• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,141 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

  • ...

The ride continues

Kirby was confused. One moment he was surrounded by smiling faces of three new friends, the next ,two of his new friends looked shocked and one had fainted. Did he offend them? All he did was introduce himself!


Using his voice again seemed to break the trance that Rarity had fallen into. She blinked a few times and turned towards Spike who was still starting blankly at Kirby. Rarity then turned back to Kirby, wondering if she had heard right.

"Erm... Darling could you.... repeat what you just said?" Rarity asked. She must have been hearing things.

"Hi... name Kirby?" Kirby repeated.

Nope hearing was perfectly functional. With that ,Rarity slumped down. She had brought a sentient being to her friend's house under the impression that said being was an animal. A beast of some sort.

"Well then..." she began, straightening her posture, "I would like to apologize for bringing you here. Spike and I would've brought you to a hospital had we known that you.... weren't an animal of some sort." Rarity winced at the ending of her apology.


Rarity blinked. Was Kirby upset at her? She took a look at him, and saw that Kirby was smiling. He didn't look upset at the fact that everypony had thought Kirby an animal before this revalation.

"Y-you're not mad at us?" She asked, shocked that the puff held no ill feelings towards them, despite the implications.

Kirby shook his head. He had seen his fair share of strange and unfamiliar creatures in his adventures. He now understood why his new friends had seemed so terrified a moment ago.

Rarity sighed in relief. She was glad that Kirby wasn't upset with her. "Well then dear Kirby, it's a pleasure to meet you." She said, holding out her hoof for a hoofshake. Kirby held out one of his stubby arms and held it against her hoof. Rarity was rather surprised at how soft Kirby actually was. After finishing the apparently universal gesture of friendship, Rarity turned to look out the window, finding that it was rather late. She turned to Spike.

"Spike? Spike are you alright darling?"

Hearing Rarity's voice broke Spike out of his trance. He looked towards her, still looking surprised but finally able to form a sentence.

"Y-yes Rarity?"

"I think its time we started back home." Rarity started towards Fluttershy, picking her up her unconscious friend when she was close enough. "You should take the gems towards the Boutique. Poor Fluttershy seems to have had her share of excitement for today. I shall catch up to you in a little while."

Spike sighed. He had been hoping to spend the entirety of his afternoon with Rarity, ending with him walking her back home. Though he couldn't say that the entirety of the trip was ruined, he still wanted to walk her home. Of course, he wouldn't vocalize his complaints.

"Alright then, whatever you say Rarity."

Plans dashed, he walked slowly outside to the waiting wagon of gems, leaving the door slightly open.

Kirby and Rarity watched as the baby dragon limped sadly to the outside world. Rarity sighed while Kirby only tilted his head in confusion.

At last, Rarity turned to face Kirby.

"Well then. Kirby, what shall you do?" She asked. "I'm not entirely sure you'd want to spend the night here with Fluttershy, she does have a lot of animals that reside here."

Kirby shrugged. He wasn't sure what his next move was going to be. He didn't know where he was and didn't have a clear place stay. He looked towards the door that Spike had went through. He weighed his options for a bit before making up his mind. Slowly, Kirby made his way towards the exit of the cottage. As he reached the door, he turned towards Rarity.

"Out." He said, softly. He pointed towards the door in an attempt to make his intentions clear.

Rarity looked confused at first but soon understood the message that was being conveyed. "Very well then. I won't stop you from taking your leave." said Rarity. "Though I do ask that you be careful out there. You still seem to have injuries and we wouldn't want anything to happen to you that could make them worse." Kirby nodded.

"Poyo!" Kirby exclaimed, showing a bright smiling face. He was given an unsure yet trusting smile from the white unicorn, who waved her foreleg at him. He returned the gesture, before turning back towards the door and charging through it.

Rarity was rather surprised to see Kirby move so easily and quickly despite his injuries, but decided that he friend's well being took priority. She secured Fluttershy and began looking for a comfortable place to let her friend rest. But as she started her search for a suitable space to place her friend, she was was unaware of a figure slinking outside, peering into the building through the back window.

As he stepped into the outside world, Kirby realized just how lost he was. He couldn't see any familiar landmarks and most of the things he could see were foreign in nature to him. It certainly didn't help that the sun was pretty low down in the sky, leaving the world a darker place overall. As he continued to scan his surroundings, he spotted a small village in the distance. Destination in his sights, he dashed down the dirt path away from the cottage and towards his goal. He didn't know how long it would take to get there, but he was determined to make it.

About a minute into his run, Kirby started to notice that something was twinkling a bit further down the path he was on. He began to run faster, curiosity driving him towards the glimmering light. As he drew closer, the twinkling light grew slightly. At last Kirby could see what was producing the shine. A blue gem lay on the ground, shining brilliantly in the setting sun. Kirby slowed to a stop, admiring the gem that lay before him. The blue sapphire that lay on the ground before him put most of Escargoon's treasure collection to shame! Slowly he picked up the shining jewel, looking at it with eyes full of wonder.... before placing it into his mouth and swallowing it.

"Poyo..." he moaned. His face contorted to one of disgust. It tasted gross, but Kirby knew that it would probably be best to save the gem. He was fairly sure that it held some sort of value. After all it was shiny! Shiny things were usually expensive, right?

Deciding to question the value of shiny objects later, Kirby resumed running down the dirt path. He hadn't made it much farther before a rather unexpected sight came into view. A large pile of gems filled his vision. His eyes widened in surprise. But as he stared at the glittering mass, he failed to notice that he was running towards a root in the ground. Said root, combined with an inattentive puff running as fast as he could, ended with a one way trip downwards.

"Poy-!" Kirby cried in surprise, but was cut off when he made contact with the earth. He tumbled along the ground a little ways before coming to a stop with his face in the dirt.

"Wha--!?" He heard a voice call out out. As he picked himself up off the ground he saw a familiar drake emerge from behind the glistening pile of jewels.

"Oh its just you Kirby." Spike murmured. He turned around to resume pulling the wagon, but then he realized just who he had just spoken to.

"Kirby!?" He yelped. "Wha-what are you doing out here?! Shouldn't you be back at Fluttershy's resting?"

Kirby looked at Spike before giving the small drake an answer.

"Explore!" he chirped.

Spike looked towards the pink puff incredulously. He didn't know what to say. The round puff looked like he wasn't going to make it when he'd first came falling from the sky. Now, not only had Kirby woken up in the same day, but he had made his way out of Fluttershy's cottage and was halfway towards Ponyville. Clearly this puff was made of sterner stuff. Even so, Spike was still worried for the puff.

"Kirby." Spike started "Don't you think you should be resting up? Its pretty late, and I don't think sleeping outside would be very comfy." Spike then looked over Kirby's body. "You've barely even healed up at all!" He pointed out.

Kirby thought about Spike's words. His wounds still ached and stung, but he'd had worse before. After a few seconds of though he shook his head. Spike simply sighed.

"Well alright then." he said. "I won't stop you if you want to explore."

Kirby, filled with joy, hopped into the air a few times, happily chanting a few "poyos" every now and then. Spike was having trouble not melting at the adorable sight.

"Alright, alright." He said at last. "Since we're both going in the same direction, I suppose I could point out things in the area for you so you don't get lost if you'd like.

Kirby nodded. Having someone show him around the area would make everything much easier.

"Alright then!" Spike said sharply, throwing his chest out to make himself look more important. "I, Spike, shall be your guide! Follow me!" Spike began to march down the dirt road, looking rather confident and proud. But he only made it a few steps forwards before he realized that he was leaving the wagon of gems behind and Kirby hadn't moved from his spot. "Oops" He muttered sheepishly, face beginning to tint red. He made his way back to the wagon and picked up the handle. "Okay." Spike said at last. " Now, we leave."

"Poyo!" Kirby chirped. He walked up besides Spike and looked at the small drake before facing down the path and pointing down the dirt road as if to say, "Lead the way!" Spike nodded and together the two walked down the path to their next destination in the fading daylight.

Twilight was not enjoying herself in the slightest. As soon as she had returned to the library, she had pulled out every single piece of lab equipment that she owned and began experimenting with the strange substance she had found earlier. She had tried a multitude of things to see if she could get a reaction out of it, only to find that the gooey blob didn't react to anything! What she thought would be an easy tasked turned into one of the most mind boggling experiences that she had ever had to experience.

"What in the hay is this stuff?!" She snapped. Her frustration and stress from the situation was showing. Her normally neat and tidy mane and tail were frazzled, splaying out in all directions. Her eyes twitched at frequent intervals. Overall she had the look of a mad scientist, and her mannerisms at the moment weren't too far off. Twilight took her gaze away from the glass bubble she had stored the goo in, to look over her notes.

"Lets see." she muttered to herself. "Pumping magic through subject had no effect. Every single chemical mixture and potion added to it has done nothing." Twilight continued to rattle off every single test and experiment that she had tried to herself. She desperately looked through her notes trying to find any discrepancies, any information she might have overlooked, any mistakes in any calculations she made. But it was all for naught, she just couldn't find anything that could provide any useful information. In fact everything pointed to the likelihood that whatever this was was something completely alien to ponykind! No recorded findings, no accidental creations, nothing.

"It doesn't make sense!" Twilight groaned loudly. At last she lost her last strand of patience. Letting out a hefty sigh, she trotted out of the room, desperately trying to calm herself down. She went to the kitchen and prepared a glass of cold water. She drank about half of its contents, before throwing the remaining liquid upon her face. She gasped, the cold water snapping her to her senses. As the water dripped off of her face, she had a sudden idea.

"I'll use my new telescope!" she thought to herself. She trotted upstairs towards the balcony, perhaps she'd make a new discovery! One that didn't involve--... Nope! she wasn't going to think about it. Star gazing was all she needed to be concerned about. As she placed her hooves onto the wooden panels of the balcony, the couldn't help but look up towards the sky. The moon was incredibly low in the sky at the moment, but Twilight knew that it would rise higher into the sky soon. After a moment of staring into the sky, she made her way towards her telescope. Once she reached the telescope, she began using her magic to hold it in place, she wanted to start where she had left off. As she tweaked the focus, she began to think about the instrument that she was currently preparing to use. It really did look nice, she was glad that the princess had given her such a wonderful gift. Perhaps she'd take it further out towards the plains with her friend one dayy, and show them the wonder beyond the sky. She chuckled lightly, imagining the reactions that each of her friends would have to such a thing.

At last she felt satisfied with her changes to the focus. Twilight slowly lowered her eye towards the the lens of the scope, ready to indulge herself with the night sky once more.


Twilight broke down into a pile of misery and tears. She didn't want to believe what she had just seen was real. Perhaps it was just a prank!

"Yes!" Twilight said in a hurried manner to herself. "Its just an elaborate prank! Maybe somepony put a sticker on the other side of this confounded thing!" Twilight rushed to the other side of the telescope, scanning every part of the the lens of any sort of thing that would explain why she was seeing what she saw through the telescope. When she found none, she teleported herself back to the kitchen and prepared another glass of water. This time she just threw the entirety of its contents across her face. Blinking a few times and rubbing her eyes just to be sure, she teleported back to the balcony and thrust her eyes back into the viewing lens of her telescope. When the sight from before came into view once more, Twilight decided to take the sensible course of action. Or rather the opposite of it.

As Twilight began to have her mental meltdown, she screeched loudly, causing two passing figures below to stop and look up towards the frenzied mare atop the balcony. One figure seemed to grow afraid at the sight while the other looked rather confused. The terrified figure made a dash away from the area as quickly as possible, leaving behind a shiny cart and its companion. The other figure turned away from from the sight of the angry ranting unicorn to question its buddy only to find that said buddy was running away at high speed and left its luggage behind. The figure began to panic, before seemingly absorbing the cart and chasing after its buddy, though now slightly bloated.

Twilight couldn't understand why she had to suffer today. First she thought a terrible fate had fallen upon her friends, then she had a horrible time trying to deduce what some random mystery substance was composed of, finally she had decided to end her day by gazing into her new telescope only to discover that the absurd object in the sky the other night that she had chalked up to be the creation of an exhausted mind was still there! She didn't know what to think of it, but she decided that she wasn't going to take this sitting down. Far from it. She was going to get to the bottom of this, even if it took all night.

"I will record my finding and present them to the board of science! I'll become the greatest scientist who ever lived!" Twilight cackled maniacally. Usually, Spike would be here to keep her in check to prevent her from falling this deep into the abyss of science, but due to the lack of small baby dragons named Spike around, there was nothing keeping Twilight from doing whatever she darn well pleased. With no further distractions or thoughts coming to mind, Twilight delved back into her notes and research with renewed energy.

Spike had arrived at the Carousel Boutique. He was overcome with relief as he made it to the doorstep. He didn't want to think of the scary sight he'd bore witness to further back. Watching Twilight have a meltdown was comparable to staring into the depths of Tartarus itself. But as he knocked on the door, he suddenly came to a realization. There was a distinct lack of jewels behind him and there wasn't a pink puff behind him either.

"Oh no!" Spike said to himself. "I left Kirby and Rarity's gems behind! Iv'e got to go back!" Spike turned to make his return journey to retrieve his new friend and the jewel cart but the sound of a door opening behind him made him freeze in place.

"Oh! Hello Spike." Said a squeaky voice from the doorway. "Did you and my sis bring back lots of gems?

Spike turned around to and tried to think of an excuse.

"Hey Sweetie Belle!" He started lamely. "Yeah, Rarity and I, found a BUNCH of gems today. So many in fact that..... I couldn't carry them all! Spike was sweating profusely. He wasn't sure if Sweetie Belle bought his excuse and the look on her face hardly gave that impression.

"Really?" She asked at last. "And here I thought you'd do anything for my sister."

Spike gulped. However, before he could try and come up with any other excuses, he heard the sound of of something coming up behind him. Looking back he saw Kirby and relief filled his face. His relief soon turned to worry however when he saw that Kirby's body was now rather bloated. He was much bigger than when he had left him, in fact Kirby was now the same height as Spike himself rather than being shorter than him.

"Aww! What is this cutesy creature you've got here Spike?" Sweetie Belle cooed. "Its absolutely adorable!

Spike ignored her though, opting to look Kirby's body over thoroughly.

"Dude! Are you alright? You're swelling up pretty badly! And you look exhausted!"

Kirby didn't answer. He just looked towards Spike with a tired look in his eyes, and sat down.

"Spike sighed sadly." Alright, I can fix this. Sweetie Belle can you watch over Kirby while I go--...... look for something to eat?

Sweetie Belle was too busy inspecting Kirby to note the dragon's poor excuse for leaving. Kirby on the other hand, had begun to stir at the mention of food.

"Yeah sure!" She said absentmindedly. The small white filly soon went back into the Boutique to retrieve something. Once she was out of earshot, Spike went to Kirby.

"Okay Kirby, I'll be right back!" Spike said hurriedly. "I've got to find that cart of gems, otherwise Rarity wont have the materials needed to finish her dress designs!" Spike shuddered at the thought of his crush having a face of disappointment. Failure wasn't an option.

Kirby began to stir some more, but ultimately said nothing. He only watched as Spike ran away from the area. Kirby chose this moment to act. He exhaled the contents of his mouth into the Carousel boutique. First came the mountain of gems, and then the cart. Feeling much lighter on his feet, Kirby dashed after Spike, leaving the extravagant building behind.

Sweetie Belle made her way towards the room that Kirby and Spike had been in. She found the pink puff that had followed Spike to be absolutely adorable in every since of the word and had wanted to play games with it. The only thing she questioned was the name Spike had given it. "Kirby sounds too harsh of a name for it.", she thought to herself. But before she could ponder a name change for the pink puff, she found a mountain of gems right before her. She was shocked. She didn't know where they had come from, and she was positive that Spike didn't have anything with him when she opened the door. She also found a lack of a certain pink puff in the room. She searched high and low for Kirby before giving up and returning to her room with a sigh.

Nothing ever wanted to play with her.

Spike was frantic. He had been looking everywhere for the cart that he had left behind, but the wasn't anything to be found. It was as if it had disappeared without a trace! To make matter worse, he was near the library. He swore he could hear the sounds of maniacal laughter from the inside. He knew that something had driven Twilight over the edge, but at this point he didn't want to find out just how deep she had fallen this time. Instead he opted to continue searching for the missing cart of gems. As he searched Kirby came running up behind him.

"Spike!" He called out.

Spike jumped, not expecting his name to be called out.

"K-Kirby! Wha--?" Spike shook his head. "Never mind, Kirby can you help me please?" Spike asked. " That cart of gems that i was carrying was for Rarity! If she doesn't get those gems, she won't be able to finish the project shes working on!" Spike was begging at this point. "Please! You've got to help me!"

Kirby realized that Spike didn't know that he'd eaten the cart and had spat it and the gems out at the building they had just left.

"Jue-well, back tear!" Kirby tried to convey his message through speech. Unfortunately Spike didn't seem to fully understand. At the very least though, Kirby had his attention.

"What?" Spike asked, unsure of what Kirby had just said. He scratched his head. Jewel where?

Kirby once again, didn't answer. He simply took off in a sprint back towards the Boutique. Spike was startled, but soon took off after him.

"Kirby!" He called out. "Wait up! You don't really know the way around Ponyville yet!"

Kirby ignored Spike. Continuing down the barren roads, he made his way back to the extravagant fashion store, stopping right outside the door.

Spike had finally managed to catch up to Kirby a few moment later. He was out of breath and was hardly in the mood for anything anymore. But before he could question Kirby about ditching him like that, the door swung open. A small white filly standing in the doorway.

"Spike! How did you do that?" asked Sweetie Belle.

Spike was confused. He had no idea what she was talking about and he didn't even feel like trying to come up with a clever excuse.

"Do..... what?" He gasped.

Sweetie Belle looked towards him with an unamused stare.

"Don't play dumb! How did you get all those gems in here without me noticing!?" Sweetie asked, this time a bit more edge in her voice.

Spike didn't know what to say.

"I--u-uuuhhhh...." He stammered.

Kirby chose this moment to act.

"Me give Ju-well!" He said happily. While Sweetie Belle reeled back in shock from the fact the the puff in front of her had just spoken words, Spike looked down towards Kirby with surprise.

"Y-You brought those here?" He asked. He could fathom how the puff could even move the cart. He himself had struggled pulling it!

Kirby only nodded.

Spike, having had his fair share of excitement for the day, plopped down right outside the door, looking off into the distance with a blank stare.

"Poyo?" Kirby walked over to him and poked him in the side. Spike stirred a little bit before standing back up and dusting himself off.

"Don't worry Kirby, I'm fine." Spike assured. He then turned to Sweetie. "Sweetie Belle, if its alright with you could we stay here for a while. At least until Rarity gets back from Fluttershy's."

Sweetie, having heard her name being spoken, finally responded.

"S-sure Spike!" She then turned to Kirby. "And you can stay here too! As long as you'd need to!" The little unicorn suddenly found herself full of excitement. "Ooh! We could play games to pass the time!"

Spike sighed and Kirby once again held a face of confusion.

This was going to be a long wait.

Deep in the reaches of space, a certain reality warping super computer was completing the scan of its current surroundings. Star Dream was still heavily damaged, but thanks to the repairs that most of the drones and other automated systems had made, it could run at a very low percentage of power. It wasn't nearly enough to continue the plans of---Itself? The computer seemed to draw nothing from its vast amount of knowledge. What was it doing? What was its purpose again?
At that last "thought" Star Dream seemed to malfunction again. The massive machine planet started to shave violently, alarms blaring from within itself. After about a minute of seizing up, the machine soon returned to "normal." At last the data scan was complete. Many scout drones, combined had searched for any suitable materials that could help aid in the repair of Star Dream. Surprisingly there happened to be a planet nearby. Based on the findings of the drone, this planet was of minimal threat, and had a bounty of natural resources. Perfect for the __--__- PRoJecT....

Star Dream seized up once more. Priority number one would be repair itself to a suitable level. Then the dream of ultimate prosperity would begin.

Author's Note:

And that's the end of another chapter. Sorry it took so long. There's probably a multitude of mistakes, but I'm focused more on finishing the story at the moment. Remember! I'm always open to criticism, so be my guest and voice your opinion of the story. Thanks and have a nice day!

- Kir B