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Episode 11: Part 2: Immortal Enemies


Sunset glared Khaos down as they prepared their duel disks. “I’m going to make you guys sorry for ever having meddled with me and my friends!”

Khaos scoffed, “Somehow I doubt that threat has meaning.”

“DUEL!!” they both shouted.

Khaos LP: 8000

Sunset LP: 8000

Raven placed Twilight’s card in upper front pocket of her sweatshirt so she could see.

“Come on, Sunset.” she muttered softly.

Raven could only look forth between the two duelists, somewhat eager to see the duel, but keeping in mind how serious things were.

“First turn honors are mine.” said Khaos, and he drew his five cards.


(Atk: 1000)

This monster appeared as a shadowy specter with large, ghastly gauntlets.

“I thought so…” Sunset grumbled to herself “Cards of likes I’ve never seen before.”

Khaos heard her anyway and sneered, “There’s no finer time to learn.

Since I control a “Phantom Knights”, I am now able to summon this from my hand, THE PHANTOM KNIGHTS OF THE SILENT BOOTS.”

(Atk: 200)

“Two level 3 monsters!” wailed Sunset “Oh, no…!”

Khaos thrust out his arm. “I overlay Level 3 Boots with Level 3 Gloves to build the Overlay Network!”

The two monsters vanished into the appearing portal, and a dark mist puffed out, making everything around darker and more eerie than before.

A horse’s neigh was heard as the creature came galloping through the mist as Khaos called to it…

“Here it comes, riding through the mist to crush every opposing threat in its path…


(Atk: 2000)

Everyone looked up at the spooky knight, and Raven didn’t know whether to feel impressed or intimidated at the sight of it.

“So… you Xyz Summon?” said Sunset.

Khaos nodded, “And because I used Gloves to Xyz Summon a Dark creature, my knight now gains an additional 1000 attack points.”

(Atk: 2000) -----> (Atk: 3000)

“Three-thousand points?!” cried Sunset “You got a monster that strong on the field already? Hate to say, but that is impressive.”

“And I’m afraid there is more,” Khaos said as he lay a card facedown “But I’ll leave you to discover it for yourself.”

Sunset scoffed, “It’s my draw now.”

She took her card, but continued to look at the opposing monster.

“It’s bad enough that brute’s already super strong,” she thought “I don’t even know what special powers it has, but I guess there’s only one way to find out. I just hope it doesn’t cost me.”

She looked down at her hand. There wasn’t much she had to take that creature down and thought she would at least prepare a good defense.

“Here goes…” she hollered “I use Scale 2 OAFDRAGON MAGICIAN and Scale 8 TIMEGAZER MAGICIAN to set the Pendulum Scale.”

Her two monsters leapt up into the Pendulum Zones, and the magic pendulum began to swing.

“Now I can summon as many monsters between levels 2 and 7 as I need!

As the pendulum swings from forth to back
My monsters come forth… to launch an attack!

…Behold my monsters!”

Two shots of light rained down and her monsters appeared.



“That’s all I can do.”

Raven and Twilight noticed that Sunset wasn’t glowing in the green light that happened when she Pendulum Summoned before.

Sunset noticed this herself as she looked her body up and down; not a speck of light.

“Maybe what happened before was just a one-time thing?” she thought.

Khaos could tell what she was thinking. “She has no idea, and that’s exactly why I’m here.”

“My draw now,” he said as he picked his third card.

“And I shall now activate my Knight’s special ability; once per turn, by using an Overlay Unit, one card on your field is instantly destroyed, provided I destroy one of my own first”

Sunset stiffened, and watched as the monster rode over to her side of the field, and pitched his sword far up to the Pendulum Zone, destroying Oafdragon Magician.”

“Oafdragon…No!!” cried Sunset, and because he was gone, Timegazer Magician’s pendulum scale dropped from 8 to 4.

Khaos snuffed. “Now I target my own face-down card to destroy, but I'll activate it in response anyway-- the trap, XYZ METEOR!”

His powerful monster began to glow an eerie light, and Sunset wondered what it meant.

Khaos almost immediately explained, “For the rest of this turn, when my Knight attacks your defending monster, you’ll still take the damage, and I get to draw a card each time.”

“What do you mean “each time?” asked Sunset.

“Observe. From my hand, I play the spell ONI-GAMI-COMBO.”

Raven and Twilight both gawked on at the card’s image.

“What does that do?” asked Twilight.

“How should I know.” said Raven.

Khaos explained, “To use this spell, I must have an Xyz monster in play. Then… by losing all its Overlay Units, my monster is allowed to attack twice this turn.”

The ladies all winced, and watched as the single overlay unit vanished into the monster, powering him up by the aid of the spell.

Khaos then entered his battle phase.

“Breaksword, attack Stargazer Magician!”

He knight’s horse reared up and bucked. Then it galloped over to Sunset’s field, and the knight took one swing with his sword, slicing the magician down.

(Atk: 3000) VS (Def: 2400)

And Sunset got burned with damage as promised, which shocked and drained her, making her groan in pain.

Sunset LP: 8000 -----> 7400

“Hang tough, Sunset!” Twilight called to her.

Khaos scoffed. “And since you were damaged, I now draw one card.

Now, I’ll use my second attack, and destroy your Dharma-Eye Magician!”

(Atk: 3000) VS (Def: 2500)

The knight charged, and destroyed Sunset’s remaining monster, damaging her life points and sapping at her life energy again.

Sunset LP: 7400 -----> 6900

Khaos drew another card, giving him four in hand.

Sunset managed to stay on her feet, but now she was virtually defenseless.

“I believe that’s enough torment for now.” said Khaos. “I’ll place two cards facedown, and that ends my turn.”

Sunset could only look up at the huge hulking monster looming over her, and looking ready to strike again, and wondering how she could beat it.

Meanwhile, down below…

Celestia and Sapphire were both still full on life points, and it was Celestia’s turn.

Luna’s hand was shaking softly, and Vic placed his hand on her shoulder. “You okay?”

Luna admitted, “Just really worried, that’s all. It’s a sister thing.”

She was still trying to be brave for Celestia.

“It’s my draw now.” called Celestia, and she drew giving her four cards.

“I activate GRACEFUL CHARITY. It lets me draw three cards, and then I discard two.”

She did so, and was pleased when she had done.

“I now play my field spell, CELESTIA!”

The entire ground floor began to shimmer with the mist and sparkles the card image threw out.

“Isn’t that cute? You’ve got a card named after you.” joked Sapphire.

Celestia resisted the urge to grin, and informed him, “Thanks to this field spell, all my Wyrms will gain an additional 300 attack and defense points.

Now, I summon my faithful Tuner monster, METAPHYS RAGNAROK.”

(Atk: 1500) -----> (Atk: 1800)

“A Tuner monster?” asked Sapphire.

Celestia grinned, “And it so happens to have a fine special ability, which I now activate.

I now banish the top three cards on my deck, and if any of them happen to be “Metaphys monsters, Ragnarok will gain 300 attack points for each one.”

Sapphire growled, and Celestia took her top three cards. All three were monsters, but as luck would have it, not one Metaphys.

“Aw, too bad...” Sapphire taunted “You didn’t get what you wanted, did you.”

Luna and Vic felt upset for Celestia, but she didn’t… She was actually grinning.

“Actually… I did get what I wanted.”


“Now I activate DIMENSION FUSION!”

“Huh?!” said Sapphire.

“First, I must pay up 2000 life points…”

She braced herself, and then she cringed and groaned as her energy drained with her points.

Celesita LP: 8000 -----> 6000

“Celestia!” cried Vic.

Luna almost came to tears, but her sister looked at them both, and gave them a thumb-up, relieving them both.

Celestia then called to Sapphire, “…Now the three monsters that I banished will return!”

A portal opened up in the sparkling mist, and her three monsters emerged.

“MAGMA DRAGON…” (Atk: 1600) -----> (Atk: 1900)

“TRUE KING ANGIMAZUD, THE VANISHER…” (Atk: 2900) -----> (Atk: 3200)

“TRUE KING BAHRATOS, THE FANTOHMER…” (Atk: 1800) -----> (Atk: 2100)

The monsters all stood together, growling and hissing at Sapphire and his Puzzle.

“BOO-YAH!” cheered Vic “Now that’s a good lineup. Four big bad brutes ready to beat some bad guy butt.”

“That’s a lot Bs.” remarked Luna.

Celestia only chuckled, “There’s a fifth one on the way…

Since my Magma Dragon was special summoned, I’m now allowed to summon a “Wyrm” from my graveyard in defense mode, but its effects will be negated.”

A beam of light shot out from her duel disk. “…I call NIGHT DRAGOLICH!”

(Def: 0) -----> (Def: 300)

“And now, I have all that I need to really strike things up!”

Celestia raised her arm up high, “I Tune level 4 Ragnarok, with my summoned level 4 Dragolich!”

Sapphire watched in awe as the monsters began to sync together.


(Atk: 2300) -----> (Atk: 2600)

Her Synchro monster spread out its wings, and roared; the winds billowed past Sapphire’s robe.

“So you can Syncrho Summon too, huh?”

“More than that!” snapped Celestia “When Baxia is Synchro Summoned, his special ability activates; it allows me to select cards on your field up to the number of different attributes of the monsters I used to created him…

…Then those cards go back to your deck!”

Sapphire’s eyes widened as both his cards began to glow.

“Just a minute… I play the trap HALF UNBREAK!”

“Ah!” cried Celestia.

“Ah, yeah…! This trap targets one monster on the field. Then, for the rest of this turn that monster can’t be destroyed in battle, and I only take half the damage from any battle involving it.”

Everyone else raised their eyebrows.

“What good will that do if his monster’s going away?” asked Vic.

Sapphire waved his finger going, “Uh-uh-uhn… I said I can target ANY monster. It doesn’t have to be my own.”

The card image fired a strong beam at Baxia, making it roar and groan, much to Celestia’s anger.

“Ha!” scoffed Sapphire “Now if that monster attacks me, I’ll only be dealt half the damage.”

Since his trap was successfully used, it went to his graveyard, while his Synchro monster had to go back to the Extra Deck, leaving his field totally empty.

“You can do this, Sister!” called Luna.

“Yeah, get in there and wipe him out!” added Vic.

Celesta agreed.

“I’ll switch my Muddragon into attack mode.”

(Atk: 2200)

All of her monsters stood fuming and looking ready to give it all they had.

“Baxia… you go first, wage a direct attack!”

Her Baxia let out a huge sonic roar, blasting Sapphire hard, but as promised, only dealing him half the damage, which was 1300.

Sapphire LP: 8000 -----> 6700

He did groan as the shockwaves sped past him, but he didn’t seem to lose actual energy from his life point loss. There were no electric currents, no glowing, no pain… nothing!

The trio couldn’t understand it, while Sapphire snickered, “What’s the matter? We’re you expecting something to happen?”

“Why wasn’t he sapped?” Celestia wondered.

She decided to attack again, “Go Muddragon!”

Her dragon growled, and opened its huge jaws, spewing out its acid breath at Sapphire, hitting him hard, giving him another 2200 points of damage.

Sapphire LP: 6700 -----> 4500

The shockwaves sped past him, but once again… he felt no pain and lost no strength. All he did was snicker and tease, “Is that all you’ve got?”

Celestia almost felt like trembling, as if something was way off, but she knew she had to keep going.

“Bahratos, attack!”

That was another 2100 points down…

Sapphire LP: 4500 -----> 2400

…But still no harm to Sapphire.

“What is this?” wondered Luna “He’s been attacked three times and he hasn’t lost any strength?”

Vic couldn’t deny that himself, but he didn’t think it mattered. “Celestia’s got him in the corner now. Just one more attack and she wins!”

Celestia clenched her free fist proudly, knowing Vic was right. “And now, the final attack…!” she called as she looked up at her last monster.

With Vanisher’s attack at 3200, she was sure to win, but before she could even call it…

“Not so fast…!” shouted Sapphire. “I activate Tri-Eyed Dice’s ability from the graveyard.

By banishing it, I can stop one attack from any of your monsters.”

“Ah!” Celestia yelped, and she watched as a bright beam fired at Vanisher, locking him into place. “Oh, no! If I call my attack, it’ll just get stopped!”

Vic and Luna were outraged.

“Ah, man! She had it won!” growled Vic.

Luna could only watch with worry now that Sapphire would have a chance to fight back.

“Too bad.” said Sapphire “Guess you’ll just have to end your turn.”

“Not quite yet.” Celestia insisted.

She engaged her Main Phase 2.

“I take my two Level 9 Kings, and build the overlay network!”

Her monsters vanished into the portal, and her best monster appeared on the field, nearly crowding the entire area.


(Atk: 3000) -----> (Atk: 3300)

“Excellent.” said Luna “With that monster in play, Celestia should have the advantage now.”

Vic agreed, having seen Celestia’s king in play before.

“Now I activate Baxia’s special ability.” said Celestia “I will destroy my Level 4 Magma Dragon.”

Her monster vanished into sparkles.

“Now I am able to summon one other level 4 monster from my graveyard, and I choose my Night Dragolich… return!”

(Atk: 1700)

Celestia grinned wickedly. “Now, all special summoned monsters that are not Wyrms will be instantly changed into defense mode, and their defense will become zero.”

Sapphire winced in shock, while Luna and Vic rejoiced.

Finally Celestia ended her turn with her last card facedown. Her hand was now empty, but she felt confident that her victory was assured.

Back up on the roof…

Sunset LP: 6900

Khaos LP: 8000

Sunset was still in a bit of a spot of how to take down Khaos’ super-powered knight.

“My Phantom Knight is losing his patience.” Khaos called “Make your move.”

“…When I’m good and ready I will.” growled Sunset.

Raven and Twilight continued to watch from the sidelines.

“Come on, Sunset. Don’t give in!” Twilight called to her.

“Like hollering at her is really going to make a difference?” protested Raven.

Twilight gave her a cold stare for that.

Sunset drew her next card, giving her three.

“I play POT OF GREED so I draw two more cards.”

She was astounded at the two cards she had drawn.

“Perfect. Now it’s time for me to take control of this duel.

“I’ll do that by setting Scale 5 NOBLEDRAGON MAGICIAN, into the Pendulum Scale.

Her little friend took his place causing the magic pendulum to begin swinging again.

“I can now summon as many level 6 or 7 monsters as I need.

Behold my monsters!”

Three flashes of light shone onto the field and her monsters appeared.




Her Odd-Eyes roared very loudly, and suddenly, Sunset was bathed in that mysterious green light from before.

“Not again!” she cried “What is this.”

Twilight and Raven gazed in awe and astonishment.

“Excellent!” thought Khaos “Her power is beginning to resonate. Let us see if she can keep it up.”

The light suddenly faded. Sunset shook her head vigorously to regain herself.

“Now I’ll follow things up by using my Leve 7 Odd-Eyes and my Level 7 Dharma-Eye to build the Overlay Network.”

Her monsters leapt up and vanished through the portal.

“With wings so sharp and a shining light
I summon a dragon of great might!”

Her monster burst out in a ray of light crashing onto the field, “I Xyz Summon ODD-EYES ABSOLUTE DRAGON!”

(Atk: 2800)

Her dragon let out a roar, and once again, Sunset was bathed in light-- this time, black.

“It’s that same black light again.” said Raven “What is it?”

“I don’t know.” replied Twilight “It seemed to happen when Sunset called her Xyz Dragon into play.”

She then thought back to how when Sunset Pendulum Summoned the first time, nothing happened, but then when she Pendulum Summoned again she was bathed in the green light… because her Odd-Eyes was there.

“I think I’m getting the idea. Maybe it old happens when Sunset summons a Dragon-Type monster.”

Sunset could hear her, and began to feel the same way. “Is it possible?” she wondered. There was only one other way to make sure.

“Now, I’ll have my Odd-Eyes attack your Knight!”

Her dragon prepared to open fire, “Now I’ll use his special ability, by using one overlay unit, the attack is stopped, and then I can summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon out of the graveyard!”

Her dragon bounced back onto the field and roared.

(Atk: 2500)

…But nothing else happened-- no green light or anything.

Khaos gave a sour expression, “She still hasn’t a clue of how it really works. In order for the masters’ plan to work, she must unlock her absolute full potential.”

Sunset looked herself all over, but could see no light. “Wait a minute.” she thought “When I Pendulum Summoned Odd-Eyes before, that’s when the light glowed, but now I didn’t Pendulum Summon him.”

She still had no idea what all this light stuff was for or what it meant.

“Do you still plan to stall and keep me waiting?” called Khaos “Or should I assume your plan is as futile as I believed?”

Sunset grew cross, “I’ll show you, especially when I play the Quick-Play Spell, RUSH RECKLESSLY, and it’ll give my Odd-Eyes an extra 700 attack point boost until the end of the turn!”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 3200)

Her mighty dragon glared the knight down, and Khaos cringed angrily.

“Odd-Eyes, attack that overgrown shadow!” Sunset ordered “And also… thanks to Odd-Eyes’ ability, you’ll take double the damage.”

Khaos growled, and watched as Odd-Eyes blasted his knight into bits, blowing burning winds by himself.

(Atk: 3200) VS (Atk: 3000)

Khaos LP: 8000 -----> 7600

Raven and Twilight gawked with joy, and Sunset leapt up high. “So long Mr. Scary Knight.”

“Wait a minute…!” said Twilight “Look at Khaos; he didn’t lose any life energy or anything.”

Raven noted this as well, and then she and the others noticed two misty clouds began to billow up on the field.

“What’s going on?”

Khaos explained, “My Phantom Knight has a special ability that you aren’t aware of; when he’s destroyed I can special summon two “Phantom Knights” with the same level from my graveyard.”


Raven and Twilight both cringed.

The mists began to fade as the monsters reappeared before Khaos. “Welcome back Ragged Gloves and Silent Boots.”

(Def: 500)

(Def: 1200)

“Oh, and one other thing I should mention; their levels are increased by one, making them both Level 4 now.”

“Level 4?!” cried Sunset, and she immediately had a nasty idea of what would be coming her way.

“I can still wipe them out with my Oafdragon Magician.” and she was about to order the attack…

“I don’t think so, because I activate the trap WONDER XYZ!”

Sunset gawked in horror.

“This allows me to Xyz summon using monster I control. So I’ll use my two Level 4 knights to build the overlay network!

Brace yourself for a monster of likes you have never seen before.”

The two monsters vanished into the portal, and as they appeared, Sunset was starting to glow Black again. “What’s going on now?!” she cried.

“Sunset!” wailed Twilight.

The monster began to form in the air.

“What is that?” called Raven.

As the monster took shape, Khaos called to it…

“Cloaked in shadows and ready for the purge,
I call on the most dangerous of dragons to emerge.


The mighty dragon appeared, with dark scales, glowing orbs all over its wings, and a long shapr jawline.

(Atk: 2500)

“…An Xyz dragon?” cried Raven.

Twilight was more concerned with Sunset’s glowing, but the Black light soon faded and sunset shook herself back to her senses.

Nevertheless, this big, hulking dragon was far too much for her magician to take, so she called off the attack.

“I’ll end my turn with a facedown…”

Her hand was empty.

“Now my Odd-Eyes’ attack points return to normal.”

(Atk: 3200) -----> (Atk: 2500)

“It’s my draw then.” said Khaos and he drew his card.

“I play POT OF GREED as well, so I may draw two cards.”

He now had two cards in hand.

“And now observe as I activate my Dragon’s special ability.”

Sunset cringed softly, worrying what it could be.

Khaos raised his arm up, “By using both of hiss overly units, my dragon will now cut the attack points of one of your monster’s in half!”

“Ah!” cried Sunset “My Absolute Dragon!”

Xyz Dragon’s orbs began to glow, generating sparks of electricity which fired at sunset’s dragon.

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 1400)

“And what is more…” said Khaos “Those lost attack points are now transferred permanently to my own dragon.”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 3900)

Sunset could hardly believe her eyes as the opposing dragon seemed to grow larger, and the energy in its wings glowed brightly.

“Oh, no!” cried Twilight.

“That’s incredible!” added Raven “It cuts the attack down and then takes it?!”

“Oh yes…” called Khaos.

“But wait just yet… because I play a spell known as OVERLAY CAPTURE! This detaches all overlay units from an opposing player’s Xyz monster, and allows my dragon to gain back an overlay unit.”

“Ah!” cried Sunset, and she watched as her Absolute Dragon lost its remaining overlay unit; and it transferred over to Dark Rebellion.

“And to continue,” said Khaos. “I activate yet another spell from hand known as OVERLAY REGEN, which adds yet another unit to my dragon.”

Everyone watched as a second glowing orb appeared.

“It’s got two overlay units again!” cried Sunset “That can only mean--”

“Indeed!” hissed Khaos “I use Dark Rebellion’s ability again… I now halve the points of your Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, and my dragon will gain those attack points!”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 1250)

(Atk: 3900) -----> (Atk: 5150)

“Look at all those attack points!” Raven wailed softly.

Twilight could believe this herself, but not nearly as much as Sunset did, and that oversized dragon looked ready to roast her monsters to bits.

“It’s time!” shouted Khaos “Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!”

His dragon powered up, and was ready to strike.

“Hold on!” shouted Sunset, “I activate the trap MAGIC CYLINDER!”

“WHAT?!” shouted Khaos.

“Now your dragon’s attack is reflected back at you, and you lose life points Equal to his attack points!”

Khaos cringed angrily and braced himself as the blast struck him, his cape fluttered high in the breeze.

Khaos LP: 7600 -----> 2450

When the blaze had faded, Khaos was still standing of course; for once again he had not succumbed to any pain, or energy drain or anything!

Much as the ladies were relieved that sunset evaded the attack, they were most confused.

“What is going on?!” bellowed Sunset “Why is it when I take damage, I end up in pain, but you’re perfectly fine.”

Khaos snickered, “Don’t you understand? I was created specially by my masters, and so were my colleges. Unlike other Maleficans, we don’t have the same kind of energy forces that you do. Therefore, you cannot harm us simply by lowering our life points.”

Sunset stiffened.

Raven and Twilight were aghast.

“How fair is that?” complained Raven “Everyone else takes damage and we don’t.”

“It’s worse than that…” said Twilight “It also means that if they lose their duels, they won’t be turned into cards.”

Khaos would have grinned if he could as he hissed, “…Precisely.”

Sunset winced in shock.

“Now, you understand the truth.” called Khaos “Even if by some miracle you win this duel, I won’t be defeated like you think I will.

My colleagues and I will continue to plague you and your friends over, and over, and over, until none of you remain.”

He laughed wickedly, much to Sunset’s displeasure and horror.

To Be Continued…

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