• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 5,193 Views, 566 Comments

Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For - FerociousCreation

Note: This is the FIRST installment of the Two Sided series. After working in a coffee shop for two months after leaving Suri, Coco Pommel found a job that is to make a dress "fit for a queen." Little did she know was who she was going to work for.

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PreviousChapters Next
Another Way to Convince

Author's Note:

This chapter has been unedited by my proof reader. However, I want to post this because I have had this chapter done for a long time and just want to get it out, even if my proof reader is a bit behind.

And to my proof reader: DEAL WITH IT!

Who you Work for

“Why are you still standing there?" Chrysalis barked. "Make another dress.” Coco did not move an inch. She was too busy staring at the Queen with a giant smile plastered on her face. Chrysalis' irritation quickly flared at the earth pony's absentmindedness. "Coco, pay attention!" she commanded as she slammed a hoof to the floor. "I need you to make another dress."

The third time was the charm; Coco acknowledged and processed the Queen's request, but as she did so, her smile changed into a rather confused and upset expression. “Wh-what? Another...?” Coco frantically circled her dress, examining it with extreme prejudice and trying to find out what would bring the Queen to make such a request.

The work of art being displayed on the mannequin truly was a sight to behold. The main dress was a single full-body piece, a sort of cross between cloak and dress, fabricated out of a strong, soft silk, utilizing only a single shade of turquoise, and lined with a white lace that worked its way all the way up to the neckline, where the lace was replaced by wool. Two golden pieces intersected each other to form a sort of laurel that rested on the back of the mannequin's head. The neck piece stretched halfway up the neck and had a wool rim. Halfway down the neck piece had several pearls that circled around the lower throat of the mannequin, and around the neck was a necklace. It had a thin silver string that held a large white pearl. What made the dress even more stunning was the chest region. The white border that rested at the bottom of the dress reached up toward the centerpiece of the torso as both sides of the white detail collided with each other, and then creased outward, making the shape of a heart as the large necklace pearl hung in the middle of the shape.

“Another dress, yes. Immediately,” the Queen said, finishing the earth pony's sentence for her.

“B-but... is there something wrong with it?” Coco's voice quivered as she stepped back from the mannequin. “I made sure every stitch and hem was perfect. I made sure there weren't any bare threads...”

Instead of trying to argue with Coco, Chrysalis quietly paced around the earth pony's hoofiwork several times over and took another good look at it before repeating herself; “Make another.”

A strong sense of rejection quickly grew in Coco's mind. “I-I just want to know... I mean, if you're telling me I didn't... do so well, it helps to know what's wrong with what I did.”

“Do not make me repeat myself again!” Chrysalis shouted, her eyes angrily fixated on the cream mare. "You have your instructions. See to it that you finish by this evening. I must be going now."

Coco opened her mouth to give a rebuttal, but nothing came to mind, and she watched in defeated silence as the Queen left the room. She looked to Fang, hoping that he had some insight or answer on behalf of the Queen as usual, but even the guard himself was rather baffled by this turn of events and simply shrugged his shoulders in response. In a bout of panic, Coco rushed out of the room after Chrysalis and blocked her path down the corridor. The earth pony did not utter a single word; she simply stared up at the Queen and let her eyes convey the desperation in her heart.

Chrysalis snorted in exasperation and rolled her eyes. “Very well. I no longer want you to make a dress.”

“You mean you actually like this dress?” Coco asked with a hopeful smile.

“I want you to make five more instead. By tomorrow morning.”

Coco's jaw hit the floor. Five more?! In a day's time?! I barely made one in six hours!

“Fang, I have instructions for you as well!” Chrysalis called out as she moved around the dumbstruck mare.

The armor-clad changeling burst out of the guest room at the sound of the Queen's voice. “At your command, my Queen! What do you require of me?”

“You are to remain here with Miss Pommel. Again. We don't need any more incidents with the rest of the hive. Oh, and make sure she stays on track. Again. Twenty-four hours is so little time to finish five dresses." With that, Chrysalis departed into the cobblestone halls in her usual regal fashion as the sound of her hooves clacking on stone floor ominously faded into nothing.

Coco was left frozen in place, her lips trembling and heart racing and her mind was plagued with doubt and guilt. What did I do wrong? Was the dress not what she wanted? Does she not know what she wants?... Maybe she does and... and I didn't impress her. Maybe I'm not good at what I do. Maybe... I failed... The earth pony choked up as she tried to stifle the urge to weep over her presumed failure.

"Er... Coco?" Fang was still waiting by the door to the guest room. He could clearly see how distraught Coco was, but had no idea how to approach her in her current state of distress. “Are you okay? Do you need me to-”

“I'm fine!” Coco snapped, but her sharp, scratchy tone and watery eyes told a different story, and she knew it. "...sorry. I shouldn't have been so brash." With a few deep breaths to calm her nerves, she paced over to her room and joined Fang inside the doorway. “I just- it goes back to last night... in the nursery with the children. I thought I had made progress with the Queen, but... I want to believe her - believe that she is respecting me - but it doesn't feel like it at all...”

Fang looked around, ensuring that nopony else was in the vicinity, rested his scythe on the wall, gently closed the door, and, with a small deal of difficulty, found a few choice words to try and comfort Coco. “Well, I don't know about anypony else, but... as your friend... you certainly have my respect... and I'll be here to help you out.” The word 'friend' rolled off Fang's tongue like a brick. Never before had he considered that he would ever befriend an earth pony, yet right beside him was Coco Pommel - an earth pony, a friendly face.

The changeling's kind words and deeds moved Coco and warmed her heart; she could no longer bide her emotions, and tears of both joy and sorrow began to run down her face as she embraced the changeling with a distraught hug. “What did I-I do wrong? I just... wanted to know... how to improve...” she sobbed, her body visibly rising and falling to the rhythm of her erratic breathing.

Fang returned the hug and patted Coco's shoulder. "Don't take the Queen's abrasive attitude personally. She's like that to all of us," he reassured her. “You know you did an amazing job on the dress, right?”

Coco slowly let go of Fang and nodded as she stepped back and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I suppose I did...” she replied shakily.

“Do you remember what Scar Splash said to you yesterday?” Fang asked.

"Uh... not really,” the earth pony said with a sniffle. "I tried to push any memory of him out of my mind after he did what he did to me... although being thrown into a ravine like that will be pretty hard to forget."

“Well, if I remember correctly, before he stormed off, Scar said, 'If you can't stand for yourself, you will never be upright.'”

A hazy memory of Scar's parting moment slowly made its way to the front of Coco's mind. "Yeah, that sounds about right... but some advice that was. I tried standing up for myself, but I barely made a difference, it seems."

Fang continued, “Well, in a sense, Scar was correct.”

“Wha- how? What do you mean?”

“You keep on doubting yourself as if everything you do is wrong or could use improvement, but it seems that you get it right the first time most of the time. Even if you don't, so what? It's not a crime to make mistakes, and if you do make them, roll with them. Don't dwell on your faults. Don't let them become stumbling blocks. Stand tall, figuratively speaking, and use your experiences to better yourself.”

Coco scratched her head in puzzlement. “Well, if the Queen was trying to tell me I did well, couldn't she have been more tactful about it? I did what she asked, and then she asks for another dress, then changes to five more dresses? I mean, I know she's abrasive like you said, but that just seems like overkill to me.”

“True, changing her mind so drastically does seem a bit over-the-top. However, did she look disappointed or disgusted? Did she say 'This is atrocious' or anything to that effect?”

“No, I... guess she didn't, really.”

“Just between you and me..." Fang leaned in toward Coco and lowered his voice to a low whisper. "...in all honesty, I think she was rather impressed. The five dresses thing may have just been her way of showing that, but only she knows for sure.”

“Yeah, seems like it,” the earth pony replied with a small pout. I suppose Fang is right, though. Chrysalis didn't ask me to change or improve the dress; she simply asked for more. Maybe it impressed her, but it wasn't quite what she had in mind. Maybe she isn't sure of what she wants... but right now isn't the time for ifs and maybes. I gotta get to those dresses! Coco let out a loud yawn and stretched out her body to get her energy flowing. “Alright, time to get started. But, uh... before I do that...”

“What's wro-oh, okay...” Fang barely had time to start his question before Coco briskly wrapped her hooves around the changeling again in a second warm embrace.

“Thanks for the encouragement,” Coco whispered as she clenched her eyes shut and squeezed out the last few traces of tears.

“M-my pleasure.” Fang still couldn't shake the awkward sense of vulnerability that struck him every time Coco approached him so spontaneously, but the warmth and radiance of her affection were certainly beginning to diminish its severity.

A low growl from the earth pony's belly disrupted the tender moment.

Fang tilted his head down and stared at Coco's stomach with a puzzled face. “When was the last time you ate?"

“Not since yesterday morning, I guess," Coco said with a shrug. "That might explain why I'm so hungry.”

The guest room door suddenly swung open, and a face quite familiar to Coco and Fang popped into view. “Did somepony say she's hungry?!” With the goofiest smile he could procure, Sea More merrily bound into the room with a food cart loaded with various pastries in tow, and Snackrifice tailing behind. "I figured you had a really long evening, so I came down and brought as much food as possible to make sure you'd have what you want to eat, you know? Kinda help this place feel a little more h- oh, my." As he rested the cart of food in the middle of the room, Fang looked over and saw Coco and Fang waiting by the door, still within each others' grasp. He blinked his eyes rapidly in astonishment, and his lips curled up into a sly grin. “Er... is there something you want to share with the rest of the hive there, Fang?”


“Five more dresses? Are you kidding?!” Sea More exclaimed in disbelief. “She demanded five more dresses, and she didn't even give any feedback? Not even a thank you?!”

Coco decided against answering the query. Her mind was still preoccupied with the Queen's ultimatum as she sat at her work table, and she favored the idea of finishing her chocolate eclair and working out her conundrum in silence, or, at the very least, without any yelling.

“Alright, alright, keep your voice down,” Snack grimaced at the changeling. “It's too early for shouting, and I'm too hungry to listen to your ranting.”

“Oh, boo hoo. When aren't you hungry?”

“When I've had enough to eat, Mr. Insensitive.”

"I'm insensitive?! At least I care that Coco's being treated so horribly! At least I care about somepony other than myself!"

"Excuse you, I do care, but I know better than to talk about the Queen so disrespectfully!"

Coco tried shutting out Sea More's and Snack's feuding and even plugged her ears with some cloth scraps, but her concentration was all but depleted, she was fed up with conflict, and she could find no solace from the calamity. Defeated, she slouched over and let her head drop onto a pile of fabric on her desk.

Fang, who had been monitoring Coco, took the drooping as a bad sign and moseyed on over to Coco to try and talk her through her issues again. “Still bothered by the Queen's request? Or are these two dimwits just causing too much noise for you?” he asked in a low tone, trying to keep the conversation private. "I don't know about you, but they're getting on my nerves, and I'd be more than happy to throw them out for you."

Coco yawned and nodded, her head still nestled in the fabric. “Both, I suppose... but more by the deal with the dresses I have to make. The problem is that I don't know what to make next. I'm trying to come up with something... anything... but I'm just so exhausted, and my creativity is paying the price.”

“Well, then, how about a nap? Just a few hours of undisturbed rest to get your mind rested enough. It might not be a full night's rest, but it's something.”

“Sleep does sound good. I just didn't know if I should have tried to get a nap in when I had such an important task at hoof, but since you suggested it, I won't feel too bad about sleeping on the job... so to speak. And then there's the matter of trying to get some peace and quiet for a good nap, but that'll be impossible with their arguing.” Coco lazily gestured over to the two changelings still arguing with each other in the background.

“It's a shame that your father taught you poor eating habits!” Sea More barked.

“At least I have a father!” Snack replied haughtily.

In an instant, Sea More charged Snack and tackled him to the ground, and the two guards exchanged blows in a mad clash of steel, fangs, and hollowed-out legs.

The nerve of those numbskulls... Fang shook his head in disappointment. "Don't worry. I'll deal with them for you."

Coco smiled wearily. "Thanks... Five whole dresses in twenty-four hours... that's pushing my limit.”

"If only there was somepony who could help you," Fang sighed heavily. "...well, if you'll excuse me, I've got some trash to take out.” The changeling slowly stood up and motioned for his scythe resting on the wall adjacent to the door.

"I wish there was..." Coco gave out another long yawn and gently closed her eyes to relax, but as Fang took ahold of his weapon, an idea crossed the earth pony's mind, and her eyes widened right back open. "Wait, Fang, I've got it!" she cried as her head suddenly shot up from her desk. "I think I know somepony who can help!"


“Coco Pommel requires my help? So soon?”

“That seems to be the case, Mrs. Bitters.”

Inferno Fang patiently stood by a wall of the cavernous hive, just outside a lonesome cavity that housed Bitter Tongue and her youngling. Two white lights faintly shone to shed some light on Bitter Tongue as she laid next to the child, who was sound asleep.

“Well, I must say, I am quite surprised by this turn of events!” The caretaker's exclamation startled the small changeling from its peaceful slumber "Oh, dear..." With a gentle tone, she cuddled the child back to sleep before it had a chance to start crying. “So Coco needs my assistance? Alright, how can I be of help to her?”

“From what she told me, you have connections. You told Coco last night why you and the other changelings hated her, correct?”

“Correct..." Bitter Tongue humbly replied. “But I've seen the error in my judgment! She's different than how I imagined her, and I've completely changed my outlook on her for the better.”

“So are you willing to cooperate with and assist Coco Pommel?”

“I trust that she will help us in every way possible. Of course I am," Bitter Tongue responded.

“Excellent to hear!" Fang commented with a content smile. "We should leave at once. Time is of the essence.” Without a moment's pause, the armor-clad changeling headed for the cavern's exit, but his advance was cut short by a great deal of rustling and grunting coming from behind; he turned to see Bitter Tongue struggling with some sort of large satchel. "Is everything alright?"

The caretaker grimaced. “This baby pouch is always a nightmare to work with.”


Coco laid completely sprawled out on her cozy mattress, fully relaxed and undisturbed by the outside world, including the two feuding changelings who now simply glared and occasionally growled at each other in a silent quarrel. Her mind was filled with vivid images of her debut at the Gala.

Coco could see it all unfold so clearly: she would pass into the grand halls of Canterlot castle, accompanied by Queen Chrysalis in disguise; Coco would finally come face-to-face with Princess Celestia; she would bow and show her gratitude for the Princess's gracious invitation to the Gala; and in turn, the Princess would compliment all of Coco's efforts and hard work and say, “I'm back, and I've got company!”

The voice didn't match; at least, not to the Princess.

Confused, the earth pony opened her eyes, and she watched two familiar changelings enter her room with rather blurry vision. Fang's voice and signature fang made him rather distinguishable, but Bitter Tongue's satchel threw Coco off for a second. "Oh, Bitter Tongue! You made it!" she beamed as she jumped up off the bed. " And you brought a giant pouch... with a baby changeling? Is he yours?"

The caretaker gingerly removed the child from her pouch and set him on the floor. “Indeed. His name is Buggy Bite.”

The tiny changeling giggled at the mention of his name as he awkwardly scuttled about the room.

“Aww, he's such a cute little thing,” Coco smiled as she reached out to pick up the infant.

Instinctively, Bitter Tongue moved and pulled her child out the earth pony's reach, but she quickly saw the folly in her act. “Ah, I must apologize for being so curt. It's not that I don't trust you, but rather that I am a very protective mother, and I would not forgive myself if I ever let anything happen to Buggy. Surely you understand?” She nuzzled the youngling as he giggled again with a high-pitched squeal.

“Oh, no worries! I know what you mean,” Coco nodded reassuringly. "That's the sign of a good mother, is that she's always keeping an eye on her child, no matter where she is or who she's with."

"I'm glad you understand." Bitter Tongue looked back down at her child and gently whispered, “Nothing will come between me and you, my little one.”

Something came between the caretaker and her child.

Without warning, Sea More and Snack had begun fighting again, using their magic to chuck various items in the room at each other. Snack haphazardly hurled his own helmet at Sea More, which the defending changeling managed to deflect with his own, but with such force and poor aim that it sent the first helmet hurtling towards Bitter Tongue. The sharp impact of the metal casing knocked the wind out of the caretaker and caused her child to fly out of her grip. Luckily, the infant gently flopped onto the soft bed and let out a cheerful yelp as it landed on its back.

"Aw, oh, great... Now look what you've done!" Sea More snapped. "This never would've happened if you had just kept shut, but you just had to be stupid and make Miss Bitters pay the price!"

"Me?! I'm not the one who caused her to get hit with my helmet!" Snack snarled in retort. "You're just lucky that her kid landed on something soft!"

"I'M NOT THE ONE WHO THREW MY HELMET IN THE FIRST PL-oh..." Before Sea More could finish his sentence, the looming shadow of a very angry Bitter Tongue swallowed up the two guards and their arguing in an abrupt silence. The armor-clad changelings looked on in frozen terror as the caretaker glared them down with a cold fury the likes of which they had never witnessed.

What is the meaning behind your juvenile behavior? Behind this... horsing around?” Bitter Tongue growled harshly in a tone of controlled rage. No response, not a twitch or a peep, came from Sea More or Snack. Fear had far too strong of a grip on them."Nothing? Not even the slightest bit of remorse?" Bitter Tongue's eyes darted over to Fang. “Cover my little one's ears.”

Fang did as he was asked and used his magic to block Buggy's ears with a few clumps of soft cloth. “You should cover your ears too, Coco," he quietly advised.

The earth pony frowned in puzzlement. "Why? What's Bitter Tongue-"


Despite all the yelling and terror she had experienced thus far, nothing could have prepared Coco for the magnitude of the caretaker's wrath. The earth pony jumped back a few inches at Bitter Tongue's outburst and immediately heeded Fang's original advice to protect her own ears from the booming voice.


Snack nearly tripped over himself as he made a mad scramble for the door, but his escape was quickly cut off by Bitter Tongue's sharp reaction and flashy use of teleportation magic. "I'm sorry, Ms. Bitters! I didn't mean to! Please don't hurt me!" Snack wailed, shivering in his armor at the caretaker's feet.

Bitter Tongue slowly leaned over until her face was mere inches away from Snack's. “I'm not going to hurt you. You know that,” she breathed through gritted teeth. “I just need you to be still for a while.”

Without warning, the caretaker used her magic to grab ahold of Snack and violently hoist him into the air. She shut her eyes for a brief moment, and when she opened them again, they burned with a fierce, green energy, akin to Queen Chrysalis, as she stared deep into the changeling's eyes.

Very much aware and fearful of what was to follow, Snack tried to block her stare with his hooves and avoid his fate, but his effort was for naught. A cold stiffness began to run up his body, and he began to flail about in a last-ditch effort to escape, but the creeping paralysis was too quick and too powerful for him. In no time at all, his squirming was curtailed, and Bitter Tongue let his motionless body drop to the floor.

Before Coco's eyes lay a stone statue of Snackrifice, its face contorted with fear and panic.

With a whip of the head, Bitter Tongue turned her attention to Sea More, who was still cowering in the very same spot. “Join your friend at his side,” she coldly demanded.

With his head hung low, Sea More meekly paced over to Snack's stone figure and sat beside it, visibly and violently shivering as he did so. No protest, no resistance - just remorse for the outcome of his actions and an uneasy preparedness for what was to follow.

“Look up at me...”

The changeling guard raised his eyes to meet Bitter Tongue's stare and accept his punishment.

"...and be still."

And still he became. With one look, the caretaker turned her second victim into solid stone. Sea More was left frozen in an upright slump, and a mix of ironed determination and uncontrollable sobbing plastered on his face.

With the dubiously dirty deed done, Bitter Tongue stood back up and gave a short sigh of satisfaction. “Well, I don't think they'll be bothering us anytime soon,” she remarked as she turned back around to Coco and Fang.

Coco and Fang simultaneously returned her comment with troubled chuckles; a feeble attempt at joining in the caretaker's joy, but it was all the optimism the two could muster, considering they had just witnessed their friends be turned to stone. "I'm certain they won't be making that mistake again," Fang said with a strained smile.

Without missing a beat, Bitter Tongue trotted over to the bed, picked up Buggy Bite, who was waiting for his mother with hooves outstretched, and gently set him on Sea More's stone-cold head. “Crawl away, my little insect.” It wasn't long before Buggy was scrambling all over Sea More's frozen body. The child giggled with joy as he stood up-side-down on the changeling's chin and waved to his mother. “Now that those two are sorted out and Buggy Bite's settled in, I think it's time we got down to... how does the phrase go? 'Brass tacks'?" Bitter Tongue re-joined Coco at the sewing desk. "So, why have you summoned me?”

“Oh, right. Well, remember last night, when you told me the reason you and the other changelings had to despise me?”

“Of course... but what does that have to do with me?”

“I think you, uh, mentioned that you have a friend who makes dresses for the Queen, right?”

Bitter Tongue's brow furrowed with disapproval. “Yes... but if your plan is to have me bring her here to assist you, I cannot say I approve of what you have in mind.”

“Really? But why?" Coco anxiously shifted in her seat. "I-If you explain the situation to her before she gets here, I don't think it'd be that hard to get along with-”

“The main problem would not be how well you two will get along, but how well the fabric you intend to use would work with her. I'm sure Queen Chrysalis has already addressed this issue of why we must use a special web-like silk for our clothing.”

“She did.”

“My point is, if the others wanted to help, they couldn't make any dresses, even if they tried. Fabrics stick to our skin, even when we are in disguise.” Bitter Tongue rubbed her arm with a shoulder, an indication the changeling's very body was an obstacle.

“But what if they have good ideas,” Coco argued. “What if they have sketches or concepts that I can use. What if as I work, they can give me suggestions on what to-”

“There is the other reason why asking for their help would be a poor idea.” Bitter Tongue walked back to Buggy Bite as the child chewed on Snackrifice's horn. The moment the infant saw its mother, it jumped and glued itself onto the neck of its caregiver. Even though Bitter Tongue smiled, her tone remained concerned. “The other reason is that the others hate you for taking work away from them. I doubt they want to help the one that caused them grief...”

“That is true...” Coco glanced at Fang as he kept a still expression. It was understandable to envious. To hate somepony for taking a job away from them. But then an idea came to the mare. “B-but!”

The exclamation alerted the mother. “But?”

Coco began to clammer at her own thought, “But what if they work for me and the queen at the same time.”

Fang interjected, “How is that possible?”

“Easy.” The mare was filled with joy, her mind fixated on a clever idea. “You see, if they work with me in making a dress, they also work for the queen in getting her what she needs!”

Bitter Tongue's right cheek lifted upright. “So what you are saying is if they help you make a dress...

“...then they can also tend to the queen's demands and still work for her! In other words, they can still work for the queen, and by granting me assistance!”

Bitter Tongue giggled into her hoof, “You are quite the pony.”

“Heh... I guess,” Coco scratched her head.

You are more than just a pony, Fang thought to himself with a small glint of happiness across his cheek.

“So, if you don't mind, can you bring your friend?” Even though Coco had convinced Bitter Tongue that her idea was a good one, the changeling still gave off an uneasy expression.

“I will go retrieve my friend. However...” Bitter Tongue placed her little one on the bed and it crawled into a pillow cover. “I don't know how she will react to your request...”

“You need to try,” Coco said.

The mother took a deep breath and exhaled as if the very thought bringing her friend would be the end of Coco Pommel. “Very well. I will do my best convincing her.”

“Thank you.” Coco approached the female changeling and reached her arm out toward her. Bitter Tongue flinched, not knowing what to expect. She felt the pony's arm reach around her neck and was held there for a few seconds. It was an alien feeling. Sure she has felt affection from others, both same and opposite sex. However, it was from her own kind, not a pony; specifically an earth pony. The emotion from Coco filled the changeling will happiness and a decent meal. Even though it was not a long embrace, it still gave Bitter Tongue what she needed: confidence in Coco Pommel.

The mother looked at her child. The youngling clung crawling about Coco's bed. “Before I go, can you both do me a huge favor?”

“What can Fang and I do for you?” Coco asked.

“Can you watch my little one? If I am going to find my friend, it may take some time. She could be anywhere in the hive.”

“Of course we can.”

Fang didn't like the idea. He looked at Buggy Bite as it tore its fangs through the pillow cover it was saddling. Fang then gandered to his frozen friends, locked in a stone case. I just hope nothing happens to the kid while Bitter Tongue is gone... I might end up like that!

“Alright...” The mother still looked uneasy. “Just... be careful with him. He is as fragile as glass. I don't know what I would do if something happened to him.” Fang quickly hated the idea of watching the youngling. He knows how changeling mothers can become when their children are harmed in any way. If anything ever happened to Buggy Bite... well, even Fang didn't know what would happen to him or Coco. “I promise we will take good care of him.”

“Okay.” Bitter Tongue made fast for Buggy Bite and nuzzled his little cheek. “Now don't you worry, my son. Momma is going to be back soon.” With a fast Eskimo kiss, the mother dashed out of the room in a hurry, closing the door with a slam.

With his mother out of sight, Buggy Bite's cheeks began to rise. “Oh no, please don't cry,” Fang begged.

The child's mouth slowly began to open and slowly inhaled air. “Umm... umm...” Coco tried to think of something to stop the infant. “Fang!” She pulled the changeling over to the bed and pushed the guard's face in front of Buggy Bite. “Make a funny face.”

“Wha-” Buggy Bite was ready to cry. Attempting to make a humorous face, Fang squinted his right eye and stuck out his tongue and said, “Bleh.”

Then the little one made a noise. “Echew!” Instead of a loud obnoxious cry, it was a brief and quiet sneeze.

“Aww, he just had to sneeze,” Coco smiled with delight and relief.

Fang on the other hoof, was in disgust. “AGHK, I HAD MY MOUTH OPEN!” The changeling opened the balcony door and flew a good distance away. Coco could hear a faint yell in frustration as she saw a black dot flying away from her room.

“Did you sneeze in Fang's face?” Coco asked as she waved her hoof at the child. In an attempt to reply, Buggy Bite lunged at the mare's arm and latched onto it. “Oh, you want to play.” Coco crawled onto the bed and laid on her stomach as the small one attempted to dominate the cream-colored arm. Without hurting him, the pony playfully tried to remove the changeling from her; however, to her surprise, the young one proved to be quite resilient. "You must be familiar with the newest game, Pummel Pommel." After a few minutes of playtime, Buggy began to loosen his grip. Moving quickly, he climbed onto Coco's back. “Hehe, now you want to go on a ride?” A small yawn escaped the child, answering the word “no” in the form of yawns and infant mumbles. Her back was warm on the changeling's belly and placed his face into Coco's mane. Aww, I must have warned him out. I guess I won at my own inspired game. The mare let out a yawn. I guess I am a bit warn out too. Her eyes became heavy. Maybe... just a small rest. Coco Pommel rested her head on her arm and quickly embraced slumber.

Moments after Coco fell asleep, Fang walked through the balcony door with a look of disgust still plastered on his face. He was about to insult Buggy for sneezing in his face when he noticed both the child and the mare sleeping soundly on the bed. Fang quickly changed his attitude to match the atmosphere with a calm and still stare. The changeling slowly walked past his frozen friends, observing their still expressions. Even though Fang has never been petrified, the stories he heard about being in such a state is miserable and uncomfortable. Because he had no way of helping his brother or friend, Fang simply left them and went toward Coco and Buggy.

Standing at the edge of the bed, Fang observed the mare. He began to feel something in his heart as it began to pick up a few ticks. Memories began to enter the changeling's mind, the floodgates of the past opening. Most of the memories were of Coco and himself and how they became friends. They were good thoughts and generated good feeling. However, he felt a small bit of concern through all of the past interaction he had with the mare. The generous affection she has been giving him was creating some unease in Fang's mind. He was hoping that Coco was not beginning to create any emotions other than a simple friendship.

But something magnetized Fang and he brought his snout close to Coco's, just a few centimeters from touching her face W-why do I feel this way? Why do I wish for you to not give me more love, even if I need it to survive...? Lifting his head, Fang looked at the child who was sound asleep on her back. Buggy snuggled close to his warm bed made of pony, the heat keeping his consciousness away from the world. Fang took a step back and looked at the two of them for a few moments. An image of him and Coco sitting side by side flashed in his mind. He quickly shook his head in disapproval. How disgusting! A changeling and pony?! Together?! The thought was almost sickening. And yet, the thought was also sweet; bittersweet.

He came close to Coco again, and after a short moment, the changeling sighed. Even if I wanted to... we will never become something more than just friends...

Looking at the child on Coco's back, Fang smiled. Maybe there is something for me and her... just mayb- Fang's thoughts were interrupted as Buggy sneezed in his face once again. Grunting in anger, the changeling yelled in his mind, WHY ME?!


“Come inside," Bitter Tongue said, her hole-riddled arm gesturing to the door that held the wretched earth pony.

“I... I refuse!” Silky Magot huffed. The large female changeling looked away from Bitter Tongue with a concerned look on her face. The light from a glowing sphere lit up a part of her face, the other half darkened.

“But you agreed to come along.” Bitter Tongue frowned at the sudden resistance her friend was putting up. "Don't make my trek across the hive to be in vane."

“Forgive my sudden change of heart, but I have changed my mind. I don't want to work for this pony... that's all.”

“But Silky, please understand-”

The large mare began to walk away in a slump. “I rather not work at all...”

“SILKY MAGGOT!” A loud voice bounced off the walls of the hallway. Silky froze and shuttered a bit as the sound harshly rattled her ears. In a flash of green, Bitter Tongue teleported before Silky. “This is not like you! I remember that you would do anything that would please the queen. You would work for days! Literally, days just to give the queen what she wanted.”

One blink of the eyes changed Silky's shocked expression to genuine pain. “Yes, that is true. B-but this is different.”

“No, it is not. Coco Pommel may not be one of us, but she wants to help us.” Silky slightly shivered upon hearing the comment. “The queen does not want to risk using a huge portion of our rations in a raid that could fail and leave us with little to no food. We are running low on food as it is, so Queen Chrysalis had no choice but to do this.” Bitter Tongue placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder. “I promise, this will please the queen. It will also give you work to do.”

Defeated, Silky let out a large sigh. “Fine. I'll work with the pony... But I won't like it!”

“I never said you had to,” Bitter Tongue said with a light-hearted smile.

The door to Coco's estate mocked the larger mare, as if the world wanted to remind Silky that ponies had life given to them is such simple and easy fashion. “Let's get this over with.”

As she was about to open the door, Bitter Tongue held an arm out in front of her friend. “Just, make sure you are quiet. I don't want you to startle my little one.”

Silky's jaw went slack. “Wait, you mean Buggy, your son?”

“Yes," the mother nodded.

“You left it with the pon-!”

“Shhh!” Bitter Tongue slowly opened the door and whispered, “Yes, I did leave him with her.”

“But why?!” Silky hissed.

“I trust her.” A look of shock fell upon the large changeling as she heard her friend's statement. She knew Bitter Tongue was very protective of her child, but it surprised Silky that she would leave her young one in the hooves of somepony she had just met so easily. Maybe Bitter Tongue knew the pony would feed Buggy unknowingly, so she could eat more of her rations. Silky's thoughts were interrupted when Bitter Tongue gasped.

“What is it my friend?” “Silky asked. The worst came to mind, believing something had happened to Buggy Bite. If that was the case, Silky was going to make sure the pony would pay with harsh punishment.

But the mother's expression bore a wide smile, removing all of Silky's ridiculous assumptions. “Look! Buggy is sleeping with Coco.”

A peer into the estate showed Silky the tailor's lazy attitude. “Looks to me that the pony is sleeping on the job.”

Bitter Tongue disregarded the insult and walked over to the bed while Silky remained at the doorway. A voice came to the left of her and said, “Good morning, Silky Maggot.”

Turning her head, she saw the scythe-wielding changeling standing beside the exit. “Good morning to you as well.” Silky managed to get herself to smile as she saw Fang, trying to mask her uneasiness. “How is the queen?”

“As sharp as her fangs.”

“I could have guessed, heh...” The mare's lips rose a little too high and Fang took notice of it.

“You look happy,” the guard spoke with no care.

“That's me, just a happy changeling-”

“It's not like you.”

“W-what do you mean?” Silky looked to her right as she saw Bitter Tongue slowly pick up Buggy from Coco's back, attempting not to wake the child. But to no avail, the infant began to whimper as his source of heat left him.

“No offense," Fang argued, "but you would rather have your wings clipped than accomplish a changeling's measly task.”

“What's that supposed to mean?! I care about Bitters very much. Why would I not want to help her?” The mother said a few calming words to tell the youngling it was her and Buggy's face lit when he saw Bitter Tongue.

“I know you two are very good friends. But even so, you are a busy changeling, even when you have nothing to do. If even one thing sets your schedule out of whack, it drives you insane. Especially when the queen sends you on a wild goose chase.”

A sharp scream pierced Silky's right ear and caused her expression to change into a guilty one. Looking again, she saw Buggy giggling as his mother blew into his belly. Coco looked very displeased from the child's loud volume and writhed about and slowly opened her eyes. Silky sighed, pained with the "royal guest's" presence. “I really don't want to help the pony...”

“Why not?” Fang asked, but was more focused on Coco's stirring.

“Because she took my job from me.” Silky bore her teeth, the memory of how Chrysalis told the hive a pony was going to be present in the hive when Fang returns with a dressmaker. She and the other tailors were insulted by the last resort Queen Chrysalis chose to use. The memory of Stitch crying herself to sleep tanned Silky's mind like a bright hot cutie mark being pressed on her hip.

“And yet Coco is giving you the opportunity to work.” Fang let out a sigh, bothered with the constant resistance Silky was presenting.

“But why must I work with her?”

“Would you rather be on patrol in the rain with my brother Snackrifice?”

Silky spat, “I'd rather lose the ability to fly than listen to him complain about how hungry he is all the time.”

Even though Silky had just insulted Fang's brother, the stallion knew how obnoxious Snackrifice can become. “So, would you rather wallow in your grief about not working for the queen, or put up with Coco and help her design several dresses?”

The question stung more than the bitter statement made against Snack. Because there was no work to be done for Silky, the only task she has been able to do is work the graveyard shift on the castle walls. Sure it WAS work, but not the work the changeling wanted. What's more was that because Chrysalis requested a pony to make a dress for the Gala, the queen has been focusing on that than her other trailers, thus, leaving them to not do what they crave: design attire.

Jabbing an arm in Coco's direction, the large mare glared at Fang with displeasure. “As I told Bitters, I am willing to help, but I won't like the fact that I am helping the pony.”

Fang, despite all the negativity toward Coco, he smiled and walked toward Silky. “Just give her a chance. She may not be one of us, but she is quite the character.” In unison, the two changelings looked at Coco as she continued to lay on the bed. Buggy was lying on his back as Coco dangled a hoof over his head as the child pawed his arms and legs, trying to grab the unreachable arm.

Without realizing it, Silky let out a giggle. A tap on her shoulder caused her to flinch. “See,” Fang said as he smiled at the Silky. Noticing she was being stared at, Coco smiled when her eyes met Fang. "Just expect her to ask a lot of questions." The male changeling left Silky, went over to the pony, and whispered something into her ear. After Fang finished, Coco got up from her bed and quickly made her way toward Silky, leaving the mother, child, and guard behind her.

As she walked toward the large changeling, Coco thought to herself, All right, don't worry. She may hate you, but Fang just told me she is easy to get along with... And I trust Fang.

Mustering up strength in her heart, Coco took a deep breath and smiled at Silky. “Hello,” she said reaching an arm out. “My name is Coco Pommel. I'm from Manehattan.”

Unaccustomed to a greeting from a pony, Silky picked up her right arm and slowly reached out as well; however, midway, the changeling's arm froze. The changeling was still unsure about working for a pony. After all, this is the pony who took her job from her, so there would be no surprise if there was any jealousy involved. Silky looked at her hoof, wanting to work for the queen, but not for somepony who stole something away from her.

Then the changeling heard the pony's voice. “Umm... I know you hate me, but...” Both of Silky's ears perked up upon hearing Coco. It took a few moments before Coco continued her statement. “...but, I just want to let you know that I didn't mean to take away your job. I know what it is like to have what I love taken away from me.”

“Really?” Silky spoke with curiosity.

“Yeah... It's a long story.” Coco's ears bent back in shame as her mind flashed with an image of herself throwing that caffeinated beverage that caused her many negative repercussions. “Regardless of what has happened to me, what is important is helping you and the other changelings to give them what is important: love, or in your case, food.”

It surprised the changeling for how much the earth pony was considering. After a short while of thinking, Silky managed to ask, “So you know what you are in for? Working for the queen?”

“Yes, I am. And what I am also aware of is I cannot make five dresses in the time that I am given.” The weight of Coco's situation bore heavy on her stressed mind.

Silky looked outside and saw the light-blue sky. “I would say it is about... 11am. If it were me, I could make eight in the time I was given.”

“But that is the problem... I am not like you or the others.”

“Of course you are not," Silky snorted. "I am a changeling and you are a pony. I am aware that you are nowhere near being like me or the others.”

Coco ignored the snide comment. “Well, I can give you an example of what I mean.” Looking over her shoulder, Coco saw Fang listening from afar. Bitter Tongue, on the other hoof, was still playing with her child on the bed. Turning back toward Silky, Coco continued, “Look at Fang for example.”

The changeling's eyes quickly glanced at the stallion before returning to the pony. “What of him?”

“Well, he has been able to stay awake throughout all of the night and still not look or seem tired.”

The changeling waved a dismissive hoof, the fact holding no weight. “To be honest, it's not all that impressive for a changeling to not have any rest longer than thirty hours. Many of us can work for three days accomplishing hard labor without rest.”

“Oh...” Even though Silky made Fang's all night watch look like a cake walk, Coco still used the facts given to her to her advantage. “Okay, think about it this way. I am in no way conditioned to work for a long period of time without rest, or I will faint from exhaustion.”

“True,” Silky nodded.

“Not only that, fatigue can cause me to lose focus and make my work in making another dress much more difficult.” Coco could tell her words were not reaching Silky and visually saw the changeling getting irritated.

“Where are you getting at?”

The fact that Coco was so desperate, it stressed her to the point of begging. “What I am getting at is this is why I need help.”

Silky did not give the struggling pony any sympathy. “I understand that you need help. But WHY do you need MY help?”

The question made Coco thing outside of the box. She knew she needed help so Chrysalis can receive her demands. However, the earth pony knew that the designer changeling needed more than a few convincing words; a push perhaps. Even though it was not her style, Coco decided to make a different approach. “Fine, you don't have to help me.” She turned away from Silky. I hope this doesn't anger her too much. “I- I doubt you have anything to show that you are even a decent designer anyways.”

Coco's hopes for not angering the changeling quickly evaporated. Silky stomped over to Coco, the hard ground managing to shake with every step she made. “How... DARE YOU INSULT ME! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!”

Somehow, I think I convinced her to work for me now. Coco gave a small look behind her and saw Fang and Bitter Tongue staring back at her with a slight bit of anger in their brows. They did hear what Coco had to say but didn't like the comment. I just hope they understand what I am doing.

“PONY!” The pony flinched and looked up at Silky Magot. “I ASKED YOU A QUESTION! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!”

“A... designer...?” Coco answered, trying to keep herself from panicking.


As Coco kept a calm face, her heart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest. Pointing an arm at the table where she had been working, the pony replied, “Show me by working for me.”

Silky made no hesitation. “Fine. I will make sure my work puts you in your place.”

With joy and relief, Coco pulled herself toward Silky and gave her a friendly embrace. “Thank you thank you thank you,” she said happily as she continued to hug the changeling. The friendly exchange surprised the Silky, Fang, and Bitter Tongue. Coco went from an insulting comment to a joyful attitude in a matter of thirty seconds. And because of Coco's quick change of attitude, Silky almost forgot why she was mad at the mare; probably because the pony was emitting a small dosage of love.

Making haste, Coco then said, “Alright, I will go get you a chair and a manikin. We have much to work on.” Just like that, Coco ran off to prepare for the next dress with her newly found co-worker.

This left Silky standing still near the entrance of the room, still trying to make of what just happened. Looking to her kind, Fang and Bitter Tongue both smiled, as if to tell Silky that she made the right decision. Maybe this wasn't a bad idea, she thought with her left cheek rising.

“Ready?” Without knowing it, Coco Pommel was right beside Silky with a happy look on her face. The sudden appearance of the mare made the changeling flinch again. Coco noticed her action surprised Silky. “Sorry for startling you.”

“It's fine.”

Silky's comment made the pony feel happy because she felt like she was accepted by yet another changeling. “Now let's go make those dresses.” As Coco walked toward her workstation, Silky remained still. She felt a slight bit of ease with working for the earth pony, but a small flame of hatred still burned in her heart. Closing her eyes, the changeling let the past flood her mind, remembering the queen's words.

Because of the current situation, I will not be needing you for the time being. Go about other business and assist the hive elsewhere.

A touch made Silky open her eyes and saw Bitter Tongue with a proud smile. “Go. Do what you were born to do.”


Not even a few steps forward when Silky heard Bitter Tongue again. “Go and prove why you are the best.”

With the moral support of her friend, the large changeling found the energy to move forward to begin her collaboration with her new co-worker.

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