• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 5,174 Views, 566 Comments

Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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Who you Work for
Ch. 20

Sea More and Chrysalis sat at a table inside the bakery, waiting for Coco to come back with her treats. Fang told Coco that he wanted to stand watch at their carriage and so that Sea More can rest himself. The two changelings watched the pony standing in front of a glass casing, browsing the various tasty deserts that sat on their own individual plates. There were brownies, many cookies, and even fruit flavored loaves of bread.

Chrysalis did not know how long her friend was standing there, so she looked at Sea More and began to blink at him.

Fang is in pursuit of the pursuer Sea More.

Sea More blinked back, Do you think that would be necessary, my Queen? The pony following us most likely knows who we are. Do think others might believe her if she spoke up?

Not likely, but any word of changeling activity will spark suspicion anywhere.

Sea More scratched his chin. You are right my queen. I just hope Fang does not cause too much of a ruckus.

How could you doubt your own friend? Fang is my personal guard who stands by my side. I have the utmost faith that he will do a good job. You should have faith in him as well.

I do, my Queen.


Suri peered through a window and saw Coco and those accompanying her. The earth pony stared with fire in her eyes. Accursed changelings, she thought. Curse them for ruining my reputation! She was inside a bookstore as she watched her former employee and changelings from a distance. She was never a reader and never considered ever making herself one.

Letting out a sigh, Suri closed her eyes. She thought about what had happened the last few days. It has only been five days since Coco was taken away from the horrible changeling that revealed itself to Suri. Suri remembered how she ran away from the train station in fear, wondering if there are other changelings in Manehattan. Going to the boutique she was working for, Suri told her coworkers what had just happened. Instead of taking her side, they looked at her stupidly, not believing a single word, with good reason. They didn't believe her because of the gossip she had stirred up before with other past employees, even causing a few to quit because of it. In other words, Suri's reputation was not in the best light at her job.

Suri went to her boss and told her about the changeling encounter as well and even her boss was a bit suspicious. Her boss asked Suri why she was the only one who had stories about other ponies and not about herself. The only thing Suri was able to respond with was a jumbled response of stuttered words, nervous that her past gossiping was coming to unleash its vengeance upon her.

“You know Suri,” her boss told her, “I have heard every single one of your stories, some of them more ridiculous than others. Almost every time you have told me a story, it has cost an employee their job or caused somepony to quit.” When Suri heard her boss' words, she knew she was backed into a corner. “So,” her boss continued, “you expect me to believe that your past employee, Coco, who you told me and others that she assaulted you, was now working for changelings? What? Are you jealous that she found work?” Suri had no reply for her boss. “I don't know if you are telling the truth about anything anymore.”

“B-but I-”

“Enough!” The boss was livid and did not want to hear anything else from Suri. “Ever since you have entered my store, I have noticed that a lot of negative things have happened to several of my past employees. I don't believe you. Your so-called changeling story is nothing more than a lie to try and attack your past employee, regardless of what she did to you; I don't even know if ANY of your stories you have told me are true. Your storytelling days are over here at my store. You're fired.”

Lost, Suri tried to find anypony who would vouch for her, but nopony took her side. None of the ponies gave any amount of remorse for her. All Suri received were snickering grins from her now past coworkers. In a fit of rage, Suri barked at her former boss, “I will see that this store gets no business!”

“We shall see about that.”

It was the following morning that everything fell apart for Suri. It was about 11am in the city where she tried to find work. Unfortunately for her, word about her had already spread like wildfire. Nopony would even give her application a passing glance; Suri's face was already known throughout the city and was immediately rejected every time. And almost every facility she went into, snide insults were shot at her. The following day was even worse. As she was walking through the city, she noticed that her face was in the paper. And the description about her... well... was not the friendliest.

To escape the reality that was haunting Suri, she went to the kingdom of Canterlot, in hopes to find work there, perhaps even live there. She had been staying at a local hotel that has been eating away at her savings. But she'd rather have that happen than live in a city where she could not find work and have words stabbed into her back.

The mare let out a sigh. Her heart felt heavy and sad. But she knew exactly why she was in her current situation: her gossip.

Perhaps I can find a place to work and live here... Suri thought.

“Excuse me,” a feminine voice spoke from behind the mare. Suri opened her eyes and looked to see a unicorn mare with a white body and yellow mane. “Are you in need of any help?”

“I'm fine, thanks,” Suri replied, hoping that the store employee would go away. “Please leave me to my business...”

“Alright.” The unicorn saw that Suri wanted to be undisturbed. But just as she was about to turn around, the employee noticed Suri looking out the window again. “What has you so intrigued that has you looking outside?” she asked. “We don't like ponies who loiter in our store.”

The earth pony was getting irritated with the unicorn. Suri got in her face and spoke through her teeth, “Leave me alone!” But the unicorn did not budge. Irritated, Suri sighed and said, “If you MUST know, I am watching my... employee from a distance. She... has been slacking on her work and occasionally ditches her job. And... I have suspicions about the ponies she is with. They seem... unusual. That's what I am doing. Happy?”

As Suri said what she wanted to say, the yellow-maned pony in front of her gave her a sinister grin. “So you are the one following us,” she spoke. Horror writhed onto Suri's face. A cold shiver ran down her spine. She wanted to run and scream, but fear robbed her voice. Suddenly, a harsh glare came from the white colored mare. Her eyes glowed with a haunting green color. “I'm sorry, but you are going to have to come with me.”

As the white unicorn walked forward, Suri felt her body move on its own. She had no control of her body. Any ounce of free will the mare had was entirely gone. Suri couldn't even get herself to cry tears so that somepony would notice her.

Some pony... please... help me... she cried internally.


Coco let out a happy sigh. “That was a tasty treat.” The mare rubbed her belly as she swallowed the last of her cream-filled croissant.

“I can only imagine,” Chrysalis replied, slightly envious she could not taste consumable food as Coco can.

“I would have some as well,” Sea More said, “but I am not hungry at the moment.”

Sea More's statement made Coco think about what he had just said. She would ask Chrysalis if Sea More can actually eat food, but kept herself from doing so, considering that she and Sea More are trying to stay under cover.

Maybe Sea More was saying that aloud to convince others around them to think they are normal. Or perhaps he could eat solid foods. All Coco could do was speculate.

“Well,” Chrysalis spoke aloud, getting up from her seat, “I think it is time we get moving.”

Coco could tell that the queen wanted to get back to shopping. Even though she was masking it quite well from her friend, Chrysalis hated every second as she remained in Canterlot and wanted to get out as soon as possible. Being in enemy territory wasn't making her any more comfortable either. All she wanted to do was get the clothing she needed and get out.

Without their consent, Chrysalis made her way to the door and exited, leaving behind Coco and Sea More. They looked at each other and laughed, amused by the queen's hasty attitude. At their own pace, both of them got up and went to the door as well. Sea More moved ahead slightly faster and opened the door for the mare. Coco smiled at the kind gesture and exited the cafe.

Coco saw Chrysalis talking to Fang. She saw their expressions and saw that they were... very sinister; like they were up to no good.

The queen saw Coco in her peripheral and went up to her. “Ah, my friend,” she said with a smile, still keeping the same sinister expression from earlier.

“Umm... yes?” the pony answered in response, curious as to why Chrysalis was looking the way she was. Sea More followed from behind and saw her expression. He knew that expression all too well and knew she was up to no good.

“Sea More,” Chrysalis said without acknowledging her friend.

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Pull the wagon around the kingdom and look for any shops we have not gone into. However, do not stop until I say so.” Sea More nodded and went over to the carriage. He and Fang looked at each other, blinking at one another.

We have the pursuer in the carriage.

Sounds great! Now we have a hostage...

Don't worry Sea More. She won't be of any harm to us.

I hope so...

“So Coco,” Chrysalis smiled, “Fang was out and about and got a surprise for you.”

The grin that Coco was seeing was not making her feel comfortable. “What kind of surprise?”

Chrysalis turned around and gestured Coco to follow. “Come into the carriage.”

Something didn't sit right with Coco, and it wasn't the pastry she had just ate. But all the pony could do was follow and find out what this “surprise” really was.

As the two mares came up to the carriage, Fang used his magic and opened the door for them. Chrysalis stopped in her tracks and Coco did the same. The queen looked back, saying, “You go in first.”

Something was definitely up. But, Coco's curiosity was overpowering her and decided to go inside. As Coco stepped inside, she had to fit herself through the cluster of what clothing they had. Among the mix of red and blue colors, a different color showed itself. It was a nice purple color that was attempting to hide itself.

Trying to take a better look at the new color, Coco stepped forward and moved two dresses aside. A look of shock fell upon the mare's face. Sitting in front of her was her former boss, Suri Polomare and she did not look pleased.

Looking back, Coco saw Chrysalis grinning widely.

“W-what is the meaning of this?” Coco asked angrily.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, my sexy readers. I have been putting off my hobby stuff and feel bad that I have not been on top of things. I hope to have a more consistent schedule. Just pray for more consistency and motivation.

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