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Episode 12: Final Part: Sisterly Sacrifice


Khaos continued to laugh, “So now you know the truth. Win the duel: You won’t be rid of me, at least not forever. Lose, and… well… you get the idea.”

“Oh, just great…!” Sunset thought. “So even if I win this duel, we won’t be rid of this clown.”

Then she suddenly remembered, “…The others! They don’t know the truth either.”

Raven and Twilight realized this too.

“I’ll go and warn them.” said Raven, and she began to run for the entrance to the roof, but… WHAMM… she ran straight into what felt like a solid wall and fell backwards onto the roof.

“Ohh…!!” she groaned.

“Are you alright?” asked Twilight.

Raven got up growled while holding her aching head, “Fine, except for this big bump!” she groaned. “What happened to the door?” She felt along the wall, but couldn’t pass through it anywhere.

Then she turned and looked back at Khaos. “You…!”

“I just made it so we wouldn’t be disturbed so easily.” replied Khaos

He explained how before the duel began, when Raven and Sunset burst out onto the roof, he used his Malefic Powers to seal the entrance to ensure that no one would come in and disturb the duel.

“The spell will lift once the duel is over.” he explained. “In the meantime, I wonder how your friends are faring down below against Sapphire.”

The ladies cringed at the thought.

Down below, Sapphire was faced with an empty field and Celestia’s massive swarm of monstrous brutes.

Sapphire LP: 2400

Celestia LP: 6000

…But he still didn’t seem the least bit worried; for a guy who didn’t have actual facial features.

“Would you look at that guy?” said Vic “He looks so calm and confident.”

Luna agreed, but looked back to her sister’s army wondering, “Could he possibly believe he’s going to beat Celestia that easy?”

“So it’s finally my turn, huh?” asked Sapphire “Fine… I draw.”

He had four cards, and he thought carefully. “This ought to rock her world and bring those brutes tumbling down.”

“First I’m playing the spell SPEEDDRAW. Since I have no cards out, I get to draw two. Then I have to send a “Speedroid” monster in my hand to the graveyard.”

When all was said and done, he had four cards in hand.

“Well now… since my field is once again bare of monsters, I get to summon another SPEEDROID TERRORTOP!”

(Atk: 1200)

“Don’t forget…” called Celestia “He isn’t a Wyrm, therefore he is changed to defense mode and his defense is zero.”

(Def: 0)

“So?” remarked Sapphire “I still special summoned him, which means I get to add--”

“Just a moment!” called Celestia “I activate King Calamty’s special ability.”

“Say what?”

“…Now by using one overlay unit, I can declare one Attribute type, and I choose “Wind.”

Her King began to charge up, and blew a strong wind across Sapphire’s field.

“Sweetness!” cheered Vic “That means any and all the monsters become Wind Types, and Sapphire’s monsters can’t attack or use their effects.”

Luna agreed. “My sister certainly knows how to duel. Makes me wish I did.”

Sapphire growled softly, but didn’t let it ruin his concentration.

“Well, this could be a real problem for me.

So if I can’t attack your monsters, I’ll just wipe them!”

“What?” snapped Celestia.

“I play the spell RAIGEKI!”

Celestia gasped hard, so did Vic and Luna.

Lightning bolts began to ravage across the field, “Too bad…” called Sapphire “Now all the monsters you have are destroyed!”

Celestia looked up in horror as all her monsters were struck hard and vanished into the brightness of the storm.

The shaking was so violent that it began to rattle the makeshift generator Vic was still attached too.

“Whoa!” cried Vic. “I don’t think she’s going to hold together!”

Luna helped detach him quickly, but the machine still held.

Still, Celestia’s field was devastated.

“My monsters!!” she cried.

“Gone, just like that.” taunted Sapphire “And as for my monsters, you may have blocked their powers on the field, but not in my hand you haven’t.

Since I have a Wind monster out, I get to summon this… SPEEDROID TAKETOMBORG!”

(Atk: 100)

“While I’m at it, I don’t think your blocking power targets my graveyard either, so I’ll activate the special ability of the monster I just sent there…


By banishing him, I can summon one other “Speedroid” Tuner monster out of the grave to join us, and I choose Gum Prize!”

(Atk: 100)

Now had three monster in play again, and Celestia didn’t like where this was going.

Sapphire called out, “I tune level 1 Gum Prize with my level 3 Terrortop and Taketomborg, to bring out my great big guy!”

The monsters began to tune and sync together, forming not a Speedroid, but a mighty dragon that began to come into view as Sapphire called to it…

“Clear as the wind and swift as lightning,
I call upon a beast that is most frightening!


The mighty beast came into full view with sparkling wings, and a nasty growl to boot.

(Atk: 2500)

Celestia gazed up at the mighty dragon, having never seen anything like it before.

Luna and Vic felt the same way.

…While up on the roof, Sunset started glowing again, this time in a blue light.

“What’s happening now?!” she fretted.

Khaos could tell what it was. “Sapphire must have summoned his dragon, and its power is resonating within her… just as we need it to.”

Back down below, Sapphire’s dragon glared Celestia down, and she trembled a bit.

Sapphire snickered and said “Oh, and you do remember Gum Prize’s effect-- it activates when he’s used as a Synchro Summon, meaning you can’t block that either.

Now I look at the top card on my deck and send it to the graveyard…”

He flipped over his card. “Ah, sweetness… I got SPEEDROID DOUBLE YO-YO.

Well, looks like my Clear Wing gains an extra 1000 attack points now.”

(Ak: 2500) -----> (Atk: 3500)

Celestia was actually starting to sweat nervously, much to Spaphire’s delight.

“Anyways, I’ll have mercy and let you off easy. I’ll just end my turn with a couple of facedowns.”

“Mercy?” snapped Vic “He couldn’t attack anyway.”

Luna was just as annoyed, but more concerned for Celestia. “I just hope she can find some way of beating that creature. None of us really know much about it.”

Celestia felt the same way, but she looked confident she would beat it anyway.

“It’s my turn now, and I draw.”

She had only one card in her hand.

“Now I activate the special power of my field spell…

Once per turn, Celestia allows me to banish three Wyrms from my graveyard, and then it destroys any card on the field I choose.”

Three spirits of her monsters appeared, and vanished into the image of the card, which then poised directly at the dragon.

“Say goodbye!”

POW!! The card fired a strong beam straight at Clear Wing…!

“Sorry, but I’m going to have to stop you, with the help of the Counter Trap, SPELL SHIELD TYPE-8.”

Celestia blinked nervously.

“This trap can be used to stop a spell that targets one monster on my field, and then it stops the spell’s power and destroys that card!”

The field spell fired its beam at Clear Wing, but the trap intercepted and deflected the blast right back, destroying Celestia’s Card.

“Oh, no…!” she cried as the images around the field began to revert back to normal.

She growled and then decided, “I guess I have no choice, I play MONSTER REBORN

I choose to revive from the graveyard Baxia, Brightness of the Yang Zing!”

(Atk: 3000)

She then quietly thought, “I can’t beat that dragon like this, but there might be a chance…

I’ll use Baxia’s effect to destroy my facedown card, and that will let me revive Dragolich from the graveyard.

Then his dragon will be forced to change into defense mode and lose all its defense points.

I’ll be able to wipe it out with Dragolich, and then wipe out the rest of his life points with Baxia.”

She hoped with all her might that it would work.

“Now, Baxia, use your special ability, target my face-down!”

Her monster began to power.

“I activate Clear Wing’s special ability!” shouted Sapphire.


“Once per turn, when a Level 5 or above monster activates its effect, Clear Wing can negate that effect and then your monster is toast!”

Celestia gawked up in horror as her freshly summoned Baxia bit the dust-- exploded into sparkles.

“Ah, man!” cried Vic “That was her last monster!”

Luna was sweating bullets in fear.

“So sad for you, but great for Me.” taunted Sapphire “Since Clear wing successfully destroyed a monster with his effect, he now gains the attack points that monster had!”

(Atk: 3500) -----> (Atk: 6500)

Celestia began to panic, but not as much as Vic and Luna.

“Sixty-Five hundred points!” cried Vic.

“Celestia only has 6000 life points!” added Luna.

Sapphire snickered, “Relax, it’s just until the end of the turn …but just in case you were counting on that face-down card to back you up…

…Here’s a little something for you; MYSTICAL SPACE TYPHOON.”

“No!” cried Celestia, but her last card was destroyed in the strong winds, leaving her completely defenseless.

“Too bad, so sad.” taunted Sapphire.

Celestia was all in a deterring fear now. There was totally nothing she could do to stop that dragon from attacking her next turn.

While back on the roof… Sunset was released from the blue light, which still baffled her, and much as she wondered what it could be, she was still in a huge bind…!

Even though she still had all her monsters in play, not one of them even came close to stopping Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, not with its attack at a whopping 5150.

Not that it really mattered either as Khaos once again reminded her, “Remember, even if you win this duel, it won’t be the end of me.”

“I remember!” snapped Sunset. “That doesn’t mean I still can’t try and get rid of you for now. This duel is still on!”

Sunset LP: 6900

Khaos LP: 2450

“So you still intend to continue?” asked Khaos “I can see now why my masters are interested in your dueling.”

Sunset took it more and insult than a comment.

Raven and Twilight were still unsure of how Sunset could turn this duel around.

“She does have more life points, that’s a good thing, isn’t it?” asked Twilight.

“Yes, but look…” Raven said pointing at Dark Rebellion. “It’s going to take something extremely powerful or cunning to take that thing down, and if she doesn’t…” she stopped right there, not bothering to finish.

Twilight already felt her nerves rising. “I still can’t believe all this.” she thought quietly. “A simple card game has done all this; bringing so much evil and darkness and ruining lives...”

“It’s my turn…” shouted Sunset and she her card really hard. It was the only one she had in her hand.

And she gazed down at it hard and looked at all three of her monsters.

Both her dragons were still weak…

(Atk: 1400)

(Atk: 1250)

Oafdragon Magician didn’t nearly have enough power either, but with the single card she had in her hand, she felt there was still hope.

“This better work.” she said.

“Now, Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, get ready to attack!”

Raven and Twilight gasped in shock.

“But that dragon’s too weak.” Twilight pointed out.

“And it has no overlay units, so it can’t stop the attack.” added Raven.

Khaos narrowed his eyes at Sunset, feeling he knew what she was attempting.

“Attack now…!”

Her weak dragon powered up and unleashed its best blast at its opponent…

(Atk: 1400) VS (Atk: 5150)

As expected, the attack proved ineffective and harmlessly bounced off of Dark Rebellion like a rubber ball.

“Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, counter attack!” ordered Khaos.

His dragon obeyed, and charged forth, bashing its huge head into Sunset’s dragon, quashing it like a bug.

The shockwaves from the resulting explosion billowed past her, and the pain from the energy drain was near-unbearable!

She screamed and yelled in pain, and collapsed to her knees after such a hard hit.

Sunset LP: 6900 -----> 3150

“Sunset!” cried Twilight.

“She lost more than half her life points doing that!” said Raven.

Sunset struggled a bit, but she got back up onto her feet. “I activate Absolute Dragon’s special ability; when it’s sent to the graveyard while still originally Xyz-Summoned, I’m allowed to summon one “Odd-Eyes” from my Extra Deck.”

He Extra Deck then glowed brightly, and then fired a big and bright beam up into the air, and her monster began to materialize.


(Atk: 2500)

Her mighty Fusion Dragon spread out its wings and roared.

Even though it was a Fusion Monster, as everyone had suspected, there was glowing light coming from Sunset because the monster had not been effectively Fusion Summoned.

Sunset ignored this, and had a big smirk on her face.

“True, my Odd-Eyes isn’t powerful enough to take on your dragon, but he doesn’t have to be, because thanks to his special ability, he can send your Xyz Dragon off the field, just like that.”

Her dragon powered up and prepared to do as she just explained.

“Don’t think so!” sneered Khaos. “I activate the Counter Trap XYZ REFLECT!”

Sunset gasped.

“This activates when you target my Xyz Monster with a card effect. It then stops that effect and destroys your monster and deals you 800 points of damage.”

“Ah!” gasped Sunset, and because it was a Counter Trap, she couldn’t use her dragon’s second ability to try and stop it.

Her dragon roared as it got struck with a blast from the trap, and it was shattered, and the blast hit Sunset too, lowering her score even more and sapping more of her energy, but she managed to stay on her feet.

Sunset LP: 3150 -----> 2350

“No… Sunset!” wailed Twilight.

“Huh?” Raven noticed “Is she… grinning?”

She was. “Heh… I figured you’d try that. You’d do anything to protect your Xyz Dragon.”

Khaos narrowed his eyes at her.

“Well, I’d do anything for my monsters too, even if it means doing something I may regret later, but it’s all worth it for me.

“I now activate FUSION SUBSTITUTE.

Now I get to fuse my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with my Oafdragon Magician.”

Her two monster began to merge together, and as expected, Sunset began to glow in an

“With magical forces and a dragon’s might
I summon a creature of amazing sight!”

Her body began to glow, this time with a bright purple glow as her monster materialized in the same glowing light.


(Atk: 3000)

Both she and her dragon roared, as the purple light seemed to get stronger, and brighter!

“Sunset!” called Raven, but Sunset was clasping her head and groaning.

“What’s happening to her?” wondered Twilight.

Sunset began to have that vision again…

There she was, in that dark realm, with those monstrous eyes glaring at her. Only, this time, the creature’s growling felt clearer than before, as if she could hear it trying to talk to her.

“Free me…!” it hissed very softly but clearly.

“Huh? What are you saying?” asked Sunset.

“Unleash the power. Free me…!”

Then the dream began to fade out again.

Sunset hollered “No! Wait! Come back…! What do you mean “Free Me?”

The dream was over, and she found herself back in the duel with a face of extreme perplexity.

“What is that thing?” she wondered.

Khaos was most pleased. “Perfect!” he said in thought “She has been affected by the four summoning methods, but she still has yet to understand what it really means and how to use it.

A pity I am forbidden to explain to her how it is, but those are the Masters’ orders.”

Sunset shook herself back into the game.

“Now I activate Fusion Substitute’s effect from the graveyard.

By banishing it, I can return Odd-Eyes Vortex dragon to the Extra Deck, and then I get to draw one card.”

Her dragon’s spirit emerged and the vanished back into her Extra Deck. After which, Sunset placed her finger over her deck, closed her eyes and hoped with all her might for just what she needed… and she drew…!

“What did she get?” asked Twlight.

“I don’t know, but I hope it’s something good.” replied Raven.

Sunset peeked at her draw, and her eyes then widened and shimmered. “…This will do great!”

Khaos and the spectators wondered exactly what it was.

“Now since I can still Pendulum Summon, I know just who to call out.

…Behold my monsters!”

Two shots of light rained down from the sky, and her monsters appeared.



Sunset was glowing in the green light again, just as her Odd-Eyes was, but she shook it off quickly.

“Sunset.” murmured Twilight.

Nevertheless, Sunset smiled with pride, “Now I have all that I need to finish you off.”

She held up her last card, “I activate ODD-EYES FUSION.

Now I can fuse Odd-Eyes with my Oafdragon Magician once more, and I can Fusion Summon… you know who…


(Atk: 2500)

With her dragon being successfully fusion summoned, both Sunset and her dragon were shrouded in the purple light again, but she still shook it off.

“Now that Odd-Eyes has been summoned, you know what that means… your Xyz Dragon is history!”

Khaos growled angrily, but he could only watch as Vortex Dragon blasted his own dragon back to his Extra Deck, leaving Khaos without a single card in hand or in play.

“All right!!” cheered Twilight.

Raven actually cracked a soft smile. “She did it.”

Sunset sighed in heavy relief. “There’s no way out for you this time. With Odd-Eyes and Rune-eyes out, you may as well surrender.”

Khaos, knowing fully well he was defeated, this time, actually agreed with her, and surrendered the duel.

“Huh?” said Sunset “You’re actually giving up.”

Raven and Twilight could barely believe their eyes.

“Just for now.” he hissed Khaos. “What would it matter if I had continued anyway?” He hinted to the fact that no lightning struck him, as he had explained earlier.

Then he summoned his flight cloud and prepared to take off. “You dueled fairly well, but next time I will not go so easy on you, but you and your friends had better take care... for the dangers in this real are bound to be greater than what you’ve experienced so far.”

Then he took off on his could.

“Wait! Come back!!” called Sunset, but he was already gone, and she angrily stomped her foot hard. “We couldn’t get him to tell us where to find the Prince Brothers!”

Raven felt along the walls, and as Khaos promised, his spell was gone, making it possible to enter the building again.

Then she turned back to look at Sunset who was still sulking angrily. “Look… we’re not going to get anywhere by just staying here, and we should get back to the others.”

Sunset’s head jerked up. “The others, right!”

While all that happened up there, down below it was another story…

“Here I come.” called Sapphire. “I draw…

Clear Wing’s attack may have gone back to 3500, but that still leaves you in a mess, especially when I play this-- look familiar?


Celestia gawked in horror, so did the others.

“And I know just which monster I want to revive too.” chuckled Sapphire, and right behind him appeared one of Celestia’s monsters.

“It’s my Baxia!” she cried.

(Atk: 3000)

“You tried to use it on me, and now I’m going to return the favor and use your own Synchro Monster against you.”

“I’m doomed!!” cried Celestia

“Ah, man! She doesn’t have enough life points to survive those brutes.” yelled Vic.

Luna was nearly stiff and frozen with fear and pain at the thought that her sister was about to lose.

“Now, Baxia… attack your former controller directly.” ordered Sapphire, and Celestia’s monster had no choice but to obey, and struck her hard, making her scream as she was knocked over onto her back.

Celestia LP: 6000 -----> 3000

Loki had been observing the duel ever since it began, and he did not like the way things were going.

“What does he think he’s doing?! Has he forgotten what I ordered?!”

He was about ready to go down there save his would be future queen, but as the duel folded out, he wouldn’t have to.

“And now…” shouted Sapphire “Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, end this duel!”

His dragon roared and shot Celestia with a big blast fired from his jaws.

Celestia screamed and wailed as the blast struck her, and took the last of her life points.

Celestia LP: 3000 -----> 0

“SISTER!!!” screamed Luna.

The force of the blast was so bright and strong; the shockwaves billowed at Vic cutting him loose from the generator… which collapsed in the waves, much to his horror.

Sunset and Raven had just begun rushing down the stairs from the roof when the brightness shot up from below and the entire building seemed to quake.

“What… What’s going on?!” Twilight wailed as she covered her eyes.

Raven pulled her sweatshirt hood over her entire face, and Sunset began to fret and began to leap down the stairs at the fast pace to get down in time.

Celestia lay on the floor, weak, dirty, and could barely seem to get up, yet she looked over at her opponent who was snickering wickedly at her.

“Looks like you lose.” taunted Sapphire, but then suddenly he gasped. “Wait a minute! Oh no…!” only now-- too late-- did he realize whom he had just defeated-- the one Prince Loki explicitly said not to.

Worse than that, the Malefic Lightning was beginning to flash. Staying inside the building wouldn’t stop it.

“She’s going to get turned into a card!” cried Vic, and just as he as was about to rush over in attempt to save Celestia… Luna beat him to it.

“No…!!” she hollered as she dashed forth just as the lightning struck, and in just the very split second of the time, she shoved her sister hard out of the way, causing the lightning to strike herself instead!

Sunset only made it halfway down the stairs but saw everything as the light got brighter and Luna began to wail.

“LUNA!!” screamed Celestia.

“SISTER------------!!!” was the last thing Luna screamed before the light had faded, and a card with her picture on it flopped to the floor.

Everyone around, even Sapphire was shocked by what they had just seen.

“Whoa! I’m bailing out!” murmured Sapphire, and he summoned his flight cloud. “We’ll meet again!” he called to the others as he rushed away.

He had barely gotten a block away when he a large portal appeared and drew him into it like a wind tunnel. “Oh, no…! I’m in for it now!!” he shouted as he was sucked in and the portal vanished.

Celestia, wearily crawled over to the lone card on the floor and scooped it up in her fingers.

Her hands trembled as her tears began to fall.


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