• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,127 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

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Metallic Surprise

As everyone made their way towards the palace, Kirby decided to take a peek at his new surroundings. Houses lined the sides of the road they were traversing, but they were all made of crystal. He had seen many different things on his adventures, but nothing quite like this! Each house seemed to shimmer with an almost magical light, catching the sunlight just right to make each construction look absolutely magnificent. He stared at each house the group passed, "ooh-ing" and "ahh-ing" at some of the bigger ones.

A few of the ponies found his wonderment rather amusing.

"He sure seems to like it here don't he?" Applejack chuckled. Spike, Rarity, and Fluttershy chuckled as Kirby continued to look on in amazement. Rainbow simply grumbled to herself and looked away from the puff. Twilight however was focused on another matter entirely.

The crystal empire was pretty barren. Almost every single pony she spotted along the road was a royal guard. Hardly any civilians were out and about and the few that she did she, were ushered indoors by any guards in the area. There didn't seem to be anything amiss with the Empire itself, and whatever was causing the ground around the Empire to turn into metal was quite a ways away from them. Had something transpired earlier before their arrival? Deciding to voice her concerns later, Twilight suppressed her questions until a better time presented itself.

The group continued on leaving the residential area of the empire an entering the market area. Kirby, having no more extravagant houses to look at, turned his attention back to his friends. He sped up a tad in order to catch up to Spike.


Spike turned his attention to the puff, looking over his face to read his expression.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself." The dragon pointed out. Kirby simply nodded. Spike chuckled. "Well we don't have much farther to travel until we make it to the castle."

He was right, Kirby turned his attention forwards and spotted the massive tower ahead. How had he missed that?

It wasn't long before the group arrived at the base of the massive structure. As the walked towards the door, Kirby could see an oddly shaped crystal floating in between two spires. He stared at it for a bit before turning his attention towards the front of the group. Two guards stood by the entrance preventing them from moving forwards.

Princess Cadence walked up to the soldiers and spoke to them for a bit, before standing aside and waving the rest of the group in with her wing. Everyone complied, walking into the Crystal Castle.

Kirby was amazed by the interior of the palace. The inside was gorgeous! Everything glimmered and shined as he looked at it, yet it was never blinding, giving off an amazing glow. Kirby had to admit that this was probably the best looking castle he had ever seen in his entire life.

"Dedede and Escargoon would love it here." the puffball thought as the group came to a halt. Before them stood three guards the one in the center was bigger than the other two and had a more serious air about him. Twilight seemed to grow brighter when seeing him.

"Shining Armor!' she exclaimed, running towards the stallion. Said stallion smiled brightly and opened his forelegs, ready to receive a hug.

"Twiliey!" He responded. The purple unicorn collided with her brother and embraced him tightly. The two were like that for a few moments before they both released their grip on the other and returned to a normal stance.

"It's so good to see you again BBBFF!" Twilight started. Shining nodded.

"Same goes for me!" he replied. His expression grew stern however. "I just wish we didn't have to meet due to emergency situations all the time. He turned to to the rest of the group. "I'm sure you all have noticed what was happening on the outskirts of the empire." he questioned.

"Yeah, the ground was really funky!" Pinkie began. "It was made up of some kind of weird metal that was growing over everything else! It was kind of freaky but kinda cool in a weird sense at the same time!" Shining nodded in confirmation.

"That's correct Ms. Pie." he said. "The ground has inexplicably started turning into metal. whats worse, we've never seen any kind of metallic surface like this before. Its composition is quite sturdy, and it takes incredible magical output or incredible amounts of force to do anything to it." Everyone except for Kirby was surprised.

"How's that possible?" Twilight pondered aloud. "Most metals don't resist magic or brute force that well, and the few that do are incredibly rare, definitely not enough to cover miles upon miles of land so quickly." Cadence shook her head.

"And yet, our methods of getting rid of this strange substance continue to fail." She said softly. "We've tried everything we could think of to get rid of the stuff, but nothing seems to work." The princess of love sighed. "Whats worse, when we find something that DOES seem to have an effect on it, it just repairs itself, and in no time at all its like nothing had ever happened to it in the first place!"

The elements looked at one another, and began talking about what they could do to possibly remedy the situation.

"Ladies, I do believe this could be tougher than we first thought. Perhaps we should wait a while to see what arises and we can plan a move from there?"

"No way Rarity! Who knows what that stuff could do if we just leave it alone! I say we throw everything we've got at it and see how tough this stuff really is!"

"Rainbow Dash, Cadence is an alicorn, and together with Shining armor, they make one of the most powerful forces in all of Equestria, and they couldn't do much to whatever this metallic rubbish is. It might be better to wait and think of a plan."

"Ah think ah have to agree with Rares on this one. Perhaps we should wait until we have more information." Shining perked up.

"Oh that reminds me!" he exclaimed slapping a hoof on his face in exasperation, "We received a letter from Princess Luna saying that you were bringing a pony who may have some knowledge that could help with our situation. I believe she said his name was Kirby."

The ponies froze. Spike watched knowing what was to come. Kirby, hearing his name, jumped forwards.


Shining blinked, then rubbed his eyes with his hooves.

"Um... what is this?" The prince asked, voice full of confusion. Twilight sighed, but made ways for introductions.

"Shining Armor, this is Kirby." She groaned. "As you said, he's here to help us figure out whats going on so we can return the Crystal Empire back to its normal state." Shining had to take a moment to process this information.

"Well..." he sputtered. "I certainly can't say I was expecting this." he said, looking over the smiling puffball. "But if Princess Luna says you could be able to help, then I won't question it." The pony looked like he still had his doubts, but he dismissed them in favor of getting on with things. "Alright Mr. Kirby, if you can, could you tell us anything you know about what is happening and how to stop it if possible?"

Kirby soon began to tell everything he knew about the situation, giving detailed descriptions of what was happening, what was likely going to happen, and what they would probably need to stop it before things got worse. It was the most the group had ever seen Kirby speak and it actually shocked them that he could be so vocal.

Shining stared at Kirby, taking all that he said in, before giving his reply.

"Okay, so did any of you understand a word of that?" he questioned, "Because I have absolutely no clue what he just said, if anything." At this Kirby sighed. Maybe he should've taken those speaking classes that Tiff gave him a bit more seriously.

"Sorry Shining." Spike spoke. "Kirby can't speak all that well. According to him, he can understand what we're saying, but when it comes to speaking himself, hes still learning."

"B-but how?" The royal stallion stuttered. Spike simply shrugged. Shining sighed

"Well this certainly complicates things." he said, deflating a bit. His wife walked u[p to him and nuzzled him, he seemed to become a bit happier at that, but not by a whole lot.

"Don't worry big brother, I'm sure the girls and I will be able to get to the bottom of this, and return everything to normal!" Twilight exclaimed. Her friends nodded in agreement. Spike simply looked on, while Kirby seemed to be focusing his attention towards the door.

Suddenly, before anything else could be said, two guards burst through the doors, skidding to a halt just in front of everyone.

"Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor! Scout Squad 2 have returned from further up North!" exclaimed on of the guards. "They say they've made huge discoveries and are waiting outside for your presence!" The two royal ponies looked at one another, a look of determination growing across their muzzles, then they hurried off through the corridor heading outside.

"Hey wait for us!" Rainbow dash called out, before flying through the doors, giving chase to the rushing couple. The rest of the elements followed suit. Spike looked at Kirby who returned eye contact. The two nodded, before taking off after their friends.

As Spike and Kirby arrived back outside, they began to take in the scene around them. There were a number of guards in the area that weren't there before. They seemed to be huddled around something, but the two of them were having a hard time trying to see what was going on. They soon decided that they should probably listen to to what the others were saying to figure out what was going on.

"Twilight what is that thing?"

"I don't know for sure, but it looks like some kind of metal golem."

"Whatever it is it looks absolutely dreadful, its all covered in rust and filth!"

"Is it alright? It looks like its in really bad shape..."

Having enough of listening to the others comment on something they personally couldn't see, Spike and Kirby decided to push their way to the front. Upon seeing the two approach, Twilight stopped the two.

"And just what do you two think you're doing?" she scolded. Spike shuffled nervously.

"W-well, we just wanted to see what you girls were so flustered about." The drake stuttered. Twilight sighed.

"Spike I know you're curious, but this could be dangerous. You two should probably head back inside. We'll let you know what we find out a bit later." she said sternly. Spike groaned, but decided to try push one time before giving up.

"Please Twilight, can't we at least see what it is?" He pleaded. Twilight sighed with frustration.

"Fine, but only for a moment, then its back inside with you two. Understand?" Spike nodded happily, while Kirby just smiled.

Twilight walked up to Shining and whispered into his ear. The prince looked surprised and seemed to ask her a question to which she nodded. The prince still seem surprised but seemed to have no objections.

Shining made his way towards the guards and relayed a message to them. The guards split away allowing for a better view of what was hidden. Spike and Kirby looked at what lay before them, and they too were shocked by what was there. However, out of everyone present, no one was more shocked then Kirby.

There, lying in a heap on the floor, was a busted and battered, Robobot Armor Mech!

Author's Note:

Guess who's back in the game?