• Published 19th Nov 2017
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Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

  • ...


Without warning, the three beasts charged towards Kirby. Kirby had been expecting this, however, and with practiced precision he expertly jumped over the familiar trip-tackle attack. As soon as he landed his eyes darted around to find something that could be used for ammunition. It didn't take him too long to find another decently sized pile of wreckage. He darted over and inhaled it, feeling his body swell up. He turned back to find that the clones were now running straight towards him once more.

Kirby fired his cargo at the clones, the resulting star bullet colliding with the first in line, exploding as soon as it hit. If it did any damage though, it didn't show. The clones continued to charge forwards, not slowed down from the impact at all. Kirby leapt out of the way of the charging beasts. They skidded to a stop, facing the pink puff with their eyes glowing menacingly. Then they each summoned a hammer. They all started to smile deviously. Suddenly they each started to smash their mallets into the ground furiously. Each impact shook the ground beneath them with incredibly intensity, a testament to just how strong they were. Kirby was thrown off balance. The quakes quickly drew the attention of the 5 mares and Spike. They all braced themselves, trying to keep upright. Kirby however toppled over.

The Dedede clones made their move.

Each of them launched into the air, hammers raised behind them. Then as quickly as they rose into the sky, they fell back down, swinging their hammers with all their might. The impact sent 3 massive waves flying straight towards Kirby. Kirby didn't recover in time, he took the full force of the first wave and was sent flying.

"Poooooyooooooo!" he cried out.

The friends watched in shocked horror as Kirby tumbled through the air and hit the ground, sliding to a halt just in front of their unconscious unicorn friend.

Spike was the first recover from the scene.

"Kirby!" he shouted, "Are you okay?!"

The pink puff looked up towards the young drake and nodded. Before anything else could be said though, a mocking laughter filled the area. Everyone turned to see that the clones were laughing once more, only this time it was much more obnoxious with the addition of two extra beasts. They were laughing quite hard too, two of them rolling on the ground at the pink puff's misfortune. The ponies were appalled.

Kirby jumped to his feet, ready to battle once more. Fluttershy wasn't too pleased at this motion.

"K-kirby! You can't fight them! W-what if-"

She was silenced by a hoof on her back. Fluttershy turned around to find Applejack standing behind her, an unsure look on her face.

"Now Fluttershy" Applejack began, " I know this little fella probably means a lot to you," She turned to face Rarity and Spike, "and to you two. But it seems like this little guy knows enough about fighting to know what it needs to do in order to survive one."

Fluttershy did not like where this conversation was headed. Neither did Rarity.

"Now wait just one moment Applejack!" the white unicorn began, growling out her words. "Are you expecting us to allow Kirby to fight those horrid beasts!? Did you not see what they just did to him!?"

Applejack shook her head.

"Now Ah know it probably doesn't sound like a good idea to you three, but Ah think that perhaps Kirby could help us win!"

Before Rarity could retort to the farmer's statement, Rainbow spoke up.

"She might have a point guys." She managed to say. It certainly wasn't easy with the glare that was being sent her way from her other friends. "Hey I'm just saying! That thing Kirby did with the star blew that thing to pieces! It seemed pretty strong."

Rarity growled at Rainbow, before something clicked in her mind. Star...

"Wait a moment." she muttered. Suddenly her entire face lit up, before turning into a frown, then into an expression of uncertainty. She looked towards her friends, whos expressions had changed from worry to curiosity at the fashionista's rapidly changing expression.

"Girls I just realized something." she said. "That star that our dear Kirby shot that awful beast with came from his mouth after he ate that rubble correct?" the others nodded, though they were unsure of where the conversation was going.

"Well..." Rarity continued. "Like I said earlier, before I arrived I was blasted WITH a star, and a rather large one at that. But Kirby wasn't here for that. If Kirby hadn't arrived yet, then where did that particular star come from?"

The girls were wide eyed at the question. Applejack was connecting the dots the quickest. Kirby sucked up the wreckage like a vacuum. The beast had done the same to them. Kirby spits stuff out as stars? The one time that thing had spat something out was when it had eaten them. Applejack wasn't a very happy pony when she came to the realization.

"That darn thing used us as a weapon!" She growled, glaring towards the still laughing clones. She then turned to Rarity. "How badly did it hurt?"

Rarity winced at the recent memory, "It hurt quite a bit." She said at last.

Applejack seemed to ponder about something for a moment before turning to face Kirby.

"Now uh, Kirby, right? She said towards the small puff. "If you were to eat more stuff would those star thingies you spit out be stronger?"

Kirby nodded.

"Well then" Applejack said, a smirk crossing her face. "Girls Ah do believe we got ourselves a plan."

Before anyone could question her, the farm pony burst into action, dashing towards the clones. The clones failed to react fast enough. Applejack swiftly swung around and bucked as hard as she could. She could feel the weight against her hoofs tense and slacken as two of the clones had been sent flying, colliding with a nearby stand and reducing it to splinters. The third quickly sobered up and hastily took a swing at the farmer with its hammer. Applejack rolled to the right, avoiding the sloppy attack and punched it, knocking it over. She then jumped onto its body, doing her best to hold the gooey beast down.

"Applejack!" Rarity called out, "What are you doing!?"

"Drawing its attention!" She shouted back. The clone was thrashing about wildly beneath her. Despite her strength, she didn't know how long she'd be able to hold the thing down. She looked back towards the group and nodded towards Kirby "Ah'd suggest you get the little guy something to eat and fast!" No sooner than she said that, the clones that had been thrown away came running back, eyes seemingly glowing brighter with rekindled fury. Before they could make any sort of attack however, a rainbow blur blasted past them, sending them spinning like tops.

"Don't worry AJ!" called Rainbow as she flew back and tackled one of the beasts down, "I won't let you fight these things by yourself!"

A pink blur ran up and tackled the other clone, holding it down.

"Same for me!" Pinkie said as she glared at the clone thrashing beneath her, "Besides I have a policy on laughter that these three have broken." She glared menacingly, "Nopony laughs at another pony's suffering for malicious purposes or intent in Ponyville when I'm around. NOPONY."

Rarity watched as her three friends began brawling with the gooey monstrosities once more, before turning back to the rest of the group. Her face was unreadable and she seemed to be in deep thought.

"R-rarity?" Spike asked feebly.

That seemed to bring rarity out of her thoughts. She whipped around to face Spike, startling him in the process.

"Spike. I need you to go around and collect as much debris around the market as possible and bring it back here." She ordered. Rarity then turned to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy I know you don't like to fight, so I won't ask you to. All I ask of you is to watch Twilight here and make sure she's okay."

Spike and Fluttershy looked at one another before a look of determination crossed their faces.

"Alright." the two said in unison.

Rarity smiled before she turned to face Kirby. The pink puff was staring at her with a neutral expression on his face. Rarity sighed softly before speaking up.

"Kirby..." she began, "I... as much as I don't want you to get involved and hurt yourself, it seems that I can't stop you from joining the battle. Just.... please be careful." She finished at last.

Kirby stared at the white unicorn before a grin spread across his face.

"Poyo!" He said, full of confidence. "Kirby help!"

Rarity smiled sadly at the puff. It seemed like Kirby could be about as stubborn as a certain mare.

"Alright. Lets end this battle once and for all!"


VS Dedede Clone [Second Phase]

The clone pinned down by Rainbow Dash broke free of her grip. Rainbow took off just in time to avoid a hammer swing. Without missing a beat, the clone jumped into the sky. However instead of falling back down it seemed to inhale air with much less intensity than before. It quickly bloated up and maintained a steady hover. Dash was caught off guard for a moment before she charged it, striking it in the stomach. The clone winced, but otherwise took the hit. Then before she had a chance to react, the clone exhaled all of the stored air at one. Rainbow found herself knocked back by the force. Despite it being air, it had hurt a decent amount. When she recovered she couldn't find her opponent anywhere. Suddenly she found herself hurtling towards the ground and in pain. As she tumbled down she could make out the shape of a a clone falling down from her original position, hammer in hand. Rainbow attempted to recover herself, but ended up slamming into Pinkie, releasing another clone from the clutches of a pony.

The newly freed clone soon gained its footing and lifted its hammer up into the air. It then began to rise into the sky while a strange energy seemed to surround the hammer's head. It glared at the two recovering ponies before a sadistic grin burst across its gooey beak. Without warning, a volley of energy bullets began spewing from the hammer, peppering the ground with small explosions. Applejack was knocked off of the Dedede clone she had pinned and was sent tumbling away. Rainbow took to the air to avoid the blasts while Pinkie expertly dodged the volatile energy hurtling her way. The clones weren't going to go down so easily.

As the clones battled the 3 ponies they failed to notice Spike and Rarity creating a rather large pile of debris. They gathered as much stuff as they could find to fuel Kirby's ability to shoot energy bullets as possible. However they ended up discarding many things they came across due to something they deemed hazardous whether it was nails stuck in a board or shards of glass from a particular vendor. Thanks to this, the pile for Kirby was growing rather slowly.

Kirby watched as the pile grew ever so slowly, before deciding to join the fight as a ranged fighter. He ran away from the growing pile to find some junk that was scattered around. Every time he'd find a sizable piece of wreckage, he'd inhale it and take a potshot at the clones. Unfortunately he wasn't able to simply sling stars at the opponent with the other ponies locked in combat with them. He didn't want to hurt them by accident. Due to his hesitation, shots seemed to do more harm than good. Most of them missed. Others didn't make it to their targets, instead exploding on the ground, often startling or throwing the ponies off guard enough for a clone to take a free swing at them.

Kirby was about to prepare another shot when he felt something tap him. He whipped around to find Spike looking at him with a hopeful expression on his face.

"Alright, we got all the stuff we could find!" Spike said. He looked up to see what his friends were doing. They were still locked in combat, doing their best to avoid whatever chaos the clones were throwing at them. He then looked back down to Kirby.

"Come on, we better help them while those things are focused on their current fight." Spike said at last.

Kirby nodded and followed Spike back to the the pile of junk that Rarity and Spike had amassed. It wasn't massive, but it was certainly the biggest pile that he had access to. Rarity was dumping another chunk of wood she had found into the pile as they approached. When she saw the two she gave a sigh of relief.

"Spike! Kirby! Thank goodness you two are alright!" She exclaimed. "She ran up to the two before turning to Kirby and gave him a smile.

"Alright Kirby. This was as much stuff that we could find." She said, looking the pile over once more to make sure nothing sharp too sharp was located inside the pile. When she was sure that everything was fine she continued. "This should last you for a little while so I hope you make use of it."

"Poyo!" Kirby chirped. This would do nicely. Kirby took a few steps back and once more opened his mouth wide for the intake of debris. The wind picked up and the entire pile was engulfed by his mouth. As Kirby bloated up with the ammunition Spike and Rarity watched in awe. Despite the amount of stuff that entered Kirby he didn't seem to get much bigger than his current size. And as Kirby turned around to face the market-turned-battlefield Spike came to a realization as to how Kirby brought those gems inside Rarity's home.

Kirby heard retching behind him but didn't pay it much attention. He looked at the scene before him. He noticed that the clone had shrunk down in size once more. They no longer stood at equal height to the ponies but rather they stood about Spike's height. But taking a look at the ponies he that they were in bad shape. Applejack seemed to have trouble standing and Rainbow dash was moving considerably slower in the sky. Pinkie was the only one who seemed to be somewhat okay, but even she seemed to be losing stamina.

"No doubt they had beaten on and left the puddle alone only to get attacked by it while their back was turned." He thought.

While Kirby was busy trying to line up his shot. Spike called out to the trio of ponies.

"Guys come back! Kirby's gonna shoot"! Spike cried out.

The three mares turned to see Kirby with a bloated body and went on the defensive. The clones kept up their assault their attacks growing more and more intense despite their diminutive size. The three were barely avoiding their hammer swings at this point, only just dodging out of the way of the gooey mallets. However they kept going. Each dodge and roll brought the ponies closer to Kirby. And as they grew closer, Kirby's chance to land the hit grew. At last the clones had had enough. They grouped up and stood beside one another. With a chuckled they summoned their hammers once more. Then together they jumped up into the sky, preparing to make the mother of all quakes with their combined might. The ponies watched their ascent with awe.

Kirby face had fixed itself into a glare. He had his shot. With all the force he could muster he spat out a star bullet bigger than the rest. It glowed brilliantly with a blue aura surrounding it. Another smaller star orbited around the larger star. The sight was spectacular and everyone watched with their jaws dropped at it. It was short lived as the star hit its mark. The three clones were hit directly by the bullet. However instead of exploding on impact. the star carried them further upwards. Everyone watched as the star flew further up into the sky. Then, out of no where, it exploded. The clones were thrown away from each other. Despite being so high up everyone on the ground could here their high pitched howls. Then with a final scream of their voice, the three clones blew up, one after another. And as they final scream died out every one watched as blue and purple sparks began to twinkle in the sky. Strangely ( at least to the ponies and Spike ) the sparks all created the letter D.

"D D D?" Rarity asked aloud. "Whatever does that mean?"

"Who cares!?" Rainbow exclaimed, stress catching up to her. "I'm just glad those pains in the flank are finally gone!"

The others could only agree.

After the eventful battle that had transpired, the ponies had decided to take Twilight back to her home. Kirby hitched a ride on Rarity's back while Spike tried to help Applejack carry Twilight. When they reached their destination and stepped inside, everyone except Pinkie Pie was surprised to see that the normally well organized library was in shambles.

"Oh my word!" Rarity exclaimed. "Whatever happened in here?"

Spike took a single look around the room and sighed.

"Twilight must've been studying something." He said at last. "If something grabs her interest, she can get lost in her research. He pointed over to the lab equipment over in the corner. She must've been up all night over there, and guessing by how bad the place looks, she stressed herself big time." Tears began to form in Spike's eyes and he curled up on the floor.

"I've been a bad friend." he sobbed.

Applejack walked up towards the sad drake, and placed a hoof on his head.

"Hey, cheer up Spike." She said, "It wasn't your fault."

Spike glared at the farm pony.

"It is though!" he exclaimed sadly. " The ponies recoiled. Kirby looked down from Rarity's back at Spike.


Spike looked back at the ground.

"Last night I remember seeing Twilight on the balcony of the library." He explained, "She seemed to be screaming about something. But instead of helping her, I ran from her! And because of that she stressed herself out trying to study.... whatever she was studying and she's out cold!"

Spike curled up even further, refusing to look at anyone.

Then he felt something soft press against his scales.


Kirby had jumped down and given Spike a hug. Spike glanced over to the pink puff. Kirby's eyes were full of worry for his friend. Spike looked Kirby in the eye.

"How are you so nice...." he asked. "Why are you so nice? You don't hate me for what I did?"

Kirby looked up towards the drake.

"You help fwend." Kirby spoke. "You help save udder fwends too." Kirby hugged spike harder.

"Spike nice."

Spike sniffed at the puff answer. Slowly the young drake returned the hug. The ponies tried desperately to keep their mouth closed for fear of ruining the moment by making a sound from the cuteness. Time seemed to go slow for everyone present. Suddenly in an instant, Spike felt something. It didn't feel bad, but he didn't know what to make of it. It felt like something had sparked within him. Then as quickly as the feeling came it was gone. Spike looked down at Kirby.

"Kirby?" He whispered, D-did you feel something?"

Kirby didn't seem to notice Spike's question. He just hugged him harder.

At Kirby's lack of answer, Spike just sighed internally. Perhaps the sadness he felt was just weighing him down. Kirby was trying to make him feel better. Spike let Kirby hug him a a few more moments before he broke the hug.

"Thanks Kirby." he said in a small voice. "I needed that."

"Hey!" Pinkie called out! "I just remembered! This is where that monster came from!"

Everyone turned their heads towards pinkie at the revelation of this new knowledge.


Pinkie began her explanation.

"Well, I came to see Twilight today and she seemed SUPER stressed out so I tried to talk to her but I think she might've been upset about me being there but anyways I was about leave when I saw this really weird bubble holding some kind of goo so I went to look at it and it started to bubble really violently and then it turned into that big penguin monster thing and Twilight teleported it into the market and we went down there and we beat it!

At this, everyone was wide eyed. Then everyone present turned towards the sleeping unicorn in question. Applejack looked down in thought before coming up with her decision.

"Now Ah know we should let Twilight get some rest." She began , "But Ah think that maybe we should stay here for now. There's no telling how she'll react when she wakes up, and Ah doubt she'll want to wake up to this." She gestured to the room. Spike and the other ponies silently agreed. She then turned to Kirby.

"And I think speak for everypony when I say that you're gonna get a few questions that need answering."

Kirby only tilted his head with a neutral expression.


Author's Note:

And with that another chapter is done. I hope that you all enjoy it, and I hope that you all enjoy the chapters further down the line. All shall be revealed in due time.

-Kir B