• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,141 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

  • ...

Probably best to leave now.

Everyone simply stared at the puffball, all shocked and confused. Kirby had changed again! He was still the exact same color as usual, but he now wore a rather bizarre crown of some sort. The base of it was a golden ring with a green jewel placed in the center. A larger white ring jutted out of the first and circled around at an angle. It had chunks missing out of it, making it look like an artist's interpretation of high wind. However, it wasn't the most eye catching thing about the crown, and was seemingly rather redundant. Barely contained within the confines of both rings was a miniature tornado. Everyone could only stare as the thing swirled around atop Kirby's head, the sound of a light breeze coasting past their ears as it spun.

"Dude. . . . " Spike gaped, unable to take his eyes away from the sight. "What. . . is that!? Kirby simply looked up towards his hat, before looking back at the drake and happily chirping his response.

"Toenaedo!" the puff exclaimed, spinning around a bit as he did. There was a slight gust of wind at the action. This was seemingly enough to knock everyone out of their state of shock. They shared a look between each other, before turning back to Kirby. Slowly, everyone made their way closer towards the puffball, every so often taking a peek at the cyclone on Kirby's crown as if it would jump out at them.

"What manner of magic are you using?" Twilight asked, glaring at Kirby and his strange headgear with suspicion and frustration. "You did that same trick yesterday, complete with eating something that clearly shouldn't be eaten! You're supposed to WEAR the necklace, not EAT it!"

"Indeed darling!" Rarity added, distraught over the apparent abuse of jewelry. "Such a lovely looking necklace too! Why on Equis would you put that in your mouth?" Kirby simply smiled at the two.

"Copy!" He chirped. Everyone was confused.

"Copy? Copy!?" Rarity sputtered. Kirby, darling, PLEASE tell me you aren't suggesting us to eat our items. Aside from the fact that none of us aside from Spike and apparently you, can ingest such things, that would be a crime to jewelry everywhere! To taint such artifacts of fashion by eating it! . . . ooh dear. . . I feel ill at the thought. . ."

Kirby watched Rarity's over-dramatic theatrics with confusion, before shaking his head.

"Nu! I copy!" The puff clarified. He was still met with looks of confusion, now with 20% less understanding on their end.

"Ugh it doesn't matter!" Rainbow blurted. She turned to Kirby with a scowl. "You, cough up the necklace!" Kirby didn't quite meet her glare with one of his own, but his smile did fade a bit.

"Nu." he said, shaking his head a bit. "Tats a badd muv." Rainbow Dash, didn't take the puff's refusal lightly. She snorted, getting in Kirby's face.

"What do you mean no?" She prodded. "Look buddy, we're calling the shots around here, so cough the thing up already!" Kirby simply looked at her, face hardening just a bit more.

"Nu!" he blurted back, staring back at Dash. Tension was rising and everyone was growing a bit uncomfortable as the two stared at each other, both refusing to back down to the other's demands. Suddenly, an orange hoof broke in between the two, and separated them, catching both Kirby and Rainbow off guard.

"Alright, that's enough you two." Applejack said sternly, giving both Kirby and Rainbow a glare. "Break it up before yah both do something stupid." Rainbow gasped in exasperation while Kirby simply sighed, thankful for the save.

"Applejack, come on!" Rainbow angrily questioned. "We were given these things to help us out, and the first thing he does is EAT it!? How that supposed to be of any help!?" Applejack simply gave a level stare to the pegasus.

"Ah don't know, but he's got that fancy hat on his head, and he done glowed like the sun in the sky." She turned towards her friends, coughing to get their attention. Once she had it, she continued. "Now, I don't know if ya'll recall, but last time Kirby did that, he started using them fancy magic tricks. I'm pretty sure he just means to help out in the way he knows how. . . whatever that may be." Rainbow simply snorted again.

"What, so he just gains powers from eating stuff? She retorted. "Didn't Twilight already say that was impossible?" Twilight simply nodded in agreement.

"At this point, I think he just does it for theatrics." She said, rolling her eyes. "Just forget it Rainbow, we'll just let him have it." The unicorn activated her magic and made her way towards the door of the car, levitating the final bread and saddle bags over to her. The aura was a bright red as they floated over towards her, everyone could feel heat radiating from the floating objects. Twilight didn't put the saddle bags on her right away, instead continuing to suspend them in the air as she opened the door to the outside. Everyone walked towards the open door. Once again, the sight of shiny metal greeted them, patches of it covering the ground and expanding slowly, but surely to cover the parts of unconverted earth. Twilight stared across the horizon for a bit, before turning to face everyone.

"Well, its time for us, to make the journey out to find whatever's causing this mess and fix it." She began, she looked around at each of her friends, each giving her a smile. she took a quick glance over at Kirby who wore a neutral expression, before looking back. "We don't know what we may find out there, and honestly, it has me a little nervous. We've faced quite a few thing before, but I don't think we've seen anything quite like this. . ."

"Twilight?" Pinkie said suddenly. But the unicorn didn't here her, instead continuing her speech.

"But that's okay! She said, raising her voice a bit. "We've faced things before that no other ordinary ponies have faced, and we've always come out okay! I believe that whatever force is behind this, we can stop it!" The unicorn paused as her friends cheered a bit at this, Pinkie even chanting her name, though in a bit of an odd rhythm. Once they were done Twilight continued.

"That settles it then!" Twilight said at last, a confident grin on her muzzle. "Together we'll show whatever's behind this what we can do! With our smarts, strength, speed, and friendship we'll show those thing the real power of - !


Everyone recoiled at the sudden sound of Pinkie basically shrieking in their ears. Once everyone had gotten over the shock, they turned to Pinkie, who was currently looking a bit antsy.

"Pinkie what was that about?" Twilight asked, a little bit hurt from her friends outburst. "You interrupted my encouraging friendship speech!" Pinkie however didn't seem too fazed about her friend's hurt feelings, instead she simply pointed above the unicorn and said a few words. But those words would had a far bigger impact than Twilight's speech did.

"Your saddlebags are on fire!" The pony squeaked, hoof shaking as she pointed at where the bags would be floating.

Everyone's head whipped to where the pink pony was pointing and indeed, the bags were on fire. The flames danced wildly, around the form of the bags which were already starting to turn black. The ponies jumped in fright, a few of them screaming in a panic."

"Aughh!!" Twilight screeched. In a knee-jerk reaction, the unicorn flung the blazing bags away from her. Unfortunately she hadn't aimed for the open door. Rather, she had flung them across the train car, where they landed near the crates that held the supplies. "Wait! NO"" The unicorn pleaded, reaching out with her magic in a panicked attempt to snatch the boxes away from the burning bags. The crates were surrounded in her magical grip . . . . . . and violently burst into flames. Sparks of fire blasted past everyone, causing the group to flinch.

"Ya'll we gotta get out of here!" Applejack called out. The farmer jumped outside the railcar, quickly beckoning her friends to do the same. "Come on!" she shouted, before hurriedly running to the front of the train, to warn the guard of the danger. The rest of the group didn't need to be told twice, hurriedly making their way outside as smoke began to fill the coach. All except for Kirby and Spike.

Spike understood the urgency of the situation, but wasn't really concerned about falling victim to a simple blaze. He was a dragon, a baby dragon, but still a dragon. Smoke and fire was basically nothing to him. He was, however, very concerned about the safety of his friends. as he neared the door, he turned around to see if anyone was still there. To his horror, he found Kirby just staring at the fire.

"Kirby what are you doing!? Come on!" He called, out running back to retrieve the puff ball. Kirby quickly turned around.

"Nu!" Goe!" he called back. Spike simply stared at the puffball in surprise and confusion. Kirby looked at him for a moment, before giving a simple smile. "Twust mee!" Spike watched the puffball for a moment, longer, before returning Kirby smile with a small one of his own.

"Alright, if you're gonna ask me to trust you, I'll trust you." The drake replied. With that he hopped outside and made his way to the others.

Kirby turned around and braced himself for action. He waited a bit, as to make sure that everyone was a decent ways out of the way. Every moment that passed, he watched as the supplies burned.

Suddenly, he began to spin.

Very rapidly at that.

The wind picked up around him, and a small cyclone formed around his body. Kirby was concentrating as best he could, regulating his spinning as the smoke began drawing towards him. Once he figured that he had enough wind power, he spun his way over towards the burning supplies. The bags and crates resisted at first but were soon swept away by the force of the winds Kirby was producing. Kirby concentrated harder now, keeping close watch on how his tornado was behaving.

Tornado was a Copy Ability based around a force of nature. Though he could control air and wind pretty much however he wanted, that didn't change how it naturally acted. With the burning objects in tow, his cyclone was quickly attempting to turn into a firestorm and Kirby didn't want that. The puffball began to make his way over to the door, directing the wind around him to suppress the flames as best as he could. He found himself bouncing off the built in furniture a few times, but he was still on course with the exit. Suddenly, he heard a scream and something new joined him within his cyclone.

As Spike jumped out of the railcar, he spared one last glance behind him, as smoke began to flow out of the coach and into the sky. He knew that Kirby asked him to trust him, but what exactly did he have in mind? Surely he didn't intend to eat the fire. . . right? The dragon shook his head.

"Kirby asked me to trust him, so I'll trust him." He said to himself. He looked up and found the rest of his friends standing well away from the danger site, with the exception of Applejack, who was helping the guards out of their locomotive. He quickly ran over to them. As he drew close, Fluttershy noticed him. She quickly flew over towards the baby drake, with the rest of her friends soon following.

"S-spike! "W-where's Kirby!? she asked, clearly distraught. "W-why isn't he with you?!" Spike sighed, knowing that what was gonna happen next was probably cause a bigger commotion.

"He still inside the train car." Spike replied honestly. He was met with a collective scream of-


Spike recoiled a bit, but simply stated himself again.

"He still inside!" He repeated. "I tried to get him out myself, but he kinda just told me to go without him. I'm assuming he's gonna try and put the fire out." Rainbow dash face-hooved.

"Ugh, stupid thing's probably trying to eat the fire too. . ." She groaned. "I'll go get him!" With that, she darted back over to the railcar. Spike was alarmed.

"Dash, wait! He called out, but she had already made it to the door. The pegasus peered inside, but what she saw was definitely not what she was expecting. The smoke and fire was getting sucked into a sizable tornado!

"W-what the!?" She squeaked, her wings faltering a bit at the sight.

Unfortunately, that little fumble had been enough. The moment her wings desynced, the pegasus got caught in the wind, getting sucked towards the cyclone. Unable to recover in time, she tumbled into it. She screamed as she delved into the cyclone of smoke and flames.

"R-rainbow!?" The others called out, unsure of what had happened. To them, it had looked like the pegasus had darted inside. The scream had them fear for the worst. Spike was hit hard.

"K-kirby? Rainbow!?" he said, now even more worried. Dash wasn't one to scream easily like that.

Had he made a mistake?

Then, something odd happened, at least to them. A black swirling mass appeared in the door way of the coach, catching everyone by surprise.

"W-what in the world!?" Twilight shouted, with everyone else saying something along similar lines.

The mass swirled in front of the door way, flickering with bright sparks of light every now and then. The mass made its way outside to reveal a rather dark cyclone, swirling around. Before anyone could try to make sense of the situation, the tornado began to dart around erratically, making its way over towards them.

Everyone started to freak out a bit, but then they noticed a blue shape whizzing around and around within, loudly coughing.

"Hooray Dashie!" Pinkie began to cheer, with the rest of the friends sighing in a sort of relief. "She stopped the fire and saved Kirby!" Everyone began to give a round of applause at Rainbow's apparent act of heroism, but soon stopped when Dash opened her mouth.

"SOME------PONY----- GET------ ME------ OUTTA----- HERE!!!" she yelled as she whirled around, launching into a coughing fit as she inhaled more smoke. This only worried and confused everyone. Had Dash lost control of the cyclone!? However, they didn't get a chance to launch into action at all. The cyclone had made it halfway to their position and stopped, swirling around in place.

". . . .What?" Twilight questioned aloud.

The tornado then squashed itself down a bit, before stretching itself upwards, growing thinner and thinner. A multitude of objects swirled around, now made a bit more visible due to the tornado thinning a bit. Rainbow Dash, a bunch of food, a half burned saddle bag, and two burned but intact crates. The friends were now VERY worried about their friend's safety, but miraculously everything that the cyclone contained seemed dodge and weave around their trapped friend. Twilight was worried about Dash's safety, but she still noticed this.

"What??" She questioned again, even more confused.

Everything within the now stretched cyclone suddenly began to reorient themselves, spinning around with the wind at an angle. Suddenly, the they changed course, beginning to rapidly ascend the cyclone! Everything was shot up and out of the wind's grasp once it reached the top. Rainbow Dash being the first thing ejected. She careened into the sky, eventually managing to reorient herself enough to start flying again. Everything else though plummeted to the ground, managing to stack itself into a haphazard looking pile. The first the crates, somehow managing not to splinter completely apart upon impact, then the remains of the saddlebags, and finally the food rations.

"What?!" Shouted Twilight, baffled. How had everything not been scattered to the four winds?! She was happy her friend was safe, but this made no sense for a rouge cyclone! As everyone stared at the strange mass of wind, Rainbow made her way down to the rest of her friends, covered in bits of ash.

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy called out, giving her friend a hug as she landed. "Oh thank goodness you're safe!" Rainbow cringed at the tightness of the hug.

"Same Fluttershy.", she squeaked. Pinkie Pie bounced on over, happiness on her face, but a bit of confusion as well.

"Dashie, what happened?" Questioned the party pony. "It's not like you to lose control of a tornado like that!" Dashie looked over to her pink friend.

"Pinkie, I didn't make that cyclone, it was already inside when I went over there!" This just spread confusion to the rest of her friends. However Twilight was too engrossed by the tornado's strange behaviors and didn't notice Dash's words.

"Already. . ? Whaddy'a mean it was already in there?" Applejack blurted. "Its not like tornadoes can just magically---! She stopped, eyes widening as she thought back to what just happened earlier. Her jaw dropped as she realized it. "No way." She whispered, slowly turning to face the cyclone.

Everyone else was puzzled by her change of demeanor, but then quickly started coming to the same realization.

"Dude. . .."
"Could he really?"
"Oh my...."

Dash stayed silent. She just eyed the tornado, starting to scowl as she too came to the realization. Twilight was the only one who was still wracking her brain over the thing. But she didn't have to wait much longer.

The tornado began to shrink in size. The smoke began to dissipate from within, wafting off into the sky. As the smoke floated away, the cyclone began to grow clearer. Soon the smoke cleared completely, but the cyclone was still there, and at the very base of it, was a blur of pink. Twilight's eyes started to widen. Suddenly the pink began to slow down in spinning. before coming to a complete stop.

Revealing Kirby.

Twilight's mane frizzed.


Some time had passed after that incident. The guards had gone aboard the coach to inspect the damage. Luckily, the only real casualties were the supplies, and a bit of Dash's pride. The two guards had informed them that overall everything would still be alright, and made sure to inform the ponies about the specifics about each item they possessed. Twilight bashfully kicked at the ground when they informed her that her ring, DID in fact, imbue magic with the flame element. However, effect applied to ALL magic, not just combat spells. After reassurances that everything would be alright, the group headed off into the distance, hoofs clanking upon chunks of metal ground every so often.

They traveled in relative silence for a while, before Spike spoke up.

"Dude, that was AMAZING!" The drake congratulated. This opened the gates for conversation, the rest of the ponies giving their own form of congratulations.

"Darn Tootin!" Agreed Applejack. "That was su-perb pardner! You wrangled that there fire pretty well all things considered!"

"Indeed!" Rarity added. Though she sniffed a bit and waved her hoof around her muzzle. "Although once we return, perhaps you should partake in a shower dearie. All that smoke has done quite a number on your scent I'm afraid to say." Kirby inspected himself, before giving a shrug. He'd had worse.

"Kirby you were so COOL!" Pinkie Pie, blurted, hopping in front of the group. "You were like WOOOOOSH and VWOOOOOOM, and spinning!" The party pony began to spin rapidly.

"SPIN! Spin spin spin spin spin spin Spinspinspin AAAAAUGGHH!" She cheered, before coming to a halt. Her eyes swirled around as she ended up making herself dizzy. "Wooo, I don't know how you did it!" Twilight looked up.

"Yesssss.. . ." She asked slowly, she stepped up to Kirby. "How did you do that?" The puffball smiled, hopping up as he gave an answer.

"Cantwol Wend!" the puffball chirped. Before anyone could question him further, he started to spin again. Everyone recoiled at first, but they soon began to watch with curiosity as Kirby began to spin away from them. Curiosity changed to wonder as they noticed that Kirby wasn't using his feet to spin himself. The wind picked up, and once again he was surrounded by a cyclone. However it was MUCH smaller than before, barely reaching out beyond his body. They all watched as Kirby began to leave the ground. He floated around for a bit before suddenly stopping his spin. However the cyclone persisted, surprising everyone. Kirby just smiled as he levitated there. With everyone's eyes on him, he gave a wave, before dispersing the wind around him. He stayed up in the sky however, using his power over the air to stay airborne. Most of his audience clapped at his performance. Rainbow however, scoffed, muttering that she could do far more impressive tricks than that.

Demo over, Kirby returned back to the ground, landing just in front of the group. Twilight walked over to him.

"Okay then." She began, with somewhat of a smile. "I guess that just means you're well versed in Wind Magic, though I guess I should've seen that coming, what with the sucking things up and all." She chuckled a bit at this. "That's actually a pretty valid explanation for that stunt back there!" Twilight held her hoof out. "In that case, you can just give the necklace I gave you back, clearly it's just redundant for you." Kirby gave a sad smile.

"I kan't" he replied sheepishly. Twilight's expression iced over, along with everyone else's.

"W-what?" Twilight asked. She rubbed at her ears a bit. "I-i'm sorry, but did you say you can't?" The puffball nodded in reply. Twilight's mane frizzed out a bit. "W-why!? You clearly don't need it! That necklace doesn't power up wind spells, it just lets someone cast one!"

Again Kirby shook his head.

"Need nekwace to kantwol wend." He responded. The ponies played around with his response for a bit, before.

"Ugghhh! Give it UP already!" Rainbow grunted. "Twilight's already said you don't get powers from eating things because its magically impossible!" Twilight nodded her head, expression turning stern."

"Correct." She said firmly, looking at Kirby with a glare. "Kirby, I've tolerated this idea of yours for a while now, but its getting pretty old at this point. She walked closer towards the puff. I can accept you being well versed with wind magic. I can accept you being able to perform powerful shield spells. Heck, I can even accept you been good with illusion spells which honestly, would explain how that hat from before came to existence and the absolute absurdity that your current attire is!" She motioned towards his hat, still swirling with untapped wind energy.

"However!" She said suddenly. "I cannot, I repeat - CANNOT - accept the idea of you eating things in order to use said magic. There's just so many reason why that wouldn't work!" She sighed in frustration, shaking her head. "Just. . . take the compliments and give the necklace back."

Silence fell over the group. Kirby had his arms on his face, his own frustration, rising ever higher. He looked back towards his friends and they simply looked back at him with sullen expression on their faces. Well. . . most of them anyways.

He'd hated to think about it, but despite growing close with some of them, they just couldn't bring themselves to believe him, at least not entirely. They acknowledged that he was trustworthy and that he had skills. But when it came to explanations about said skills or his origins, he had no legs to stand on. It certainly didn't help that the princesses thought that he was crazy. Seems that the residents of the planet hadn't been to space before. . .

Kirby was brought out of his thoughts by feeling on his back. He looked up to find Spike beside him, a claw on his back. Looking back at Twilight, who seemed surprised at his actions.

"Come on Twilight. Spike asked, eyes basically pleading to not escalate anything further. "Just let him keep the necklace, at least until we get back to the Crystal empire. Does it really matter if he has it with him or not?" Twilight looked at her assistant before sighing.

"Spike, the issue here isn't so much the fact that he has the necklace, nor the fact that he's not giving it back." She said. "The issue, at least for me, is that he's using the idea of eating things to gain powers." She looked towards Kirby. "That just doesn't work. Eating is a basic necessity among all living things in some form or fashion. We do it to provide ourselves with energy so that we can go about our daily lives." Twilight had now gone into lecture mode, pacing around the area. Despite this, everyone was paying attention to her, no one getting lost at all. "What Kirby is saying, is that he basically evolves as he eats, which is the whole reason it doesn't work!"

She whipped around to face her friends.

"Evolution takes a LOT of time, and a LOT of energy. If what he said was true, the amount of energy in his system would be ASTRONOMICAL in order to sustain the amount of changing his body would constantly be doing, and that's not counting the space of time those "changes" take place." She walked back up to look at Spike. "And then he can eat just about anything! At what point do his changes become redundant? He can fly, he's certainly strong and durable! What, does he turn into metal if he eats metal? Does he grow wings if he eats a feather?? That amount of adaptability is by all means, . . . just . . . impossible." She placed a hoof on Spike's shoulder, who's eyes were starting to look just a bit wetter. Twilight's frustrations petered out and she sighed.

Spike, I don't mean to call Kirby a liar or anything of the sort. He's helped use plenty of times so far and i thank him for it. But as a mare of knowledge, I know that what he's saying just can't be right. It flies completely in the face of everything pony society knows. . ."

"Twilight, is this really something you want to be saying to poor Spike? Kirby's his friend, and our friend too!" Applejack blurted. "Ah ain't a magic or science inclined gal myself, but Ah do know that anything can be wrong. He could very well be telling the truth!"

"Applejack, you heard the mare." Rainbow butted in. "Puffball here is just making tall tales for no reason." With that, everything devolved into an argument. Most of the six ponies began to try and put their two cents in about what worked, or how things could be wrong. Fluttershy and Pinkie just watched helplessly and tried to settle their friends down. Spike just watched everyone argue. He didn't ask for this. He didn't want any of this!

"Guys stop!" He pleaded, join in Pinkie and Fluttershy's attempts to help stop the arguing. "We don't need to go this deep into it!" But the others didn't listen, too engrossed in their bickering. This continued for a time, until.


Everyone fell silent at the unexpectedly loud shout. Everyone turned to face the subject of the argument.


The puffball had an uncharacteristically angry expression on his face. Overall it wasn't anything more than him frowning, but it didn't suit him at all. In addition, everyone noted, that he had tear drops in the corner of his eyes. He walked up to the group, and stared at them for a while, before looking at Twilight.


"Twilight looked at him, not quite understanding what he was asking for. Kirby spoke again.

"Twade. Yo wing, fo mi necwace." He explained. Everyone bounced his mangled words through their heads a bit, until they figured out the puff's request.

"You want to trade the Necklace of Wind, for the Ring of flames?" Twilight asked, confused. "Why? It's meant for a unicorn's horn. You won't be able to use its effects unless-!" Everyone stopped as Twilight's words registered with them. Everything grew tense.

"You can't use the ring's power, because you can't even wear it!" Twilight finished. She gave a bit of a chuckle. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?!" She turned towards the rest of her pony friends, a determined, but level look at them, she then turned back towards Kirby. "If what you say is correct, by your logic you'll be able to use do stuff involving fire, correct?" The unicorn questioned. Kirby nodded.

"Twilight, come on!" Spike blurted out. "You don't need to try and prove him wrong! It's like Applejack said yesterday, he would know how his own skills work! Just. . . drop it, please!" But the unicorn shook her head.

"No Spike, this idea needs to be proven wrong, like it is." She said. Twilight looked towards Kirby. "Kirby, I accept your trade offer."

Kirby nodded once again. He backed away a bit, before puffing up. He looked skyward, before exhaling. The Necklace of Winds flew out of his mouth. The moment it did so, his tornado hat vanished, as if had never been there at all. Kirby caught the necklace as it came back down, extending the arm he held it in towards Twilight. Twilight nodded back, a look of determination on her muzzle. Using her magic she removed the Ring of Flame from her horn. Her magic aura flickered for a moment, before reverting from its fiery red color, to its usual lavender color.

Both pieces of jewelry out in the open, the two swapped. Twilight looked at the necklace a bit before shaking it in an attempt to remove any digestive fluids it may have had on it, not that it actually had any. Once she was satisfied, she put it on. She looked around a bit, before spotting a decently sized rock, not quite reached by the converting metal. She concentrated her magic, and with a swoosh, she fired a bolt of wind. The poor rock was sent flying, hurling towards the horizon. She nodded, then turned to Kirby.

"And now it's the pest's turn" Rainbow smugly stated. She was shut up by a glare from Applejack.

Kirby held the ring in his arms, it was a very nice piece of jewelry, but all Kirby felt by looking at it was frustration and sadness. He didn't even bother to inhale the ring, he just placed it into his mouth. He took a glace at everyone finally looking at Spike. His angry scowl broke, and turned into an expression of sadness.

Kirby swallowed the ring.

Everyone was caught by surprise when Kirby's body started glowing again. In fact it seemed to be a brighter glow than usual. Familiar stars began to swirl around the Kirby's glowing form. A strong burst of heat burst over the area. The moment this had started happening, the ponies knew what manner of mess they had gotten themselves into.

Applejack pulled her stetson over her face.

Pinkie's mane deflated

Fluttershy's eyes began to tear up.

Rarity and Spike simply looked on in distraught.

Twilight and Rainbow simply watched, eyes wide and jaws dropped.

With a flash and a jingle, Kirby's transformation was complete. He was now vastly different than his Tornado form, sporting fiery red skin and crimson feet. His hat was no longer a ring, but instead a golden tiara which weaved around towards the back of his head. The tiara sported a large green jewel in the center just like the last hat, but it was a different shape and cut. Finally, instead of having a swirling tornado atop his head, he had a brightly burning fire there instead, flickering about wildly. He looked over the group he had come to know since arriving here. Twilight simply stood there and staring at him.

She was shaking.

"N-no. . . " She stammered, disbelief clear on her face. "T-that can't be! I-its impossible. I-t s-SHOULD be impossible!"

Kirby simply looked towards her. He was hurt, but he had to drive his point home. He looked upwards and took in a deep breathe. What followed when he exhaled, was a massive burst of flame. Twilight yelped, jumping back from the heat, but was ultimately okay, Kirby never intended to hurt her, or anyone for that matter. He was just letting out his frustrations. Everyone watched as the fire breathing puffball kept his fire stream up. The flames danced in the sky, and ultimately everyone was mesmerized by the sight. Spike, the only other fire-breather there, would've been impressed if he wasn't feeling so sad.

At last, Kirby stopped using his flame breathe. He looked around, still not saying anything. A tear streamed down his face. The puffball turned away from the group, before setting himself into a charging position. He looked back one last time.

"Ets ben fun. . ." he said sadly. This shook everyone from their shock. Spike was quick to speak words.

"H-hold on Kirby!" He began, desperately trying to think of something. "J-ust wait a-!


In a roar of fire, Kirby engulfed himself in flame, then burst forwards with impressive speed. Nobody expected that to happen, and so they were unprepared to give chase. Within seconds. Kirby had disappeared over the horizon. Spike and the mane 6 just stared.

Mistakes had been made.

As Kirby blasted over the horizon with Burning Fireball, he spotted skyscrapers starting to appear. This would've been fine if they didn't have HWC design all over them. The puff began to slow down, realizing that he was starting to enter enemy territory. He eventually stopped, when he made it towards a cliff. As he walked over to the edge, he could see that the largest cluster of skyscrapers were at the base of the cliff he stood at. Looking around, he was shocked to see. . .

Matta Nite!?! Kirby squeaked. in the distance, there was a strange looking mechanized Meta Knight flying around, carrying what looked to be a steel beam. Kirby was frozen in shock. How'd Meta Knight get here!? Then, to his surprise, another Meta Knight flew past. This confused the puffball greatly. He looked around, which was when he realized it.

There were dozens of Cybernetic Meta Knights doing various tasks around the area. Most of them were carrying supplies around, but a few were huddled around various structures, attaching beams and other various supplies to the buildings they were in / on. It only took Kirby a moment to realize.

1: These were not the real Meta Knight, but rather full on Meta Knight robots.

2: They seemed to be building these buildings manually instead of using the mechanizing pylons from before.

3: Each robot he could see came with the claw attachment from before.

4: He was getting ready to storm a construction site, filled with Meta Knight robots, alone.

Kirby surveyed the area a bit, before thinking back on the Ponies and Spike. Honestly, he had forgiven them. He was pretty forgiving by nature, and though the implications of what Twilight and Rainbow said had hurt him, he could understand that they really only wanted what was best for their friends. And judging by how they acted earlier, it was clear that he was currently a rift driving their longtime friendship apart. He didn't wan't to do that at all!

A tear rolled down his eye, before he should his head.

As much as he wanted to go back, he was here now. Kirby was certain they'd come along as their goal was the same as his.

But for now though. It was probably just best to leave now, and come back later when things cooled off.

With that, Kirby hopped down the cliff, plummeting into the buildings below.

Author's Note:

And thus Kirby and the gang has split up! 😲 What manner of challenges will each group face, now that their friendship power has been split in half.

SERIOUS Spoiler here: They'll reunite later in the story, though they still won't really know how to act. After all We haven't even gotten to Dash VS Kirby yet!

Find out what awaits in the next chapter!