• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,141 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

  • ...

A new day in Ponyville

Canterlot. Home to the upper crust of society and capitol of Equestria. It was also the place the Royal Sisters, Celestia and Luna, call home within Canterlot Castle. However today was a bit different for our lunar princess. Luna had been looking over her subjects in the dream realm as usual, when something had caught her attention. One of the dream portals had a different shape than the rest. While every single portal she had ever seen was in the shape of a sphere, this one in particular was in the shape of a star.

"What in the world of Equis?" she wondered aloud.

She stared at it for a moment, before making her way towards the oddly shaped portal, curiosity written all over her face. As she peered into the depths of it, she was greeted with a strange sight. With the portal, there was a round pink creature cowering before three figures. Luna looked over each of them, before charging her horn and entering through the portal, closing her eyes as she did so.

When she opened her eyes again, she looked at her surroundings before setting her sights on what was in front of her. She eyed each of the creatures trying to figure out what they were.

The first was the smallest of the three. It appeared to be a bipedal creature, but it had no visible legs or much of a body at all. What appeared to be its mane was pink and it was wild and untamed. Its eyes were a piercing blue seeming to be cold and calculative. On both sides of it were two floating extremities.

The second figure was a bit bigger than the first. Luna could only come up with "living egg" for a basic description of it. The egg shaped creature had what seemed to be a purple mustache upon its face and a similar, but smaller, mane on its head. It sat upon a throne that was made of gold and numerous jewels and gems. Luna could only imagine how much of a fortune such a thing would be worth. Looking between the two figures she noticed that they shared a few similarities, with their eyes being the exact same.

At last she turned looked at the last figure. She gasped at what she saw. Whatever it was it was the largest thing in the dreamscape by far. Yet despite its size, she had no clue why the object before her was the main cause of fear for the pink creature. It was a large cylinder shaped object that was rooted into the ground they stood on. Towards the top stood what appeared to be a large yellow eye. On both sides of it were what appeared to be wings, and the entirety of the thing had giant bands of light running around it, forming the shape of a.....

"Broken heart? Luna thought to herself. "Does that hold some kind of significance? Luna began thinking about the current situation, but she stopped when she heard voices.

Our Mechanizing Occupation Project is now underway...

The pink creature looked up at these words and Luna saw its face for the first time. It had blue eyes that seemed to twinkle as bright as her night sky, and it had rosy cheeks that seemed to never fade away. However the appearance of the creature wasn't of concern right now. She had to figure out the problem. What was this "project?"

Your people have unfortunately been identified as... obstacles....

The pink being looked defiant and jumped up, assuming a what Luna thought to be a battle position. However the large cylinder's eye suddenly lit up at that moment. Seeing this, the creatures look of rebellion turned to one of fear. Luna took this as confirmation that the thing was the main problem.

Savages! Savages! Savages! Savages! You're all wild savages!

The creature looked over to the living egg and started to back away slowly. Luna sensed no fear emanating from the puff towards the egg creature, only intense sadness. Though the reason for this was a mystery to her.

Suddenly the egg went limp. It fell off of it's throne and onto the floor. It remained like that for a moment before Luna watched it pick itself off of the ground. However something was different. It stumbled about almost as if it was unused to its body. Luna took a look at its eyes and noticed that the were now a sharp yellow instead of the calculating blue eyes it had before.

Slowly everyone watched as it began to hover lifelessly towards the large cylinder figure in the room. It when it finally made it within a hoofs reach of it, it flew into it. Luna watches as it disappeared into the object. She then turned to the dreamer who had a look of horror etched onto its face.

"Perhaps that was someone of importance that was lost?" she thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the strangest voice she had ever heard began to come from the large object.

You are invited to witness the end of history...

Luna snapped her head toward the thing at these words. That did not sound good at all. But before she could question the meaning of the words, the ground began to shake violently. Luna took took to the air as large bits and chunks of the ground began to spike up and give way to large chasms. Then all at once the ground gave way. Yet despite there being no ground to stand on, the dreaming puff didn't fall. In fact it seemed to be drifting around.

Luna was about to step in when she noticed the thing from before. What had appeared to be wings were now extended and had large blue beams of light emanating from them. It was quite a splendid sight, but Luna noticed that it was currently occupied with something and shifted her focus to what it was doing. It was hurtling down towards the abyss below them. Luna watches as it disappeared from view.

All was silent

Something massive shot past her at incredible speed. Luna didn't have a chance to see it, but the puff did. It yelped and cried out in fear. Luna turned her attention back towards what had passed her. What she was greeted with was an object of incomprehensible size. Whatever this thing was, it was impossibly large. Luna didn't know what to think of it, until she head it speak.

Enjoy your destruction.

Luna had seen enough.

"Enough!" She bellowed. "I know not what you are, nor do I care. But I shall not sit by and let thou plague this one's dream s any longer!"

Everything within the dream scape turned towards her at that moment, but it was only enough to catch a glimpse of her before she ended the nightmare.


Kirby woke up with a fright. He had woken up from a nightmare. And that unsettled him greatly. But it wasn't the nightmare itself that unnerved him though. It was the fact that he had had a nightmare at all! Why did he have a nightmare instead of a dream? HOW did he have a nightmare instead of a dream? The Fountain of Dreams shouldn't, no, WOULDN'T have let that happen!

Before Kirby could get much deeper into his thoughts, he heard a knock. He looked up, finally taking notice of his surroundings. He was on a bed in an unfamiliar, yet astonishingly clean, room. Kirby slowly crawled out of the bed and made his way around the room, looking around for any clues that could show where he might be. The knock sounded once more drawing his attention to the door on the far side of the room. As he walked toward the new point of interest he heard a feminine voice from the other side of the door.

"Hello? Kirby dear, are you in there?"

Kirby, hearing the Rarity's voice, relaxed. A lot more than he thought. Who knew he was so tense? Before he could make his reply however, he heard Rarity sigh.

"Hm. Oh well. I suppose Kirby does need rest. I'll just ask Spike to hold onto Kirby's breakfast. I just hope he doesn't eat it instead."


Did she say, Breakfast?!

Kirby charged at the door, all previous worries and injuries completely forgotten. There was no way he was going to miss out on a meal! He collided with the door at high speed, nearly throwing it off of its hinges. Rarity shrieked in alarm, the swinging door missing her by mere inches and colliding with the wall instead. A pink blur shot past her a moment later causing her to jump backwards with yelp of surprise. Kirby didn't take much notice of this however, his mind focused on a much greater goal. He could smell it.

As he followed the scent of food, he could hear something coming towards him. Ahead was Sweetie Belle and Spike, both trying to see what all the commotion was about. They saw Kirby charging towards them and froze unsure of what to do next. Kirby blasted past them, knocking them aside with hunger-fueled strength. As he darted the room ahead, he saw the treasure dead ahead, sitting on a table.

Pancakes and toast.

It was a large serving of them too! Kirby leapt towards the table with reckless abandon. Unfortunately, he didn't make it all the way towards his goal and instead smacked into the side of the table, face-first.

Rarity, Spike, and Sweetie Belle came running in, just in time to see the table, the food, and a dazed Kirby topple to the floor. Each of the three had different reactions to the scene.

Rarity looked at the kitchen in horror, nearly fainting at the sight of her now ruined kitchen.

Spike looked at the scene with his jaw dropped, having trouble comprehending what had just happened.

Sweetie Belle had a similar reaction to Spike. However she soon came back to reality, being the first to do so. After surveying the scene, her mouth went into a deep scowl and her faced reddened. After a moment of silence that seemed to drag on for hours, she gave an outraged cry that pierced the heavens.


After the breakfast fiasco, Rarity had run back to her room and locked the door, barring anyone from entering. Spike had followed her up until the door and after failing to convince her to let him in, began making attempts to calm her down from behind the door. Sweetie belle on the other hand, was giving Kirby the stink eye.

"Thanks a lot!" she spat. "You ruined our breakfast! Now what are we supposed to eat?!"

Kirby looked around at the mess he had caused, then back towards Sweetie Belle. He felt horrible. Tiff and Tuff had always tried to tell him to keep himself under control whenever he was hungry. But he still had trouble keeping himself in line if he was really hungry. Thanks to his little episode, he would be lucky if anyone wanted to speak to him again after this. That thought brought tears to his eyes.

"S-sowwy" he sobbed, covering his eyes with his small pink arms.

Sweetie Belle lost her anger almost immediately at the sight.

"N-no don't cry! Please don't cry!" She pleaded. It did little good though. Kirby sat on the ground and sobbed over the supposed loss of his new friends.

Spike sighed. At this point it was clear that Rarity wasn't going to calm down that easily. Reluctantly, he left the unicorn to her tears and slowly made his way downstairs, looking back once to see if anything had changed. Once he had made his way down, he went towards the kitchen in order to find the other occupants of the building.

"Well. I don't think Rarity's going to come out of her room anytime soon." He began. "Sweetie Belle, if you have time can you help...." The rest of Spike's words were lost as he took notice of what was currently happening. Kirby was on the ground crying, while Sweetie Belle was desperately trying to get him to stop. Spike ran over to the pair.

"K-Kirby! Whats wrong?!

Kirby didn't answer. He just continued to sob into his arms.

Seeing that Kirby was unresponsive to him he turned to Sweetie Belle for answers instead.

"Sweetie Belle what happened?! Did you do something to him?!" He shouted.

"W-what?! No! I mean..." Sweetie was unsure of what to say next. "W-well.... I did yell about how our breakfast was ruined" She finished at last.

Spike glared at her, but then turned his attention back to Kirby. He didn't know what to do. At least with Rarity he had a basic idea of what he could do to try and calm her down. But he knew little to nothing about Kirby. He thought about what the best course of action would be. At last he decided to act. He walked towards Kirby, picked him up, and gave him a small hug.

"Hey." He said softly. "It'll be okay. Sure you made a mess but I think its clear that you didn't mean for it to happen and you feel bad about it." He broke the hug and held his arms out with Kirby still in his claws. Kirby himself was looking a little bit better. He was no longer sobbing at least, but he still had tears in the corners of his eyes.

"F-forgive?" Kirby said at last"

"Yeah, we forgive you." Spike returned. He then turned towards Sweetie belle and gave her a look. "Isn't that right Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie Belle furiously nodded her head.

Anything to make the sadness leave Kirby's body.

After the trio had made up, they each got started with self-given tasks.

Sweetie Belle had to leave for school. She grumbled about having to go on an empty stomach, but she quickly stopped when Kirby looked over towards her once with a look in his eyes that asked "Are you still upset?" She didn't think she could survive if she had to see Kirby shed tears again, so she remained quiet as she packed up her things and didn't utter another word until she left.

Kirby and Spike remained in the kitchen and began cleaning up the mess. Spike had gotten some napkins and began cleaning up syrup that had gotten onto the tiled floor, while Kirby had started to dispose of the pancakes and toast that lay scattered all over the kitchen, by eating them. Spike pretended that he didn't notice.

Once they were done cleaning, Spike made his way towards Rarity's room with Kirby following closely behind. The two could hear the sobs coming from within the room. Kirby began to feel guilty again.

"P-poyo" he croaked. He wasn't sure if Rarity would be willing to forgive him. At least not as easily as Spike and Sweetie did.

Spike glanced over.

"Hey it'll be fine. Rarity's a nice mare. I'm sure she'll forgive you."

Kirby looked a little unsure at the drake's words, but he soon found a smile on his face.


Spike, seeing Kirby give a full smile, felt a bit more confidant. He turned towards the door and knocked without hesitation.


Chaos. That was the only word needed to describe the stare of Ponyville Library. Books lay everywhere, parchment was scattered all over the room; most of it in tatters or balled up, Inkwells were knocked over, letting their black trails stain whatever lay in their path. And in the center of it all, was a very disgruntled Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight had suffered tremendously from trying to learn the secrets of the mystery goo that she had come across in the rock fields. She had a massive headache and she could probably sleep the next few days away no problem. She had no idea of what to do from here.

She had used spell after spell, trying to determine what the substance was, and after each failed attempt it felt as though she had gotten farther from her goal. The blue/purple goo seemed to taunt her, bubbling within the contained environment she had created for it.

"Why?" she yelled out in frustration, "Why won't you do anything! I know you aren't documented in any science or research books, you're completely foreign to the world. I've documented just about everything I've found about you, which is pretty much NOTHING!" Twilight looked around as if she was being watched, before turning her attention back towards the mass of goo.

"Please just do something." At that Twilight broke staring down at the floor with defeat.

The door creaked open.

"Twiiiiiiliiiiiight? Are you in there?" A bubbly voice called out.

Twilight sighed. "What is it Pinkie?"

The door burst open, shoving several books and inkwells flying, A pink blur shot through the door and landed on top of Twilight. Twilight wheezed as the pony sat on top of her.

"Twilight! I need to ask for super duper extra special favor from you!" Pinkie rattled off.

Twilight simply groaned, too tired to argue with the pink mare.

"And that would be?" she asked slowly.

"My Pinkie sense told me that there's a new pony in town!" Pinkie shouted. "I was wondering if we could use the library to host the "Welcome to Ponyville" party this time around because Rainbow dash has been complaining about how every single party I throw usually takes place at Sugar Cube Corner which I never really thought about. I mean-"

The rest of Pinkie's ramblings were lost on Twilight. She didn't have the energy to keep up with the bubbly mare at that point in time. So she just opted to say yes to her demand, if only so she could get back to studying the goo again.

"Sure Pinkie Pie, whatever you need."

Pinkie leapt for joy.

"Yay! Thank you so much Twilight. I'll make sure that this is the best party EVER!"

Pinkie was about to leave when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. She turned to face it and saw a massive glass bubble holding a mass of goo.

Naturally she was all over it in seconds.

"Oooh! Twilight whats this?" She asked looking at the orb at multiple impossible angles.

The goo started to bubble faster.

"I don't know Pinkie" the purple unicorn sighed in frustration. "Whatever it is, its difficult to study. I can't find any records or info about it."

Pinkie sat atop the glass sphere containing the bubbly goo. "Did you try pumping it with magic?" She asked.

Twilight sent a glare towards her pink friend-turned-annoyance. "YES Pinkie..." she said, trying to keep an even tone.

The goo's colors began to swirl faster.

Pinkie hopped down from the orb and gave the goo a long look.

"Hey Twilight"

Twilight lost patience.


Pinkie pointed towards the goo unfazed by the harshness of her friends voice. "I think its doing something."

Twilight snapped her eyes over towards the glass bubble just in time to see the goo swirl into a vortex of blue and purple and condense itself into a small orb.

But before she could make any further actions, the goo ball grew in size shattering its glass prison. Twilight managed to conjure a shield of magic to protect both herself and Pinkie from the shards, but what she saw next blew away any expectations she had.

Where the goo had once been, now stood what appeared to be a large penguin. It appeared to be wearing clothing, but she couldn't be sure as the entirety of the thing seemed to be made out of the goo from before. It had what looked to be a deep purple robe with grey gloves on its body and a hat with a spiky pom on the top of its head with the same colors. When she looked at its eyes she gasped as she saw them to be glowing a purple in a fixed angry glare. Overall it looked kind of intimidating.


Whatever this thing was it seemed pretty loud too.

"Ooh! Hello there! I'm Pinkie Pie! I've never seen something like you before! Whats your name?" Pinkie had begun trying to speak to the thing in front of them. The gooey penguin creature looked over towards her. When its eyes fell upon Pinkie it sneered and its glare intensified.

"Uh Pinkie?" Something tells me we should get out of here." Twilight whispered to her friend. "Like, right now!" She began charging a teleport spell in case the creature made a move.

"But Twilight! -" Pinkie never got to finish her rebuttal, as the thing chose to charge at them. Twilight's eyes grew wide and, in her panic, fired her teleportation spell at the goo creature instead of using it on herself and Pinkie. With a "Pop" and a flash it was gone.

"Aww" Pinkie groaned. "Now who's gonna throw Mr. Googuin party?

Twilight paid no attention to the name Pinkie had given to the monster. Instead she was frozen, her mind trying to catch up to what she had just done. At last she gave out a panic filled shriek.

"I've just sent that thing to the middle of Ponyville!"

She turned to Pinkie with seriousness on her face.

"Pinkie we have to get a move on! Who knows what that thing could be doing right now!"

Pinkie looked her friend in the eyes an gave a salute.

"Okie dokie lokie!" she yelled. "I'll meet you there!" With that Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out a small blue cannon. She loaded herself into it and fired, sending herself flying into the distance, away from the center of Ponyville.

Twilight looked at the the Party pony had once stood trying to make sense of her actions before realizing it was Pinkie Pie and teleported herself towards the center of town.

Where the market was in full swing.

The market in Ponyville was particularly busy today. Many of the vendors had special sales going on and everypony wanted to get their hooves on something before it was sold out. All and all, it was a pretty good day. That is until one of the stands was suddenly reduced to a pile of splinters.

Every single pony in the vicinity of the crash looked over towards the ruined stand. A few brave ponys made their way towards the stand before a loud roar rumbled from it. Something big, scary, and penguin like burst forth from the ruins, roaring loudly at everything in the area.

"Everypony run! It's a monster!" Cried a voice.

Every pony in the market went into a blind panic at this. Hooves thundered in every direction, everypony desperate to get away from the threat. Except for one. There was an apple stand further away from the market with a single orange pony working said stand. When the monster cry went up she had dropped everything and made her way towards the source.

She dodged the panicking ponys expertly, weaving in and out through the flurry of hooves. When she made it to where the cry originated from she gasped. Some weird creature made of what looked like flowing liquid was demolishing stands around the market with a giant mallet. It was about to destroy another one when it spotted a donut stand. The thing stared at it before it opened its mouth. Wide. Very wide. Suddenly a multitude of things started flying towards its awaiting maw. Rocks, grass, donuts and other small to medium sized objects were devoured in mere seconds.

Once the monster finished it's meal it turned and faced towards the orange mare. It reared back and gave a loud roar.

The pony sighed.

"Ah knew ah should've stayed on the farm today." moaned Applejack, as she readied a rope.

Spike was feeling pretty good with himself. It had taken what must've been hours but he and Kirby had finally managed to convince Rarity to leave her room. She was still wailing about the state her kitchen was in but when she saw how expertly the pair had cleaned up, she ceased all crying and her eyes had shown pure happiness. She thanked the two, and rewarded Spike with a kiss on the cheek.

After that the two were about to make leave the boutique exit, when a large crash sounded off, startling everyone present.

Rarity, Kirby, and Spike rushed towards the sound to see a pony with wings lying on the floor. She had a rainbow mane with a tail to match and her body was sky blue. Rarity and Spike were surprised to see the newcomer but Kirby just looked confused.

"Rainbow Dash!? What is the meaning of this?!" Rarity cried out in exasperation. "These two just spent a good part of their day getting my house cleaned and you've gone and made another mess!

The rainbow maned pony brought herself up to her hooves quite hastily, brushing herself off before giving off an explanation.

"No time for that Rarity! There's a monster attacking Ponyville!" Rainbow rattled off.

This changed Rarity's demeanor rather swiftly. Kirby twitched.

"What?! Oh dear. Okay, we can handle this." Rarity turned towards Spike.

"Spike! Make sure you keep yourself and Kirby out of danger. We'll be right back!"

Spike looked a bit sour but otherwise agreed.

Rarity and Rainbow quickly left the scene. Rainbow did take a glance at Kirby, but thought nothing of him and flew off into the distance at high speed.

Once they were gone, Spike let out a sigh.

"Looks like I'm on the sidelines again." He was used to this by now. When something ended up happening, he was usually left behind. He didn't mind it much at first, some of the things the girls had to do were scary. But after a while it got boring simply waiting for them to come back. Almost unbearably so. He'd tried asking but the others simply told him it was too dangerous.

Spike decided to take his thoughts elsewhere so not to get himself further into the pits. He looked around to and found Kirby charging at the door, trying to make an exit.

"K-Kirby?!" Spike yelped, making a dive for the pink puff. "What are you doing?!"

Kirby turned to face him, a look of determination spread across his face.

"Kirby help Wawity!" he called out.

Spike looked on with surprise before making another attempt to stop to puff from leaving.

"Kirby, Rarity told me to look after you! Besides it's dangerous out there!"

Kirby expression didn't falter. Instead he simply turned back towards the door and tried to open it once more.

Spike grabbed Kirby from behind, hoping to stop him. To his shock however, Kirby didn't slow down very much at all. In fact he was now dragging Spike across the floor with ease. Eventually he lost his grip and Kirby bolted towards the door, colliding with with a pretty big impact, if the sound it made was anything to go by. The door swung open and Kirby bolted outside.


Seeing as he had to keep watch over him, Spike dusted himself off before bolting outside himself, trying desperately to keep up with the pink puff.

Everything was a disaster in the center of town. The market was devoid of ponies minus a certain few. When Twilight had teleported into the market and saw Applejack attempting to tie up the beast, she had hope. But everything had gone south when it simply shrugged off the rope and broke it like it was nothing. After that Applejack was swiftly tackled by the beast, launching her into another set of stands. Pinkie Pie was nowhere to be found and Applejack was preoccupied trying to get herself out of the wreckage. With no other options at the moment she decided to engage it herself.

V.S ???

Twilight charged her horn and fired a multitude of laser shots. Half of them missed their marks and the other half seemed to have little effect on the creature other than enraging it. With a roar it charged at her, intending to tackle her into the ground. Twilight charged up her horn and teleported out of the way, with the creature eating the dirt where she once stood.

Not wasting time, she quickly started casting more magic shots towards her opponent. She was a bit more accurate this time, most of her shots hitting the beast in the side. After getting its bearing the goo monster picked itself up, and stared down Twilight, fury shining brightly in its purple eyes. But before it could make a move, it found itself flying into a building. Applejack had manged to get herself free and had snuck up behind the beast and give it a good buck. The two ponies took the moment they had to formulate their next move.

"What's the plan Twilight?" Applejack asked, not taking her eyes off of where the beast lay.

"I'm not sure Applejack" Twilight replied. I don't know what in Equestria that thing is, but we need to take it down before it causes anymore damage!"

The pair kept staring at the gooey mass, waiting to see what it would do next. When it was finally upright it held it hand in the air, summoning its mallet. The two thought that it was going to charge at them again and prepared themselves to dodge. Unfortunately, they were wrong. The Goo penguin reared its hammer back and slammed the hammer head into the ground, sending an energy wave across the ground. The two ponies gasped, and fled in the other direction. Anything in the wave's path was swiftly flung away from it if it wasn't destroyed by it instead. The two kept going before looking back to see that the wave had dissipated a ways back. Curiously a lone star remained in its place for a moment before it dissipated too.

Twilight and Applejack just sat there, trying to catch their breath, when they heard a shout behind them. Turning back they saw Pinkie galloping towards them with Fluttershy on her back, looking as if she wanted no part in the events that were unfolding, which was accurate.

"Pinkie! Fluttershy!" Twilight called out, bolting towards her friends. But before they could reach each other, the beast landed in between them. The impact from hitting the ground sent out two smaller waves across the ground, throwing the three mares in every direction. Seeing this, the monster began to laugh.

HEh HeH hEh HEh Heh HEH HeH!

It's voice sounded distorted and weird, it was as if it were chugging water as it was speaking. It unnerved everypony present. But seeing as it was currently preoccupied, Applejack ran towards it and punched it with her forehoof. The beast stumbled before swinging around, just in time to see AJ's rear hooves smash into it's face. The beast was sent flying once more, however instead of sailing into the distance, a rainbow blur smashed into it, plowing it into the ground. When the dust settled the monster lay on its back with a certain speedster pegasus on top of it.


Hearing her name being called, Rainbow bounced off of the creatures body and flew over towards her friends, landing in front of them.

"Heh heh! No need to thank me. Rainbow dash has got it all under control." she boasted flexing her wings to show off.

Twilight and Aj groaned, while pinkie said nothing. Fluttershy however had her eyes on the monster. She eyed it with suspicion.

Suddenly the eyes of the beast flew open, and it bounced back onto its feet. Flutter shy shrieked, startling the entire group.

"W-what is it Fluttershy?" twilight asked.

The yellow pegasus could only point towards the thing they thought they had defeated. However it had its mouth wide open. Applejacks eyes widened. She recognized this.

"Everypony get out of the way!" she yelled, but it was too late.

The wind picked up tremendously. The five mares found themselves toppling over from the unexpected gust of wind, and tumbled towards the maw of the beast. Each of them saw their lives flash before there eyes. Everypony they had met, all the things they'd ever done, all the good times they'd shared all went by in an instant as they all tumbled into the darkness.

Suddenly the world felt full of motion, as if they were hurtling at high speeds. Then they felt pain. Each of the mares found themselves on the ground. Shaking themselves off, they each took in their surroundings.

"W-wait? We're alive?" Aj asked cautiously.

"Seems like it." Rainbow replied, checking her wings to make sure nothing was broken. When she was satisfied that everything was in good working order, she prepared to charge at the beast that nearly ate them all, only to find that her tail was encased by magic, preventing her from moving.

"Twilight?! What they hay!?" she shouted, struggling to break free.

"Rainbow Dash, slow down for a moment will you!?" The studious unicorns order did little to calm the the prismatic maned pegasus, but she reluctantly gave into the demand.

Twilight sighed. "Okay", she began "Before we do anything else, we need to go get Rarity. We can do anything as a team, but if one of us is missing then we wont be at our full strength. Rainbow Dash, I need you to fly to Carousel Boutique and bring her here.

Then a voice squeaked out. "No need for that dearie, I'm right here."

The five mares looked back to see Rarity picking herself up off the ground. She did not look amused in the slightest.

"Rarity? What happened happened to ya?" Asked Aj. "Ya look like ya threw down with a bull and the bull won."

Rarity huffed. "Well Rainbow dash had told me about a monster attacking the town so I ran of to try and help. Rainbow, on the other hoof left me behind. I was almost to town, when a giant star blasted me in the face, throwing me back. Then out of nowhere you five appeared out of thin air." She finished.

The five mares looked at Rarity with varying expressions on their faces, before looking back to where the beast was. It was currently approaching them slowly, with a predatory grin on its face.

The six mare, quickly got into battle positions, ready to take on the threat once and for all. But before any of them could make any moves. They heard a sound.


That sound made two of the six whirl around in surprise and worry. Seeing two of their friends being distracted by something the rest of mares turned around to see what was going on.

There was Kirby, running full speed towards the market turned battle ground, with a familiar baby dragon trailing behind him exhausted.

Naturally the mares flipped out.



Battle temporarily forgotten, the six ran towards the newcomers.

Kirby stopped before them, and they stopped before him.

Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, and, Applejack simply stared at the being before them, while Rarity and Fluttershy were quick to try and fix the situation.

"Kirby!? What are you doing here?" Rarity hissed. "Its dangerous here, go back to the boutique at once!"

Kirby's blank expression turned into a glare. The first time Rarity had ever seen such a thing on Kirby's face.


"Kirby please! It isn't safe here!" Pleaded Fluttershy. "You need to find a place to hide!"

Kirby remained defiant. He stood there in place before Spike walked up behind him and grabbed onto Kirby from behind, hoisting him into the air.

"So sorry Rarity" He started rattling off. "Kirby slipped from my grip wont happen again!"

Kirby began squirming, and once again escaped Spike's grasp. As soon as he hit solid ground he dashed forwards.

"Kirby, NO!"

The rest of the mares, despite having no clue who this Kirby was, decided that it would be best to stop him before something bad happened. But each time they got close, he evaded their grasp until he made it to the front of the group where he came face to face with....



That little exchange quickly got the attention of everyone present. Even though they didn't know what it was, this beast somehow knew Kirby's name. Everything was silent, nothing making a single sound. However the tense silence didn't last. The beast seemed to be re invigorated by pure rage.

"KIRRRBBBEEEEHHHH!!!" it howeled.

It began to charge forwards before Rainbow tackled it to the ground.

As she struggled to keep the beast down, she turned towards her friends. "Well what are you waiting for?!." She cried out.

The beast threw Rainbow off, rearing its head back and roaring to the sky. The girls chose this moment to act. Twilight and Pinkie began using ranged fire to try and get some damage in, while Applejack and Rainbow tried to rush in and out landing quick blows to the beast. Fluttershy and Rarity however had not joined the fray, instead opting to try and escort Kirby and Spike away from danger.

"Come on you two, lets get you away from this dreadful scene."

"We'll go to my cottage, then everything will be okay."

Kirby had had enough. He would not sit by on the sidelines and let his friend's friends get hurt when he could do something about it. He turned around and made one last dash towards the market. Rarity made to grab him with a hoof, only to find her hoof being knocked aside rather easily. With a worried glance, Rarity and Fluttershy chased after him once more, desperate not to let any harm come to the pink puff.

The battle was not going well between the beast and the four mares. Pinkie had run out of ammunition to fire from her Party Cannon, and had resorted to distracting the goo penguin for Aj and Rainbow. Twilight was still flinging spells but her exhaustion was slowly catching up to her. At this rate the battle would be lost.


The goo monster ceased attacking the mares and looked towards the source of the voice.

There, standing with a glare on his face, was Kirby.

"KIIIIIIRRRRRRBBBBBBBEEEEEEEHHHHHHH!" the creature roared, throwing the attacking mares back a bit with its voice alone.

With fury plastered across its face. The beast charged towards the puff. Time seemed to slow down to the ponys. Here they were, struggling to take down this beast, while this small pink blob stood perfectly still, letting the beast charge him with reckless abandon. "Did this Kirby want to be clobbered?" they thought. "What can he do against something like that?!" The six mares shut their eyes, waiting for the inevitable. Another pair of eyes came running up to see the beast closing in on his new friend. Spike's eyes widened and he cried out.


It was go time.

Right before Dedede's clone tackled him, Kirby slid under him, ending up on the other side unharmed. The Dedede Clone kept sliding onward, its face enjoying meal of dirt. Kirby, seeing the opportunity, took a quick glance at his surroundings. Wreckage was everywhere, but nothing really gave the impression of having an ability. But everything was fine. He could make this work.

Kirby made his way towards a pile of rubble, as he did so, he heard a few gasps coming from around him. He turned to see the six mares staring at him with surprise. But he didn't have time to wonder about that, he had a clone to beat. Kirby stopped a ways away from the pile of debris, before opening up his mouth and began to inhale. The pile quickly flew disappeared into his mouth as he puffed up from having new ammunition. He turned around to find the clone charging towards him again.

Kirby reared his head back, before blasting a star bullet towards the unsuspecting clone. The clone barely had time to register was was happening before it plowed straight into the star shaped missile. An explosion rang out and dust flew everywhere. When the dust settled the only thing that proved the beast had existed were three small puddles of goo.

"Now for the hard part" thought Kirby, as he readied his stance.

Nopony could believe what they had just witnessed. This pink puff, who some called Kirby, had opened his mouth to an impossibly wide size for such a small creature, and sucked up a large pile of rubble as if it was dust in the wind. Then to add to the strange sight, it spat out some sort of star shaped bullet. Said bullet had reduced the gooey penguin into nothing more than a bunch of puddles, with one shot. The mares stood in silence unsure of what to say. Twilight was having the worst of it, struggling to keep her composure.

"Wha- b-but..! How!?!?" She cried. Twilight began running through calculations in her mind, but it was too much. The stress from today and the day prior had finally caught up to her. With a moan, Twilight collapsed.

The other mares quickly rushed over to their fallen friend battle temporarily forgotten. Spike soon put himself among them, squeezing through the legs of the 5 to try and get to the fallen unicorn.

"TWILIGHT!", they cried.

Kirby turned around to see what the commotion was about, but quickly turned his attention back to the puddles lingering on the ground. He knew what was going to happen next. One by one, each of the puddles began to take shape, emitting a groaning sound as they did. They soon had their individual forms back together, ready to attack. However they were smaller than when they were a singular being. Rather than standing above each pony, they now stood at roughly the same height. The clones looked around before hopping into a line. Despite this, the pink puff's expression didn't change. Kirby held his ground, refusing to back down. This battle wasn't quite over yet.

Author's Note:

And thus the longest chapter so far is done. I get the feeling that this one is lower quality than the rest though. But I'm just glad I got it out. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

[Edit] I re worked and added a few things to this chapter. Its nothing much but i feel like it adds to the mood just a tad.