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Episode 59: Part 3: Last of Friends


Rubeus roared as he was thrown back hard by the attack waves from Odd-Eyes.

Rubeus LP: 5000 -----> 2500

The prisoners would have cheered and jumped for joy; were they not so weary they could barely keep awake, but they were happy for Sunset.

Sunset was pleased too, though she was panting heavily in exhaustion.

The dark aura around her seemed dim down a little. “What’s happening?” she wondered. “I don’t feel Z-Arc’s power on me as much.”

Meanwhile, a tiny speck of light appeared within the darkness.

“What’s this?!” bellowed Z-Arc.

Twilight and Spike saw the speck of light.

“Not more!” groaned Spike. “I don’t know how many more surprises I can take.”

“No, wait!” said Twilight. She noted how Z-Arc didn’t like the looks of the speck that appeared, which meant it wasn’t his doing.

“That light, you don’t think it could be…” she stopped there and said nothing else.

Spike’s hopes began to rise, feeling the same way she did, and Z-Arc’s fury only confirmed their hopes.

“This is impossible!” he thundered. “How can this be happening?”

“So, it is a way out!” shouted Twilight.

“Twilight…?” said a familiar voice in the sphere next to her.

Twilight and Spike turned to see Applejack was starting to awaken in her sphere.

“Applejack!” cried Twilight. “I can’t believe it!”

Rarity stirred awake as well. “Oh, my!” she groaned. “What in the world is happening?”

Spike’s eyes filled with tears, “Rarity! You’re awake!”


Soon more of their friends began to awaken-- the Equestrians at least, but Raven and Vic had not awakened, nor had Gar, nor any of the other souls.

As glad as the Equestrians were to see each other, the same question they all had, Luna asked it first. “Where are we, and what is happening?”

“We’re in bring trouble, that’s what.” replied Spike, and he pointed upward at the evil force of Z-Arc still attempting to absorb the souls.

“Oh, my goodness!” wailed Fluttershy. “He can’t do this to us! What did we ever do to him?”

“I don’t think he cares that much.” said Shining Armor.

Cadance looked across at the speck of light. “Whatever that thing is, it better hurry and save us!”

“…Yeah, but look at it,” said Spike. “It’s either far away, or way too tiny for even my paw to fit through. Let alone all these souls.”

Z-Arc himself, despite being an energy force, couldn’t fit through the tiny speck, and he didn’t dare for that speck was pure light, which he could not stand.

“You will never be freed!” he bellowed at his prisoners. “You are all going to become one with the mighty Z-Arc. Your souls are mine to absorb! Mine to harness! I’ll not give up my chance to resurrect again!”

Twilight and Spike saw some souls begin to slowly upward towards the darkness that was Z-Arc.

“No!!” cried Twilight.

“Yes!” hollered Z-Arc. “Absorb them all! Absorb the souls and allow me to grow strong enough to resurrect once more!”

“This can’t be happening!” shrieked Rarity. “I’m too young and beautiful to vanish forever!!”

All her screams and wails did not help a bit.

It was only a matter of time before the vast pool of souls would be absorbed and gone.

Rubeus slowly sat upright, and as outraged as he was, he gave Sunset a small compliment. “Very impressive. You braved danger to come at me with your stronger cards.”

Sunset stood puzzled and confused.

“…But don’t think for one instant that this it where it ends!

I activate Malefic Stardust Dragon’s ability; since he used his effect this turn; he now returns to the field.”

(Atk: 2500)

“Oh, perfect!” Sunset grumbled.

“You see…?” taunted Rubeus. “Darkness can never truly be dispelled.

“Instead of drawing, I will use Malefic World to obtain a card, and by taking three copies of the same card, I’ll simply add it to my hand.

Behold the Tuner monster… MALEFIC PARALLEL GEAR!”

(Atk: 0)

“A Tuner Monster?!” cried Sunset. “That means you can normally Synchro summon.”

“I can do more than that,” scoffed Rubeus. “I’m going to smash you and all your hopes to pieces.

I tune level 2 Parallel Gear with Level 8 Malefic Stardust, to open a portal to a whole new world of darkness unimaginable!”

The two monsters began the tuning process using dark tuning rings and dark orbs instead of light, and Rubeus called out his own special chant.

“Darkness creeps with this monster’s might,
To aid in evil and extinguish the light!


(Atk: 4000)

Such a mighty and fearsome looking beast with dark scales, and sharp teeth.

“That is one huge monster!” cried Sunset, and she screamed as the dragon roared sending the gales billowing past her.

Rubeus snickered. “You think he’s scary now, wait until you see his ability-- one that allows me to summon a Synchro Monster from my graveyard, even if it hasn’t been properly Synchro Summoned.”

Sunset’s eyes widened. “You mean…?!”

“I do…!” hissed Rubeus. “Come forth STARDUST DRAGON!”

(Atk: 2500)

The mighty Synchro Dragon appeared, and though it was not shrouded in any darkness, Sunset could not deny that it was still a powerful threat.

“Not… Star… Dust!” Kori peeped softly. She remembered how powerful it was when she faced it.

“Sunset really has… her… work cut out… for her.” groaned Dick.

Everyone was too tired and weak to show too much worrying, when really, they were scared out of their wits more for Sunset than their own predicament.

“Your friends aren’t looking so hot up there.” hissed Rubeus.

Sunset’s insides were shaking with worry.

“…Oh, but don’t look so grim about it.” Rubeus said to her. “Soon, you’ll all be together-- lost in the darkness, forever!”

Then he pointed up at Sunset’s two dragons.

(Atk: 2400) -----> (Atk: 0)

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 0)

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 300)

“Their attack points!” Sunset wailed. “What have you done?!”

Rubeus chuckled and explained, “It’s not what I’ve done, it’s Malefic Paradox Dragon’s other special ability.

If I so happen to have another Synchro Monster in play, which I do, then all your monsters lose attack points equal to the amount of said Synchro Monster.

Stardust Dragon has 2500 attack points. So, all your monsters just lost 2500 of their attack points, leaving them weak as used matchstick.”

Sunset cringed. “This is not good! My monsters are too weak to withstand any attack from those dragons!”

“Which means, your world as you know it is about to end, while my new world is about to begin!”

Sunset cringed as Rubeus engaged battle.

“Stardust Dragon, attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!”

The mighty dragon opened its huge jaws, powering up its dark energy to blast Odd-Eyes.

“Sorry to break this to you,” called Sunset “But your world isn’t beginning, not while I’m around.

I activate Odd-Eyes Absolute’s ability. By using one overlay unit, he stops your dragon from attacking me.”

Stardust powered down.

“That really doesn’t matter.” snarled Rubeus “You stopped one of my dragons, but I have another one!

Malefic Paradox Dragon is stronger and about to finish what Stardust began.


“You walked right into it!” snapped Sunset. “I activate the trap SHARP PENDULUM STRIKE!”

“WHAT?!” shouted Rubeus.

“This trap can only be played if I have no cards in my hand, and only one Pendulum Monster on my field.

Now I get to destroy one of your monsters, and who better than the one that’s trying to end me! So long Paradox Dragon!”

Powerful energy rays shrouded Paradox Dragon, ready to swallow it up into the darkness.

Rubeus’ fist quivered. “I’ll save my Paradox Dragon with Stardust’s ability. You remember, all I do is send it to the graveyard, and your trap is negated and destroyed!”

Surely enough, Sunset’s card powered down and shattered, but Sunset was grinning rather than scowling.

Rubeus knew why…!

“Without Stardust in play, all your monsters regain their full attack strength.”

(Atk: 100) -----> (Atk: 2400)

(Atk: 0) -----> (Atk: 2500)

(Atk: 300) -----> (Atk: 2800)

Paradox Dragon still unleashed its dark waves at Odd-Eyes.

(Atk: 4000) VS (Atk: 2500)

“I may not be able to stop the attack,” said Sunset. “But at least I’ll have some life points to spare, and just to be safer, I’ll use Timestar Magician’s ability…

Now I send NOBLEDRAGON MAGICIAN to my graveyard to spare Odd-Eyes from being destroyed.”

The attack struck hard and sped past Odd-Eyes, hitting Sunset, and blowing her back hard.

Sunset LP: 2000 -----> 500

Sunset lay flat on her back, sore and weary.

“Talk about a close one.” she thought. “I just barely managed to hang in there that turn.”

She slowly managed to find strength enough to get back up again. Her eyes were blurry from the loss of energy as well as the small bits of darkness still shrouding her, but she was still able to make things out ahead of her…!

Rubeus stood tall with his arms folded, while the prisoners still saw everything.

“Way to… go… Sunset!” Rainbow said softly, but then she finally passed out from weariness.

“Rainbow…” Sci-Twi peeped, but then she too was out.

All the others had passed out too, and Sunset watched.

“No! Guys!”

Her friends did not answer, for they had vanished completely into nothing.

“Too late!” Rubeus laughed. “Your friends had lost the last of their energy and have been absorbed into the machine!

You’ve lost them, forever!”

Tears came to Sunset’s eyes, and she furiously clutched her head screaming! “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!”

Her scream was so loud, Twilight swore she could hear it from her sphere.


The others heard the scream as well, it came from the direction of the tiny light speck.

“That was her all right.” said Applejack.

Fluttershy didn’t like the sound of the scream. “Something really awful must be happening.”

“You mean something other than our fate?” whimpered Shining Armor.

Z-Arc could feel the negativity increasing his power. “More! Give me more! More darkness, more grief, more negativity!


“He’s growing stronger!” shrieked Rarity. “WE’RE DOOMED!!”

Her friends couldn’t bear her wailing anymore. Even Spike covered his ears.

“Will you dial it down!” thundered Applejack. “Screaming your lungs out ain’t going to help us.”

Twilight suddenly had an idea. “…Maybe it can.”

“What do you mean?” asked Cadance.

“I mean, if we just heard Sunset now, maybe it’s possible for her to hear us too. We can let her know that we’re all still here.”

Everyone caught on.

“That is the craziest idea I have ever heard.” said Luna. “…It may just work.”

A moment of silence followed, but the friends agreed.

“We may as well try it.” said Spike, and he looked up at Z-Arc. “After all, we’ve got only got everything to lose.”

Twilight led everyone. “Altogether now… SUN-SET, SUN-SET, SUN-SET!!”

Soon all the Equestrians were cheering on, repeating Sunset’s name over and over…

…But Sunset could not hear them!

Either it was because they were loud enough to reach her from beyond the dimensions, or Sunset was still shrouded in Z-Arc’s growing aura and lost in her sorrows.

…Or maybe all of it!

She was on her knees clutching her head in tears and emotional pain beyond words.

“They can’t be gone!” she muttered to herself. “I won’t lose them! Not again!”

Rather than taunting her, Rubeus remained silent. He just continued glaring at her with seemingly no care at all for what he had just done.

Then he just continued with his turn.

“Well now, I’ll place one card facedown, and to help things further, I play the spell MAGIC REFLECTOR.

This handy spell places magical spell counter over Malefic World. Now, the next time you try to destroy it, the counter will take the hit instead.

Now, I end my turn, which means my Stardust Dragon will now return to the field to further assist me in my onslaught.”

(Atk: 2500)

“And you know what this means. Now that Stardust has returned to the field, all your monsters get weaker again.”

(Atk: 2400) -----> (Atk: 0)

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 0)

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 300)

“Look at your monsters now. They’re weak, and feeble, just like your friends were.”

Sunset finally looked up. Her eyes blazing with rage as she slowly got onto her feet, which made the dark aura around her blaze even greater.

“You will pay!” she growled. “For what you did to my friends… I SWEAR… I will make you pay!!!”

She drew her next card with a fearsome roar, making the aura blaze more!

“Her rage is reaching its peak.” thought Rubeus. “Perhaps things are about to get interesting!”

Sunset gazed down at her card.

That’s when the ground began to rumble, and Sunset said. “Timebreaker Magician now returns to the field, and so does your monster!”

(Atk: 1400) -----> (Atk: 0)

Her poor magician lost all his attack points and looked weak and tired, while Malefic Cyber End Dragon growled fiercely.

(Atk: 4000)

“So, I now have three monsters.” chuckled Rubeus. “I suppose I should thank for that, but you’re hardly in the mood for such things, are you?”

Sunset clenched her free fist. “The only thing I’m in the mood for is taking you down!”

I activate Timestar Magician’s ability! By using his last overlay unit, I can add XIANGKE MAGICIAN to my hand!”

Rather than try to destroy Malefic World again-- she knew it would be pointless-- Sunset had a new plan in mind.

“You want me to give you my all? Well, guess what… you’re about to get it.

I tribute Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, and Timebreaker Magcian, so I can call upon Level 7 XIANGKE MAGICIAN!”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 0)

“Why summon him?” asked Rubeus. “He just lost all of his attack points.” But then he realized. “Wait a minute…!”

That’s when Sunset’s Extra deck began to glow. “When Absolute Dragon is sent to the graveyard, I get to summon a special monster from my Extra Deck, and I choose…

…The Fusion monster ODD-EYES VORTEX DRAGON!”

(Def: 3000)

The dragon spread out it’s glowing wings and gave a nasty growled.

“Oh, no!” cried Rubeus. “You still managed to summon a Fusion Monster even with my Non-Fusion Area trap still in play.”

Sunset, blazing and furious as ever growled. “No matter how many cards you play, or how many tricks you pull, nothing will stop me from avenging my friends!!”

The room shook with her shouting, and then surprisingly, the dark aura didn’t seem so dark any longer-- from evil black to a charcoal dark.

Rubeus and Sunset were both surprised.

In the darkness, the light speck widened now showing itself in the form of a far-off wormhole.

“What’s this?!” gasped Z-Arc, and he began to feel strange as his pull on the souls began to slow down.

The prisoners were astounded.

“It’s growing?” cried Shining Armor.

“Maybe it’s because our calling is reaching to Sunset?” wondered Cadance.

“I don’t know…” replied Twilight. “Everyone, keep calling! We’ve got to let Sunset know.”

The friends all kept chanting Sunset’s name over and over with all their strengths.

The speck did not grow any bigger…

…And Sunset still could not hear anyone.

She was more preoccupied with the coloring of the aura around her. “I get it!” she theorized. “It’s my determination to help my friends. The more I feel, the more confident I get… the more I push the darkness away.

Yeah, I bet that’s it. The Malefic World feeds on darkness and negativity, so I can turn the tables on it!”

Rubeus only growled angrily.

“Now!” shouted Sunset “I activate Vortex Dragon’s effect. Since he was successfully summoned, he can return one monster you control back to your hand.”

She eyed at both the stronger monsters. “Nah, I have a better idea. I’ll get rid of… Stardust Dragon!”

“My Synchro Monster!” shouted Rubeus, and with that, Stardust vanished back to his Extra Deck.

Sunset smirked. “With Stardust gone, all my monsters gain their normal attack points back.”

(Atk: 0) -----> (Atk: 2500) x2

(Atk: 0) -----> (Atk: 2400)

“For all the good it will do them!” sneered Rubeus. “Even with their full power back, those monsters still pale in comparison to my dragons!”

“I know they do.” replied Sunset. “But I’m still far from finished, because now I… Pendulum Summon!”

She only had enough room to summon a single creature from her Extra Deck, and she knew just whom she wanted. “Welcome back, Timebreaker Magician!”

(Atk: 1400)

“But you won’t be staying around for very long, because I need you to lend me your power again.

Now banish yourself along with Malefic Cyber End Dragon again!

“No!!” shouted Rubeus, but he watched as his monster vanished once again with Sunset’s magician.

“Without Cyber Dragon, you won’t be able to pierce my life points!

And now… I actbate Nobledragon Magician’s ability from my graveyard!”

“You what?!” snapped Rubeus.

“You heard me! Now, by reducing Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s level to 4, my tuner monster summons himself to the field.”

(Def: 1400)

With the appearance of her magician, the aura became a touch brighter the more Sunset’s focus stayed strong.

“I tune Level 3 Nobledragon Magician with Level 4 Odd-Eyes!

On flaming wings, and claws that seer,
My mighty beast shall now appear!


(Def: 2000)

The aura was now a dark gray shade around the dragon and around Sunset.

Sunset felt stronger with very passing moment, but she never forgot the reason she was fighting now.

“I activate Meteorburt’s ability, which allows me to summon a monster down from my Pendulum Zone.

Welcome to the field DRAGONPIT MAGICIAN.

(Def: 2700)

“Everything is just as I need to make my ultimate comeback.” she thought. “Everything that goes on now is going to take a little bit of luck.

I just hope I’m not risking it too far.”

“Now I’ll place one card facedown, and finally, I’ll switch Timestar into defense mode.”

(Def: 1200)

“…I end my turn.”

“Huh?” Rubeus was most confused. “You mean that’s it? That’s all you’re going to do for this big comeback of yours?”

Sunset said nothing, trying to conceal that she was risking everything she had down to luck.

“If things don’t go the way I hope, I’ll lose the duel. Then, I won’t be able to try and help the others, and worse… all the worlds will be doomed.

Please…! Please work!”

Rubeus had his own theories. “She must be up to something. She played all her monsters in defense mode, but then again, her Xiangke Magician is still in attack-mode.

One blast from my Paradox Dragon will destroy it and wipe her out forever, but perhaps that’s exactly what she wants me to do.”

He eyed at Sunset’s facedown card. “Yes, that could be exactly it. If I attack her magician, she’ll use that card to defend herself somehow.

…I know just what to do now.”

He readied himself.

“It’s my turn, and this time, I choose to draw normally.

“Then I play the card I just drew-- GRACEFUL CHAIRTY. Now I draw three cards and send two away.”

When he was finished, he still had only one card in play, but it was good enough for him, for what he had drawn really brought out the evil in his eyes.

“Now the time has come for me to make a comeback. I activate the spell MALEFIC DIVIDE.

With this, I am able to summon one “Malefic” monster in my graveyard, as long I banish it at the end of the turn.”

Sunset gasped, “You want your Rainbow Dragon back!”

Rubeus nodded and shouted out. “Welcome back… Malefic Rainbow Dragon!”

(Atk: 4000)

The evil dragon roared loud, with its evil wings spread out wide.

“My dragon will serve me better than all your monsters will, for I’m going to use his special ability.”

“What ability?” asked Sunset.

Rubeus snickered, “You see… if I happen to banish all the Malefic Monsters in my graveyard, then each and every card that is currently in play shall be returned to our decks!”

“…Every card?!” wailed Sunset.

“…Every card!” sneered Rubeus.

Sunset growled, “I won’t let that happen, not while I have Vortex Dragon and its special ability.

I can take Nobledragon Magician in my Extra Deck, and shuffle him into my Main Deck, and with that, your dragon’s effect is negated, and your monster is destroyed!”

Rainbow Dragon vanished back into the graveyard, and Sunset sighed heavily in relief. “That was a close one.”

…But Rubeus laughed at her. “You fool, you fell straight into my hand like I knew you would.

I knew you couldn’t resist negating my Rainbow Dragon, and now that you have, I am able to activate my facedown card, MALEFIC SELECTOR!”

“Another spell?!” cried Sunset.

“Oh, yes, indeed.” hissed Rubeus. “This spell forces me to banish Malefic Rainbow Dragon and Malefic Parallel Gear from my graveyard.

However, in exchange, I am now able to add two “Malefic” cards form my deck straight to my hand.”

Sunset didn’t like the sound of that.

Rubeus took his two cards and revealed them to her. “I’ve taken a second Malefic Selector, and the trap MALEFIC CLAWSTREAM.

I’ll bet you’re anxious to see how this card works.”

Sunset felt worried, having never seen this card before and having no idea how it worked.

“Well, for now I shall set it facedown and let you continue to think about it. In the meantime, I’ll play MALEFIC SELECTOR once more. Now by banishing Malefic Stardust Dragon, and a Second Malefic Parallel Gear I had just discarded, I add two more cards to my hand.


Sunset was nothing short of shocked. “Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes? Those are two of the most well-known monsters in the dueling world!”

“Good to see your memory is sharp.” said Rubeus. “Now by sending the original Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes from my deck to the graveyard, I summon both these dark versions of them to the field!”

(Atk: 3000)

(Atk: 2400)

The two fierce dragons stood next to Paradox Dragon, giving Rubeus three strong monsters!

“This is bad!” cried Sunset.

Rubeus engaged his battle phase.

“Prepare to lose your precious creatures!” he bellowed. “Malefic Paradox Dragon, destroy Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon!”

In a mighty, thunderous blast, Sunset’s dragon was wiped out.

“And now for your second dragon!” shouted Rubeus. “Red-Eyes, attack Meteorburst Dragon!”

Another dragon attacked, and another dragon had fallen.

“Oh, no!” cried Sunset.

Rubeus now felt content with himself. “She has made no effort to defend herself. Then I am in the clear. I shall finish her off finally and forever.”

“This is where it all ends!” he hollered. “Blue-Eyes, I command you… destroy Xiangke Magician and wipe out all of Sunset’s life points!”

With only 500 points left, Sunset was sure to lose.

“Not so fast!” she yelled. “I activate my trap PENDULUM SWITCH!”


“Now I can save Xiangke Magician by having him step off the field and into the Pendulum Zone where you can’t strike him down.”

The magician leapt up and out of the way of the attack just in the nick of time.

“Looks like you fell right into my own hand.” Sunset gloated. “I knew you couldn’t resist attacking my magician, and I just managed to hang in with a little bit of luck.”

“Luck?!” snapped Rubeus. “You hoped for all this to happen?”

Sunset nodded, “You did everything I hoped you would, so I still get to stay in this match. I told you, I’m going to avenge my friends, and put you in your place for all that you’ve put us through!

That is a promise!”

By now, the aura around her body was becoming brighter, and stronger with her growing determination.

Rubeus then balked. “I’ll show you how empty that promise is!

Blue-Eyes, destroy Timestar Magician!”

The magician was destroyed, leaving Sunset with nothing but her Dragonpit Magician still defending her.

She was still safe for now all thanks to her strokes of luck, as well as her playing skills, but she still felt hurt for seeing the last of her friends just vanish like that!

Were they still alive?

Were they anywhere around?

…Or were they really gone!

The very thought of it made her feel uneasy.

This caused the aura around her to darken again, and the more she kept slipping into despair and worry, the darker it became.

“They can’t be gone! They just can’t be!”

To Be Continued…

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