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Episode 26: Part 2: Reliving Reliefs


Within the secret lair, Rubeus observed the duel, and he was most pleased.

“Such power, such darkness…” he murmured to himself, and then looked back at the generator where Loki was standing.

“And it gets even better, Brother.”

He excused himself from the massive machine, and then magically observed Celestia, dueling it out like a huge pro. She was trouncing so many other Maleficans, which gathered more duel energy.

So far, she hadn’t lost a single match thanks to the new cards she had.

“Take this!!” Celestia shouted, and all her monsters attacked, wiping out all her opponents in one massive barrage.

She flicked her long hair in back and scoffed. “This is too easy! I need better opponents than this.”

Loki snickered, “I do believe she is ready.”

“I believe she is…” agreed Rubeus.

For the moment, he turned his attention back to the double-tag duel.

Rainbow had just gotten back onto her feet, but things were not looking good for her and Pinkie.

Malefic Team LP: 8000

EQ Team LP: 3200

The spectators weren’t feeling any better themselves.

“Rainbow and Pinkie sure are in bad shape.” said Cadance.

“You’re telling me.” agreed Shining Armor. “They lost more than half their life points and worse yet: those two Samurai can still negate spells and traps they try to play.”

“That’s not even half of the worst.” said Kori, hinting how Rainbow and Pinkie were still horribly enraged and had been bickering so much, that their dueling was far off the mark, and only made the Malefic Energies even stronger.

“Uhhh… I don’t mean to add more to the load,” said Raven “…But what about our own emotions?”

Everyone went silent, and Sunset looked up at the evil, swirling skies. “She’s got a point; our own fears, our outrage and weariness… these could also be feeding the darkness.”

Now everyone looked up and realized she had a point.

“So, we better try and suppress our feelings.” suggested Robin, but Terra already insisted, “That’s not possible. We can’t help but feel all this. Even if we tried to supress it, even the smallest of doubts could be enough to do it.”

“We should try.” said Raven. “I’m already good at things like this.”

The others were still unconvinced.

Easily, it was Rainbow and Pinkie who had it the worst…

“You may as well surrender.” insisted Ninja. “Nothing that either of you can do shall defeat us.”

Rainbow angrily bolted upright, much to the opponents’ and even Pinkie’s shock.

“You still choose to fight?” asked Samurai. “You are either very stubborn, or very, very foolish.”

“I’m neither!” growled Rainbow. “I never back down, and I don’t like being made a fool of.

I have a score to settle with your bosses, and nothing, not you, not a-hundred like you is going to stop me!”

Pinkie was not going to take this for a moment a longer.

“Stop, right there!” she bellowed.

Rainbow was about to balk at Pinkie again, but Pinkie spoke right in front of her. “Rainbow, what’s happening to us?! Look at us both! You’re wilder and angrier than ever, and you think this is all about you. Well… it isn’t!”

Rainbow didn’t seem too moved. “Like you’re one to talk? You always used to be all “Ladies and Gentlemen…” this and that, and “It’s show time, and smiles.” and whatnot.”

Pinkie growled.

“Pinkie, these aren’t like the duels back at home! This isn’t about having fun, nor about showing off. It’s about winning at all costs, and that means… even if it means I don’t trust you!!”

“Ah!!” Pinkie felt that one slice her right down the middle, and her hands fell to her side.

The spectators, even Twilight still trapped in her card, all felt the same heart-striking jolt.

Rainbow then turned to face the opponents. “I’m not trying to show off; I’m trying to show that nothing stands in my way!”

Pinkie didn’t know whether to breakout crying or screaming in rage; she did neither one. She just stood there with a rather crushed and hopeless expression on her face.

“Man, I can’t believe Rainbow just said that.” said Vic.

The others felt the same, and despite the Malefic World having some, it was too hard to ignore that Rainbow did have traits like this even without the realm’s power-- egotism, brash, and a bit of a narcissist.

Rainbow then shouted, “It’s my turn. I draw…!”

She gawked at her next card. “Perfect!” she thought, and she looked over at the two strong samurai and the two Xyz Ninjas. “I may not have what I need to beat these creeps yet, but at least I can prepare something else for them to worry about.”


(Atk: 800)

“It may not look like much, but if I plan to use it to Xyz Summon a “Raidraptor” monster, Retrofit Lanius counts as two monsters.”

With that, her monster magically split into two versions of itself.

“I now overlay these two monsters, in order to build the Overlay Network!”

The two images then joined together as a single light which vanished into the portal, and Rainbow’s new monster emerged anyway.


(Def: 2000)

Her monster sat well in front of her, but despite being treated like a normal summon, it only had a single overlay unit floating around it.

“I’m not done yet,” said Rainbow “Since I control a “Raidraptor,” I can now summon RAIDRAPTOR – FUZZY LANIUS from my hand.”

(Def: 1500)

“Since I now have another Winged-Beast in play, Force Strix gains 500 attack and defense points.”

(Def: 2000) -----> (Def: 2500)

Everyone could already see what Rainbow was up to with this move.

“So you have prepared a strong defense to use against us?” asked Ninja.

“Oh, I’m doing more than that.” replied Rainbow. “Now I use Force Strix’s ability; I use one overlay unit, and now I get to add this to my hand… RAIDRAPTOR – BOOSTER STRIX.”

Ninja and Samurai both gasped softly.

“Ah, I see…” said Sci-Twi. “Rainbow’s got a good setup now.

Her Force Strix is too strong for any opposing monster to attack, and if any of them try, Rainbow will use Booster Strix to destroy the attacking monster.”

Sunset gazed deeply at the field, and while she felt a slight bit of relief for Rainbow, she noticed Pinkie didn’t seem the least bit brightened up.

Her long puffy pink hair was all sagged down and hanging straight from what Rainbow had thrown at her earlier. She really looked as if she had lost the last of whatever hope or strength she had.

Rainbow didn’t seem to notice as she ended her turn with a face-down.

“There’s no way we can lose this now.” she thought. “All our monsters are too tough for any of those creeps to take down, and if they try to take down my Raptors, I’m ready.”

This was why she paid no attention to Pinkie’s downed state.

“Her cockiness is overwhelming.” thought Samurai. “With her poor dueling style and her partner now unable to perk up; I shall have great pleasure in wiping them both out this turn.”

She looked over at Ninja, and her partner nodded at her.

“It is my draw now!”

She took a third card, and Pinkie still didn’t look up at her or even respond.

“Since I control at least one “Six Samurai” I am able to special summon this form my hand; LEGENDARY SIX SAMURAI – MIZUHO.”

(Atk: 1600)

“And this also lights up two more Bushido Counters on my Gateway of the Six.”

The magical gate now had five lit circles on it.

“And now, I shall activate Mizhuo’s special ability; it allows me to tribute my Elder Samurai, and then Mizhuo is able to destroy one card on the field.”

She at first eyed at Pinkie’s Gatlighoul…

“No. I have a better idea.” said Samurai “Instead I shall destroy Force Strix!”

Rainbow growled and cringed, and in a blaze of flames, her monster was destroyed instantly.

“But that was Rainbow’s strongest defense!” cried Sunset.

Ninja snickered, “An excellent choice, Partner.”

“Thank you.” replied Samurai “And I have much more to do now. I now summon LEGENDARY SIX SAMURAI - ENSHI.

(Atk: 1700)

“This will grant me yet another two Counters on my gate for a total of seven, and further more since I have different Samurais in play, Enshi’s attack is increased by 500.”

(Atk: 1700) -----> (Atk: 2200)

“However, it is his special ability you should worry about. For I can now banish my two Samurai tuners in my graveyard, and in exchange, I am able to return one monster on the field to the player’s hand.”

Rainbow cringed, knowing fully-well which monster she would choose.

“I choose Performapal Gatlinghoul! Be gone, now!”

Pinkie still didn’t react, or even both to look up as her only monster disappeared back to her Extra Deck and left her wide open to a direct attack.

“Pinkie’s going to get clobbered!” wailed Cadance.

“And if she gets attacked, so does Rainbow.” added Shining Armor.

“That means they’ll both lose!” murmured Kori.

Everyone else was cringing in anger and worry.

“We told you were hopeless.” taunted Ninja. “It is time for your misery to end.”

Samurai agreed, “And I know just how to do it; with one simple attack, and for this I require use of the power of my Gateway.

I can use two Bushido Counters to power up my Shi En’s attack by 500, and since I have counters to spare, I shall spend four counters, to give him a 1000 attack boost.”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 3500)

Rainbow couldn’t believe her eyes and she thought, “With all those attack points-- if Pinkie gets struck, we’re both doomed!”

Pinkie still did not bother to look up or even tremble in fear. She had lost so much hope and faith, she either couldn’t’ see or hear what was happening around her, or she plain didn’t care that she was about to lose and practically welcomed it.

“Samurai Shi En, wage a direct attack!”

Her warrior gripped his sword tightly, and leapt over ready for the kill.

“I can’t watch!” Terra cried as she looked away.

The Samurai was coming down, down, down…

And Rainbow began to sweat and fret like crazy! “…NO!!!”

The mighty sword came down, and Pinkie finally looked up just as it was within centimeters of hitting her…

…And then it stopped, blocked by an electrical field.

“What?!” snapped Samurai.

“What is happening?” asked Ninja.

The spectators were all confused.

Rainbow then sighed heavily in relief. “I don’t want to begin to think how close that was.”

The opponents saw, next to her was a NEGATE ATTACK trap card.

Pinkie turned her head to look at Rainbow, and Rainbow was still panting heavily in stress, while the opponents were outraged.

Thanks to Negate Attack, Pinkie was spared and the battle was over, and the two Shi Ens were unable to negate a counter trap card.

“She saved me.” Pinkie whispered to herself.

Rainbow looked as if she was going to fall down, but not from the exhaustion of the stress, but rather realization… of the way she had been behaving, and the horrible things she had said to Pinkie.

It was as if seeing Pinkie in danger, and the fact that her loss would result in both their loss because of her attitude, that her good judgment kicked in and began to fight off the Malefic forces in the air.

And just now, Rainbow’s act of protecting Pinkie sparked her own small bit of strength to fight the darkness and wake up from her funk.

Ninja and Samurai were outraged that their victory was delayed for the moment.

“After all this, they are still able to outwit us?” sneered Ninja.

“It matters not.” insisted Samruai. “We still have the better advantage. For now, I shall end my turn.”

“You two got nothing on us.” insisted Rainbow. “Okay, I admit it, I was acting like a complete and total jerk when I know better, and Pinkie and I weren’t thinking too straight…

…But I realize that now, and I’m sorry I acted this way, Pinkie.

I’m glad to have you as my partner, and as my friend, and I don’t want anything to happen to you or the others.

We’ve got to pull through this together. We’ve got win this… for everyone’s sake; not just our own.”

Twilight could hear her, and she felt proud with Rainbow for pulling through and letting her friendship breakthrough again.

The spectators were pleased too, and as for Pinkie… while she still didn’t seem too enthusiastic-- her hair was still flat down-- she did manage to slowly get back onto her feet to keep dueling.

“I’ll try…” she peeped.

Then she wiped her eyes, and tried to get as serious as she could-- her hair was still down.

She analyzed the field. “Rainbow may have protected me, but I still don’t see how we can get past all these monsters.”

She paused and looked down at the cards in her hand.

“I could set the Pendulum Scale again, but then those two Samurai can negate my cards and break me, or anything else we try to play.”

Then she looked down at her deck, and could only hope that whatever she would draw would be at least something that could help.

She softly laid her fingers on her card, and pulled it out.

“Huh?” she murmured.

Then she compared to what she had in her hand, and she narrowed her eyes. “I think I know what to do.”

Everyone gazed with anxiety at what she had planned.

“From my hand, I summon PERFORMA PAL SEAL EEL.”

(Atk: 300)

Her cute little monster bounced onto the scene, but it still didn’t look as giddy or as cheerful as Pinkie still wasn’t fully in cheer-mode herself.

“He may not look like much, but he can still be helpful… especially when I use his special ability on that facedown card over there.”

“What?” growled Ninja, and he watched as the playful little seal flopped its tail, swishing magical bubbles over towards him, encasing his face-down in one giant bubble.

“Heh!” said Pinkie “Now that card can’t be activated for the rest of the turn, and nothing’s going to stop me from what I have coming for you now.


“Ah!” cried Ninja.

“No!” yelled Samurai.

Rainbow began to grin with glee.

“Now by sending one card in my hand to the graveyard, I can Fusion Summon not only using one of my monsters, but with any one of yours… and you can’t negate this effect either.”

Samurai growled angrily.

“Since your Shi En is a Level 5 Dark monster, it’s just what I need to fuse with my Seal Eel.”

The two monsters floated up into the sky and began to merge.

“And just like that… he’s back… PERFORMAPAL GATLINGHOUL!”

(Atk: 2900)

The opponents were shocked, while the spectators were going wild.

“BOO-YAH! That’s how to make it roll!” cheered Vic.

“And it gets worse…” added Sunset “Gatlinghoul’s ability activates, and deals 200 points of damage for every card that’s in play.”

Pinkie tallied up all the cards on the field. “…I see there are nine cards in play, so look out, because 1800 points of damage is headed your way!”

Gatlinghoul armed his bazooka, and the opponents were unable to stop it this time. They were both bombarded by many small shots.

Malefic Team LP: 8000 -----> 6200

“How could you have let this happen?!” scolded Ninja.

“Me?!” snarled Samurai “Do not question my dueling! You were supposed to shield me!”

“Wow! Check it out.” said Dick. “It looks like their team morale is going way down.”

“The tables are turning alright.” agreed Kori.

Raven was still not as enthusiastic however. “She may have gotten rid of one Shi En, but there’s still another one.”

The monster looked furious and stood still and silent.

Pinkie was starting to feel a little more fired up, and her hair was starting to stick upward again.

“Now, I activate Gatlingghoul’s other special ability; since I used a Pendulum Monster to fuse it, I can target one monster one of you controls and I can destroy it, and then you’ll both take damage equal to its total attack points.”

The opponents cringed, and Pinkie then pointed at Samurai’s field. “I got rid of one Shi En, and now I’ll get rid of the other.”

She ordered Gatlinghoul to fire his gun, which he did… sending a huge energy blast towards the warrior.

Samurai growled and quickly fiddled with her cards, just as the big explosion hit.

“Yeah…!! That’s the way they fall!” cheered Rainbow.

“Don’t be so certain.” hissed Ninja.

Pinkie and Rainbow gasped, and as the smoke cleared, they couldn’t believe their eyes-- the monster was still standing.

“No way…!” groaned Rainbow.

“How did that happen?” asked Pinkie.

Samurai snickered. “I used the special ability of Secret Samurai Doji…

By banishing it from the graveyard, my Samurai was spared from destruction.”

Pinkie clenched her fist, and she looked down at her last two cards.

“I guess I’ll have to take a chance! I set PERFORMAPAL MONKEYBOARD and IGNITION EAGLE into the Pendulum Zones!”

The two monsters began to rise up into the Pendulum Zone.

“I will stop your plan!” shouted Samurai “Shi En uses his special ability to slice through your Scale 10 monster, which will destroy it and sent it to its demise!”

With that, Pinkie Eagle was slain.

“Oh, no!” cried Cadance.

“Talk about a cheap shot.” added Shining Armor.

Sci-Twi and Sunset, however, were smiling…

…So was Pinkie, and her hair begin to perk up better than ever. “I was hoping you’d target him.”

Samurai blinked once.

“I was hoping you couldn’t resist destroying my Eagle, which spared my Monkeyboard, and now his Pendulum ability lets me add a new “Performapal” to my hand.

…I chose Scale 6 PERFORMAPAL LIZARDRAW, and he’s just in time for me to set the Pendulum Scale again.”

Her playful Lizard jumped into the light, and the magic pendulum formed between the two monsters.

“…Now I get to summon as many Level 2 through 5 monsters as I need, AND HERE THEY COME!!”

Two shots of light fired form her Extra Deck, and her monsters appeared.



Her two monsters stood on each side of Gatlingghoul, and with that, Pinkie’s hair fully bloomed again.

“Look at Pinkie.” said Terra.

“I think she’s coming back now.” murmured Sunset.

Even Twilight could feel the positive force herself, and it filled her with joy and hope.

Pinkie then stepped forth like being on stage and announced. “Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry I’ve been away for so long, but the greatest dueling show in the world is now back in business.”

Rainbow gave her a thumb-up, while the opponents were outraged and disgusted by the way Pinkie was making the duel out to be some kind of joke show.

Pinkie then pointed upward, “…I’d like to direct your attention to Lizardraw and its astounding pendulum effect to destroy itself, which allows me to draw one card from deck…

…What’s it going to be? Well, let’s find out.”

She shut her eyes, and then drew her card in a way as if to cause more anxiety.

She peeked at it, and glared at her opponents.

“Now it’s time for a little action!”

She engaged her battle phase.

“Gatlinghoul, attack Samurai Shi En!”

Her monster charged up his gun…

“And while I’m at it, I’ll activate Ignition Eagle’s special ability; when a monster I control attacks, I can have both it and Monkeyboard switch places!

So Monkey comes down here, and Eagle flies into the Pendulum Zone.”

As promised, the two monsters changed positions, and Monkey board came to Pinkie’s side.

(Atk: 1100)

“She played it in attack mode?” Dick asked in shock.

“What is she thinking?” wondered Vic.

“But hold on to your seats folks, because there’s more.” hollered Pinkie “Because this magical swap was successful, Gatlingghoul’s attack points now increase by Monkeyboard’s attack power, and that’s 1100.”

(Atk: 2900) -----> (Atk: 4000)

“Four-thousand?!” cried Samurai.

“Impossible!” shouted Ninja.

Gatlinghoul fired his energy blast straight at Smaurai’s monster.

“I activate Shi En’s special ability!” shouted Samurai.

“Huh?” said Pinkie.

“Not another…!” wailed Rainbow.

“When Shi En is on the verge of destruction, by sending Enshi to the graveyard, my might warrior shall take your blast and escape without harm.”

Pinkie then hollered, “It may escape without a scratch, but you’ll still get hurt with damage--both of you!”

(Atk: 4000) VS (Atk: 2500)

The blast made contact, and its rays sped past the monster and struck the opponents.

Malefic Team LP: 6200 -----> 4700

The two Maleficans braced as the winds billowed past them, but they remained strong.

“Those two are really starting to get on my nerves.” said Raven. “They always seem to have some way to keep each other safe.”

The others were all still worried for Pinkie and Rainbow, especially since Pinkie placed her Monkeyboard in attack mode.

“Well, that was an entertaining act.” said Pinkie “Now I’ll play the card I was lucky enough to be granted; POT OF GREED, so now I get to draw two more cards.”

She drew her two cards, and she peeked over them sharply at her opponents.

She then set them both facedown ending her turn. “That’s a wrap… for now.”

With the end of her turn, the bubble over Ninja’s card burst, allowing it to be used again, but at this point he and Samurai were starting to have huge doubts.

Gatlinghoul still had 4000 attack points, making it impossible to destroy in battle, and he was also concerned of Pinkie’s facedown cards.

With only one Shi En still on the field, Samurai would still be able to negate one spell or trap each turn.

“But wait…” Ninja thought. “…Supposing it is yet another card that cannot be stopped? Perhaps that is why she played her monster in attack-mode.

Even still, she could merely activate one card, and then stop us with another.”

Samurai thought the same thing. “We must defeat them on this turn. It is our only hope to succeed, but can we do it?”

It was Ninja’s turn and he drew a card.

“Oh!” he exclaimed, indicating he had drawn something very good.

“This card will serve us both well and attain victory…”

Rainbow and Pinkie narrowed their eyes…

“…I activate the Equip Spell DOUBLE BUSTER SWORDS, which I give to my Crimson Shadow.”

His ninja sheathed its own swords and grabbed the two new ones that materialized; slashing them about in a ninja strike pose.

“Now, not only is my Ninja able to attack twice, but should it attack a monster that is in defense mode, damage will still be dealt!”

Pinkie and Rainbow cringed.

Ninja went on and explained, “This card… unfortunately comes with a price, and that is I must destroy my Ninja at the end of this turn.

However, Crimson Shadow can use its last overlay unit to ensure that neither of my ninjas will be destroyed this turn.”

Both his ninjas were shrouded in protective light indicating their protection.

“And now, I shall activate Blade Ninja’s ability. With its last overlay unit, my Blade Ninja shall also attack twice this turn.

There will be no escape for you both this time!”

Samurai was impressed. “An excellent move… Now finish them off! Victory is assured.”

His partner agreed, and he knew just where to start as he eyed Pinkie’s field.

“Crimson Shadow, attack and destroy Trump girl!”

His Ninja leapt up and prepared to strike.

“Not so fast!” shouted Pinkie “I play the trap PERFORMING PAL’S COUNTER STRIKE!

It prevents my Performapals from being destroyed and destroys a different monster on the field instead.”

“It shall not!” shouted Samurai “Shi En stops your card and slays it!”

Her monster leapt up, ready to strike with all its might.

…Pinkie’s grin widened, “Just what I hoped you’d do.”


“No! It cannot be…!” cried Ninja.

“Oh, it is…” snickered Pinkie. “I now activate Performapal Ignition Eagle’s Pendulum ability!”

Her Eagle began to flap its little wings, spreading strong winds along the field.

“What is the meaning of this?” asked Ninja.

Pinkie smirked, “I’m glad that you asked. This is one of the highlight of the show; see… during either player’s battle phase, I can banish all cards from my Pendulum Zone.

After that-- and this is the fun bit-- I now send as many “Performapal” monsters from my deck to the graveyard that equal the number of Spells and Traps in play.

There are currently five in play, and so that means I have to send five Performapals to the graveyard.”

She grabbed her cards, and held them up high.

All at once, images of her monsters came soaring through the air like colorful fireworks…

Rainbow was astounded by all the explosive colors, so were the other spectators.

Twilight wished she could see it herself, but she had a good feeling about all this.

“What is the point of all these fireworks?” asked Samurai.

Pinkie smirked, “Well, these arena ordinary fireworks you know… their Spell to Trap seeking missiles.”

The opponents’ eyes widened, and they watched as each and every spell and trap on the field was struck by one of Pinkie’s flying monsters; blowing them all away.

“My Swords!” cried Ninja.

“My Gateway!!” wailed Samurai.

“Totally awesome!” hollered Rainbow.

“And now for the best part of all…” Pinkie announced. “Ladies and Gentlemen… it’s Math Time.

You see, I now get to target my Performapal Monkeyboard, and he’ll gain an additional 500 attack points for every Pendulum Monster I have in play.

I currently have two of them. So who can tell me how much stronger my Monkey gets?

Come on, don’t be shy.”

Rainbow blinked once in shock and a bit of disdain, “Uhhh… just 1000 points?”

“E-----xactly! One-thousand beautiful attack points.” hollered Pinkie.

(Atk: 1100) -----> (Atk: 2100)

“And the best part yet is: Now that Double Sword is gone, my monster will still be destroyed, but Rainbow and I take no damage whatsoever.”

Crimson Shadow attacked with its own swords, destroying Pinkie’s Trump Girl, but no life points were lost as promised.

Without it’s special blades, it was also no longer allowed to make a second attack.

“You think you have it won?” snarled Ninja “You have nothing won. Even without my special swords, I still am able to attack!”

He turned to look at Rainbow’s field.

“I shall attack you instead! Go, Blade Ninja! Attack Fuzzy Lanius!”

In a swift swing, Rainbow’s bird was sliced in half. Rainbow didn’t dare to use Booster Strix in her hand because the Ninja was still protected.

Still, Rainbow called out, “When Fuzzy Lanius is sent to the graveyard… another one jumps into my hand.”

“It matters not!” thundered Ninja. “My Blade Ninja is still allowed one more attack from using its power, and I shall now attack you directly!”

Neither or Pinkie could block the attack this time, and Rainbow got struck hard and knocked back…

Pinkie felt every last bit of pain as the life points decreased.

EQ Team LP: 3200 -----> 1000

Pinkie fell to her knees while Rainbow was on her back.

The spectators all gawked with deep concern.

“Dang!! Talk about a close one!” shouted Vic.

“Yeah… real close…” Raven grumbled as she picked her ear, having been near him while he shouted.

“They’ve only got 1000 life points left!” cried Cadance.

“What was Pinkie thinking with this move?” asked Shining Armor, but his sister and Sunset both could see, and they were both grinning at Pinkie’s cunning.

“Pinkie just may have given them both the chance they needed.” said Sunset

Sci-Twi agreed and explained to everyone…

“If Crimson Shadow had succeeded in attacking while equipped with the swords, Pinkie and Rainbow would have been defeated for sure, but Pinkie activated her first trap to test the opponents out.

Since Samurai used Shi En’s ability, this led Pinkie to realize Ninja’s facedown card was nothing to worry about, which then gave her the chance to use Ignition Eagle’s effect to blow all the cards off the field, and power up Monkeyboard.”

Everyone began to catch on…

It meant than Ninja would have no better alternative than to try and attack Rainbow instead, and deal lots of damage, but not enough to win the duel.

Terra sighed heavily in relief. “But still… it’s quite a long shot. Rainbow and Pinkie are still at a disadvantage.

Their opponents still have stronger monsters and more life points, and if Rainbow can’t take them out on her turn--” she stopped right there. Everyone already got the drift.

Rainbow got it especially herself.

“Pinkie saved us both with that last turn.” she thought. “… Just like… I protected us both on mine and after all the mean things I said and the way I acted…”

Pinkie then looked over at her, and gave her a very soft nod as if to say, “You can do this. I believe in you.”

Rainbow clenched her fist and stood ready to take a card.

“Okay… this is it!” she declared. “It’s make or break… I DRAW…!”

She looked at her card, and her eyes widened in a strange, but gleeful way.

Then she glared at her opponents, “You two are going down, and that’s a promise!”

Ninja and Samurai scoffed at the very idea.

“You don’t believe me?” snarled Rainbow “Well, you will when I summon this… RAIDRAPTOR – BOOSTER STRIX!”

(Atk: 100)

“And just like always, Fuzzy Lanius can join him in play too.”

(Def: 1500)

“So you have two monsters in play?” sneered Samurai. “That is hardly anything for us to be concerned of.”

Rainbow snuffed, “You know… you’re right; two monsters isn’t enough, so I’ll just have to change that with this; RAIDRAPTOR – PAIN LANIUS!”

The opponents gawked softly.

Rainbow then cautioned “… Brace yourself, Pinkie. This is going to sting a bit.”

“Do it!” Pinkie insisted.

Rainbow nodded and declared, “Since I have Fuzzy Lanius in play, Pain Lanius can join my feathered friends on the field, and it’ll have the same level as Fuzzy Lanius does.”

(Def: 100)

“She has three level 4 monsters now!” cried Ninja.

Samurai nodded nervously.

Suddenly, Pinkie and Rainbow both were shocked by strong energy jolts.

“There’s… still the price… to pay!” Rainbow growled, “We have lose life points… equal to Fuzzy Lanius’ attack points!!”

EQ Team LP: 1000 -----> 500

Rainbow and Pinkie fell to their knees in pain. With their score so low, the agony and weariness was getting to them.

“You… okay, Pinkie?”

Panting softly, Pinkie managed to nod.

Rainbow got to her feet. “That was still well worth in order to get exactly what I need… so that WE can finish you both off.

I overlay these three level 4 raptors to build the Overlay Network!”

Her three birds fluttered up high and vanished into the portal, and Rainbow decided to chant to her incoming monster.

“From the shadows comes a force to great,
It’ll crush everything at a fantastic rate!


(Atk: 100)

Her mighty bird spread out its wide, flaming wings, and cawed most furiously.

The opponents gazed up at the great creature and actually began to fret.

“I activate Rise Falcon’s special ability!” shouted Rainbow. “By using one Overlay Unit, its attack power now increases by the attack power of Shi En!”

(Atk: 100) -----> (Atk: 2600)

“And now, I activate a trap card from the graveyard!”

“What?” snapped Ninja “But you have no traps in your graveyard to activate.”

“Show’s what you know.” said Rainbow. “Pinkie and I share life points, we share a field-- we share a graveyard too. Her cards are now my cards.”

Pinkie nodded at her and declared, “The spotlight’s on you. Take it away!”

Rainbow, though not much of a showgirl, thrust her chest up high and strong declaring, “From the graveyard, I banish the trap SKILL SUCCESSOR!

Doing this will grant Rise Falcon an additional 800 attack points.”

(Atk: 2600) -----> (Atk: 3400)

“THIRTY-FOUR HUNDRED?!!” the opponents wailed.

“Huh!” Rainbow grunted. “Now… Raidraptor Rise Falcon, attack and destroy every special summoned monster on their field!!”

The opponents screamed in fright as the monster soared up high, ready for the kill!

“How could you have let this happen?” Ninja shouted.

“I did nothing! It was your fault!!” protested Samurai.

Rainbow’s monster came soaring down, slamming on the opposing field, and with her monster at 3400, and all the other monsters in attack mode…

(Atk: 3400)


(Atk: 1600)

(Atk: 2200)

(Atk: 2400)

(Atk: 2500)

…The total amount of damage came to 4900!!

KAPOW!! The opponents screamed as their field went up in a huge explosion!

Malefic Team LP: 4700 -----> 0

In the midst of the billowing winds, Twilight’s card was knocked loose and began to fly off again!

“HELP ME!!!” she screamed.

“Twilight…!!” Sunset shouted.

Vic quickly picked her up off the ground, “Go for it girl!” and he threw Sunset up into the air allowing her to catch the card, and do a somersault in the air before landing gracefully on the sand.

After that, the lightning came and struck Ninja and Samurai, trapping them both in cards, causing cheer and joy to erupt from the spectators.

“They won!!”

“They got Twilight back too!!”

Rainbow and Pinkie were exhausted, but they both managed a soft grin.

“Show’s over…” said Rainbow.

And Pinkie followed up saying “...Smiles win.”

The Prince Brothers saw everything.

“Incredibly astounding.” remarked Rubeus. “Even after all that, they still managed to fight through the darkness and overcome the impossible.”

Loki clenched his fists angrily. He was really beginning to see the team as a dangerous nuisance that would most-likely put his and Rubeus’ plan in jeopardy.

“They had best enjoy this victory while they can.” he hissed “We’re about to play a different game, with different skills.”

He referred to the fact that Celestia was out there, and aiming to assist in the great battle.

Celestia herself was well on her way, flying on a dark cloud of her own, to confront the team.

“You are mine, Sunset Shimmer.” she said to herself “I must be victorious for my love.”

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