• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,127 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

  • ...


Kirby couldn't believe it! Of all the things that he could have found, this had to have been the best! Robobot Armor! Well, technically it was invader armor, but that wouldn't be the case for long! He bounced with unrestrained excitement.

"Poyo! Poyo!"

The others noticed the commotion Kirby was making, and before any of them could really react, Kirby had began to bounce his way towards the familiar hunk of metal. He didn't get very far though.

"Halt!" shouted a voice. Kirby was caught by surprise and tripped. Lifting his face up, he looked around and noticed a guard pony looking at him sternly.

"This is an unknown and possibly dangerous artifact that was excavated by the Crystal Guard." He boomed. "We require that you keep your distance, until more information has been gathered and it has been thoroughly studied."

"Poyo Robo!" Kirby retorted. But it was no good. The guardspony was firm and refused to let up. Seeing how he wasn't going to get past the pony without causing some sort of commotion, the pink puff decided to look at what he could see from his current position.

This particular armor had definitely seen better days. It's silver body was covered in dents and scratches. Most of the spikes on the front had been broken off. The "mouth" of the mech hung open, revealing a gaping hole where its scanner should've been.

Kirby looked lower down.

The suit was missing one of it's legs, and the exhaust pipes were heavily bent out of shape. This mech wouldn't be walking or hovering in any shape or form for a while. . .

Kirby cringed, then turned his attention back to the body of the robot.

. . . It seemed to be missing an arm as well. . .

"Poyo..." Kirby whimpered. This mech was out of commission for the foreseeable future. The others looked at the crestfallen puff, but assumed he was saddened by his inability to see the the odd hunk of metal up close. Rarity walked alongside the puff and patted him on the head.

"Don't worry darling." Rarity said softly. "Twilight is a very smart pony. I'm positive she'll be able to figure out what manner of object this is." A few of the other mares nodded, though Rainbow just averted her eyes from the puff. Kirby didn't respond. Twilight soon spoke up.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed viewing an unknown artifact." she said. "but we really need for you and Spike to head back inside the palace, at least until we can come up with a plan."

Her expression left no room for debate, but again Kirby didn't respond. Spike simply sighed and gave a nod. He turned and scooped the puff in his arms and made his way back into the Crystal Castle. Kirby didn't even noticed he was being moved until he was halfway into the throne room.

"Spike go bac!" he shouted.

Spike was caught off guard, by Kirby suddenly deciding to speak, but simply shook his head.

"Sorry Kirb, but Twilight told us to stay inside until she needed us." the drake said sadly. "Believe me, I want to know what they're doing too, but I don't think they'd appreciate us getting in the way of something this important."

Spike took a few more steps forwards, but then he stopped.

"Unless..." he muttered. Suddenly, a grin crossed his face. He looked at Kirby, who had seemed confused with the baby dragon's sudden emotion shift. "Maybe we don't have to leave the castle at all!" he shouted excitedly.

Without warning, Spike turned and started running back towards the others, Kirby held tightly in his arms. He felt that weird sensation within his body again, but he ignored it, opting to keep running. Then before he knew it, he had ended up just in front of the entrance to the palace. That had been quicker than usual. . .

Kirby seemed to be excited, but Spike quickly shushed him.

"Quiet down dude." he said softly. "They might hear you. We're just gonna look outside and see what they're up to!" Spike grinned a bit.

He loved technicalities.

After a moment had passed, Spike hesitantly put a claw onto the door, and pushed it open slightly. He and Kirby peered outside, until he saw the rest of the friends, huddled in a group.

"Likely talking about that strange thing outside." he muttered. Kirby agreed. The two looked at the mares for what felt like ages, until finally Twilight began to ignite her horn.

"Something's happening", the pair thought as they watched the armor begin to shine with the same magical aura as Twilight's horn did. The broken mech was hoisted up into the air and Twilight began to walk in their direction, much to Spike's horror. The drake retreated a bit behind the door to prevent being spotted.

"Until we can be sure of what this is and what it's capable of, we should put it in a holding cell in the dungeon for the time being."

Spike darted to the side of the room, Kirby held tight in his arms, right before the doors swung open. One by one, Twilight and her friends entered the room, followed by Cadence and Shining Armor. The mechanical armor was suspended in the air by Twilight's magic. It shifted slightly as the group continued onward through the corridor, before disappearing around a corner. The entrance door closed, and there stood Spike, shivering nervously, while Kirby was pretty neutral to the whole event.

"D-did you hear that?" Spike whispered. "Whatever that is they're taking it to the dungeon!" Kirby looked up at Spike and nodded. A determined expression etched itself across Kirby's face. He wiggled one of his arms free of Spike's grasp and pointed forwards.

"Afta Dem!" he said.

Spike looked questioningly at the puffball in his arms before realization dawned upon him.

"Right!" he responded. With seemingly nothing in the way, Spike began to sneak after his friends.

"I just hope none of them notice us. . ." Spike thought.

It had taken a few minutes of careful traversing the palace without attraction the attention of Twilight and the others, but eventually the young pair managed to follow the mares to a crystal door guarded by two burly looking guards. The two watched as Shining armor walked up to the front and said something to them. The guards nodded and with a flash of their horns the door was opened. Spike took the time to move closer to the group, trying to stay far enough away, that they wouldn't be noticed. The girls all began to enter the room, followed by the royal ponies. Before the guards could close the door though, they noticed a familiar young drake heading towards them.

"Uh... hey fellas!" Spike started. "I'm with those ponies you just let in, so if you could please let us go in...?"

Outwardly the two guards seemed cold and unwavering, leering into the young dragon's soul. Inwardly though. . .

"Sweet Merciful Celestia, it's Spike the brave and glorious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spike watched as the guards stood there seemingly doing nothing. The if he looked close enough, he could swear they were. . . vibrating? Ultimately though, the two guards said nothing, and the door was left open, and its not like they objected...

Spike walked past the guards with Kirby in tow, wondering how in the world that had worked.

The two came to a flight of spiral stairs. The two descended, wondering what this dungeon would look like. It didn't take too long for them to find out.

It was dim, but there was still the unmistakable shine of crystal walls down here. The walls formed into a long corridor with a surprisingly high ceiling that was covered in crystal stalactites. Every now and then along both sides of the corridor, the walls would cave inwards, forming a small jail cell that was blocked by crystal bars that rose from the ground to the ceiling.

Spike and Kirby looked around a bit, before heading down the long hall. Most of the cells were empty, but occasionally the two would walk past one that housed a creature, such as a changeling. Spike would quicken his pace if they passed an occupied cell, but would soon slow down again as to not make too much noise. Kirby stayed silent throughout, only looking around. As he looked at each cell though, something occurred to him.

"These are some strange jail cells." he thought. There was no door to any of these rooms, only bars of crystal. If someone was sent here, how exactly would they put the criminal inside?

It wasn't long before the two caught up to the rest of their friends. Spike stopped a fair distance away.

"Rats!" he huffed quietly. "We can't get too much closer without running the risk of exposing ourselves. . ."

He was right. the floor was wide open, and there was nothing to hide behind. It was likely that the only reason they hadn't already been spotted was due to the dim lighting. Spike tried inching forwards, but he would only go so far before inching his way back.

"Dang it, what are we gonna do now?" he muttered idly.

Kirby rolled Spikes question around him mind, before something clicked within.

Kirby opened his mouth wide and began to intake air, slowly as not to make a lot of noise. Spike never noticed anything odd, until he realized that Kirby had begun to weigh less and less in his arms.

"Huh? Kirb, what are you?" he questioned, but he never got to finish.

Kirby wriggled his arms free of Spike's hold, and began to flap. Kirby acesnded a small bit, before he felt the weight of spike begin to resist.

He didn't give up though.

He flapped harder, and sure enough, Spike began to leave the ground.

Spike was surprised, but forced himself to clench his mouth shut. They WERE sneaking around after all, wouldn't want to blow their cover after making it this far.

"Huh." he thought, "So Like twilight said, he puffs himself up and floats like a balloon in order to fly." Spike slowly relaxed his grip and allowed himself to slide down Kirby's body before reaching his feet. Spike tightened his grip here and there he stayed, dangling from Kirby's feet as he ascended.

The two continued to rise upwards a bit, before Kirby slowed down his flapping, stopping his ascent and entering into a slightly strained hover. The pair were now above their friends by a fair amount, and judging by a lack of scolding, they hadn't been spotted.

"Sweet!" Spike softly cheered. "They haven't spotted us!" He looked upwards to Kirby, who was still flapping to keep their altitude stable. "Do you think you can get us closer to them?"

Kirby couldn't really respond, so he simply began to float himself closer toward their friends. As he drew closer, their words became clearer and more defined.

"Are yah sure that this is the best thing tah do Twilight? We don't really know what it even is for certain!"

"I'm positive Applejack. Until we know more about it, it's best we isolate it for the time being. For all we know, it might even be a creature that got caught by that weird metallic surface growing around outside!"

*Gasp* "Ohhhhh I don't - I hope that's not the case. oh i don't feel so good."

"Oh dear, there goes Fluttershy. Honestly Twilight, you should have a little more tact around her sometimes! You know how she takes things of that matter!


Spike and Kirby watch as the ponies chatted among themselves for a bit. Eventually Twilight charged her horn. The two watched as the armor, which had been set down on the floor, disappeared in a flash, only to reappear inside the cell that the group was standing in front of.

Kirby suddenly felt satisfied.

"Alright then." Twilight spoke up, "Until further notice, we'll leave this down here until we deal with whatever is causing the havoc outside. Then we can try to solve this mystery."

Rainbow snorted.

"I dunno, are you suuuuure you don't want to swap the order of those things egghead?" the speedster chuckled.

The lavender unicorn blushed slightly and everyone (minus Spike and Kirby) joined in with light laughter.

When they were done, the group began to travel back the way they had came.

With the threat of being discovered fading away, Kirby began to lower both Spike and himself to the floor. Spike felt his claws clink against the ground, and letting himself sigh in relief he let go of Kirby.

"Alright dude, we did it!" He said, happily. Kirby responded with a joyous "Poyo!" The two turned to the cell the housed the mech. Though it was darker than it was outside, they could see it much clearer without the ponies getting in the way.

Spike walked up to the bars and Kirby followed him.

"It looks so. . . alien." said the drake. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before. He couldn't help but stare at the heap that lay before him.

He was drawn from the sight by feeling a tap on his body. Looking over he saw Kirby looking at him.

"Tats Wobobot Armore." the puff said, pointing at the pile of metal.

Spike was confused at first, but then realized just what the puff saying that likely meant.

"Wait. . . you know what that thing is?" questioned Spike. Kirby smiled at him, and nodded.

Spike stared at Kirby, then he chuckled, which soon evolved into full blown laughter. Kirby was startled and tried to get him to calm down, lest Twilight and the others heard them.


But Spike continued to laugh. He didn't know why it tickled him so, but it did. Here was Twilight, trying her hardest to find answers to so many different things that were going on. She had confidence that she and her friends would be able to solve whatever was going on and put things back to normal. But she was also ignoring the one being who likely held the knowledge she needed to piece everything together!

By now, Spike was starting to calm down, and Kirby had stopped panicking as there had been no signs of anyone returning to investigate the sound.

Spiike had begun to think hard about Twilight's actions.

"The princess wouldn't have sent Kirby along if he was of no help, so why did she treat him like a burden?" he pondered this, but no matter what, he couldn't find any explanation that satisfied him. Eventually he simply gave up, returning his attention to the object in front of him.

"Alright then Kirby." he said at last. "Since you know what that is, what should we do with it?"

Kirby responded swiftly.


"Fix?" The dragon repeated. "As in, repair?" Kirby nodded, happily. Spike looked back at the heap in front of him. It looked pretty beat up. He didn't have the faintest clue on how they would go about fixing this thing!

"Um... how exactly do we fix it?" he asked.

Kirby seemed to ponder his question for a moment, then Kirby seemed to light up. He made his way over to the cell, and began to press himself against the crystal bars. Spike simply watch in a stunned silence, until his mind began to comprehend the scene in front of him.

"Kirby what are you-?"

He didn't get to finish his question. Spike watched as Kirby flattened himself, and wedged his ways through the bars and into the cell. Kirby shook himself a bit, before turning back to Spike and waving as if to say. "Come on!"

Spike stood there a bit, before shaking his head,

"Uh dude, I can't do that. Not exactly flexible enough."

Kirby seemed puzzled, but soon came back through the bars.

"Sorry buddy." the drake apologized. "Honestly I could chew through these bars, but I wouldn't want to get in trouble, and its likely that there are spells to detect if damage is dealt to the cell."

Spike sighed.

"I guess i'll just have to sit this one out too." he muttered.

Kirby's expression fell. He never liked seeing anybody sad, but when it was a friend who was sad that absolutly unacceptable. So he bagn trying to think of way to get him to the other side. He ran a few ideas in him mind, but none of them seemed to work . . . . . .

well. . .

none of them except for one. . .

Kirby walked up to the young drake who had plopped down on the floor, sulking. He placed an arm on the drakes back. Spike was brought out of his moping through the sudden contact. He looked up to a nervous looking Kirby.

"Um... dude? are... you okay?" he asked.

Kirby just shuffled.

"I- . . . . ideya?..." stammered the puff.

"Idea?" spike corrected.

Kirby nodded.

Well. . . what is it?"

Kirby sighed, and then open his mouth. Wide.

Spike stared at his companion for a while at the odd display, unsure what the puff was attempting to convey. Kirby pointed into his mouth, and then the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Too bad it wasn't a nice image to go with.

"Not gonna happen dude." Spike deadpanned.

Kirby sighed and shut his mouth. He couldn't say that he hadn't tried. The puff just walked back towards the cell and pressed his way back inside. Approaching the piece of invader armor, he took in the familiar piece of tech. He hoped up onto it and peered inside the cockpit. It seemed the controls were still intact at least. With nothing left to lose, Kirby hopped inside of the mech.

The machine began to whir. To Kirby this was normal so far. To Spike it was unexpected.

"W-Whats happening?" he questioned.

"Poyo!" Kirby called out as he looked over the controls with a determined expression.

Spike was still worried, but seeing how his new friend, didn't seem worried in the slightest, calmed down a bit.

The mech began to whir louder. Smoke began to billow from the exhaust pipes in the back. Sparks crackled around the machine as parts of it began to shift color and appearance. Kirby, having seen enough, shut the machine down. The whirring died down and the machine shifted back to its former appearance. The dungeon was silent.

Kirby hopped out and squeezed outside of the cell. Spike was jogged over and was quick to ask questions.

"What happened?" he started "Did it do something important?" Kirby simply shook his head.

"Bwoken. "Need nu pawts. . ."

"Parts?" the dragon sounded out. Kirby nodded in confirmation.

The drake was disappointed, though he felt somewhat satisfied. Whatever this thing was supposed to do, Kirby knew what it was, and had even managed to make it do something. Far more than what could be said of Twilight. Still, as Kirby had said, it was apparently busted and would need new parts to fix.

"Well we certainly tried, Kirby." Spike consoled. "But hey! It you knew what that thing was, and it need parts to fix it, maybe we can find find some somewhere. Surely it can be the only one out there, right?"

Kirby face became neutral, then a smile burst across his face.


Of course! He knew for a fact that the armored suits were mass produced for Haltmann's Army, so there would likely be plenty of opportunities to find parts for it. Who knows, perhaps they would even find a fully intact suit out there somewhere!

Spike watched as Kirby began bouncing around with excitement. He was glad to see the puff so upbeat. But he soon turned his attention back down the corridor.

"Come on, Kirby." he beckoned. "We'd best head back up. There doesn't seem to be anything else we can do down here for now." Kirby had stopped bouncing and looked at Spike a bit, before nodding. He walked up to Spike, and together the two of them began walking towards the exit.

The two friends had left the dungeon, but curiously the two guards were no where to be seen.

"Hmm, that's kinda strange." Spike thought to himself. "Guards don't usually leave their position unless its a shift change, but their post wouldn't be left unattended."

As the two wandered towards the throne room, they kept hearing loud sounds, that made them feel rather uneasy. It didn't help that there weren't many other guards around.

"Kirby, I have a bad feeling about this." spike muttered. Kirby nodded in agreement. As they rounded a corner, a pink blur shot past them, catching them by surprise!



The pink figure rapidly slowed down to a halt, revealing that it was a rather worried Cadence. Upon laying eyes on the two, she seemed rather relieved and heaved out a sigh.

"Spike! Kirby! Oh thank Celestia you two are safe!"

This brought worry upon the two.

"Princess C-cadence!?" Spike stuttered, "wWhats going on? Why do you look so nervous?"

Suddenly, there was what sounded like an explosion, and the whole of the Crystal Castle seemed to shake. Spike lost his footing, but Kirby managed to stay upright.

Cadeence looked down the hallway in a panic, but then turned her attention back to the pair.

"Come on, we have to get you two to the throne room! We're under attack by a monster!