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Episode 34: Final Part: Incredible Defeats


The Prince Brothers had observed both duels along with their three minions.

Their generator was really glowing brightly with all the power it was absorbing, which caused the rifts in the sky to widen even more.

“Wonderful!” exclaimed Rubeus. “I can hardly remember the last time I’d seen such incredible duels of such power.”

“Hey, it’s even better.” said Loki. “Now that Sunset is fully enveloped in the darkness of her new cards. The power will grow all the faster.”

Then his features changed to concern, “I only wish my Dear Celestia was here to see this. I wonder where she is.”

He tried to use the magic to find her, but unlike keeping an eye on the others, searching for Celestia, without knowing exactly where she was, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Khaos, Sapphire, and Violet, were all sulking in the corner, feeling annoyed to have been called back, and then to do nothing by standby for further orders.

“They give us all these new cards, and then they just pull us back like this.” grumbled Sapphire.

Violet huffed, “I could be down there now destroying the masked-one myself.”

Much as Khaos didn’t like the hedging around, he urged his colleagues, “Stop complaining! We sit tight and we wait, as ordered.”

Such an order was about to come.

“You three!” Loki called, “I want you to go back down and bring Celestia back.”

“What?!” snapped Violet.

“Now wait just a--” Sapphire said, but he was cut off by Khaos, “…At once.”

The other two were shocked by his stuck-up loyalty.

“Cone on, you two.” called Khaos.

“I don’t get why we should go looking for her.” grumbled Violet.

“What was that?!” snarled Loki.

Sapphire began to panic, and he changed his attitude, “We mean… uh… we’re on it.”

“And remember!” Loki ordered “No running off on any vendettas. My brother and I will not have you three putting our plans in jeopardy.

Your only task, now, is to find my Dear Celestia.”

“We understand.” replied Khaos “There won’t be any trouble,”

Violet and Sapphire complied and went off with him.

“And remember…” warned Loki “We’ll be watching you. If anything happens to ruin our plans, or if anything happens to Celestia… all three of you will suffer for it.”

The trio finally left.

“He’s really obsessed over that woman.” grumbled Violet.

“I’ll say.” agreed Sapphire.

Khaos said nothing, only wanting to serve his masters well.

Rubeus shook his head at his brother. “I wouldn’t worry about Celestia all that much.”

Loki snuffed softly, “I just can’t bear it if anything happened to her. You would understand if there was someone you loved as dearly.”

Rubeus felt hurt by such a thing, “And I supposed my brotherly love is no great matter?!”

Loki felt silly, and he apologized. “Forgive me, brother. Perhaps my obsession is getting to me.”

Rubeus nodded, “You are forgiven.” Then he thought silently, “Once this is all over, he will understand… there is more that I love that he knows.”

He went off to do some work, leaving Loki to continue watching the two duels and search for Celestia.

Loki couldn’t help but eye his brother until he was out of sight, softly tapping his finger against his robe, almost in a rather untrustworthy manner.

Celestia had found her way to the ruined remains of Jump City.

“What a dump.” she remarked. “I’ll bet even when this was all bustling, it was useless.”

She looked up at the growing rifts in the skies, and she could see loads of other cities from far and wide.

“I suppose when we take over the human world, I could have other fun with future victims.” Then she looked stiff towards the open city ruins before her “…But right now I only have one goal in mind.”

She knew Sunset and the others had to be somewhere in the city, but she still had no idea where to look. So, she just hopped along the roofs hoping to find them, or anything to lead her.

Meanwhile, Dick and Kori were still standing strong, while Sunset had hardly any life points left.

Sunset LP: 650

Dick & Kori LP: 7000

But Sunset was still laughing wickedly. “Prepare yourselves, because here I come!”

She finally drew a card now that she could finally take her turn.

“I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 0 SUPREME KING GATE ZERO and Scale 13 SUPREME KING GATE INFINITY!”

Two strange monsters appeared-- one in the shape a of big zero, and the other was symbol of “infinity” They both took their places up high in the Pendulum Lights.

“Zero to thirteen?!” cried Dick.

“But that means there’s no limit to what monsters she can call out.” wailed Kori.

All the spectators couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Where did Sunset get these cards?” wondered Rainbow.

“I don’t think I even want to know!” whimpered Pinkie.

Sunset Snickered, and she called out to the Pendulum, but recited a new chant instead of her usual…

“Back and forth the Pendulum Swings,
And all the monsters now it brings!


Two shots of light rained down from above her, and her monsters appeared.


(Atk: 1800) x2

Two vicious looking dragons, snarled and roared at the opponents-- monsters that nobody had ever seen.

“Interesting, aren’t they?” teased Sunset. “Of course, they can’t attack because they aren’t Xyz monsters. So, I guess I’ll just have to overlay them both!”

Everyone watched in fear as the two monsters vanished into the overlay network, and Sunset chanted out to her new emerging beast.

“Shadows of fear and darkness deep,
I summon a monster to make you fear and weep!


The evil dragon appeared, spreading its huge wings out and letting loose mighty roar.

(Atk: 2500)

The spectators could hardly believe their eyes.

“No way!” cried Vic “That looks like Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, but way nastier.”

“And worse,” said Raven “Thanks to Kori’s Xyz Coliseum, it’ll gain more attacks points!”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 2700)

Sunset glared down at her opponents, and if you think that you’re both safe thanks to your little magician over there, think again!”

Dick and Kori didn’t understand, and Sunset engaged her battle phase.

“Dark Rebellion, attack, Constellar Diamond!”

Her dragon complied and prepared to attack.

“What?!” cried Kori “But your dragon is still weaker than Constellar Diamond!”

(Atk: 2900)

“Not for long it isn’t!” protested Sunset “I know activate Dark Rebellion’s special ability!

When it battles a monster, but using an overlay unit, that monster’s attack drops down to zero!”

“Ah!” wailed Kori.

“No, way!” exclaimed Dick.

(Atk: 2900) -----> (Atk: 0)

“Oh, but don’t worry about your monster’s attack points, they are going to a good use—my dragon that is! Now his attack power increases by the amount of your monster’s original attack points!!”

(Atk: 2700) -----> (Atk: 5400)

The spectators all gasped in horror.

“Fifty-Four hundred!” wailed Cadance. “But that means Dick’s magician can’t defend them from the blast!”

“Oh! I can’t look!” cried Pinkie, and she ducked behind a pile of rubble.

“Now, my dragon, attack!” shouted Sunset, and her dragon unleashed a huge, dark stream of burning power from its mouth, straight for Kori’s defenseless monster.

Kori braced in fear as the impact came closer!

“I don’t think so!” shouted Dick “I activate Bubble Garnda’s Pendulum ability!”

His monster leapt up and began to blow magical bubbles over the two duelists.

“Thanks to think, all the battle damage we’ll take is halved, which reduces it all to 2700… and this allows my Trapeze Magician to defend us, because his attack-power is exactly that!”

Sunset only laughed, “You think you can stop me with just a few simply bubbles? Well, I’ll just have to burst them!

I activate from my hand, the spell BIG RETURN!”

Everyone gawked at this strange new card. “What does that do?” wondered Cadance.

Sunset snickered and replied, “What it does, is it allows me to activate Rebellion’s ability a second time!”

Everyone gasped.

“Once again, I use an overlay unit, and Rebellion will gain the original attack power your monster had!”

(Atk: 5400) -----> (Atk: 8300)

“WATCH OUT!!” shouted Pinkie, but in a huge explosion, Kori’s monster was blasted to bits.

(Atk: 8300) VS (Atk: 0

Even with half the damage, the total amount was now 4150; too much for Dick’s magician to block, and both Dick and Kori were shocked hard and scream in agony as the damage shocks enveloped them both, and the force of the explosion nearly knocked them both back hard.

Dick & Kori LP: 7000 -----> 2850

Sunset laughed in wicked triumph. “So much for your defense, now I have one final spell to play from my hand…


Since my dragon successfully destroyed a monster, it can now attack once more, and it also receives 500 extra attack points!”

(Atk: 8300) -----> (Atk: 8800)

“OH, NO!!” Dick and Kori both cried.

While Dick’s magician was protected by the Bubble Barrier, Kori still had her extremely weak Ptolemaues…

(Atk: 750)

…And there was nothing either of them could do to defend themselves at all.

“It’s no use!” cried Rainbow. “They’re done for!”

“Ah, man! No way!” wailed Vic.

“They can’t lose!” said Raven.

“But they will!” shouted Sunset “Dark Rebellion, attack!”

Her dragon complied, and shot its blast straight for Kori’s monster.

Kori gasped hard as the powerful shot headed straight at her.

“KORI…!!” Dick yelled as he jumped over to his wife, catching her just in time as the blast struck, destroying Kori’s monster, and enveloping them both brightly, and painfully making them both scream and howl in torment!

All their life points were wiped too.

The explosion was so bright, that it caught the attention of Celestia, who was several blocks away.

“What is that?” she wondered, but then she bet “…It must be those fools I used to call “My Friends.” And if I find them, Sunset should be near by.”

While all that was happening, Sci-Twi and Karle’s duel was becoming so intense, Terra didn’t know how much more of it she could stand. She was sweating like crazy and flicked a few threads of her hair back.

Sci-Twi LP: 5700

Karle LP: 4450

“Prepare yourself!” Karle taunted “This is the final turn of this duel. This will get out of my way for good.”

Sci-Twi was really growing livid with her attitude. “If it weren’t for me, you’d never be here in the first place!”

“Maybe so,” agreed Karle “But now I am self-reliant, free, and powerful. I don’t need you, especially since you’re too weak to be much of anything, and I’ll show you why!

Guarded Treasure lets me draw two cards!”

She now had three cards in hand, and one of which was her trap, “Lunalight Re-incarnation Dance.”



Sci-Twi’s eyes widened! “No! That’s let’s you send all the monsters I banished back to the Graveyard.”

The images of the three monsters reappeared and vanished back into the graveyard.

“Now that they have all returned… I activate FUSION SUBSTITUTE from my graveyard!”

“What? Fusion Substitute?” remarked Sci-Twi. “I never saw you play that card…” but then she realized “Wait a minute…!”

She thought back to earlier when she played Hand Destruction, and how Karle was forced to discard the two initial cards in her hand. Once of them was Makurya the Destructor. The second card had to have been Fusion Substitute.

“For a so-called “genius” you certainly don’t pick up too well.” taunted Karle. “Now, by banishing the card, and returning Leo Dancer to the Extra Deck, I am able to draw one other cards.”

She drew a third card, and she really loved what she had gotten.

“Are you aware of what I am able to do now with Lunalight Wolf’s Pendulum Ability?”

Sci-Twi cringed.

“You should be, seeing as the card used to be yours. Now I banished Panther Dancer, Blue Cat, and Purple Butterfly out of the graveyard, so that I may once again fuse them to summon… LUNALIGHT LEO DANCER!”

(Atk: 3500)

The monster stood tall with her sword gleaming brightly.

“Oh, no! It’s back again!” cried Twilight.

“You think she’d try something different for once.” grumbled Terra.

“Oh, but I’m still not finished.” hissed Karle. “I have one final spell to activate, MONSTER REINCARNATION! With it, I shall send my Re-incarnation dance trap to the graveyard, and in exchange, I’ll add Lunalight Blue Cat back to my hand.”

Everyone could tell what was about to happen now.

Karle pointed up to Tiger and Wolf in the Pendulum Zone. “With the aid of this scale, I now Pendulum Summon my Blue Cat straight to the field!!”

In a single shot of light, the monster beamed onto the field!

(Atk: 1600)

Karle laughed wickedly. “Now that Blue Cat has appeared, her special ability will double Leo Dancer’s attack strength.”

(AtkL 3500) -----> (Atk: 7000)

Everyone gasped hard, while Sci-Twi could only look up with wide-eyes, and she was totally speechless.

“This is very bad!” cried Spike.

Karle then eyed at the two facedown cards Sci-Twi had. She thought, “If I know her, even though she knows Leo Dancer is unaffected by certain cards, she may use them to try and defend herself. I’ll need to beef up my attack force, then she’ll never be able to stop me from defeating her.”

“If you’re counting on those two face-downs to save you, I’m about to dash your last hope, with this spell… LUNAR ECLIPSE!”

“Ah! Not again!” groaned Sci-Twi.

She played the card immediately, and the field was, once again, shrouded in dark fog, though the Luminous Spark light kept things from growing too dark again.

“Oh, no!” cried Terra “That means Leo Dancer can’t be affected by any card effects at all.”

Twilight agreed and remembered seeing the creature in action, “Leo Dancer can destroy all of her monsters, and even attack twice.

Spike was worried, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the two face-downs. “…Can they really help?” he wondered. He really couldn’t say, what with the eclipse now shielding the Lunalights from harm.

As for Gar, while he was still finding his strength and couldn’t quite get up yet, he could see the duel, and while he hated to admit it to himself, “It’s a no brainer who’s going to win this duel.”

Karle’s gem was glowing so hard and fast, you’d think it was on the verge of bursting.

She taunted at Sci-Twi, “Like I implied: I am better without you! The creator is about to be schooled by her own creation!

And do you know why…?

It’s because I don’t rely on things like friends and trust to get me where I want to go.”

She recalled the battle against Gar in the tournament finals. “You were so close to victory, but you held yourself back while thinking of your friends instead of concentrating on your goals, and that lead to our humiliating defeat!”

The last bits of the flash were of Gar delivering the final blow resulting in Sci-Twi’s crushing defeat as said.

“And now look at you.” Karle continued “Here you are, fighting your weak and worthless friends, with a makeshift deck made from their cards; horribly imbalanced, and unable to hold a candle compared to my superior dueling skills.”

The spectators were growing positively furious with these insults.

“Don’t listen to her!” called Terra.

“Friendship is the most wonderful thing you can stand for.” added Twilight.

Spike said nothing because he noticed Sci-Twi standing perfectly still, with a darkened expression on her face.

Her empty fists were trembling, as if she were struggling with her inner feelings-- taking Karle’s insults to heart, the same way Gar used to taunt her.

“What’s the matter? Can’t accept the awful truth?” mocked Karle. “Well, here’s one truth you’ll have to accept!”

She engaged her battle phase, and she knew just what she had to do, and destroy the weakest monster, “Leo Dancer, attack and destroy Tsukuyomi!”

Her monster complied and leapt over with her huge sword.

“Strike now!” ordered Karle, and Leo Dancer took a huge swing.

The spectators all watched with such fear, not noticing Sci-Twi fiddling with the duel disk.

(Atk: 7000) VS (Atk: 2300)

Kapow! The attack struck, making such a powerful explosion that blew Sci-Twi back hard, knocking her over, and she screamed as the shocks hurt her.

“And don’t forget…” Karle hollered through the waves of the destruction “Leo Dancer now is able to destroy all your special summoned monsters!”

“No!!!” Sci-Twi screamed as Ancient Fairy Dragon and Schuberta were wiped out in the waves.

And to everyone, it seemed like the three spirits of Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy were all screaming and wailing as they were consumed by the waves too.

“Twilight!!” Spike cried out to her.

As the waves began to die down, Sci-Twi lay on the grown, all covered in dirt and dust. Her clothes were slightly tattered, and her hair bands hand fallen out, letting her long hair fall loose.

Her score was then shown.

Sci-Twi LP: 3350

“What’s this?!” spat Karle in utter disbelief. “How can this be? You should have lost far more life points than that.”

Sci-Twi slowly got up to her feet. The blast sure did a number on her, and she pulled back the long threads of her messy hair out of her face, revealing her wicked grin.

“Take a good look, and you’ll see…”

Next to her was a large image of a trap card.

“That… That card?!” cried Karle, unable to believe her eyes, “It’s… EMPTY FISHING!”

Spike gawked in awe, “I don’t believe it!” cried Spike.

“Why? What does that card do?” asked Terra.

Sci-Twi explained, “When Empty Fishing is played, I can target two cards on the field whose effects were negated, and then I only take half the damage from a battle.”

“What’s she’s talking about?” asked Twilight. “What cards were negated?”

Sci-Twi snickered, and then motioned at her second card, “Just before Leo Dancer had attacked, I activated FORBIDDEN SCRIPTURE.”

“Ah!” Karle gasped.

Sci-Twi explained, “When a monster attacks another monster, this spell can negate the effects of all other cards currently in play, and even though the Lunalight’s are protected from my card effects, there are two other cards that were…”

She motioned to Lunalight Tiger and Lunalight Wolf in the Pendulum Zones, and they both didn’t look so well.

“This allowed me to use Empty Fishing, since it wasn’t already active, it didn’t have it’s effect negated, and not only did it reduce my damage, but thanks to its other effect… both those Pendulum Cards are now added to my hand!”

Karle watched in horror as two magical fishing lines spouted from the card, and snatched the two monsters, thus: magically lifting the cards off her duel disk.

“My Pendulum Cards!”

Sci-Twi snuffed as she held up the cards. “You’re wrong, these cards belong to me! You’ve squandered their power for long enough!”

She looked down at her two cards with deep joy and love. “Welcome back, my friends. I know you’ll help me get the rest of my cards back.”

“Ha! Very clever!” snarled Karle, “I admit, it was rather cunning for you to take those cards from me… However,” she paused and shouted, “Did you forget that Leo Dancer wasn’t affected by your little stunt, and now that she destroyed all your monsters, you have nothing to defend with.

Now I am free to attack you again and end you for good!!”

Sci-Twi grinned, “Wrong again!”


Karle then looked ahead and Tsukuyomi was still standing! “Impossible!” she snarled. “How did it survive!”

Sci-Twi held up a card, “It was all thanks to Applejack’s BUJINGI HARE. It got sent to the graveyard when I played Bujingi Fox to shield me from damage.

Since I control a Beast-Warrior monster, by banishing Hare, it shielded Tsukuyomi from being destroyed for the rest of the turn.”

The spectators could hardly believe all this, but they were far from relieved.

“It may have survived,” said Twilight “But Karle can still attack it anyway, and that will win her the duel.”

Spike was still not convinced, mainly because Sci-Twi was acting rather confident.

“Leo Dancer, I command you!” shouted Karle “Attack, and end this duel!”

Leo Dancer complied and rushed over to attack again.

The spectators all screamed in terror as the attack got closer, and closer…

“It’s now or never!” Sci-Twi said to herself, and she quickly grabbed a card out from her graveyard, and she let out a loud but brave wail!

That’s when Tsukuyomi raised it’s big shield up, and actually blocked Leo Dancer’s sword.

Karle was furious, “…It can’t be! My attack failed?!”

The spectators gawked in astoundment, while Gar softly snuffed “…I knew it.”

Sci-Twi heaved in such relief, and then she held up the card she had grabbed. “When you called out your attack, I banished GUARD MASTER from the graveyard. This made Tsukuyomi switch to defense mode, and just in time to take the hit for me.”

Karle was in complete and total shock. She was trembling so madly with her eyes wide, and her mouth hanging over, and the jewel on her head flashing so hard, the green glow was practically turning white!

The spectators were so overjoyed, they could hardly say anything, but Terra just stood where she was, and she and the others all gazed at Sci-Twi with pride and joy.

Sci-Twi looked down at her card and though quietly, “Thank goodness I had this thanks to Spy Hero, or I would’ve been done for.”

Then she glared at Karle and scorned, “You claim that you’re better, stronger, and smarter than me, but in the end, it won’t matter how much you say that, because in the end, I still created you, and no matter how intelligent and skilled you are… you have the exact same flaw that I have, just as everyone else has…” she paused a moment, and made sure Karle was listening carefully…

“…You… aren’t… perfect! Nobody is perfect, no matter how much they try to be, in the end they can only be the best they can be for themselves.”

She clutched her heart, “That’s something my friends helped me learn.”

She recalled her days as an anti-social loner, and how she felt alone, miserable, and what lead her to not having much of a life, until the Equestria Girls changed her ways, and even saved her life when she became Midnight Sparkle.

She also felt hurt inside, and her glasses fell over and landed softly on the ground as tears began to streak down her face.

“I turned against my friends!” she sobbed “I was so wrapped up in wanting revenge against Gar, that not only had I created a monster… I became a monster… again!”

She recalled all the time she secretly transformed in Karle, and she acted like such a jerk and a meanie to her friends. She even eliminated several of them from the tournament, which would make it hard for everyone to focus on the true goal of saving their captured friends and helping the Titans.

The spectators felt hurt along with her, especially Twilight. “The poor dear.” she murmured.

Sci-Twi wiped her tears away, and picked up her glasses, putting them back on. “…But my friends…” she paused. “They forgave me, because they still believed in me, and I… I believe in them.”

She looked down at her deck, “That’s why I built this deck using their cards and a little of my own ideas.

So, don’t you ever tell me again that friendship is foolish! Because that very friendship will now be your undoing.”

Karle growled furiously, but she had no choice but to end her turn, which made Leo Dancer’s attack drop back to 3500.

Sci-Twi stood ready and placed her hand over her next card. She then shut her eyes and concentrated hard.




…Please, I need your help. I need to draw something really, really good so that we can win this duel. Please, help me draw it.”

Her hand suddenly felt warm, and she opened her eyes, and could see all three of her friends, placed their hands over hers.

“We’re all with you darling.” said Rarity.

“You’re our friend, Twilight, and we’ll always be there to help you.” added Fluttershy.

Applejack nodded, “Now you go on, get in there, and kick some dueling tail.”

Sci-Twi smiled most lovingly, and in a sift moment, she pulled out her card and looked at it… with a gleeful look in her eyes.

“It’s time!” she said. “I use LUNALIGHT TIGER and LUNALIGHT WOLF to set the Pendulum Scale!”

Her two monsters took their places in the lights.

“But wait…” said Terra, “She can’t be planning to Pendulum Summon. Lunalight Wolf only allows “Lunalight” monsters to be summoned.”

Spike and Twilight felt this as well.

Sci-Twi knew what she was doing.

“First I’ll switch Tsukuyomi back into attack mode!”

(Atk: 2300)

“And now I’ll use its remaining overlay unit to once again, send every card I have to the graveyard, and then I draw two cards.”

She really loved what she had drawn.


(Atk: 1100)

“And now I activate the spell, CARD OF DEMISE!

“Ah! Oh, no!” cried Karle.

Sci-Twi smirked, “Now I get to draw five new cards, but I have to discard my entire hand after five turns. Not that it matters, because I plan to end this duel here and now!”

The spectators watched as she then refreshed her hand.

“Go for it, Twilight!” hollered Spike.

Sci-Twi grabbed a single card in her hand. “First, I activate MONSTER REBORN, and it lets me revive the one monster that I discarded… SPELL CANCELLER!”

(Atk: 1800)

As soon as the monster was summoned forth, it cast a piercing gaze across the field which seemed to affect the Pendulum Cards, turning them gray.

“Spell Canceller negates the effects of all spells in play, which means now, I can use my Pendulum Scale to summon any monsters between levels 2 through 4 as I need.”

Looking up at the Pendulum, she called out her very own chant to it.

“Science is as the Pendulum swings,
The discoveries and forces that it brings.

…Engage Pendulum Summon!”

Three Shots of Light rained down from up high as her monsters appeared.

“SOPRANO THE MELODIOUS SONGSTRESS…” (Atk: 1400) -----> (Atk: 1700)

“SERENADE THE MELODIOUS DIVA…” (Def: 1900) -----> (Def: 1500)

“And the Tuner Monster… BUTEN!” (Def: 300) -----> (Def: 0)

Her field was flooded wit monsters now, but not one of them could stand up to Leo Dancer, or even Blue Cat.

…Not that Sci-Twi was even finished.

“Since Serenade was special summoned, her special ability allows me to Normal Summon a “Melodious” monster from my hand…

I choose Level 7 SHOPINA THE MELODIOUS MAESTRA, and what’s more… Serenade can be tributed as two monsters to bring her out!”

(Atk: 2300) -----> (Atk: 2800)

“And now I activate Soprano’s special ability. She allows me to Fusion Summon without using a Fusion Spell!”

The two ladies rose in the air, combining their melodic voices in harmony as they merged, and Twilight called out a chant…

“Harmonious and bright, but filled with rage,
This graceful singer will now take stage!


The pretty little flower appeared, bloomed wide open, and the adorable singer appeared and sang a lovely note up high where Rarity’s spirit hovered, just above her.

(Atk: 1000) -----> (Atk: 1500)

“And I’m still not done yet!” Sci-Twi called as she held up her last card “From my hand I discard NOISY GNAT!”

A strange little insect appeared after its card was tossed.

It swirled around Buten, and then actually bit it, making the monster squeal comically.

“Thanks to this, Buten’s level has been increased by 1, and just in time. Now I tune him along with Level 5 Spell Canceller!”

The two monsters went up in the air, forming the tunning rings and the light orbs, and Sci-Twi called Fluttershy’s chant.

“On wings of light, and powers so high,
This mighty creature descends from the sky.


The majestic creature spread its glowing wings out and let out a graceful roar, with Fluttershy’s spirit standing over it.

(Atk: 2100) -----> (Atk: 2600) ----> (Atk: 1600)

Its attack had weakened due to Sci-Twi’s score being lower than Karle’s by 1000 points.

Sci-Twi LP: 3350

Karle LP: 4450

Not that Sci-Twi seemed to mind, now she had everything she needed. Almost like having all her friends with her like the promised.

Though Sci-Twi hadn’t Xyz Summoned, Applejack’s spirit was also there, hanging over Tsukuyomi!

“I don’t believe it!” cried Karle “This isn’t possible!”

The spectators were all filled with glee and joy and kept cheering Sci-Twi on.

“My friends are here for me now!” Sci-Twi scorned at Karle. She looked up at the three strong monsters, and they and the spirits looked down at her with proud smiles.

“And together, we’re going to get rid of you for good!”

Karle cringed, and Sci-Twi engaged her battle phase.

“Bloom Diva, attack Leo Dancer!”

Bloom Diva took in a huge breath, and she let out a mighty song note in the form of a large light wave-- Rarity’s spirit was at the head of that ray.

(Atk: 1500) VS (Atk: 3500)

Sci-Twi then explained, “Bloom Diva won’t be destroyed, and you’ll take al the damage that I would have!”

Karle gawked up in horrors as the blast-- Rarity’s spirit—smashed right into Leo Dancer, and the shockwaves blasted right at her.

Karle LP: 4450 -----> 2450

“Take that!” cheered Terra.

“Pour it on!” hollered Twilight.

Spike just let out a cheerful howl.

“Now,” Sci-Twi called “Tskuyomi, attack Blue Cat!”

The monster complied and leapt over to slash the monster.

(Atk: 2300) VS (Atk: 1600)

To everyone, it was as if Applejack’s spirit was the one doing the attacking!

Blue Cat was slashed down the middle and destroyed, while more shockwaves sped past Karle.

Karle LP: 2450 -----> 1750

“Oh, no!” Karle cried.

“Oh, yes!” sneered Sci-Twi “Now that my life points are far higher than yours are, Wyvern’s attack goes back to its original amount, plus the 500 points it gets from Luminous Spark!”

(Atk: 2100) -----> (Atk: 5300)

“NOOOOO!!” Karle cried. She knew she was about to lose the duel, big time. “YOU MAY DEFEAT ME, BUT I WILL STILL REMAIN!!”

“No, you won’t!” shouted Sci-Twi. She could see Karle’s gem so insanely bright; one last good shot would do exactly as he hoped. “FAREWELL, MY CREATION!!!”

Karle gasped, and Sci-Twi ordered “WYVERN… ATTACK!!!”

(Atk: 5300) VS (Atk: 3500)

As the monster prepared to attack, Fluttershy’s spirit, along with Rarity and Applejack’s all huddled together, and launched in the one final assault, wiping out Leo Dancer!

Karle LP: 1750 -----> 0

The shockwaves were so intense that the gem on Karle’s head—the very source of her life force-- shattered!


“OOUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH…!!!” Karle screamed and flailed madly, as jolts of energy from the shattered gem enveloped her body.

In her flailing, Sci-Twi’s duel disk flung off her arm along with all the cards in her entire possession.

Karle’s glowing body slowly levitated into the sky where it finally exploded in a huge flash of light.

Sci-Twi, the spectators, even Gar covered their eyes as the light drew in closer, and closer enveloping them all as well.

“What’s happening?!” wailed Spike.

“I don’t know!” cried Twilight. “I’ve never seen anything like this before!”

Terra could barely see Gar near her, and she reached for him, wanting to keep him safe, all the while, Sci-Twi was running up to her friends, and she leapt over just in time to put her hand on Terra’s back…

…The light faded, and everyone was gone, except for Gar.

“What? Hey!” he groaned as he looked all around him, but he couldn’t see the others anywhere.

All that was left behind was Sci-Twi’s duel disk and all the cards that Karle had. Including Sci-Twi’s Lunalight deck.

Also, the coverings over the top half of his head were loose and on the verge of falling off!

“No!” he shouted as he desperately tried to hold them in place, but they finally fell to bits exposing half his face.

He turned looked down at a small puddle of water near his feet and could see his reflection-- his exposed face.

“No!” he wailed, as if he was looking at the face of the devil himself.

He fell to his knees, desperately folding his coat over his face, screaming like murder. “NOOOOOOO!!!”

Author's Note:


Is your blood rushing right now? I sure know mine is.

What a finish!

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