• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,141 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

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Bee-lieve in Kirby

Vs Sectonia Clone

Without warning, the clone shot an intense bolt of black lighting towards the newly transformed Kirby. The puff barely had time to avoid the attack, bouncing away at the last moment. The energy from the blast rocked the room with its sheer power, and when it ceased the ground where it had struck was burned deep. The false queen readied her scepters again to fire another lightning bolt, but Kirby was quick on the draw this time around.

He flicked an arm outwards and another volley of mirror shards shot forth, dealing damage to the tyrant. However Kirby was forced to move when Sectonia disappeared in a flash, reappearing behind him with swords in hand. She began to thrust the swords rapidly in Kirby's direction, her hands moving so quickly they were leaving after-images. Kirby dodged and rolled as best as he could to avoid the devastating attack. As he made another jump back, the clone stopped thrusting her swords, and readied a cross slash. Kirby wasn't quick enough.

Much to the horror of everyone else, the clone sliced Kirby directly.

"KIRBY!!!" Spike cried out, shaken from his stupor by seeing the horror before him.

The rest of the group soon came back to reality as well, watching as Kirby fell to the ground. It was almost in slow motion, his eyes were wide, and he had a deep gash that ran directly down the middle of his face, right between his eyes. None of them could do a thing, they could only watch as the pale puff fell ever closer to the ground.

But it never came to pass.

Kirby's body began to flicker in and out of existence, before disappearing entirely just before he touched the ground, much to the confusion of everyone.


An instant later, there was a burst of reflective shards behind the clone, and Kirby popped back into reality, completely unharmed! The false Sectonia barely had time to register what was happening before Kirby fired a far more intense version of Reflect Force. The shards were clustered closer together and came out of his arms at once. The clone was launched back a great distance, taking quite a bit of damage.

The tyrant hurtled down the hallway, buzzing her wings furiously to slow herself down. Just as she was coming to a stop though, she was suddenly blinded by a gooey substance. She hastily wiped her face of the offending substance, but just as she was able to see again she was blinded by something else. A storm of objects began pelting the clone's body forcing her to conjure a few crystals to defend.

"Take that you big meanie pants!" Pinkie cried out. She held her party cannon in her hooves and was preparing to fire another wave of baked goods at the enemy.

Kirby watched with interest as the queen was covered in more and more sweets. Seeing how his enemy was . . . preoccupied . . . Kirby decided to go for a different attack. He raised an arm upwards, and his mirror wand materialized in his grasp. Pouring energy into the wand, it began to glow, before a beam of energy rose from the crystal, turning the wand into an energy blade of sorts. With a battle cry Kirby charged towards his blinded opponent. He leaped into the air and brought the false blade down.

A direct hit!

The clone howled in pain, clutching where Kirby had struck. Kirby followed up his attack with another slash, followed by another, and another! Kirby was rapidly dealing damage to the clone, each slash with Mirror Cut bringing him closer to victory.

However, Sectonia wouldn't go down without a fight.

The clone teleported away, appearing down the hallway once more. Four small golden rings materialized at her sides, and with a wave of her disembodied hands, the rings shot forwards, homing in on the puff. Before he could make any sort of maneuver though, a bright blue and pink barrier swirled into existence before him. The rings shattered upon contact with the shield. Sectonia groaned in fury but paused. Kirby was distracted with something.

Kirby himself was confused. He hadn't made any more barriers yet, so who or what could've...?"

"Cease and Desist!" a loud voice called out. Everyone turned towards the sound of the voice. Standing at the other end of the hall, was Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, with a handful of crystal guards standing behind them!

"I don't know who or what you may be." Shining began, "but those who'd hurt my sister, her friends, or civilians tread a burning tightrope over Tartarus with me." The Royal pony bore a deep scowl. "This is your final warning! Stop your attacks willingly, or we will bring you down by force!"

The clone stared at the royal pony before scoffing, summoning her scepters as she did so. She raised them over her head, the gems at the tips starting to glow and crackle with energy.

"Your choice!" Shining shouted over the hum of energy. With that, the Prince and the guards began their assault, firing magic bolts towards the gargantuan bug. Sectonia, in turn, fired her own. The projectiles collided into each other, peppering the hallway with magical explosions. With the beast preoccupied, Cadence took the opportunity to cast a teleportation spell, popping over to Kirby's side of the room. Before the puff could protest, she had scooped him up her magical aura and was running down the hallway towards Twilight and her friends.

"Twilight? Twilight are you alright?!" Cadence called out, skidding to a halt just in front of the lavender unicorn. Surprisingly, the unicorn was able to mutter a response.

"I-i---i guess." Twilight murmured, her eyes not quite leaving the puff the Princess of Love was still levitating. Cadence sighed in a bit of relief, before setting Kirby down, but not quite letting up on her hold of him. The puff was struggling, trying his best to head back into the fight.

"I don't understand!" Cadence said to no one in particular, "Why is Kirby so adamant about fighting? Sure, I get that he wants to help, anypony would, but with his condition he should be as far away from this scene as possible!" This got the rest of the group's attention.

"Errr. . . . condition?" Rarity questioned, wondering if she had heard the princess right. "Princess Cadence, whatever do you mean? Do you happen to know something about Kirby that we do not?" This seemed to confuse the princess further.

"W-what? You mean you weren't told?" Cadence stammered. "Princess Luna's letter said that Kirby might know more about everything that was happening, but said that he may be in an unstable mental state. Something about his dreams showing impossibilities or something along those lines."


Kirby's unexpected shout caught the attention of the group. Looking down at the puff, he seemed pretty steamed, probably taking offense to what Cadence had said, but he also seemed to be pointing at something. Looking in the direction he was pointing, the ponies noticed that the clone was now winning the battle between the guard and itself. Multiple ponies were down, leaving only Shining and a few others. Cadence gasped.

"Oh no!" she yelled, and she charged towards the beast, flaring her horn up with magic. Everyone watched as the princess drew closer to the unaware beast. Then with a shout, Cadence fired a beam of magic, hitting the beast in the back. The clone gasped, faltering in its magic barrage.

This brief hesitation was all the remaining guards needed.

They renewed their attacks, firing at the bug with as much force as they could muster. Caught in the middle of two powerful attacks, the clone could only wail in pain, writhing around as the beams slowly began to eat away at its body. The ponies were gritting their teeth, using this much power was a massive strain. The clone was shifting color rapidly, looking less like the real Sectonia and more like the Dedede clone from before.

"T-they might actually do it!" Spike exclaimed. "They've got it on the ropes!"

Everyone watched with baited breath as the clone grew more and more unstable. Its form began to warp and stretch, and the howls it uttered became more and more grotesque, sounding nothing at all like the somewhat elegant voice it had before. However, the guards were reaching their limit. The other guards backing Shining Armor up fell to the ground, magical exhaustion finally catching up to them. Shining and Cadence were the only two left currently attacking the beast.

With less strain being put on its body, the clone began to bubble, its form slowly beginning to return to its original shape.

Seeing this, the two royals tried to pick up the slack, but they were already pushing themselves to the limit.

"T-Twilight!" Shining managed to grunt, "Get your friends, Spike, and Kirby out of here now! I don't know how much longer we can hold it down for now!"

"W-what?! No way, we can't just leave you here!" She yelled back. The others cried out in agreement, all agreeing with their friend.

"This isn't up for debate!" Shining growled through his teeth, clenching his eyes shut. "You need to go! It isn't safe here! I know you care for both of use but you need to find a place to hide so we can think of something!"

Twilight frantically looked around, unable to think clearly through everything that had happened. She was torn, she knew she could stay and help, but what if that was the wrong choice? Things have been far too hectic, she needed a plan, but there was no time for planning, everything was just thrust upon her! Oh, what to do, what to do, WHAT TO--!


Twilight looked down towards the voice. Kirby was looking directly at her. He turned towards the battle and made what looked like a throwing motion, before turning back to Twilight and poking his forehead.

"Thwo me!" he said at last.

Twilight looked confused, looking back and forth between the puff and her brother and Cadence. Wasn't there anything else she could do? There were so many things that could go wrong here, there had to be a better- - -.

"Oh for Pete's SAKE Twilight!" Spike called out. Before anyone could object, Spike scooped up the pale puffball in his arms. Then with all the force he could muster, he swing around and hurled Kirby as hard as he could towards the fight.

"Spike!" Twilight shrieked. "Why did you...!?" She didn't get to finish her question. Spike cut her off.

"Look!" he exclaimed. The friends watched as Kirby sailed through the air, getting closer and closer to the reforming clone. They couldn't see it, but a small smirk crossed Kirby's face. Then, for an instant, his body shined like glass, and there were TWO Kirbys flying towards the clone.

Jaws were dropped.

The two Kirbys shined again, and then, there were FOUR Kirbys hurtling towards the clone.

Jaws were dropped to the floor.

Before their very eyes, Kirby was multiplying! There was another flash. Six Kirbys rocketed towards the clone, rapidly closing the distance. Each one readied a wand in their arms, preparing for their final attack.

The clone had finally managed to regain its form, though it was only a rough outline of its former glory. It gave a growl, but stopped. Looking up a bit, Sectonia noticed something not quite right. She definitely remembered there only being ONE hero of the lower world. . . . . .

"Oh dear." Sectonia clone thought to herself, newly reformed eyes going wide.

With one last battle cry, the Kirbys reared back their wands, each one gaining a reflective blade, and swung; effectively performing a six bladed cross slash with Mirror Cut. Shining and Cadence, who had been focused on defeating the monster, jumped back at the unexpected appearance of the multiplied puff.

The bug shrieked, shaking violently, before condensing in on itself once again. All present watched as the the clone became nothing more than a swirling blob of goo. It stayed like this for but a few moments, though to everyone else it felt like an eternity.

Suddenly, it took shape again! A much smaller creature the likes none of them (minus Kirby) had ever seen before, was formed out of the goopy substance. But it was only for an instant, the figure exploded a moment later in a shower of goo which quickly evaporated into nothing.

The battle was over.

Spike, and most of the other ponies felt a weight lift off their shoulders. The beast had been defeated. Yet despite this, the room still seemed tense.

Likely because they now inexplicably had six Kirbys instead of one. All eyes watched the puffballs as they began conversing with one another for a bit. What they were talking about, none could tell.

Suddenly, all of the Kirbys looked up, holding an arm in the air. Before anyone could question it, the tiny army began to dance.

They moved quickly, yet elegantly, all in perfect sync with one another. Watching them dance, oddly enough, provided a sense of relief for most present. After all, if one could dance after all that had happened, surely things were looking up a bit, right?

Soon, the dance was over, all of the puffs finishing with a break dance spin. Then with a flash, all of the Kirby clones fused back into one.

"Poyo!" Kirby called out as he walked back towards the group, specifically Spike, holding out an arm. Spike balled a claw up, and bumped Kirby's arm.

"Dude that was AWESOME!" He exclaimed, a massive grin stretching across his face. "You beat that thing down like it was nothing!" At this, Kirby simply thumped his body, a proud grin on his face.

"Is wut I do!" He said.

"Ahem! If I may, could I ask a question?" A voice spoke up, interrupting any further conversation.

Kirby and Spike looked up to see Twilight staring down at them, specifically the transformed puff. Twilight seemed calm and collected, breathing softly. She took a breath.

"WHAT IN CELESTIA'S NAME ARE YOU!?!?" "The unicorn exploded.

Kirby had a hunch that there was going to be another question session ahead of him.

One far longer than the last.

Meanwhile in Space. . .

M-an--UAL MIN---ING O---ppppppErAt--ion UN---dErWAY! )(*&^



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Author's Note:

Just in case anybody's confused about what Kirby did in the chapter. Simirror (the enemy that grants mirror) could be attacked, but occasionally when you hit it, it would flicker and then appear somewhere else. I figured Mirror Kirby should be able to do that, cause, y'know, copy abilities and all.

Anyways, be sure to leave a comment if you like the story. I like criticism on where I could improve and such.