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Episode 60: Final Part: Astounding Conclusion


As Sunset continued to gain confidence and determination in her dueling. The wormhole continued to grow, and grow, much to Z-Arc’s anger.

The prisoners were delighted and kept on chanting Sunset’s name.

“Come on, keep it up!” hollered Twilight.

“I don’t know how much more of this I can go on.” said Spike.

The others all felt the same. Chanting Sunset’s name over and over, didn’t weaken them, as they were just souls, but it was getting rather tiresome.

Suddenly, the portal stopped expanding.

“What’s happened?” asked Fluttershy.

“It’s stopped growing.”

Z-Arc snickered. “I can feel…! Yes, your friend is losing confidence again. She’s slowly slipping into darkness again, which suits me all the better.”

Hearing this made everyone feel cold with worry. Now they knew for sure that the portal was caused by Sunset’s connection to her friends, but if she was feeling down and letting the darkness get her, it only helped Z-Arc.

“Poor, Sunset.” said Fluttershy.

Rarity clenched her fists, “All this darkness, all this horrible feeling. We can’t let this happen! ME MUSTN’T!!”

“Keep calling to her!” called Twilight. “It may be our only chance.”

“But how do we know if we’re even reaching to her?” asked Spike. “How do we even know we’re the ones helping expand the portal?”

Z-Arc laughed and said, “I’d be less concerned with that, and more with what’s coming your way.”

He was beginning to find his strength again to slowly absorb all the soul-spheres into himself.

“You haven’t won, Z-Arc! Not yet!” shouted Twilight. “Come on, everyone! Keep chanting!”

…And so, they did. They kept chanting Sunset’s name.

“Everyone, all together! Give it all you got!” Twilight called, and all together, everyone shouted.


Combined, their voices reached farther than ever.

…And Sunset finally heard them.

“What was that?” she wondered.

Rubeus heard the voices to. “It can’t be!”

The voices kept chanting, and Twilight called out.

“Sunset! Don’t give up! Keep fighting!”

Sunset knew she wasn’t going crazy. “It’s them! It’s my friends! They’re still alive, and they’re calling to me.”

She was beginning to feel strength returning to her, and she called out, “Twilight Sparkle, can you hear me?”

Twilight’s ears twitched.

“I can hear her!” cried Shining Armor.

“Me too!” added Cadance.

Luna looked down at the wormhole. “Look! It’s expanding!”

The portal was now brighter than ever and expanding wide open.

“No!!” shouted Z-Arc. “This can’t happen! Not now! I’m so close to reviving again!”

The darkness of the realm began to swirl violently, as if the forces of the light against darkness were conflicting with each other resulting in a dimensional instability.

“I don’t think this place is too happy with us.” whimpered Applejack.

“That’s because we’ve poisoned it.” cried Spike.

Fluttershy began to panic. “If this realm collapses, what’ll happen to us?!”

Rarity gasped the biggest and longest gasp she had ever done! “Oh, no! No, no, no, no!! It’s too horrible!! WE’LL CEASE TO EXIST!!


At that very second, the portal began to suck all the spheres towards it like a black hole.

“Yee-Haw! We’re outta here!” cheered Applejack.

Everyone’s smiles widened at the taste of sweet freedom coming their way.

“…Oh, no, you don’t!” bellowed Z-Arc.

As he himself was not like the rest of the souls, he wouldn’t be able to escape through the portal of light. It would damage him so severely it would wipe him out, and while he hadn’t enough strength to revive himself, he decided to do the only thing he could.

Pouring on all the power he could from the darkness of the realm itself, he managed to create a vacuum of equal force against the portal, halting the spheres in place.

“Oh, no!” cried Twilight.

Z-Arc laughed at the helpless souls below. “If I go, you’re all going with me!”

“We’re not going anywhere!” cried Shining Armor.

Unless the portal somehow became stronger, all the sous would be doomed no matter what.

“Sunset!” hollered Twilight. “…If you can hear me, you’re our only hope. Lend us all your strength!”

Sunset heard every word, and now her determination was at all time high making the aura around her change from dark to bright.

“I will, Twilight. I’ll give it my all!

I’ll beat Rubeus, and together, we’ll all win this!”

Rubeus could hardly believe his eyes, and his ears.

“It’s happening.” he thought. “This is really all happening. Somehow, the power of their friendship is overpowering the Malefic Energies.

They have not disappointed me, but they have yet to make it past me and my monster army.”

Rubeus LP: 2000

Sunset LP: 500

Sunset noted how calm he seemed. He didn’t bother to say anything to her about her friends, or insult them, or give one of his gloats or anything.

“What is with this guy?” thought Sunset. “He torments me and my friends, he plots all this evil, but then he does questionable things, like trying to revive Z-Arc when he knows how deadly that creep is.

Then he traps my friends, and pressures me to duel with all my cards despite the dangers involved.”

A mighty thought suddenly occurred to her. “No way! It can’t be…!”

She eyed Rubeus with the thought still in her mind, and Rubeus finally shouted, “What are you waiting for? You said you were going to duel to save your friends, well duel already… prove how “Worthy” you are!”

The way he was talking, many would think he was really crossing a line, but Sunset’s theory was nearly confirmed.

“I don’t believe this! It’s too crazy!” It can’t be true, after all he’s done…!”

There was only one way for her to truly confirm everything, and that was to keep dueling and defeat him.

“Here goes! I draw!”

She gazed at her card with a slight twinkle in her eye.

“Timebreaker Magician now returns to my field!”

(Atk: 1400)

“You forget…?” hollered Rubeus, “My Malefic Cyber End Dragon also returns to the field.”

(Atk: 4000)

“Now I have more monsters to destroy you with, while you only have two weak magicians.”

“We’ll see about that!” sneered Sunset. “I banish Fusion Substitute from my graveyard. Now by returning Vortex Dragon to my Extra Deck, I get to draw one more card.”

She placed her fingers on her deck, hoping for the perfect draw. She took her card.


Then she focused more on the field. “I activate my Pendulum Switch trap card, which allows me to bring White Wing Magician out of the Pendulum Zone and onto my field.”

(Def: 1400)

“I was afraid of using it before, but I’m not now. We’re going win this duel together and save my friends and the world.

I tune level 4 White Wing Magician with Level 3 Timebreaker Magician!”

“Another Synchro Summon?” wailed Rubeus.

The two monsters tuned together, and Sunset called a new chant.

“Brightest magician, wonderous and bright,
Lend me your power in this magical fight!


(Def: 1800)

Her oldest monster appeared and flicked its cape back hard.

Strangely, the bright aura around Sunset did not strengthen like before, hinting she was probably at maximum power, or she had to more and win the duel.

She remained focussed on her task.

“When Arcanite Magician is Synchro Summoned, he gains two spell counters which boost his attack points, but I have a better idea in mind.

See if I use these spell counters, I can destroy two cards on your field.”

“Ah!!” exclaimed Rubeus. “You’re going after my Malefic World card again!”

“Glad to see you figured that out.” said Sunset. “Your field spell still is protected with it’s spell counter, but Arcanite Magician can hit it twice, and when Malefic World goes, all your monsters go too.”

Rubeus then smirked, “Nothing’s going anywhere, not yet! I play my trap MALEFIC CLAW STREAM!”

Sunset’s eyes widened.

“Now, since I have at least one “Malefic” monster in play, I can destroy one monster you control. So, your magician and its spell counters now vanish!”

“No!!” cried Sunset, but indeed, her magician was vanquished before her eyes.

Rubeus laughed. “When will you ever realize that Malefic World is not so easy to conquer? There is nothing you can do to stop its power, or its revival.”

“You’re wrong!” snapped Sunset. “There’s plenty I can do. I was actually hoping you’d use that trap so I could see what it does, and now that it’s gone, I’m in the clear to put the next part of my plan in action.”

“What next part?”

“You’ll see.” said Sunset. “I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 8 XIANSHENG MAGICIAN. So now the Pendulum can really get swinging!

I can now summon as many monsters between levels 4 and level 7 as I need!

As the pendulum swings from forth to back
My monsters come forth… to launch an attack!

…Behold my monsters!”

Two shots of light fired down from the Extra Deck.



Her monsters all stood next to Dragonpit Magician, proud, tall, sneering, and roaring.

“But I’m far from finished!” said Sunset. “I activate the spell MONSTER REBORN, so now I can revive my Arcanite Magician!”

(Atk: 1800)

Now her field was full of five monsters, which confused Rubeus. “That’s an interesting force you have, but you don’t really expect to defeat my monsters with all those weaklings.”

Sunset smirked, “Just you wait, and you’ll see. We’re about to crush you and obtain victory from the jaws of defeat.

After all, since I Pendulum Summoned Timebreaker, I get to use him as a Tuner Monster.”

Rubeus’ eyes widened. “Are you saying…?”

“I’m not saying, I’m making it happen!

Level 3 Timebreaker tunes with Level 7 Arcanite.”

Power so strong, glowing bright,
I summon a monster of awesome might!


(Atk: 3300)

Her strongest Syncrho Monster stood tall holding his magical lance up high.

“Bet you’re sorry you gave me this card now.” Sunset taunted. “Now his special ability activates. Since I Syncrho Summoned him using a Pendulum Summoned Tuner Monster, I get to add one card in my graveyard back to my hand.

I choose the spell POT OF GREED, so now I can use it and draw another two cards.”

She liked the cards she had drawn very much!

“Time for me to get rid of all your monsters at once, with the help of this spell… RAIGEKI!”

“AAAAAAHH!!” yelled Rubeus.

Bolts of lightning began flashing above his field and struck all around his monsters, vaporizing them all to bits.

“All my precious Malefic Monsters!” shouted Rubeus. “You’ve destroyed them all!”

Sunset nodded, and she felt her confidence really starting to peak…

…This caused the wormhole’s force to increase as well, slowly pulling all the soul spheres towards it, millimetre-by-millimetre.

Z-Arc maintained his hold to keep spheres with him just long enough for the realm to collapse with everyone in it.

“Come on, Sunset!” Twilight called. “Keep fighting!”

Now that Rubeus’ field was completely empty, Sunset was ready to wipe him out.

“It’s over!” she shouted.

“I agree…” Rubeus suddenly said “…It’s over for you!”

The ground began shaking violently forcing sunset to struggle in keeping her balance.

“Whoa! What’s going on?!”

Rubeus snickered, “When you destroyed my Malefic Monsters, you unleashed something incredibly deadly.

Now, all I have to do is pay half of my life points…”

Rubeus LP: 2000 -----> 1000

“…I cans summon from my graveyard the biggest, and most-powerful creature I ever have created!”

“From the graveyard?” wondered Sunset. “Ah, wait a minute…!” she remembered Rubeus discarding two cards with Graceful Charity.

Large bursts of dark energy erupted from Rubeus’ field, covering him out of sight. The darkness swirled round and merged taking the shape of what had to be the biggest and deadliest monster Sunset had ever seen-- other than Z-Arc.

From atop the large creature, Rubeus sat and declared, “Behold… the mighty MALEFIC TRUTH DRAGON!”

(Atk: 5000)

The dragon was so massively large, it nearly took up half the chamber. It’s wings just barely brushing against the walls of the castle.

The creature gave such roar, making the entire castle shake!

Sunset was so wide-eyed and mesmerized by the size and power of the huge creature, she had nearly forgotten where she was, how to move, or even breathe!

“That monster…!” she thought. “I’ve never seen anything like it! It’s way stronger than any of my monsters!”

The dragon roared at her again. She groaned as the winds blew past her.

The worst of it was, with her confidence draining, the wormhole began to weaken, giving Z-Arc the advantage once more.

“Oh, no!” cried Spike.

“Oh, yes!” laughed Z-Arc. “Looks like you’ll all be staying around with me. We can spend an eternity and bits of nothingness wandering the emptiness TOGETHER!!”

“No! It can’t end like this! It can’t!” cried Rarity.

The darkness was really going crazy. The realm wouldn’t survive the instability much longer!

“What’s Sunset worried about now?” wondered Shining Armor.

“Whatever it is, it must be bad!” cried Cadance.

Luna clenched her fists trying to remain brave. “There is still time, which means we still have a chance.”

“You haven’t a chance now!” Rubeus’ thundered. “Even your best monsters aren’t able to defat me and my Truth Dragon, and I should know, seeing as I gave you all those cards and watched how you’ve been using them a long time.

You unlocked their hidden powers and harnessed their resourcefulness, but you haven’t come close to mastering the full power they show you…

…Which is what shall be your ultimate downfall! Now finish your turn so my dragon may finish you!”

Still nearly completely mesmerized by the dragon’s size and the danger she was in. Sunset couldn’t even feel herself setting the last card in her hand facedown.

Her turn was over.

Rubeus snuffed. “Now it’s my turn, and I shall invoke Malefic World’s power to take three cards, and this time you will have to choose since they are each different.”

Sunset finally snapped out of her trance.

“Uh… I choose the middle card.”

“Very well…” said Rubeus, and he shuffled the other cards back into his deck.

“Allow me to show you the card you choose.


Sunset’s eyes widened.

“Now all I do is send the regular Cyber EndDragon in my Extra Deck to the graveyard, and Malefic Stardust emerges!”

(Atk: 4000)

“Two monsters now?!” cried Sunset.

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about both, seeing as I only need my Truth Dragon. One blast from this monster, and your life points will be no more.”

Sunset cringed nervously.

“Oh, and I should mention one other thing…” hissed Rubeus. “When Malefic Truth Dragon destroys a monster, then all the face-up monsters you control will also be destroyed.

I’m going to wipeout out and everything you have in one final blast!”

He engaged his battle phase, while Sunset was sweating big bullets down her face.

He glared deeply at her and hissed deeply, “Farewell, you big disappointment! You’re not the duelist I thought you were!”

Hearing those words, “…You big disappointment…! You’re not the duelist I thought you were.”

At last, it was all confirmed!

“I can’t believe it!” Sunset thought. “It’s just so… unbelievably… incredible!”

Now knowing the truth, she reached for her duel disk just as Rubeus shouted, “Malefic Truth Dragon, attack Nirvana High Paladin!”

His mighty dragon charged up and delivered the biggest, most-deadliest blast right at Sunset’s monster!

(Atk: 5000) -----> (Atk: 3300)

The blast connected, vaporizing not just the paladin, but all of Sunset’s monsters in a mighty white stream of destruction which sped right at Sunset, knocking her up into the drafts…

…Yet Sunset was slightly smiling.

All that was left was a cloud of dust all over Sunset’s field.

Rubeus snuffed, believing he had won the duel, when suddenly…

…The dust clouds all parted by Sunset’s, who was bathed in pure white, flaring aura.

Sunset LP: 3800

“What?!” snapped Rubeus. “But… But this is impossible! You should’ve lost the duel! How can you have more life points instead of less?!”

Sunset snickered, “I survived thanks to the trap I played… ENCHANTED JAVELIN.”


Sunset explained, “Just as you attacked me with your Truth Dragon, this trap boosted my life points by the same points as your dragon had. So, I got a big 5000-point boost just in time to save me from losing the duel.”

Sunset LP: 500 -----> 5500 -----> 3800

Rubeus was totally flabbergasted. “So, you survived, but as you recall, I still have my Cyber End Dragon, and he’s strong enough to wipe out the rest of your life points!


The mighty machine prepared to attack, only for Sunset to inform, “And as you recall, I still have my Pendulum Switch, and I’ll use it to bring down Xiansheng Magician to defend me!”

(Def: 1500)

The attacked continued and struck the magician out, and the piercing waves headed straight for Sunset.

(Atk: 4000) VS (Def: 1500)

Sunset shouted as the burning waves burned past her. “My magician didn’t survive, but I’m not beat yet!!”

Sunset LP: 3800 -----> 1300

Sunset barely managed to hang in and stay on her feet, but her bright aura protected her.

“No!!” cried Rubeus. Then he calmed down instantly. “So, you survived after all, and you get to have one last turn. Not that it will help you, for both my monsters are still strong enough to stop you no matter what stunt you may try and pull.”

“No!” thought Sunset. “There’s still one chance… One Hope…”

She thought ever so deeply of all her friends who were counting on her.

“Please… my friends… I need you to lend me all your strength. Help me to save you, and together we can end this nightmare for good!”

Her friends were hoping she would still help them out, and in the new few seconds too!

Sunset lay her fingers on her next card, with her eyes still shut-- focusing on all her hope-- and she pulled it out.

“YES!!” she shouted when she saw what it was. “It’s time to end this duel!”

“Hmm?” said Rubeus. “What could you have possibly drawn that can do all that?”

“I’ll show you…” replied Sunset “But first I’ll use Pendulum Switch one last time, so Xiangke Magician comes onto the field.”

(Atk: 2500)

“And now, the card that will win it all for m… the spell GIANT TRUNADE!”

Rubeus gasped!

“This sends all spells and traps on the field back to the owner’s hands, including your Malefic World card!”


With a mighty gust of winds, Sunset retrieved her trap while Rubeus was forced to take back his field spell, and the spell counter on it was useless!

Slowly, the buildings, the desert, the evil skies… were all plunged into darkness and were gone. Thus, the room reverted to normal, thought the floor and the walls were scratched and damaged from all the explosions and forces during the duel.

“My Malefic World, it’s gone!!” cried Rubeus “And without Malefic World, all my Malefic monsters are destroyed!”

Both his powerful dragons were swallowed up by the darkness leaving him completely wide open!

Sunset’s aura was now the brightest it could ever be as she felt the energy flowing through her.

With that, the wormhole went to full blast and pulled all the spheres into it an alarming speed.

“WE’RE FREE!!” Twilight squealed as she and all the others vanished into the light, leaving the darkness to collapse and take Z-Arc with it.


As all this happened, Sunset ordered, “Xiangke Magician, attack his life points, now!!”

The magician shot Rubeus hard, knocking him down in a bright wave of light.

Rubeus LP: 2000 -----> 0

But rather than wailing in anguish or screaming in defeat, Rubeus was smiling proudly as he fell over flat on his back…

…And Sunset could see his grin.

As for the energy machine, it was going crazy, and spewing out little orbs of energy, which were more souls being converted, which flew through the castle walls and out through the portals.

With the machine now malfunctioning, the rifts in the sky began to close while all the spirits of all the people who entered the Malefic World were now transported back to their own home-worlds.


“What just happened?”

“I have no idea.”

“I just had their weirdest dream.”

“It’s like I saw… something…?”

Not a single person seemed to realize or remember anything that just happened, and then just went about their business.

As for the souls of Twilight and all the other Equestrians, they appeared right there in the chamber, fully in body, soul, and everything.

“We’re free!” cried Applejack.

Fluttershy felt herself all over to see if she was solid, and she was. “I don’t believe it!” she cried.

“We’re all back!” sobbed Rarity.

They jumped all over each other hugging and crying with joy.

Everyone then looked back and saw Princess Twilight herself stepping forth. She flexed her fingers and flicked back her hair.

Everyone’s eyes filled with tears, especially Sunset’s to see they were alright.

Twilight’s smile was just to die for. “You did it!” she sobbed.

Sunset shook her head, “No… We all did it.”

Twilight nodded in agreement. The combined power of their friendship, their hopes, and strong will to overthrow the darkness really pulled through.

Spike then looked around, “Hey, where’s Twilight?” he referred to Sci-Twi.

“Where is my sister?” asked Luna.

The Equestrians had returned to normal, but those who were in the tubes in the back had not returned, as for Vic, Raven, and Gar, while their bodies were in the room, they were still unconscious.

“What’s going?” said Shining Armor. “Where’s my sister? Where’s Twily?!”

“And why haven’t the others returned yet either?” wondered Sunset.

“…I can answer that for you.” said Rubeus, and he was seen calmly and quietly approaching everyone.

“YOU!!” growled Shining Armor.

“GET HIM!!” shouted Applejack.

All the Equestrians, even Twilight wanted to rush him. Spike ran ahead of everyone and leapt up to bite Rubeus on his flat face…

“No!” Sunset shouted as she leapt in the way, catching Spike in her arms, shielding Rubeus.

Everyone came to a halt in shock and confusion.

“Whatever are you doing?!” asked Rarity.

“It’s okay.” said Sunset. “…He’s on our side.”

The entire room went silent, and everyone stared at her with wide eyes.

“Uh… our side?” asked Cadance. “As in… “Not the bad guy.”

Rubeus stepped forth softly, “It is true. Everything I have done up to this point was for the greater of good.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold your horses!” scoffed Applejack. “You put us through mindless torture, trapped our friends in cards, used their energies for world dominations… AND YOU CALL THAT GREATER OF GOOD?!!”

Her voice echoed along the walls.

Rubeus looked sorry. “I realize that I have done many horrible things, but if you bear with me and allow me to explain, perhaps you will understand better.

You see, I needed your help.”

Another wave of confusion struck everyone.

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight. “I thought you wanted to raise the Malefic World and reclaim your glory.”

Rubeus went into a deep tale of his past…

“There was a time when I wanted that.”

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