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Episode 53: Part 4: Weak Awakening


The rifts were opening wider than ever, finally reaching the grounds of the major cities in the other worlds.

The people still had no idea what it was, but it now became apparent there was nowhere to run or hide from it.

Some of the people were even relenting in curiosity and began to march straight into the darkness itself.

“What is this?”

“Where did it come from?”

“Why is it here?”

“What’s happening to us?”

The people were marching through the darkness almost like mesmerized zombies, and strangely, they were all transparent-- like ghosts.

They didn’t just march along the grounds, but even through the air, passing right by the castle where everyone could see them.

“Either I got hit harder than I thought,” said Rainbow “…Or we’re all really seeing this!”

Everyone else saw the people passing by, and Z-Arc was most amused.

“Already my new subjects are beginning to cross-over into the darkness.”

Pinkie waved at the people passing by and called to them, “Hey! Hello? I’m over here! You-Hoo!”

Z-Arc snickered, “The Malefic World still hasn’t fully taken over yet. These puny humans can neither see nor hear us, but very soon they will be completely consumed, and they will serve me well if they hope to survive.”

Everyone felt sick to hear him say such things.

Z-Arc was envisioning it all. “I will be the single, most powerful ruler any world has to offer, with the largest and deadliest army at my feet.

There won’t be a single soul in this or any other world that would even think of opposing me ever again!”

Dick, Celestia, Terra, and Rainbow were all feeling down in the dumps for failing to stop the evil warmonger.

Kori was trembling with boiling rage. She gently set Terra down, and then stood upright to balk at Z-Arc.

“You can’t do this! I won’t let you!”

“Kori…” Dick called weakly.

Kori then began to march straight towards the Duel Zone where Z-Arc and his forces were still standing strong.

“Wait…!” called Pinkie, but Kori wouldn’t.

“Well, well…” Z-Arc chuckled “You dare stand up to me by yourself? I would say you’re brave, but that would be a lie.”

Kori remained undeterred and looked ready to take on an entire army…

…But the others weren’t keen on letting her duel Z-Arc alone, yet most of them were all beat and tired out.

Terra especially. She was still so lost in defeat and misery that—while her eyes were open-- she couldn’t see anything before, but just darkness and despair.

“Terra?” Pinkie called to her.

No response.

Terra could barely hear her, nor did she have the nerve to speak a single word.

Rainbow, though weary from her beatdown managed to limp over to her and waved her hand in front of her face.

“She’s lost.”

Terra was still able to walk-- like a zombie-- if someone led her along. Rainbow slowly guided her back to Sci-Twi and the others.

“Take it easy now.” Sci-Twi said.

Rainbow sat down letting out a huge and painful sigh, “I never thought it was possible to get hit that hard.”

Terra still said nothing.

“Hey, where’s Pinkie?” asked Sci-Twi.

Everyone blinked wearily, but then turned towards Z-Arc, and they all saw Pinkie standing beside Kori.

Even Kori was surprised.

“Pinkie?” she asked in confusion.

Pinkie never could have looked more serious, and she insisted, “I’m going to duel with you… for Sunset.”

Z-Arc shrugged “Oh, please. We’re going there again? When you will realize… there is no hope for your friend.

She’s lost!

…A prisoner of the darkness within me! Every second she remains there, she’s becoming more and more enveloped, until she eventually becomes part of the eternal darkness herself.”

“No!!” yelled Pinkie. “Sunset’s our friend! She’d never just give up like that!”

“That’s rich coming from you!” scoffed Z-Arc “A while ago, you had all but given up yourself. You finally were starting to realize that your way of dueling with smiles and fun is foolish… just like friendship and believing in your own skills when all seems hopeless.

You’re just a big phony like the rest of your posse.

Only when you embrace the darkness and the power it brings, will be able to attain true greatness!

Just look at me! I’ve already defeated several of your friends, and they couldn’t hold a candle to my might, and the same will happen to the two of you!”

Kori snuffed, “We’ll see about that.” then she turned to face Pinkie. “You sure you’re up for this?”

Pinkie nodded with a small, brave smile.

“All right, let’s do this!”

The two stood ready and drew their cards… and almost immediately, they were shocked and burned by Z-Arc’s life point ruling-- reducing them to half the amount.

Kori LP: 8000 -----> 4000

Pinkie LP: 8000 -----> 4000

The two managed to stay standing, and Kori decided to go first.

“I draw!” she shouted. “And for my first card, it’s SATELLARKNIGHT VEGA!”

(Atk: 1200)

“His appearance allows me to summon another monster from my hand, and I choose SATELLLARKNIGHT PROCYON!”

(Atk: 1300)

“Since Procyon was special summoned, I can send SATELLARKNIGHT CAPELLA from my deck to the graveyard… and I get to draw another card.

Now, I take Level 4 Vega and Procyon and build the Overlay Network!”

The two bright monsters vanished into the portal, and Kori made up a new chant for her emerging monster.

“Reaching from the darkness of space,
A mighty creature lands in this place!


(Atk: 2600)

With her monster’s appearance, the entire Duel Zone was shrouded in a veil of shadows, making it darker than ever.

Kori gave a small grin, “As long as this monster is in play, all monsters on the field become Dark Types.”

Z-Arc blinked in confusion. “My monsters are already Dark Types, so what good does summoning that do?” then he gasped and realized “…Unless!”

“…Unless I want to use his special ability!” replied Kori. “By using one overlay unit, and discarding one card from my hand… I can call on another Xyz Monster that’s finally going to put you down for good, Z-Arc!”

Z-Arc growled, while Pinkie was intrigued.

Kori then shouted “GO, RANK-UP-XYZ EVOLUTION!!”

In a huge flash of light, the darkness parted-- much to Z-Arc’s annoyance from the brightness-- and Kori called out…

“The stars that shine, and guide me to right,
I summon a creature to shed all its light!


(Def: 2500)

Pinkie’s smile widened at the sight of the monster, as did the sideliners…

“Perfect…” Dick said with a weak smile. “Z-Arc’s in for it now!”

Kori thrust her arm up high and declared, “When Triverr is successfully Xyz Summoned, all other cards on the field will now be sent back to the player’s hand…



The ground began to rumble, and all the dragons, including Supreme King Z-Arc seemed frightened.

Bight lights appeared below all Z-Arc’s cards. “No! I won’t let you!” he wailed.

“You don’t have a choice!” said Kori. “You’re leaving this field Z-Arc, and once you’re gone, it’ll be that much easier for us to finish you!”

Z-Arc’s features hardened. “You’d like to think that, but it won’t happen, I play the trap LOST WIND!”


“No way!” cried Pinkie.

Z-Arc’s evil grin was showing again "You may rely on the light, but I harness the wind, which will now negate your monster’s effects and cut it’s attack power in half!”

“Oh, no!” cried Kori, but she watched as her monster was struck hard by swirling winds extinguishing its light, and the poor creature sagged down, looking all bent and out of shape.

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 1250)

“No!” cried Pinkie. “I thought we actually had him that time!”

Z-Arc laughed “You will never have me cornered! NEVER!!”

Kori was trembling in total disbelief that her plan failed.

“It’s not over yet.” she thought as she gazed down at two other cards in her hand. “Part of me expected Z-Arc would pull a fast one, but I’ve got a couple of things that can still put him down!”

“I’ll place two cards facedown and end my turn.”

The sideliners were all feeling crushed again.

“I can’t believe this!” groaned Rainbow. “It’s like Z-Arc is reading our minds-- like he knows everything we try to throw at him and he’s all prepared for it.”

Sci-Twi nodded, “It’s only logical. He’s controlling Sunset’s body, and Sunset’s watched us all duel before, so it’s natural he’d know all our moves and strategies.

If we could just disconnect him from Sunset, it may help.”

“But how?” asked Celestia “We’ve already tried, but you heard Z-Arc, Sunset’s lost too far in the darkness to be reached, and Z-Arc only grows stronger the more he duels.”

Sci-Twi had already noted this. In fact, since the entire challenge began, she had been observing all Z-Arc’s moves carefully, attempting to learn of any weaknesses that could lead to a defeat.

Now it was Pinkie’s turn, and because Kori’s move failed, and she didn’t know what she was planning, she was starting to feel a little shaky again.

“Poor Kori…” she thought. “She almost got rid of Z-Arc’s cards, but it wasn’t good enough, and now it’s up to me to do it.”

She looked up at Z-Arc, who was snickering like someone who really needed to be smacked down.

Behind him, the parade of people continued to go by, and every second that passed, more and more humans were being sucked into the Malefic World, still unaware of all the horrors happening around them, and that it was all going to get worse in near future.

As Pinkie continued to stare at Z-Arc’s evil face, she suddenly remembered that it wasn’t his face she was looking at, but Sunset’s face. Though it was modified, and eviler, and creepy looking, it was still Sunset!

Suddenly, something strange happened…!

Pinkie was gazing so hard, and so deep and thoughtfully, she was seeing past the darkness of Z-Arc and could see…


It was her! She was kneeling in the darkness with a frozen look of emptiness on her face. She looked so silent, so miserable, so lost.

She then faded away into the blackness, but Pinkie’s eyes were still wide-open to the full truth now.

“WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!!” thundered Z-Arc. “Are you going to duel or just stare at me like some Freak-Show?!”

“Pinkie, what are you doing?” Kori called to her.

…But Pinkie suddenly smiled. “There is still hope!”

“What?” snapped Z-Arc.

Pinkie then explained to Kori and her friends, “I saw her-- Sunset. She’s still in there.”

The others thought she was going crazy, but Pinkie insisted, “If I could see her, that means she can be reached, and the best way to reach her would be to remind her of what’s really important…” she paused. “That we’re her friends, and if there’s one thing that friends have it’s lots, and lots of fun and joy!”

Z-Arc was really growing impatient. “Enough! There is no fun or joy! There is only power, pain, suffering! Only darkness will rule over all!”

Pinkie never lost her smile. “We’ll see about that. Get ready, ‘cause it’s SHOWTIME!!”

Everyone hadn’t seen Pinkie act like this in a long time.

“She’s really doing this now?” Rainbow asked.

“She’s trying to get through to Sunset.” said Celestia. “I just hope it works.”

Pinkie stood tall as if she were bathed under spotlights, and she announced loud and clear. “Ladies and Gentlemen… Duel Fans of all ages! Prepare for what is truly going to be the most spectacular dueling performance ever, and all of this is dedicated to a very special friend, whom I know can hear me.

…This performance is made to help you pick yourself up and re-discover all that you left behind.”

Deep inside, Sunset still didn’t even flicker or make a sound. She just remained as she was, silent and still.

“Here goes…” Pinkie hollered as she drew her card.

“For my opening act: I’ll activate the spell GRACEFUL CHARITY, so I draw three cards and then discard two.

And now, hold onto your seats, because I’m going to set the Pendulum Scale 1 PERFORMAPAL MONKEYBOARD, and Scale 6 PERFORMAPAL ODD-EYES SYNCHRON.”

Her two monsters to their positions and waved to the crowds before taking a bow as the pendulum swung in between them.

“And that’s just for starters.” said Pinkie. “Monkeyboard has a little trick of his own to show; one that lets me add PERFORMAPAL WHIM WITCH to my hand, and that’s just what I need to take this show to the next level.”

She then pointed straight up to the swinging pendulum and declared. “I can now summon monsters between levels 2 and 5…


Two shots of light rained down from up high as her two monsters appeared.



The two monsters twirled and tipped their hats in greeting.

Pinkie looked up at Z-Arc hoping to see some sign that Sunset was responding, but nothing was happening other than Z-Arc being fully annoyed.

“Is this it?” he scoffed “Is this your big move? What a waste of time and effort.”

Pinkie never stopped smiling and said, “… Of course it’s not the end. We’re far from the final curtain.

Now watch, as a dazzle you with the help of Pendulum Sorcerer’s special ability: Watch as his magical wonders makes the monsters in my Pendulum Zones disappear.”

The two cards vanished in big puffs!

“And in a flash… I can add two “Performapal” monsters to my hand, I choose PERFORMAPAL GONGATO, and PERFORMAPAL SILVER CLAW…

…And I’ll use them both to reset my Pendulum Scale! Take your places, fellas.”

Once the monsters were set in the light, Pinkie grabbed a single card from her hand.

“And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. It’s time for me to introduce the star performer in this show.

Drum roll please…!”

Drummerilla pounding on his chest, giving Pinkie just what she asked as the spotlight shone on her.

“With the help of Performapal Whim Witch, she counts as two tributes when I summon a high-level Pendulum monster.

So, farewell witch, and now… please give a warm welcome to PERFORMAPAL LAUGH MAKER!”

(Atk: 2500)

This new monster appeared in a dazzling golden light, with loads of sparkling confetti falling around him as he took a gracious bow.

“Wow! Look at that monster!” murmured Kori.

The light was so luminous, it made Z-Arc groan, but the sideliners all gazed in awe.

“That’s one of the coolest monsters I’ve ever seen Pinkie play.” said Dick.

“But what good is it?” asked Rainbow. “It is strong, but hardly enough to beat all of Z-Arc’s monsters.”

Sci-Twi disagreed and said, “Don’t judge a monster by how it first appears. I see what Pinkie’s doing.”

Pinkie gave her hair a playful flick, but as she looked up at Z-Arc, she still could see no sign that Sunset had even blinked or stirred.

“This is it.” she thought as she gazed down at her hand “I’m counting on this to at least do something for Sunset.”

She grabbed the card she was looking at and held up high.

“Attention, Sunset Shimmer-- our special guest of honor. This next move is, by far, the most inspiring thing I could ever play, because whenever I do… I think of you, me, and all our friends and all the good times we have.”

“Will you just play that blasted card already?!” yelled Z-Arc. “All these speeches are giving me a migraine!”

“Well, someone sure is anxious.” teased Pinkie. “Fine then. I activate the spell SMILE WORLD!”

The magical colors, smiley faces, flowers-- all blossomed all over like sparkling fireworks, much to Z-Arc’s annoyance.

“Stop! Stop it!!” he wailed “I can’t stand the brightness and colors!!”

Kori’s face lit up with all the colors surrounding her. “It’s magical.”

The sideliners all felt the same, except for Terra, who still hardly even flinched.

“Terra, come on! You’ve got to see all this!” Rainbow called her trying to snap her out of it, but to no avail.

The brightness and magic of the card’s effect actually shed a small bit of light on the darkness within Z-Arc…

…Sunset gave a small blink.

“What’s………… going………… on?” she peeped ever so slow and softly.

“Isn’t this just wonderful, folks?” Pinkie hollered. “Thanks to the effects of Smile World, every monster in play will now receive 100 attack points for every monster that are in play.

How many do we have? I have two, Kori has one, and Z-Arc has five—making a total of eight monsters, which means all will now receive 800 attack points.”

(Atk: 4000) -----> (Atk: 4800)

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 3300) x3

(Atk: 1800) -----> (Atk: 2600)

(Atk: 1250) -----> (Atk: 2050)

(Atk: 800) -----> (Atk: 1600)

Pinkie then addressed everyone, “Now, you may all be thinking, “Has she gone mad? She just made all the monsters stronger; including Z-Arc’s!”

Well, you’re right, but it was all for good reason.

You see… I have Silver Claw’s pendulum ability, which grants all my “Performapal” monsters 300 extra attack points; like Laugh Maker, and the more points he gets… the more laughs he spreads.”

(Atk: 3300) -----> (Atk: 3600)

Indeed, the monster was glowing brighter than ever, and chuckling like a real happy-go-lucky man, which made Pinkie feel overjoyed.

“And now, watch him work his stuff!

Smile Sorcerer, attack Supreme King Z-Arc!”

“What?!” snapped Z-Arc.

“But he’s still weaker than Z-Arc is!” said Kori.

Pinkie gave a small smirk, “Not for long he isn’t, not when he shows his amazing new trick.

When Smile Sorcerer attacks, he gains 1000 extra attack points for every monster I don’t control whose attack points are higher than their original.”

Z-Arc gasped, “That means, your monster gets even stronger now!”

(Atk: 3300) -----> (Atk: 8300)

“Eighty-three hundred points!!” cried Kori. “That’s incredible!”

The sideliners were all choked up too.

“Pinkie played it perfectly.” said Sci-Twi, “She knew that powering up all the other monsters would give her the boost she needed.”

Smile Sorcerer looked ready to strike!

“Take a bow, Z-Arc; you’re finished!” Pinkie shouted.

Z-Arc only gave a wicked grin. “Are you sure…?”


“Have you forgotten about my Supreme Faceoff trap? It prevents me from being destroyed in battle!”

“Oh, no!” gasped Pinkie.”

“We completely forgot about that!” added Kori.

The two watched as Laugh Maker collided into Z-Arc-- striking him hard-- but the attack did nothing, and Z-Arc, once again, took no damage!

“What was Pinkie thinking?!” groaned Rainbow. “Why would she attack when Z-Arc always had that trap still in play?”

Dick had a theory, “Either she’s lost it, or that’s just what she wanted to do.”

…That’s when Pinkie was showing off her smile again. “Silly! I knew the trap was always there, and I was ready for it.”

“You what?” snapped Z-Arc.

“Supreme Faceoff only works once per turn, and now’s the perfect time for this performer to pull a trick from under her sleeve…!

From my hand, I play the spell, PENDULUM CLIMAX!”

Kori gazed at the card wondering, “What does that do?”

Pinkie took a bow and replied, “I’m glad that you asked. Pendulum Climax let’s me target a Pendulum Monster I have that battled this turn. Then I tribute Pendulum Sorcerer, and this is where it gets very interesting.

…Just watch!”

Pinkie sent her monster’s card to her Extra Deck, and the spirit of her Pendulum Sorcerer flew straight towards Z-Arc and vanishing into his duel disk.

“What is the meaning of this?” he demanded to know, and almost instantly the sorcerer popped out again holding one of Z-Arc’s monsters. “My Darkwurm!”

The card was tossed over to Pinkie’s field, landing right next to her.

Pinkie gave her a hair another flick. “…That’s the surprise-- I got to take one monster from my opponent’s graveyard that has the same level as Pendulum Sorcerer.

It equips that monster onto Laugh Maker, and Laugh Maker then gains attack points equal to that monster’s attack power!”

(Atk: 8300) -----> (Atk: 10,100)

“Over ten thousand!!” shouted Kori.

“That’s right.” Pinkie gloated, “Oh, and I also saved the best part of it for last; Pendulum Climax allowed Laugh Maker to attack again!”

Z-Arc’s eyes widened in shock.

The sideliners all felt hope was returning, and Pinkie ordered, “Laugh Maker, let’s do this again. Help me set my friend free by attacking Supreme King Z-Arc!”

Laugh Maker rushed towards Z-Arc again, ready for the big strike down…!

“Sorry,” hissed Z-Arc “But now I’ll pull a little trick of my own and play… COMMAND SILENCER!”

“What is that?” wondered Pinkie, but she got her answer when a large tiki-like statue appeared and let off extremely high screech waves, which made the duelists, and the sideliners all cover their ears!

“AAAH!! THAT NOISE!!” shouted Celestia.

“MAKE IT STOP!!” shouted Rainbow.

The sounds finally snapped Terra out of her depression, and she held her ears wailing, “TURN IT OFF!!”

Even Sunset could hear it, but due to being so deep inside of Z-Arc, the sound wasn’t as strong.

She managed to stand up on her feet wondering, “What is going on?”

The noise had ceased, and Z-Arc was feeling very pleased. “Sorry, but thanks to my Command Silencer, your attack was canceled out, putting a stopper in your pathetic performance of smiles and gayly nonsense.”

Pinkie was shocked and appalled.

“I can’t believe it!” cried Kori “He protected himself again!”

Sci-Twi noted this especially from the sidelines-- narrowing her eyes in anger or observance.

“And as a little magic trick of my own…” teased Z-Arc. “…Command Silencer also allows me to draw one card from my deck. So, thank you… for helping me out! You really do put on a great show.”

Pinkie’s smile was gone, replaced with shock and horror that, once again, she failed to bring Z-Arc down.

“What’s the matter?” Z-Arc teased “The pain of failure taking it’s time to show you up for the loser you are?! I told you that all this entertaining and friendship is a waste of time!

You may have acted confident but look where all it got you-- absolutely nowhere! You’ll never rescue your friend, let alone stop me, the great Supreme King Z-Arc! Ruler of all worlds!!”

He laughed loud and strong, which really hurt Pinkie inside.

The sideliners couldn’t stand his laugh even more than the sonic shriek they had just heard, but only Terra understood how Pinkie was probably feeling.

“Z-Arc!” she murmured as she gazed over at him and remembering how she lost to him as well. “…He’s just too much. There’s just no way around him!”

Z-Arc continued to bask in his gloating glory and continued to boast to the two duelists. “Face it, Friendship has failed, and so have you!”

Kori clenched her fist and stood up ready to read him out, but it was Pinkie who beat her to it.

“…NEVER!!” she shouted. “I said I wouldn’t give up on Sunset, and I mean it. I wouldn’t be surprised if something were happening right now thanks to what I just did.”

She didn’t know how right she was…

Sunset was still standing in the darkness with nothing to see around her but long, endless blackness. The slight glow from Pinkie’s card effects had already faded away.

“I thought I saw-- or heard something.” she said to herself. “The last thing I remember, Z-Arc and I were arguing and…”

She finally remembered where she was. “I’m trapped inside Z-Arc!”

Z-Arc felt nothing strange at all, believing that as long as Sunset was trapped inside of him, nothing else mattered. It wasn’t as if she could escape.

Pinkie then looked up at him with hard features, much to his surprise. “Are you still insisting on pushing forth? Part of me really hopes you are.”

Pinkie snuffed and said, “Of course I’m continuing.

I activate SHUFFLE REBORN from my graveyard! By banishing it, and by returning Gongato to my deck, I get to draw one card!”

“And I really hope it’s a good one.”

She drew her card and set it facedown.

“I end my turn, which means Smile World’s effect wears off, and all the monsters’ return to their regular attack strengths, but at least Smile Sorcerer keeps his own powerups.”

(Atk: 4600)

Z-Arc only chuckled. “Even with that power, it won’t help you in the long run.

It’s my turn. I draw!”

Now he had three cards in hand, and he grinned at them.

“I activate the spell NIBELUNG’S TREASURE! This allows me to activate NIBELUNG RING from my Deck, and I can equip it onto your own Xyz Monster!”

A magical ring from out of nowhere fitted itself around the neck of Trivver.

“Hey, what is this?” Kori asked.

Z-Arc glared at her and replied, “It’s simply a two-way gift. Your monster gets a nice nifty ring, around its neck…

…But it does come with a catch.” he paused. “The ring makes it so your monster cannot attack, cannot be tributed, cannot change it’s battle position, or use its effects!”

Kori’s green eyes bulged wide, and she stuttered and stammered in complete shock. “Th-- that’s… I-I-I… You…!”

Pinkie was all choked up herself. “…But then, what’s the big benefit?”

Z-Arc snickered and replied, “It’s simple: Nibelung’s Treasure now let’s me draw five new cards!”

Kori and Pinkie gasped as Z-Arc drew cards, now giving him a total of seven in hand!

The duelists could hardly believe how Z-Arc could keep all this up-- all this defending himself, keeping his cards and options in check-- it was enough to drive them crazy if they didn’t find a way to beat him.

“Now then…” hissed Z-Arc “I activate Supreme King Gate Infinity’s Pendulum ability, so now I gain life points equal to Laugh Maker’s attack points.

It’s a good thing you boosted them up so high.”

Z-Arc LP: 11,200 -----> 15,800

“Would you look at all those life points!!” wailed Rainbow.

“How high can they possibly get?!” growled Dick.

Terra shook her head in shame, misery, and complete loss, but was far too devastated to find anything to say about Z-Arc’s ever-growing strength.

Z-Arc then looked back and forth between his two opponents and stopped at Pinkie’s Laugh Maker.

“It’s time for me to have the last laugh, but before I do, I activate Starving Venom’s ability, so I may once again have it copy the effects of my Clear Wing dragon!”

The two nasty dragons were glowing in the same colored-aura, now Z-Arc had two monsters in which to use on both his opponent.

“Oh, no, you don’t…” Kori thought. “I’ve got a little surprise waiting for you.” and she reached for her tap screen.

Z-Arc then engaged his Battle Phase. “Time to fall…!” Z-Arc hollered, but just as he was about to call out his attack, the entire field began to warp and transform.

“What’s happening?!” he bellowed. “What is all this?!”

Kori gave a smirk, “It’s me putting a huge stopper in your plans, Z-Arc, and it’s all thanks to my trap card, METAVERSE!”


“Ah…!” Pinkie hollered with glee.

Kori nodded at her and explained, “Metaverse allowed me to take a Field Spell in my deck and automatically activate it, and what better than… XYZ COLISEUM!”

Z-Arc growled furiously, and for good reason.

“This is perfect!” cried Pinkie. “Now only Xyz Monsters are allowed to attack, so Clear Wing and Starving Venom can’t do a thing.”

Kori agreed, “It also means that Supreme King Z-Arc and Odd-Eyes are stuck too. Z-Arc won’t be able to attack us at all this turn.”

“Wrong again…!” sneered Z-Arc. “You may have stopped me from attacking with my other monsters, but I’m about to, once again, slip through your trickery… but using Odd-Eyes’ special ability!”

“Huh?” cried Pinkie.

“It has another ability?!” added Kori.

“It does indeed,” declared Z-Arc “Once, during the Battle Phase, I can return Odd-Eyes to the Extra Deck, and then I am able to summon forth Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm!”

(Atk: 1800)

The two Darkwurms floated together.

“He’s got two of them again!” cried Pinkie.

“No way…” added Kori. “He can’t…! He wouldn’t…!”

“…Can… and Will!” insisted Z-Arc “From my hand, I activate TRAP BOOSTER! Now by sending one card in my hand to the graveyard, I can activate any trap from my hand… and the card I choose is WONDER XYZ! Now I can Overlay my two Darkwurms, and once again I Xyz Summon…


(Atk: 2500)

“I don’t believe this! He Xyz Summoned during battle!” cried Celestia.

“That means he CAN attack now!” added Terra.

“Does this guy EVER run out of options?!” grumbled Dick.

Sci-Twi clenched her fists tight in frustration, but she didn’t say a thing.

Z-Arc gave his long hair a flick. “What do you expect when facing the greatest, most powerful duelist ever?

…And if I’m not mistaken, Xyz Coliseum makes both our Xyz Monsters an additional 200 attack points.”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 2700) x2

“Then again, I don’t really need it when I unleash my attack,” shouted Z-Arc. “Go Xyz Dragon… and power yourself up by dropping Triver’s attack to 0, and his attack increases by your monster’s original attack points.!”

(Atk: 1250) -----> (Atk: 0)

(Atk: 2700) -----> (Atk: 5200)

Kori gasped in horrors as the mighty beast headed straight for her.

“Kori!!” Dick called.

“She’ll never survive this if it hits!” wailed Sci-Twi.

To Be Continued…

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