• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 5,192 Views, 566 Comments

Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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His Full Name

It felt like a walk of shame as the sobbing mare trudged into the kingdom of Canterlot. Several on goers stared at Coco, curious at to why she was, and their eyes made her feel even worse. She can’t remember the time she had pulled a carriage, let alone a heavy one, and was having a difficult time moving the blasted thing.

Coco looked around to see if anypony could help her find the Royal Palace Hotel, but felt flustered to do so because of her sad circumstance. Instead of asking for assistance, the mare walked around the city blindly, knowing she will find the hotel eventually

She didn’t know how long she moved about Canterlot, nor did she care, even though the heavy carriage weighed her down more than her sunken heart. At least Coco had that to make her feel somewhat distracted.

Moving down one street, a familiar couple were walking on the sidewalk. Derpy and Time Turner both wore two diamond crowns that sparkled in the sunlight as they talked among themselves. Coco never thought she would be glad to see a trophy she wanted, but didn’t win.

Before Coco could even get the chance to wave at them, Derpy’s eyes straightened as she saw the damsel in distress. “Coco!” The pegasus dashed over to her, flapping her wings at an incredible rate. But she flew too fast and crashed into the carriage face first. Thankfully, Coco was not hurt by Derpy’s careless flight. Popping her face off of the wagon and falling to the ground, Derpy’s eyes rolled around in her head as she stood on all fours. “We have been looking all over for you!”

“Hugh?” Coco sniffed as she wiped her eyes to try and hide any sadness she was shedding.

“I am surprised you are still here in Canterlot.” Time Turner scratched his chin, examining the sad mare. He looked around to see ponies stare at he, Derpy, and Coco, perhaps turning their ears to hear what the commotion was all about. “Perhaps a more private location is in order.”


Thankfully for Coco, Time Turner and Derpy have made their way around Canterlot and grew familiar with the city. When Coco asked the two if they had heard of the Royal Palace hotel, the stallion led the way. Now checked in for the Princess Domain, a bellboy pushed a heavy dolly with large luggage cases, suitcases, and a large chest. Coco knew she didn’t bring a wooden chest along with her when she left Manehattan. She wanted to peer into it once she was in her room.

The bellboy pulled out a key from his colorful uniform and unlocked the door to her suit. Coco looked back to make sure Derpy and Time Turner were still behind her; thankfully, they were. The mare was now desperate to talk to somepony about her distress, even if she hardly knew about the two.

“Here we are,” the employee spoke as he gestured into the room. Coco was the first to step into the room, and Derpy and Time Turner were soon to follow. The couple gasped at the lovely decor the estate held. A large bed with a gilded bed frame glittered in the middle of the room. The walls were painted with various roses in different colors, each one unique from the next. A large window with a door to the balcony was on the opposite side of the door. To the normal common dweller, such a place would lighten up any mood. Sadly, it was not enough to impress Coco to make her feel any better about her current heartache.

“The key to your room is on the dresser,” the bellboy spoke with a tone that was begging for a nice tip.

“Thanks,” was all Coco could muster. Making sure his irritation was heard, the employee let out a bothered grumble before walking off.

Pulling on the dolly, Coco brought it further into the room and started to remove her luggage with a sad expression that spoke many things. “I will get those for you,” Time Turner smiled, his urge of being a gentlestallion flaring. But Coco shook her head, her mind on the wooden chest. With most of her belongings out of the way, the mare was no longer blocked by rectangular obstacles. The mare opened the chest with ease and was met with a lovely assortment of treasures.

Bits were filled to the rim, the coins glittering from the sunlight. Several flawless gems rested at the top of the sea of gold, a few necklaces of pearls dwelled among the lovely rocks, and a crown crafted out of pure diamond sat at the center.

Derpy’s chin almost hit the floor and Time Turner raised his brows, surprised to see such a hefty amount of wealth before them. To their delight, they saw Coco smile as she peered into the treasure chest.

“That’s… quite a lot of gold you got there,” Time Turner chuckled.

“Are you kidding?!” Derpy exclaimed. “That’s more money than you could ever make!” Time Turner grunted at his beloved’s unintentional quip. I do love you Derpy, but sometimes, you make it a challenge.

Closing the chest, Coco turned to the couple and asked Derpy, “So what did you mean ‘you have been looking for me?’”

“Oh! Oh! Yes!” The pegasus flapped her wings eagerly. “Violet-”

“Velvet,” Time Turner corrected.

“Yes, her. Velvet came to us to try and find you last night. They said it was important that she spoke to you personally.” Coco raised her brows, surprised she was sought out. But her expression sank along with her lips.

“Why? After being friends with… them, I would assume Velvet would not want to associate with me…” Coco walked over to the windows, their craft reminding her of the room she stayed in at the changeling hive.

“‘Them?’” Time Turner looked to his love to see if she knew what Coco meant, but Derpy’s eyes crossed even more with confusion. “Do you mean Fang and Your Majesty?”

Just his name alone was enough to make the earth pony’s lip quiver and her brows crease with sadness. “Y-yeah…”

Derpy heard the choke in Coco’s voice and put a hoof on her shoulder. “It’s okay. If you want to, you can tell us what happened. And if you don’t… I will ask you again nicely.” The silly nature of the cross-eyed mare made Coco smile; though that didn’t stop a few tears from sliding off her cheeks.

“I will tell you both what had happened, but I want to see Velvet first.” Coco shook her head. “But then again, neither of you may not like what you hear…”

“Of course we want to hear what is on your mind.” Derpy looked over to Time Turner and asked with a smile, “Right honey?” The look she gave him was a stare that said, “If you choose not to side with me, I will not be happy with your choice.”

“Of course,” he nodded with obedience. Time Turner clasped his hooves together and said, “Thankfully, I know where to rally if I happened to come across you.” He turned around and made for the door. “I will fetch Velvet, Platinum, and Suri. Derpy, can you stay here with Coco and keep her company?”

“Yes sir!” The gray pegasus gave a solute, promising the task will be done. Coco stepped forward, surprised to hear two other names that were spoken.

“You said Suri? Suri was looking for me?” Coco had a look of surprise as she spoke.

“Despite my distaste for her,” Time Turner mumbled, “Suri does have a heart and she was very concerned about you when Velvet came to us, asking to look for you. She never gave us any detail as to why she was searching for you, but her desperation was enough to make us all worry.”

Coco gazed at the floor, a light smile growing on her lips. “I am glad to hear a new friend of mine is looking for me.” Reminds me of Fang… As his face flashed in her mind, she didn’t have the strength to hold her grin. “You should go and get them.”

“Right!” Quickly, the light-brown stallion broke into a brisk walk.


The air stung Fang’s eyes as he fluttered his insect-like wings through the sky. He never knew if he would ever cry in his life, nor knew about what. Now that he has, the pain in his heart could not compare to any physical harm that has ever happened to the changeling.

Fang looked down below to see a small, gray cloud drift alone by itself. In a fit of anger, he charged at it, stomping on the fluff with all of his strength. Lightning spat out from below and the thunder cracked with a nasty sound.

“Scar, you blasted inbreed!” Fang screamed as he stood on the small platform. His heat caused the simple cloud to darken. Warm rain started to fall as more lightning continued to stab down at the world Fang began to hate. If only the hot energy would strike down Scar Splash from wherever he stood. Relieved of some of his anger,, Fang continued to fly back to the hive. But the sadness that dwelled from within kept him from being quick about it.


The large mountain stabbed into the sky as it came into Fang’s view. Coco’s words echoed in his head as he was on the approach. If you love me, challenge Chrysalis just like I have. Fang shivered at the thought of challenging his leader, what she might do to him if he did. Coco was only able to do so because she was a friend of Queen Chrysalis. Fang would like to consider himself as a friend to his queen, but he knows more of her disciplinary action.

Before Fang came in for a landing, he made sure he was calm and collect, not allowing others to see through his facade. Now on the ground, the changeling made for Queen Chrysalis’ chamber, so he may report to her.


“Enter Fang!” Chrysalis’ voice boomed from behind the large door. Fang entered his queen’s domain, his hooves now dragging on the ground. It took him a huge amount of strength to keep a straight face as he marched through his home. Now away from the other changelings, he dared to show his true emotions to his leader.

Before Queen Chrysalis, Fang frowned at her, which caused the ruler to mirror his expression. “How did Coco take the news?” Chrysalis asked in a low tone, her posture not so strong.

Fang let out a sigh before answering. “She hated it. She called you a coward for following through with this.”

Still holding onto her frown, Chrysalis’ lit her horn brightly. “I do hope those are not your own words…” She looked from behind her sharp throne and out stepped Knight Cap, along with the other tailors. “They wish to know what had happened.”

Fang looked at the four dressmakers as they stared back with expressions that said that they wanted to know what had happened with their friend. But at the same time, none of them wanted to know how much Coco was hurt.

“Tell me, Knight Cap,” Chrysalis spoke in an almost whisper, “what happened when Fang left Coco at Canterlot?” Fang didn’t want to attempt to try and hide his thoughts. He wanted Knight Cap to know exactly how he felt.

With all eyes on her, the now not-capped changeling stepped forward, and gazed into Fang’s eyes. It took a few moments before he saw Knight Cap gasp. Fang looked at the ground, knowing there was nothing left to hide. Even his queen knew he loved the light-cream earth pony, so what was the point of keeping that thought below the surface?

“Fang, you-” Knight Cap spoke briefly before he shot a hot glare at her, cutting off her ability to speak. The other three tailors looked between the two, wondering what was being exchanged. Not even two minutes passed before Knight Cap could take it no longer, and she looked back at her queen.

“Tell me what happened,” Chrysalis ordered bluntly.

Knight Cap shook her head. “Fang was right. She did call you a coward, along with several other insults.” The queen hummed a bit, perhaps saddened by this fact. “Coco seemed, no, was very broken when Fang told her Scar’s plan.”

“I am not surprised…” Chrysalis sagged her shoulders. “Perhaps I should have said my farewells to her as well.” She then shook her head, remembering Scar’s words. “Whatever. Soon, none of us will care for her.” Stitch make a sound before she began to sob. Those around her wanted to give her a warm embrace to comfort the sensitive mare, but stood still, wanting to hear more about what Knight Cap had to say. “What else happened?”

Fang’s cheeks flushed, worried about his queen’s possible wrath if Knight Cap tells Chrysalis that he kissed Coco Pommel. “He-”

“I confessed my love to her!” Fang exclaimed, his voice echoing off of the walls and his eyes pointed hard at Queen Chrysalis. Big mistake. He felt his hooves levitate off of the ground for a moment before Fang felt his body be tossed across the room. Like a ragdoll, the changeling tumbled across the ground, as pain shot through his nerves with each and every bounce. Once his body came to a complete stop, Chrysalis pulled Fang’s limp body on the floor with her magic, making sure his face was scratched on the ground before she would look upon his stupid expression. Before speaking, Chrysalis lifted the changeling’s body up a few feet before slamming him hard onto the ground. Fang let out a cry in pain as his ribs almost cracked at the impact.

“Do you understand why we must forget about Coco?” Queen Chrysalis asked, looking to her dressers. They looked at her, not sure what to say or do. “She has made my own personal guard to speak to me in ways that should never be said. She has also caused him to disobey me and fall in love with her, even though I had explicitly told Fang not to do so.” Fang twitched a bit before trying to stand. But that only made his queen even more angry. “When I order you to not love somepony…!” His body once more lifted up into the air before being forced back down. “...you do as I say!” Fang moaned in pain, not sure if his heartache compared to the physical harm his queen had just undone to him. Buzzing her wings, Queen Chrysalis flew from her chair and landed beside the broken spirited changeling. “You should not be angry with me, anyways. Instead, you should be angered with the one who denied you your happiness.”

Fang’s eyes opened to see his leader’s hooves right before him. He feared she would use his face as a stepping stool and remained still. “Who is the one who denied you your happiness Fang? Who denied our happiness? And no, it is not Scar Splash.”

Thinking abou the question, Fang took in a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh of pain. Was it me? Was it Coco? What does the queen mean by “our happiness?” Who? Who?! Then his eyes widened with anger and spoke through his sharp teeth, “Celestia…”

Chrysalis heard the other tailors gasp at his answer and she turned her head to them. “He is correct. The reason why we can no longer be her friend is because that blasted princess took what was yours: your friendship. Your friend. Your chances of seeing her another day.” At once, Chrysalis saw them become angered as well. “Now you understand my hatred for that princess. She took what was mine, and now she took what was yours. Celestia is too afraid of us and can only cower at our mere existence. And because she has saddened my kin, I wish to relieve you of your sadness and forget all about Coco Pommel. But know this…”

Walking over to her throne, Queen Chrysalis sat at her chair with a proud posture. “...Coco Pommel is the only pony who has given us a chance. I do not want to forget about my dear friend.” She felt every eye stare at her; even Fang gazed up at her as he remained lying on the ground. “But we cannot be blinded by our goal: to take the love that Celestia had worked so hard for. Let us show her what happens when she turns against the changeling hive!”

“Yes my queen!” the changelings spoke in horrifying unison. Not a single one of them showed any sign of sadness as they wielded stares of hatred.

Levitating Fang off the ground, Chrysalis spun him around and had his hooves dangle below him. “You may stand.” Gently, Fang was let down and firmly stood in place, looking up at his queen. “Now, before we go through with the mass amnesia, I have one more thing that needs to be done.”

“And what is that my queen?” Fang asked.

No longer wishing to be angry, Chrysalis leg go of her anger. “I wish for you to deliver a message to Coco from me to her.”

Fang too had his anger evaporate at the mere request. “I am afraid Coco wishes to not see me… Even if I am given the chance to glance at her before she is forgotten…” He frowned and looked at the tailors who looked at one another, only speaking through expressions and body language.

“Then I am sure Sea More would happily fulfill my request.”


“And when he confessed his feelings to me, I hyperventilated and passed out!” Derpy giggled, moving a suitcase close to the large-gilded bed.

“Oh my goodness!” Coco let out a shocked giggle, somewhat not surprised Derpy would do such a thing.

“And when I woke up on his couch, I had forgotten what had just happened.” The pegasus shook her head and laughed at her past semantics. “Sometimes I wonder how Time Turner deals with me.”

“Oh don't go beating yourself up.” Coco waved a dismissive hoof at Derpy with a smile. “You are a cute mare and Time Turner is lucky to have you.”

Derpy’s eyes looked in opposite directions, her cheeks flushing with red. “Aww, you don't have to say that. Besides, you and that big tooth unicorn are much more adorable together.” A frown weighed heavily on Coco’s lips, reminding her of his confession, and then, Chrysalis’ plan to forget all about her. “Oh, wait! Did something happen between you… and…” Coco held her head down, wishing her heartache would go away. “I-I'm sorry… I didn't mean to ruin the mood.” Derpy’s ears folded back in shame. “I tend to ruin things for ponies...”

“Oh no, it's not your fault.” Coco crawled onto the soft, red sofa and leaned against the armrest. She snuggled her back into a fuzzy pillow that rested on the comfortable seat. “You had nothing to do with what had happened.”

“What did happen?” Derpy flew over to the couch and stopped flapping her wings, plopping down onto the cushions with a “wump!”

“I'd rather wait for the others before I answer that.” Coco let out a sigh. “It’s better that everypony knows the truth about them. And me.”


As fate was literally knocking at Coco’s hotel room door, she knew who was there. Or perhaps more were behind the door. Like the royal guard who may arrest her for siding with the changelings. Regardless of who was at the door, Coco walked over to it and took a deep breath before letting those outside inside.

The door hinges squeaked as the large panel between her and the four outside was slowly pulled open. Coco made sure her eyes met everypony before silently gesturing them to come inside. Time Turner, Suri Polomare, Velvet, and Platinum were not sure what to say and kept a mute tongue as each one funneled into the suite.

Being the most curious out of them all, Platinum said aloud, “Is Stitch Snitch alright?” Coco could tell just by looking at his eyes that the stallion meant what he said. She glanced at his sister and saw that she was wearing the same face as Platinum.

“I- I understand that we are all curious as to whatever is going on right now,” Time Turner spoke to the group of ponies. He turned his attention to Velvet, his brow slightly creasing with curiosity. “However, you were the one who wanted to seek Coco out in the first, and have never bothered to tell any of us why.” TIme Turner looked at Platinum with a small frown. “I don’t know what had happened last night with Stitch, but I think Suri, Derpy, and I should be informed as to why your sister caused us to worry.”

Suri nodded. “I agree. I thought something had happened to Coco and I couldn’t get an ounce of sleep because of it.” Her eyes were drooping with exhaustion and told everypony that she may fall over at any moment. Coco felt glad that Suri worried about her and made her feel that all past conflicts have been forgotten.

Velvet crossed her forelegs, not sure if she should tell them why. She looked over to Coco, the two mares knowing the secret that they bared. “I- I was worried about Coco because… last night… I found out that Coco had befriended changelings. I feared Princess Celestia arrested her because I never saw her leave and I wanted to be sure that was not the case…”

Derpy, and Time Turner looked at each other with disbelief and darted their attention to Coco Pommel. “You- you knew about changelings being here?” the stallion asked, his tone starting to get angry.

Coco had to face the truth; and the upset stallion. “Yes. Your Majesty, Fang, and even Stitch are changelings.” Glancing over to Derpy, she saw the mare stare back at her with a scared look in her eyes. “But… they are not as bad as they seem…” Coco noticed Platinum nod his head slowly, but only enough to not draw attention to himself.

Time Turner briskly walked over to his girlfriend and scowled at Coco. “Not as bad? Have your forgotten what they had done to this kingdom?!” He threw an arm into the air and swung his hoof down on the floor. The sound of hoof pounding on carpet made a loud thump, and Coco worried if those below her would be concerned with what was going on from above. “Heck, I was here when it happened! I wasn’t shown any kindness when they invaded as I coward against a wall. How dare you say ‘they are not as bad as they seem!’” He looked around at the others, not wanting to take another look at the treacherous mare. Finding his eyes on Suri, he said, “I am shocked to not see you causing a ruckus, yelling at how much of a lyar Coco is.”

Suri tried to find the right words to say, but knew anything said about changelings would set him off.

“I understand your anger as to why you dislike the changelings.” Coco blinked and looked toward the ground. “But… can you at least hear why I chose to side with them?” When the mare looked up at Time Turner, his brows were less creased, but there was still distaste in her eyes. She looked to the thestrals who wore curious stares, their pupil slits wider than usual. “Would you two like to hear my story as well? I can tell you a little more about Stitch Snitch.”

“Please,” Platinum stepped forward, almost sounding desperate; perhaps eager to hear about Stitch.

Coco cracked a smile, unable to help herself to a silly giggle. “You really care about her, don’t you?”

His cheeks flared with blush and his ears fell back, embarrassed to tell the others he might have fallen for a changeling. “Well, I believed every tear that she shed, so you tell me.”

Turning her attention back to Time Turner, Coco asked calmly, “So, would you and Derpy like to hear my story? You don’t have to if you wish not to.”

The couple looked at each other without speaking any words. Derpy mustered up a light smile and said, “I am willing to listen.” She put a hoof on Time Turner’s shoulder and pulled him in close. “And so will he.”

As if you are giving me a choice… Despite his forceful girlfriend, Time Turner nodded, “I will as well. I wish to hear your reasons, even if I still end up not finding a liking to changelings.”

“Then you all may want to sit down,” Coco spoke a bit louder than before. “It’s kind of a long story.”


Coco Pommel went into extreme detail about her last two weeks, from the moment Fang walked through the doors of the cafe the mare worked at, to her slow, sad trek to Canterlot. The only thing Coco left out were the quarrels she and Suri had; the poor mare had gone through enough recent things happen to her as well. Suri was glad Coco made no attempt to make her look bad and was more grateful for her ex-coworker’s forgiving nature.

Derpy and Velvet laughed at the silly game the children made based off of Coco’s name, and cried at how Fang confessed his love to Coco just before telling her the news he and the entire hive was forgetting all about her.

Time Turner seemed to calm his temper when Coco told him and the others that she convinced Queen Chrysalis to attempt to create peace among changelings and ponies. He was pleased and impressed to hear Coco say that she constantly argued with the changeling queen and changed her mind multiple times.

Platinum smiled to hear how Stitch was as sensitive as she was at the hive even before she met him. And when Coco told him about how she didn’t believe she was going to find a nice stallion, he told the earth pony how Stitch said she trusted him. Coco then asked if he still does trust her. Platinum replied, saying how he wishes to ask that her if the chance ever comes. After thinking about her for a bit more, the thestral grew quiet and sad.

When it came to explaining the events of Chrysalis’ unveiling, Platinum and Velvet made their inputs as well, knowing well what they partook in. Platinum had to explain how he saw Stitch writhe in pain when she fed herself the cake, how it broke his heart. Velvet couldn’t help but tear up, remembering the moment before she went to retrieve the delicious dessert, how she said changelings should suffer. She wishes she could take back her sharp words…

“...and so, here we all are. That was my time with the changelings and Queen Chrysalis.” Coco’s ears fell back, but her lips smiled. “It was-” She gasped as her words lodged themselves in her throat and tears rolled down her face. “I- I am glad to have been their friends.” Suddenly, sadness grasped Coco’s heart and she began to sob bitterly, bringing her hooves to hide her shameful face. Velvet was quick to her side and held the mare close. “I am just… so angry with- b-both Queen Chrysalis and Princess Celestia. Why couldn’t they j-j-just get along?! Why…?”

Nopony dared to answer the question; nopony wanted to answer the question; because nopony had an answer for the question.


Everypony diverted their attention to the door, wondering who could possibly be there. Time Turner stood up and said, “May I get the door, Coco?”

She sniffed before answering. “Just tell them to come back another time please…”

He nodded, went to the door, and opened it. “I am sorry,” Time Turner said, looking at the stallion before him, “but we are quite busy and-”

“Please, I need to see Coco Pommel. My name is Sea More. She knows who I am.” His voice was loud enough for the one whom he was requesting hear him.

The mare knew who it was, but was not so sure she wanted to see the changeling. “Time Turner, can you please move out of the way?” Coco asked, wishing to see who the newest guest. When changeling and pony met their gazes, Coco did not look too happy to see him. “Have you not forgotten me yet?”

Sea More looked around at the others, not knowing they hold the truth to Coco knowing about changelings. Their stares were not the most welcoming despite having no malice. “Your Majesty has some final words to give you before she… moves on.”

The mare sniffed some mucus that was starting to run out of her nostrils and shook her head. “So Chrysalis is not willing to come to me face to face and send a messenger instead? Some queen…” She saw Sea More take a few steps back, worried by her words. “Don’t worry, they know about changelings. Come in and close the door.” Coco gestured the shapeshifter into the room with a tilt of her head and Sea More briskly made his way in, closing the door behind him.

Seeing Suri Polomare smile at him, he replied with a grin and nod, “Nice to see you again. Congrats on the victory.” The mare bobbed her head slightly, not wanting to say anything else. Stepping toward Coco, Sea More held something in his hooves; something black and made of cloth. “There are three things within them,” he said plainly. The changeling hooved the folded item over to the pony and stepped backwards. “Before you unfold the gift, I wish to say a few words before I go. I feel… unwelcome and I fully understand that, so I will be short.”

Coco let out a sigh, somehow not angry with him. “You are welcomed in my presence. I won’t be angry with you because I am sure you are not pleased with Scar’s proposition.” A low grumble and bitter stare at the ground from Sea More was a good enough answer. Coco looked around at the others and asked them, “Are you displeased with him being here?” Each head answered “no” with a short shake; it took Time Turner a bit longer than the others before siding with them. “So Sea More, what do you wish to tell me?”

His ears retreated and held his head low, shutting his eyes tightly. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry I failed… My entire goal was to have the queen see how important befriending a pony can me. I did succeed in that.” Sea More stamped his hoof in frustration and gritted his teeth. “But that… that- worm! How could Scar easily convince the queen to force us to forget you?”

Coco shook her head, not understanding why Scar would be so resistant against her. She closed her eyes and remembered Scar’s markings on his face. Coco pondered within her mind as to why he hates her. Why he hates ponies. But despite her distaste for the changeling, Coco felt pity for him. If he fell in love with a unicorn, what changed his mind about ponies now? Perhaps she will never find out.

In a quick flash of green flame, Sea More looked different. Everypony flinched except for Coco at the sudden change of appearance. Time Turner stepped close to Derpy with a crease in his brow, warning the changeling with his eyes alone to not try anything suspicious. Coco turned her head slightly, curious as to why Sea More changed from earth pony to a pegasus. His fur was snow-white and mane had a unique pattern of color. On the right of his head, Sea More’s hair was a nice, slightly creamy red; the other half was a shade of patriotic blue.

“Do you remember that book I gave you, Coco?” Sea More asked, his eyes filled with determination. The mare looked down at the black cloth before back at the changeling, nodding at his question. “I want you to keep it in sight at all times, for I am going to make a promise to you.”

Coco rubbed at the soft fabric, enjoying it’s feel. “And what might that be? You are going to forget about me, so what is the point?”

“I wrote that book.” The pony couldn’t keep her attention on the black square and turned her now surprised expression at Sea More. “I may be a changeling, but I am also a pony. Even if I forget about you, I will be around.” He pointed at the gift that rested in Coco’s lap. “My mother’s address is on one of those papers wrapped in that cloak; she lives in Manehattan. Go to her and tell her that you know who I am.”

Cloak? Quickly, Coco Pommel unraveled the black clothing and saw that it was indeed a cloak. Two pieces of paper drifted to the ground, but the mare payed no mind to them. “I-is this… F-Fang’s?” A lump in her throat swelled, her eyes filling with tears. Suddenly feeling cold, the mare tossed it around her body. The hood sagged on her shoulder, but Coco didn’t care how she was improperly wearing the article of clothing.

Sea More noticed everypony staring at Coco with sad frowns. Velvet rubbed the distressed mare’s back in hopes her affection is enough to help in some manner. “It is…” Even Sea More was having a difficult time being serious and had to try his best to keep his own tears at bay. “Anyways, when you see my mother, tell her everything that has happened. But tell her to not tell me I knew you before I forgot.”

Coco’s tears scattered as she shook her head, clenching tightly onto the cloak. “Why must there be all this pretending?”

“Because of my promise I am going to make to you.” Sea More watched the earth pony slowly look up to him. Believing she was listening to him, the changeling resumed, “I swear, I will find a way to make Queen Chrysalis make peace with Princess Celestia. And when the time does come, when the moment both ponies and changelings live together with no worry or strife, I want you to reveal yourself to Chrysalis. Then you will have your friends back. You will have Fang back.”

Coco stilled herself, trying to maintain a steady breath as her sobbing was coming to a standstill. “But none of you will remember me…”

A grin grew on Sea More’s lips. “You forget about Knight Cap. She can read minds. See things others can remember.” Coco gasped a little, a little smile lifting up the ends of her mouth. “She will see things you remembered.” Sea More walked over to the mare and gave her a confident stare. “You will be remembered, but in a different way. That I do swear. And maybe, there might be a way to remove the amnesia.” He nodded and took a few steps backwards, toward the door. “That story I have written has only begun. And my quest for peace is not over, for I am Diploma Sea More, the Secret Ambassador of both ponies and changelings!”

Coco couldn’t help but giggle at how passionate Sea More was becoming. “You sound like a hero from a story.”

He only shrugged, his gaze turning to Time Turner before back to Coco. “Perhaps I do.” Looking at the door, Sea More spoke lowly, “I would tell you what else I have planned, but I have no time for that. I must go and begin with a fresh start.” His head cocked slightly downward, sad that he must depart. “Again, I am sorry I failed… You deserve your friendship with the others, but fate does not want that right now. I know I shall see you again, yet I won’t know your face. Remember mine until the day of peace comes, okay?”


Having nothing else to say, Sea More went to the door and changed into his previous pony form before opening it.

“Wait!” Platinum exclaimed, but remained stationary. “Will Stitch be forgetting me?”

A smile grew on Sea More, turning to face the thestral. “Queen Chrysalis is forgetting Coco Pommel. That’s it.” The changeling quickly entered the hallway and closed the door with a loud slam; he didn’t want to see Platinum’s reaction.

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