• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,127 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

  • ...

Questionable Answers...

The library was soon full of motion. All the ponies had begun setting the library back to its former glory. Rainbow and Pinkie focused on setting the books on the shelves while Rarity and Fluttershy focused on cleaning the ruined parchment and spilled ink around the room. Applejack had brought Twilight up to her room and set the unconscious mare onto her bed, before returning downstairs to help her friends with the clean up.

Kirby simply sat down and watched everyone in action. He was amazed at the teamwork on display, and was mesmerized by the abilities of his friends. He wanted to help but every time he walked up to someone he was promptly moved out of the way and whenever he would voice his complaints, the new ponies would give him a wary eye, while Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike gave him a small smile. He was beginning to wonder if he had done something wrong.

Eventually, the library was put back into shape. Spike surveyed the area. He ran a claw across a desk and put it up to his eye. After inspecting it for a moment, he gave a nod of approval and smiled at everyone.

"Thanks so much guys! OH and you Rarity" He said.

"It ain't nothing Spike." Applejack spoke quickly, preventing the rest of the group from saying anything. She swiftly turned to Kirby, who was looking away from the group of friends. The farm pony's gaze hardened slightly.

"Alright! No more beating 'round the bush." She said after a moment. "Its time for those questions we spoke about earlier." Kirby turned to face Applejack, only to find that all eyes in the room were upon him. Everyone present had a different expression, from worry, to suspicion, to..... joy? Kirby didn't know what to make of it. There was tense silence within the walls of the library.

At last a voice spoke up.

"Alright bucko! What was that thing back in the market!?" Rainbow shouted, zipping up to the pink puff and pointing a hoof into his face.

"Poy!" Kirby yelped. He wasn't expecting Rainbow to throw herself towards him. The puff had flinched so badly from the feint that he toppled onto his back.

Rainbow wasn't deterred. She looked towards the fallen puff with an accusing glare. She was opening her mouth to fire a tirade of questions, when her muzzle was clamped shut with a blue aura of magic.

"That's quite enough for now Rainbow Dash." said Rarity, giving the speedster pegasus a stern glare. Rainbow struggled a bit to open her mouth but soon gave up. Once her struggling ceased, Rarity released her magical restraint.

"Fine!" Rainbow moaned, "But I do think this guy should be able to answer the question. That monster DID know his name. You called it out when.... Kirby, ran towards it remember?"

The ponies nodded, though Rarity and Fluttershy seemed lost in thought and Spike seemed to be shifting in place. The beast HAD shouted Kirby's name. But nopony knew Kirby's origin, and the fact that the beast knew anything about Kirby meant that they had to have had some kind of history. Right?


Everyone looked over to Kirby. The puff had righted himself and was now looking around at everyone in the room. Everyone fell back into an uncomfortable silence once more before another voice spoke up. This time it was Spike.

"Rainbow does have a point dude." The drake said reluctantly. "That thing called you out when it saw you. And you did seem a bit spooked when you saw it at first."

Kirby averted his gaze. Rainbows expression hardened.

"So it DOES know something!" She snorted, pawing at the ground aggressively.

"Rainbow stop it!" Applejack chided. "We're not gonna get any answers with you chargin at the poor thing like a bull!"

Rainbow snorted, but backed down. Seeing how things were starting to spiral out of control, Rarity spoke up, turning to her friends.

"Okay so maybe Kirby here does know something about that brutish monstrosity at the market." she said, gesturing over to the downtrodden puff. "But we should approach Kirby with tact and-

"Do you like cupcakes!?"

Everyone turned their attention towards Pinkie. The party pony had somehow produced a cupcake and was holding it inches away from Kirby. At the mention of cake, Kirby's mood changed instantly.

"Kek!" he chirped happily. Then, before anyone could object to Pinkie's shenanigans, Kirby opened his mouth and the cupcake was sucked away, swiftly disappearing into the void of Kirby's mouth. Rainbow quickly flared to life once more at this action.

"See!?" She accused. "It even does that whirlwind thing with its mouth! Exactly like that monster from before!"

Ah hate to agree with Rainbow right now." Applejack spoke up, "But the similarities are pretty strange."

Rarity sighed. Things had gotten out of hoof pretty quickly, and it seemed that Rainbow was holding control of the situation.
She'd have to come up with a way of getting the answers that everypony wanted from Kirby while simultaneously keeping the situation from devolving into madness. The fashionista really wished Twilight were awake at the moment.

"Maybe we should ask Kirby small questions first." said a voice.

Everyone's attention shifted towards the voice's owner. Fluttershy, true to her name, shied away immediately from all the attention she was now getting.

"What was that dear? I couldn't quite hear you." Rarity questioned. Any idea would work as long as it kept everything under control.

"Fluttershy mustered up courage.

"W-well, if its alright with you, I think we should ask Kirby smaller things before moving on to the bigger questions." she stuttered.

Rarity thought about Fluttershy's idea for a bit before smiling.

"That sounds like an excellent Idea darling!" She chirped. She then turned towards Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "I trust that this arrangement works for the two of you?"

Applejack thought it over for a moment before nodding in approval while Rainbow begrudgingly agreed with the terms.

"Good!" said Rarity. She turned towards Pinkie who was busy feeding Kirby another cupcake. "Pinkie, dear, could you please stop giving Kirby cupcakes and bring me something to write with?"

"Okie dokie Loki!" Pinkie shouted. In a blur she was gone. Then, almost as quickly as she had gone, she returned with a stack of paper, inkwells, and quills in hoof. She wobbled through the room on her hind hooves, before dropping the pile onto the wooden floor, somehow keeping it all in a neat stack. Everyone who knew Pinkie simply went with the impossible situation. Kirby had been too busy munching on the cupcake to notice the pink pony's antics.

"Thank you Pinkie." Said Raity. Without wasting a moment the unicorn began levitating s few stacks of parchment over to her. She then levitated a quill and daintily dipped it into an inkwell a few times. Her friends looked towards her questioningly.

"What?" She asked. "I'm only going to write down Kirby's answers." Her friends, except for Spike, seemed unconvinced. "It's what Twilight would want!" This seemed to work as her friends as then nodded in understanding. Seeing no other distractions, Rarity turned to Kirby, who had finished savoring his cupcake.

"Alright." She began. "Kirby, dear, where are you from?"

Kirby looked up and jumped happily.

"Dweam Land!" he called out.

"Dweam Land?" Rarity repeated.

Kirby shook his head.

"E'm fwom Dweam Land!" the puff said, trying harder to pronounce the name of his home.

Rarity forced a grin.

"I'm sorry dear, could you speak a little more clearly?" she said, shifting slightly.

Kirby sighed before speaking again.

"I'm... fwom.... Daream....Land." he said slowly.

Rainbow lost patience.

"Okay bub, quit with the baby talk!" she shouted, drawing the attention of everyone. "If aren';t gonna take this seriously, we got other ways of getting you to talk!" She punctuated her threat by throwing her hooves together menacingly.

"Rainbow...!" Rarity chided, through her teeth.

"It's probably doing it on purpose!" Rainbow accused. It's trying to distract us! I'm-

"Kirby are you a boy or a girl?"

Frustration filled Rarity as the attention shifted towards the owner of the voice. Spike was looking at Kirby with full blown curiosity. Rarity sighed at the new interruption, yet she and the others couldn't deny that this would be somewhat useful information to know.

"Boi!" exclaimed Kirby, hopping in place.

The expressions were mixed. Rainbow didn't seem to care about Kirby's gender in the slightest, while everyone else seemed shocked at the revelation. However Spike seemed to glow, Smiling, he struck a pose.

"Ha!" he shouted, "I was right! Spike one, Sweetie Belle, zero!

Rarity decided to ask the drake about that comment later. Levitating the parchment and quill to her face she jotted down the new information upon it.

"Alright then!" She said at last. "Now, onto the next question." She looked at Kirby in the eyes. "Where are you from dear?"

Kirby's expression fell. He'd tried saying it and the one named Rainbow Dash had gotten mad. Maybe he should say it slower?

"Darreeeeeemm LLLaaaannnnndddd." he said, extra slowly.

Rainbow twitched, but did nothing under the watchful gaze of her friend. Rarity, after making sure Rainbow wouldn't do anything rash, turned back to Kirby with a unsure expression.

"Kirby..." she said softly, biting her lip at what she had yet to say. "C-can... Are you.... Do you speak fluent Equestrian?"

Kirby tilted his head in confusion. Equestrian? He was speaking in English wasn't he? At least that's what Tiff called it back at home.

"Nu" he said at last.

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow shouted, shootng up into the air, "Then how can you understand us so well huh?!"

Kirby's gaze hardened slightly. He was starting to dislike Rainbow's attitude. Still, he had to explain himself and did his best attempt.

"Me can't sey wurds well, but know wut teh wurds meen." He said at last, trying his hardest not to mess up his words. "E'm still wearning to speek."

The ponies looked over the puff in surprise. The ran his broken and mispronuced words in their heads before reaching the same conclusion.

"Oh..." said Rarity, feebly. This revelation was shocking. Kirby couldn't speak as well as they could, yet he understood what they said no problem. She didn't know what to think. And judging by her friend's expressions, neither could they. Rainbow Dash in particular seemed to falter a bit before putting on a tough face once more. Yet surprisingly she didn't say anything.

"Well shoot." Applejack said, softly. "Now Ah feel bad suggesting we ask him questions."

"It's alright Applejack." Rarity consoled. "You couldn't have known."

Kirby looked around the room at his crestfallen friends. He didn't know that not being able to speak well would make them sad! He quickly tried to remedy the situation. He placed an arm nub on Rarity's foreleg.

"It Okey!" He said to the white unicorn. Nex Questoon."

It seemed his words didn't help much. Yet despite this Rarity managed to move the conversation along.

"O-Okay then dear." She said at last. She wrote down the new info onto the parchment. She felt uneasy about writing about Kirby as if he were a specimen. Yet she kept her resolve and held on. Before she could ask any questions however, Fluttershy spoke up, asking a question of her own.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking.... how old are you?" she said softly.

Glad to see someone take a step, Kirby didn't hesitate in his answer.

"Fowa!" He said happily.

The quill in Rarity's grip snapped in half.

"You're WHAT!?" she shouted.

Kirby recoiled. Truthfully he didn't know how old he actually was so he just went with his arrival date in Cappy Town for his birthday. Was there something wrong with being four years old?


"No, no, NO! This simply won't do at all!" Rarity said aloud. "You're pretty much a child! A.... pretty powerful child, but a child nonetheless!"

Rarity wasn't the only one who felt this way. All around the room, the ponies seemed to have any worries they had about the puff grow ten-fold.

Rainbow had reached her limit at this information.

"Okay then." She said slowly. "I think we can all agree that THIS", she gestured to the levitating piece of parchment, "needs to go straight to Princess Celestia."

"I.... I concede Rainbow." Rarity submitted. "Given everything that has happened, I suppose we will need to tell the princess the news. She turned to Spike, who was still reeling at the revelation of Kirby's age.

"Spike?" she asked.

The drake soon shook himself to attention.

"Yes Rarity?

The white unicorn looked towards Kirby and after a moment, let out a sigh.

"Take a letter."

Princess Celestia was sitting within the walls of the Solar Court. She sat uprite upon her cushioned seat as Noble Ponies came and went, requesting an audience with her for one reason or another.

She hated it.

Almost all of the Nobles were petty and rude. They would treat any other members of the Solar Court with disdain and disgust, usually trying to appeal to their ruler as best they could. And usually their requests were horrible.

Who would ever demolish an orphanage to replace it with a pool for rich ponies only!?

Despite this, she still made an effort to smile and treat each pony with respect. Even though some day really tried her patience.

Today had been going as well as the days before it. Celestia was listening to a pony drone on about wanting to increase taxes for "commoners", before a swirl of light pink smoke flew in front of her and materialized into a letter. Smiling at this new outlet she quickly closed the Solar court temporarily, and made her way to her chambers. When she was in the confines of her room she made her way to her bed before unceremoniously plopping down upon it. Unfurling the letter she read its contents.

Dear Princess Celestia.

Yesterday and today have been quite strange. Yesterday, a small pink being by the name of Kirby fell from the sky and landed in the rock fields by Ponyville. Fluttershy and I helped him recover his health and he is currently taking temporary residence in Ponyville. But today, a creature attacked us! It ruined the market! Luckily we managed to defeat the beast. But we are unsure what it was in the first place. To make matters more confusing it somehow knew of Kirby, despite the fact his arrival was only a day prior. I was hoping you would have some knowledge to divulge. Any information helps. We need to have something to help Twilight when she wakes up.

Yours truly

The princess looked up from the letter in surprise. Questions raced through her mind without a sign of slowing down. Was Twilight okay? Who was this Kirby? Was everypony else okay down in Ponyvillie?

Before she could think of any more questions, another scroll materialized before her. Levitating the new scroll before her, she read its contents.


Forgive me but I forgot to attach the note we have on Kirby and the beast we had taken down. I hope this helps.


Celestia looked down to see drawings on two sheets of parchment drawn in ink. One depicted a spherical creature. Looking at it, it seemed incredibly cute. Under the drawing was the name "Kirby." The other drawing showed what looked like a penguin. It seemed rather silly, but judging by the word "beast" written under the drawing it was able to decimate the market of Ponyville.

The Solar princess inspected the drawings for a few minutes before turning her head to the notes. She looked them over for a minute but deemed that they weren't too informative. Deciding to get a second opinion on the matter, Celestia charged up her horn and teleported to her sister's chambers.

Luna was fast asleep, snoring rather softly. Celestia looked down at Luna and sighed. Charging up her horn, she cast the strongest soundproofing spell she knew of around the room. Then for good measure she cast it again. When the solar princess was sure that her preparations were complete, she tilted her head towards the sleeping form of Luna

And pricked her with her horn.

There was a rumbling around Canterlot Castle. The ground vibrated rapidly and ponies around Canrterlot began wondering if an earthquake was starting to occur.Eventually though, the vibrations ceased and the ponies went about their day, possibly earthquake forgotten completely.

"What does thou want dear sister?" Luna grouched. Being woken up was certainly not a pleasent feeling to the royal pony, and seeing her sister struggle to hold her laughter was not help matters.

"Oh Luna." Celestia smiled, "Rarity and the other elements have told me that two strange creatures had shown up in Ponyville not to long ago."

Luna snorted.

"Sister, doth thou intend to tell me that you woke us up for such a trivial manner?"

"Well I wouldn't say its trivial." Celestia rebutted, "One of them did manage to destroy the market in Ponyville with little trouble."

Celestia levitated the drawing of the beast to Luna. The lunar princess didn't seem impressed.

"Is that all?" Luna droned.

"Well there was this other non hostile create that appeared their too." Celestia said at last. She levitated the other image to Luna. When the moon princess saw what what was on the parchment, she quickly found her energy, sitting upright almost instantly.

"We've seen this creature!" Luna exclaimed.

Celestia was surprised. "You have?" She asked.

Her younger sister nodded. "Last night in the dream realm, we happened across a dream portal of unusual proportions." Explained Luna, "When we entered it, we found this creature being tormented by a multitude of monstrosities of which we've never seen! They spoke of strange projects and of dark omens." Luna turned away from her older sibling. "Perhaps I should go down there and investigate." she said to herself.

"Don't you mean WE?" Celestia asked playfully. Luna jumped, not expecting her sister to hear her. The solar princess laughed.

"It's alright Luna." she chirped. "We can head to Ponyville as soon as you're ready."

"Then let us not waste any more time!" shouted Luna.

With a flash Luna was out of her bed standing besides her sister in her royal regalia. Nodding towards her sister, they charged their horns full of magic. Then with a flash they teleported to Ponyville.

A moment after the teleportation spell was cast, there was a knock on the door.

"Princess Luna? Princess Luna there's an emergency!" A guard cried out from behind the door.

A passing guardsaw the commotion and rushed up.

"Hey! Whats the problem?"

"There's an emergency at the Crystal Empire! Something strange is going on!" whispered guard #1.

"Whats wrong?"

"Well...." Guard #1 looked around trying to make sure nopony overheard them, "Don't tell anyone I told you this, but according to Princess Cadence, the ground has been turning into...Metal!"


"Yeah Metal! Not just the ground too. Just about everything in the area has been slowly converting into some kind of metal. Thing is we can't tell where its coming from!"

"Have you tried telling Princess Celestia?" asked guard #2

"She wasn't in the day court!" said Guard #1 "It was closed for some reason."

"Ah! Then that probably means she already knows!" said Guard #2, "Usually whenever the princesses close court early, that means something important came up. She probably already got the news."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive!" said Guard #2 earnestly. "Now back to your post."

"Yes sir!" exclaimed Guard #1. The guard soon turned away a briskly trotted back to his original location, confident that everything was under control.

Author's Note:

And thats another chapter done. Hopefully I have the time to work on the others. As always I hope you all enjoy this chapter of the story.

-Kir B