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Episode 45: Part 3: Treasonous Tricks


Vic and Sapphire stood ready, and the scores were set.

Sapphire LP: 8000

Vic LP: 8000

“I’m not going to let you guys thrash me and my friends around anymore.” bellowed Vic. “I’m especially not going to let you brainwash Celestia no more!”

Sapphire scoffed, “You think I even like her? I don’t even know why Prince Loki has the hots for her, but it’s not important to me.”

Vic only grew angrier, but he knew he had to stay focused.

Celestia was disgusted, “Between these bozos, I really don’t know who’s worse.”

“I’m up first!” declared Sapphire “And I summon SPEEDROID HORSE STILTS!”

(Atk: 1100)

“And since he was successfully summoned, I get to summon my faithful Tuner Monster, SPEEDROID TRI-EYED DICE!”

(Def: 1500)

“A tuner monster already?” asked Vic.

“That’s right, and now I’ll turn my level 3 dice with level 4 Horse Stilts. I’d like to start big already!”

His two monsters rose high forming the tunning rings and the glowing orbs as Sapphire called out…

“Clear as the wind and swift as lightning,
I call upon a beast that is most frightening!


The dragon spread its huge wings and roared!

(Atk: 2500)

Vic growled, the fact that Sapphire had gotten his best ace on the field already meant his work was cut out for him.

“…And I’m just getting started.” said Sapphire “Since I have a Wind monster in play, I can play SPEEDROID TAKETOMORG!”

(Def: 1200)

“But he won’t hang around for long because I’m tributing him so I can use his special ability, which lets me summon from my Deck… my other favorite tuner, SPEEDROID RED-EYED DICE.”

(Atk: 100)

“Not another!” cried Vic!

“You bet, and also, since I summoned Terrortop, I also get to summon this from my hand; SPEEDROID RUBBERBAND PLANE!”

(Atk: 1800)

“I Tune level 1 Red-Eyed Dice with Level 5 Rubberband Plane!”

While he had no chant to say, the Synchro Process commended again.


(Atk: 2200)

Vic was astounded but worried. “Her played two of his best Synchros in one turn!”

Sapphire snickered, “I think that’s enough for now. I’ll place one card facedown and end my turn.”

His hand was completely empty, much to Vic’s relief, at least his turn was done.

“Took you long enough. Now I… Draw!”

He looked down at all six of his cards, but he had to strategize carefully.

“He’s got his dragon and that oversized spike-thing on the field, I remember how their effects work, and I also know his Tri-Eyed Dice-- he can banish it to negate an attack from me.

And if I activate any monster effect, if it’s level 5 or higher, his dragon will wipe it out.”

Sapphire looked at him in a rather taunting way, making him angrier, but then Vic looked down at his power-meter. “I’ve got to try and end this duel quick. The longer I duel, the more power I waste, and with no way to charge my cells, I’m in big trouble.”

“Here goes! I use Scale 1 DESKBOT DOUBLE-O EIGHT and Scale 10 DESKBOT DOUBLE-O SEVEN to set the Pendulum Scale! Set yourselves up, boys!”

His two little bots took their places up in the lights, and the Pendulum began to swing between them.

“Ah, yeah, now I’m going to summon--” was all he could get out before Sapphire cut him off, “Not so fast!”

Suddenly, Sapphire began to laugh. “If you’re thinking of summoning a big Squad of monsters to use against me, you better think twice, because I’m activating the continuous trap, DRAGON’S BIND!

Let him have it, Clear Wing!”

The dragon roared and cast a sonic wave over Vic’s field. Vic braced himself from the shockwaves, and when he looked up he could see all his monster zones were sparking with jolts of electricity, and even the pendulum was halted in midair.

“Yo’, what’s going on?”

Sapphire explained, “It’s easy… as long as both Clear Wing and this trap are in play together, neither of us can special summon any monster that has less than or the same attack points as Clear Wing Synchro Dragon.”

“Say what?!” exclaimed Vic, and then he thought. “No way! I didn’t see this coming. That means I can’t bring out all my best hitters so easily, because they all have weaker points than Clear Wing does.”

“So that’s why you played your dragon right away. You knew you could use that trap to hold me down.”

Sapphire laughed. “Yeah, that’s it all right. Too bad you couldn’t figure it out before. So, what’s it going to be now… Hmmmmmm?”

Furiously, Vic declared. “I may not be able to special summon my monsters, but I can still bring them out the old-fashioned way.


(Atk: 500)

Then he engaged his battle phase.

“Now, Sport… attack that Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!”

His bot complied and prepared to attack.

“Yeah, right!” mocked Sapphire “I know how that bot of yours works… but it doesn’t matter, because I banish Tri-Eyed Dice from the graveyard to negate your attack.”

Vic’s bot powered down and wouldn't move. Vic couldn't even use his bot's abiility due to their being no damage step.

Vic was outraged, but he was hoping that would happen. “At least I got rid of his Tri-Eyed Dice.” he thought. “But that doesn’t make taking that bad boy down any easier.”

“I’ll throw down a facedown, and that’s it.”

The turn hadn’t gone the way he had hoped it would, but he wasn’t about to let it get to him. “I’m not going to lose this. I’m going to teach this creep a lesson once and for all about messing with me and my friends…


Meanwhile, Pinkie was down on her knees, still in shame and shock of her failure to win the duel.

Pinkie & Terra LP: 2450

Violet LP: 2450

“Pinkie! Pinkie, get up!” Terra called to her.

Violet laughed, “Looks to me like she can’t. Frankly, I can’t blame her, for I’d be the same way if I were about the lose the duel and my soul!”

Terra was starting to lose her patience.

“And as soon as I’m through with the two of you, I’ll be going after your friends; especially Gar.”

Terra’s eyes widened at the mention of his name.

“…He and I have a score to settle, and I aim to do just so!”

Finally, Terra snapped. “You leave Gar out of this! I won’t let you hurt him.”

Violet was astounded that after all this time, after all Gar had put her and all her friends through, she was still willing to defend him.

“My goodness. Somebody has an over-developed sense of passion. That, or you are just plain obsessed.

When are you going to wake up and realize that he wants nothing to do with you, the same way you chucked him out of your life.”

Terra’s stomach gave a guilty turn.

“That’s right, I know about you and your history with him.”

Terra was really finding it hard to control herself, but she didn’t want to end up like Pinkie did--cursed by the darkness.

“I will never give up on him!” she said sound a little tearful. “I know Gar is mad at me, and he has every right to be, but he once taught me never to give up, and that’s why I won’t!”

Violet snuffed, “You already gave up more than enough times in your life. You gave up on heroism, you gave up your potential romance, and you forced him to give up his own happiness.

You’re just a lying, foolish, hypocrite, who really ought to give up now while she has the chance.”

Terra had finally taken enough of her insults, and the guilt rushing through her.

She also looked up at Staving Venom, determined to take it down no matter what the odds.

“I have no cards in play, and none in my hand, but I won’t give up! I’ll let Gar’s past words guide me.”

She closed her eyes thinking of the good times she and Gar had together, how he helped her, and especially the very special card he gave her.

She drew her card, took one look at it, and then glared a Violet making her flinch in concern.

“I play the spell… CHANGE OF HEART!”


“Huh?” Pinkie looked up.

Terra thrust her arm forth, “This lets me take control of any opposing monster in play, and who better for me to take than Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!”

“No, not my dragon!” cried Violet.

Starving Venom magically teleported over to Terra, leaving Violet wide open with no other cards in play.

“Wow! I don’t believe it!” cried Pinkie.

Terra nodded proudly at her. “Dueling the way I know how, and not losing sight of myself really can pay off, and now…” she turned to face Violet “…I’m about to take you out using your own monster! There’s no escape for you this time!”

Violet looked as if she was going to break out in a panic!

“Now, Starving Venom Fusion dragon, wipe out of the rest of her life points!”

The dragon obeyed and unleashed his burning venom.

“It’s over!” shouted Terra.

“Not yet it’s not!” protested Violet, and she held up the lone card still in her hand “When you attack me directly, I get to summon PREDAPLANT SARRICENIANT!”

(Def: 600)

“No!!” cried Terra.

“I don’t believe it!” wailed Pinkie “Now she can block the attack!”

The girls were both in shock and hurt. They really thought they had it won! Terra did get a replay, but attacking the plant in defense-mode wouldn’t help.

Violet snickered, “Attack if you dare, but if you do that, you’ll activate its special ability which will destroy any monster that it battles.”

Terra took note of this, and she really pondered. “Why would she tell me that?” then she looked up at the dragon, remembering its effect. “If I destroy her plant, Starving Venom will also be destroyed, and when that happens every special summoned monster will be destroyed too.”

Her choice was obvious.

“Terra, don’t!” Pinkie hollered. “That’s exactly what she wants you to do. It’s a trap!”

Terra realized this could be too, but she had no other choice. “Sorry, Pinkie, but when my turn ends, she’ll gain Starving Venom back, and then she’ll wipe me out. I can’t let her do that.”

Pinkie suddenly realized this.

“We’re just going to have to take the chance.” Said Terra, and she ordered Starving Venom to attack!

The dragon obeyed, much to Violet’s delight, and the plant monster and the dragon were both destroyed as promised.

Violet hollered, “You just activating Starving Venom’s ability, which destroys all the other monsters in play!”

In two big blasts, Pinkie’s monsters were gone, and the waves sped past her.

“I’m sorry, Pinkie…!” Terra called “It was for the best.”

“That’s what you think!” chuckled Violet “When Predaplant Sarriceniant is destroyed, its special ability activates, and it lets me add a card with “Predap” in it’s name to my hand.”

Terra and Pinkie both cringed as Violet chose her card. “This will do my just fine; PREDAPLANT CHLAMYDOSUNDEW.”

The girls felt they were in huge trouble, and Terra felt ready to kick herself for falling for the trick, only now to realize. “It didn’t matter what we did!”

“That’s right.” teased Violet “Whether you attacked with my dragon or not, either way I was more than prepared for anything you’d dare to throw at me.”

The girls felt super struck, and the foul feeling of doom was upon them again.

Now that Terra’s turn was over, Violet drew another card.

“Ah, perfect!” she hissed. “But first I shall summon my Sundew from my hand.”

(Atk: 600)

“And then I activate his special ability, which lets me fuse himself along with this Predaplant in my hand!”

Pinkie and Terra gasped as the Fusion began to happen!

“Blossoming large with vines to snare,
I grow a plant for you to beware!


(Atk: 2500)

Her large plant spread out its tentacles and gave a huge screech, which frightened the opponents.

“This can’t be happening!” cried Pinkie.

“We’ve lost!” Terra said softly and felt tears of defeat coming to her eyes. Even her own style of proper dueling and her believing in herself just wasn’t enough.

“Farewell…” hissed Violet “Attack… destroy them!”

Pinkie and Terra could see nothing other than the monster’s evil vines straight right before them in a hellish scene… striking them both hard, they dramatically, in a slow-motion fashion, fell to the floor.

Pinkie & Terra LP: 2450 -----> 0

The girls lay flat on their backs while Violet flicked her robe victoriously.

Meanwhile, Dick and Rainbow were beginning to awaken, to find themselves in manacles, by their wrists and ankles, to a solid wall in a dark room with a misty floor, and who was standing before them but Khaos, snickering at them.

“Looks like you’re both coming around.”

After shaking off the last of their blackout, the two duelists struggled, but they couldn’t break the manacles.

“Let us down!” Rainbow demanded.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” hissed Khaos. “I have my orders from their majesties. We can’t have you pests roaming about the castle and causing more trouble now, can we.”

Dick was furious and desperately tried to break loose. “I’ve got to get to Kori!”

“You want to see her that badly?” teased Khaos “I’ll be more than happy to round her and all your friends up to join you here…” he paused long and narrowed his eyes, “…That is… if they haven’t already made additions to someone else’s deck by now.”

Rainbow and Dick’s eyes blazed with rage, and they both began to struggle and fuss to break free. “Just you wait!” shouted Rainbow “When I get my hands on you… I’ll…!”

Her outrage only amused Khaos. “That’s right, continue to give into he negativity, it only provides us with more power.”

That’s when Dick realized “…The rifts in the sky!”

Outside the rifts continued to grow, and more tiny holes were appearing all over as Khaos explained…

“This castle is a giant energy-absorber. It feeds on all sorts of negative energy from dark emotions. The more you and your friends concentrate on your own darkness, not only does the darkness infect you here, but it is absorbed by their majesties to further along their plan.”

The duo cringed, but it was hopeless in trying to supress their feelings. How could they?

“There’s no use in repressing.” Khaos informed them “The smallest amount of darkness you feel is more than enough, and small amounts can add up. Especially, the more humans and creatures from the other worlds having their emotions absorbed as well.”

Rainbow and Dick were more upset than ever by this, which, as Khaos warned, only made things better for his own better.

Feeling his job complete, Khaos decided to leave. “I’ll be back with the rest of your friends… or rather what’s left of them. If I even get there on time.”

Then he was gone.

Dick struggled and pulled more, but still couldn’t break free. “I’m going get them; every single one of them for this!!”

Rainbow felt the same as he did, but she couldn’t free herself either. She was really worried about her friends, and hoped they were okay.

Dick worried about his friends too, but now he was more concerned about all the other worlds that were about to be cursed!

One of those worlds happened to be and included Equestria…!

Ever since Sunset Shimmer had contacted her about the incident about Princess Twilight, Princess Celestia had been worrying sickly, especially when she deduced that the Malefic World was responsible.

Now things were growing worse as dark rifts appeared in the skies above the land, frightening the ponies and other creatures all over.

“Sister, are you seeing this?” Princess Luna asked.

Celestia nodded, “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

She also had no idea how to stop it either; seeing as the Malefic World was now stronger than it ever was before.

Vic and Sapphire continued to glare each other down. Their scores were still full, but Vic still had plenty to worry about, especially his draining battery.

Sapphire mocked him, “…You said you wanted to get back at mean, but it doesn’t look like you’ll actually be doing it.

My draw! I play POT OF GREED, so I can draw two more cards.”

He loved the card he had drawn. “Now I equip Kendama with the spell BREAK DRAW!”

All at once, Kendama was bathed in a bright glow of light.

“Now, each time Kendama destroys a monster in battle, I get to draw one card, but in three turns this card will be destroyed.”

Vic showed hardly any concern.

“Nothing, eh?” asked Sapphire “Well, how about I activate Horse Stilt’s ability…

By banishing it from the graveyard, I get to send one Wind monster from my deck to the grave, and who better than… Tri-Eyed Dice!”

“Not another one!” Vic wailed in thought. “That means he’ll be able to block one of my attacks again!”

Sapphire snickered, “And while we’re at it, I got this to play too… BLOCK ATTACK! Now it turns your bot from attack to defense-mode.

(Def: 500)

“Ah, man!” cried Vic, “And your Kendama can deal me piercing damage!”

“You know it, but then again, he doesn’t need to attack. He has his own special ability; one that let’s me banish Rubberband Plane, and then you get hit with 500 points of damage.

Let him have it, Kendama!”

Kendama glowed brightly and fired a small beam from the tip of its blade, striking Vic’s shoulder.

“A’rgh!” he groaned, and then he wailed as he was jolted by the energy shocks.

Vic LP: 8000 -----> 7500

Sapphire chuckled, “I’m going to enjoy this. Kendama, attack; destroy his bot and blow out his life points!”

(Atk: 2200) VS (Def: 500)

Vic braced himself as his beloved bot was smashed to pieces, and he growled as the shocks hit him hard.

Vic LP: 7500 -----> 5800

Sapphire snuffed. “Now, thanks to Break Draw’s effect, I draw one card…

And now that you’re wide-open…! Go, Clear Wing, direct attack!”

His dragon roared and soared up high ready to strike.

“Ah, man!!” Vic exclaimed as the dragon came soaring in and rammed him hard, sending him crashing into the wall.

Celestia winced for him. “That had to hurt.”

Vic lay on the floor, shocked violently as he lost more life points.

Vic LP: 5800 -----> 3300

Vic angrily pounded his fist on the ground, and as he lifted his head up, he could see his wrist-com; his power-meter had gone down a bit after taking such a hit.

“Ah, man!” he thought. “If this keeps up, I don’t have to worry about losing the duel. I may not have enough juice left in me to finish it!”

Sapphire was laughing ruthlessly, “You might as well give up while you can, because the way I see it…

-Surrender now, and you’ll be turned into a card, just like your friends all were.
-Keep dueling, and I’ll just smash you to pieces, and you’ll still be turned into a card.

…Either way, you’re history!”

Terra and Pinkie barely found any strength to sit up, much less scoot away from Violet as she slowly and threateningly stomped towards them.

“How does it feel to fail?” she laughed at them.

The girls didn’t answer her.

“What? No last words?” Violet taunted. That’s when the lightning was starting to come in, ready to zap the girls and turn them into cards.

“Too late, but I’m sure you’ll make great cards in my deck.”

“This can’t be happening!” Pinkie murmured.

Terra could only look up at the looming energy ready to take her and think of all her friends that she let down, and especially for Gar.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash that shook the entire room. Violet nearly fell off her feet.

“What the…?!” she bellowed as she looked behind her, and that’s when the wall burst wide open in a massive blast so bright and powerful Violet braced herself as the winds blew against her.

Pinkie and Terra covered their faces with their arms, and when they all looked again, the lightning had struck, but it was heading towards the giant dust cloud rather than strike the girls.

As the dust settled, the sounds of wicked snicker were heard, and there stood Sunset in the hole she had made, holding up her special card to divert the lightning.

She looked up wickedly and teased, “Honey, I’m home!”

Terra and Pinkie’s jaws dropped, and Violet was boiling with rage.

“You!!” she bellowed. “How dare you-- I just won! I was about to turn them into cards!!”

Sunset snickered as she stepped inside. “What a shame… for you, but you didn’t really think these walls could keep me out forever, did you?”

Just one look at her made Pinkie’s nerves go through the roof; now seeing just how powerful and evil her friend had become.

Terra couldn’t believe Sunset had this much power now, but neither she nor Pinkie had a lot of strength left in them for another duel and wouldn’t have wanted to duel her anyway knowing how deadly of a duelist she was.

“We’ve got to get out of here!” she whispered to Pinkie. “Can you run?”

Pinkie nodded very softly, and both she and Terra felt their best and only chance was to head through the opening Sunset had made, especially while the two villains were distracted with each other.

“Perhaps its best you’ve come here anyway.” hissed Violet “I’ve been meaning to get even with you the first time you ruined our plans.”

Sunset snickered, “Oh, please… you wouldn’t last two minutes against me, and in any case, I have better plans-- that of my own vengeance on your masters for ruining everything for me all those centuries ago!

You have a choice: Either take me to them, or I’ll just bust right through every wall in this miserable castle.”

The two ladies angrily glared each other, when suddenly Violet saw the girls running for the hole. “Hey!” she called.

“Hurry!” Terra shouted.

The girls pushed the last of their exhausted energy to running as fast they could.

“Stop!” shouted Violet, and she charged up her Malefic energy to block them off, but Sunset blasted at her, forcing her to dodge, and causing the forest to get hit and burst into flames.

“My trees!!” Violet wailed. “I just had them the way I liked them too!”

Angrily she turned and fired a huge stream of power at Sunset, and she fired her own.

The two forces hardly seemed equal as Violet’s energy was slowly being pushed back at her.

“Still weary from your duel I see.” hissed Sunset. She poured on more power, and blasted Violet hard across the room and she slammed hard into a wall.

“Ha!” scoffed Sunset. “I’ll just have to find the princes myself, even if it means blasting this castle down brick-by-brick! At least I can smash a few duelists on the way.”

Terra and Pinkie felt so relieved to be outside where they could catch their breath and gather their strengths back.

“I can’t believe we got out of that.” panted Terra.

Pinkie was still looking more grim than tired. “It was all my fault. We lost the duel because I wasn’t good enough, no matter how I did it, and let myself get poisoned by the darkness.”

“Pinkie, you’ve got to snap out of it!” said Terra. “We’re lucky to be alive right now, but we can’t go around feeling sorry for ourselves. Sunset will go after everyone in the castle. Who knows what she’ll do to them with Z-Arc’s power.”

Pinkie realized this to. “Well, just how are we supposed to stop her?!” she yelled.

Obviously, the darkness and negativity were still going through her.

“I couldn’t beat her… two of you couldn’t beat her… I don’t know who or what can beat her.”

Terra was about to protest when the skies overhead went crazy as two more rifts appeared overhead.

“Oh, no!”

Pinkie didn’t like the looks of things either.

“All those people… They’re going to get pulled in!”

All this made Terra more than convinced that they would have to go back inside. “We’ve got to find the Prince Brothers and stop them before it’s too late.”

To Be Continued…

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