• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,141 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

  • ...


Spike was shocked. A monster attacking the Crystal Empire was almost unheard of! The main big bad that had was King Sombra, and he had been dealt with already! Whoever or WHATever that was attacking must be crazy powerful! He didn't have time to think about it much further before he heard Kirby pipe up.

"Poyo!" he shouted and charged away. Princess Cadence was caught off guard, she wasn't expecting Kirby to run away!

"Hey wait!" she called out. "We need to stick together! It isn't safe right now! Cadence spread her wings and flew off after him. Spike stood still, before realizing he was being left behind.

"H-hey! Wait for me!" he shouted after them, before giving chase to the two pink blurs.

Kirby was ahead, but Cadence was swiftly catching up. As the two barreled down the corridors, the there were sounds of fighting, and magic. Kirby followed the sounds as best he could, until he felt something scoop him up. Cadence had managed to catch him!

"Kirby please, we need to get you to the throne room immediately!" she said in a stern tone. Kirby responded by struggling against her. Cadence was surprised by how much resistance, the puff was giving her as she struggled to keep him within her grasp.

"Poyo Poyo!" he responded, Still struggling against Cadence. Soon they both could hear something approach behind them, Spike had finally managed to catch up to them.

"Cadence, wait!" the drake panted. "I know. . . It doesn't seem like the best idea, but. . . let him go!" Cadence look surprised, but was quick to shake her head.

"Spike, no! It's far too dangerous!" She nearly shouted. "Whatever this being is, its incredibly powerful! Its best that we take you to the throne room so you two can wait it out!" Before either Kirby or Spike could protest, Cadence's horn flared to life, enveloping the two of them. Then with a flash, the pair were teleported to the throne room. They had barely begun to register their new surroundings before they were tackled, startling the both of them.



The two opened their eyes to find they were surrounded by the other mares. Rarity and Twilight had tackled Spike, while Fluttershy had scooped Kirby into her forelegs and was hugging him tightly. The others stood close by, seemingly relieved that the two were there.

"Thank Celestia you two are safe!" Rarity sighed, hugging Spike tightly. The drake was too happy to really respond, stuttering with a grin on his face.

"Where in the hay have you two been!?" Twilight questioned. "We were looking for you when the alarm went up!" This brought Spike out of his daze for a little bit.

"U-uuh the Kitchen!" he blurted out! "Yeah! Kirby here had said he felt hungry, so. . . we went looking for something to eat. Heh heh. . ."

Most of the others could tell it was a lie, but they were too glad to see him safe so they let it go.

"Well as long as you two are safe, that's all that matters at the moment." Rarity said, releasing Spike much to his disappointment. "For now we should wait here for the time being, until the guard bring things under control."

Rainbow dash snorted.

"Please Rarity!" She waved, "We should be out there helping! We aren't just some random group of ponies! We'e the Elements of Harmony! We've seen our fair share of battles and whatever, we know what we're doing!"

"Ah agree!" Applejack spoke up. "The six of us have fought many things in our lives and we've come out right as rain to tell the tale! We shouldn't be cooped up in here!" Twilight groaned in frustration.

"True Applejack we have faced many threats before, and likely we still will as the bearers of Elements of Harmony." Twilight began, "But we have to follow protocol! The guards don't want any other lives being put at risk, so unless the fight is brought to us, we have to stay here for now!"

"Ughh!" Rainbow moaned, throwing her hooves in the air. "Fine! We'll wait here. But I won't like it!"

Before anyone could say anything else, there was what sounded like another explosion, right outside the door. Everyone present was immediately on the defensive, fight or flight response ready at a moments notice. There were multiple shouts heard, then without warning, the door was smashed to smithereens. A guard had been blasted through the door forcefully, sailing clear across the room and smashing into the other side with a mighty impact.

"Oh no!" Twilight shouted, before she and the others ran up to check on the poor pony. He coughed, and attempted to get up, planning to jump back into battle, but found himself unable to stand.

"Hold on there pardner, you aught to take it easy for now." Applejack said firmly, trying to keep the guard from making sudden movements. The guard began coughing heavily, and before anyone could stop him, collapsed, unconscious.

Rainbow snorted with anger.

"Alright! That's it!" She shouted. "We've played bystander for far too long! Now's the time for action!" And before anyone could stop her, she flew away through the ruined doors, ready to give the enemy a beat down.

"Rainbow Dash!", her friends called after her, and they all gave chase. Kirby looked back towards the stallion, once more, before giving chasing after the group.

It wasn't long before the Rainbow discovered just what this monster had done with the Crystal Empire's forces. Injured ponies were everywhere, there were a few medical ponies treating the injured soldiers, but their progress was rather slow. Rainbow Dash didn't pay too much attention to them though, as much as she'd have like to help out, she figured it would be best to stop whatever beast they were dealing with first. Each fallen pony she passed, served to fuel her anger as she rocketed towards where the sound of battle was loudest.

Meanwhile, the rest of the gang was far behind Rainbow, but the sound of fighting was a clear indicator of where they should go.

"Come on girls!" Twilight called back to her friends. "We have to stop Rainbow! We don't know what we're dealing with here!" Of course, in their haste, none of the ponies noticed they were being followed by Spike and Kirby. The two of them were much farther, but they managed to keep up enough to keep from losing track of them.

"Oh jeez. . ." Spike whimpered, worried about the safety of his friends and himself. "This is getting to be a bit too much!"

"Poyo!" Kirby called out. Spike didn't know why, but hearing Kirby just gave him a bit more courage. He was still scared out of his wits, but the voice of his pink pal inspired him to keep going, in spite of his fear. The pair kept going, turning each corner, jumping over debris, and excusing themselves if they happened to run past an injured pony. It wasn't long before the two caught up to everyone, and the group was back together. Though one of them was currently in combat with the enemy. An enemy none of them had expected in the slightest.

An enemy, who was a gargantuan bug.

"What in tarnation!?"

"What in the world!?"

"Oh my goodness!"

"My WORD, whatever that thing is it is simply GORGEOUS!"

Everyone turned to Rarity, who blanked and then turned away sheepishly.

"Guys!" Rainbow shouted suddenly, punching the wasp in the face. "Less gawking more fighting!" That shook the rest of the girls out of their stupor. Spike turned towards Kirby and grabbed one of his nubs, pointing towards the the giant insect with his other free claw.

"Kirby!" the drake shouted frantically, "We've gotta help them out! Is there anything you can eat around here!?" Kirby didn't respond. He just stared at the bug full of shock as the rest of the girls engaged.

"Kirby?" "KIRBY!?" Spike was now shaking the puff, but Kirby didn't move at all. Spike looked around frantically to see if there was anything around him that Kirby could use. However, there weren't any big chunks of debris around like Ponyville market had, the castle's construction was quite sturdy, and the bigger chunks were far behind them, likely too big for him to move under his own power anyway. "Oh this is bad!" The drake sulked to himself.

Looking around he spotted a support pillar that hadn't been blown to pieces. Thinking quickly, he scooped Kirby into his arms and dashed behind it, placing his frozen friend behind it for cover.

"S-stay here bro!" Spike stuttered. "I-Ill go see if there's anything back where we came from that you can shoot!" With that the dragon turned heel and ran as fast as his legs could carry him, disappearing down the ruined hallways. Kirby stood still, immobilized by his own thoughts.

The giant insect that everyone was currently fighting, it wasn't just some random bug. That insect, was someone who should've been gone, someone who shouldn't even be here, someone that he had defeated only a few months or so back!

Someone, named Sectonia.

Kirby began to stir at last, his mind finally registering what he was seeing. It was Queen Sectonia! Somehow she had returned! Kirby didn't know what to think of it. By all means, this should be impossible! He had watched as the beauty obsessed queen was vaporized by her own laser beam that he had inhaled and spat back out at her a while back! How in the world could she have survived such an attack!?

Kirby watched as the Gargantuan wasp slashed at the ponies with her twin rapiers, the bug showing no remorse as the girls were forced to dodge her swings. Kirby could feel the force of them from across the room, each slash practically shaking the hallway itself. The girls were doing their best, but every so often, one of them could be heard squealing a bit having only barely dodging an attack or complaining about a tad bit of lost mane.

Suddenly, the realization that he had been watching his friends get attacked struck him. He shouldn't be sitting here doing nothing, he should be helping his friends!

Face scrunching up in determination, Kirby left his cover and bounced into battle!

"This shouldn't be too hard." he thought. He had fought her before, so that would make things easier!

... right?

VS Sectonia. . .?

Kirby launched forwards, running towards the queen as the rest of the girls were continuing to dodge the rapid swings of Sectonia's swords.

At the current moment, the massive queen was facing away from Kirby so he had the element of surprise. Kirby watched as the mighty wasp poured magic into her swords, the blades engulfed in a deep purple flame. Then with a mighty swing, the queen swung her sword towards Applejack, the farm pony dodging at the absolute last moment. The impact let loose a small star, that bounded on the floor and hovered there for a moment.

This gave the ponies pause, hadn't they seen something like this before?

Suddenly there was a shout, and before anyone could react, a pink blur shot underneath the wasp and practically tackled the star. The pink blob tumbled forwards before firing at the enemy hitting the bug square in the face with a star bullet! Kirby came to a stop just in front of Applejack, looking a tad bit shaken from the unusual maneuver

"Kirby!?" The farmpony yelped, "What are you?... Applejack trailed off, instantly realizing exactly why Kirby would be here, despite the obvious danger. "Well, no use in trying tah hold ya off. You'd probabaly just run back here if we sent yah away."

Applejack frowned. "Still, this ain't exactly the best time to be playing hero."

Looking up, she could see Rarity and Fluttershy shaking their heads, silently trying to get the farm pony to get the puff out of the area. Pinkie and Twilight were looking at the enemy, who was still reeling from the explosive star, while Rainbow was now eyeing Kirby with suspicion. Kirby simply stood up and dusted himself off.

"Me help! I fight!" He said with resolve. If his friends were going to jump into battle, there was no chance he was going to stand by and let harm come to them, not counting his brief surprise of course!

Applejack chuckled to herself. This little guy sure was stubborn, but at least he had some strength to back himself up with those fancy star attacks.

There was an unfamiliar groan and everyone was back on high alert. Facing towards the queen, the girls discovered that she had finally recovered from Kirby's star bullet, she looked down and spotted the puff. No one moved for what felt like ages. Then the beast let out a shriek, pointing one of her swords down directly towards Kirby, shaking with barely contained fury. The ponies were caught off guard, the bug had been had seemed so calm, casually attacking them as if there were nothing, but upon seeing Kirby, it seemed to become absolutely livid!

"Uh girls, I don't think it likes Kirby very much. . ." Flutteyshy whimpered. Sectonia growled, and began vibrating rapidly.

Suddenly, in a flash, she was gone. The girls barely had time to ponder before an eerie laugh filled the corridor.

"I don't like this girls. . ." Twilight said, keeping her head down a bit and looking around. "Stay close! We don't know what it could be up to." The others agreed, quickly huddling up to form a ring. The girls faced outwards as to prevent themselves from being suck up upon. Kirby hopped on top of Twilight's back, startling the unicorn and earning Kirby a glare. There was another bout of creepy laughter. Then, the over sized bug suddenly reappeared, teleporting rapidly around the group.

"There it is!" Rainbow shouted. She immediately took to the air, attempting to ram the queen. She was too slow however, the wasp had teleported just as she was to impact, causing Rainbow to nearly collide with the wall.

Seizing the opportunity, Sectonia teleported behind Rainbow with her swords raised high! The others gasped and shouted at the top of their lungs trying to warn their friend. Rainbow turned to see the bug, bringing the swords down with all the force it could muster. There was the sound of metal making an impact and a crazed laugh filled the hall. The queen peered down, trying to see the remains of her target, only to find that she had struck the wall instead.

Confused she looked around, only to be sent tumbling by Rainbow a moment later.

"Sorry!" the speedster shouted, grinning wide. "Ya gotta be faster than that if you wanna take me down!"

The tyrant came to a stop, glaring at the pony, before teleporting a distance away. She appeared just at the end of the hallway. Glaring with fury at everyone. She lifted her hands upwards and began waving them. Bright pink runes began appearing in the air all around the group.

The ponies tensed up, not knowing what to expect. Kirby however, looked at the size of the runes and immediately knew what was to happen. He jumped off of Twilight's back and immediately began to inhale. Just as he started, large armor wearing ants began falling out of the runes. Two of the largest ones happened to fall close to him, and they fell right into the vortex, getting sucked up almost immediately. Kirby, upon feeling the two antlers enter his mouth, immediately swallowed, feeling the familiar feeling of . . . . Nothing?

Kirby inspected his body, feeling the top of his head, looking at his skin.

Nothing had changed. He didn't understand! The large Antlers the queen summoned always gave the fire ability! What was suddenly the issue now?!

As Kirby frantically began inspecting his body the rest of the group stared at him, with various feelings expressed on their muzzles.

"H-he ate them. . ." Twilight stuttered. The unicorn felt her legs grow weak. She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. Nor could the others. Kirby always bloated up whenever he had something in his mouth, and whenever he swallowed his body would shrink back down again. He had clearly just swallowed two live creatures like it was nothing!

"See!?" I told you he was a monster!" Rainbow accused, sharply pointing a hoof towards Kirby. "When is it going to be us huh?!" It's only a matter of time until he gets bigger! Then what?!" The others didn't respond, they just stared at Kirby.

Meanwhile, Sectonia watched as the antlers began causing mindless destruction around the room, as usual the royal grunts were useless, wandering aimlessly and hardly even paying the enemy any mind. She sighed internally.

Looks like she'd have to do things herself.

The massive insect readied her swords and charged towards the group.

Kirby, not seeing any point of keeping free ammo unused closed his eyes and reached into his copy palate. It barely took him any time at all to locate the two mooks as he had only just inhaled them. He reached out and wind began to swirl within the endless void. the two antler were then whisked upwards disappearing into the distance above.

On the outside, Kirby bloated, catching the ponies off guard. They backed up a tad, unsure of what the puffs motives were at this point. Kirby opened his eyes, seeing the queen charging at them at full speed. The puff scrunched his eyes and fired the star bullet. As he had inhaled a bit more than usual, the star he fired was bigger then normal. Two stars rocketed towards the charging queen, who had been caught off guard. She barely had time to block before the stars collided, pushing her back a bit. She soon found her strength however and eventually sent the big star upwards. The repelled bullet rocketed skyward, tearing through the castle as if it were paper. It soon tore through the roof, where it promptly ran out of energy and dissipated. Two figures fell out of the remains of the energy bullets, plummeting down to the ground below.

Sectonia laughed, taunting the puff by swinging her swords around. However, Kirby was staring too hard at the wasp to really notice.

Something was off about the queen. Personality wise, she seemed exactly the same as the last time he fought her, but something just didn't feel right about her, and the puff just couldn't put his mouth around it! He looked queen up and down and stopped at her chest plate.

Her heart shaped chest plate.

Her broken, halved, color shifting chestplate. . .

". . . .Oh" Kirby thought. "That isn't Queen Sectonia. It's a clone!"

Everything fell into place after that. It explained why the queen wasn't talking. Her voice was as gurgly as the Dedede clone from before, and with her obsession with vanity, she probably decided to refrain from talking speech until she "got better."
But it raised some questions.

How did the Haltmann Works Company manage to clone Queen Sectonia? Last he'd checked, vaporization didn't exactly leave. . . what did Tiff call it. . . D.M.A? . . to be recovered for that sort of thing! That made him worry. If they had managed to bring the queen back, what else could they replicate? They HAD traveled across the galaxy according to Susie, who knew what manner of creature they could have run into!

Kirby looked at the Sectonia clone, who had seemed to have finished her taunts and was ready to attack again. Kirby readied his stance once more, and prepared for battle. He looked into the eyes of Sectonia and Sectonia glared at him in return.

Kirby had to admit, that the clone was of much better quality than the Dedede clones from before, Sectonia actually looked like the real deal, you'd have to watch closely to notice that anything was off at all! The two Popstarians stared at each other for a few moments longer before they charged at each other, ready to put the other down, for real this time.

The ponies however were still reeling a bit, they watched as Kirby began to duke it out with their massive foe. Twilight was the first to speak up.

"O-okay." she stuttered. "I really just don't know about Kirby anymore. But like it or not. Love him, hate him, or feelings in between, Kirby shares a common enemy with us, and regardless of what happens, we need to protect the Crystal Empire!"

"Right!" rainbow piped up. "First we take out that oversized bug, and then we take care of the marshmallow!"

"There were a few objections to Rainbow Dash's statement, but the ongoing battle son shook them out of their argument. Battle first, deal with Kirby later they all though, though they all had different meanings when it came to dealing with Kirby. The girls stared at the enemy and when the Kirby and the Sectonia clone passed by, they all rushed her, jumping into the battle.

Meanwhile. . .

Spike was running as hard as he could, frantically looking for something, ANYTHING, that could help Kirby out in the battle. He'd ran down several different corridors, throwing doors open left and right, hoping to find something of use within one of the rooms. Unfortunately, most of the things he had found, he had deemed too unusable, whether he figured it was too dangerous, like a set of knives, or too oddly shaped, he didn't think Kirby could inhale a mop or broom.

"Come on!" he panted, frustrated that he couldn't find anything useful. As he rounded a corner, he came across another door. "Hopefully this one actually has something of use!" he said to himself. He skidded to a halt in front of the door and flung it open. He quickly scanned the room, looking for anything that could fuel Kirby's star bullets. Just as he was about to take off in search of another room, he spotted a dusty cardboard box hidden underneath a table. He strode over to it and peered inside. There were various mirrors within it. They were old and dusty, but shifting them around showed that none of them were broken in any way! Spike jumped with happiness.

"Alright!" He cheered. "This ought to do just fine!"

He picked up the box and almost ran out the door, when the loudest explosion heard so far sounded. Spike nearly lost his balance. Whatever made that sound, it sounded like it had really done a number to the castle. Spike decided that he should get a move on. He peeked outside the room in case there was any danger, and when he saw there was none, he charged back the way he came, box of mirrors in tow.

Kirby and the girls quickly found themselves growing frustrated with their adversary. The Sectonia clone was far more complete than the Dedede clone ever was, and her battle power and endurance certainly proved that. Though she did lose some substance that made her body when hit with a particularly nasty attack, she never broke apart into mini Sectonias or anything like that. She just grew more and more ferocious with her attacks, forcing Kirby and the others to lessen their offence in favor of defense. Though they were all fighting the same enemy, Kirby was the only one to really notice anything else off with Sectonia.

Queen Sectonia used swords for combat, that much was true, but she was mainly a magic user, rarely ever actually using her swords at all. Yet despite all the time they had spent fighting this clone, she had yet to show her magical prowess.

This made Kirby uneasy. He dodged another flurry of sword strikes before jumping back, inhaling the star that was sent before him and spitting it right back at the false tyrant. She was a direct hit, but she seemed rather unfazed and teleported away. She appeared a distance away from everyone and dispelled her swords.

"Heh!" Rainbow snorted. "Are you finally giving up?" The clone didn't respond. A large golden ring formed around the queen, its intricate design catching the eyes of everypony present, but also confusing them. Kirby however grew worried. Without warning, the clone shot threw a hand forwards. The ring shined for an instant, before a duplicate of the ring shot forwards.

It just barely fit down the hallway as it barreled towards everyone. Anything that was in its path was sawed cleanly in half, giving everyone great incentive to NOT be hit by it.

"Everypony Run!" Fluttershy shrieked, running full tilt in the opposite direction.

There was nothing else to be said, everyone charged down the hallway away from the giant ring of death. The clone laughed, and fired more rings. They dug into the walls and the floor as they chased the ponies down the corridor. Just as they were about to hit them though, the group turned the corner. The Golden rings kept going, ramming into the wall, where they promptly faded away.

Everyone was breathing heavily.

"Y'all *huff* alright?" Applejack panted. Everyone nodded. they were out of breathe, but at least they were able to take in another one. Rainbow flew closer toward the ground, she was the only one who wasn't really bothered by their dash for dear life.

"Come on guys. We're better than this!" She shouted "We can't lose to some, blown up insect!"

"R-rainbow. . .*pant* we're trying!" Twilight gasped." We've been hitting it with everything we have! It's really tenacious, it just won't give in!" Twilight slumped down a bit more. "It doesn't help that *hoo* its attacking with actual weapons! It wouldn't take too much *haa* to do serious damage to us!

"Twilight's right *hoof* darling!" Rarity gasped. "Why if one of those swords were to get too close to us, or our manes!!... Her eyes bugged at the the idea. "It would be absolutely awful, dreadful, ATROCIOUS. It would be THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!"

Rainbow groaned and rolled her eyes.

Fluttershy soon squeaked something.

"Err, sorry fluttershy, wut was that?" Applejack questioned.

"I said we need to get Kirby out of here!" Fluttershy shouted, catching the group by surprise.

"Fluttershy! Wut do yah--"

"It's far too dangerous for him to be here!" The yellow pegasus interrupted. "Sure he manged to help us beat the monster back in Ponyville, I could look past that! But this thing is actually one of the deadliest enemies we've ever fought! It uses weapons, it knows magic, and it's shown to be really clever! Kirby shouldn't be here at ALL!"

Everyone was silent at her outburst, Kirby especially. Everyone just stared at her, silence falling upon the group.

Then there was the whirr of magic and Surprise!, the Sectonia clone appeared above the group, laughing haughtily. Everyone jumped, having completely forgotten that they were battling the beast in the first place. Everyone got into battle stances. But Fluttershy. . .

"NO I won't HAVE IT!"

In a move that shocked everyone, the yellow pegasus flew up towards the clone and stared directly into her eyes. The clone was caught off guard and had readied an attack, but as soon as it locked eyes with Fluttershy it seemed to freeze in place still as a statue.

"Now you listen here!" She boomed "We have been summoned out here by our fair princesses to help solve a problem that is destroying the land around us! And yet here you are, not only prolonging us from finding the solution, but hurting all my friends in the process! I will not stand for this! What would your friends think? What would your parents think!? You should be ASHAMED of yourself!"

"Fluttershy's tirade gave the clone pause. There weren't any parents that she could remember, like. . . at all. But friends. . . that word made its false heart feel something. As the clone pondered this, Fluttershy stare was still in effect.

"Well?" she questioned the clone. Waiting for some kind of response. But the clone didn't respond, its just hovered there, frozen on the spot.

Before anything else could happen though, there was a voice.

"Kirby!" Everyone turn and looked, towards the sound of the voice. The ponies watched in horror as Spike was running toward them carrying a box with him.

"Friends. . . . "

Spike grinned. Despite the chewing out he was definitely gonna receive later on, he had been useful! He had found a good amount of things Kirby could use to fight! That could help! Right?

"Friends. . . . . no. Friend.

"Spike! What are you doing here!? its far too dangerous!!!"

"I brought something Kirby could use for those stars he spits, it could help!"

"Friend. . . . . Tar- ina? no -- - - - - - -Taranza. . . "

"Friend . . . . . . Taranza. . . . . .

Taranza. . . . . traitor.

The clone began to tremble, unbeknownst to everyone else.

Spike was still running towards his friends. Yep they were mad as he had guessed, but he'd helped. And that was good enough for him!

"Taranza--......----- friend----.......------traitor......------...--....No friend"

"No friend"

"Hate Him"

"Hate everything"


What happened next, no one expected. One moment it had seemed that Fluttershy had the monster subdued by her stare, thee next moment it was letting loose a feral sounding battle cry that they had never heard it make until now. The swords morphed into scepters, and with a glare that could melt diamond, tried to crash them down atop Fluttershy's head. The pegasus was thankfully tackled out of the way by Rainbow Dash at the last moment.

But the clone continued to fall, bringing the scepters into the ground. Large red crystals were sent hurtling down the hall. Caught so off guard, the grounded ponies were unable to react in time, and Kirby, having never seen this attack before, didn't have time to process it. The crystals slammed into all of them, knocking them down the hallway at great speed.

Spike who had been running in their direction, tried to stop, but his momentum, tripped him up and he fell, inadvertently tossing the box he had in his grasp. It managed to fly over the crystal wall, and with a sickening crunch, heard a multitude of the mirrors within the box shatter. He din't have time to feel bad as the crystals reached slammed into him, throwing him down the hallway and into the pile of ponies, and one puff, that were now lying there. The crystals soon faded away, leaving nothing behind.

Kirby was the first to shake himself off, followed by Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and finally Twilight. As they oriented themselves Rainbow and Fluttershy flew over.

"Guys are you alright!?" Rainbow asked frantically.

"Well it weren't the best feeling in the world, Rainbow." Applejack groaned, her words dripping with sarcasm. "But i suppose that I have felt worse."

"Ya know, if it weren't for the anger, and pain, and overall unpleasantness that evil mystery bug gave us, that could've been really fun! Pinkie piped up. The others looked at he a bit before discussing their next move.

Noticing that no one else was paying him any attention, Spike tried to slink away, but was soon halted by an aura of magic grabbing him by his scaly ear.

"And just WHERE do you you think you're going mister?! Twilight seethed.

"Uh.. Uh!" Spike panicked, looking around for anything that would get him out of trouble. However, ans he looked around he saw Kirby standing up approaching the monster. "H-Hey! Kirby!" He called out. "What are you doing?!

The others turned and looked, with shock, horror, or annoyance that Kirby was approaching the Queen who, seemed to be radiating pure anger. He stopped a bit away, peering at all the broken mirrors on the ground. Shards lay everywhere, it would probably be a nightmare to walk across them.

Good thing that was never his intention!

Everyone, even Rainbow Dash watched in horror as Kirby performed his signature move. The wind picked up, and everything light began to dart towards his mouth. In this case though, it was broken mirror shards.

To Spike and the ponies, its was like watching a carriage wreck in slow motion. They watched as the shard hurtled through the air towards Kirby's open maw. Twilight and Rarity lit their horns up, extending their magic to try and catch them all, but it was hard to catch the reflective shards when they played with the light as they did, despite their best efforts they watched as the remaining shards entered Kirby's mouth at high speed. . . . . \

But. . . they was no screams of pain, no shouts of anguish, not even so much as a grunt of discomfort for the puff. They could see small points outlining the puffs body and that made them quite uncomfortable, but aside frm that, Kirby didn't seem bothered a bit.

"K-Kirby?" Rarity asked hesitantly. "Are you. . . alright d-dear?"

Kirby didn't respond. He didn't even turn to face the pony. Then he swallowed the shards. His body began to glow brightly, light seeming to dance within him. Small stars began to circle his body and a sky blue and. . . .purple. . . jester hat adorned his head. A small mirror was in the center of it. His skin became paler,becoming a faint pink almost appearing white. Then with a flash, bang, and a small jingle that seemed to come out of thin air, Kirby's transformation was complete.

Everyone stared at the puff ball for what felt like an eternity. no one dared to speak, no one dared to move. The events that transpired was unforseen by everyone except Kirby and the faux queen, though even she seemed puzzled by this change of attire.

But that didn't last long. The Sectonia clone was at its wits end. This needed to end here and now. She readied her swords and charged, engulfing them with bright purple flames. The ponies didn't expect this and were caught unprepared.

But Kirby had been ready.

Raising his arms, he felt the energy of his copy ability flow through him.


With a battle cry that none of his equine (or drake) friends would've expected from him, Kirby thrust his arms forwards. A bright rainbow light flared to life in front of him, before shaping into a translucent round shield in front of him. The queen struck. . . but to the shook of everyone, Kirby stopped her in his tracks, only being slid back a couple of feet. Somehow, this small puff, was holding back a beast many, MANY times his size! With another cry, Kirby poured powering into his makeshift shield. A multitude of reflective shards shot out of it. Being so close, the clone was assaulted by the projectiles, forcing her to retreat away from close range. Kirby kept up his Reflect Force attack., until the queen had gotten out of range.

"W-Wha. . .W. . B-. " Kirby heard stuttering and turned around to look at his pals. Every single one of them were shocked. Their pupils were almost invisible they were so small. Twilight seemed to be one stuttering too.


The was a growl, and Kirby turned back to see the mad queen, readying another attack, this time a magic one as she had her scepters out at the moment.

Twilight could wait, right now, he had a fight to finish.

Kirby readied his stance, ready for any possible attack that the queen could throw at him. The two stood still, ready to end their feud, once and for all!

Author's Note:

Oh dear, it would seem that I've put in another chapter. Don't forget to leave a comment if you like the story. Or leave one if you DON'T like the story, constructive critics are welcome. I certainly know i could use the tips. As always, I hope you enjoy!