• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,141 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

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Come check out our Stock. . . Mecha Knights!

Everyone looked out over the horizon, still completely at a loss for words. Kirby had taken off in a burst of flame, leaving everyone far behind and in a sorry state. None of them were the slightest bit happy over what transpired. Twilight Sparkle was still shaking over the events herself, trying to wrap her head around what had just happened.

"Well? Are you happy?" A voice cracked. Everyone turned towards the source. Spike was not happy about the situation, and it showed. A scowl shone on his face and a few tears threatening to start flowing down his scaled face at any moment. He walked directly to Twilight, staring her straight in the eye. "You finally got the truth of how Kirby's powers work, only to find out that the answer was not what you wanted. Now, because of your constant prodding, we may very well have lost a friend!" Tears now actually started to roll down the dragon's face, but he continued. "Why can't you just accept that sometimes you can be wrong? It's certainly not like he tried to hide this from you, you just stubbornly wouldn't believe him when he told you!"

Twilight stepped back, not used to being told off by her assistant.

"Spike I-I. . ." She stammered, trying to think of something to say. However, before she could say anything, Spike turned away from her, and ran. Getting down on all fours, he charged off in the direction that Kirby had gone. Twilight wasn't prepared for that. "W-wait Spike, where are you going?!" Spike didn't even look back when he shouted back his response.

"I'm going to help my friend!" he yelled. With that he ran just a bit faster, making distance between him and the rest of the group. The ponies looked at each other, before taking off after the dragon, one by one. First Applejack, followed by Pinkie and Fluttershy, then Rarity. Twilight and Rainbow lagged behind a bit. They looked at one another for a little while, before giving chase to the rest of the herd as well.

Kirby was not enjoying himself. From the moment he had landed on solid ground, he knew that this would be a little bit tougher than he'd hoped for. The Mecha Knights were everywhere! He was no stranger with back-to-back fights, OR being outnumbered. However, if these robots were even HALF as good as the original, with so many of them around this would be trouble. So Kirby opted to go with a more stealth based approach instead of outright fire blazing through everything. . It annoyed him greatly to have to go with this route, being so used to his normal style of adventuring. But it wasn't like he had a Lollipop or Miracle fruit on standby. These things would be tough.

So Kirby snuck through the construction zone as best he could, ducking into pipes and alleyways whenever possible. It was a long process and he had many close calls along the way. Whenever he'd peer around a corner or peek outside of a pipe, there always seemed to be at least one of the mechanical monstrosities around, all engaged in some sort of task not befitting of the one they were based on. As he thought, some were currently building the structures around him. Others he found using their claw attachments to rake the ground, creating places for roadways to be built later.

However, the most confusing thing he found was towards the heart of the incomplete city, when he eventually manged to get there.

As he ducked into another pipe, he spotted a small line of the bots, all with large metal crates. Every so often the robots would pass the crate along to a pad. Two more of the bots would then attach their claws to the crate, then take off. They would ascend high into the sky eventually disappearing altogether. He noted however, that they seemed to struggle doing this, their jet wings seemingly not being used to taking such strain, even with two of them sharing the work load. Clearly they were combat robots, out of their element.

As Kirby squinted, trying to see if anything would give him a clue, the pipe he was in suddenly jolted! Kirby suppressed a squeak as the world was suddenly thrown into motion. Had he been found out?! A moment passed, then another, then another still. He wasn't being directly attacked or anything, it seemed. Kirby strained his eyes towards the pipe entrance, peering as hard as he dared in order to see what was happening. One of the Mecha Knights had its claw wrapped firmly around the pipe, its jet pack whirring loudly as it flew towards an unknown destination at high speed. Kirby gave a soft sigh. He was just inside of a pipe being transported somewhere. The puffball calmed down and peered out the other end of the pipe as it was carried above the incomplete streets. However, eventually the world around him changed once again, as he was suddenly surrounded by sturdy looking metal and rock walls. No longer could he see roads and buildings, but pipelines and corridors that seemed to stretch in all sorts of directions. Kirby watched as the robotic doppelganger carried his pipe through the corridor.

There were a few Mecha Knights here too, though they were notably fewer in number here. The robots seemed to be using their claw attachments to rake at exposed sections of rock, tearing out large chunks of the wall with ease. Kirby watched with interest as he was carried further inside whatever facility was being built. After a few more minutes of transportation, the corridor opened up into a large circular room. This room in particular was the most developed section Kirby had seen so far. The walls and floor here were completely mechanized, with pipes of various sizes travelling around the edge of the room. The largest of the pipes seemed to rise from the floor, connecting to three massive glass vats built into the wall. Each of the large holding containers bubbled with a green gooey substance within. Things were looking rather familiar to Kirby, as he recalled seeing a similar sight towards the start of this whole ordeal. He didn't get to ponder about it for much longer though, as the pipe he was in suddenly came to a stop.

Kirby squeaked at the sudden stop. He waited a moment, before taking a deep breath to gather his courage. For the first time in a while, he poked his body outside of the pipe. Luckily, the robot that was currently carrying the pipe he was in wasn't facing his direction, so it didn't see him. Quickly looking around the room for anything useful, he took in a few details he hadn't been able to see from the pipe's limited view. In the center of the room was a tall rectangular structure with a multitude of screens and buttons on it. The screens themselves had countless bits data and charts upon them, constantly changing every few moments. What the numbers and charts meant, Kirby had no clue, but whatever this thing was it looked important. He peered back towards the Mecha Knight, which still hadn't noticed him peeking out the pipe yet, before turning back to the strange machine. He took in a deep breath, and shot a fireball towards it, diving back into the pipe as soon as it left his mouth. The fire ball exploded with fiery fury against the computer, scorching some of the screens and singeing a few buttons. However, it was a hardy machine, and the computer didn't seem to take much more damage that. Mecha Knight turned around as soon as the fireball had erupted. It dropped the pipe it had been carrying and jettisoned over towards the damaged computer as an alarm began to blare out. A digital voice began to loudly cry out.


As Kirby peered out of the pipe he saw a flash of light blue shine from above. There was a hole in the center of the ceiling where a light blue bulb was flashing rapidly, sending down bursts of blue light that filled the room in its entirety. After a moment of this, the bulb retracted within the hole, which was then sealed off. A multitude of other hatches began to open up around the room, each one having what appeared to be sprinklers of various types. Within moments open hatches lined the walls, floor, and ceiling. The voice started to blare out again.


With that, the sprinklers came on. They sprayed the room with water, making the room a wet mess within moments. The Mecha Knight was sprayed as well, though it seemed unaffected for the most part. It simply kept looking over the computer in the center. The sprinklers kept spraying water around the room for a while, before they finally stopped. The sprinkler hatches didn't close though. Instead, the hatch with the bulb reopened. The light bulb, flashed once more. Sending another wave of light down throughout the room.


Kirby was confused, as the sprinklers came right back on, spraying even more water around the room. He peeked outside of the pipe to take a look around, squinting as the water now began to splash him. The computer had been put out. The mechanical Knight was still looking over the computer, its red eye scanning over it. Kirby couldn't see a fire anywhere, but shrugged it off and ducked back into the pipe, as the splashing water was starting to annoy him. Soon the sprinkler system had stopped. The Mecha Knight had been soaked. Kirby watched as the drenched robot suddenly gave off an uncharacteristic spark of electricity. It jolted a bit, before activating its jet booster. It flew into the air before starting to twirl rapidly. It did this for a few moments before stopping, now completely dry. It would seem that the robot was water resistant, but not really water proof. Kirby noted this, thinking that perhaps the water ability could come in handy. Before he could think about it more though the blue bulb had reappeared. It sent down another pulse of blue light and then-


"Why was it still detecting a fire!?" Kirby thought as once again, the sprinkler system engaged itself. The computer fire had long since been put out, and though he was currently using the Fire ability he was hiding inside of a pipe so it wasn't like it would be able to scan him. . . . right? Kirby looked outside to peek at the bulb, squinting to take a good look at it as it began to retract back into its hatch. It didn't seem to be broken, but. . . . it did look kinda like. . . .

Kirby squeaked as he suddenly saw it for what it was. That was no ordinary bulb. It was a scanner! And not just any scanner, but one that was usually found in the Robobot Armor!

The pieces began to click into place.

From what he could tell and remember, those scanners were top of the line. His own suit of armor was able to scan the entirety of Meta Knight's ship with little effort and only a small mech to power it. With the halberd's power it was able the scan and absorb Star Dream's attacks and use them to fuel and power up the ship's cannons. So with a whole facility being used to power it and its use being a fire detection and fighting system, it made sense that it had no issue being able to detect his hat's natural fire. As long as he had the ability equipped, it would keep the fire systems on!

Kirby began to concentrate, and was about to eject his ability, but before he did he stopped as another thought crossed his mind. As long as he had the fire ability and was in the room, the sprinkler system would stay on. The mecha knight was apparently, not water proof. So if he simply waited it out, eventually the robot would shut down from all the water! With that, Kirby hunkered down with a determined grin on his face, keeping the ability equipped. It could take a while, but he could wait. After all, there was something satisfying about watching the arena take out a boss for him instead of having to fight it himself. Kirby recalled watching a wild Bonkers fall into a pit as he waited for his plan to bear fruit.

As the group ran across the metal ground, some strange structures began to pop up. The group didn't slow down however as their sudden leader kept running forward with all the determination he could muster. Spike ran as fast as he could, barreling forwards at a speed the others didn't even know he could reach. However, he did stop eventually as he came to a cliff. The drake managed to skid to a halt right on the edge of the cliff, balancing precariously over it for a bit, before falling on his rump. The others soon caught up with him, stopping just in front of the edge.

"Spike, you alright?" Applejack questioned. Spike stayed silent for a moment. before giving his reply.

"Yeah, I'm fine I guess." He muttered, only just loud enough for the other to hear him. He didn't say any more than that, instead looking downwards over the edge as he spotted something floating around. The ponies noticed it too. squinting their eyes to try and see it better.

"What is that thing?" Asked Twilight, "I've never seen anything like it." There was a snort.

"It's hideous that's what it is!" Rarity retched, rearing back in protest. "Those ugly shades of black and grey simply just don't go together!" As the unicorn began to rant and rave about how the designs were a disgrace to the fashion world, Twilight began to charge a spell. A transparent screen pulled up in front of her before zooming in on the creature. All except Spike, came closer to Twilight as the spell showed what the creature looked like up close.

It's basic body build was actually quite similar to Kirby, much to the ponies surprise and confusion. However that was where the similarities ended. The main body may have been similar, but everything else was radically different.

It seemed to have a dark grey face with white highlights topped off with a singular red eye in the center of it. It had a black body with feet that were a similar shade of grey as it's face. Both sides of it had large protrusions coning from it, with four large white cylindrical objects on them, two on each side. Behind them were what appeared to be wings and a spiky backside. However, the wings weren't flapping at all, which begged the question, how was this thing flying at all? Overall, whatever this thing was, it didn't look natural, and it was easily one of the most bizarre things the ponies had seen period.

As the group looked at the floating creature, Applejack looked over and saw a few more of them. They were flying towards them in a formation and were approaching at high speed.

"Heads up y'all!" She called out, getting herself into a defensive position. "We've got company!" Everyone looked on over towards the approaching creatures. Fluttershy in particular squeaked back a bit.

"Um . . . Perhaps they're nicer than they look?" She offered with a meek smile. There was a blast. A laser struck right in front of the group, missing Applejack's hooves by a few feet. Fluttershy was rattled. "Never mind." she squeaked.

"How much time had passed!?" Kirby wondered as the sprinkler system went off for the umpteenth time. Nothing had changed. The puff had thought waiting this out would be best, but all that the water that had been sprayed was starting to get on his nerves.

The Mecha Knight didn't seem any worse for wear either! Every time it got drenched to the point of sparking, it simply twirled around in the air for a bit to dry off, then went back to its task, which was apparently installing more pipes in the room. At one point, the room had been covered with enough water that the system actually had to open two hatches to drain it out. Once that had been done, the drains were covered and it went back into its firefighting cycle.


Kirby groaned as the sprinklers went off yet again, he was about to eject his ability just to end the cycle, before he paused thinking about what the voice had said.

"Fire status acquired. . . Class one fire. . . ." He thought, bouncing the words around in his head a bit, before thinking back to where he had heard similar words. Meta Knight came to mind, specifically whenever he talked about his ship. Kirby recalled how there were different classes of emergencies which let them know how severe things were if something were to go down on the halberd. Everything clicked into place at that. Kirby face-nubbed for not thinking about it sooner.

His plan from before should have worked in theory, and it did, but only somewhat. The robot was getting damaged by the water's constant spraying, but only in negligible amounts. He'd be here for ages before the water did the robot in. But if what the voice was implying was true and he was right about comparing the words the robot and Meta Knight were using, then more intense fire would bring a more intense response from the fire fighting system! Kirby gave a soft chuckle, before taking a breathe to get himself ready for a fight. Though he was a little upset that he had actually had to fight the robot, he was glad that he at least didn't have to hide in the slightly cramped pipe anymore.

As the sprinkler systems shut off once again, Kirby blasted out of the pipe with a burst of flame. The Mecha knight turned around just in time to receive a fireball to its front. It didn't do too much damage, and the Robot soon entered combat mode, it's sword materializing as a bright neon blue blade. It took a stance against its foe ready to charge as the scanner above began to scan the room. As it did so, Kirby began spewing fire wildly. Once again, the computer in the center got hit, and caught fire once more. The robot paid the the computer no attention as it charged towards Kirby at blinding speed.

V.S Stock Mecha Knight

Kirby dodged out of the way as the robot swung its sword at him. Kirby paid the bot no mind, instead spitting more flames around the room. Soon enough. . .


Kirby nub-pumped the air. He was right! The sprinkler hatches closed for a moment before reappearing. They still had sprinklers in them, but they seemed more heavy duty. Soon, they began blasting water all around the room at a much higher pressure. As the sprinklers went about trying to fight the fire, Stock Mecha Knight was getting blasted with the H2O. It didn't seem to mind it as it swung its energy sword towards Kirby again, but then it let off a now familiar spark. However the robot was a bit more drenched this time around, and the spark didn't shoot out away from it this time. Electricity arched around the Mechanical Knight as it seized and shuddered. An electric explosion popped off of it, and the knight regained its bearings. With a a burst of its jet, it began to spin.

And spin. . . .

and spin. . . . .

It wasn't stopping its spin. Kirby became a bit worried. It had long since dried itself off, but the spinning robot was also preventing any other water from sticking to it. And if he recalled correctly, if it was based on Meta Knight, then it could probably-!

The robotic doppelganger shot forwards towards Kirby, engulfed in its small tornado. Kirby didn't react in time and was hit. The swirling wind shot him high into the air, forcing him into the ceiling with impressive force. So much force, in fact, that Kirby bounced right back off of the ceiling and onto the floor just as hard. The impact had caught Kirby by surprise, and as soon as he connected with the floor, he separated from his ability. Kirby bounced in one direction, and the glowing red star bounced in another. Kirby soon found he bearings and saw the ability star bouncing erratically around the room. He charged after it, mouth open as wide as he could make it. But just as he began to inhale he suddenly felt a sharp pain before finding himself tumbling in a completely different direction than intended. In his haste, he had forgotten about Mecha Knight! The robotic monstrosity had gotten a clean hit in with its energy sword.

Kirby struggled a bit to regain his bearings, those swords hurt quite a bit. He looked around to try and spot his ability star and sighed as he found it bouncing on the other side of the room. He made to make a second attempt at eating it, but suddenly saw a flash of motion.

Kirby ducked down, just in time for a massive energy sword to slash just above him. The pink puff dodged to the right as Stock Mecha Knight slashed repeatedly, then fired a sword beam. Kirby barely avoided it, rolling to the side just in time. Kirby was starting to worry. He was quickly running out of time, as the ability star began to flash white. Mecha Knight had once again started to close the distance between them, and Kirby was once again forced to make dodge to the side. But as he did so he spotted the pipe, he had been hiding in earlier. Thinking quickly, Kirby inhaled as hard as he could, mouth open so wide his body was starting to stretch to accommodate.

The vortex whipped about savagely, with pink bands of energy whirling about within the wind. The pipe was quickly sucked in, no match for Kirby's Super Inhale. As soon as he felt the piece of metal enter his mouth, Kirby reared back as much as he could, before spitting the pipe right back at the robot as it was. Kirby rarely ever used Exhale, but the puff did have to admit that it had it's uses. The force of Exhale had been enough to blast Kirby back a bit of distance, closing the gap between him and his ability star. The pipe however, rocketed towards Stock Mecha Knight at tremendous speeds. With a resounding clang, the pipe collided with the hostile robot, knocking it off of its feet and sending it flying back. Kirby didn't admire his handiwork though, he had to hurry up. Bounding over the top of the computer, Kirby mad a mad dash towards the ability star which was now starting to flash white even faster.

He only had a few seconds left, this would be close!

Kirby opened his mouth and began to inhale once more. He pushed forwards with all his might, fighting against the natural force of his inhale vortex in order to move forwards while inhaling. Lucky for him, the ability star bounced right into the vortex. But was he too late?

As the star shot towards Kirby's open maw, the scanner reappeared, ready to make its scan of the room once more. There was the sound of an engine, but strangely enough not the sound of The Mecha Knight's jetpack. Instead, the robot had opted to shoot homing missiles in an attempt to intercept Kirby! Both the star, and the missiles, were rapidly closing the distance! Kirby inhaled harder, slowing down as the vortex kept trying to push him back. The scanner above shot off it's scanning light once more, just as everything erupted into explosive flames. The missiles had struck true, the explosive payload detonating upon the spot Kirby had stood. Thick black smoke began to billow from the area of impact.


All of the sprinkler hatches were sealed shut for a moment. Then, without warning, 3 large rings materialized within the room, encompassing the room in it's entirety. One was on the ceiling, another ran along the center of the wall, and the last was on the border of the floor. Each ring had a multitude of hose nozzles along them. The rings shuddered for a moment, before letting loose a multitude of mighty water streams and mist. Stock Mecha Knight was caught in one of the streams. The pressure was so strong, the robot was forced into the wall and was stuck there as the high pressured water kept it suspended. The smoke began to clear as the fire within the chamber had begun to die down. And as the smoke dissipated completely, there lay an injured Kirby. A bright red color with a waning fire crown atop his head.

Kirby had been lucky enough to get his ability star back, and even luckier to be able to re-copy it. He wasn't lucky enough to avoid the missiles though, but he'd survive, he'd been through much worse than a simple bomb attack. As he righted himself, he noticed that the sprinkler rings had begun to rotate. Considering the fate of the Mecha Knight that lay on the other side of the room, seizing and shaking, it was apparent enough that he should avoid crossing the streams. And so Kirby did; jumping, squatting, and whatever else he could do to avoid getting blasted by the high powered water streams. However as he did so, the Mecha Knight suddenly stopped seizing for a moment. . . . before going absolutely hay wire.

Sparks and electricity arched around the machine as it began to move erratically, flailing it movable parts wildly. It's claw extension, which had been put away a while back, whirred into action, and began swinging around wildly. The electricity sparking off the now berserk machine was so intense, that the soaked floor was starting to pick it up. Electricity began to arch across the ground, forcing Kirby to stay in the air. This heavily hindered his ability to avoid the streams of water as the water rings were spinning faster and faster.

After a while, the rings began to slow down, and mercifully they stopped phasing away as if they had never existed in the first place. Kirby remained hovering, until the pool of water beneath him drained away. The scanner soon reappeared and began to scan the room once more.


The original sprinkler system came back online, and began spraying the room once again. However it did nothing to the berserk Mecha Knight, which had begun shooting lasers around the room erratically. The shiny surface acted like a mirror reflecting the lasers around the room. Kirby once again found himself force to dodge a multitude potentially devastating attacks. However, some of the lasers had begun to rebound into the hatches, destroying some of the sprinklers.

Kirby winced. That wasn't good. The sprinkler system seemed to have become less effective as the fight had progressed, and now he had a berserk Mecha Knight copy shooting and flailing around like a mad-puff! He spat a fireball towards the mechanical hazard in hopes that it would do some sort of damage, but to his horror the archs of electricity surrounding the machine deflected it! Kirby was horrified. He quickly shot two more fireballs at the robot, to the same result. By pure happenstance, the machine had been damaged in such a way that it now had a spark barrier surrounding it! What were the chances? Kirby didn't have time to think about it as the machine dashed towards him, spinning around with its claw extended. The fiery puff barely had time to jump over the "attack" as the robot barreled underneath him, colliding with the wall on the other side of the room.

Kirby landed on top of the computer in the center of thew room. The mecha Knight had recovered and had now begun flying. It sputtered a bit, before launching off in a random direction, ricocheting off of any walls it hit. And as if that wasn't enough, it began firing lasers once again! Kirby desperately bounced around the room, trying his best to avoid getting hit. Kirby thought hard about what to do. If he couldn't hit the erratic robot with regular attacks, the he'd just have to do what he had been doing before!

Hiding behind the computer for cover, Kirby began spitting fireballs as fast and as hard as he could. Each one burst into a pillar of flame as they hit the ground. Thanks to Stock Mecha Knight damaging the sprinkler system, the fires weren't being diminished as much as before. Kirby blasted fireball after fireball, only being slowed down the occasional laser blast he had to avoid. Soon the scanner reappeared once again. Kirby peered around the chamber, his fires were okay, but they were slowly burning out, and he needed the sprinkler system on high power if he wanted to end the fight once and for all! Kirby bounced back on top of the computer as the bulb started to glow. This would be close!

The puffball began to spew fire breath in front of him. The bulb hummed as the light it gave grew brighter. Stock Mecha Knight, had begun firing laser at double the rate, sending beams of lights bouncing around the room lime crazy. Kirby couldn't really dodge at the moment as he needed concentration for what he was trying to do. He did as best as he could stepping to the side or lowering his body as his flame breath slowly started to retreat towards him. The laser started coming faster and faster as Kirby frantically did his best. He just need a little bit more time! The scanner was glowing quite brightly by now and it put Kirby on edge as he was afraid of something going wrong. Stock Mecha Knight seemed to have a moment of clarity all of a sudden. Materializing its energy sword as large as it could make it, it swung out to the side, before making a charge towards Fire Kirby, closing the distance.





Kirby spontaneously combusted, pulling off a perfect Fireball Inferno!

. . .

. . .

Well, almost perfect.

Kirby hadn't been paying attention to his flame breath as he was too preoccupied with trying to avoid the lasers, and so he hadn't braced himself for the move. So Kirby was currently wide eyed from the sheer amount of heat he was currently radiating, starting to singe even himself! The computer beneath him started to melt from the heat, and Stock Mecha Knight was blown backwards by the explosive power of the move. At that moment, the scanner came to life, and made its scan of the room. . .


Four circular hatches opened on the bottom of the floor. They didn't seem to have anything special upon them aside from a grate. On the ceiling however, two massive hatches were opened. There was nothing within them except the inky black void of nothingness. Kirby ended his attack and peered up at the two holes in the ceiling. Then without warning, water erupted out of the two vents. The water swept around the room starting to flood the chamber. Kirby watched as the water lever rapidly began to rise, before starting to hover to make distance between him and the water. The Mecha Knight sputtered a bit, before taking off as well.

Once again, it began to fire lasers, but at this point it was reaching its limit. It hovered slowly towards Kirby only shooting a laser every now and again. Despite its damage, its jet booster was still capable of better flight than Kirby's hover, and was closing the distance rather effectively. Kirby only had a bit of reprieve when the robot seized a bit in midair. Kirby thought for a bit before looking at the pillars of water pouring from the ceiling.
Slowly Kirby floated his way over towards it making sure the robot was still following him. Thankfully it was, and he was able to dodge a newly shot laser due to him checking behind him. Kirby slowly floated around the column of water, hovering just on the other side of it.

Stock Mecha Knight, registering the most direct path towards Kirby, hovered after him in a straight line. Eventually, it flew right into the water pouring down from the ceiling where it was forced down towards the flooded floor. Kirby watched as electricity arched around the entire room, aided by all the water. However the water level was still rising, much to Kirby's horror. He floated higher to avoid getting electrocuted, but the water just continued to rise, eventually he reached the ceiling but the water just wouldn't let up! Kirby pulled his feet up, in an attempt to delay the terrible pain he was about to feel. As the water crept ever closer, he shut his eyes and braced himself. Soon, the water connected with him. . . . and he felt perfectly fine.

Kirby opened an eye. The water was still rising, and was beginning to cover him, but he wasn't being electrocuted! As the water fully enveloped him and forced his ability to subside, Kirby pulled out a snorkel, quickly putting it on. The water was clear as crystal and peering down, Kirby could see the Stock Mecha Knight below him, sitting on the floor motionless. Kirby began to swim toward it, but ultimately was unable to make it over there. About halfway through the water had begun to drain from the room where the four grates were. The suction pulled Kirby downward, but Kirby wasn't too worried. He could breathe underwater, so everything was fine. Soon the water had drained completely, leaving a deactivated Mecha Knight, and a soaked Fire Kirby.

Kirby inspected the deactivated machine for a moment, before he heard a familiar hatch open up once more. Kirby swiftly spun around and launched a high powered fire ball upwards into the scanner's hatch. The fireball exploded, forcing the scanner to bulge out of the hatch far more than it should. It swayed from its position from the ceiling before whatever was keeping it suspended gave an audible snap, and the device plummeted to the ground.


Kirby ran up to the device, looking it over. These things were hardy, it took the fall like a champ. Not even so much as a scratch! Seeing no reason to leave this thing around, Kirby inhaled it, storing it within his copy pallet for later. Then he turned his attention towards the Stock Mecha Knight once more. It was as he'd thought. These things were tough indeed. The toughest version of a Mecha Knight robot he had fought so far. . . and there were so many of them before! Kirby sighed. This would be a lot tougher than he had realized. Stealth had gotten him this far, but he didn't think it would last forever, he stood out like a sore thumb!

Frustrated, Kirby kicked the robot. It shifted from the impact, before slumping down even further, mask falling off in the process. The now faceless robot lay there, not moving anymore than that, reduced to nothing more than glorified scrap metal. Kirby looked at the hunk of junk for a moment, before turning his attention to the mask. Then, his face lit up, an idea crossing his mind. It was downright crazy, but perhaps, crazy enough to work! Kirby turned his attention towards the Stock Mecha Knight, and inhaled it. Even though it could no longer resit the pull of the vortex, it still took a bit of effort on Kirby's part to fit the oddly shaped machine in his mouth. Eventually, he manged to work it in, and swallowed.

Kirby's body glowed once again, shimmering like a star in the night sky. Then he began to shimmer more. . . and more. . ! In fact his skin wasn't just shimmering, it was downright shiny! His body began to morph into a more polygonal shape, but ultimately retained a bit of roundness. Kirby's color also began to shift, first turning from his crimson red, to his usual pink coloration. Then again from pink to a shiny metallic grey. Finally, Kirby's fire crown disappeared, but unlike his other copy abilities, there wasn't a replacement one for his new transformation. In a mere moment, the transformation was complete. It wasn't one that he used very often, he recalled only using it like. . .three times maybe, but it could still be helpful! Kirby took a step forward and--!!!


The very ground beneath him shook as soon as Kirby's foot touched the ground. Kirby moved his foot to see that he had left a crater in the shape of his foot in the floor. Kirby face-nubbed. There were many reasons why Kirby never used the Metal Ability in a casual setting, and though this was far from casual, it only served as a reminder of all the times he'd used the ability and ended up destroying things more often than he'd ever wanted to.

Metal was a peculiar ability. Rather than giving Kirby power over metal or anything like that, Metal simply turned Kirby into metal. And a very heavy and very durable kind of metal at that. It worked in a similar fashion to the Stone Ability, so much so that Kirby considered it a cousin of sorts. However, there were some notable differences that made Stone the more appealing ability. First and foremost, Kirby couldn't deactivate it. Being metal in and of itself was the power granted by Metal, so Kirby could only "turn it off" by ditching the ability entirely.

Secondly, Metal hindered Kirby's movement tremendously. When Kirby first discovered the ability he quickly found out that whatever metal he was made of was ungodly heavy. He could move around just fine, same as if he was Normal, but he found out that the world didn't exactly react the same way. It took a lot of minor earthquakes, craters, and property damage before Kirby managed to learn how to step "lightly" with the ability, and even then he still managed to make tremors in about a miles radius.

Lastly, Kirby was inexperienced with the ability. Stone was one of the first abilities Kirby had discovered towards the start of his adventuring career. He had only discovered Metal fairly recently and hadn't really used it all that much. At best, he used it almost exactly the same way he used stone, crushing his foes with his weight. But while Stone evolved other moves, Metal never really had the chance to, and as such wasn't as versatile an ability yet.

Kirby took a deep breath,steeling himself for what could either be the greatest plan ever or the biggest mistake he's made so far. He began slowly and deliberately making his way over towards the mask that lay on the floor. The room he was in shook with every step he took, but at the very least he wasn't destroying the floor with his new walking pace.

Once he made it over to the mask, Kirby picked it up. The metallic puff looked it over before affixing it to his face. It was a little crooked, but otherwise stuck to him just fine. Happy with the result, Kirby looked around a bit before spotting what appeared to be a blast door, likely the way that he'd been brought in here. He slowly, but surely made his way over to the door. He gave it a look over before continuing to walk forwards. The poor door never stood a chance, bursting to pieces as Metal Kirby plowed right through it with all the speed of an angry tortoise. Kirby looked at his new surroundings, now in a corridor that seemed to stretch endlessly in both directions. Kirby looked both ways for a bit before heading towards the right, shaking hallway with every step he took.

This could be a long trip.

Author's Note:

I'm just gonna drop this update right here. . . Hopefully the fact that most of the chapter was done via mobile doesn't show through too much. Lets be real, autocorrect is a pain in the butt.

Hope this chapter was worth it y'all! 😁

-Kir B

Comments ( 11 )

I was getting worried you'd forgotten about this story. But once again, you've made a Triumphant Return with a Super Star chapter that stays true to the standards of Planet Robobot!:pinkiehappy: Thank you so much for the great chapter, as well as the reference to the Bonkers in The Great Cave Offensive! However, I want to know which Bonkers you referenced. Was it the one in the forest stage or the castle stage?

There were also other instances in which the arena took down a mini-boss for Kirby. Remember a certain time bomb in Triple Deluxe or a certain Robo Kirby in Planet Robobot?

I spotted one little error with this chapter, though: Kirby can't inhale while he already has an Ability. To inhale and copy the Stock Mecha Knight, Kirby would first have to drop his Fire Ability.

Other than that, you're doing awesome. Keep up the good work!:heart:

Oh, and I love the pun in this chapter's title. It sounds like something Susie or the NME Salesman would say.

Metal certainly can be a pain in a ass at times, but at least Kirby is almost completely invincible because of it now.

Great work

Great chapter I waited months for this chapter I hope Kirby will go back to the mane 6 and spike and use a mecha and show them what he can do with it

the return of the bro-mance between spike and kirby

I loved the fight against the Stock Mecha Knight. The thing with the water really made it original. But now that Kirby disguised himself to look like a Mecha Knight, I fear that it will cause problem with the Mane 6.

Comment posted by pika_the_sylveon deleted Jun 7th, 2020
Comment posted by pika_the_sylveon deleted Jan 7th, 2021

Can you give us a time frame of when the next chapter might be out, you could give a month as well, I just don’t like staying in the dark about stuff.

Christ, that was a tough fight. Hopefully metal will be useful for Kirby.

Still a fun story to come back to but it sucks knowing there won't be anymore new chapters

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