• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,141 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

  • ...

Time for some Progress

Immediately after discovering that his hands were exuding an aura, Spike began posing in many different ways while grunting. However, no matter what he did, nothing happened much to his disappointment. He tried everything he could think of, pointing with a finger, raising his claws into the air, thrusting his claws outward, but nothing worked. After about 3 minutes he gave up.

"What gives?" He asked with frustration. "I thought you said that I'd be able to do all that stuff you did earlier!" Kirby simply laughed as the dragon's attempts.

"P-poyaahaha!" Kirby said, through his laughter.

". . . . . . . . huh? What do you mean I can't do anything yet?" The dragon asked, now more confused than frustrated.


". . . . . . . . Copy? Copy what?" That doesn't make sense!" The drake was now entirely lost.

"He-he-he. . . Poyo poyo. . ." Kirby waved his arm nub in the air a bit.

"Wait. . . you're gonna show me how your powers work?"


"Later in the day?" Spike groaned. "Why not now?" Kirby deadpanned.


"Oh, right. . . I guess it IS still pretty early. . ." Spike muttered sheepishly. "Well since you want to sleep, why don't you rest in our room? It's gotta be more comfortable than sleeping on the floor out here." Kirby considered the offer for a moment, but ultimately decided against it. He could get comfortable pretty much anywhere, and he had already slept out here for most of the night anyways. With nothing else to claim his attention, Kirby hopped off of Spike's back. The drake shivered for a moment as Kirby left his back, he looked down to find that the aura around his claws had dissipated and he felt more like his old self again.

"Aww. . . well that's a little disappointing." Spike sulked. "Is it possible for us to. . . .sync up later?"

"Poyo!" Kirby replied, nodding. Spike was glad he did. Once Kirby had left his back, he found that he couldn't clearly understand Kirby's meaning anymore.

He made his way towards Twilight's door, and pushed it open, but made sure to wave at Kirby, before he shut it behind him. Kirby waved back, before lying back down on the floor, letting sleep overtake him once more.

Kirby once again found himself being woken up again, but this time a bit more roughly. Kirby groaned and opened his eyes once more. This time he found Applejack looking down at him.

"Rise an shine sugercube!" She said. "We gotta have you awake if were gonna have a plan to stop that weird metal from spreadin!"

"I still think we could do this on our own." said a voice, but was quickly shushed.

Kirby wiped his eyes, as Applejack stepped out of his line of sight. He found that he had been transported to the throne room while he had been asleep. All of the other ponies were there, including Cadence and Shining Armor. Spike was there as well, though he was fast asleep atop Twilight's back.

"Are you feeling alright darling?" Rarity asked the groggy puff. "When we woke up, we found you outside our rooms sleeping on the floor!" Rarity shivered at the thought. "You could've asked to rest in one of our rooms, I'm quite sure some of us wouldn't mind."

"Poyo poyo." he replied, shaking his head.

"Well alright, I'll let it slide this once. . . but next time we have to get you into a proper bed." the unicorn stated. To sleep on the floor is quite improper unless the right conditions have been met."

Kirby simply nodded, as he noticed Cadence and Shining were making their way over to him.

"Well Kirby, I hope that you're well rested because we really need to discuss some things about you, before we can make a plan to save the Empire." Shining Armor began. Some things that may be a bit. . . difficult to discuss." Shining averted his gaze towards the end of his sentence, which unfortunately Kirby noticed.

"Poyo?" he muttered, questioningly, before looking around at the other occupants in the room.

Cadence was smiling, but a closer look revealed that it was cracking, just enough to reveal that it was being forced.

Applejack seemed okay, but every now and then she would look off to the sides of her, before fixing her gaze back at Kirby.

Fluttershy was hiding behind her mane and looking down.

This trend continued throughout the rest of the ponies, and Kirby didn't have to think too long about why.

"Nu." he said firmly, and her turned away. The false emotions quickly fell apart.

"Please Kirby." Cadence pleaded "We only want to help you! If you aren't in a stable state of mind you could hurt yourself later on! "We need to discuss this in order to. . . . ." Cadence didn't get to finish her sentence. Kirby had turned back to look at her. His face was a simple one, but his eyes. . . they were fierce and they conveyed a simple message.

"No, conversation over."

Cadence certainly tried, but found herself unable to make a sound as Kirby stared at her.

". . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... fine" She said at last. "We'll drop the subject." The others were quick to voice their objections.

"Honey are you sure?" Shining whispered into his wife's ear. Cadence simply sighed.

"I don't think he's going to make it easy, and unfortunately we really don't have enough time right now." She whispered back. "As much as I don't want to, we'll just have to let it go for now." Turning back to face Kirby once more, Cadence let a tiny ghost of a smile return to her face. "Okay everypony, if you would follow me please, we're headed outside.

Kirby, glad that the subject was finally changed, trailed after Cadence with a slight smile, followed by the mane six.

The group made their outside the palace. It was still rather barren, save for a few guards here and there. They gave their salutes as the group went by. Though it looked rather nice outside, the atmosphere was a bit tense. There wasn't much sound aside from the clopping of hooves or the sound of wings flapping, so the walk was turning out to be rather boring. Eventually, the silence was broken by Shining.

"A little bit earlier this morning, Guard Squad #1 came back to us with reports of strange metal structures out in the wilds." He began. "Their report tells that these structures are unlike any of the other oddities that we've seen so far." The stallion grimaced. "In addition, they have reported strange creatures roaming around the structures. It's unknown if they were hostile or not, but according to the scouts they had an. . . edgy, unsettling appearance."

Some of the group hummed at this, wondering what this would mean for them.

"Doesn't matter what they are or what they look like!" Rainbow scoffed. "If they're the ones who messed up the land, we'll sort em out no sweat!" The ponies gave a small smile at their speedy friend's confidence, but Kirby didn't show any real emotion. He was currently lost in thought.

Shining had said there were strange creatures and strange metal structures, which clearly had "Haltmann Works Company" written all over it. But that could mean trouble. The creatures could be anything! Was it another clone? Or perhaps a robot of some sort. The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became.

"Well, we're here!" Cadence announced. "We've taken a few precau. . . tions. . . ." The alicorn's voice trailed off as she noticed that not everyone had stopped to listen. Kirby was now visibly worried, and had been so deep in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed her speaking. Instead, he kept his pace and trundled forwards until he collided with a wall, knocking his mind back to reality and knocking him onto the ground. He quickly reoriented himself, and found everyone looking at him with various expressions, ranging from mild amusement to annoyance.

"Poyo. . .~" He offered, shrugging as he gave an embarrassed smile. The princess looked at him for a moment before clearing her throat.

"Like I was saying . . ." She started again, "We've taken some precautions to make sure you guys stay safe when you head out to investigate these oddities. We don't know what we could be up against, and after that monster attack, we'd rather not take any chances. Therefore, Shining and I brought you some charms and supplies to help you out should the need arise!" Cadence shared a look with her husband, who nodded in confirmation of something. The two then concentrated their magic, horns shining bright. A moment later two large wooden crates popped into existence before them. The group was honestly caught by surprise by the size of them. Both crates were the size of a pony, and the wood seemed to be bulging out, straining in an effort to keep whatever the crates held contained.

"W-whats all of this!?" Twilight exclaimed, speaking what was on everyone's minds. Shining looked over to his sister, eyes bright and a smile that seemed just a bit too wide.

"Supplies!" he exclaimed, clapping his hooves together. "We wanted to make sure that you and your friends stayed safe out there! Especially in this kind of situation, where anything could happen." Twilight looked towards the crates, which were creaking ever so slightly, then turned back to her brother quickly realizing what was happening.

"Shining. . . " She sighed. putting a hoof to her head. "I certainly appreciate the effort you're putting in to protect my friends and I; no doubt my friends do as well, but . . . don't you think that this. . ." She pointed towards the overstuffed crates. ". . . is just a little bit excessive?

"Oh no!" the stallion exclaimed, shaking his head. "If anything we weren't thorough enough! But we had so little time to prepare, so we did what we could." The ponies looked towards the crates, a plank of wood managing to snap off of one from the pressure of it's cargo. Rainbow dash swooped in, taking a closer look. She almost poked on of them, but thought against it, and turned towards Shining.

"Sooooo what even is all this stuff anyways?" She asked. Shining grinned harder. Twilight grew a bit pale.

"Rainbow no!" the unicorn whisper yelled, but it was far too late now.

"I'm glad you asked Rainbow Dash!" Shining began. "Well, the crate beside you contains many, MANY rations of foods, to take on your excursion. Can't let my little sister and her friends get hungry out there!" Shining pointed towards the other crate. "As for that crate over there, its filled with enchanted charms and trinkets to help protect you! We tried our best to get the best enchantments that we could to ensure your safety! We got bracelets enchanted with Protection III to increase general defense, bracelets enchanted with Fire Resistance in case you run into anything fire related, bracelets with. . . . "

As the Prince began to explain the various trinkets to the ponies, Kirby's mind wandered off again, this time taking note of where he currently was. Looking around, he found that they had made their way back to the train station, though aside from his friends and himself, there wasn't anyone else around.

Looking towards the tracks he found an engine there waiting, though it looked far different from the one they had arrived on. It was shiny and sleek looking, appearing to be made from crystal instead of being candy themed like the one from before. Behind it were two long coaches that shone under the morning sun. Kirby stared, looking it up and down, before noticing that the first coach had the door slightly open. Curious, ran towards the train, stopping right in front of the open door. He peered inside for a moment, before pushing his way inside.

"Oh, there's also the three triangles! One is enchanted to boost strength, one is enchanted to reduce fear, and the last one is . . .!"

"Shining!!!" Twilight shouted, managing to interrupt her brother. "We really appreciate you looking out for us, but I think most of this stuff is really unnecessary. We'll be fine with just a few of these things, like the protection bracelets and the food!"

"Are you sure?" Shining asked, worry evident in his voice. "The sword with Sharpness II might come in handy, or maybe the war hammer! I mean. . .sure its only a decor item, b-but it looks threatening! Twilight chuckled, before walking towards the stallion, lightly nuzzling him.

"I know, you're worried about my safety." Twilight said, "We'll be fine though, we'll be extra careful out there. So there's no need to worry so much. We've faced many things, but as long as I have my friends and they have me, we'll make it through." Shining stared at his sister for a while before turning towards his wife looking for any sort of support. Cadence simply smiled and shook her head. Failing to come up with a retort, the stallion simply sighed.

"Oh. . . alright." Shining relented. He turned away and walked further into the station, motioning for the group to follow. The ponies gasped at the sight before them.

"My word!" Rarity exclaimed. "What an exquisite locomotive!" The others nodded in agreement. Pinkie bounced over towards the engine, rapidly looking it over.

"This thing would make for an A-MAZING disco ball!" the party pony exclaimed. "No. . . disco-TRAIN!" Princess Cadence couldn't help but laugh at the reactions of the other ponies.

"It is quite a sight isn't it?" the alicorn asked. "A while after the Crystal Empire returned, the citizens decided to have this built for us. We've taken to calling it, The Royal Express. We haven't actually traveled anywhere with it yet though." As the ponies gawked at the magnificent engine before them, Shining made his way over to the locomotive itself.

"This train is well protected." the stallion stated, "Both engine, and coaches are made from special crystals that are both lightweight and durable. This thing can take a beating, so should anything for whatever reason try to attack the train, you'll be safe on the inside." Shining turned towards the engine and knocked on the door a few times. After a few seconds, two guards stepped out. They saluted as they got down onto the station platform. "These two will be the ones driving the engine. Its a high speed train, so it shouldn't take you long to get to the drop off point. That's where you'll disembark and begin travelling by hoof. They'll wait for you there until you come back." Shining nodded and the two guards saluted once again, marching back onto the train.

"Hoo wee! With all these nick-knacks and machinery on our side, Ah'd reckon we are more than prepared for whatever comes our way!" Applejack exclaimed. Rainbow dash swooped down towards the farm pony, floating in front of her with a cocky grin.

"You know it AJ!" The shouted, pumping a hoof above her. "Whatever's out there won't even know what hit em!" The rest of the friends, feeling just as confident, cheered. The noise was enough to finally rouse Spike from his slumber. He yawned loudly, drawing attention to himself.

"I see you've decided to join us Spike!" Cadence chuckled, as the baby dragon smacked his lips, trying to awaken from his nap.Pinkie soon bounced over.

"Yeah Spike! You were asleep for so long, like . . . four months!" She exclaimed. Spike jumped at this.

"W-wait, I've been asleep for FOURS MONTHS!?" He tumbled off of Twilight and landed on the ground, feverishly checking himself over. The others started to giggle.

"No silly!", Pinkie giggled. "You were asleep for a while, but not that long. That was just one of those. . . hype-pebble-ees!

"Hyperbole, Pinkie" Twilight corrected, through her giggles.

Spike visibly calmed down at this, no longer worried about how awful four months of sleep would have left him looking. But as her looked around, something still didn't seem quite right.

"Hey. . . Where's Kirby?" The drake asked, by now the merry mood had calmed down a bit, and the ponies got a chance to look around a bit.

"O-o-oh goodness you're right!" Fluttershy stammered. "Kirby isn't here! The other were confused.

"But he was around here earlier. . ." Twilight mused, "Where could he have-!

There was a loud crash, coming from within the the rear coach of the train. From the sound of it, multiple items were tumbling down, clattering to the floor. Everyone looked at each other for a moment before running up to the coach. Shining Armour opened the door, and everyone ran inside. It was a large empty space with shelves lining the walls. However there was also a large number of items scattered across the floor of the railcar. Dazed, confused, and in the center of it all, lay Kirby. He was slightly buried underneath a mess of what looked to be crystals, horseshoes, bracelets, bracers, even a frying pan, all of which seemed to emit a glow. Shining spoke up.

"Hey! I see you found the back-up supplies I had stored here just in case!" Shining exclaimed, "Just. . . I kinda wish you'd been a little bit more gentle with them."

"Poyo. . . ."

After goodbyes were exchanged, safe returns were promised, and a big mess cleaned up, the group was ready to head off. With a whistle and a roar, the large engine pulled out of the station and rumbled down the rails, carrying the group off into territory entirely new to them.

In more ways than one.

It took about 45 minutes, before the the train began to grind to a halt. Once the train had stopped. The guards in the locomotive made their way towards the friends. They made a beeline towards Twilight, Saluting her much to her embarrassment.

"Ms. Sparkle!" one of them boomed. "Our reports say that the target of interest is a straight shot from here. Once you disembark the train, simply head straight forwards. It'll be a long walk, but you'll eventually make it to the target." Twilight simply nodded her head as thank you. The two guards turned and marched back into the engine, door sealing behind them once they left. Twilight turned to look at her friends, and Kirby.

"Alright everyone" The unicorn began. "Its finally time to see whats really behind all of this metal nonsense that's been going on. I've thought about each of our strengths so we can make better use of the tools that Cadence and my brother gave us. Lets try not to break them, as we'll need to give them back one this is all over." Rainbow and Pinkie seemed to deflate at this, though the others didn't seem to bothered by this news. "We don't know what we're up against, but I know that together, nothing can stop us!

Everyone cheered at this, with Kirby hopping up and down happily. Twilight gave smiled a bit, before trotting over to a corner of the rail car. The two crates from before had been placed there, though there were a lot less full than before. Twilight's horn glowed with magic, reaching into both boxes. Out of the boxes, she pulled out

  • 2 Rings
  • 4 Bracelets
  • A Necklace
  • A Pair of saddle-bags
  • 3 Loaves of bread
  • A Wand
  • A single glowing crystal

Aside from the food, everything had a light glow to them, showing that it had been enchanted in some form or fashion. Everyone stared in awe at the sight.

"Hoo wee. . ."
"Awesome. . ."
"My goodness!"
". . ."

Twilight cleared her throat. "Now each of these will help us out. in some form or fashion, but please be aware of what they do at all times. Magical items can be really dangerous if used incorrectly." Everyone nodded, though some seemed to nod a little too fast. Regardless, Twilight levitated specific items to everyone.

Rarity and Twilight both got rings.

Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow got a bracelet each.

Lastly Spike was given the wand and Kirby got the necklace.

Everyone held their items, staring at them in wonder, curious to know what sort of effect the items would have on them. Twilight looked over a list that was within the box.

"Now, if what this says is correct". . . she mumbled. She looked the list over a bit more before turning to the group.

"Alright, the effect of each enchanted item is as follows." Twilight called out. She turned to Rarity.

"Rarity, that ring is enchanted with Magnify. It'll amplify the power of your magic." Rarity slipped the ring onto her horn as Twilight said this. She felt a shiver as the magic coursed through her.

"My word, I feel stronger already!" The seamstress exclaimed. Twilight nodded in acknowledgement, before moving onto Applejack.

"Applejack, your bracelet is enchanted with Strength. It boosts your physical strength." Applejack slipped the bracelet over her foreleg. She closed her eyes in anticipation. After a moment passed, she opened one eye. She didn't feel any different.

"Uh Twi? You sure this things gonna boost mah strength? Cause Ah don't feel no different." Twlight gave her friend a smile.

"Don't worry Applejack, not everypony has the same reaction to enchanted items." explained Twilight. "Some ponies feel the magic, while others feel nothing. However the enchantment always works no matter what." Applejack simply nodded at her friend's explanation, saying nothing more. Twilight then moved onto Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, your bracelet has Protection attached to it. As long as you wear that bracelet, you'll have a shield surrounding you at all times." Fluttershy simply looked down at the bracelet for a moment, before reluctantly sliding it on. Twilight looked at her shy friend a bit, before moving onto Pinkie.

"Pinkie, your bracelet has Healing touch. You can heal minor injuries by simply maintaining contact with whoever you wish to heal. Pinkie beamed.

"Neato! Ooh I can't wait to try it out!" She exclaimed. Then she thought about for a moment. "But wait, if I have to use it, then that means somepony got hurt! I never want to use it! . . . ."But I want to use it at the same time! Do I use it, or do I not use it?! Use it, don't use it? Use it, don't use it? Use it, don't use it?" Twilight simply moved onto Rainbow Dash, leaving Pinkie Pie to be Pinkie Pie.

"Rainbow, your bracelet has haste, which doubles your speed for about *WOOOSH*...... 30 seconds at a time." Twilight simply watched as Rainbow soared around the far-too-small-a-space-to-be-flying railcar. She was moving at high speeds with little effort on her part. Twilight just simply moved on, hoping that rainbow would eventually calm down.

Twilight found herself next to Spike.

"Spike, that wand is imbued with a Thunder Topaz, so it fires electricity." She looked the young drake in the eye. "Spike, please tell me that I can trust you not to be reckless with this. It can be a very dangerous item if used incorrectly." Spike looked at Twilight, determination in his eyes.

"Don't worry Twilight, you can count on me!" Twilight smiled. She hoped that Spike could keep his promise. She moved on, turning her head to face Kirby.

"Okay, Kirby. . ." Twilight began. "I'll be honest. I don't know enough about you to make an accurate guess on what would be best for you to have, so I'm giving you the Necklace of Wind." Kirby tilted his head in confusion.


"Basically it allows you to shoot a wind bolt at something." the unicorn explained. "It doesn't sound like much, but if you use it right, it can be effective." She gave the puffball a light glare. "Please tell me I can trust you not to use this recklessly."

Kirby looked at Twilight then down at the necklace. Then he looked back at Twilight again.

"Yes!" He nodded enthusiastically. Twilight looked at him a bit before turning around.

"Ten bits that he eats it. Rainbow remarked, having finally slowed down. She was quickly shushed by the others.

Twilight slipped her own ring onto her horn.

"Alright then. My ring is enchanted with Flame, imbuing my magic with the element of fire. Hopefully this sho--- Twilight was cut off by the sound of a familiar sucking sound. The unicorn whipped around to just in time to see Kirby letting the necklace he had in his nubs fly into his mouth.

"KIRBY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" Twilight shrieked. "You JUST told me I could trust you with that!"

"I called it!" Rainbow growled lightly. All the pest knows is to eat!"

Kirby just looked at everyone who was staring back at his with confusion, and suspicion. Then he swallowed the necklace.

To the shock and surprise of everyone. Kirby's body started glowing once again. Stars swirled around his body as the top of his head rapidly began change. Despite the group being inside a rail-car with no open windows, wind began to swirl around, quickly raising to a howl.

"W-wha?! Whats happening!?" Twilight exclaimed.

"Kirby must be doing something!" Spike called out."What though, I don't know!" Everyone braced themselves as the wind grew ever stronger, beginning to rock the car itself. But just as quick as it had began, it stropped. Kirby stopped glowing, and a small jingle seemed to come from within him. He opened his eyes to find everyone staring at him. No, rather they were staring above him.

The puffball knew that Twilight and Rainbow were probably going to chew him out for eating the necklace, but honestly, this was probably for the best.

After all, why settle for a simple bolt of wind, when you could create Tornadoes instead?

Author's Note:

I'm back!. I'm not letting this story die y'all!