• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,141 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

  • ...

...That are hard to believe.

As everyone waited for the princess to respond to the letter, Kirby began poking at Spike. When the puff saw how Spike burned the letter Rarity had him write Kirby was most confused. Spike had then explained that his fire breath was magical in nature and that it could be used as a two way communication method. Kirby was amazed by the idea. and was silently trying to see if Spike's fire could do anything else.

"Hmm? Is something wrong Kirby?" Spike asked.

"Fiyah!" Kirby responded, mimicking Spikes method of fire breathing as best he could. "Pwease?"

Spike looked at the pink puff and shook his head.

"Sorry Kirby, but I can't exactly breath fire all willy nilly inside the library." said the small drake. "If I accidentally burned the tree or one of the books Twilight would kill me!"

Kirby sighed and sat down. Spike looked at his new buddy and smiled.

"Hey cheer up! I'm sure Princess Celestia will send her response pretty soon, and I have to breathe fire for that." Spike told the puff. Seeing Kirby perk up at this, Spike soon found himself boasting a bit. "So you shouldn't have to wait too much longer to witness my amazing fire skills!"


The ponies rolled their eyes at Spike's words, but before any of them could speak up a bright light brightened the room, forcing everyone to shield their eyes. Once the light dimmed down, everyone took a glance towards the spot where the light had once been, only to realize that two large ponies were in its place. The girls and Spike gasped, throwing their faces towards the ground at the arrival of these two newcomers. Kirby on the other hand eyed the two with curiosity.

"P-princess Celestia! Princess Luna! We weren't expecting you to drop in so suddenly!" Rarity choked. The others murmured in agreement.

"Its quite alright Rarity." said Celestia. "Luna and I just wanted to see what manner of creature we may be dealing with here."

"Well if you want to see it" Rainbow Dash spoke up, "Its right over there!" She pointed behind the two royal ponies with a glare. The two princess turned around to see Kirby staring at them. The three stared at each other for what seemed like ages. Celestia was surprised to see what Kirby looked like firsthoof, while Luna seemed to eye the puff for any ill intentions. Kirby stared at the two with equal intensity. Though he was looking at them both, he stared more towards Luna. He could swear that he had seen her before, yet he couldn't quite place it. At last Celestia made the first move.

"Greetings" The solar alicorn said in her most regal voice. "I am Princess Celestia, one of the Royal sisters that rule over Equestria and ruler of the Day." She took a look at Kirby to see that he still had what she thought was a neutral expression.

"And I am Princess Luna" the moon princess spoke up, never taking her eyes off of Kirby. "The other royal sister to rule over Equestria and the ruler of the night."

Kirby looked between the two regal ponies before thumping his body enthusiastically, a ring of stars appearing from the action that disappeared almost as soon as they came.

"Hiii! Name Kirby!" he said.

The girls gasped at Kirby's attitude towards the Princesses. These two weren't ordinary ponies! These two were responsible for raising the sun and the moon! Everypony - nay - everyTHING on the planet knew of this fact! How could he show such blatant disregard to the task that these untouchable goddesses-!!

"Nice to meet yuu!"

Kirby held out his small pink nub of an arm out towards the princesses. The two regal ponies looked at it, then to each other, before finally putting their hooves out to shake Kirby's arm. First Celestia, then Luna. The entire time the girls were in a shocked silence. Spike could only look at them and sigh, wondering why they still kept the princesses on a pedestal after all this time.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Kirby." Said Celestia, now sounding less regal and much more friendly. She turned to face the other equine occupants in the room. "Now, what exactly has happened here today?" Celestia then realized that a pony was missing from the group. "And where is Twilight?"

"Ah took her upstairs to her room." stated Applejack. "We were fighting that monster Rarity told you about when Kirby did some weird thing with his mouth. We all saw it, but Twilight passed out from the sight."

"And we've been trying to get answers outta him but he won't say anything!" Rainbow hastily interjected, much to her friend's annoyance. Celestia raised an eyebrow at this while Luna scrutinized Kirby, eyeing him all over.

"I see" Celestia said at last. "So Kirby is the reason Twilight is currently unconscious?"

Rainbow was about to answer, but Spike quickly beat her to the punch.

"Yeah, but he didn't do it on purpose!" The young drake hastily spat out. Rarity and Fluttershy seemed grateful for the quick save, while Rainbow Dash glared suspiciously at the trio. Celestia had barely begun to open her mouth to voice another question when Rarity spoke up.

"Your highness, our dear Kirby here has a...rather unique ability. He can open his mouth and create gusts of wind that draw in whatever they catch. Twilight saw this action and fainted. The poor dear's been out cold since."

"Have you tried asking Kirby about any possible reasons for this happening?" The alabaster alicorn asked.

The everypony's expression except for Rainbow's fell. Fluttershy explained the situation to the princesses.

"So he cannot speak Equestrian very well, but he can understand our words and meanings clearly?"

"Y-yes your highness." Fluttershy squeaked softly, hiding behind her mane.

Celestia turned her gaze to the floor, falling into deep thoughts. All eyes fell upon her, wondering what she was thinking about. Eventually, the alicorn looked up and turned to her younger sister.

"Luna? What do you suggest we do.?" she asked.

Luna turned back to Kirby, the puff gazing deeply into her eyes. After a moment she turned back to her sister and gave her response.

"I suppose we could enter his personal dreamscape to see if he has any ill intent." the lunar princess said hestitantly. "But that depends if he is willing to cooperate." Spike caught on to her hesitation.

"Princess Luna?" he asked slowly, "What would you have to do in order to do that? And how exactly would looking into Kirby's dreams tell if he's good or not?" Luna sighed softly.

"Normally" she began, "Looking into one's dreams wouldn't exactly display their character and nature as a dream can take many forms and is very easily influenced. A minuscule event from the current day can influence or even create the foundation of an entire dream." Luna faced towards the group. "However, using my magic, I can nullify these outside influences on the dreamscape and allow the mind to use the character of a pony as the foundation instead." Luna looked towards Spike who still seemed a bit hesitant. " And as for what little Kirby needs to do, he just needs to be asleep." Spike relaxed at this.

"So we just need to get this guy asleep?" Rainbow asked, now hovering in the air and pointing lazily towards the pink ball. Luna looked away.

"Correct, though that depends on if he wishes to do so. Doing such a thing against ones will could have some... repercussions, to put it mildly." answered Luna, facing Kirby once more.

Kirby was deep in thought, though one would never know based on his expression. So they wanted him to sleep so they could see what his dreams were like? It didn't seem too bad in theory, though he had to wonder what would happen. He also couldnt shake the feeling that he knew this particular pony from somewhere. Regardless he eventually, looked up towards Luna and looked her straight in the eyes.


Luna visibly relaxed. She now had Kirbys cooperation.

"Very well" the lunar pony stated, charging her horn with magic. "I shall cast a light sleeping spell upon you. Once you're asleep, I shall enter your dream." Luna hesitated for a moment. "Are you sure you wish to go through with this?"

Kirby nodded. If it would help ease his friend's worries then he would do anything!

Luna smiled and her horn glowed slightly brighter. Kirby found himself surrounded by a dark blue aura, and being lifted slightly upwards. It felt nice.

Really nice.

Incredibly amazingly nice....

The pink puff felt like he was wrapped in the warmest of blankets, hugging his entire being.

Yet it felt so right, soothing his body and putting him at ease. In no time at all, Kirby felt his eyes grow heavy. As he drifted off he felt a slight weight atop his head that wasn't there a moment prior. But he didn't have the energy to dwell on the matter, all he wanted to do at the moment was sleep.

Everyone present watched as Kirby succumbed to Luna's sleep spell. They were surprised when Kirby suddenly sprouted a spotted cyan night cap.

"W-where did the hat come from?" stuttered Spike.

Luna seemed disinterested with the spontaneously appearing headgear and focused her attention to the now sleeping Kirby.

"Where the headwear came from is of no importance." She said, sternly. "I need to concentrate for the time being, so I ask to not be disturbed for the moment."

Celestia, the girls, and Spike nodded. They simply backed away from the lunar princess as she charged more magic into her horn. Closing her eyes, Luna felt the familiar feeling of entering the Dream Realm. Opening her eyes to the familiar endless space, Luna's attention once again fell upon a star shaped dream portal.

"Perhaps I can get some answers." she thought aloud.

Bracing herself for whatever could be on the other side, she flew into the portal.

When her vision cleared, Luna was greeted by large fields and rolling hills. The sky was blue and the grass was a brilliant shade of green. Looking farther out, she could see a large mountain with a small castle at it's peak. Squinting her eyes she could see that the castle inexplicably seemed to be glaring at her.

"That... is quite a sight." She said to herself.

"Eh, it could do without the evil eyes."

Luna, startled, whirled around looking for the source of the voice.

"Um, down here?"

Luna looked down to find Kirby, who was standing directly in front of her with a look of concern on his face. Luna didn't know what to say. She was the Princess of the Night! Keeper of dreams! How had this being in front of her manage to sneak up and startle her like this, in her element no less?

"Uh, are you alright?" the pink puff asked.

Quickly recomposing herself, Luna answered the question.

"Yes little one, I am fine." Luna looked down at the puff, looking over his body to see if anything was off. So far nothing seemed malicious about the puff, though that held true in the real world so it wasn't much. But before anything else could be said, a bell rang in the distance. Kirby seemed excited if the grin he wore was any indication.

"Oh boy! Snack time!" he exclaimed. Kirby quickly ran off into the distance, leaving a rather stunned princess far behind.

"H-hey!" Luna shouted, racing to catch up with the puff. When Kirby came into view again, Luna found him sitting on a picnic blanket, munching on various foods with other creatures that she did not recognize... except for one. Wings flaring to her sides, she noticed that the largest creature among the bunch was the creature that Rarity claimed attacked Ponyville. Yet, on closer inspection, there were subtle differences with the the beast that don't match the sketch. Luna slowed down on her approach to the blanket. The other creatures hardly seemed to acknowledge her existence, but Kirby noticed her approach.

"Hey!" he called out. "Wanna join? The food's delicious!" The puff gestured to the spread of food upon the blanket. Luna declined, keeping a wary eye on the beast that was currently ripping into some sort of meat on a bone. After a while she turned her attention back to Kirby.

"He seems so.... carefree." She thought, "It's as if nothing is a burden to him." Luna looked over to the the penguin like creature once more. "Yet he's casually having a picnic with this creature which was said to have attacked our subjects mercilessly." She grimaced, realizing that she would have to manipulate the dreamscape around her if she wanted more information. After all, she had only scratched the surface. Charging her magic, Luna began to pull from the puffs mind, looking for something that would cause strife. "I don't like it, but I'll have to see what he does when faced with an adversary." The sky grew dark, Kirby and the other creatures looked upwards. When Luna looked up, she gasped. In the sky was the massive abomination from Kirby's previous dream. Luna watched as Kirby's expression changed from happiness to fear.

"S-s-star Dream!?" the puff squeaked. backing away slowly. Luna frowned, finding the name rather inappropriate, given what the behemoth was doing to him.

Then everything happened at once.

Large metal towers erected themselves across the dreamscape in the blink of an eye. Within mere moments of their completion, a blue wave erupted from the base of them, before turning into an ever expanding sheet of metal, consuming the lush landscape and replacing it with new metallic land. Kirby watched in horror before looking up and yelping.

Luna turned her attention towards the puff, before looking at what had his attention. Countless numbers of strange mechanical golems came raining down from the the behemoth, now known as "Star Dream" to Luna. She watched as the events unfolded around her. Then she heard wicked laughter. Turning around she saw Kirby was facing off against, the beast. However it had changed. It looked far more ferocious and was a dead ringer for Rarity's sketch from earlier.

"It would seem that something has happened to the creature to turn it into this." Luna thought. She watched the battle with interest, watching as the puff did his best to avoid the attacks of the monster.

"You aren't Dedede!" Kirby shouted out, dodging a swing from the beast's mallet. A star was left behind from the failed attack. Inhaling swiftly, Kirby inhaled it and shot it back towards the clone, though it was much bigger than it should have been. The malicious clone was reduced to nothing almost immediately. Luna was surprised to see such a method of attack, but she had seen enough to realize that the beast that attacked Ponyville and Kirby were not partners in crime. But the puff still didn't seem to relax. Turning back towards the chaos, he charged away towards Star Dream.

Luna was surprised but charged after him, unsure of what would occur.

Everyone watched as Luna stood silent and unmoving. Her eyes were closed and her horn was glowing dimly. The only motions made by the Lunar alicorn, was her mane gently blowing in the ethereal winds. Kirby on the other hand, was snoring softly, a small stream of bubbles floating from him as he snoozed away. Most of the girls and even Celestia found their hearts melting from the adorable sight. Spike and Rainbow Dash however weren't so quick to fall into cuteness overload.

"Hmph. It may be cute, but I don't trust it for a second." Rainbow muttered. Turning her attention away from the sleeping puff, she turned towards the stairwell. Flapping her wings she flew upstairs and towards the other sleeping being within the Library. Twilight was still knocked out, snoring gently upon her bed. Rainbow sighed and looked out the window. It was getting rather late at this point. The sun was setting, and princess Luna hadn't returned from Kirby's dreams to tell of his intentions. The pegasus grunted in annoyance. First some monster attacks Ponyville, then this pink puff caused Twilight to pass out. Sure it had helped defeat, the monster in the end, but it still irked Rainbow to no end.

"I'm willing to bet that all this happened because of him." She mused. Looking back towards her sleeping friend, she sat down upon the floor, thinking about what Kirby. Both he, and the monster could make tornado like winds come from their mouths. Rainbow had struggled to fly against it despite her being one of the best, if not THE best, fliers in Equestria.

Then there was the fact that the beast knew Kirby's name. Obviously that meant they knew each other, which meant that they had to have come from the same place. Combining that to the fact that the beast could apparently put almost anything in its mouth and Kirby could do the same, Rainbow came to the conclusion that whatever they were, they were probably related in some way.

Rainbow's eyes narrowed.

Perhaps..... similarly to a certain pest that had attacked Ponyville once before.

Thinking about Kirby and the beast in an entirely new light, Rainbow Dash began trot back down the stairs.

Luna had finally caught up to Kirby. She had to give the puff credit, despite his appearance, he was surprisingly swift. Looking up towards the darkened sky, she saw Star dream floating in place, otherworldly lights flowing across it's massive body. Then, without warning, it began to turn. Luna watched as Kirby tensed, looking ready to combat whatever was happening. Then the shiny metallic surface seemed to give way to something more flesh like, despite the silver coloration. Luna was expecting a multitude of horrible abominations, a creature that could send fear into the hearts of even the bravest and mightiest of warriors. What she got, was the face of a cat. Luna scoffed. This was what the puff was afraid of? She could understand the strange golems and the ever changing ground. But what was before her didn't seem scary, it looked ridiculous.

Then Star Dream meowed.

Luna shouted in surprise as the entire dreamscape was suddenly altered against Kirby's will. She tried to use her magic to keep things from devolving further but to her shock and horror, she found that her magic was actively being resisted.

Whatever this "Star Dream" was, it certainly held a strong hold on Kirby's mind, and it was shown to be immensely powerful. Too powerful. Luna struggled to keep everything under control, her horn glowing brightly and letting off sparks. Star dreams eyes grew bright, and Luna felt the resistance she faced grow even stronger. But the moon princess wouldn't have it. Luna concentrated, letting off more and more power, her horn glowing brighter and brighter. Eventually she had to shut her eyes, from the light of her own horn, but she kept pushing. The resistance grew weaker, and weaker. Then suddenly it gave way, letting Luna's magic surge forwards. Star Dream, the golems, and the strange towers vanished instantly. The ground was reverted back into lovely green grass and the beauty of the dreamscape was restored.

Luna slumped to the newly restored ground, feeling more tired than she felt she should. She now understood why Kirby was afraid of Star Dream. What she had witnessed seemed to indicate it could bend and alter reality on a whim, similar to Discord but on a much larger, and more destructive scale.

"Anypony would be afraid of such power." She thought to herself. "But surely this "Star Dream" is just a manifestation of a fear. Such a thing couldn't possibly exist."


Luna turned towards the voice. Kirby was pointing directly at her, a look of surprise etched on his face.

"I remember now! I saw you in a dream!" he exclaimed. "I didn't know you were real!"

Luna chuckled. "While I am in fact a real being, little one, we are currently inside your dreams at this very moment."

Kirby tilted his head in confusion. "W-wait? This is a dream?" the puff asked tentatively. Luna simply nodded. Kirby looked at his surroundings for a moment. Then his memories came flooding back to him all at once.

He had made new friends.

The ground hadn't been metal until now.

Mount Dedede was in the distance yet it hadn't been before.

"I-I'm dreaming." he said softly. Then he began running around the land with newfound excitement.

"I'm dreaming!" he shouted. He began to run in circles, taking in his surrounding in a new light. "This is amazing!"

Luna watched the puff with amusement. After a moment she cleared her throat, gaining the puffs attention.

"Now now little one. I know you are probably excited but I must some questions." said the lunar alicorn. Kirby nodded eagerly.

"Ok!" he chirped cheerfully and he plopped down onto the grass. Luna couldn't help but smile a bit at Kirby's attitude.

"Alright, where do you come from little one?" She asked.

"I'm from Dreamland!" replied Kirby. He began to look around his dream. "This whole dream looks just like it!"

Luna took a glance at her surroundings once more.

"I don't recognize this place at all little one." Luna said at last. "My sister an I have been across Equestria and beyond, and I've never seen a place such as this." She turned back towards Kirby. "May I ask, where on Planet Equis does this quaint kingdom you hail from reside?" The alicorn charged up her horn and summoned a globe. It rotated slowly, letting Kirby see the entirety of the planet that he was currently on. But looking at the globe itself, the puff knew that he couldn't point out his home here. Kirby frowned at this. He really was on an entirely different planet.

"Actually, my home wouldn't be here." said the puff. "Dreamland is on another planet."

Luna frowned at Kirby's words.

"Now isn't the time for jesting little one." She lightly chided.

"I'm serious." Kirby insisted. "I come from Dreamland, which is on Planet Popstar." He pointed to the globe. "That doesn't look like Popstar at all."

Luna glared at Kirby, staring into his eyes. Kirby looked back with much less intensity. After a while, Luna sighed. She would go with the story for now.

"Very well" She groaned softly. "My next question. The elements have told my sister and I that a beast attacked Ponyville today." Luna's horn began to glow. The globe that had remained floating began to shift before changing into a larger version of Rarity's sketch of the Dedede clone. Luna pointed a hoof towards the sketch. "You were having lunch with this creature within the confines of your dream as if you were friends, yet not moments later you were trading blows with it. I do not wish to make assumptions of the matter, but this is does not paint a clear picture, and certainly puts you as a potential threat." Luna stomped her hoof onto the ground. "I require an explanation."

Kirby looked towards the drawing and quickly connected the dots.

"That thing and King Dedede are two different things." He huffed. Luna arched an eyebrow at this.

"So this is your King?" she asked, pointing towards the sketch. Kirby shook his head.

"No, that's just some phony that someone made to hurt me." he said. "The guy at the picnic blanket with the red robes is what the real Dedede looks like."

"I... see." Luna said softly. "Tell me... why exactly would anypony want to hurt you? I'll admit you do have some battle prowess, but I fail to see what anypony would have to gain from it. You don't seem like much of a warrior."

"Actually, I'm the one who keeps my planet safe from danger!" Kirby said happily. "Whenever there's trouble, I'm there to help!"

Luna gave a slight nod. Kirby's supposed willingness to help others, was a good trait.

"That is quite noble of you little Kirby." She said. "But tell me, you seemed to be okay facing that... replica, but you seemed to cower at... Star Dream, was it? Could you tell me about it?" Luna leaned forwards. Though Kirby wasn't one of her subjects, she still wanted to know more about Star dream so she could help Kirby with whatever fear that he have.

Kirby shivered.

"Star Dream...." He the puff began. "Star Dream... is a planet sized computer. It was made to act the same way another one of it's kind was." Kirby looked downwards. "But I think Star Dream's maker made a mistake or something building it, because when he tried to turn it on..." Kirby teared up a bit. Then he felt something soft drape aaround him. Looking up he saw that the Princess had covered him with one of her wings.

"I...It's okay if you do not wish to continue with the tale little one." Luna consoled. Kirby sniffed and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Poyo. I-i mean... I'm fine." the puff stumbled. Kirby took in a deep breath, and exhaled it slowly. He began to tell Luna the rest of the story. How a corrupt business man created Star Dream and lost control of not only his creation, but his entire being as well. Once he was finished, Kirby turned away sadly.

"The last thing I remember was that I was about to destroy Star Dream, but then it used the Black Hole attack, and that's where I can't recall anything. I just woke up in Fluttershy's house feeling horrible." Kirby concluded. He kicked the dirt on the ground idly. At this point he didn't know what he would do. As he thought about his predicament, Luna had thoughts of her own.

It was clear that Kirby wouldn't threaten the ponies of Equestria, at least not intentionally. He had turned out to be kinder and more considerate than most ponies she knew. However, his outrageous story seemed to suggest that he was young, and that he really didn't understand the gravity of the situation he was in. But his tale had left him so sad, that she couldn't find it in her to accuse him of anything. It certainly didn't help that he was admittedly one of the cutest things that she had ever seen.

Taking her mind away from thoughts of Kirby in tears, she began to delve into the other part of the information she had obtained. She didn't know what to make of Star Dream. The idea of a computer of that scale and power was absurd! Equestrian computers were barely usable. They were indeed massive and took up a whole room. Only the richest of ponies could even attempt to purchase one. But those paled in comparison to Star Dream's supposed size. Luna would have chalked it up as Kirby having a fear of technology, if his story didn't depict him going into space, aboard some massive advanced airship to battle it. Luna kept trying to wrap her head around it, looking for some sort of reason or rhyme to the puff's tale, but she couldn't find anything that made sense. After what seemed like an eternity she gave up. Looking for something else and leaving her thoughts for later, she spotted Kirby looking at her with worry.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Little Kirby." Luna began. "I thank you for your cooperation." Luna stood up and began charging her horn with magic.

Kirby smiled.

"It's no problem!" he chirped.

Luna gave him a small smile, before closing her eyes. Her horn emitted a bright light that began to expand rapidly. Soon everything in the dreamscape became a void of white, before disappearing entirely.

Kirby opened his eyes. He felt incredibly drowsy though he could swear that he was full of energy not too long ago. Suddenly he snapped to attention, realizing the events that had transpired. He quickly hopped off of his stomach and onto his feet. Looking around he saw that the ponies was talking to Princesses. Though he couldn't see all of their faces, they seemed to be relieved about something. Curious, Kirby made a step forwards before feeling that something was off. Feeling his head, he felt something soft. Removing the offending object from his head, he found that his Sleep Cap had been summoned. Kirby was confused. He hadn't brought it out, nor did he eat anything that would grant him the ability. Deciding not to dwell on it, he place the cap into his mouth and swallowed it. With nothing else to distract him, he made his way over to the group.

"And I can safely say that he is of no threat to anypony." said a regal voice. Kirby heard the group let out a collective sigh, though he could swear he could hear grumbling coming from within the group.

"Hi!" He called out, waving towards the ponies. The smaller pnoies flinched and turned towards Kirby. Kirby jumped back, not expecting the sudden movement. The girls sighed when they realized who it was. Spike poked his head from behind the group, before walking up towards the pink puff.

"Well dude. It seems like the princesses have given you the ok!" He exclaimed. Seeing Kirby's confused expression he clarified himself. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna said that its alright for you to live in Ponyville!"

Kirby jumped up happily. Though he wasn't really concerned with having a place to stay, the potential issue had been taken care of anyway. That was reason enough to be happy in Kirby's mind.

Suddenly there was a large burst of confetti. Kirby was taken by surprise as Pinkie Pie appeared from seemingly nowhere and scooped him up into her hooves.

"Oh boy! That means I've gotta throw you a Welcome to Ponyville Party!" the party pony exclaimed. We could have games, dancing, music, food, more games, more music, decorations-!"

"Food! Food!" Kirby shouted with excitement, breaking away from Pinkie. Rarity and Spike backed up slightly, looking towards the ground nervously at Kirby's behavior. Rainbow Dash caught this.

"Is something wrong Rarity?" she asked, looking towards the fashionista with a slight glare. Rarity flinched slightly. Rainbow noticed but said nothing about it.

"No dear nothing is wrong." Rarity said just a little too quickly. "I just, wasn't expecting Kirby to be so excited about the prospect of getting something eat. That's all." The white unicorn forced a smile.

Rainbow Dash wasn't the Element of Honesty, but she could tell that Rarity was definitely hiding something and it involved Kirby. Turning to look at him, she found that he was still bouncing around chanting "food" and he didn't seem to be slowing down. The puff's behavior made her believe her theory more and more. She didn't exactly have any evidence to prove it, though in time she figured that she could bring down the hammer and show her friends what was up.

"Well my little ponies I do believe Luna and I must return to Canterlot." Celestia spoke up. She turned to look at Kirby. Celestia smiled at the elated puffball. "I hope to see you more in the future." She chuckled. "Perhaps under better circumstances next time."

"I agree dear sister." said Luna. "This has certainly been an interesting visit, though I do hope next time will be more... casual."

The two sisters began charging their horns, preparing to make the long-distance teleport. The ponies waved towards the princess before a flash filled the room. When everyone opened their eyes the princesses were gone.

Spike turned to Kirby who had finally calmed down. Spike simply smiled at the puff's antics.

"Well Kirby, we have a full day tomorrow. And I'm sure you'll want to explore Ponyville." the young drake said.

Kirby nodded.

"Well then. Tomorrow, I can show you around town!" Spike gave a nervous chuckle. "Well, I can show you better than I could last time, since it'll be daytime and all." He stumbled.

"Poyo! Can't wayat to C!"

Spike simply laughed.

"Welp, its good to know that you ain't some dangerous vandal or something running around Ponyville." Began Applejack "But it's gotten mighty late, and Ah need to get back to the farm."

Kirby turned towards the nearest window and saw that the moon had risen. There was barely any sunlight left. How long had he been out?

"I must agree with Applejack." said Rarity. "Sweetie Belle is probably home by now and is probably wondering what happened today."

"Oh dear, I should probably head back and see if the animals need anything. Angel must be positively famished!" worried Fluttershy.

One by one the ponies began to leave the Library and head home. Rarity and Fluttershy offered to take Kirby in since he could now officially live in Ponyville, but Kirby declined, pointing towards Spike to get his message across. The two nodded and left the Library.

Rainbow Dash was, surprisingly to Spike, the last to leave. She simply hovered in the air above Kirby, glaring harshly at him. Kirby looked at the rainbow maned pegasus with confusion and a bit of sadness. Did he do something to offend her? Rainbow hovered there for a minute before snorting and flying out the door.

"Gee I wonder what's up with her?" Questioned Spike. The young drake turned towards Kirby, then looked around the room until his eyes fell upon the closet. Spike made his way over and opened it up, pulling out a sleeping bag. "Well since you're staying here you'll need this." Spike gave Kirby the sleeping bag. Kirby looked at it for a moment before placing it on the floor. He jumped onto it and made himself comfortable before drifting off to sleep. Spike smiled. Reducing the light within the room, Spike made his way back up the stair to his basket. He turned around to the sleeping form of Kirby before shutting the door.

With the door closed, Spike was greeted with a soft snoring. Twilight was still sleeping away upon her bed. Spike frowned. Making his way over to her sleeping for, the drake looked over her.

"Hey...." He began, "I know you can't hear me right now cause you're asleep, but I wanted to say.... I'm... sorry I wasn't there for you." A lone tear fell from his eye and hit the wooden paneling. He gave Twilight a light hug, before making his way towards his basket and curled up. Stifling a yawn, Spike fell asleep soon fell asleep within the confines of his basket, ready to take on the adventures of a new day.

A bright flash filled the throne room. When the light faded it revealed the two Royal Sisters standing in all their glory.

"Well then Luna" said Celestia. "That was quite the event wasn't it?"

"Indeed" agreed Luna, "Today has been quite the ordeal. "This "Kirby" has given me much to think about."

"Really? Was there something within his dreams that caught your interest?" Questioned Celestia. Luna had given Kirby the all clear. Was there more to the story?

Luna hesitated.

"Well..." Luna paused. "Kirby certainly has some interesting..... fears I suppose. I've never seen such things in my entire lifetime." She turned away from her older sibling. "And though I deemed him safe to be around our subjects, I don't think he's all there. He claims to be from another planet Tia."

"That... is indeed quite ridiculous." Celestia said softly.

"He had an entire story to back it up too!" continued Luna. "He is indeed a kind soul, but he genuinely believes his delusions.

"Are they truly that bad though?" asked Celestia.

"Why don't I tell you what he told me, and I shall let you judge the tale for yourself." the moon princess deadpanned.

And with that she began to tell Celestia everything that she had witnessed within Kirby's dreams.

Twilight woke up with a groan. She felt absolutely horrible. She had had a nightmare of a scale that she wouldn't wish upon her worst enemy. She had been a witness to a multitude of strange anomalies that she could barely begin to comprehend. What made it so much worse was the fact that the anomalies weren't that intimidating in appearance. It was almost like trying to study Pinkie's "Pinkie Sense" all over again.

"But now that horrible nightmare is over." She thought as she made her way to the bathroom. As she straightened herself up, she laughed at how absurd dreams could be sometimes. Once she was certain that she looked presentable, she returned to her room to fins Spike snoring in his basket. Celestia's sunrise shown beautifully through the windows, and as Twilight gazed at it's glory she felt that today would be an absolutely wonderful day. Humming a merry tune, she began to trot downstairs.

"I think I'll prepare breakfast this time." The lavender unicorn chirped. "I just feel like today's such a great day.

As Twilight neared the bottom of the stairs, she saw something she didn't expect. There on the floor was a sleeping bag. As far as she was aware, she hadn't made any plans for a sleepover. There was no need for this to be out at all. Twilight made her way towards the sleeping bag, but as she drew closer she noticed something else was amiss. The bag was moving.

Something was inside the sleeping bag.

Twilight was worried. Had somepony broken in and slept here last night? Lighting up her horn with a light stun spell. She walked up to the sleeping bag as quietly as she could. Once she was up close to it she reached a hoof out and yanked the bag, firing off the spell as she did so. A round pink form fell out of the bag and rolled away, emitting a yelp of surprise. Twilight, having expecting a pony of some kind, missed her mark. The stun spell dissipated upon contact with the floor. Twilight turned her attention to the pink object on the ground. For some reason, her fur stood on end just by the sight of it.

Then it began to move.

Twilight flinched back as the pink ball slowly rolled itself over. Two pink nubs were on either side of the creature, while two larger red ones were on top of it. Twilight was still confused. What was it? Why did the sight of it make her feel so uneasy?

The creature mumbled, before one if its pink nubs rubbed its front. It rolled over to the side, reorienting itself. It now had the larger red nubs on the bottom. The being opened its eyes and looked at Twilight with confusion.

Twilight remembered.

She began to shake in place and broke into a light sweat. She was still dreaming. She had to be. Nothing else could explain why she was seeing what she was currently seeing. She gave a slight chuckle and flared up her horn. Placing a small aura of magic upon her foreleg she collapsed it with a bit more effort than she really needed. Twilight yelped at the sharp pain, shaking her foreleg vigorously. Then comprehension struck her. Whipping around to face the offending creature she stared deep into its lidded eyes.


Twilight began to slowly back away. This wasn't a dream. It never was a dream. It all really happened.


The creature got up and tilted its head. Or was it its whole body? How can it move its body like that!?


The being looked around in a daze before wiping its eyes once again. Then it spotted her. Twilight's breath hitched. They stood there, staring into each others eyes. The anomaly never broke its gaze. Then it smiled.



Today was going to be a rather eventful day.

Author's Note:

And with that another chapter finished. What will happen next? Well i guess you'll just have to wait and find out! As always I hope you all enjoy the chapter and I hope that you stick around to see the next one.

-Kir B