… Fusion… Synchro… Xyz…!”

She was feeling her old dueling rush returning to her. She shut her eyes, and she could see…

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon…

Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon…

Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon…

Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon…

All the dragons of the four summoning powers; each of them glowed in the proper colored aura of each summon form.

She shut her eyes and could feel the dragons trying to reconnect with her-- to give her more strength.

Sci-Twi herself was very astounded by all that she had done, and she still had a few things left to do.

“I may have a lot of monsters in play, but I plan to add one more, and it’s all thanks to Lunalight Wolf’s Pendulum Ability.

Now I can Fusion Summon by banishing monsters from my graveyard, and I know just the ones.

I banish Lunalight Black Sheep and Blue Cat along with… KING OF THE SWAMP!”

“What?!” snapped Z-Arc.

“His effect to substitute still works in the graveyard, and now that he’s taken on the form of LUNALIGHT PANTHER DANCER, he’s going to help me bring out the Big Stuff!”

The three monster spirits appeared and vanished into the darkness, and Sci-Twi called out…

“Sharp as blades, and dark and deep,
I summon this beast to make you weep!


(Atk: 3500)

Her most powerful monster stood tall with her dress fluttering, and her sword sharp and strong.

Nobody-- not Sci-Twi, not Z-Arc, nor any of the sideliners could believe how much more intense this was becoming.

Sci-Twi was panting and sweating horribly while running out of steam.

“Now I banish FUSION SUBSTITUTE from my graveyard!”

“Not more!” sighed Z-Arc. He was starting to wish he had setup a time-limit on turns.

“When Fusion Substitute is banished, I can send one Fusion Monster in the graveyard to my Extra Deck… even if it isn’t my own card. The graveyard is still wide-open.”

She sent one of Terra’s cards away.

“Now I get to draw one card, and I’m really hoping it’s the one I want!”

She looked down at her deck. Her arm was trembling as a mixed result of exhaustion and fear of the next draw.

She slowly laid her fingers on the top card, and slowly pulled it out.

She looked at it, and then gazed fiercely at Z-Arc, which made him blink nervously.

“I now equip the spell MEGAMORPH on Leo Dancer!”

Z-Arc growled while Sci-Twi gloated, “Since my life points are far lower than yours, this spell doubles Leo Dancer’s attack points.”

(Atk: 3500) -----> (Atk: 7000)

“No!!” wailed Z-Arc.

“Seven-thousand points!” cried Pinkie.

“That makes Leo Dancer the most powerful monster in play!” added Kori.

The other sideliners felt this was probably it.

“I think she’s finally going to do it!” said Rainbow.

The others agreed and figured out Sci-Twi’s strategy.

Sci-Twi would attack Supreme King Z-Arc with Susanowo, and by banishing Sinyou from the graveyard, it would gain 4000 attack points-- the same as Z-Arc’s attack strength.

Even if Z-Arc were to use Supreme Faceoff to protect himself, Leo Dancer could attack twice in one turn, and Z-Arc wouldn’t be able to defend himself from an attack from her.

Supreme King Z-Arc would be destroyed, and then Leo Dancer would then use her other effect to destroy all special summoned monsters. Even Dark Rebellion wouldn’t be able to use his summoning power-- all monsters would be wiped out!

Z-Arc would be left wide open, allowing Leo Dancer to attack again, and all of Sci-Twi’s remaining monsters to attack him directly, and without Supreme King Z-Arc, Supreme King Gate Zero would not defend Z-Arc’s life points!

He’d be all wiped out, and the duel would finally be over!

Never had anyone hoped with all their might that this would pull through, all their lives, and the fate of all worlds depended on it.

“It’s time!” Sci-Twi shouted, and she engaged her battle phase.

“We’re coming, Sunset!!”

The monsters all roared and hollered as they charged forth to strike the enemy down.

To Be Continued…

Author's Note:


Sci-Twi sure had quite the play there. My blood was going WILD with anxiety!

I think that is the most intensive, most-creative, and most astonishing Main Phase One I've made in my entire years of Yugioh writing.


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