• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,127 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

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Leaving Gamble Galaxy

In the far reaches of space rests a star shaped planet that goes by the name of Popstar. It's a wonderful place to live. Clean water, fresh air, lovely plants, and (mostly) wonderful citizens. Anyone living there would tell you that its like living in a dream. Truly a place to behold. The only downside of living on the planet, is the fact that it attracts the attention of evil monstrosities and megalomaniacs quite often. Planet Popstar has been threatened by many armies of evil, bent on conquering the entirety of the planet, and today was the day that yet another evil force decided to make its move against the planet and its inhabitants.

Too bad they never heard of Kirby.

Kirby wasn't happy. He had planned to enjoy his day by resting peacefully under a tree. He never made any plans to fight a planet sized computer that could bend reality. Yet here he was, flying through space trying to gun down a planet sized computer that had the face of a cat with a mix between the Halberd and mechanical armor that bore a striking resemblance to him. It was a hard battle and both the Halberd and the enemy had taken heavy damage. But he was willing to fight to put an end to the metallic behemoth and save his home once more.

"Poyo!" he yelled as he charged the ship straight towards the enormous machine.

Said machine, named Star Dream, was currently running many calculations through its mechanical mind.


It seemed that, despite all the power that it had at its disposal, it was unable to match the power of the being that was currently trying to smash him, IT, to pieces. It was losing power rapidly and many internal functions within were starting to self destruct and malfunction. Not to mention the calculated odds of survival were abysmally low. Somewhere deep within the core of Star Dream there was a cry to just give up. A plea to give in, be destroyed, and prevent a horrible disaster the like that has never been witnessed before from occurring. To go back to its original--!!zz!!...

Star Dream had a purpose, to bring eternal prosperity to it's creator and the empire that said creator had built. And it was going to fulfill that purpose and destroy any and all resistance.

The cry within Star Dream was smothered almost as quickly as it had appeared.

Kirby was closing in. As he piloted the ship closer to Star Dream, a masked figure jumped up onto the front of the ship. It drew a sword and, inserting it into a slot, ejected Kirby and his armor straight towards Star Dream. Kirby was prepared to end the fight once and for all, transforming one of the arms of his mech into an over-sized drill as he rocketed towards his foe.

Star Dream made its move at that moment.

It opened it eyes and its cat like mouth wide... and began to inhale. Kirby was caught off guard. He wasn't expecting this! He found himself caught in the gust, no longer in a position ready to strike, but rather tumbling towards the awaiting maw of the crazy computer he was so close to destroying. He tried to resist its pull as best as he could, putting the thrusters of the Robobot Armor into high gear. But he was no longer aboard the Halberd, and the armor had little power in comparison. It soon gave out and Kirby was sucked into the void that was Star Dream's "mouth."

Star Dream hummed quietly to itself. Despite the low chance of survival, it had managed to capture and contain the creature that had nearly destroyed it. All that was left was to dispose of it. Star Dream started to gather the remaining energy that it had left.


The cry within Star Dreams core returned, trying to implant the idea of releasing the captive and giving up. The computer ignored it. Victory was assured.


The cry within grew stronger, saying that the objective that was being followed was wrong and no one needed to be hurt. Star Dream was starting to question its motives. What was it trying to--!!! A few chunks of unneeded files were going to need deletion later on.


The cries within Star Dream were desperate, almost overwhelming at this point, demanding that the pink one receive no harm. These unneeded file would need to be queued for immediate deletion as soon as the target was taken care of.



Star Dream unleashed the gathered energy.... and teleported away in a blinding flash of multicolored lights. Things seemed to be a blur. Colors were everywhere and the surrounding area appeared to warp and twist. Then in the next instant, the ride was over. The massive computer began to scan its new surroundings.


Star Dream was on its last legs at this point. It was on the verge of shutting down and it could barely keeps its systems functioning. Shutting down was a very real threat.


Star Dream opened its mouth and a multitude of things flew out of its gaping maw. Grey Mechs, small containment tubes containing orbs of purple or golden goo, robotic drones, and a very injured ( and asleep ) Kirby. As the planet sized machine began running diagnostics and troubleshooting problems to try and delay its shut down, Kirby drifted further into the reaches of space, straight towards a planet in the distance.

Twilight Sparkle was excited. She had been waiting for weeks on end for a package to arrive at her doorstep and today was the day that it was supposed to arrive. As she looked up to the sky from the balcony of the library, she saw the mail mare descending towards her home with a rather large package held in her hooves." She squealed and rushed down the stairs, giddy with excitement. Almost before hoof met door, Twilight had thrown the door open with her magic, nearly throwing it off the hinges.

"Good morning Ditzy Doo!" she squeed.

"Good morning Twilight!" the grey mare greeted back. " I've brought a package with your name on it. Don't worry, I took extra care not to do anything that could potentially damage or destroy the object inside." Twilight looked at Ditzy with skeptical look. She meant well and was a sweet pony, but due to her.... condition everypony had to make sure that whatever they ordered was in mint condition. However she quickly forgot all about it as she was too excited to care.

"Oh thank you SO much!" she squealed and she threw herself into Ditzy and gave her a bear hug.

"You're--- welcome--!" wheezed the grey mail mare.

After she was released from Twilight's death grip, Ditzy released the package and gave it to Twilight. She then flew away to make other deliveries to other ponies. Twilight on the other hand, was currently ripping open the box that concealed the object of her desires. At last she had reached it. Within the box lay metallic tubing ready to be assembled into something much more grand. A telescope. She had been meaning to get a more powerful one so she could gaze into the sky and see what was in the furthest corners of the sky, and at last she had it within her grasp. And she didn't even need to pay for it as it was gifted to her by a royal friend. All she needed to do was assemble it. '

"It shouldn't be too hard." she thought to herself. "Right?"


Turns out there was a distinct lack of instructions on how to assemble the telescope within the box. This upset the lavender unicorn immensely, but she didn't let it hold her down. She decided that a little help may be in order.

"SPIKE" she called out. "I need you to bring out my old telescope and move it downstairs!" There was the sound of mumbling and movement upstairs. After about a minute, a small purple and green dragon came down the steps, toting an old telescope on his back.

"Do we really need a new telescope?" the small drake asked. "The one we have still works pretty well, and is actually in one piece rather than all over the floor." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Yes Spike. The old telescope is on the verge of collapse and the lens is cracked, plus this new one can see farther out into the sky!" She grinned again with her face full of wonder. "Imagine!" she mused, "We could see beyond what we already know of and see the wonders that lay a further beyond!" She began bouncing. "We could make amazing discoveries! See things that no other pony has ever seen before!" She leapt into the air. "We could be go down in the science history books!" She fell back down to earth grinning wildly. Spike looked less enthused about the situation but figured it would be useless to try and worm his way out of helping construct the telescope and gave in.

By the time they finished building the telescope, night had fallen over Ponyville. Despite all odds, it had taken them all day to construct a telescope. Spike, exhausted, went to bed immediately once Twilight was convinced that the newly constructed telescope wouldn't fall apart for the umpteenth time. He curled up in his basket and promptly fell asleep. Twilight had other plans for the night. She immediately went up to the balcony of the library and placed the telescope in what she considered to be the perfect position.

"This is it!" she thought to herself. She could hardly contain her excitement. She quickly set the angle of her telescope. It wobbled a bit, but held together. All that time and preparation was about pay off! All of the tantalizing knowledge of what was beyond the stars was about to become hers. She licked her lips as she imagined what she might find and what she would write down on her research papers.

At last she couldn't wait any longer. She peered down into the lens and looked into the night sky. She gasped at what lay before her eyes. It was wonderful! So many different stars never before seen by ponyind. It was mesmerizing! She was lost within the sparkles of each and every star, each glittering like silver and gold under the brightest of lights.

After what seemed like eternity she decided to call it night. She did have things to do tomorrow, and it would be disastrous if she ended up ruining her schedule.

"I'd better turn in for the night." she yawned. But before she took her eye from the lens she noticed something. Something appeared to be shining brightly. Very brightly. In fact she was sure nothing this bright was there while she was surveying the sky. " Perhaps its natural phenomenon?" she questioned to herself. Her eyes went wide at the thought and she glued herself back to the telescope lens. Whatever this was she could not miss it. This could possibly be something that no other pony had ever seen and she would be the one to document it in full detail!

The shining within the sky continued to grow brighter. She had to squint her due to the light. Right before she had to force her eyes shut, the glowing ceased. Twilight blinked a few times and looked where the shining spot used to be. In its place was a planet.

A silver planet, with the face of a cat.

"I must be more tired than I thought." Twilight thought to herself. " I'm starting to imagine things." And with that she left her telescope and went to bed.

Had she waited a little longer, Twilight would have seen the planet open its "mouth" and expel a multitude of objects from it. Had she peered into the scope a bit longer after that, she would have seen a certain pink creature hurtle towards the planet at high speed.

Author's Note:

And thus ends what I'd call the prologue chapter of this story. I know it sounds cliche but this is my first story and criticism would be appreciated. I'd love to work on and improve my writing skills.

Thanks and have a good day.
-Kir B