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Episode 49: Part 1: The Ultimate Challenge

Author's Note:

Well, this is going to be the longest, and biggest duel I've ever written in all the years I've made Yugioh fiction.

It's not going to be easy (I have to come up with tons of scenarios and strategies. Write them, and rewrite them to make sure they work before loading.)

Well, it's off to a start.


Sunset glared everyone down, still snickering wickedly. “Welcome, everyone. Welcome to what is truly to be… The Ultimate Challenge!”

“What’s she talking about?” asked Rainbow.

“Well…” Pinkie said, and she took in a huge breath and spouted out quickly. “Terra and I were dueling against Violet, and we both lost, and we would’ve been turned into cards had Sunset not burst in on time to stop the lightning, and so we booked it outside, and we heard Sunset saying “Mwa, ha, ha, I’m going to hold a great big challenge.”

She stopped and heaved a sigh of relief, leaving everyone else nearly flabbergast, but it did explain why they were all here now.

“Wait… where’s Vic?” asked Dick.

Celestia cringed hard. Her eyes were hurt tight, trying to hide her shame.

Kori then whispered sadly into her husband’s ears.

“…No! Vic.”

“No way!” cried Rainbow. “Cadance too?”

Sci-Twi Nodded sadly.

Celestia’s fingers curled, clasping a few bits of dirt on the ground.

“What a pity.” mocked Sunset. “But that’s what happens when you play in the big leagues, but don’t feel bad. You’ll all be joining him soon enough… as soon as I wipe you all out in a duel to end all duels.”

Sci-Twi stepped forth, “Look, Sunset… we don’t want to have to do this.”

Sunset’s features hardened. “The name is “Z-Arc!” Your friend is nothing more than a mere prisoner inside of me while I use her body to reign overall.”

Deep inside, Sunset was so lost deep in the shadows, she couldn’t see or hear much going on outside.

“You let her go, right now!” shouted Celestia.

Sunset, or rather Z-Arc only laughed. “…But I can’t do that, can I? Now that I final have a body I to house my spirit and power, I am free to carry out my evil will, and very soon that will shall be fulfilled.”

Z-Arc pointed up at the rifts in the dark skies, and how they were ever expanding towards the major cities and towns.

“Very soon, all the people of your world, Equestria, and the many worlds beyond shall become part of the whole darkness that is Malefic, only they shall be ruled by me! Not those pitiful excuses of a pair of royal boneheads!” she referred to the Prince Brothers.

Z-Arc began to reminisce all those centuries ago, when he reigned supreme as the strongest Malefic Warrior, but it was all taken from him the day he was ambushed and sealed away.

“Fortunately, nothing stays the way it is forever. I spent what seemed like an eternity regathering my strength and power, but with no body it was hardly of any use…

…But like I said: There is always a way.

I was fascinated by the incredible powers contained within the game of Duel Monsters, and seeing as the brothers were using it to regain their power, I could do the same to restore myself.

…Alas, the Prince Brothers were not so dumb as I thought. They intercepted my spirit and sealed me inside this card.” Z-Arc held up the magical card that nobody knew what it was.

“Unreal!” Kori exclaimed softly.

“All that power contained inside one little card?” added Rainbow. Then she remembered, “…Sunset was given that card!”

“So, it was you who did it?” asked Sci-Twi. “You were setting Sunset up since day one!”

“No…” replied Z-Arc. “As great as my power was, I could not stop the Prince Brothers keeping me contained. I couldn’t move about myself.”

Z-arc paused, and then said “…I think it’s perfectly clear what happened now.”

The gang all exchanged extremely shocked expressions. “It was the Prince Brothers-- they gave Sunset the strange cards.” said Sunset.

Dick pondered and deduced. “They wanted Sunset to unlock the cards and slowly release Z-Arc. But that still doesn’t make any sense.”

Kori agreed and asked, “Why would they want to release Z-Arc if he was a traitor?”

Z-Arc snickered, “Well, whatever… I’m back now, and I think we’ve done enough of this yakking. It’s time to begin! The more I duel, the stronger my power becomes. I’ll need it if I’m going to rule all worlds.”

“Is that the only reason you duel?” asked Celestia. “Simply to gain power and dominance?”

Z-Arc laughed. “You used to be a Malefican. Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten…”

Celestia took great offense.

“I can never have too much power, and besides… to me there’s no greater thrill that crushing my enemies and seeing them squirm.

It’s a thirst that never seems to be quenched.”

The others all remembered hearing Z-Arc’s story from Khaos-- how Z-Arc was so blood-thirsty, power hungry and ruthless!

“How can someone be so incredibly wretched?” Sci-Twi wondered.

“Now, let’s begin!” Z-Arc magically unleashed a wave of Malefic energy across the mountain peak, surrounding the area like a giant arena around the group.

“What’s happening?” asked Terra.

“I just want to make sure that no one interferes with my little game.” replied Z-Arc. “Now here’s how things are going to go.

This isn’t going to be like most duels you’ve had before.

I will be dueling each and every one of you-- but only two at a time, and when the first two of you are knocked out, the next victim will join, but my dueling status will remain as it is--everything from my life points, to monsters, and other cards while the newbies start fresh.”

Nobody liked the way this was going. It was already starting to sound like a rigged duel.

“Oh, and by the way…” Z-Arc continued “The next player or players that enter the duel will be subjected to starting with only half their life points. Think of it as an intrusion penalty.”

“Okay, time out here!” snapped Rainbow. “You’re going way over the line here with all these conditions!”

“On the contrary…” protested Z-Arc. “…My terms and conditions are very fair. You all want the chance to get at me anyway.”

The three Titans looked willing and ready to duel, while the four Equestrians weren’t so sure.

“I say we do it.” said Dick. “This may just be our last chance to get Sunset back.”

“Yeah… um… one thing though…” Rainbow pointed “We’ve seen Z-Arc duel, and it’s always been super tough.”

“She’s not kidding.” Pinkie said softly. “I still have a few shocks and bruises.”

The entire gang was aware of Z-Arc’s power and the risks of dueling now.

“…At least we know what to expect.” said Kori. “And if we’re all watching and we’re all going to be dueling, it’ll give us an edge.”

“Yeah, as in some of us sit on the sidelines, while others suffer miserably!” grumbled Rainbow.

“There’s no other way.” insisted Terra.

Sci-Twi didn’t have to do any calculations to determine, “Even if we know all this, it still may not be enough, but then again… even I think we should do it. It just may help us weaken Z-Arc down.”

Celestia stood upright with a look of fire in her eyes. “I will make you pay!” she insisted. “You, and the brothers will pay for everything you’ve done to me, to my friends, and my family!”

Z-Arc glared at her wickedly. “Have I my first challenger then?”

Celestia didn’t have to verbally answer.

“Wait!” said Dick. “I can’t let you do it alone. So, I’ll duel with you.”

“But Dick--!” Kori tried to protest, but couldn’t get a word more out, her husband had grabbed her and pulled her into a deep kiss, silencing her, much to the awe of everyone else.

When they separated, he said to her, “…Be strong now in case I don’t make it.”

Kori couldn’t find it in her to protest.

Dick had already stood by Celestia, and they both nodded at each other, agreeing to have each other’s backs.

“Let’s get it on, Z-Arc!” hollered Dick.

Z-Arc’s evil eyes glowed. “That’s what I like to see… a pair of fools just begging to be crushed!”

The duel disks were all set and ready, and cards were drawn.

The dueling barrier began to glow wildly, and the skies overhead swirled with the surge.

Up in the castle keep, Rubeus could feel the dark forces stirring. “It’s happening!” he cried to himself.

He looked down at his hands. “Thankfully, my own powers have kept me safe up here. I’d hate to be down there with the rest of them.

Either way, this ought to be quite the entertainment.”

He kept his magic view tuned in to the duels about to take place, but also, he kept his eye on his brother who was still trapped by the barrier in the hallway-- which also had protected him from Z-Arc’s teleporting but had not yet ceased and just kept him bound where he was.

Try as he would, his own Malefic magic couldn’t seem to break it.

Loki was looking quite furious.

Behind Rubeus, the soul cards were still facedown on the table, but Princess Twilight and Spike were still quite alert. Though they could not see what was happening outside, inside it was another story…!

Being trapped inside the cards, it was like being trapped in a prison cell surrounded by dark, shadowy fog, just like the Malefic world. That’s all you could see, in an endless expansion of nothingness.

They weren’t side-by-side with each other, as each dimensional hold was different, but since their cards were close together, they were able to hear one another.

The shadows were stirring like crazy, almost like having an earthquake.

“Twilight!” Spike hollered.

“I know, I feel it too.” Twilight called back. “Whatever’s happening out there can’t be good.”

Spike pulled on his ears in frustration. “I wish I wasn’t trapped in here so I could help the others.”

Twilight felt the same, but really, even if they were free, what could they possibly do? Twilight didn’t know how to duel, her magic would be useless, and Spike was too small to really do much now.

The darkness continued to shift around, and suddenly…

…There was a soft glow coming from behind the two prisoners in their respective prisons.

“What’s that?” Twilight wondered aloud.

“Are you seeing that too?” asked Spike.

They both decided to follow the glow.

The ran down the endless flow of darkness, the glowing hardly seemed to get nearer at all, but they continued to press on.

Meanwhile, Celestia and Dick stood ready with their cards drawn and their duel disks ready.

“This is it.” Dick said to himself. “This may be our very last chance to stop Z-Arc.” He looked over at Celestia. “…You ready?”

She nodded at him, and then turned back to glare at Z-Arc who was snickering wickedly. “Let the Ultimate Challenge commence!”

The scores were set, and since it was the first move of a battle royale, Z-Arc was allowed to draw on the first turn.

“Here I Come!” Z-Arc called as he drew a card.

Z-Arc LP: 8000

Dick LP: 8000

Celestia LP: 8000

The rest of the gang kept well back from the dueling-- staying behind several rock piles.

“First turn honor is mine!” insisted Z-Arc “And I shall activate the spell FUTURE FUSION! So, now on my next turn, I will send the correct monsters to the graveyard, but more on that later.

“And now I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 0 SUPREME KING GATE ZERO, and Scale 13 SUPREME GATE INFINITY!”

Celestia and Dick grumbled as the two monsters went up into the light.

“Those guys again?!” Kori groaned. “How does Z-Arc always manage to get them so easily?”

Rainbow remained calm “It’s alright, we’ve seen them in action before. We know everything about them now.”

Z-Arc overheard her and thought, “Show’s what you know. I plan to unleash everything I can possibly show, including some things you’ve not seen before.”

Z-Arc then looked up at the swinging Pendulum. “Normally, I would Pendulum Summon, but I have something far different in mind.

I set a monster facedown in defense-mode. Then I shall place one card facedown and end my turn. That’s more than enough for me. So, let’s see what you two losers have.”

Z-Arc only had one card left, and was gazing down at it while thinking, “This will be the key to my ultimate strategy.”

The opponents and the sideliners were all confused.

“I thought for sure Z-Arc would Pendulum summon.” said Terra.

Pinkie felt her insides vibrating with her Pinkie Sense tingling. “Oh, I don’t like the feel of this.”

“What do you suppose, Z-Arc is up to?” Celestia asked.

“I don’t know,” replied Dick “But I’m not just going to sit around and wait.

It’s my turn!”

He drew a card…

“I’ll use Scale 3 PERFORMAGE BONUS DEALER and Scale 5 PERFORMAGE MAGIC TACTICIAN to set my pendulum scale!”

His two performers took their places in the light and bowed, and already Dick was starting reminisce of his tragic past in the circus, but he continued forth.

“I can now summon as many level 4 monsters as I want.


Three shots of light beamed down from above and his monsters appeared.




The three performers juggled, flipped, and danced around before standing tall and proud.

Dick then pointed upward, “And thanks to Bonus Dealer’s Pendulum Ability; since I summoned at least three “Performage” monsters from my hand, I can draw two cards.”

He liked what he had, and he really felt himself getting pumped up. “I know what I have to do now.” he thought, and then reminisced deeply about his parents. “…Mom… Dad… I need you to lend me all the strength you have.”

He then thrust his arm out. “I Overlay Level 4 Ball Balancer and Water Dancer in order to build the Overlay Network!”

His two monsters vanished into the portal, and in a bug burst of light, his Dick’s favorite monster came swinging in on its bar, and he didn’t even chant to it.


(Atk: 2500)

He looked up at the Magician’s face, seeing his father standing tall and smiling at him, which made him hurt a little inside.

“Dick…” Kori sighed under her breath. She felt hurt for him every time he slipped off like this.

Dick continued with his turn.

“I tribute Trick Clown in order to summon PERFORMAGE WIND DRAINER!”

(Atk: 2100)

“And now I activate Trick Clown’s ability from the graveyard. I can pay 1000 life points to summon it back to the field, but it’s attack and defense will be reduces to zero!”

He paid his points, and he was shocked and burned by the waves, much to the sideliners pain as well.

Dick LP: 8000 -----> 7000

The clown then jumped back onto the field.

(Def: 0)

“And now it’s time for my grand performance!” Dick declared, “I activate the spell STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT!

Since I have two monsters with the same amount of defense points, I can change their levels to match that of Wind Drainer.”

Since both monsters had zero defense-points, Dick changed their levels to 5.

“Time for overlay number two! Go monsters!”

The portal appeared again, and Dick’s other best monster appeared swinging in gracefully.


(Atk: 2700)

Both his magicians were now side-by-side, and what a proud sighting they were. Dick saw both his parents’ faces on them, but he kept strong.

“I’ll place one card facedown and end my turn.

His hand was now empty, and he was still cringing a bit with his magicians up.

Z-Arc couldn’t help but laugh. “Still feeling such a strong connection to your monsters? You’ve got an overdeveloped sense of insecurity. It’s just so amusing.”

Dick clenched his fist. “You just feel lucky that I’m now allowed to attack on my first turn!”

Celestia stood ready. “I’m up now, and here I come!”

She drew a card.

She still had all the evil cards and wished she had her regular deck.

“I’ll just have to make do, and I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 2 FOUCAULT’S CANNON, and Scale 7 ARCHFIEND ECCENTRICK!”

Once her monsters were set, she stood ready.

“I can summon monsters between levels 3 and 4… and I know just the ones…!!”

A single light shot down from above.



It was a good thing she remembered how all the cards worked, but just the same it was also a huge shame; being reminded of all the horrible things she did.

She let out an angry grunt, “I’ll make you all sorry your princes ever gave me these cards.

I place three cards facedown, and now…” she thrust her arm up high “I activate Archfiend Eccentrick’s Pendulum ability. I can destroy both it, and your Supreme King Gate Zero!”

The two cards glowed brightly and shattered, making Z-Arc growl.

‘But that’s not all,” hollered Celestia “I end my turn, which means I can use Foucault Cannon’s ability and destroy Gate Infinity!


The mighty cannon blasted the other Pendulum monster off the field.

“Ah, yeah!” Rainbow cheered, and then she spat at Z-Arc “Take that, you freak show!”

Dick gave Celestia a thumb up, “Great job. You destroyed the Pendulum Scale. That should slow Z-Arc down.”

Celestia smiled in agreement, but the moment was broken by Z-Arc laughing loud and manically. “You two are such fools! You don’t realize what you’ve just done-- you’ve sealed your fates and secured my victory.”

The opponents were confused.

“What’s going on?” wondered Terra.

“I think we’re about to find out.” whimpered Sci-Twi

Z-Arc held up the single card. “When you destroyed my cards, you’ve allowed to play this.

I call forth the master of Time and Space! The manipulator of all the is, was, and shall be, and the very card that will assure my victory.


A large, dark sparkling vortex appeared, whirling above Z-Arc, and in a great big burst of light, the single, most mysterious monster appeared.

(Atk: 2500)

A magician whose clothes were dark and sparkling with starlight like the very void of space itself, and everyone just gazed it with mixed expressions of awe and fear.

“What is that?” asked Pinkie.

“I’ve… I’ve never seen this card before.” cried Sci-Twi.

Z-Arc laughed. “Of course, you haven’t, I’ve created a whole legion of special cards that you’ve never seen before, and if you think he’s impressive now, just wait until he uses his power.”

The magician raised his staff up high, and its tip glowed like the stars.

“What’s happening?” Dick groaned as he covered his eyes from the brightness.

Celestia braced herself as well, and Z-Arc explained. “When Astrograph Sorcerer is successfully summoned, I can target My Supreme King Gate Zero that was destroyed this turn, and this allows to me to add a new one from my deck to my hand.”

“No way! Z-Arc got it back!” wailed Rainbow.

Z-Arc laughed. “And I’m just getting started. Now, I draw!

And of course, my Future Fusion uses its power, allowing me to send the necessary materials in my Deck to the graveyard for an appropriate Fusion Summon on my next turn.

Behold, the four monsters I will use…!”

Four cards shot out from the Deck, swirled round and around overhead, and the four monster spirits were revealed.

“There they are…!





All four of these cards were not only new and unheard of to the others, but each and every one of them was glowing with a different colored light regarding the summoning auras…!

Green for Pendulum…

Purple for Fusion…

Blue for Synchro…

Dark for Xyz!

Celestia and Dick kept gawking at the cards, and Z-Arc explained, “As you may have figured out, these magicians hold special secret powers, allowing them to be treated each as a different kind of dragon card-- each resembling the four summoning methods.”

Still speechless, the opponents and the sideliners watched as the spirits of the four magicians vanished into the graveyard.

“They’re gone!” cried Celestia.

Dick was wondering, “What kind of monster can you Fusion Summon with all those?” but he didn’t want to take any chances.

Once the Main Phase began, he called out, “Whatever it is your up to, I’m going to use a special trick of my own-- Trapeze High Magician’s ability that is.

By using one overlay unit, he encases himself in a magical barrier. So, now, he cannot be destroyed up to three times for the rest of this turn.”

“Clever move.” thought Celestia. “And of course, with his Trapeze Magician still around, he’s protected his life points as well, because he can’t take any damage less than or equal to its own attack points.”

Z-Arc chuckled, “If you really believe that is supposed to scare me, you both have another thing coming.

“What are you talking about?” asked Celestia.

Z-Arc replied, “I mean that I don’t have to wait until my next turn to call up my new monster.” Then Z-Arc called out, “Astrograph Sorcerer, I command you—decipher the laws of all creation, unlock the forces of time and space and bring me… THE ULTIMATE POWER!!”

The Sorcerer worked his magic-- raising his magical staff up high…

The Four Magicians appeared again, and all seeped into the tip of his staff. He himself then transformed into a small orb of light, which then floated towards Z-Arc-- seeping itself into the mystery card Z-Arc held up!

The ground began to quake, and the darkness to swirl the most violently it ever had before… and Z-Arc turned into a swirl of shadows as well and began to expand up into the sky!

The opponents, the sideliners… everyone wailed and groaned in all the eeriness.

“What’s happening?!” exclaimed Kori.

Rainbow peeked her eyes open just a little, “…I think Z-Arc is… transforming?”

Rubeus could feel the tremors himself, and he didn’t like the feel of it one bit. “…This is it!” he felt. “The greatest power in all the Malefic Forces is being reborn!”

Z-Arc’s evil laugh became deeper and more wicked as he continued to take shape, and finally appeared as what had to be the biggest and scariest looking dragon anyone had ever seen.

It was at least five times the size of Exodia. It had black and green streaked scales, with large and very jagged wings and protective armored rings around its body, and long horns expanding to the length of flagpoles.

Atop the monster’s massive head appeared Z-Arc-- having had merged with this monster, now serving as both the creature and the duelist.

“Behold, I am renewed!” Z-Arc bellowed “Centuries of planning, gathering of power, I am now the strongest being of all.


(Atk: 4000)

He-- now officially confirmed a male using a female’s body-- let out a might roar that shook the skies and stirred up the winds.

Pinkie nearly felt like fainting.

Sci-Twi’s glasses slipped off her face and she barely brought herself to catch them. “It’s… It’s just so… Unbelievable!”

Celestia was sweating like crazy. “Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?!”

“I can’t believe this!” cried Dick. “That’s what the Mystery Card really is-- a form of Z-Arc?!”

Z-Arc laughed, “No, not exactly. As I told you, I have been renewed. By combining the Malefic Forces with the power of Duel Monsters, I have become far greater than I ever was before…!

…But don’t just take my spoken words for it, allow me to demonstrate my new, awesome powers… by destroying every card you both have in play!”

“What?!” cried Celestia.

“All our cards?!” wailed Dick.

Z-Arc’s evil wings began to glow brightly. “Prepare for the big blast!” he hollered.

“I don’t think so!” shouted Dick “I activate the trap, BOTTOMLESS TRAP HOLE! Since you summoned a monster with more than 1500 attack points, it now gets destroyed and banished!”

The trap’s aura bound straight for Z-Arc, but he only snickered, and the dragon’s massive eyes glowed brightly, dispelling the aura.

“Hey! What happened?” wailed Dick.

“The trap didn’t work!” cried Celestia.

“Of course, it didn’t work.” sneered Z-Arc. “You didn’t think it would be that easy to defeat me. I am Supreme King Z-Arc. Your card effects can neither target nor destroy me!”

The opponents gasped.

“…But on the other hand, I can still destroy you!!”

The dragon unleashed a massive wave of chaotic destruction destroying all the other cards on the opponents’ fields.

The blast was so powerful, the sideliners ducked behind the rocks to avoid the shockwaves.

“That’s a lot of power!” cried Pinkie.

The shockwaves had ceased. Trapeze High Magician was still in play, but Dick looked mad and hurt because his other magician was destroyed, reminding him of the deaths of his parents.

“So there!” sneered Z-Arc, but then he noticed that two of Celestia’s face-down cards were revealed.

“Pinpoint Gaurd,” and “Dimension Wall?” Then the cards reset themselves facedown again. “What’s going on? I destroyed those cards.”

Celestia shook her head. “No, you didn’t, and it was all thanks to a trap I played of my own… the FAKE TRAP to be precise. Thanks to it, my other traps were spared from your assault.

You’re the only one full of sneaky surprises you know.”

“She’s right.” agreed Dick “As for me, since you destroyed my Trapeze Magician, I get to call a “Performage” Monster from my deck to the field.


(Def: 100)

Dick was grinning by this point. “Looks like your attempt to destroy our cards didn’t work too well.”

Z-Arc barely felt insulted at all and said, “Well, as clever as that is, I am far from amused.

Let me show you both what real cards can do. I summon SUPREME KING DRAGON DARKWURM!”

(Atk: 1800)

“You’ve seen how this works, because he was successful summoned, I can now add a Supreme King Gate Infinity from my deck to my hand, and now that I have both Infinity and Zero, I set the Pendulum Scale once more!”

The two monsters had returned, only now, they were both glowing with eerie shadows.

“Is anyone else seeing this?” asked Terra. Everyone nodded.

Z-Arc explained. “You are about to witness the true power of the gates now that they are played in combination with myself!

To begin with-- while I may not be able to pendulum summon while I have a monster in play, Gate Infinity let’s me target your Trapeze High Magician, and then I gain life points equal to its attack points.”

“Ah!” Dick gasped in shock, and then he and everyone watched as the magic gate absorbed energy from the monster, which caused Z-Arc to glow brightly.

Z-Arc LP: 8000 -----> 10,700

“He just boosted his life points way high!” wailed Kori.

“This can’t be good!” Sci-Twi grumbled.

“Oh, but it sure feels good.” Z-Arc mocked. “While I’m at it, I’ll flip summon this, which another Darkwurm!”

(Atk: 1800)

“He’s got two of them now!” cried Celestia.

“I bet I know what’s coming…!” added Dick.

Z-Arc snickered “You are quite correct; I plan to overlay both these creatures!”

The two monsters rushed up and vanished into the portal, and Z-Arc called out the same chant to the same emerging beast…!

“Shadows of fear and darkness deep,
I summon a monster to make you fear and weep!


The evil dragon appeared, spreading its huge wings out and letting loose mighty roar.

(Atk: 2500)

Everyone gawked up in fear at the sight of it, remembering how dangerous and powerful it was the last time they saw it.

Dick and Kori remembered the last time they went up against it and lost badly.

Kori clenched her fist, and secretly hoped that Dick and Celestia could try to stop it this time, but there was still the matter of Z-Arc himself.

“Time for a little battle action.” declared Z-Arc. “Dark Rebellion, attack Trapeze High Magician.”

The dragon prepared for the assault-- opening its huge jaws to build up power.

“And you do remember his ability, don’t you? By using one overlay unit; he steals all of your monster’s attack points, leaving you with none at all.”

(Atk: 2700) -----> (Atk: 0)

“No!!” cried Dick.

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 5200)

“Whoa! Watch out!!” cried Rainbow.

“Dick’s monster won’t be destroyed…!” added Pinkie “… But his life points will take a huge hit!”

“And that’s not all…!” said Z-Arc “I activate my trap CARD OF LAST WILL! Since my monster’s attack now changed, I can now draw five new cards, but it really doesn’t matter, because your life points are about to be incinerated!”

Dick fearfully gasped as the dragon fired its attack, and the big, burning wave of energy came straight for him. Then his features hardened and he shouted, “I activate Reversal Dancer’s ability: When the attack or defense points of your monster changes, I can target one “Performage” monster I control, and it gains attack points Equal to the amount of the change.

That means my Magician gains all his attack points right back.”

(Atk: 0) -----> (Atk: 2700)

“Big deal!” sneered Z-Arc. “It’s not as if you can stop my attack, or any damage that comes your way.”

The dragon unleashed its power, which headed straight for the magician.

“Hold it!” snapped Celestia “Did you forget about my trap? … DIMENSION WALL!

I activated it when you declared your attack. So, now, instead of Dick taking damage, you’ll take all the damage he would have!”

Z-Arc didn’t seem the least bit worried as the blast struck the magician hard, but the energy bounced off him, and headed straight back towards Z-Arc.

“Whoo-hoo! Z-Arc’s about to get fried by his own attack!” Pinkie cheered.

Everyone else looked just as joyful…

…But Z-Arc was grinning, which Dick and Celestia noticed.

“Wait a minute, what’s happening?” Celestia asked, as she and Dick watched as Supreme King Gate Zero absorbed all the energy from the attack, sparing Z-Arc from harm.

“Oh, did I not mention…” Z-Arc teased “As long as I am around, Gate Zero will protect my life points so I can’t take any damage from anything at all.”

The opponents and the sideliners were choked up enough to gag in fits of rage.

“So, no matter what they do… they can’t hurt him?” growled Rainbow. “Come on! You can’t do all this it’s… it’s just…GAH!!!”

Z-Arc only laughed. “You see what happens when you accept a challenge you are badly unprepared for? It leads you nowhere but into the pits of doom.

…I have sent many to their demise in my day, and soon all of you will join those many.”

Dick and Celestia both cringed in anger.

“Wow! Z-Arc’s not kidding around.” muttered Terra.

Sci-Twi shook her head in disbelief at Z-Arc’s dueling, “He spent so much time planning and preparing. Who knows what other tricks he’s got?”

Z-Arc glared at Dick, “And now it’s my turn to unleash my own power on you!”

“Yeah? Go ahead.” said Dick “My Magician still won’t be destroyed, and since he has all his attack points back, I’ll only take 1300 points of damage.”

Z-Arc grinned wickedly. “What makes you think it’s your magician I’m attacking? I’m going for Reversal Dancer.”

“What?” Dick asked in confusion.

“Supreme King Z-Arc… I order you to attack!”

The mighty dragon’s eyes glowed wide, and it opened its huge jaws and unleashed a big blast of power that struck the little Performage monster, wiping it out into dust.

The destructive waves sped past Dick, but he, of course, took no damage.

“That doesn’t make sense.” said Kori. “Why would he go for Reversal Dancer?”

“Wait! Something’s happening!” cried Sci-Twi.

Z-Arc’s Extra Deck gave a big bursting glow. He explained, “When Supreme King Z-Arc successfully destroys a monster, I can summon forth a “Supreme King Dragon” from my Extra Deck!”

The opponents gasped.

Then, without chanting, Z-Arc simply called upon his creature “Behold, my Syncrho Monster… SUPREME KING DRAGON CLEAR WING!”

(Atk: 2500)

The dragon roared and spread out it’s huge, waving wings.

“He played a Synchro monster… without Synchro summoning!” wailed Celestia.

Pinkie trembled at the sight of the dragon. “That’s one of the monsters that beat me.”

“I remember seeing it too.” said Rainbow, and she recalled how she caught Pinkie in her arms after she got blasted in her previous duel with Z-Arc.

“Pinkie, how tough is that monster?” Terra asked.

“Real bad!” whimpered Pinkie. “Any monster it battles gets instantly destroyed, and then the duelist takes damage equal to that monster’s attack points.”

The others all cringed.

“Well, that’s just all we needed,” grumbled Rainbow.

“Maybe,” said Sci-Twi “But look, that dragon’s attack power is weaker than Dick’s magician, and the magician still can’t be destroyed by card effects.”

“Yeah, but what about Celestia?” Kori pointed out.

She still had no monsters in play, which Z-Arc noted.

“Clear Wing, wage a direct attack!”

The dragon powered up and prepared to unleash its fury.

“Well, that seems pointless.” said Celestia. “You know I still have my other trap.

Go, PINPOINT GUARD! I choose to revive my Double-C Critical Eye!”

(Def: 1000)

“And thanks to Pinpoint Guard, Critical Eye cannot be destroyed for the rest of this turn. Your attack and your monster’s powers will do nothing!”

Z-Arc was forced to cancel the attack.

“Great move!” Dick called to her.

She smiled at him, but Z-Arc scoffed, “You must think you’re clever-- both of you…

But I’m just barely warmed up. There’s plenty more destruction to dish out, and power for me to gain.

But for now, I’ll place two cards facedown and end my turn, which means Dark Rebellion’s attack points return to normal.”

(Atk: 5200) -----> (Atk: 2500)

“It doesn’t matter to me. Nothing the two of you can possibly attempt will stop my monsters and me from attaining true power and dominance overall.”

Dick held up his fist at Z-Arc. “We’re still in this duel, and now we know what you’re capable of doing.”

Celestia agreed. “We’ll find some way to bring you down, Z-Arc.”

Then she thought, “Though that might be easier said than done. We can’t destroy him with our card effects, and he doesn’t take any damage either.”

Dick was thinking the exact same stuff. “With those two dragons in play, it’s going to be hard to bring Z-Arc down, but we can’t give up. Sunset’s counting on us, and so is the entire universe.”

The sidelines gazed fearfully at the duelists.

“It’s like their frozen in shock.” said Terra. “Maybe they can’t figure out what to do next.”

“No! They can’t! They mustn’t! They’ve gotta do something!!” Pinkie shrieked in panic.

Rainbow picked at her ear. “Sure, like that’s going to do any good.” Really, she felt just as frustrated with Z-Arc’s already strong standings.

She thought softly.

“They can’t damage his life points. He’s got three incredibly powerful dragons in play, and who knows what else he’s got hiding.

How can we all possibly beat this evil creep?”

To Be Continued…

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