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Episode 18: Friendship Follies: Part 2


The Leo dancer continued to glare at Fluttershy, and she stepped back a pace in fear.

Fluttershy LP: 6000

Karle continued to grin sinisterly, feeling that her victory was assured.

Karle LP: 6500

“No, Fluttershy!” cried Pinkie “She can’t take that monster down!”

“It’s okay.” Dick called to her. “Remember, the Array of Revealing Light is still in play, so Leo Dancer can’t attack.”

That’s when the seal from Fluttershy’s field spell shocked Leo Dancer and held her down.

“Ha!” scoffed Karle “You think I’m not prepared for that either?! I activate the trap DUST TORNADO.”

“No!” cried Fluttershy “That lets you destroy any spell or trap on my field!”

The nasty twister billowed over her field and blew her field spell away; warping the field back to normal, and Leo Dancer was released from bondage!

Fluttershy was really trembling now, much to Karle’s delight.

“And don’t forget.” hissed Karle, “Not only can you neither target or destroy my monster with your card effects, but she can destroy all special summoned monsters you have.”

Fluttershy began to sweat nervously and even made her trademark whimper.

Gar shook his head pitifully at Fluttershy. “She doesn’t have a chance.”

The friends were all trembling for Fluttershy, and Karle engaged her battle phase.

“Go Leo Dancer, and wipe out that Ancient Fairy Dragon!”

Her monster gripped her sword tightly, and leapt over to strike.

Suddenly, Fluttershy shouted, “I activate my trap, BARRIER WAVE!”

“Ah!” cried Karle.

The friends all looked on with hopeful expressions.

“When your monster declares an attack, the first thing I must do is tribute a Synchro Monster I have.”

She looked up at her Ancient Fairy Dragon, hating having to part with her, but her dragon looked down at her, and actually nodded, as if she were telling her to do it.

The dragon then vanished into the graveyard in a shower of sparkles.

“Now that that’s done…” said Fluttershy “…My Barrier Wave changes all your monsters into defense-mode, and that includes your Leo Dancer!”

“No!” cried Karle, but her monster skid to a halt, and quivered as she and Cat Dancer both changed positions.

(Def: 3000)

(Def: 2000)

“Oh, no!” cried Karle “And now that trap makes me take damage equal to my Leo Dancer’s defense points!”

The trap card image glowed brightly, and Fluttershy gave a sneaky smirk, and with a soft peep she said, “…Fire.”

POW!! A big blast of energy shot out from the card, forcing Karle to brace herself as the blast hit her, and pushed her back in the sand several inches.

Karle LP: 6500 -----> 3500

“You’ll pay for that!” Karle roared.

Rainbow sighed heavily in relief. “She ought to let us KNOW next time she plans to save herself!”

Pinkie breathed deeply and heavily to catch herself, being a little overdramatic.

Far, far away, sunset was still feeling stressed out as she still refused to draw her next card.

Sunset LP: 7000

Applejack LP: 8000

“I’m sorry, Applejack, but I just can’t do this!” she cried, and she shut her eyes tight trying to fight her tears off. “… I can’t duel you like this, not after all we’ve been though.”

She thought back to the greatest times she and other girls had—all the parties they went to, the songs they sang, working on building their decks together, and always hanging at Canterlot High and sleepovers.

Applejack felt the same way, but she clenched her fists tight, supressing the feelings, and keeping a stern expression.

“If you don’t duel me…” she said deeply. “… I swear… I will attack you again, and you’ll be the one to get it!”

Sunset looked across at her in shock.

“You think I like this anymore than you do? I don’t want to duel you, I’m only doing this because I have no other choice, and neither do you.

There’s no amount of talking or crying that’s going to make this any easier than it is, so the right thing is to do it and get it over with.

It’s only way we’ll get out of here, find the others, and stop the Prince Brothers so we can save everyone, including who loses this duel.”

Sunset gasped, finally realizing. “Yes… that is true.”

“Sunset…!” Terra called to her “Sometimes victory comes with a price, no matter how bad it may seem, it’s what a hero does, like when I had to turn myself into stone to save Jump City from an eruption I caused.”

Though Sunset was unable to understand Terra’s sacrifice, she did feel her reasoning catching up with her.

“They’re right.” she thought. “I might as well do this, and at least I can try and unlock some of my mysteries, but this sure doesn’t make it easier.”

She stood up straight and tall. “Okay… I really hate to do this, but I’m in, and I draw!”

Sunset gave a weak smile, but she was pleased that Sunset was out of her funk a bit.

Terra didn’t know whether to think this was good or bad.

“Now…” Sunset called “...Behold my monsters! I Pendulum Summon…!”

Three flashes of light shot down as she summoned her creatures.




Her three magicians stood side-by-side.

“I now use Timebreaker’s special ability, which allows me to banish himself and your Susanowo until the end of this turn.”

The Magician’s sword began to glow bright as he prepared to strike, but Applejack called “You set off my trap, XYZ REFLECT.”


“When you use a card effect to target an Xyz Monster on my field, the effect is negated, and the card is destroyed, and then you’ll take a big 800 smack-a-roos to your life points.”

Sunset sweat nervously as her Magician got shot by a powerful beam from the trap, shattering him to bits, and sending the remaining waves at her, making her wail.

Sunset LP: 6900 -----> 6100

Sunset quivered in pain as she slowly regained her stance.

Applejack scolded, “You better not be holding back on me again; after what we just talked about…?”

Sunset then grinned, “No, I’m not. That was just a setup for what I really have in mind.”


“Now for the real fun to begin… I Tune Level 3 Nobledragon with level 4 Dragonpulse…”

The two monsters tuned together, sparking roaring flames, which Sunset called out to.

“On flaming wings, and claws that seer,
My mighty beast shall now appear!


Sunset roared as she was bathed in the mystical blue light from the summoning, and her dragon was glowing in the same light.

Applejack and Terra were astounded.

The fading stopped, and Sunset regained herself, but nothing else happened-- nothing to give her any clues or signs of her mystery card.

“I’m not giving up on it.” she thought “I know this only happens when I summon my Odd-Eyes Monsters using their specific summoning methods. Maybe if I keep it up, something may happen… I just hope it isn’t too dangerous.”

“I activate Meteorburt’s ability; when it’s summoned, I can call a monster from the Pendulum Zone to join us in play… so come on down Odd-Eyes!”

Her Pendulum Dragon roared and leapt down onto the field.

(Atk: 2500)

Since it wasn’t Pendulum Summoned, no glowing lights happened, but Sunset had something else in mind.

“I overlay these two level 7 dragons in order to build the Overlay Network.”

The two dragons vanished, and Sunset called into the portal as her next dragon formed.

“With wings so sharp and a shining light
I summon a dragon of great might!


(Atk: 2800)

Her dragon roared, and while its crystal wings were glistening, the dragon was bathed in the dark light, as was Sunset, and it felt stronger than before.

When the light had faded, Sunset was feeling rather strange… almost stronger even.

“What’s happening to me?” she wondered. “I’m starting to feel like I could duel an army.”

Applejack gawked at her, wondering what was happening as well, but Sunset continued her move, engaging her battle phase.

“Go, Absolute Dragon, attack Susanowo!”

Her dragon powered up, ready to strike, but Applejack was no fool, she knew Sunset’s strategy too well.

“Just a minute!” she hollered “I activate my other facedown, NEGATE ATTACK!”

“No!” cried Sunset.

“Eeyup. The attack is stopped and the battle’s over.” said Applejack “And because it’s a counter trap, you can’t use your monster’s effect in response.”

Sunset growled as the attack ceased.

Applejack flicked her long hair back. “I know you, Sunset, you were planning to negate the attack and get more of your monsters out here, but it ain’t happening this turn.”

Sunset growled, and her eyes gave off a small flare, which surprised the others, and even herself.

“Whoa! What was that?” Sunset asked.

Not one of the girls had an idea of just happened her, but they began to wonder if maybe this had to do with the mystery card, since Sunset Xyz and Synchro summoned two dragons on the same turn.

Still, there was nothing she could do this turn, so she had no choice but to stand down, which made her dragon regain its defense points.

“My draw…” said Applejack, “And I play CARD OF SANCTITY, so now we both draw until we’re each holding six cards.”

Terra watched the two girls draw and thought, “Now they’re both refreshed. Who knows what could happen now.”

Applejack looked at her cards, and then peeked up over them.

“Brace yourself, Sunset. I’m about to surprise you big time.

I set Scale 3 BUJIN HIRUKO into my Pendulum Zone.”

“What?” exclaimed Sunset.

“A Pendulum Monster?” added Terra.

The creature rose up into the light, and Sunset kept on gawking at it. “Since when did you have a Pendulum monster?”

Sunset smirked, “I’ve had it in my Side Deck, always keeping it handy, and I added it in after my last duel, because I figure it’ll be useful, and now it is.”

Sunset then informed her, “…If you mean you intend to Pendulum Summon, I’d like to see how. You need another Pendulum Monster to do that.”

Applejack smirked again, “I know that, and I know where to get one, with a little help of this spell.

…Activate EXCHANGE.”

Sunset’s eyes widened. “But that spell makes us both look at each other’s hands and take a card from each other.”

Applejack nodded. “You may as well do it.”

She then turned over her hand to reveal her cards, which appeared as holo-images before Sunset’s eyes. Sunset did the same thing with her six cards.

“Eeyup, just as I hoped.” said Applejack “I’ll take your Wisdom-Eye Magician. I know how it works, and it’ll stop you from using it.”

“Okay…” agreed Sunset “And as for me… I’ll take Bujingi Fox.”

With the agreement made, the physical cards in each of their hands began to magically fade away and reappeared in the opposing players’ respective hands.

The duelists fell silent, and Terra looked back and forth between them, feeling very sweaty.

Not only had they exchanged cards, but they got a good look at each other’s hand and saw other cards, meaning they now had better ideas of what was coming and how to better prepare for it.

Sunset was especially worried as she thought. “I noticed in her hand… she had two spells… Overlay Capture, and Overlay Gift… and I bet I know how she plans to use them.”

She then looked down at the card she took from Applejack.

“This card can’t help me at all. It only works on “Bujin” monsters.”

“Alright, it’s time.” Said Applejack “Hope you’re ready, Sunset, because now I putting Scale 5 WISDOM-EYE MAGICIAN into my other Pendulum Zone, completing the scale.”

The magician appeared, and glared down at Sunset with angry eyes, which turned Sunset’s blood cool.

She thought, “Applejack knew what I could do with that card, and even if she can’t use its Pendulum Ability, she still kept it from me.”

Applejack gazed at the pendulum swinging above her head, and she felt it was beautiful yet mysterious at the same time.

“Now, before I Pendulum summon, I use Susanowo’s ability again. I use one Overlay Unit to add BUJIN ARASUDA to my hand, giving me all I need to perform my first Pendulum Summon.

…And here we go…!!”

Two bright flashes rained down from the sky as she summoned her monsters.”

“BUJIN ARASUDA…” (Atk: 1600)

“BUJIN MIKAZUCHI…” (Atk: 1900)

Her two monsters looked at one another and nodded.

“YEE-HAW… it worked!” Applejack cried for joy. Then she regained her stance, “Now let’s round up the cattle with another spell.


Sunset winced in shock, while Applejack smirked. “This here spell takes all Overlay Units off of your Odd-Eyes, and then attaches them to my Susanowo. Plus, the spell card itself becomes and overlay unit as well.”

“Oh, no!” cried Sunset “That gives you monster a total of four Overlay Units!”

Then she thought quietly, “And without those units, my Odd-Eyes can’t use his own ability either.”

“It’s time for me try the Pendulum Ability of my Hiruko.” said Applejack.

“A Pendulum ability?” cried Sunset.

“Eeyup… Now, by banishing Hiruko from the Pendulum Zone, I can then make an Xyz Summon by using an Xyz Monster I control.”

Sunset groaned softly, not really liking where this was going.

Applejack thrust her arm forth, “I use my Susanowo to build the Overlay Network, and bring out my biggest hitter yet.”

The monster began to appear, and Applejack called out to it.

“Drawn by a sword of mighty will
The beast lurks forth to fight all ill.


(Atk: 2600)

This was a monster Applejack had rarely used because it was hard to summon, but Terra and Sunset gawked up at its shimmering armor, its gigantic sword… not to mention its four overlay units, which were spinning above the head of the beast rather than flowing in diagonal courses around it.

Sunset and Terra were both astounded by the flowing orbs, but Sunset was growing more nervous.

“And now…” Applejack called “Since you know what I got in my hand, I’ll play my last card, XYZ GIFT. It lets me use two overlay units from Amaterasu and I draw two new cards.”

Once again, she was careful not to use any of the units she stole from Sunset.

… Since I got two level 4 Beast-Warriors, I’ll build the overlay network once more.”

Her two monsters vanished into the portal, and she called out to it again…

“Basked in the glowing light of day,
There’s a great, grand creature coming my way!


(Atk: 2500)

Now she had two Xyz monsters in play, which Sunset found impressive, but still frightening.

Applejack raised her arm up, “When Kaguysuchi is Xyz Summoned, I have to send the top five cards in my deck to the graveyard, and if any of them happen to be “Bujin” cards, Kagutsuchi will gain 100 attack points for each one.”

Sunset gawked at Applejack’s deck while thinking, “Knowing her deck, all the cards will be “Bujin” cards.”

She was right, Applejack sent two monsters down, two spells, and one trap, and since they all had “Bujin” in their names… the monster gained 500 attack points.

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 3000)

“Now both monsters are stronger than Sunset’s dragon.” Terra wailed softly. “This can’t be good.”

Applejack looked down at her deck with pride. “I stacked this baby well…” she paused and looked over at Sunset. “…Thanks to you for getting me into the game.”

Sunset’s expression changed, as she remembered the time Applejack was just getting into the game herself…

“Those are some sweet cards, Applejack.” she said to her “And you did it just like I showed you-- each one can help out another.”

Applejack smiled at her, “Well, seeing you and Rainbow Dash duel so much, I decided to jump on the hay wagon and ride it with the rest of you.”

“Well then, what do you say we put it to a test?”

“You’re on, girl.”

The flashback ended, and the two girls were smiling bravely at one another, almost completely forgetting their present situation.

“So that’s why you want this duel to be all out.” said Sunset “It’s not just to push me to be my best, but how much you’ve come along since you started dueling.”

“Eeyup, I’m giving it my all.” said Applejack. “I now banish Bujingi Boar out of my graveyard, which lets me change your Odd-Eyes into defense-mode, and its defense goes down to nothing.”

(Def: 2500) -----> (Def: 0)

“Zero defense points?!” cried Sunset.

“Time to work!” called Applejack, and she engaged her battle phase. “Amaterasu… attack Odd-Eyes Absolute, now!”

Her monster complied and leapt up high into the air, and with one swing of its mighty sword, Sunset’s dragon was crushed.

The shockwaves from the blast still sped past her, and when she unbraced herself she called out, “You just activated my Absolute Dragon’s ability. When it’s sent to the graveyard, I can summon one Odd-Eyes out from my Extra Deck.”

Her deck was glowing brightly, followed by the roar of a dragon materializing.

“…I summon ODD-EYES VORTEX DRAGON… and I’ll put him in defense mode!”

(Def: 3000)

Applejack glared at the big dragon, and even though it was a Fusion Monster, since it was no properly Fusion Summoned, neither the dragon nor Sunset were glowing in light.

Terra was astounded as she said herself “That’s a smart move. With Odd-Eyes’ defense at 3000, Applejack’s Kagutsuchi can’t attack it.”

Sunset then called out, “Since Vortex Dragon was summoned, I activate his special ability, which lets me target your Amaterasu, and send it back to your Extra Deck.”

As her dragon began to flap its massive wings, Sunset thought “By sending that monster away, both my Odd-Eyes monsters will go straight to the graveyard.”

“Nice try!” Applejack called “I banish BUJINGI TURTLE from my graveyard. It stops your Odd-Eyes targeting my monster.”

Sunset then smirked, “No problem, I’ll use my own special ability. All I have to do is shuffle Timebreaker Magician from my Extra Deck to my Main Deck, and it cancels your Turtle’s power.

Her dragon was about to unleash it’s force, when it was suddenly stopped when water started pouring down on its head.

“Hey, what the--!” exclaimed Sunset, and then she saw Applejack, standing before a card images from a quick-play card she had used.

“Got’cha!” she called to her. “I figured you’d try and stop my Turtle’s power, so I used FORBIDDEN CHALICE, to block out your monster’s effects for the rest of the turn.”

Terra gazed in awe, realizing Sunset had failed to get rid of Applejack’s monsters, but at least she herself was safe… for the moment.

“I’ll place one card facedown, and that’s all for me.” said Applejack. “Now, give me all you got!”

“With pleasure.” called Sunset. “I draw!”

Much as Sunset knew she couldn’t use Applejack’s Fox card, but with a hand of seven altogether, she felt she had a load of ways to turn things around.

“Now I set Scale 3 XIANGKE MAGICIAN into my Pendulum Zone, to complete the scale once more.”

The second her magician took his place in the light, Applejack called to her “…I activate a trap, POWER BALANCE.”

“Ah!” cried Sunset.

Applejack explained, “This here trap can only be played when my hand is empty, which it is. Now you have to discard half the cards your holding, and I get to draw cards equal to the number you throw out.”

“No way!” thought Sunset “That means I have to discard three cards, and Applejack gets to draw three.”

She looked at her Vortex Dragon, but she decided, “I dare not use his effect, not just yet. Applejack could be planning something huge, and I better stand ready for it.”

She then gawked over at Kagutsuchi, remembering its effect. “That monster can protect other Bujins from being destroyed, so my effects may not work too well either.”

Applejack was starting to lose her patience. “Well, go on… toss out three cards.”

Snapping back into reality, Sunset looked at her hand trying to decide which cards to ditch, and she realized she still had Bujingi Fox, which Applejack could still use if she sent it away, which prompted her not discard it.

She sent three cards away, finally allowing Applejack to draw her own three.

“Okay, Applejack.” said Sunset “I’m ready to come at you with everything I have!”

“Bring it!”

Terra adjusted her shirt and jacket, feeling hot and sweaty from all the stress and anxiety.

Part of her wished she was off with the others, and that snapped her into other reality. “The others…! I wonder if they’re okay.”

While all that was happening, Karle placed the last card in her hand facedown, finally ending her turn.

Karle LP: 3500

Fluttershy LP: 6000

Karle then smirked. “I must admit, you obviously duel with a lot of passion, and you may have some skills.”

Fluttershy took it all as an insult.

“…But if you think you have this duel won, you’ve got another thing coming, and that’s a huge defeat.”

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes at Karle, but deep down she was fretting, because what had in play, alone, wouldn’t be enough to win.

The friends were all worried about her too.

“Poor Fluttershy.” said Kori. “Do you think she can still win this?”

“I don’t think, I know she can do it!” said Rainbow.

“That goes double for me.” added Pinkie, and she called over “Come on, Fluttershy, show her, and Gar what dueling with friendship is all about.”

Fluttershy smiled at her friends, and then she turned to look at Gar standing in the distance. She couldn’t see beneath his face-covers, but she had her hunch that he was still morbidly unmoved.

“She doesn’t have a chance.” he thought to himself “And now it’s going to cost her dearly, but that’s what you get for getting involved where you’re not wanted.”

Fluttershy placed her fingers over her next card.

“It’s my turn, and I draw!”

Without even looking at her card, she called to Karle. “Now I get to gain 200 life points thanks to Marie in my graveyard.

Fluttershy LP: 6000 -----> 6200

“And since my life points went up, the Fire Princess will burn another 500 of your life points.”

The Princess aimed her magic staff and shot more fire at Karle again.

Karle LP: 3500 -----> 3000

Dick was muttering nervously under his breath, “Come on… Come on, you can beat her.”

Only then did Fluttershy gaze down at what she had drawn.

“I activate GRACEFUL CHARITY, and this spell lets me draw three cards, as long as I discard two.”

She still only had one card in hand when all was said and done, and yet she smirked.

“Since I just sent another DANDYLION to the graveyard, two more Fluff Tokens are now summoned to my field.”

Her two little tokens puffed out.

(Def: 0) x2

“And now, I summon the Tuner Monster, SUNNY PIXIE.”

(Atk: 300)

“Don’t be fooled by her size. She may be a tiny pixie, but she’ll be most useful for what I have planned, especially when I tune her with my Fire Princess and my tokens.”

The tiny pixie began to flutter around the monsters, changing them all into the tuning rings, which coiled around her.

Fluttershy called out as her monster began to emerge in a bright light…

“On wings of light, and powers so high,
This mighty creature descends from the sky.


(Atk: 2100)

Her mighty creature stretched out its glowing wings, and let out a loud, yet sacred screech.

Karle covered her eyes with arm. “Watch it with those lights!” she groaned.

Fluttershy just snuffed.

“Oh, I should mention something more; when my Sunny Pixie is used to Synchro Summon a Light monster, then my life points are boosted by 1000 points.”

She was then bathed in a shower of sparkles, which felt nice to her…

Fluttershy LP: 6200 -----> 7200

“So what?” sneered Karle “Without your Fire Princess, you can’t burn my life points any longer.”

Fluttershy’s eye gave a small twinkle. “I don’t have to, because I have last card to play.”


“I play my face-down; the Equip-Spell, FAIRY METEOR CRUSH.”

Karle’s eyes widened. “What?! …Fairy Meteor Crush? Impossible!”

The friends began to go wild with great hope.

“Ah, yeah!” shouted Rainbow “Way to play it, Fluttershy!”

Dick nodded, “Thanks to that spell card, if Wyvern attacks monster in defense mode, Karle will still take damage from the attack.”

“And what’s more…” added Pinkie “Since Fluttershy has more life points than Karle, Wyvern gains attack points equal to the difference in the scores.”

This meant that Wyvern gained a 4200 attack point boost.

(Atk: 2100) -----> (Atk: 6300)

The monster was glowing brighter than ever before as it eyed the defending monsters on Karle’s field, preferably at Cat Dancer, whom had the weakest defense of 2000.

Karle growled angrily, much to Fluttershy’s delight. “Even though Cat Dancer can’t be destroyed in battle, once my Wyvern attacks it, your life points will be all gone.”

Then she turned round to look over her shoulders to see that Gar was still watching, which he was.

“He’ll have to see at least some worth in my kindness now.” she thought, and then engaged her battle phase.

“Go Wyvern… attack Cat Dancer!”

Her monster complied, and opened its huge mouth to unleash a powerful and bright ray of light!

POW!! The beam was launched, straight at Cat Dancer…

The blast got closer, and closer…

“Go on!!” hollered Rainbow.

“Come on, Fluttershy!” cheered Kori.

The attack struck, and as Karle was about to get hit when…

“I activate the trap, GIFT CARD!”

“What?!” gasped Fluttershy. Remembering she had that very card in her own deck, she knew “…That card gives me 3000 life points.”

Fluttershy LP: 7200 -----> 10,200

“Whoa!” cried Pinkie “Fluttershy has over ten-thousand life points.”

“But that move doesn’t make a lick of sense.” said Dick “Now Wyvern gains another 3000 attack points as well.”

(Atk: 6300) -----> (Atk: 9300)

“Why would you do that?” asked Fluttershy “Now you’ll just take even more damage.”

Karle scoffed, “…Not if I play this; SELF-DESTRUCT BUTTON!”


The friends all gawked on too while Gar growled under his covers.

Karle snickered as the image of her trap began to pulsate. “This can only be played if my life points are lower than yours by at least 7000 points.

Now, everything is about to explode, and both our scores drop to zero!!”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened.

“They’re both going to lose?!” exclaimed Kori.

“…But that’s-- it’s just--” Rainbow couldn’t find words to say about that.

The card image gave off one final, really bright glow.

“IT’S GONNA BLOW!!” shouted Pinkie, and she hit the ground hard.

The card then exploded in a mighty and forceful blast, which shook the nearby area in a huge quake.

The light consumed all the cards on the field.

Fluttershy wailed and screamed as the brightness engulfed her, while Karle stood her ground as the force shoved her hard.

The brightness of the explosion was so massive…

…From far, far away, where Applejack and Sunset were dueling; both they and Terra could see the brightness, shimmering in the distance like a star.

“What is that?” wondered Sunset.

“A star, on the ground?” suggested Applejack, but she felt that was ridiculous.

The brightness began to fade down.

“Could someone else be dueling?” wondered Terra, and then she began to worry if maybe it was one of the others, or even still. “Could Gar be dueling there?”

To Be Continued…

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